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Winona State University OpenRiver Winona Daily News Winona City Newspapers 1-26-1962 Winona Daily News Winona Daily News Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Winona Daily News, "Winona Daily News" (1962). Winona Daily News. 234. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Winona City Newspapers at OpenRiver. It has been accepted for inclusion in Winona Daily News by an authorized administrator of OpenRiver. For more information, please contact [email protected]. r Cold Tonight, Low Near —5; ¦?' u Fair Saturday ¦ ¦ ¦' " ¦ ' ¦ ; ¦ ¦ ¦¦' ' ¦ ¦ ' ¦• • •' ¦¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' ¦ ' "¦ ' ' ¦ ' ¦ ¦ • ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ' ; ' • ' ¦ • ¦" ¦ '¦ ' ' ¦ ¦ ' ' ' . •' ¦ ¦ ' ; •' .• . ' ¦ • . : . *.- -- *.; - ,. * - . ' Buying' " * • ., . : :¦?¦ • . ' • .,: ' • . , • • . - ' * . " LL y , : , - Pfizer. * Considers. * * Watkins/ . Hope Fades Drug Company ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ " ' ¦ ' ¦ ' ¦ ' Govern. ;?. or.. ? * of Montan* J A ¦ ?¦ a Moon' ' Shot Fired By HOWARD BENEDICT . , ; Agena , after completing its will help stake out the landing site CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) tricky mission as a. space launch for the first U*S. manned lunar Would Plan For Cuban —The United States today rocket- platform, was to continue, circling landing, ? hopefully by 1967. ed a 727-pound Ranger 3 payload the earth as a silent satellite. The 'intricate ' , mission involves towards the moon 'to take closeup The space agency explained dozens of events which must oc- Dead television pictures and land an in- that this parking orbit technique cur on a split-second timetable; Expansion Here WOLF" ¦CREEK; Mont. <&?)- Babcock 42, a Billings truck firm governor and his party to a speak- , Quarantine strument package to :measure "is a means by which the- geom- Included is the firing , of another Gov. Donald G. Nutter of Mon-^operator, and former state legi sla- ing engagement af" Cut Bank in The King family is considering ¦' By WILLIAM L. RYAN mooriquakes and ; meteor hits. etry imposed oh moon shots fcy engine 16 hours after launching to selling controlling interest hi tana, bis executive secretary, tor. northern Montana near, the Cana- Wat- the PUNTA DEL ESTE , Uruguay A t owering Atlas-Agena B rock- location of the Atlantic missile jockey ? the spacecraft into a col' kips Products, Inc. to Chas. Pfizer state agriculture commissioner, dian border. The plane crashed fall as a 10-story building, range is corrected by using a sec- . "I've lost the best friend I had about 3:30 p.m., about 30 minutes (AP)-The United States fought et , lision course with the moon. k Co;, New York City, a leading and three cre\V members, died . blazed aloft from tliis spaceport at ond stage rocket as a mobile and Montana has lost the . best after the plane Left Montana's On the odds for success, the Na- pharmaceutical firm. Mr.v Grace Thursday in a plane crash. today far stern action against 3:30 p.m. (EST i with the complex launching platform in space." friend it had ," said Babcock from capital <?ity 35 miles south of Wolf tional Aeronautics and Space •Ad- W. King; secretary, announced to- Death of the Republican; gover- ¦ ' ¦'¦ Castro ? communism , but hopes spacecraft cradled in its nose. ' ; ' ' ¦ ' the governor's mansion where he Creek'. *"'" . .*. '* , " .* ' Ranger 3 is the most ? complex ministration, said the assignment day?.' ' ; . : : ' L. ;- ' ' ;¦¦ : .' ¦: nor, who recently refused to pro- the sagged sharply under the?pres- The powerful rocket had the ex- ' ' was called by close?friends of "Th e plane : was demolished," unmanned space experiment ever is so complex that, it has "as- John E. McKeen , president and claim United . Nations Day in Mon- governor 's attractive, dark-Haired reported rancher Ed Wirth after sure of mounting * opposition tremely difficult mission of htirl- attempted by the United States. signed three identical spacecraft chairman of the Pfizer board , and tana , shocked Ibis state of about widow, Maxine. visiting the crash scene \vh ich among its hemispheric partners. ing Ranger. 3 towards a Monday It involves launching the Agena B to the lasfc in the hope that at other Pfizer -officials- 'wiere in Wi- B75,000 in ha t> i- Killed with Nutter when the officers quickly blocked off. Uruguay joined the ranks of the morning rendezvous with the second stage of the booster , into least one will be,-successful.