See Adhoc Panel List April 2021
NOTICE (Corrigendum) Any error in the Adhoc Panel list may be brought to the Department attention within seven days from the issuance of the list. i.e. 25.07.2021 at 05:00 PM Sd/- Prof. Sangit Kumar Ragi Head of the Department DEPARTMENT OF POLITICAL SCIENCE UNIVERSITY OF DELHI ADHOC EMPANELMENT LIST APRIL, 2021 Reg. Name Address Mobile No. General Category Category-1 R.No. 16(E), Mahanadi Extension, JNU, 1356 Jun Jun Sharma Pathak Delhi- 67 (M) 8447975391 4, Ghoshpara 2nd Lane, Beledanga. P.O- 1833 Dr. Chandrima Das Krishnagar. District-Nadia. West Bengal- 9473629153 741101 Flat No. 3080, Tower-5, Block 61, GH7, 1111 Amrita Jaiswal Crossing Republic, Ghaziabad, UP-201016 (M) 7409714462 1411 Dr Simi Mehta J-92, LGF, Saket, New Delhi-110017 9891651086 4583, GATE NO. 5, B 5 & 6, Vasant Kunj, 601 Rimon Bhuyan Gogoi New Delhi- 110070 (M) 8826516015 130/9, Kishangarh, Vasant Kunj, ND- 590 Mukesh Kumar Srivastava 110070.(M)-9582112286 SQ-33, Munirka Vihar, Near JNU Main 110 Anamika Asthana Gate, New Delhi-110067 (M) 9013927334 F.No.706/304, 3rd Floor, Paras Seasons, Plot, No. 9, H-01/D, Sector-168, Noida, 183 Aparajita Mazumdar Distt. Gautam Budh Nagar, UP- 201301 (M) 9873711451 c/o Mehta, House No. D-18, Maharani 448 Mohit Bishnoi Bagh, New Delhi 110025.(M)-8750100029 H. No. 71, Kenduguri, Narangi, Guwahati, 1777 Dr. Linamee Das 9873877462 Assam-781026 R.No.
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