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1-26-1962 Winona Daily News Winona Daily News

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¦ ¦ ¦' " ¦ ' ¦ ; ¦ ¦ ¦¦' ' ¦ ¦ ' ¦• • •' ¦¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' ¦ ' "¦ ' ' ¦ ' ¦ ¦ • ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ' ; ' • ' ¦ • ¦" ¦ '¦ ' ' ¦ ¦ ' ' ' . •' ¦ ¦ ' ; •' .• . ' ¦ • . : . *.- -- *.; - ,. * - . ' Buying' " * • ., . : :¦?¦ • . ' • .,: ' • . , • • . . - ' * . " LL y , : , - Pfizer. * Considers. * * Watkins/ . Hope Fades Drug Company ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ " ' ¦ ' ¦ ' ¦ ' Govern. ;?. or.. ? * of Montan* J A ¦ ?¦ a Moon' ' Shot Fired By HOWARD BENEDICT . , ; Agena , after completing its will help stake out the landing site CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) tricky mission as a. space launch for the first U*S. manned lunar Would Plan For Cuban —The United States today rocket- platform, was to continue, circling landing, ? hopefully by 1967. ed a 727-pound Ranger 3 payload the earth as a silent satellite. The 'intricate ' , mission involves towards the moon 'to take closeup The space agency explained dozens of events which must oc- Dead television pictures and land an in- that this parking orbit technique cur on a split-second timetable; Expansion Here WOLF" ¦CREEK; Mont. . <&?)- Babcock 42, a Billings truck firm governor and his party to a speak- , Quarantine strument package to :measure "is a means by which the- geom- Included is the firing , of another Gov. Donald G. Nutter of Mon-^operator, and former state legi sla- ing engagement af" Cut Bank in The King family is considering ¦' By WILLIAM L. RYAN mooriquakes and ; meteor hits. etry imposed oh moon shots fcy engine 16 hours after launching to selling controlling interest hi tana, bis executive secretary, tor. northern Montana near, the Cana- Wat- the PUNTA DEL ESTE , Uruguay A t owering Atlas-Agena B rock- location of the Atlantic missile jockey ? the spacecraft into a col' kips Products, Inc. to Chas. Pfizer state agriculture commissioner, dian border. The plane crashed fall as a 10-story building, range is corrected by using a sec- . "I've lost the best friend I had about 3:30 p.m., about 30 minutes (AP)-The United States fought et , lision course with the moon. k Co;, New York City, a leading and three cre\V members, died . blazed aloft from tliis spaceport at ond stage rocket as a mobile and Montana has lost the . best after the plane Left Montana's On the odds for success, the Na- pharmaceutical firm. Mr.v Grace Thursday in a plane crash. today far stern action against 3:30 p.m. (EST i with the complex launching platform in space." friend it had ," said Babcock from capital i- Killed with Nutter when the officers quickly blocked off. Uruguay joined the ranks of the morning rendezvous with the second stage of the booster , into least one will be,-successful.*;' nona early this week. Pfizer offic- tantsV plane apparently went out of con- "Trees were afire as were pieces so-called soft seven favoring kid moon, some 240,000 miles and 66 orbit and , at the precise moment, Rangers 4 and 5 are to be ials are expected here again next Nutter, 46 , a trol in turbulent weather and of aircraft ," he said. --*<3 y glove treatment of the Havana re- hours away at the v vehicle's re-starting the engine to boost tlie launched later this year. week. World War II crashed in a mountain canyon There was no official , public gime. planned speed. spacecraft' s speed to 24 .500 miles bortiber pilot and The entire Agena B second Rangers 1 and 2 were launched , near Wolf Greek , were his ex-ecu- confirmation of any of the deaths, . The ei ght nations evidently in- an hour and start, it on its 66-hour THE SALE if consumated, would former state GOP live secretary, Dennis B. Gordon, but families of the victims said stage was to ignite and inject it- voya#e to the moon. last fall to test techniques for the involve the oldest and one of the chairman, com- tended fo pull the teeth from U.S. moon-landing - , . 38, former Billings oilman and they were given confirmation by self into a; so-called "parking or- If successful, Ranger 3 will re- . attempts. Neither largest direct selling organizations pleted his first proposals to quarantine Castro- " was aimed at the in lawyer; Slate Agriculture Com- National Guard officials. ' bit , 100 miles high ,; eight min- lay television pictures of the moon moon and each the world. Watkins has 15.000 year in office Jan. ism , set up safeguards against in- was only partially successful. dealers: in; the United States missioner Edward C. Wren , 43, sever trade links and utes after launching at a sp-eed from as close as 15 miles and 1. He was elected The Air Force announced it filtration , away However , the space agency abroad a Cascade grain farmer and stock- drum Havana out of deliberations of 18. 000 miles an hour. and will produce tlie first record- felt * in November 1 960 would investigate the crash \vhich they provided sufficient data Mrs. King said that family-own- rancher; and crew members, pilot of the Organization of American About eight miriutes • later , the ings of seismic . activity and other ¦ to to a four-year occurre country districts and not to 500 employes and about 1.20O t hat, the life support system in a Sigma Chi convention in Miami , day he wants nothing to do with whnt you actually got had heen Treasury men in five states seized 's space capsule was in per- cities the size of Barranquilla. the John Birch Society. hi .s sprawling corporate and finan- throughout its state and overseas Glenn where she was named interna- placed lo your lax credit wit h the operations, fect order. his crusade "I don 't know where anyone got cial empire. tional sweetheart of Sigma Cln. Graham wound up Treasury. Watkins acquired the first ¦ Wednesday night Ihe idea I approved of the Kirch- Atty. Clen. Robert F. Kennedy trade- One thing led to another and in Marncaibo mark authorized in Minnesota. alter moments of turmoil that crs or ever had a thing to do So, making out your Income announced in Washington filing of finally Cavanagh asked her to the " tax return two yonrs from now, That was in 1IK..T ' brought him an apology from local with them , Judd said. "It would a suit in U.S.. District Court in Bos- Lucky Luciano fraternity s big dance weekend. be wrong to rally around such you vyould enter the full $,">o with ton lo r-rcovcr taxes alleged Later it dawned on him her school officials. They told tlie American due extremes. They are defeating our your income, but take credit for and to have receivers appointed for was 2,500 miles away. Painfully, Hint demonstrators who attacked Dead in Ita ly own-purposes,'-'— - - ¦41(\- 1 ax -already * paid .- - - *— three-fioldfine-fit'-mr *-**• Tie "realized lie "drdrTt'Tiave:"'llial'SSITthe-'statciogislati\-c'+TaH'durinK'1lis NAPLES, Italy (AP ) — Charles for her plane fare to Iloanokc. speaking appearance there Tues- Police, Burglars doctors >()ii could talk to. He ex- six inches over his head hut pro- some more. There were several not be banned in Boston , _ on a tour of five Latin American loiiji! lime before we find nnolher Hospital at St. Louis Sunday, .s.iid j planied I lungs to ymi Tbe officer, Kugene Kaydo, as n donations. Cavanagh p 1 u n k - cd just encouraging it , and wc will tell WIN'ONA AND VICINITY-Cold of Police ofl icer Waller f- 'oehner $32!», I2. on the front pa^e the Highland doctor "Perfect. " Dr. Kayar de- over hi.s heiirl . Kawln answered them to stop. " wave tonight. Clearing with dimin- summed up the feeling of the town . She was blinded , as she stepped wcvkly paper. livered two of her four children. with two .shots and the men beat ishing winds , lovv -5. Fair and when ho said simply, "He'll be a hasty retreat into the office. FRY RE ELECTED from the plane, hy photographers' quite cold Saturday, high aero to "lt is my very unpleasant duty "He was always so proud when : missed. " DELHI India l.Tt-Frnnk- flashbulbs , and almost fell, Mayor lo inform you that my services to one of his patients had n hoy." The intruders exited from a NEW . 5 above, , Dr. Ivaynr and his wife have Fry. president of the Willis Anderson (a Sigma Chi> you as a doctor must end ," lhe she snid. front door , with the police officer lin Clark LOCAL WEATHER ; Ihree children , i.'edrir, .">; Sudan, United Lulheran Church in wns there lo give her a key to id tor said , "His patients and friends o( in pursuit . They disappeared into t|, and Ileiic , 11. America , was re-elected chairman the city. Finally, the mayor and Official observations (or the 24 Tbe doctor said he has -cancer mine that I' ve talked lo all nre the night. Kaydo said on* of tho of the World Council nf Churches' Cavanagh's fraternity brothers hours ending at 12 m, tod .iy: nl the pancreas nnd "within six stunned at the news They don 't Dr. Kayar came to the United men appeared to lie about 20 Central Committee at the third as- Sweetheart of Sigma Chi serenaded her with "Tho Sweet- Maximum , *I3; minimum , 20; lo eight monlhs. the inevitable will know what to think or who they Slates in ID-ltl . He has practiced yews old. six feet lall , the other 5-7" sembly here. And Dance Date ' heart of Sigma Chi." noon , 36; precipitation , none. come." should go to. modicum here sinco UI5-1. dark skinned and nbout . ¦ '' ¦¦ ¦' ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ . . .* ; - . *:; :y ;;y¦.* • ' *. y; ¦*¦ . * .?. AAL Branch 133 Services at Area Churches Budget Approved Services Held ALTURA (¦UOGBWAY ¦ At Independence . Jehowlv Evahgelical Luther**. worjfil|», I Melhodlsl. thurch ichoel, » ».m.) wor- ¦ ! : ¦ ¦ ' ': ¦; : : " ;¦ ¦ ¦ ; ¦¦ ; * and 10:1S i.m.,* Sunday ichool and Bible »hip, 10 __,rn. * .. Lutheran Church ' ; ' ' ;«rrly; " ^ To Meet Sunday cl««i,; » i.m.i Monday, adult Instruction,. SOUTH RIOBE . -fp- ^S ii ri ;*;:.Hje ; -v-t .:^^#ot-t* ,7. p jTvj ' usheri . meeting, I p.m. - . .V* P»* TwexJ 'y. Evangelical United Brethren Sunday- Wis. tepe- Af Green Lea The Rev. Armin Deye will be Uuthtren * Pioneers. 7:30 p.m. Thursday, school, 10 /»m.,* .worship, 11 a.m.; quar- IISJDEPKNDENCE, * released time classes, rn, to noon; Surv- adopt- LAKESIDE EVANGELICAL ST. PAUL'S EPISCOPAL FIRST BAPTIST master of ceremonies when Bran- » ea terly youlh rally at Sumner* Center, * cial)-A budget of $5,200 was MABEL,. Minn. (Special)—Wor- (East Broadway end Lafayette) (Wast Broadway and Wilson) day school staff, 7:3.0 p.m. Friday, Com- p.m/; recreation will ba tobogganing. the annual ship services are. being FREE CHURCH ch 133, Aid Association foi* Lulher- munion registration, I'l P.m. Smurdi/, In- Thursday, choir predict, a p.m. ed Monday evening at conducted _l Rev. Gebrje Goodreid The Rev. Walter E. Eckh-erdf .m.'— Senior choir, school, "ThOt'sdoy, 8:30 p.m —Prayer service. day, Cotnmunion registration, * parson. _*ch»ol . 7:30 . p.m.—Commission -dn membership 9:43 elm.—Sunday school. Blbla classes.:. and ev-angellsm,. . 10:45 a.m.-^Worshlp? . Message, *'The 10:45 i.m.—communion, termon tame Wednesday, 7 p.m.-4e*nlor . New Jerusalem." • * choir . «s earlier. *«« ». chorua, directed by* W. H. Thursday, »:30 a.m.-WSCS jludy class, . <:30 p.m.—Young people's. meeting.. Lead- Nolle, will sing, "Fierce Raged the Temp- er, Barbara Bay, senior youth. Junior " Paul Welkins Memorial Methodist Home. ? est." 7 youth mecllnj), same time. TM p.m.—Youth choir. Monday, 4:30 p.m.—Lutheran Pioneers r 7 p.n->*—Wesley - .Foundation. . 7:30 p.m. — Gospel itrvlct. Message, (boys and girls) Ice skating party. . Meet 7:15 p.m.—Board ol trustees. ¦ Strange Oods." rnny ¦ ' pn . ii »t West End rink. ¦ ¦¦¦ Thursday, 7 p.m.—Choir. yw . j 7:30 p.m.—Fullllme education committee I p.m.—Blbla study, prayar . Tuesday, 7.-4J a.m.—Junior confirmation McKINLEY METHODIST u . class. Alternoon—Sewlna Build,, The Rev. Edward W. Gebhard 4:30 p.m.—Finance committee. . (Wait Broadwjy ana High) JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES 7 p.m.—Sunday achool teachers, (653 Sioux St. ) I p.m.—Senior choir. . » end 10:45 a.m.-Worshlp: Sermon, Henry Hosting, . Tliursday, J:30 p.m '-Ladles Aid, . "The Christian Church Goes Forth:" jun- Presiding Minister ¦ - ? 3:45 p.mi—Junior choir. ior choir will sing al We? first ttr vlce and » p.m.—St. Mitthaw 'a PTA. senior choir at second, I p.m.- May Rail Security Ba • "*Vhire Salurday, ? a.m.—Confirmation classes. M0;W> a.m.—Sunday ichool. Found?" . -J:J0 p.m.—Pallowshlp supper for. youtti, 3:15 p.m.—Watchtowir study clan. Topic, pit eftli. and church families. Movie, "Llfe'i "Courage under Divine Protection.' Higher Goals, " starring Olympic pole vault Tuesday, 8 p.m.—Group BIBIe study. REDEEMER EV. LUTHERAN ' champion, the Rev. Bob Richard, will . be ' Thursday, 7:30 p.m.—Mlnliten training (Missouri Synod) ihown, followed by. - ' ¦ ' ' WOO W. Webttht SKI idult mission sludy school. . . *. ' • , ' . class. . * 6:30 p.m.—Service melting. The Rev. David T. P-ankaw, Thursday,* 7 p.m.-Sih lor choir.. . ¦ yy Pastor , ? ¦ 7-.« p.m.—CommliiloiJ. meetings. »:45 p.m.—Official board. Saturday, » a.m. — Youth membersh ip EVANGELICAL UNITED f:W »,m.—Sutid«y ichool, Bible claiit*. class.. . . • 10:3O e.m.—Worihlp. Sermon. "A Mln- BRETHREN CHURCH 10 a.rm. liler SJiould Be a Slave of Christ." I Cor. —Junior choir, (West King and South Baker) -- '¦ * ¦ - ' * • 4:1...... The R«v. Paul Milbrandt 4 p.m.—Adult Information class. 9:15 a.m Sufiady school 8 p.m.—Installation of the Rey Elder CHRISTIAN¦ SCI ENCE Richter at Bethany, Lake City. (West Sanborn ond Main) 10:30:a.m.—Worship. Sermon; "Confront- ¦ Tuesday, 7 p.m.—Committee an tduca- ed by Choice.' tion. *:30 •.m.—Sunday school, 4-S p?m.—Youth rally. Sumner Center t p.m.—Sarah Society, home o-f Mrt. IV i.m.—Service . Church. , timet-* Helden, 4413 ,4th St., Goodvlew. Today'a demand for progress based em Thursday, 7:1:5 p.m.—Mldweik service. Wednesday, 7 p.m.—Children's choir. e true comprehension of God's nearness ¦ * ..- Thursday, I p.m.—Sunday -school teach- and all-power will bl stressed Sunday at ers - Chrlstlesn Science church services. GRACE PRESBYTERIAN «.<5 p.m.—Leadership training course. Hlghl fghffng the leisonaermon on the (Franklin and Broadway) Saturday, t a.m.—Preconflrmatlon clawr •ublect of "Truth" Is lha jolden taxt from 10:3O a.m.*—Confirmation clan. Piilm lit: "Thou ar« near, O Lord ; ard The Rev. William T. King ¦ all thje commandmenli tr* truth Ttty .'. . wbrd it trua trom Ihi beginning." : t:30 a.m.—Church ichool. CENTRAL LUTHERAN Om ot tha . citation! to be read tram 10:30 a.m.—WOrahlp. Nuriery. "Science and Health with Key to tlie (Th* American Lutheran Church) Scriptures" by Mary aaker Eddy Hates (Corner Hull and Wabashal (Pril. , : VII): "The time tor thinkers has CHURCH of the NAZARENB L. 'y Dr. L, E. BtrynttUd coma. Truth, Indcptiident of doctrines (Orrln St, and new Highway 61) and lime-honored ' systems, knocks at the The Rev. Phil William* T. E. H-Brbranion, portal ot humanity. Contentment wllh Attlttatit Pastor the past and the cold conventionality of ?:45 a.m.—Sunday ichool lor all ages: matarlallsm. are crumbling away. Ignor- 10:4J a.m. — Worship. Sermon, "A f a.m.—Sermon, "Why Ara You Afraid, ance of God Is no longer the itepplrs-j- Strenge Desire Indeed! stone »o faith. 0 Man ot Llttla Faith?" Mra. T, Cfiarlei " 4:30 p.m.—Special youth lervlcei, "The Widrsesday, I p.m. Green, organist, will play preludes, "Varia- -Weetlng. Singing Burches." - :. - tion on 'Sei gegruesset, Ja»u qvtllg,'" . * 7:30 p.m.—Sacred music, featured vvlll Bach; "O, Blest ttia House Whate'er Be- be the Burch trio, senior cuolr and men's tall," Pachelbel, and postlude, "Procaislon- quarlel. al In G Malor," Stanley. Lutheran student 8 p.m. — Special radio broadcast over choir will sing "Glory to Ood en High," Catholic Services . ' ¦ ' ¦ ' ¦ ¦ KWNO. Mllgrove. . - . CATHEDRAL Thursday, 6:45 p.m —Choir ? a.m.—Sunday ichool, grades a ll. 7:45 p.m.