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THE CATALYST Vol. 47, No. 11 The Independent Student Newspaper of Colorado College December 9, 2016 Monument Attorney: Martin Drake Power Plant Violating Air Standards By ETHAN GREENBERG The steam and emissions from fighting clean air battles for many fact, the only formal studies Utili- the Martin Drake Power Plant years. Weise had attempted to ob- ties have conducted show just the e Martin Drake Coal Power Plant is at the center of a dominate the downtown sky- tain the data through various dif- opposite—consistent violations of petition demanding the release of data showing that the line on a cold day. The plant, a ferent avenues. the health-based standard.” plant is violating state and federal air pollution regula- coal-fired electricity generator, She used the Colorado Open Re- Colorado Springs Utilities de- tions. P S W provides almost one-third of the cords Act to request the data from nies that CSU violated standards power generated by Colorado Colorado Springs Utitilies (CSU) or should have released the re- Springs Utilities. but was denied. She then moved port. “The information developed While many environmental or- to El Paso Country Court, but by AECOM is not data on actual ganizations and activists have Judge Edward Colt upheld CSU’s emissions from the plant,” CSU fought for years against Martin denial. spokeswoman Amy Trinidad said Drake, a report that recently sur- Weise was in the process of try- to the Gazette. “Actual emissions faced showing possible violations ing to persuade the Colorado data has been and continues to be of federal air regulations adds a Court of Appeals to hear the case made publicly available.” new dimension to the fight. when the Court of Appeals mis- AECOM, a multinational en- The report was inadvertently takenly emailed her the report. gineering firm, conducted the leaked by the Colorado Court of Weise was required to return the study. The study was meant to Appeals and allegedly indicates report, which she did, but she is assist CSU in legal battles with that the Martin Drake Power Plant allowed to speak about what she environmental groups instead of has surpassed the maximum sul- read or saw. being released publicly like their fur-dioxide level allowed as a part Weise told the Colorado Springs emissions reports, according to of the plant’s emissions. Gazette that “none of the informa- Trinidad and the CSU website. The data was mistakenly re- tion provided demonstrates com- Activists pushing for the re- leased to attorney Leslie Weise, a pliance with the EPA standard for Monument resident who has been safe levels of sulfur dioxide. In Continued on pg. 6 Involvement in CC Divestment E ort Wanes Colorado Elector Bob Nemanich’s wake of the election, and student Ebell is a well-known climate By NORBERT McGETTIGAN involvement in the Sustainabil- change contrarian and rejects glob- Fight to Keep Trump Out of O ce mediately removed,” said Neman- e student-led movement to di- ity Council Investment Committee al warming as a serious threat. He By RILEY HUTCHINGS vest from fossil fuels and invest sus- (SCIC) is essential to reach invest- intends to dispel the ‘myths’ that ich. tainably has recently come to a halt ment principles that re ect CC’s climate scientists release regarding As one of nine members of Assuming those laws hold, due to lack of participation. e branding as an innovative, cutting- anthropogenic climate change. Colorado’s Electoral College, it Trump will presumably win 306 group originally gained traction edge, environmentally-friendly in- CC has a history of divestment ef- is Bob Nemanich’s duty to en- electoral votes, ensuring him the in 2014 due to a sentiment among stitution. forts extending to 1986, during the sure, as Hamilton wrote in his presidency. students that the college needed to Following Trump’s victory in the height of the South African apart- Federalist Papers, “that the of- Nemanich, however, has an al- invest along environmentally re- presidential race, he elected Myron heid. During that time, students fice of President will never fall ternate course of action. He is sponsible lines. Ebell, a graduate from Colorado and faculty demanded divestment to the lot of any man who is not working with Republican and Moreover, the issue of sustainable College, to lead the transition team from companies who pro ted from in an eminent degree endowed Democratic electors from every investment of CC’s endowment has for the Environmental Protection the apartheid, policies or systems with the requisite qualifica- one of the 29 states with laws become more important in the Agency (EPA). of segregation, or discrimination tions.” like Colorado’s in a