*;' nona early this week. Pfizer offic- tantsV plane apparently went out of con- "Trees were afire as were pieces so-called soft seven favoring kid moon, some 240,000 miles and 66 orbit and , at the precise moment, Rangers 4 and 5 are to be ials are expected here again next Nutter, 46 , a trol in turbulent weather and of aircraft ," he said. --*<3 y glove treatment of the Havana re- hours away at the v vehicle's re-starting the engine to boost tlie launched later this year. week. World War II crashed in a mountain canyon There was no official , public gime. planned speed. spacecraft' s speed to 24 .500 miles bortiber pilot and The entire Agena B second Rangers 1 and 2 were launched , near Wolf Greek , were his ex-ecu- confirmation of any of the deaths, . The ei ght nations evidently in- an hour and start, it on its 66-hour THE SALE if consumated, would former state GOP live secretary, Dennis B. Gordon, but families of the victims said stage was to ignite and inject it- voya#e to the moon. last fall to test techniques for the involve the oldest and one of the chairman, com- tended fo pull the teeth from U.S. moon-landing - , . 38, former Billings oilman and they were given confirmation by self into a; so-called "parking or- If successful, Ranger 3 will re- . attempts. Neither largest direct selling organizations pleted his first proposals to quarantine Castro- " was aimed at the in lawyer; Slate Agriculture Com- National Guard officials. ' bit , 100 miles high ,; eight min- lay television pictures of the moon moon and each the world. Watkins has 15.000 year in office Jan. ism , set up safeguards against in- was only partially successful. dealers: in; the United States missioner Edward C. Wren , 43, sever trade links and utes after launching at a sp-eed from as close as 15 miles and 1. He was elected The Air Force announced it filtration , away However , the space agency abroad a Cascade grain farmer and stock- drum Havana out of deliberations of 18. 000 miles an hour. and will produce tlie first record- felt * in November 1 960 would investigate the crash \vhich they provided sufficient data Mrs. King said that family-own- rancher; and crew members, pilot of the Organization of American About eight miriutes • later , the ings of seismic . activity and other ¦ to to a four-year occurre<i pn.a pine-studded moun- Agena B was to fire , again 'io proceed w*ith Ranger 3. ed stock would be exchanged for Cliff. Hanson , co-pilot Joseph De- States.:* . ; . ac- information about the composition .. term ending in vine and engineer "Chico" Bal- tain ridge. Wreckage was spread celerate to escape velocity of The United States had shot Pfizer stock. ' ' ' of the lunar surface, for January* 1965.? . lard , all of Great Falls. over a ;two-mile*, area . Two log- The sudden adherence of Uru- 24.500 miles an hour, and spring the moon six times previously and Virtually all of the Watkins stock Taking over as ? Gov. NuHer gers found the wreckage. devices were to kick Ranger $ nn is held by Mrs. King, Mrs. Mariel guay, the host nation * to the soft The data, plus that to be failed each time. These launchings chief executive will be the lieuten- The twin-engine C47 National The Wealher Bureau said 'turbu- seven bloc : imperilled prospects its planned trajectory to * .. the gathered by more sophisticated were designed King, her daughter, a vice presi- ¦ tb;either fly close ant governor, Republican Tim M. Guard plane was carrying the lence*-in the Wolf Creek area at for the necessary two-thirds vote moon.. machines in the next , few years , to the moon or orbit if. dent of the . company, and VE. L. the time of the governor's flight for stern measures . King .Ir;, president ? of the com- was strong enough to cause iip Some delegates admitted an im- pany. He is in Hawaii. and down.drafts of 2,000 feet per still The Watkins stock has never T MINUS ONE minute over the mountainous passe had been reached/ but ¦ ¦ ¦ Some?, solu- been offered publicly. area. ' ¦ ' - ' . ' -' . - . expressed confidence Living Costs tion will be found this weekend. Rain, The Federal Aviation Agency in Sleet Parochial Bus IN HER statement Mrs. King Helen a said no distress message Rusk and Venezuelan Foreign Decline in said that she w^s " pleased" to was received. Minister Marcos . Falcon Briceno make the announcement. Babcock was a * Yellowstone met throughout the morning with ? "There is absolutely no intention EverythingSet foreign ministers of three nations County representative in the Mon- Snow Spread Bill Signed on bur part or Pfizer's to move op- ¦' December tana legislature in the sessions of of the group-r-Ar^entina, Chile WASHINGTON <AV) - Living erations of the company out of Wi- 1957 and 1959. Previously, he and Brazil. But the session broke costs declined one-tenth of one nona. The sale will merely involve served in the 1953 session of , the up without any .progress toward per cent in December, chiefly be- an exchange of stock; and have no House from Custer County. budging the opposition , particular- Across Nation cause of lower average prices for By affect on personnel or employment ¦ Gov. Nelson SpamShot ly Brazil. The men arranged fur- automobiles, gasoline and '? cloth- in the community. Indeed , Pfizer For By THE ASSOCIATED Babcock and his wife, the fo rm- ther meetings this afternoon .