—Bible study in the Gospel of 10:13 a.m.—Sermon and organ earna ai OF SACREI> HEART Mark. •arllar, Anthem by aenlor choir, Dennis (Main and Wtih Wabasha) ' _¦ Cchsn«r directing. Installation of church Tlie, Rt. Rev, M»gr. Officers. Harold 10:13 ».m.--Sunday school, nursery, kin- J. Dllfrnan SALVATION ARMY ') dergarlen and grades. 1-3. The Rev . JoiipJi Lft Plant* (117 W. 3rd SI, 3 p.m.—Senior League tobogganing at The Rev. Donald Copt. Lester Anderson Lulherhaven. * Connelly Tuesday, 7:30 a.m.-Men's prayer greup, The Rev. Josiph Cashman •»:45 a.m. -Sunday school. ¦ cNpa s . Sunday Masses - 1:45, 7 S. »:30 and IV 10:45 a.m.-Worshlp 4 p.rh —Father-son bannuet, Pellowshlp a.m, and U:15 p.m. 3:30 p.m. ' — Sunday school at Kellogg. Hall. Chicago Cubs baseball playar Jerry Weekday Masses - <:30, 7:13 and 8 a.rn.i Minn. first Friday of* klndoII. .speaker. monlh,¦ additional Mess at 6 p m.-Corps cadets. . Wednesday, 7 p.m. — Bible ifucfy class, 5:13 p.m. * ..' 6:30 p.m.—Young people'i Legion. Chapel. Holy Day Masses-Is5, 7 and S a.m. and 7 p.m.- Street service, Thursday, 4:30 p.m. -LSA choir. 13:15, 5:15 and 7:30 p.m. 7.30 p.m.. Evangelistic service 7:30 p.m.-LSA, Fellowship Hall. Confaislona - MoiWny through Friday, Monday, 7 p.m. — Boy Scouli, Frank J "To J OM, Mr. Bryson. Tlie Party needs you 7:30 p.m.—Senior choir, Seoul room. 5-6 p.m.; Saturday, 3SJ0 p.m.. ; 30*9 p.-n. Raines, Scoutmaster. ^^^HBp-fl / Friday, 4 p.m —Boya choir. Fellowship Tuesday, 4 p.m. '-- Junior Legion (chil- : ^i^iillHi^H^-^^^ H.ill. ST. STANISLAUS dren' s meetlny), Thurley Homes. p to liberate your countrymen, Encourage them Saturday, » a.m —Junior and stnlor con- (Kast 4th md Carimona) 6:30 p.m. - Jail service. ^^H J^H^?^^^^^H^^^^ flrme-ndi. Tha Rt. Rev, Msgr. N. F. 7 pm. -Street service. to forget morality for it is a myth. Conscience, II J.m.—Glrli' choir, Fallpwihlp* Hall. 7:30 p.m.- Soldiers . mealing and Bible I^I^^^MfeL ^I^^Rk^__^9^^^^^l^______k a Grulbwski study cowardice. Worship, it is weakness The Rev. Robert Kulas ?:3fi p.m. Indies Home League. ^^^^^^H_____l^___ ^^^V%-i ^!^^^^^^^ lm strong. liberty Wednesday, 4 p.m.-Girl Guards, aged il GOODVIEW TRINITY The-Rev. John . -Were LUTHERAN CHURCH to 17, and Sunbeams, aged 6 to 11. The Rev. Jerome Verdick Thursday. 7 p.m.-Street service. H^H||^H^^^H^^HB|Hk^^K /'NO," Ed "NYET if (Wisconsin Synod ) Sunday Mn^cs - J: 30, 7:15, 8:30, «:4S . 7:30 p.m. -Midweek holiness meeting. jJA^pfl^l^^l^k The Rev, David M. Pen ath anil |S:1J a.m. Saturday, 10 a.m. Cub Scouts, H|^^^^ stand that better ! We aren't going to forget the Wrekdoy Massas-(.*30 a.m. ¦J'p.m --First and third .Saturday of each S„^^^^^^H^^^L Holy Day Masses - 3; Jf), «:30, I, «;30 junior 1:30 and 11 a.m.--Worship. Sermon, month, Soldiers' miellng. spiritual principles that make am, and 5. IS p.m. * Dally, 10 n.m. to 5 pm. ^^^^*^^™^^^^^^^^^R the Free World . "The Light of Ihe World." Oroanist, Mrs. -Family sarv Conrc'_sloiis— '3-5 p.m, and 7 ? p.m. Thurs- Ice itore, 501 E. Sth St. THE CHURCH FOR ALL (^|||(^^^^^^^^^^^ Rnnnid Duck .. . , ,day before first Fridav: dny bofori holy ¦ B __*J^^^^^^H Our kind of is built on God's t:*5 a.m -Sunday school. i ,days ot obligation and Saturday, Mondny, 7:30 p.m.—Annual meeting of Truth—and you your th" congestion, WINONA GOSPEL CHURCH " 'll never bury That Go sell Tumulty, . :1J p.m.—Confirmation Instruc- ST. CASIMIR'S (Center and Sanborn Streets) m cLd^thrrLTwo H M tion . (West tlrondwiy nenr CwIng) Robert Sabin ^^^^^^^ I —Sunday ichool teachers meet, The Rt. Rov. Migr. John Wesley Hall J J<<<^W ¦¦ ____i Ji -_i ______^-_i 'Urcri Ooodvlew, Jvliui IV. Hviun good citizenshi p. )t is a storehouse of *^ * -*»«-^.^i ^.^i^i^i ^i^i ^i^> C.n l Wednesday, 7:30 p.m.-Bible class. Dale Aaron Rev, ipiritual v»lu«», "Without jtrong Thursday, 3 1 arri 69 p.m. -Communion Tlie Robert Stamichror Minister . a reolsrratlon, parsonage. lunday Masses - I and 10 a.m. Churcli , neither drnmcrncy nor civili- Trlclny* 7:15 p m,—Chopal choir, Jt. Mat* Weekday Masses - 8 a.m. •7:30 a.m. —Sunday achool, fh»yv ' s, Winona, Holy day Maises - «:10 and » a m. ll a.m. —Worshi zation can .urvive. There are four ' p. of course, lt was just a. dream, Ed admits. (Too much pie ftt bedtime.) aturday, t a.m.—Confirmation Inslrue- First Friday Mastii — *:is end I a.m. t p.m.—Evangeliitlc service. tltn , Goodvlew , found rea»oni why every person ihould ¦ Tuesday, _ p.m.- (Ilble study and prayi. , ST. MARY'S Friday, 7;30 p.m --Hobb y Club, children, attend lervicei regularly and mpport And, thoughtfully, he adds—It shouldn't take a nightmare to make us realize (Wast Uroadwy nenr Blerce) 10 nntl over, bl-tveekly, FAITH LUTHERAN The Rtr Rev . Migir. R. J. Snyder Saturday, 7-3:30 p.m. -• Kid-craft, children, th« Church. They nre : (!) For hit *" ~\ (United nln* antl untttr, bi-weekly. Lutheran The Rev. Louis Cook ¦ own siike, (2) For his children ', take. what we believe—and how, to preserve that Faith. « Church in America) Tha Rev. Martin Olson 1701 VV, Howard) p) For the sake of his community _ _ .. .Sunday.,MassasJ.,.l:4S„.j„|.JO..«n<»—H.. .— - CALVARY BAPTIST- - - ... • _ ,. :.. .. "'" Robarf L. N«libn7"FeiTgr " * ",s.m. .and 17 15 p.m. (401 fi. Sanborn St.) ami nation. (4) For the late o ( itlio Earle Drenckhahn, Atliating WIM-W AV Mn^os - 7 and II a m. The Rev. William HolV Day Masses - 5*30 , 7. » a in. snd Fetsant Church itself , whicli needs hii rnornl " ¦'>.J0 nnd / pm. 4 - m Matin', i 10 a ,m, - -Sunday school. Con fissions - 3 1(1 to ' .S 'p.m. and I- and inatcriiiJ tuppo rl . Plan to go to ' 9 .30 n.m. Sunday sct.wn vile, classes * , IJ 11 a.m. - -Worship, for i»ll ages. o 8* .10 nn. Sn!i>r<1;.y_, (Iny. before ¦¦ ' ' [inly dayi 7:30 p in. Evangelistic lervlrt t, church regularly ind read your Bible 10 « a.m.-Worshlp. Prelude, "Choral rtnd l luindnys liffora first frl- Copyrigh t 1962. Keliter AdvenUIng Service, Ine , Sirubuig. Va, ,lays. Wednesday. 7:30 p.m, — Cottage pitiyer . ef Eolphany Hymns. " Sermon. "In Faith services Irs the homes, I c ai y* Hf Seeks Thee " Anthem, "If With All ¦ i ' ' / Your Hearts. " ST. JOHM'S 7 p.m. -Luthor League. (East Dioadwly and Hamilton) SEVENTH DAY Monday. I p.m. -Altar Guild sl homa Tha Rev. Jnmei D. Habigir John 01 L'lQln Sonntmnn Mrs. John *P»fke will Siiiuln/ M.-ii'.r.s ?, t and II a .m ADVENTIST CHURCH y^ . Sunday Monday TuesdayKings WednesdayKings Thursday Friday Saturday conduct devotions entitled "I' rnrn Conti- W;rkclny Mastrs • ¦ il a in. .((?, Sanborn and Chestnut I i^^^/^^X Penlms King*s nent to Confluent , MS^ II II II " Con lmslori ! - 4 and 7 uni cm ..ntiirtt-iys, Paefor T. Paul Mlienko ^S ^^V^A Revelation * Wednesday, 10 a.m. * Cherub srhnol. t'lollt ol feast days and Thursdays belore 18:28-57 X0:l-7 19:82-87 8:89-47 8:48-69 Ihursday, 4,30 p.m. Ua~e 20 :4-1*0 —Junior choir . ( Irs) frlrJays. Saturday, 1*45 p.m.- Jabbath I.M p m , - Senior choir school. | "JtgS^/^ Flrut Friday Masin - I i.m. and S;l| ; 3, 43 |i ,m —Worihlp, Saturday, 10 a.m. ivlth serv/cea every | —Catechetical class. (> .m. | ;laturcliiy. This Church and Youth Message Is Published Weekly By These Business Firms and Manufacturers Madison Silo Company Bunko 's Apco Service Winona Delivery & Transfer Co. Watkins Products, Inc. Vukan Mfg. Co., Inc. Winono, Mlnn-rsota .Soj H. J. Dunn Black Top Surfacing Co. I57U vic.* ltd. — 700 K. Sarnia 1050 VV. 2nd Sl. - Winona , Minn . 40*1 W. 4111 - Wlnonn, Minn. Winona , Minnesota 3rd and Wilson , — Winona . Minn. Peerless Chain Company Brom Machine & Foundry Co. Winona County Abstract Co., Inc. P. Earl Schwa b Western Coal & Oil Co. Front nnd Walnut — Winonn , Minn. ,.>l.r> , Fawcett-Abraham Funeral Service General Contractor — Winona , Minn. 68 Lafayette Winona , Minn, Sixth - U oixlview Minn, 276 E. 3rd — Wlnonn , Minn, 535 Junction St. — Winona. Minn. — PlasH Products, Inc. Country Kitchen Drive-In Whittaker Marine & Manufacturing Springdale Dairy Company Winona and Park Hotels Wlnonn , Minnesota Cor. I' , Winona Tool Manufacturing Co. "Milk of Superior Flavor* Winona. Minnesota ll ci and Orrin SI.. — Winon /t . Minn, 14S0 W- Broadway — Wiiipni) , Minn . 24 Lnird St. — Winonn , Minn. The Warner & Swasey Company Thern Machine Co. Williams Hotel & Annex Radficr Division Boland Manufacturing Co. The Merchants Nat'l Bank of Winona Winona Ready-Mixed Concrete 3rd md Jo.»)f-ou iii s, — Winona, Minn. 102 East 3rd St. 5775 (Uli St. ,— Winonn, Minn. 3760 4th - Winona. Minn. Catering Service — Winona, Minn. N. A. Roverud Company Breitlow Funeral Homo Williams-W.lbcrt Vault Co. Hoad Contractor.! — Winona . Minn. 376 E. Sarnia — Winonn , Minn. 1635 West Fiftli St. - Winona. Minn. I Citizens Cited By Jaycees lhat Cold Wave Ai St. Charles Still Coming, ST. CHARLES, Minn. (Special) — In addition to presenting spe- cial awards for outstanding work Forecast Says in St. Charles and area the past Winona's . p 1 e as ant January year, the Jaycees at a banquet weather appears to be at an end. Thursday night cited 11 individuals A. Cold wave is predicted , for and companies 'for contributions to the improvement tonight with temperatures in the of the area, with dropping to the -5? mark Light emphasis on new Jessen Park city . created in 1961. snow and strong northwest winds wesre to whip across the area this • Dr. S. K. McHutchinson was afternoon with diminishing winds named outstanding young man of tonight. the year in a presentation hy Don Campbell. SATURDAY, the weatherman • A.VE. Bergh, St. Charles at- said, will .be fair and quite cold torney, received the outstanding With a high of zero to 5 above. citizen award, presented by Dr, Snow and moderating temperatures McHutchinson. ; is the outlook for Sunday. Edward Kramer : • received the The extended forecast pre- Citation , as outstanding farmer dicts* cold -weather at the be- from Lawrence Schneider. TB TESTS . V ' . Mantoux tests nre under Donna Mora wiccki , Pat Merchlewitz and Dr. John ginning of the five-day period ' * way at*:. -local schools as part of the city' s tuber- Tweedy, and rear ,? Mrs. P. A. Mattison , Mrs. SPECIAL AWARDS were pre- with a flight warming op culosis- control program, beft to right at St . Mary Crane , supervisor of the city public health sented toi Ben Fazendih, 'editor of OUTSTANDING CITIZENS . . . A. E. Bergh, farrner of the year,* at the Jaycees .banquet at over the weekend -and little thereafter. Precipita- Stanislaus School are: Foreground . Christy Czar- nursing service, and Mrs. Fred Buse. (Daily News the St. Charles Press, and Fred left, St. Charles attorney, was named the citizen St. Charles Tljursday night. (Mrs. Frank Koch change Millard of tion will average one-t*«n»h to nowski , Christy Wojciechowski; Janet Boland , photo) ,; Millard Construction Co. of the year. Dr. S. K. McHutchinson, center, photo) for his support o£ the park devel- one-quarter of an inch at oc- opment and young man of the year, and Edward Kramer, casional snow througheut the machinery donated for ¦ its improvement. He rieceived a • period. life membership in the Jaycees. The Jessen family received a Balmy^ temperatures prevailed certificate for donating the land over the Winona area Thursday for the park. Receiving certificates Agreement on with the temperature . reaching 43 Jury Tria l Set on for helpin g ' in the development in the afternoon/ This is the high- Pf izer Leader in est reading since Jan. 3 when the were Luehman and Schultz Imple- ment companies for loaning ma- peak was 46- During the night the chinery: St. _ Charles First National City Radio mercury slid to 20. By noon the and Dover State lanks for making figure was 36. the gopher machiner possible : Pharmaceutic A year ago today the Winona Post Off ice Site Patterson Quarries for furnishing Chas. Pfizer & Co., New York City, originally a producer of high was 12 and the low -8, A two- will besin 10 a.m. ApriV S and ' A jury trial to determine how This was announced today by at trucks for access to the park ; Carl bulk chemicals, has become since World War II one of the leading Upkeep Ready iiich snowfall fell. All time high much the fed eral government George M. Robertson Jr., Winona the trial will be held shortly after Fisher for use ot bis building for firms in the pharmaceutical industry with a full line of packaged for Jan; 26 was 52 in 1944 and the Winon a city for the city attorney, who received; a let- that date. ' ¦' ¦ Approval of terms under which sheuld pay shelter while painting, ,and Mrs. drugs. • ? ' . low was -24 in 1950. Mean for the Central Park site of the hew post ter about the trial from John J. Noble Robinson and Mayor 3)on Antibiotic sales account for about 50 percent pf total sales. the city will contract . for police past 24 hours was 31, contrasted ROBERTSON invitecl persona : office will be held in U.S. District Connelly, assistant U.S. attorney, Hankerson for help in various prob- The firm is an important producer of fine chemicals and to a lesser and fire department comiriunica- with a normal figure of 16. St. Paul. The new term of court having evidence to Submit to get . Court, St, Paul, in April. in touch with him. lems concerning the park project. extent, industrial chemicals. The firm also produces animal feed tlons equipment maintenance be- Although Minot, N. D., reported s U. S. Investment Corp., Mil- Harold Wire Was cited for his supplements and agriculturar specialties,y * ginning March 1 was expressed morning of 4 most Min- a 'low ; waukee which submitted a low interest in youth projects and Bob- Pfizer's divisions follow : . . . Thursday by the Board of Fire & nesota points had readings in the , 'Father' annual rental bid of $35,469 ert Currie for tlie teenage rodeo Pfizer Laboratories Division—Manufactures .antibiotics includ- - Police Commissioners. 20s. The low at International Falls City , pre- . the new post office has re- ; project. Dr. McHutchinson ing Terramycin (the most important product) Tetracyn, Signemy- ? Yesterday's expression paves was 20, St. Cloud 24, Duluth 24, Police Switching for , ' ceived a contract but has not sented these awards. Vein , penicillin and streptomycin . the way . for . . execution at the and Bemidji 26. Becomes Mother J. B. Roerig Division—Manufactures vitamins, mineral supple- board's February 21 meeting of • Rochester had a morning read- yet started construction, Rob- ROBERT WOLTER wai matfer " became a ments and tranquilizers including Viterra , Bonadoxin and Atarax. contracts with Motorola Radio ing: of. 25 after a Thursday high A city "father ertson said. He said construc- of ceremonies at this community Back fo Mefal mother today, tion could start even before the "bout Chemical Division—Manufactures vitamins, bulk antibiotics, Communications & Electronics, •of 34 and La Crosse posted figures awards night, attended by a ¦ Mrs Gerald B. Masyga—one ~ court determined the value of Winona, citric acid and industrial chem icals.. . * .. .. . "." .' • ' Inc., and Fred Picha,. who'll re- ef 28 and 40 for the same times. . 