group now based on race. Despite their e orts, Referencing Donald Trump, dubbed the “Hamilton electors.” the Board of Trustees ultimately Nemanich said, “The person With the help of a team of lawyers, decided not to divest. who has been declared by un- Nemanich and a fellow Colorado Fossil fuel divestment rst be- official authorities as the presi- elector, Polly Baca, are working to came an issue on campus in 2011, dent-elect is unfit, immoral, and challenge this restriction as un- when it was discovered that CC in- unethical.” constitutional under the Twelfth vests an estimated 5 to 10 percent In Colorado and 28 other Amendment and in its direct con- of their $542 million endowment in states, there are laws prohibit- tradiction to the 1952 Supreme companies that use eco-destruc- ing electors like Nemanich from Court decision in Ray vs. Blair. tive practices, such as Monsanto, voting against the popular vote “It was always implicit that an Halliburton, and ExxonMobil. in their state. That means ev- elector was a free agent,” Ne- Following this discovery, stu- ery Colorado elector including manich said. “They don’t have dents called for divestment from him is required to write in Hill- the power from their Supremacy companies dealing with fossil fuel ary Clinton on their ballots, and Clause [to require electors to vote extraction and the Student Di- those in states where Trump a certain way], and they don’t vestment Committee (SDC) was won the popular vote are re- have the power because it’s not formed. quired to write in Trump. “The even in the law.” Founded in 2013, the SDC uti- secretary of state told me if it’s The suit launched on Dec. 5 A student works a slackline during Divest Fest on Friday, May 4th, 2013. e stu- lized demonstrations, petitions, deemed that I did not vote for for a vote on Dec. 19. Though it dents demonstrated and slept on Worner Quad in an e ort to a ect administra- the right person, my vote would seems implausible to successfully tion policy on screening for environmental and socially responsible investment and proposed alternatives in their opportunities. C A Continued on pg. 3 be vacated and I would be im- Continued on pg. 4 News Opinion Sports & Active Life Life 10 Questions CCSGA Candidate Statements Our Month of Consumption Tigers Overpowered by DU A Hot (Chocolate) Topic Colorado Springs Gazette Editor-in- Chief Vince Bzdek talks the current Potential student leaders market Why anksgiving is too close to Despite strong play from CC Men’s A review of the best local beaneries themselves to their peers. Page 2 Christmas, and why that distracts us Hockey, Pioneers retain Gold Pan. with holiday-themed drinks. Page 11 state of news media, his time at the from what’s important. Page 15 Page 7 Washington Post, and what makes young journalists valuable. Page 5 More than a Move CC Department Funding Conversion of Outdoor Ed. Hall to Find us online at: How and why does funding between LLC brings up issues of social justice. academic departments di er? Page 4 Page 10 Facebook: /CatalystNews Twitter: /catalystnews 2 December 9, 2016 News The Catalyst CCSGA Candidate Statements If I become a member of the executive council, my hope would be to use my ► position to interact with more student groups on campus and support them as Compiled by THE CATALYST much as possible. I plan to connect with other members of the Colorado College community and be able to inform the student body of the happenings within CC- For Colorado College students, election season isn’t over just SGA. As well as being a face of CCSGA, I would be able to act as a liaison between yet. Today is the student election for two CCSGA positions. For students who have concerns for CCSGA and would like to further discuss with a Vice President of Internal A airs, there is a three-way battle member who is available. between Christina Garcia, Norberto Orellana, and Victor Tor- e Executive Council has the role of overseeing many committees, the planning res. e VP of Internal A airs is the chair of the Internal A airs and implementation of events, and the communication and support of the student Committee and manages the CCSGA election process, among body. I believe that I can be useful to CCSGA in further connecting with the student other duties. For Vice President of Student Life, Steven Ortega body, clearly communicating not only what is taking place within CCSGA but an- and Mateo Parson face o . e primary duty for the VP of Stu- nouncing events, and being a present face that works hard in informing the students dent Life is to chair the Student Life committee. Voting closes of the latest details concerning our school. I appreciate what CC has to o er and I feel at 7 p.m. today.