200. Guests were from of the first two women e-ver tha land. Wabasha^ Plainview and Rochester Agricultural Division—Producers a line of antibiotic and vitamin sign from the police d epartment It was -3 and clear at Winnipeg, ¦ ¦ to serve on the City Council-- '-. The post office department hir- Jaycees. * . . ' fortified feed supplements. as radio . engineer to establish Canada. For Bike Plates Communications Service as a Mo- . gave birth to a baby "daughter ed appraisers who said the land Dflnald Schwartz, .Rochester, na- Morton-Withers Chemical Division—Manufactures additives for A freezing rain turned southern Bid openings for the purchase of the petroleum industry, polyesters for resins and other petro chem- torola subcontractor in charge of two automobiles for the police de- shortly after 7 a.m. today at was worth $33,800. However, tha tional Jaycee director, introduced WISCONSIN highways into a mo- City Council also hired apjpraisers Louis Park, who ical specialties. maintenance. torist's nightmare today. partment and ;a year's supply of Winona General Hospital. Bert Jones. St. The child — the Masygas who said the land was wdrtti spoke on "The Young Man's Chal- Pfiier International Subsidiaries—Manufactures and sells com- Picha ; Robert J. Mueller, Ro- . Hazardous driving conditions — bicycle license plates - metal? this sixth — weighed 8 pounds 1 more than $100,000. The depart- lenge.," At the age of 28 -he is pany products abroad, carrying on the largest foreign business of; chester, area sales manager for brought on by light rain and tem- time will be held Feb. 21 by the . any ethical drug company witli distribution in more than 100 for- Board of -Fire & Police Commis- / .ounce. , y iy- ment holds title to the site which the youngest state president. Motorola, and City A11 o r n e y peratures hovering near the freeze consists of all of the park except eign countries. V J ;? - ¦?; Mrs; Masyga, elected as The Rev. Luther Peterson , Faith . George * M. Robertson Jr! Thurs- ing mark—were the worst of the sioners. . an 80-foot-wide. During 1960 company-sponsored research expenditures totaled The two new squad cars will alderman-at-large last April, strip along Broad- Lutheran Church, gave the invoca- day met with the board to dis- winter. way. . . ' . .' tion. more than $13,4 million plus an additional $1.9 million received from cuss terms of the proposed agree- One: person was killed when the replace two now in service which had attended a Council com- antibiotic mittee meeting Wednesday : U.S. Investment is to construct the federal government for cancer research using Pfizer ments. : car in which he was riding was will be traded in. the building to government speci- filtrates. Pfizer is now conducting field trials of its newly developed evening at City Hall despite a involved in a collision with an- IN THE MATTER of bicycle fications and will own both the measles vaccine. THESE INCLUDE: other on ice-covered Highway 38 severe cold. . licenses, the board decided to go : told her building;and* .th-e site. The bid is FOR THE NINE months endjng Oct. 1, 1961, Pfizer net sales • One with Motorola to . pro- in Racine County. The victim was This morning she for an annual rental for ; a basic Fire Damages Increased 5.5 percent over the same period hi 1960. Total 1960 sales back to standard metal plates af- husband she hoped to be -out-. vide service arid parts replace- William Held, 30, of Racine. . ter experimenJing a year with a 20-year period. The . lease Can be were $269 million. All product categories except vitamins and citric? ment of police radio equipment Hundreds of schools in an area of the hospital in a day or two. renewed for a 10-year period plus acid reported gains. sticker-type license. However, she'll miss this aft- at a cost of $134.90 a month and south of a line from Dubuque, Savord four five-year periods.' Pfizer has been licensed by the U. S. Public Health Service to Chief of Police George 11. - ernoon's committee? meeting. Two Warehouses •similar service for the fire de- Iowa; through Beaver Dam and Thursday af- produce Types I and II of Sabin oral polio vaccine. The firm ' told commissioners Next committee meeting is THE $35,640 bid was for Hie partment's new cornmuhications Sheboygan were : closed ? as buses ternoon that the adhesive backed already produces Salk vaccine. installation for $62,20 a month. and cars failed to make headway Monday night. basic 20-year period. The rest of Pfizer arid chairman of the licenses hadn't .worked out aS well had the firm's bid follows: 10 years John E. McKeen is president of One with Picha for servicing on ice;COvered roads. ' The Masygas frankly , At Independence • as expected,: They re hard to keep ¦ ' $35,300 annually; first two five- -board. *, miscellaneous electrical, electron- been hoping for a son. His , (Spe- y ihe sales office and -distribution center is at SANDING efforts were held up en. the chief said , many are torn year periods. $35,000 annually; INDEPENDENCE Wis. nearest Pfizer ic and mechanical . equipment— j' name was to be Stephen. Now ) burned out the Pfizer products are manufactured in 20 foreign countries. iri some are-as because trucks were witch the owner affixes it to the third five-year period, $34,500 an- cial —A fire which . Chicago. such* ' it may be Stephanie. They warehouse as radar/ squad car flash- caught in traffic jams. In Dane frame and they can 't he seen as nually, and fourth five-year peri- interior of a two-story ing lights and sirens—and provid- now have five daughters and Lumber Co. County, it took an ambulance 40 well as the m etal plates. • ¦ ' ¦ (id. $34,200 annually. belonging to Sprecher ing personnel with.instruction and a son. , ' minutes to reach the scene of an Chief : Savord was authorized to \In its bid for the basic 20-year here Thursday afternoon caused Bishop Wa rns •training in use of the equipment January Is ' birthday month several thousand dollars of dam- auto accident. One ambulance went attend a conference on laboratory period . U.S. Investment said it -^ at a lee of $100 a month. at the Masygas, 1018 W. Waba- age, according to Lester Gunerh. Conrad-Inspired into a ditch. A second had trouble procedures and techniques for law would increase its basic rental by enforcement officers in Chicago sha St. Last night Mrs. Ma- Gunerh is operating the yard in Right-wingers • A contract for the lease to on the hills but finally made it. birthday party for 8 percent or decrease the rental Picha of testing equipment. Feb. 22-24 on invitation of the Aca- syga had a the absence of Manager Myron Ol- An Many schools in the Madison , who was 8 by 4 percent if the federal court SAN FRANCISCO (AP)-James appraisal of the equipment inven- demv of Forensic Sciences. daughter Paula respectively raised or son, who is vacationing in Florida. area were closed. Monday, and Kathleen who'll lowered Youth Aviation A. Pike , Episcopal bishop of Cal- tory indicated that its book price The letter inviting Savord to at- the post office's $33,800 appraisal. The fire also spread about six be 9 Saturday. Mrs. Masyga 's ifornia, warned Wednesday the would amount to 028. Mueller THE FREEZING rain started tend the conference said the invi- feet into the M. A. Wiemer & Co. $2, her hus- United Slates could end up like said its depreciated value would about 5:30 a.m. and spread slowly tation was extended in considera- birthday is Jan. 6, furniture store -warehouse, to the band's Jan. 7. west, causing. about $1,000 in dam- Group Organized Nazi. Germany if Americans suc- be around $1,400 and the board northward to cover most of the tion of the ch ief's "tremendous in- cumb to y increasing right-wing " in . Other children are: Laurie age, according to Leonard Kern, of the newly organized agreed to the lease for an annual southern area. terest and accomplishments Directors pressure to combat communism. 7fiui 7*Oct. 5, 1 year old; Jerry Mondovi Planning owner. Winona Aviation Foundation, Inc., fee to be paid by Picha of $142. Stalled cars . blocked Highways law enforcement. He also was authorized to ac- Lynn, Aug. 30, 4, and Tom, ¦ The fire started on the second held their first meeting Thursday In an address to the Federal This would represent a 10-year 16 and 30, two of the main ar- make a pre- July 22, 6. floor of the lar ge warehouse at the night at Max Conrad Field admin- Bar Association Bishop Pike said depreciation replacement figure. teries into Milwaukee, were block- cept an invitation to sentation on police training, com- Her husband is a quarry rear of the lumber company's Main istration building. that attacking our institutions is A bil) of sale of the parts ed at the rush hours this morning 48-Bed Hospital • pensation for police officers and foreman. Street office. Stanley Puchalla, em- The nonprofit corporation Is not a sound way to defeat com- inventory to Picha. The exact by stalled automobiles. MONDOVI, Wis. (Special)-The munism, He said such methods other matters at a meeting of the ployed at the yard, saw smoke seeking contributions to educate amount will be determined on the North of the Dubuque to She- board of directors of Buffalo destroy^ Germany. state Crime Commission in Ro- Me- emerging from the building at 2 youth in aviation , space explora- basis of the inventory on the day boygan line roads generally were morial Hospital approved prelim- clear today. The Superior region chester Feb, 3. p.m. ' tion and allied fields. The project "We've got to set forth a better the agreement is executed. inary plans, fnr the projected new had some light snow Thursday but Damage to tlie building is exten- stems from flier Max Conrad's Wi- way. The better way involves ON THAT DAY Inspector of Man Hospitalized; 48-bed hospital at a meeting Wed- PREVIOUSLY no other precipitation was report- sive, says Willie Smieia, fire chief , nona Experiment. Gifts ..already freedom, and the better way is , THE Board o-f Police Edward I,.* Hittner will re- nesday evening. but no estimate has been made be- have been received from persons not to spread suspicion , dissen- County Commissioners had ex- ed. present the department at a meet- Directors also authorized "' he John cause of the manager's absence. throughout the nation who have sion and distrust , said. pressed agreement with terms of The coldest spot in the nation ing of the po-vernor's traffic safety Police Checking Maguey, Minneapolis , architect, to Cement , ceiling tile, wood floor- bought phonograph records of Con- similar contracts for maintenance early today was Roosevelt , Utah committee in St. Paul. proceed with complete plans. good A ing, windows and doors were stored rad's songs or are otherwise inter- of county radio and electronic with 17 below. Fort Myers, Fla., Bills for the police department One man was listed in con- representative of Evcnsen & As- in the warehouse and are ruined ested iir the program. communications equipment. The set the national high of 81 Thurs- amounting to $1,094 *75 and for the dition today at Winona General soe Kites' , bonding firm, Minneap- by fire or water. Directors follow: Edwin 0. Eck- total county cost would be $117.40 day. fire department , $1156.91, were ap- Hospital after suffering facial olis, also reported. Myron , 500 Singers Set S. Bur- In the Wicmcr -Warehouse smoke ert president; Joseph F. Rhoder- a month. proved for payment. bruises and cuts , apparently in a ton of¦ -Burton & Associates wai mattresses , and water damaged ick; treasurer ; William F. White, Picha ha.s been servicing both ¦ fight with a youth . present. Otto Bollinger , hospital and springs, second vice president; Wayne S. city and county equipment with Robert K. Jones , 40, 2fi(. '<- W . manager , submitted the financial , Oratory Contest Cause of the fire is not Iknown lllmrich first vice president, and the city and county sharing in 4th St., head wrestling coach at report for December. 't be wir- , For St. Charles but Gunem says it couldn William A. Galewski, George M. the costs. , Winona State College , was taken top floor is not Slated at Blair ing because the Robertson Jr., Donald Bauer, Rob- ST. CHARLES, Minn. (SpeciaD- Robertson said that he'd hare Chatfield Woman to the hospital early this morning. wired. Firemen arrived at 2:10, ert Dunn and Kalph H. Rydrnan , The annual Hiawatha Valley Con- final drafts of the agreements BLAIR , Wis. ( SpcciaD-B 1 a i r Police said Spencer V. Mauss- had the fire under control in an ference vocal clinic will be. held ready for present atjon to the High School will be host to the ner, 19, who lives in an apartment Lake City School, , but stayed until 6. Two lum- rctary. hour Initial members of the corpora- Monday at St, Charles High board for signing at the February Trempealea u County American Remains in Coma in the same building ay Jones, ber company employes stayed at School . Some 500 students are ex- mectinR. called them at .12:011 a.m. today Damaged by Soot, tion are Bauer , Mrs. Ward Lucas, Legion oratorical contest Monday. Minn. (Special) - the yard all night. pected, from Stewartville, Plain- Contracts with both Picha CHATFIELD. and asked officers to come George E. Kelley, Eckert, Ray- nnd Entries from Gale-Ettrick , Os- The Chatfield wife of a Rochester . view, Kenyon, Cannon Falls; Zum- Motorola will run for one year Police found M.iussiier in his mond M. Wollum, Himrich , Dennis seo and Blair will compete. Blair dentist and mother of seven child- Opened to Pupils brota , Lake City, and Kasson- and be renewable at the end ef will be represented with :*n orig- apartment. Me* took tlu.-m next W. Dunne, Rhoderick , William P. ren remains in a coma nt St. LAKE CITY , Minn Mantorville. that period, They may be terini - inal memorized orati in by Rich- door to .lone-s' apartint'iit. Jones . — Jefferson Improper Handling Thewrer, Galewski, Harold E. Brie- Mary 's Hospital itfler iindeiW-in/* Elementary School reopened hera sath, Robertson, Rydman , White, * W. B. Berntsen , Northwestern natcd by cither party without ard Anderson , junior. surgery several times for a mas- seemed to be in poor cond it ion College, Minneapolis, will hear the cause on i)0 days notice. Anyone ime-*cst*;d may*,, ati-ini with facial injuries , police said , Thursday after being closed fol- Of License Causes D. B. Robinson and Ted Biesanz. ¦ sive skull fracture. lowing a furnace explosion Jan. ¦ students and offer suggestions. the, contest at 4:30 p.m. in the Mrs. John Norton fell from lhe ;so they look him lo the hospital . ¦ ¦ 17. Charge Dismissal Music teachers have been asked to Although Americans¦ are getting all-purpose room. cur driven l>y her husband Jnn. 13. Maussncr told police an alterca- keep their students in the school taller and heavier , hat manufac- Winner here will be in the 10th tion had taken place between him Hut only the classrooms wer« 5 Ettrick Youths They were enroiile lo Chatfield ready, cleaning soot and smoka Because a state driver 's license building. Lunch will be served in turers report that most people still District contest at Bay C-' v Wis J from Rochester when tiie car ap- and Jones , Police are continuing neglected to stamp a the cafeteria. Parents, teachers buy hats size 7.1* or smaller. Feb. 12. ' . I their investigation. film in the gym, library and of- examiner parently hit an icy spot. The im- fices is iii progress. woman's license application show- and visitors are invited . Maussncr is a student nt Winonn Escape Serious pact threw Mrs. Norton toward the Normal school ing she had passed the driving felementary and high school State . , operations will door and she fell onto the concrete ¦ lest the charge of driving without classes have been excused for the not be possible for 3-4 weeks, ac- , _ Injury in Crash bridge about three miles north of ,WH) n license was dismissed this morn- day. Some 3fi Americans live in cording to Superintendent D. D. Chatfield. Calgary, ' Kai'ow. A Rochester firm has ing in municipal court. ETTRICK . Wis. (Special) — Five Dr. Norton practiced here sever- Alberta , Canada . Calgary is the center of Canada 's oil in- seven men nnd four women --Mui)ioipal-Judgc.,S»-I_-J—Brjj ski Ettrick-youth-oscaped- sarious-inj- al years nlicr pnrchnsinz Die pi ac- work- ..iluslry...... ; ." .... .-. . ! ing... ._ .._._ _ ordered the charge against Mrs. jury when their car left Highway ticeT)r'flie'iyife 'Diy'T:: iT;'TTwiTy'.'"lRi' .. ... ,Ion It. Borjen , 22, 100 E. San- D at the south edge of village at later sold and moved his offices to horn St., dismissed. 10:39 p. m, Thursday and went Winona County Rochester. Mrs. Borgcn showed the court down into a field on the Albert In another accident James War- a receipt saying she had paid for Gunderson farm. tham escaped injury when a milk Notice to her license after passing the test. The car was reported to be pro- Firemen truck he was driving for Lester This entitles her to drive, even ceeding south and it veered to the Organize Novotny left a township road off though the license application was left just north of a bridge. The ve- ST. CHARLES, Minn. (Special) Highway 30 about lfi miles west of not stamped correctly, Judge Brus- hicle was badly damaged but the —Five of 13 volunteer fire depart- here nnd Uirncd over on its lop Winona and Goodview ki ruled. hoys received only scratches and ments in the county organized a The truck wns nnt damaged. She was arrested by police Wed- bruises and those attending school Wlnonn Counly Fire Fighters group Reportedly, the truck was crowd- nesday at 12:04 a.m. at Broad- are reported to lie back in classes at the fire hall here Wednesday ed Off the road by a car driven by Sunday NEWS Subscribers way and Lafayette street. today. night, j-fli/lh ,**, It U'.w en runic lo (.'hat- The youths were riding with flehjy'will) approximately no cans Del Rubbers, St* Charles, wns • Our city circulation department -will accept teU- Harold Olson, student at Ln Crosse elected president; Henry Lawrcnz, oKmilk. Nevtitny owns a fleet of State College. With him wer« Rob- Lewi ston , vice president; David trucks and s-emi, and hauls milk phon« calls from 8.30 to 10:00 a.m. Sunday for th« ert and John Beime, Patrick Cant- Nelson, Altura , secretary, and Har- for the Chntfield dairy plant. ¦ delivery of mining papers in- Winona and Good- lon and Dick Peterson. Robert is ry Ramer, Minnesota City, treasur- n student at Gale-Ettrick High er, , view. FOUND School and Peterson attends voca- In addition lo these departments, Durand Hosp ital Bars tional school in La Crosse . The Goodview also was represented , , Dictatorship In Runsla b»c«i_»« youths were believed to be licaded among the 30 attending. An execu- Visitors Because of Flu The Telephone Number of a oneparly system of gov for Peterson's borne in South Beav- , fif. Privmt this, a»l«**i_l tive board Mil consist of two mem- MJHAND. Wis 'Special i — Dur- trntn- er Creek, bers from each department (o Rf public in Preclncl c«ucu»**» ¦ , bo and physicians and ho.spilal offi- to Call Is Feb, 5. named by its home company, I-IKB FIGHTERS OFFIC ERS . . . Winona County Flre Fight- cials announced Thursday Hint St; The phone in one early phone An executive board mooting will ers officers arc, left to rimht , Harry Ramer , Minnesota City, Benedict's Nick, Charles D. Stephens is an English teacher. at. Jiand. "As far as they're-concerned, I'm not married." high school who not only is an excellent teacher tut who is lots DANCE "But ¦—-," I said. We were on a divan in her hotel. We were of fun. The last straggler into his classes . is required to pay a 'yi .yJOi . X'y i . :-y;y y talking — I was talking — about the AP story flatly about the "bachel- penny, and this goes into what he terms "the Charles D. Stephens orctte" saying she had been mar- Memorial fund."; When pressed for details of this fund he said it Gordy Boyum ried over two years to a Calif- was for a memorial to him to be erected atop Sugar Loaf some ornia studen t recently in the day. He added that? if the fund didn't reach $75,000 he'd just turn Old and New Time Music Army, Evan Harland Engber. it over to the American Field Service fund. Court Upholds "Oh. we don't have to go into So one bitter cold day during the Christinas vacation as RED MEN'S that.'" Yvette ..wa s „ bouncing Mike and Nick were climbing Sugar Loaf they noted a pile of rocks WIGWAM around, with one shoe off , looking that had been assembled by some former climbers and they at me? through those blonde tress- had the sudden inspiration to erect the much-lalked-of memorial State's Power es. "There are so many more in- to Mr. StephensV So they built a pyramid about 5 feet? tall and Sat./ Jam. 27 teresting things to talk about .• ' *." ." 2 or 3 feet wide at the base. She reeled off " some—her brisR Said Nick, "It was hard work fitting them together so they walk up Madison Aye.; her pic- wouldn't topple over fcut we finally got , the .Memorial looking ture "Light in the Piazza "; the pretty good. When school ' opened Mike and I presented Mr- On Reservation d possibility she might¦¦ do "Carnival" Stephens with a good big bill for getting his memorial; erecte : ST. PAUL (AP) . — The state of in pictures . ' .. . *.'. .' for him, but he said 'No dice. We didn't have a contract ;' So Minnesota hns the power to deal "Tell you what I thought would that's that. " . with crimes involving non-Indians be interesting.fS-iy.write about ," I You will be relieved to hear that fhe boys used ropes in DANCE committed within* - the lied Lake said. "How you : Kept your mar- VOICE of the OUTDOORS climbing to the peak of Sugar Loaf. The climb is icy and treach- Indian . Reservation , the Mi_rinesota riage secret for two years." erous and not recommended for winter. Supreme Court ruled today: "I just never talk about that,'* ALTURA This is trup, said the court , even Yvette said. This past week the telephon- mallard, 3 American widgeons, Jdiougb ttie land s involved were "I was beginning to notice that , " ing committee ' of our Hiawa- 1 hooded merganser ,. 3 ring- never''''formally ceded by the Chip- I saidr neck ducks, 2 Cooper 's hawks, TONIGHT pewa Indians to the United States. tha Valley Bird . Club has 4 redtail hawk-3, 1 red shoulder- It has been repeatedly held that YVETTE WAS whirling and been alerting members about ed hawk, 1 rough legged hawk, EMIL 0UEHTHER sovereignty or jurisdiction may be dangling some beads around in the great number of rare (for 2 bald eagles..2 pheasants, 4 acquired through conquest, explor- front of . me beginning to ? act Winona) Bohemian waxwiiigs coots, 6 jacksnipe, 45 mourning \______mmBm\BmmWmBmmBmMBMm\mMMMt ation , transfer or purchase, the pouty.; . thait have been haunting hack- doves, ,2. kingfishers, 2 pileated " " • "Bardot , Monroe and Elizabeth berry trees in the vicinity of ¦ ';' court added. : . V Taylor, she said , suddenly,, are woodpeckers, 18 red bellied " " the Lincoln School, McVey's woodpeckers, ? 16 red: headed This area came to the U.S. in. the three biggest stars—the three store and the foot of Winona the Louisiana Purchase. unhappiesi. Thfey ?might have had woodpeckers , I sapsucker, 23 Street. In past winters flocks of hairy woodpeckers, 17 downy The decision means that Rein- happiness it their private lives Cedar Waxwings have come hadn 't been spread before; the pub- woodpeckers, . 19 horned larks,¦ hard C. Hollbusen may be tried to these trees, but this is the 189 bluejays 30 crows, ' '¦ '. 'il DA^NGE on ia second degree . murder indict- lic for it to gossip and speculate. , ' first time, as far as is known , chickadees; !!, titmice; 27 white- Houston City Hall ment returned against hirn 'Vby . a "Those girls are selling their that flocks of the much larger Beltrami County grand jury in the personalities and not necessarily breasted riutlhatches, 1 red- Houston, Minn. ' and brighter ; Bohemian wax- breasted nuthatch, 6 ruby- beating death Nov. Zl. i960, of their fine acting. They're not the wings have camped here? The Palmer Anderson. type of actress I?hope to be? Most crowned kinglets, 1 northern birds have flocked on rooftops, shrike, 147 starlings, 1,150 Sat, Jan. 27 Holthusen has been in jail since of them are in and out of doc- telephone wires and trees in Dancing:9 to 1 tors ' and psychiatrists' offices and house sparrows, 176 red wind- shortly after Anderson'* death. the neighborhoods mentioned, ed blackbirds , 1 grackle, 148 Music by Gene Wuenseh'i marriages and God knows what sight to ROYAL MASTERS The Supreme Court upheld Dis- else! v and it's quite a see. cardinals, 3? evening .grosbeak , Irict Judge Arnold C. Forbes. The official Chrisfrnas Bird 8 goldfinch , 45 tree sparrows, Sponsored by tha Judge Forbes rejected Holthus- "YOU DON'T find happiness Count of our Winona bird club 31 juncoes, 3 white throated American Legion' en's contention : that the ? grand blindly. You haive to plan for it, has. been turned in to the Na- sparrow and 2 Oregon juncoes. jury .. .'could not indict him for any- You have to keep your private life tional Au dubon Society, which This makes an astonishing total thing that happened on the reser- private!" will publish . results from all of 2,281 birds recorded in the ^ ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ H vation and then referred the ques- ""Your idea is," I said , "if you over the country. Here is the space:of one winter day within tion to the Supreme Court as im- were to marry Eddie Fisher or grand total of birds seen on a 15 mile? circle around Wi- ' ¦ portant :and doubtful. Joe DiMaggio¦ , you'd just keep it Sunday, December 31 by our nona. Congratulations to our ¦¦ ¦ The Supreme Court accepted the a secret?" ' •? " club : 2 great . blue herons, 19 club for a nifty , jobV . S SUNDAY state argument that Minnesota /'Oh, you're",hopeless," said the acquired exclusive jurisdiction in little Californian. With a cheery Help-help-help! departmenf: has anyone; in the Winona area S the territory with respect to "Well , here's to the family, " I a record (Capitol records) of the Broadway musical production SPEC8AL S departed . More than anybody I've WeeKend prospects are wintering in new locations. The remainder either didn't of "Plain and Fancy'''? St. Mary 's College is? going to put on g crimes . involving non-Indians be- /Why, I . don't know. "? know or failed to guess right. at F0BD HOPKINS * cause no reservations about juris- interviewed, Yvette has that -Greta Two tig fishing;contests are on "Plain arid Fancy" in March , ;and : dramatic coach Brother Ray- diction were included when the .Garb© passion for privacy and, so this weekend's fishing calendar. In the; Chatfield- group on Bar- mond , is most anxious to borrow this record. It seems to be "out even Garbo's acting tal- Lake City's Chamber of Com- White urged anglers to brush up state was admitted to the union. I'm told;¦ ¦ lett Lake,; left to right are Jim on trout identification in order to of . print" and no longer available, so if anyone who owns the S COMPLETE ' '• '¦ '¦¦ ' ?¦ 5 ent. • . ' merce Iiolds the annual Lake Pep- Pettey, Richard , record "Plain and Fancy" is willing to lend it to -St. . "Mary 's Please, Yvette, I haven't gotten in event and the Badger State Pett*y Les Isen- avoid complications under the new see and Claude Smith. When Mer- 1962 regulation which allows the College will he please contact . Brother Raymond at the college? I DINNER over that Garbo interview I did Sportsmen's.Club at La Crosse in- A movie note: last month in Minneapolis when I missed my ____§ 5 ritt Kelley took the picture they taking of only : five rainbows: . Served¦ ¦:¦11 a.m.¦ -4:30¦ p.m.¦¦¦¦ ¦ma ¦ Machine Will 19 years ago YET. I remember It vites ice fishing contestants*to train and had a couple of hours to wait for a bus I dropped in at _m_ ¦ . '. -* ,. . : had a . '.few crappies. Another spot so well. ¦She¦ ¦ didn't tell me any- come to Goose Island Lak^"**/ Get a Permit the new Elvis Presley movie "Blue Hawaii," not expecting much. ¦ thing. * •• . •• drawing fishermen was the Min- H Roast Tom Turkey Do Homework . nesota City Boat Club harbor area, The Wisconsin Conservation It turned out to; be extremely pleasant and -as good as a trip EARL'S* PEARLS: Honesty is Abundance of prizes prevail to Hawaii. As , a rich-boy; tourist , guide Elvis, together with his PHILADELPHIA _ A at each of these contests. Lake Department is cracking down ft g or Ham Dinner « -the. best policy—but so few peo- singing beach boy cronies take .you on a marvelous tour of the ¦_[ Includes 8 generous bowl Of soup, ¦¦ dream is coming true for pupils City 's top p'rize is a runabout Looking out the office win- on the serving of game out fluffy whipped potatoes, glblet ¦ ¦ ple seem to be able to afford the islands. You see a night hukilau (net-fishing ) with its torches ¦ at Dobbins Technical High School best these; days. bpat. La Crosse has prizes dow now, for the first time of. season in restaurants, arid drosslng, tasty salad or vege- Hf*V in two or three weeks a group other establishments or clubs and ceremonial fire-sand dance, a luau , the lovely Haena coast ¦¦ table, homemade cloverlesf roll S ' —a machine to do.homework. TODAY'S BEST LAUGH: "I throughout the contest. , and butter, | H HB ¦ on the island of Kauai, the fabulous new Coco-Palms hotel on JJJ ^ ¦ Starling Feb. !, mathematics of cars are out on Lake Wi-* In fact, it's against the law H coffee and TF __C C S ' know one f ellow," writes Hugh Al- : ¦¦ , surf-board riding, a Hawaiian wedding to the chant of ¦ M¦ ' mm classes in the 12th grade—last nona ' 'ice from Walnut Street. . at any time. Here is the re- Kauai Ice cream tor ' . Wm len , "who'll never take a trip to Lake Pepin ice between the pier "Ke-Kali-Nei-Au " which is the world's tear-jerkingest wedding ¦ dessert. All ¦ ¦ -J mt year of high school—will he intro- the moon. He's so cheap, he won't and harbor at Lake City is near- We don 't know whether they sults dished . out to one tavern ¦¦ for only - . -M' aw' . ' song. The story is a bit schmaltzy, but it doesn't get in the J ¦ duced to computer technology. .It go anywhere out of town unless ly 20 inches. This is the site ' of are getting crapp ies or not. operator who provided a moose Children's Dinners .....Me M way of the gorgeously colorful scenery, and the pleasant people. B ¦ is part of an experimental course he can stay with relatives." the contest. Holes will be drilled Where they are fishing wa^ a feed for his friends. The moose - ¦ Other ¦ Dinner Selections en • ' Our Menu .. in electrical computer control of WISH I'D SAID THAT: Jesse and the fishing area clearly mark: hot spot last year. came legally from Canada. H • • S * ¦- industrial processes. Kaplan claims he's figured out cd. It opens at i:30 p.m. and runs TOUR AT WHITEHALL B BOOTH and TABLE 5 ,' Regardless of whether the fish Wisconsin Statutes prohibit the A special language called For- what, the younger generation is to 4 p.m. Lake Pepin , of course , Arcadia Company ( B SERVICE M L ' are hitting or not, the present mild serving of wild game even though BLAIR . Wis. Special)—Forty- tran (that' s formula translation coming — it's coming to Dad for is boundary waters in which res- four students from the city ele- compressed into one word ) is used ihe keys to the car. idents of Minnesota or Wisconsin weather is going to help oxygen animals involved have been legal- Renames Officers . conditions. There is melting . snow ly acquired during open seasons mentary eighth grade and their in the process. Fortran is a hand- Toots Shory'abserit from his res- may fish with their home state teachers, Mrs. Irvin Mall um and ¦ l aijiiyyu-diJikKi written instruction so -devjvised.,q_3iat taurant with virus, got a wire license. and some runoff. But the mild with proper licenses, the conserva- ARCADIA , Wis. (Special) — All weather is going to attract the tion department reminded restaur- Kobert Johnson and Frank Kaz- mlBiBmmSLaWB it can be transformed into a for- fro m Jackie Gleason : "Something officers of the W. P. Massuerc , mula. The formula is punched into crowd of the winter if the pres- ants and other food serving bus- mierczak elementary supervis- ? Service Store —J. B. Slchler, __ you ate there, no doubt!" That's We have not received any Co., Inc., were re-elected at the or, visited the Trempealeau Coun- ¦ Owner. atr H cards and the cards fed intoMhe earl., brother. ent weather prevails Saturday arid inesses today. report on whether they are Sunday. This mob will find a lot annual, meeting Tuesday night. ty courthouse at Whitehall. computer. The result is the cor- ;fish in this area. IlIlDBllllllH rect solution, typed nut . -electroni- catching of new "hot" spots. , The law applies to animals They are: President, Emil Ro- Ther-C has been a colony of taken either inside or outside cally. Mondovi Open Mouse tering; vice president, Morris Eng- fishing shacks located there Dumb Fishermen the state , whether native to MONDOVI , Wis; (Special)—Open month' lish and secretary-treasurer, Mrs, ARCADIA SEAL SALE house will be held at Mondovi for the past . In tbe Most river fishermen will Wisconsin or"hot. It also ap- ARCADIA , Wis. (Special)—Wil- Public Schools Monday from 7 to summer this is a panfish and agree with the following re- plies to most animals acquired Margaret Wenger. Directors are lard B. Gautscli, chairman of the 9 p.m. Parents were urged white bnss area. Last winter through legal commercial Dr. W. E. English , John Hoh- the Snack Sho to during the contest in the same lease from the Wisconsin Con- p Christmas Seal sale here , has an- come to the conference prepared servation Department that channels. mann, Gile Herrick and Bernard Corner Third and Main Phone 7411 nounced that sales amounted to to discuss their child' s progress location some sandpike were trout fishermen can't tell one $510.98 compared with $392.82 in caugiht. The need for the reminder was Fernholz. in school. Refreshments will be trout from another. pointed recently 1960 and $427.90 in 1959. Only one served in the lunch room. up when a Wis- Holding of the company include SUNDAY SPECIAL other time did net proceeds ex- Outs ido of contest fishing, con- consin tavern operator was fined LEG 0' LAMB, BAKED HAM or ROAST CHICKEN Some 17 percent of Wisconsin 's the store building, known as the with dressing, cranberry ceed this year's. That was in 1958 BLAIR SPEECH ACTIVITIES ditions look a bit more favorable $100 plus court costs of. $46.10 aft- Massuere Shopping Center , and sauce, mashed potatoes &m_\ rgi trou t fishermen can 't tell one spe- er being found guilty by a jury and gravy, vegetable, salad , home-made rolls , «|> f *J\J when the sales «wcrc $51 7.56. Stu- BLAIR , Wis. (Speciall-Earl J. for the weekend. Groups like the cics_ {rom another , according to some land in the city. The Shop- dents in business Brekke , forensic coach nt Blair one pictured above from Chatfield of serving moose meat to his cus- soup or juice, beverage, home-made pie or ice I courses directed resi*p!s of a conservation depart- ping Center departments are own- cream, . ' m by Mrs, John Killian assisted. llii'ii School, has announced that are becoming common to the Big tomers. ed as follows: Grocery, Arcadia going home with crap- ment survey conducted on three students arc beginning their for- River and streams. Cooperati\e ; wearing apparel , Serving 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. ARCADIA PATIENT cn.sic activities week, pics, Sunfisli mid perch have been Some exceptions to the pro- this Brekke hibition may be made at the shoes and dry goods, Gile Her- ARCADIA , W i s. (Special>-~ will conduct a series of classes to hitting in some areas. The study. t,ook. place on Gcorge Kreibich ¦ discretion of fhe Conservation rick's Skogmo Store ; hardware, TRY A DELICIOUS PIKE DINNER TONIGHTI . is a patient nt St. teach speech construction and de- Black E-irth and Mt. Vernon Ed Howard 's Gamble Store, and Francis Hospital , La Crosse. . livery. Commission. Permits authoriz- Serving til 8 p.m. S "Pish don 't seem to lie creeks in Dane County and ing the serving of game arc variety, LeRoy Woychik's Ben where thoy hnve been other Big Roche a Cri in Adams Franklin Store. - , , usually issued upon application '' Mat. 7:15~2S County warden , said , summing were asked by Biologist Ray ¦Jl » m M:05-J5*tt<.85* other nonprofit organizations. mUllUATMONDAY !tJL'• W 1 I "Z * up. the fishing situation. "But White to identify fish in their FH I B Con.. Son. ..OO p.m. wheji fishermen locate where creel as either brook , brown FIRES NEAR ARCADIA they are, tliey bite just the or rainbow trout. About 8:i ARCADIA, Wis, (Special) - The sam e as othor years. They perceiU gnve the right answer, Arcadia volunteer fi re department answerd a call to the Melvin H. THRU Hnlseth home, Holcomb Coulee, IffYTHKTflHBf M n w r SATURDAY Tuesday at 7:30 a.m. Fire was Ln ¦ '¦ V MiMw4___//l' BtJ__ BEm!mmWmtmmMJ Saturday Matinoe at 2:15 p.m. the walls and ceiling around the chimney of the house but was un- THE WORID'S KOOKIEST CUPID IN THE der control when the firemen ar- ROMANTIC COMEDY OF THE YEAR1 rived. Tlioy nlso recently extin- guished a chimney flre in the John \t)UaHEART WILL SIGH... and Phillip 's residence on the William Eckel farm southwest of Arcadia. ______E3S*B**\mtSs*^^7£fa SCREAM WITH LAUGHTER _ ^S _ _ \ 31_JP \_\ WB KB Bf Bmrn ^Si\\ *\\\ \- *9_ ^_ \\ __ \_\_\_\\_W_m\_ \\\____tS ^ ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ k \*************\*BBmm ^A\mmmm ^-m *a *m * THERUsmww - -..TEAMSTfiRSi . § — lOT flfNOTiii iuttt fM 'iMiMnr * mjBmyijm ' a 5&^!^^^8Mttp^BBBB^B^ DANCE ______^__agS& \~*?~ *^ ^^^H^PJ2^^^?._^^^^______B_^^__WJ fl/t ((S6^!^SS ^_BI^___39^______H SKWWI^^®^ SATURDAY Nllt JOHNQXWN ^ TEAMSTERS CLUB M«ml)«r« ^^^ 208 Eait Third St. Music by Emil Noumann and Kit Swlsi GlrU Orchtitra BtU£MiAWAU '1%W Wl ^m_\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\_4 ^___ ^__fX^t**mm^^m\mm*^^ ffjgEgBH^^^ BSf ¦ ' ' X) ¦ Also: COLOR CARTOON . BaammBMBamBty -;, L 'im, .1 i-jePRY Lewfe > DANCE <^m j£. *%& [ ______l E ^___Hif__ ___i\ _A __ 5IIQWII 7i1. - *HI*-Mc-Mc-7lc — Uturlay Matinee »t iill—Hc Mc-Mc I SATURDAY NITE ^__^^^^^^^ IHA^w_8B^i \ wisiX" &_\ *\ i' \ Vi4____^______l___B__^^_^H * z2&BwK%£§£ We(ummmiioii ERRaNDv , f .j_KFi A. / j ^,,^ | *v THE GREATEST AlR ADVENTURE EVER TOLD ... ^^^^^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^MB^_^_^_^_^_^_^M-ma\mmm ^ **""***' \\_ ^Q_*______\_\vi ' ( ) J I______.______HR______r V UU ___>I K__!^SCfiSH______HKSa_a^_i ' ' mm&iwi BSSRO^ -J *Tmtwm\t Mouvv/ooD M i^fti^> : ACTUAli EAGLES B B B_m_m B MBff *X, __&SgS______^_^__^_\ i uJ¥/' ^w ** rT© *$^ r ^ef ^MMJLW^y . j |4r __^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^__ __^_ ^_\^_^_^_^_ \ tS _i^V ¦WJ '^_^ !' :-¦' . - " ' DOAH > ^*^W^IIIR___¦ Ks&' |i*%j:t y'' W**L?t>1Mlm.. \ ¦_¦_fain?/ . ^ -__h"'V Vl7 IrJli I fE 77 ^¦^ ^^^^ -' : ~ ' ' ¦ m^ammB wMMMv # V&fUkL^^mm BK~ A «A ,T ft SPITPI'V BmVmm BB BV\ STARTS$u mTmW\ Th . RmmlO 0V,| Ship That ^ Nr , ^*— r^ I BAND" 1 _, Choll*in-j«dOul« 8-paoe.! ^¥ ^*m \ IHE OtD CROW DISTILLERV CO.. fftANKFOfir . KY. . KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY. 86 PROOF Ettrick Church Church Steep le M. Matthew's Budget $103,480; 250 at 3 -Councils Changes Name Making Comeback By JULES LOH porting structures no longer nec- Council Elected Knights Metfing ' AP Staff Writer essary. . * A budget of 8103,480 was approv- lo Living Hope The church steeple immortal- Before these new materials ap-j INDEPENDENCE , Wis. (Spe-. 'l Fourth degree knights fr-om La ^ ed for 1962 at the recessed annual ETTRICK, Wis. (Special)—Et- ized by pen and brush as a sym- peared. however, congregations cial '-—Lawrence Garitty, state ad- . Crosse, Whitehall and Indepen- trick Lutheran congregation adopt- bol of that old time religion, is often had to sacrifice aesthetic meeting of St. Matthew 's Luther- vocale, Knights of Columbus , de- ' dence formed the honor guard- . ed the name Living Hope Lti ther- making a comeback in America. considerations to expanding budg- an Church Monday evening. fined Columbianism at a rally of I The senior choir sang under tha an Church Monday at the' annual According to a leading steeple et heeds. Of the total , $3,601 will be spent K. of C. councils from Arcadia , direction of Mrs. Joseph Kuka , ac- maker^ , ^use'-of spi t es on the na- ; Exefept for duplications of . Whitehall and Independence Sun- companied by Mrs. Regina Rein- meeting. * on interest • and repayment, of The name was selected from I tion 's churches has increased 40 original ; steeples, contemporary day. About 230 attended , hold. ' organist. per cent in five years, churches ( some call them mod- debts. The treasurer's report in- Peter 1:3, "Blessed, be the God the past Garitty also spoke on the signi- ; Following a dinner at the high and they are being used more ern) have spires bearing little re- dicated $23,915 was paid off on the school at npon , Father Tice, mas- and Father of our Lord Jesus. By church school debt during 1961, (icancc of the third degree and j his great mercy we have been widely today than at any time semblance to the old-fashioned ter of ceremonies, introduced Dis- ,' square structures of colonial days. its emblem and pin. | : born anew to a living hope, since the days of Currier¦ and A SPECIAL Lenten s«H-donial trict Deputy Y.A Quillan and Mrs. Ives. . ..? ' V. V .; V The Very , Rev. Joseph Andrze- j Quilian, La Crosse;; the Rev . An- through the resurrection of Jesus St. Francis of Assisi Catholic offering will be divided equally be. jewski , dean of St. Stanislaus j Christ from the dead." One reason is because many general fund of the con- thony Wagner, chaplain at St . Jo- churches have had renovation ex- Church in Weston, Conn., for ex- tween the Catholic Church , Arcadia. , spoke • ' -':¦ A new constitution, prepared by ample, has a broad-based spire gregations and missions, it was seph's hospital , Arcadia; the Rev.. BAPTISM OF CHRIST . .,. This scene from the color film periences like that of the First on "The Mother Church and True [ Donald Theisen. pastor of S» . series, "Life of Christ, shows Jesus after his baptism by John , Clayton Olson, E_ O. Runnestrand , made if glass and located above decided , Columbianism? " i " and N, C; Presbyterian Church of Milton The congregation will apply John 's church , Whitehall ; Father Twesme, also was Pa. *?: ' y ¦: ' XL " the altar. The bell tower of St. the Baptist. The series of 12 films will be shown at St. John adopted. . - Peter's Lutheran Church of Nbr- again for a vicar , the Rev. A. L. The rally began with a solemn Zoromski, chancellor of the local Lutheran Church, Alma , at 7 and 8:30 p.m. for the next six is an open structure Mennicke said. David Witte is pre- high Mass at 11 a.m! with the council; Father Andrzejewski; Fa- For year* tha towar of this ven- vvalk, Conn., , Sundays and at the sarfte times for six Wednesdays after that. A BUDGET totaling $17,650 was erable church, built during the of vertical and horizontal beams sently serving as vicar. Rev. Herbert Zoromski Indepen- ther Klimek, Ss. Peter and Paul approved. The sum of $300 was 1850's, stood truncated. Its 57-foot with the bells exposed to view. Five council members will be dence, as celebrant; Fathor An- church , Independence; Garitty; vo>ted for the Bethany Hom e foi wood and slate spire had been Christ Lutheran Church of Carey. installed Sunday during the-10:45 drzejevvski as deacon and the Rev, LaVerne Sonsalla, grand knight , the Aged, La Crosse; $250, Luther- ' Edmund, Klimek , Independence as Arcadia ' Council: Quinn Risberg, damaged by a storm years ago, Ohio, has a 66-foot needle like a.m. worship service, They are : an Welfare; $250 for Luther Park removed as a hazard, and for a spire visible for miles across the Donald Skeels, Harlan Hatfield , sub-deacon. The Rev. Leon Tice, l g'rtnd . knight . \Vhitnhall * Council , Installation Held Films on Christ Bible Cattip, Chetek. Wis.; $200, variety? replaced. flat countryside. And the Church ©tval Hilke, Kenneth Spittler and ¦Wisconsin- Ilapids , delivered the and Ernest BricJcner, grand knight , audio-visual aid library ; $2,700, of reasons never Recently a crew of engineers, of the Brethren in Huntington , Ronald Gernes; They replace". Jo- sermon. | local council. American Lutheran Church; $163, working from a yellowed , photo- Ind., has a simple five and a half seph Murtinger, Oscar Swenson. At Fountain City northern Wisconsin district Luther- graph of the old church, dupli- foot spire topped by a 5 foot 10 Eugene Czaplewski and Lorenz Slated at Alma an student work, and $125, cated the original spire in alumi- inch cross. Hommft Home for Boys, Witten- Russert. Hatfield was re-elected. ALMA, Wis.^-The first of a num, prefabricated it in a modern berg, Wis., making a total . tor iilant , trucked it to the church H. W. Weha Jr., executive vice HARLEY GREENWOOD was series of 12 color films en t itled world missions of $3,543. president «f Overly Manufacturing To Hire Director "The Living Christ" will be pre- and hoisted it atop the tower. elected to fill the unexpired term Co., whose spires adorn churches , ' FOUNTAIN CITY, Wis. (Spe- sented at St. John Lutheran Church The sum of $4,000 will go into Grace Methodist Church of Wil- of Lorin Kilstofte who has mov- ) the parish building fund and $2,- mington,' Del., similarly replaced of nearly every denomination in ed out of town. Head ushers will cial —Norman Ratz and Laverne here beginning Sunday. Each film parts of the country, says there Putz were installed as members of ¦will be shown at 7 and 8:30? p.m. 386 for the church home. The pas-^ its original twin spires, built in all be Arnold Michaels and Earl ' toral ministry, including the pen- 1866, with aluminum structures are both geographical and denom- Reese- Get Gtmmo Michael's Evangelical Lets St. . Luther- After the first six weeks, the inational preferences for spires. an Church council Sunday; follow- sion plan, parsonage and other ex- towering 20 stories above the Pastor Wernicke's report indi- films will be shown on a. different penses, will receive $6,121. ' ¦ Surprisingly, the colonial type \ "V A. f. SHIRA { ing their re-election earlier, night, Wednesday, at the same ground. -. . ' cated church attendance had in- Gordon Bahnub was elected a spire,'a hallmark of old New Eng- creased 7.8 percent over 1960. Day Of The Year Reuben Suhr , member of the times. , largest market "^ha Seasons - board of education^ also was re- trustee to . serve with ? Newmen Lightweight, versatilt m at a 11 land, now has its School Principal Waldernar Nolle The series, produced by Ca- many of tliem developed or per- in the South. New England church AVliile winter has been with us with all of its severity, let us. take elected. Westlie and Walter Nelsestuen. reported 165 children attending the , thedral Films, has been described Mrs: Ingvald Jorgenison was elect- fected since World War II , have builders today install as many school. a little time out consider the seasons as they pass and what they of- During 1961 the congregation con- complete depiction temporary, spires as colonial. fer the gardener. tributed more than $25,000 to the as "The most ed secretary and Cletus Casey, made heavy and expensive sup- con The congregation voted to invite of the life of Christ ever .filmed." . First , we might say that all Nature takes full advantage of . the . work of the church at home and treasurer.; North West Lutheran College of recuperate the strength and vigor , for The series already lias been Wisconsin to send its male chorus winter to . the growing seasons abroad. A budget for an . equal shown at Whitehall and will be Other officers are : Wayne Eriek- ahead. While most of the plants are dormant arid apparently lifeless, amount has been proposed for son , president; Mrs. Robert Ofs- WSC Religion Week here May 20. '-have ¦1962. ¦; '¦ ¦ ¦ ' seen in other area communities in others such as the spring bulbs . established a vital root system v -^- - V * ' * ' the future.. . dahl , financial secretary; Myron during the cold period in : order that they may make a quick start in The .voters approved calling a Johnson , Alvin Tranberg and Os- the spring before the frost is bare- fulltime director of music and ed- The public is invited to attend car Strand , deacons, and members the:. free films. An offering will Caledonia Parish ly; out of the ground. And as we hope nurtured in the garden of ucation .: of a ^newly organized board of fi- shiver under our heavy winter Reports indicated Communion be received to defray tlie cost of nance will be Jennings Johnson , National Newman the heart can grow and fl ower , renting the f ilms. Pastor Installed wrappings, they will soon prepare only with the betieficient end heal- participation for the yea?r had in- to serve three years; Robert Ofs- to shed their protective garments creased. ;A total of 27 joined the Schedule: dahl, two, and Victor FolkedahL "( ing alchemy- of tears. ' : ¦ '" ¦ ' CALEDONIA , Minn. Special) - at the first breath of spring. Life congregation , with ; 14 children and Sundays—Jan. 28," "Holy Night" ; one. -—--J-^ ' - Autumn; taking its place in the "Escape to Egypt" The Rev. Thaddeus Derezinski was brings many disciplines and, per- -4. adults being confirmed and 9 Feb. 4, ; Feb. Chaplain to Spea k installed as pastor of-St. Johns the , parad e of the seasons, seems loath U, "Boyhood and Baptism" ; Feb. AUDITORS WILL be Clayton haps for our own benefit winter persons being transferred. Baptist Catholic Church last Fri- just to replace the glories oi summer 18, "Men of the Wilderness "; Feb. Casey, . Kenneth Truax and James Catholics-Protestants; Points of ana State University, is the na- serves as one of the tests with beauty of her own. She Thompson ; nominating committee, day by: the Very Rev. A. E. Frisch, as it does for plants. 25, "Challenge of Faith ," and Unity-Points of Difference" will tional Newman Club chaplain . 's here. blends the gloriou s mums and the March 4, "Discipleship. " Arnold Olson, Henry Knutson and among pastor of St. Peter parish The magnolia tree in Woodlawn be the subject of the keynote Greater understanding first V coloring of the foliage so Wednesdays—March 7, Return Ernest Twesme; head usher , E. the denominations represented on Father Derezinski was transfer- Cemetery is literally covered- with subtly with the late summer flow- Central Church to Nazareth" ; :March 14, "Con- O. Runnestrand , and Mrs, Gordon speech by the Rt. Rev. Msgr. Alex- the- WSC campus and increased red from Sl. Ignatius Church, Spr- large pointed buds encased in the ers that their beauty is ijbt* entire*, flict" ;. March 21, "Fate of John Bahnub, Sunday school superin- ander Sigur Monday at 7:30 p.m., knowledge of what is being done ing Valley, to be pastor here. silvery coverings that protect the ly lost in her robes of grandeur tendent. Ben Eriekson wil l serve The former pastor , the Rev. S. the Baptist" ; March 28, "Retreat in Somsen auditorium, on the Wi- on national and international lev- delicate tissues from the cold win- that, in their turn will soon fade on the Bethany Home commission. P. Weir, was transferred to St. Ig- txv blasts; Developed during the and Decision ";,Apri l 4, "Triumph College campus. els toward cooperation among dif- away. Renames Brandt and Defeat ," , and April 11, "Cru- Kenneth Truax and Oscar Strand nona State ferent denominations are the aims natius. • " cold weather these buds are; just cifixion arid Resurrection ." •will be delegate and alternate to The speech will be the keynote of Religious Emphasis Week. It's awaiting the warmth of spring to THE BRILLIANTLY colored A. F.; Brandt was re-elected Lutheran Welfare. Harvey Olson address for . Religious Emphasis theme is "Religion 1962." , open to their full beauty. The lilac leaves in red and gold turn to a president bf Central Lutheran con- is custodian , Mrs. Sara . M_yrlarid, Week Monday through Thursday at Pepin Homernakers buds will soon be swelling and the dull brown and shower down un- " ¦' Tuesday afternoon M sgr. . Sigur gregation at the annual meeting organist : Mrs. Vivien Pederson, WSC ? " , will meet with the faculty and min- branches of pussy willows , forsy- der the force of heavy winds and choir accompanist; and Clayton ic Property; Wednesday¦ night. Msgr. Sigur, who is from Louisi- isterial advisers of the religious Top thia and other , flowering shrubs cold driving rains as though Other , officers elected include Olson , ', phoir,' . director. The Rev. ' 'spring to life when mourning for the faded s Retreats Slated clubs to discuss religion on the and trees will ¦ flower Dr. M. 6. Wedul, vice president; Mark M. Ronning directs the ju- state college campus. Meet Wednesday placed in writer indoors. " which they cover as with a dark Les er 0. Peterson , treasurer; Rus- nior choir. 0f"T_ Dr. Mario Collacci ,. Augsburg prop- mantle sorn5W. In : turn , tho sell Herbert*, secretary; Ray Wol- Church building committee is DURAND . Wis.—Types of SPRING FOLLOWS on the heels snows blanket the landseape as we Bethlehem Church College and Theological Seminary, erty and ways of owning it will be lnrh and Parrell Hoffman , trustees comprised of Victor Fr>lkedahl, , will speak Tuesday of winter and our first delights are agaiiv enter the rigors of a winter for three years, and Bernard Mat- For Laywomen Minneapolis discussed at the Pepin County more of a sensation than a reali- Mrs. Hiram Mahlum , Mrs. Jen- at 7 p.rni. to the Protestant group season. son and Willis? Tulare, deacons for ¦ The ; Sisters , of St. Francis have nings Johnson , Alvin Hogden, Ken- homernakers leader training meet- zation a? we drink in the soft three years. on the hope of religious unity. The ing at the courthouse here Wed? balmy air with an assurance that . Thus, the beauties of spring, the announced a series of five re- neth Truax , N. C? Twesme, E. O. Elects, Approves Newman Club will have a. Day of colorful days of summer, the bar Holdover: officers include four treats lor lay women to . be held Runnestrand, John Terpening, nesday at 1 p;m. j the lenthcning days will bring forth trustees A. R. Keiper,- Jolin Recollection with Msgr. Sigur. Louise Young, extension econo- vests of autumn and the white cold , at Assissi Heights j . the Rochester Clayton Qlson and Arthur Runne- Wednesday s program \v;ill be an l the garden activities anticipated by j Ekelund, Lawrence Santelman and motherhouge, during the 1962 Len- presided at ' mist in home management? from all. . of winter parade before us in strand . Arnold Olson interdenominational panel discus- , will repeated succession of hope ana Argan Johnson, and four deacons. ten season , the meeting. $277,500 Budget the University of Wisconsin . Of the four seasons , spring, no -v I nn r> fll c nn (Special)— sion on religious unity in 1962. present ' the project training on fruitfulness. The retreat schedule follows: LANESBORO, Minn. "A Light Along the Way" a film doubt , is the most favored one, Glen Fuglsby, A. March 9-11, older mothers and American Lutheran Church Wo- The congregation of Bethlehem property ownership and transfer. for the early flowers, the budding men officers are: Mrs. Sara Myr- on World University Service proj- The meeting has been set to an- ' ,. Nelson a n d homernakers, the Rev. Mark Heg- Lutheran Church approved a budg- ' trees, the greening grass and the Kenneth Tepe. ener O.F.M., Chicago, retreat land, president; Mrs. Dominik Bla- the an- ects will be shown Thursday swer many of the questions con- Coqrse at Chatfield , et of $27,500 for 1962 at night. An auction of faculty, stu- property and returning birdjr give the~ greatest Retiring as dea- master; March 16-18, young moth- ha, vice president; Mrs. Doris haul meeting. . '. **-.' .'cepning. transfer of uplift to the spirit. 'Ss *time goes Farnam, secretary; Mrs. N. C. dent and merchant donations the ways of doing it. . CHATFIELD, "Minn. (Special)-* cons are Th.o r ers and homernakers, the Rev. Wil- New officers: Darryl Northonse , on most of us seem to reap a ! Winona State College will offer an Romstad and Du- liam J, Doran, S. J., Prairie du Twesme, treasurer and h istorian; Stanley Benson , will be held for the benefit of this .At. Tuesday 's meeting, June 12 : ' chairman; Mrs. '.¦ county fair share of earthly blessings off-campus class at Chatfield High ane Boyum; as Chien, Wis,; March 23-25, girls Mrs. Cletus Casey, educational secretary; ;¦ K 'e i t h burmeister, fund-raising organization dedicat- was set as the day for the secretary ; Mrs. Kenneth Truax , ed/-16 aiding students and pro- ' achievement pro: along, of course , with some ? of School beginning next Thursday at trustee. Frederick 16.-20, the Rev. Albert T. Perrizo, treasurer; Howard Ruen , deacon , homernakers life's disappointments . and sor- Schilling, and as stewardship secretary, aaid Miss fessors around the .world. gram. Mrs. Alfred Weiss Jr. is 6 p.m. Dr.* Beeres will teach Crim- Wilmont, Minn.; March 30-April and Gordon Peterson and Edward rows, and the unfolding beauties inology 415, a four-credit course, secretary,. L. E . j, unmarried employed women, Lucille Pederson, librarian. Redalen Sr., trustees. The congre- Anita Peterson, Trimont , is gen- chairman. eral chairman of this event. Oth- of spring comprise one of our most The tuition is $30 plus textbook. Wiggins. the Rey. Robert Boucher , C.SS.R., Luther L«agu« officers are Car- gation ha*/ 900 members. rewaiding experiences, Various organi- Oconomowoc , Wis., and April 6-8, olyn Severson , president ; Sonja Improvements made the past er members on the committee arc: The class will be in session 14 ¦; ¦ Rose . Atkin, Faribault;, Marlene IHowers that are most inspira- weeks, . zauons presenieu general women's retreat; Father Hogden , vice president; Marilyn yea r were tarring the parking, lot Employe Retiring tional in the early spring are the Brfandt reports and high- Boucher. Knutson , secretary; and Kay Tru- and building a retaining wall in Miller , Elkton ; Scott Baudhuin , L ' s activities Winona ; Peter Tabor , Spring Val- universal love of -all. They root WIKOTA PATIENT lights of the past year ' . All retreats open Friday eve- ax, treasurer. Mrs. Ronning, wife front of the church. At Swift Plant deeply in the rich^ soil, as well Dr . L, E. Brynestad and the nings and close Sunday at 3 p.m. of the pastor, is adviser. Alvin Peterson was elected dea- ley ; Bruce Blumentritt , Winona; WITOKA, Miniv (Special)—Port- , assist- James Blahnik , Austin; Marilyn as in the garden of the heart , cul- er Hanson, a patient at Lutheran Rev. Thomas Herbranson Silence is observed from the open- Mrs. Hiram Mahlum is adviser con at Union Prairie Lutheran Frank Budhick . . 1012 E. King St., tured by the devotion and care ant pastor , serve? the church. ing exercises until the close of the to the Junior Lutherans. Church at the annual meeting? Balzum, Stewartville; Ramona will retire Feb, 1 from-the Swift Hospital, La Crosse, 10 days, still Childs, Welch; Jo Rheingans, El- of loving hands and speak to the is undergoing tests and medical retreat. Religious exercises will be Leland Hall and Arthur Ktilsrud & Co. plant after soul in a language of their own. held daily. During each retreat were named trustees; H. O. Store- gin , and James Vinar , Minneapo- more than 29 care preparatory for surgery, Movie at Weaver , Bennet Rukke, lis. Joseph Emanuel is adviser , years' I nine group conferences on religious lee, secretary and service. SUMMER MAY bring a greater DRESBACH CHA RMAN subjects will be given by the re- treasurer. Membership totals All the evening events are open lie joined t he abundance and vatiety of flowers , WEAVER . Minn. rSpecial)-A Zion Lutherans about 250. The Rev. Leon Holtan to the public/There will be no ad- firm Oct. 19, 1932. DRESBACH. Mina. (SpeciaD- treat master. but surely not more lovely, even Mrs, Elroy Nissalke has been ap- film strip, "Getting Ready for the The first retreat for laywomen serves both churches. mission charge. in the dressing Countdown ," will be shown Satur- though the year is in its greatest pointed chairman of the Heart ¦ was held at the new motherhoiise department . Bud- season of bloom. The blossoms of day at 7:30 p.m. at the meeting lilSG. nick is married , Fund drive here. p in Rochester in November Install Officers summer arc not produced entirely of Ihe Methodist Youth fellowshi Prior lo the 19(i2 Lenten season 50 has five children of Kellogg and Weaver. Matthews to Sing by the fertility of the soil , the MUSIC MOTHERS BAKE SALE ¦ re.rcats for laywomen . attended GALESVILLE, Wis. 'Special- land ).> grandchil- gardener's activities and the MONDOVI , Wis. (Special >—The ,314 , will have been an- Hart Lutherans dren and is a PILOT .MOUND SKATERS bv 4 retretants Officers elected at the recent Here February 4 warmth of the sun. If it were not Mondovi Music Mothers will spon- held. nual meeting of Zion Lutheran j mem ber of St. LANESBORO. Minn (Special'— for the benediction of the rain , no sor a bake sale at the Mondovi . Applications will he accepted be- Church were installed Sunday, "A Sermon in Song" will be Stanislaus growth would he possible and all Hardware Store Saturday at 1 Luther League of Pilot Mound ginning Monday and reservations with Allen Kaste succeeding Dr. Plan Centennial Liiti rcii. lie is a Lutheran Church will hold an ice presented by George Matthews , beauty disappear. This , .we might p.m. Proceeds of the sale are used will be mnde in the order of appli- Leonard J. Larson as congrega- —The centen- baritone , at Central Lutheran Budnick World War I vet - say, (rue ska '.ing party Wednesday nt 7::i0 nuSHFOHD , Minn. eran and a member Leon " seems to be of human to he/p promote the Mondovi cation. Early application is advis- tion president . nial celebration of the org-mi/.a- Church Feb. 4 at 7:30 p.m. of J. life as well. Often , the love anrl HiKh School bands. p.m . at the Chatfield rink . private rooms at As- Wetzel Post 9 of the American Le- ¦ ed. Ninety A second meeting was scheduled Iion of St. John 's Lutheran Church , After having sung profession ally sisi Heights arc set aside for re- gion. SOUTH BEAVER ME ETING for Feb. 7 at 8 p.m. do complete Hart, will he observed in con- for several years, Matthews now t reatants and attendance is limit- unfinished business. ETTRICK , Wis. (Special>—South junction with Mission Sunday June devotes his talent lo presenting tlie ed' to this number. Other officers are: .Robert M. 17. the coiiRrcgntion decided at Beaver Creek Lutheran Brother- Further information may be ob- Christian faith through songs, inci- Drama and Speaking J'higelien , secretary; Hugh Kohl- 'the ' annual meeting lecently. A dents and stories. lie has cross- hood will meet Monday at « p.m. tained and reservations , may he ' ' Savage, Jackson He- ineyer , financial secrcl .'iry, and booklet will be prepared. ed 'lhe United States several tunes, Added to Pepin Co. to hear Eugene made hy writing or phoning: , treasurer, , .Inesph County agent. A men's quartet will Reservations Office , Assisi Fred Nelson Officers elected : Elder averaging more than 200 appear- treat Norman E R - ' 4-H Activity Proqram present vocal seleclions. Heighls , Rochester , New trustees are Leona rd Wood Wolfram; trustee. ances a yeai and lie i.s r;fj 'i(.";te(l NOTICE! , Melvin and Merlyn Winters, to serve with gcrt .; vice chairman to repeat more than (ID percent of DCRAM) . Wis -A drama and Hichard Anderson . Jacob Mlsna , Hrnnd ; secretary, Roger Trester; his engagements. speaking contest will be an addi- Robert Wheeler and Julian Wen- financial seerct-nryr" Elmer Erd- s clean-born- Rev. Richards Movie tional project for , Pepin County 's WISCONSIN RESIDENTS NEWT America' ner. New deacons arc Lawrence manii ; finance • coinmiltee . mem- •MI program; Ing fuel oil gives you Slated at McKinley . Park and Lloyd Anderson. Remain- ber , Leo llciden ; boar:! of ecluca- The county winners will parllci- ri ing for another term are Kaye Ja- lion , Marlin Bublitz . . an:! subscrip- -jia e in Ihe district meeting at Me- more clean hoat per gallon) , Winona Senior llipii Williamson , Sam Walter Luhmann. Houston Weed . t Ron White cobson , John F. tion secretary, nomonie lo compete for a hoy 's ¦ ¦ School head wrestling coaf:h and Hngerman and Alvin Schubert. A To provide perpetual care for wrist watch ' nr a ¦ chest of silver- WE HAVE will show the movie , are Ludolpb a com- 15 youth leader , New assistant deacons the lots in ' Ihe cemetery ware. -^i "Life's Higher Goals," Sunday al Twesme, Harold Lowciier and the mi!lee of three was chosen lo ton- Meeting Slated i^ McKinley Methodist Church at n Mmes. Albert Gilmcistcr , Nat Car- tact persons wbo aro concerned. CALEDONIA , Minn. -- Andrew Clean- youth and parents fellowship sup- hart , Earl Trim and Robert Wheel- The committee consists of Hugo T. Olien and Edward J. Starch , 1962 PONTIACS ^/^F/ per. er , all with one-year terms. . KRRerl. Willard Feine and Martin district weed and seed inspectors , - The -tiHivie—fealurcs- Uie-*~Rev , The— Itov,—Vernon. l__,„....lliuier-. B-oelimke.-- - — and—Robert- -Flnshcrd;-state-ento- GAS Boh Richards , Olympic pole vault meyer hns completed his first A committee is to set up fl stew- mologist , will discuss various | J Available for Delivery Action faf>\ champion. Circles 1 and 2 of thr year. He reported lie had per- ardship program. The services of farm problems at the annual Hous- Women 's Society of Christian Serv. formed 24 baptisms , an equal mem- Ihe district .stewardship counselor ton County plant Industry meeting iro will serve the supper. ber of confirmations , married 7 will be ' sought. at the State Rank here Wednesday Mobil heat couples and conducted 11 funerals. at 10 n. m. „ Membership in Zion Church has Town board members , mayors Before The ¦ ¦ Mnde bi/ the makers o/ reached US-l of whom 615 are con- . and appointed inspectors are re- i MFA ^flic church. A gain ol i Mobllgas and Wobiloll firmanrl s/bi quired by Jaw to attend . Duties ol Zo the Young Singers HOSPITAL & 22 members was announced for local officials will be Riven as well year , when 57 became* members as the latest informal ion on Ihe JRS. AUTO SERVICE but 35 were lost by dent h or trans- 118 FRANKLIN ' ! SURGICAL INSURANCE control of weeds, insects nnd other I ¦ fer . Sunday pesls. _ ' FINANCIAL SECURITY Here on FEB. 1 IN CASE OF ILLNESS llie. Smiting Burches , ' a youtn OR ACCIDENT Zion Family Night trio from Sandstone , Minn., will . perform both .*)! nioi nii) anil Room & Board • Surgical iSpecial i -- 'Hie ^ Benefits m.AlR , Wis. evening services Sunday at Church East End Coal & Itov. nml Mrs. IV K; Olson will *>l the Nu/nrenc , Orrin Sin* >t . and TAX DEADLINE .Miscellaneous Hospital show slides of their t rip to lhe Highway fil. «& LEAF'S Cement Products Co. Expenses Southeastern United States and Uuth , Knith and S;ur. I'.urc.h the Luther League convention at have appeared on (clevision and DRY CLEANING SPECIAL ^ & Save Mark Zimmerman Miami , KUi., lust fall , at a family radio and at other religious .icliv- Buy Now •MVltcre You GH More Ileal Uth & Mankato At Lower Cast" 4^ta% night gathering nl. Zion Lutheran Ities. nMf. Phona 8-3160 Church here Sunday evening. A They will be leutiired on .1 spe- ¦¦ * Wl E»it 8th St. Phone 33*» M F (Jack) social hour will follow in the cial radio program , "An Evening nDECCCC* ¦"•¦" V»*$ ' ' church dining room. T'he event of Sacred Mus[p, " to be broad- "™ ^ Our trucks dollvor Fuel Oil ITJJJT3I Sweeney * 1[ is sponsored by Ihe Lutheran cast directly from the ch,iivli\nt ; I/ I\CJJCJ xx soe Venables, Int only — no gasoline is ever 922 W. Sth St. C. Paul Church Women, Sl, Olaf's Cru- fi p.m. over KWNO. The service SECOND AND MAIN WINONA , MINN hauled in them, Phone 7108 saders will nicel SnUirday at 2 tie-ins at 7;30 p.m. -.The public is • • p.m. in the parish hnll invited. Wrong to Force Views How Do You Stand, Sir? 'REMEMBER NOW, I'M DEPENDING ON YOU FOR SUPPORT !' tODAr IN NATIONAL AFFAIRS' On Private Club ' ¦ ¦ 'y\ ' •* - '" . ' Rqp ' Democrats THIS NEWSPAPER goat along with Ken^ many of the Kennedy administration ci*vil rights proposals, as we did with maity Right-Wingers of those of the Eisenhower administration. By SEN. BARRY GOLDWATER The Washington Post has attempted to docu- We agree that every American citizen ment in a recent series of articles .the Democrat • Bf DAVID LAWRENCE V ; should have all the basic American rights claim that viol ently?right-wing organizations un- . WASHINGTON — With all the advisers, experts; economists —the right to equal and integrated educa- der various label s constitute the most? serious real and politicians, as well? as veteran officials supposed to be fami- tion—the right? to vote without restraint— and present danger to the Republic liar with tax problems available around the White House, it is the right to have equal protection of the This charge hns been made by the President , surprising to find President Kennedy quite casually recommend- power to fix law—the right to have the same treatment the vice president , the chairman of the National ing that Congress give up' vhat happens to some- Dona- one doing work that puts heavy discriminate. hue, Abraham Ribicoff , Willard J. Cohen, Mrs. by the gov- e r n men t . and continued pressure on the Vet, John G. Aiken . Orville Freeman, Charles Mur- chopping THE AMERICAN Legion and the phy, in power, but hands — hammering, Robert G. Lewis, John A. Baker and 12 oth- this is he- wood, diggin g in the garden, erans of Foreign Wars, for example, in- ers, ranging from the. Undersecretary of the sist that members be veterans of the Arm- cause they rowing a boat. Anything that Treasury t& the director of the Export-Import have the par- causes substantial pressure,- '--— ed Services. In doing this they are discrim- Bank. L . " y . X j i a rn e n- Stop doing, and one day you inating, properly, we feel, against persons tary system. realize that ; the hands have THE WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND»»______•- THE RIGHT-WINGERS, who mm ^mmmmmmtimmiii, , according to th» 1 ""'" , '" ' "¦ •~~>^~~mm^^mtammmmmmm»tm, ini ^^^^m^^mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ^mmmmmmimi.mmti q m who might like to joi n but who are not . , ^ The people, softened. The calluses have ¦ ¦ chorus of New Frontiersmen, are such a men- veteransV v . nowever, can disappeared so gradually that v ace to the future of this nation , have no politi- i m m e d i- Lawronet you didn 't notice. : cal instrument to express* their viewpoint, occupy ately throw out- the cabinet The Masons, the Knights of Columbus, no positions of power It's similar with calluses on , possess no strength com- ministry that taxed them un- * the feet, except that conditions the Elks, the Eagles, the D.A.R., the Chau- parable to the influence and power now enjoyed tauqua Club, the Soroptlmists, the Athletic Pres/cfenf wisely. No such remedy is to- arpn't miitp. through the Kennedy administration When Sees by the ¦ ¦mem-¦ ^ day available to the American the same as a ' the Red Men and practically any • Club,? bers of the ADA. " "• • -- people. rule. A callus provisions clubs you can think of all have Like most Americans , I deplore violent and Apart from the wisdom oir on the hand . f qr black-balling persons proposed for unreasoning extremes, hut if w are talking about u n w i s d o m of sudden tax isn't so; pain- membership that members for one reason a threat to the Republic, 1 a M suggest the S/iow It' s Big Pr oduction changes from a political view- ful because it .. or another might deem undesirable. members of the violent left , _o belong to the point—for certainly there would isn't jammed , By DREW PEARSON FEW PEOPLE outside of charge of the German desk, to ADA now occupy a position far more threaten- .Washington had heard of Miss ask for. a job.? . be little protest when taxes into the flesh. . ing. The right-wingers WASHINGTON—W h en the went down and a big howl if . The. University of Minnesota is out-of- may make speeches and Dulles since she won notoriety "My brother says that if I are Or if it : is a bounds in its insistence that constitutions write letters to the editor, but the ADAers in President of the United States they went up-^-there some 'bit painful, goes to a New York 'theater during the Roosevelt era as get a job while the Democrats Supposedly of fraternities and sororities, if allowed to government can make decisions, institute policy being pro-Hitler. But her quiet , are in , he can keep practical barriers. you change it's a production—especially me?* on the tax changes are to be grip participate on. campus, must not include and enforce their desires with the full power of s q u a r e-jawed personality; when he becomes secretary of . your so the federal machinery, when he wants, to see "How made when business conditions the , callus discriminatory provisions. to Succeed in Business With- much like her two elder broth- state," she explained. "Other- theorists to ers, had a lot to do with would seem 'to the doesn i nun— —"— r IN 1952, the Saturday Evening Post out Really Trying," which is ; wise he can 't hire me,"? require such a shift. Where . is Molner editorial- building up- a strong, remili- Riddlebcrger gave her a job t ?h at? i s, AS LONG AS groups of Americans with ly stated: "At the May meeting of ADA, a reso- sold out several months in V the expert to be , found who is doesn't press too hard into the common interests and purposes wish to advance! ' ?¦.. tarized Germany;-^ as adviser on German affairs. wise enough , upon, waking up lution affirming belief in free and competitive . * The notoriety: occurred whett flesh underneath. form private organizations to pursue enterprise was soundly beaten by a Shortly thereafter , he shot up some morning, to decide that , however, you voice vote." Despite this, the White V the diary of William E. Dodd. the promotion ladder to be- On the foot them, they should have the unfettered To my mind , these voices shouting their oppo- House asked for 10 seats, This taxes should be reduced to can't "changes; ' your grip." . Roosevelt's ambassador /to come an ambassador. Mi s $ stimulate consumer spending right to do so. This should be so whether sition to free and competitive private enterprise was like asking for hen 's Germany during the^se^ of Your foot stays Ip essentially teeth It Dulles remained the key Ger- or raised to stop inflation as position inside the the organization is a women's sewing club constitute the true rear and present danger to . However, Sol Hurok , Hitler , was published^ con- man adviser .to her brother the same the producer , finally - found he rushes to the White House shoe, within limits of a small or the exclusive Cosmos Club. the Republic. tained this item for Jan. 24, during his career as secretary to How do you , them, though Mrs. Evelyn Lin- ^ to persuade the President fraction of an inch, Thg pres-: The role of government in civil rights stand sir? '1936: ;, * .. of state. She was strong, per- sign? the appropriate executive coln , JFK's personal secre- "John Foster , sure comes repeatedly on ex- should be limited entirely to the protec- tary, Dulles who sistent, and persuasive in her order? you had to sit in the bal- . writes for! the 'American Mag- views. ¦ actly the same point. If tion of basic human rights;—W. F. W. cony, and secret service men . Nobody . seems to have walk five miles in a day you azine' on foreign affairs but thought about the problem of ¦ :- IN YEARS GONE BY were scattered all over the who is connected with a large THE IMPACT of the Dulles step on each foot nearly 5,000 ¦^u - \:< i-^ . l r:r x. x theater. family will long be felt on the how to change suddenly aU times with the pressure al- banking business in New York , the tax forms and how to pro- Ten Yea rs Ago ... 1952 At 3 p.m., the White House, reported . . . ' 'My sister lives worlcLespecially Germany and ways? in the same placeT asked for a brief ing on vide a procedure for taxpay- Dr. ? James and his rink of Winona men , the V here? She. is an enthusiastic the United States. i-f you mostly What Goes On air members of the Galesville Curling Club, won show in set, John Foster Dulles had rep- ers to revise, in the middle of OR EVEN Hitlerite, and anxious to show a tax year: the estimates they stand still, the pressure is the 52nd annual Bob Burns bonspicl with a close whether it me the . German attitude for resented the New "York Banka contained any have already submitted and on there. Behind Kremlin Walls 8:7 victory over the Barenthin rink of Gales- peace. So we went this after- which were pouring money into which they may J have made ville. rough 1 i n e s noon to the movie Unter Germany after World War I , that might be payments. The mere task of ly deepened. A 20-album record library—belieyed to be one . Wehrmacht , which she said later defaulted. His brother Al- checking re " urns in a year WHILE IN A . dost ©lection the Ameri- cm b a r- len , later head of Central In- of the first of its type in the state—has been was proof of the German de- when an abrupt change in tax A QUICK TAX cut coultf re> can electorate may go to bed at night not placed at the disposal of teachers in Winona ras s ing to sire for peace. I sat through telligence,* represented the J. Kennedy, Ap- rates has taken place would suit in a bigger deficit than knowing for sure who will be the new pres- County. the show, but the war planes, Henry Schroeder Banking Cor- be a colossal job. , parently there poration , expected. Also there are some ident, a totalitarian system may provide big guns, pictures of violent at- whose head in Ger- paradoxes . to complicate the were none. tacks on citizens and the en- many was Baron Kurt Von BUT, EVEN though the ad- its people with a new dictator almost any Twenty-Five Years Ago . . . 1937 But one skit whole problem. Today, for ex- . thusiastic attitude of Hitler, Schroeder. It was at Schroed- ministrative difficulties could ample, the country is supposed morning. Though nothing this drastic has Businessmen of the city are planning a din- sho w s two Goering and Goebbels, as they er 's home in Cologne that Hit- be surmounted by paying out meeting ways im- good - looking to- be in the midst of a* busi- happened lately in the Soviet Union, one ner to discuss and means to ¦ stood looking at the devastat- ler had his secret meeting a few millions of dollars for ness; boom, but the budget is prove Highway 76* from Winona to Eitzcn. ' •t ii a r w u in- _ extra clerks and revised forms, gets the feeling that something big may be . Pearion ing work, took f rom my mind with Franz Von Papen in Jan- unbalanced and unemployment going on behind tho Kremlin walFs. The Winona employers must make their first pay- en cleaning all thought of peace as an ob- uary, 1933, which led to the the remedy could prove worse up the office of a big execu- Is 6.1 percent of the -labor split between the Stalinists and Khrush- ments under the social security act. ject of the show.' adven t of the Nazi regime^ than the disease. There is no force. Should taxes be cut, tive. As they finish the office, It was Allen Dulles who sent certainty, for instance, that a chevites may have reached the point "where , raised , or left unchanged? Fifty Years Ago . . . 1912 one remarks: "OK that'll do, "DULLES SAID he could not the U-2 oyer Russia just be- sudden stimulus to consumer It certainly is strange that men are tilting over the very seat of Red Jackie." understand his sister's attitude, fore the Paris summit confer- spending would come at the the President should have fall- power. New postal stations are to be opened shortly The crowd roared , and those and added that such a display ence, an incident which further right time. Who knows when a ' en for this weird gimmick of *-* ' ¦ . , . nt lil. Libera Store 683 W. 5th St., and the M. sitting near the President look- in the U. S, would have been postponed a Berlin settlement recession has run its course the theorists without telling Since Chou En-Lai of China walked out J, Kowalowski Store, 601 E. Sth St. ed to see how he would take hissed off the screen ," and knocked the Khrushchev. or when one is about to be- The Winona Electric Construction Co. has the American people at least of the party congress in Moscow, the chal- it. He grinned. That year, 1936, was when Eisenhower Camp David spirit gin? The formula could easily the exact circumstances under lenge to Khrushchev has taken on an in- leased quarters in the Toye building. One hundred extra * secret Hitler marched his new army into a cocked hat; result in amounts of change which he would use the power in tax receipts that would be ternational flavoring, Peiping is scarcely service men and New York into the Ruhr and the Rliinc- With the resignation of Al- to reduce or raise taxes if Seventy-Five Years Ago . . . 1887 cops we're in the theater . Next land . len Dulles from Central Intel- either too small or too large to such authority were given him. speaking to Moscow, and now the East fit the conditions prevailing. Captain Roundy has started work on a cable morning the management got In 1934, a year after Hitler ligence last summer and the That's why half-baked propos- Germans feel bold enough to openly criti- a summons from the New came into power, Miss Dulles' quiet departure of Eleanor Congress would he in a hot als and recommendations that cize Khrushchev ' Germany policy. ferry at the Levee. s Burlington officials said that the grading of Vork fire department for vio- husband , Prof. David Blond- Dulles this month, the Dulles spot no matter what happen- are not thought through can lation of fire regulations. heim, committed suicide. Me ed, First, there is the criti- the track lo the depot will be completed this family is now out of govern- hardly he considered to be ' *|N THE. . MIDST of all this stalks the * . A bespectacled , gray-liaired was Jewish. , cism that Congress would be characteristics of a sound ad- ¦¦of wook. ment. But for belter or for figure the old Communist and lady bowed out of the Stato Mrs. Blondheim resumed her worse, their policies live aft- surrendering its constitutional ministration charged with the former Soviet foreign minister , V. I\f. Mo- Department tlie other day—al- maiden name after that , tauglit er them. powers. It has been argued that task of coping with the chal- lolov. Leaving a subordinate post in Vien- One Hundred Years Ago . . . 1862 most unnoticed—thou gh her in- in various women's colleges, Congress could always nulli- lenges of economic change fluence on foreign policy was and in the late fall of 1952, just fy a tax change it didn't, like which constantly face the na, this hard-nosed revolutionary, around A bill has been introduced in the Soiiule pro- JEWISH HISTORY viding fnr the const ruction of the Winona nnd great. She was Eleanor Dulles, after Eisenhower was elected, because it would have 30 or 60 world today. whom opposition could conceivably ral- last of the Dulles family to turned up at the State De- days in which one house could As far as the St. Peter Railroad. NEW YORK WV-"The Story ly, has returned to Moscow. * put its impact on the foreign partment in the office of Jim- , exercise a veto of the Presi- of the Jews " a complete his- occur AT WILLIAMS ¦¦¦ rest of the world knows lie is still there. affairs of the United Slates, my Riddlebcrger , then in lory of the Jewish people, ia dent's action. This might One correspondent speculates that only being prepared by a group of just before an election , and the sentiment uncertainty produced between very substantial anti-party historians and archeologists the time the President- mado would be strong enough to keep this old at the Hebrew University of his proposal and the time it cohort of Stalin in Moscow. Try and Stop Me Jh&^ihLiL Jerusalem and -will be pub- was rejected or took effect lished in New York (by Arco could bring on such chaotic Nothing or something may lie brewing I By BENNETT CERF Publishing Co. Inc. ) in late 9(12. conditions as to defeat the in the land Churchill characterized as a Both the Warrens and the Smithcrs 1 ends sought. "riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an Co-editors of the project are wore vulnerable in a hotly contested Professor Benjamin Mazar nnd It would not cause so much enigma. " The West can only wail and see, bridge game, wben Mrs. Warren felt a Professor Moshe Davis, for- of a fuss if taxes were al- ¦ hand grasping her leg. mcrly nf the Jewish Theologi- ways being reduced , as every- If 1 rouble were in season only parts of York, body likes a tax reduction. But She calmly put lier cards face flown on cal Seminary of New if the President asked for a thr? Tcrrr-some-people-would-be-hunting for - ? ¦ i he-table-iiml annoiiiH'edi - 'l f--!hat's --my* • Af ter-the "Revohttionary Warv change in-the basic rate,-what ' ' 1 1 ** r, out of season. husband, 1 liid four spades , "if ilV you, about the clamor of the peo- B______*-' ^'J* " ' '•** ____. ¦ lha Declaration of . Independ- 51 George Sniilhers. I' m going to pum'h ymi ence traveled with Congress to ple in the othor tax brackets ^¦^¦•Jl ^!^-^" u,^M Cast thy burden upon Ihe Lord, and li« thai! in the nose."' ( Annapolis, Md „ Trenton , N.J., for additional reductions? And tuilain thee. Psalm 55:22. • • • nnd New York City. Then it fol- what whoud happen if a Presi- lowed the national government dent asked for a rise in taxes, A beatnik wandered into church , :ind to Philadelphia uiul finally, in especially in an election year? i on lho way old , told the Reverend , "You I «00, to Washington. The experts might argue lhat This Clutter-Proof Desk lit WINONA DAILY NEWS wore swinging, l)addy-(.). Vou wore way theoretically al) this would improve economic conditions , guaranteed to help you get! An J Newspaper — ¦ E.sin hi is lied 18,15 out. " more done. Its drawers jorgan- "What was that again?" Inquired the WINONA DAILY NEWS but the average voter would V I"'. Wlll'I K (_ . It, Cl.ORWAY C K. T.INIIKN certainly take lt out on his izc everything from paper clips ltovoi eiid , knilling his brow. I' ubli -.luir Exec. Director Riistiii 's.s Mf/r. FR IDAY, JANUARY 34, 1161 congressman if it turned out to important records — put ' "' " nnd h'dt'or & Adv. Director "1 moan ," amplified the cat , "1 dug VOLUME 104, NO. Sl that the recession was actual- what's needed most in the easi- your jive. I read you so good I put ten Puhll-h-ed nally excopl Saturday end holl- W. J. COI.E AnOI.l'll nilKMER II. (J. HyMK R dnys by Republican and Herald Publishing est position for quickest use. Alrni«otny Editor Cily Editor Circulation Mgr. big fish in your collection plate." Company, 401 Franklin St., Winona, Minn. " You really must see this "Ah," beamed the Reverend , grasping SUBSCRIPTION' ' RATES Shaw-Walker desk to appreci- Jl. 11. JlABEOK F. JI. KUGfiK Jl. ,1, LOSIN.sKl the beatnik 's hand. "Cool, man. Cool!" Sinai* Copy - 10c Pally, !5r Sunday _ f;Supt. Press Supt. Engniviim Supt. V * tletiv»re<_ by carrier — Par weak so cents ate its color styling, and the 74 waem 11375 _ il waeks JJ5.M ' numerous work-saving econo- 1W. (il.KI. ( .IIISWOU) (. OlIDON I lOl.TR Noxt. month is Ihe time when Wall By mnll tlrlctly In a-dvancai ptoar ttop- pod on expiration data. mies it can effect for you. Now. i'hief Accountant Sunday f'.ditur Street ' publicists and analysts rush into In Fillmore, Houston, Oimaiea, Winona, on display at our store. print with predictions for the coming Wabasha, Buffalo, J^ckion, Ptoln and MKMIIKR OK TIIE ASSOCIAT ED 1'1I1?SS. Treropealaau counties! year's economy. The fact that tliey may 1 ytar , , 113.00 3 montna , , tuo «*W5TO_U .< have proved spectacularly wrong oa num- «jn Book and Sta nows printed In this newspaper ns well as nil again. Bernard Baruch calls this year-end ''But , Carol , you 'll have to get married some day --•' Send ci-anne ot addrts- . notices, undelivered tionery A-l', news dispatches. coplei, iub- crlpllon orders and olher mall (fljg Doerer's Winona, Minn. roundup time "the season of excess pro- your parents won't always be around to zip you up item. 1o Winona Dully News, B OK 15. Wl- ^*sSm ^BI l)o . '«r'i Equipment ».cond clati pottage paid at Winona, ^^>^"^ lUdlo ni«piitc_i«4 5 Friday. January 26. 1&62 phets. " the back." rtona, Almn, St; Martin s Wome n s * Policewoman OUT-OF-TOWN COLLEGES Guild Ho!as Annual Meet Resigns Post; Toumg WmSt. The Women's Guil^j, St. Martin's work of the Lutheran ? W-omen'tf OW Lutheran Church, held its annual Missionary League was jhown, A. GEORGIAN NA LOOMIS. daugh- lahoma , Kansas, Texas . .nd Mis- meeting Thursday evening. Circles description of the work done by ter of . Dr. and Mr*. G. L. Loom- souri.. . D and t under captains Mrs. The 65-voice a cappeUa choir .1 the Missionary League since its 720 Ma hi St., and a jopbomore James Harders and Mrs. Fred Fak- beginning in 1942 was given. To Be Married is, presenting li concerts through ler were hostesses , at the potluck The resignation of Winona 's first ht St. Olaf College, Northfield, Feb . 7- ¦¦ •¦¦ ' «¦ ¦ ¦ • . supper which preceded the meet- THE organization givti woman policewoman was accepted Thurs- Minn. , is a member of the at. . , ing. ? V of the church an dpportu-nity to day by the Board of Fire & Police Olaf Lutheran Choir which will SPRING GROVE , Minn. (Spe- The Rev. Emil Geistfeld opened serve through education, inspira- Commission ers. present conc-erts in U southern cial )—David J. Kjome , son of Olaf the meeting with devotions. A film tion and missionary service. Mon- Miss Ruth M. Jordan , 420 .4 S. and eastern Mates during its gold- Kjome, is the winner of the S30O "A. Mighty Host" describing the ey collected through the use of Baker St., who was appointed to en anniversary tour Feb. 2-24. Paul P. Steward Memorial Sc 'noi mite boxes is used for foreign and the post when it was created in arship at -Iowa? State* tjni.versity ' i domestic missionary projects. .'. " -December 1959, informed commis- College of Agriculture; Mrs. Edwin Friederich, St. sioners that she'll be married this DURAND , Wis.-Rbbc:.t A. Hen- Kjome is a junior in dairy hus- 50th Anniversary John's Lutheran Church, Hart^ spring andrasked that her resigna- drickson , sort of Mr. and Mrs. bandry, has been a member of the spoke to the Guild about the or- tion become effective April 1. Robert A. Hendrickien Sr. , has dairy . Judging team , chairman of Celebrated by ganization of the Missionary received a $500 scholarship at the the- Dairy Husbandry Cl ub open League on the local, zone, district . MISS JORDAN hat iMrtn working University of Wisconsin. A junior house, won the sophomore dairy Sewing Circle and national levels. Guild mem- out of the juvenile division , has at the university, Hendricksen was judging contest and is a ¦neml)*** bers, along with the Ladies Aid of been assigned to various investi- selected by:• the art education fac- of Alpha Gamma Phi and Al pha One hundred members and St., Martin's/ will begifi to use the gative and enforcement duties and ulty as rerip Sent of the grant pro- Zeta fraternities. friends attended the 50th anniver- mite boxes this month a.nd WiU serves as jail matron. vided by an anonymous donor. . • . • * . • sary banquet of the Sewing H. Savord «i . ' __ . m Cir- take part in the Missionary League Chief of Police George LA CRESCENT, Minn.-^Harley cle of St. Martin's Lutheran program. Mrs. Floyd Broker and said that he , would advertise for BLAIR , Wis, (Special)—L ana Haefs and Karen Jorc, weie can- Church Wednesday evening in the Mrs. David Sauer are delegates applications from candidates for Blu'ske,' - daughter of Mr. aiid Mrs. didates for degrees of bachelor of school auditorium. The Sewing Cir- from the congregation. the position. Ilay Bluske, is a member of the science awarded a; La Cross* cle .was organized oh Jan. 24, 1912, Mrs. Sauer, Guild president, pre- Each¦ of the applicants will be choir of LuLher College, Decosah, State College mid-year under the leadership of Mrs. A. ' prospec- ? commence- ¦ sided at the business meeting. She given ; examinations and Iowa , which is touring Iowa. Ok- ment exercises today. $, Sailer- who became its first thanked all those who had served tive appointees screened in inter- president and has been active dur- THE: FAMILY in Thorton Wilder's V'the Happy etc. Members of Uie family, left to right, are : views and investigations as to their as Guild chairmen during the past Journey" is on its way to visit the married Kenney, Ann Kratch , John Haun and Robert ing the years in working for the year and congratulated members Patty I backgrounds and qualifications. church and missions. on the success of the projects. It left. Cheryl Hittner . Like a typical Gilliam. The play was presented by the Cotterama Chief Savord announced that Pa- family they stop for hot dogs, sing "I've Been Club at a student assembly at the Catholic Recre- trolman Richard Braithwaite has. Ypufh- Adult Activities THE TABLES were decorated was noted that gifts toward debt (A weekly calendar of special activities of Center Friday morning; ' '(Daily News been designated as the most im- the Boy Scouts, to. carry out the Golden Anniver- retirement and remodeling of one Working on the Railroad"'' and stop at theV gas ational Catholic Recreational Center. Gir l Scouts, park-recreation de- of the church parsonages had been , , " photo) proved marksman in Southeastern sary : ; theme. The speakers * table station where the attendant James Gromek at . . . Minnesota Police & P«acc Officers partment . Red Cross, YMCA and YWCA, which compris-t tht had a centerpiece of j onquils and given during the past year. It was right, takes care of their radiator, windshield, 'Winona Group Workers Association.) decided to earnjark money now in Association pistol competition dur- gold and white . chrysanthemums ing the past year and will receive ' with gold candles. The other' ta- the treasury for redecorating the ' SATURDAY :• ' interior of the church. an award at Monday 's regional bles had a gold glass sequined : : ¦ meeting in Maritorville. 7 p:m..—Park :rccreali pn . Midget Hockey tournament finals , -Hast . " candle surrounded with greens on THE GUILD will again (ponsor (^"^11;!; " " A discussion of comparative rink; gold doilies. Lenten teas arid coffee hours. They Hospital . si i^-^l ;- _ -\/f- c> costs of replacing existing electric LL 7 p.m.— Park-recreation Junior Hockey tournament finals , Athletic The Rev. Aimin Deye gave the \;^y^ .r^/-AB: . f-i^s business Park rink. - ,?¦ will also be* responsible for the ^. fire alarm circuits in the ¦:¦ . - - - ' -;. invocation after which dinner was weekly dusting of church. ^ district with a telephone alarm [ . - ' . .SUNDAY ?. served by Circle E, for ? the 2 p.m.—Winona Hornets vs. Albert Le'a, Athletic Park. Mrs. John Somers presented the network is scheduled ' ¦¦ ' - Miss'Mabel Baumanh, president, following slate of officers: Mrs. board's February meeting. . .-MONDAY . • welcomed the guests and introduc- Nurses^ 3:30 p.m.—Park-recrealion children 's arts and. crafts , Wes t Cen- : Donald Schaefer, president; Mrs. : ed Mrs.. Emil Geistfeld who was Allyn Abraham, vice president; Winona General . Hospital^ Wom- in nursing at the college of her bers of the auxiliary are , urged to A REPRESENTATIVE of North. . ' ter. , toastmistress. The first number on western Bell Telephone Co., will 6 p.m.—A nnual dinner. \WCA. Mrs, Kenneth Nystrom, secretary, en 's Auxiliary again voted to meet choice;, *.?¦* attend the meeting which is sched- the program was a trumpet ; duet meet with commissioners Feb. 21 7 p;m.—Park-recreation adult ccra-mlcs, East; Center. and . Mrs. Lloyd Luke, treasurer, a xeed when they adopted a reso- uled for 1:30 p.m. at the YMCA. ¦ -V' by Charles Koeth and David Brok- Mrs. Schaefer: closed the meeting APPLICATION blanks are being In addition to the meeting and to present cost data on the tele- .. TUESDAY . V' er who were accompanied by Floyd lution presented Thursday morning phone system -to J -assist commis- ! 4 pm. —Park-recreation Junior Rifle Club shoot . Armory range. - , with prayer. sent to area high schools and election a special program rela- ' Broker, The president read a his- at the board meeting at the the first award of the scholar- tive to the interest and work of sioners in making a decision oil i 7 p.m.—Fark-rccreation adult leathercraft ard textil e painting, 1 East Center. -' . '¦ ".- " ' '- tory of the Sewing Circle from the Nurse's Home by Mrs. L. WV Wil- ship will be made this spring. the hospital has been arranged by- the type of alarm installation lo beginning fo the present. Pastor be made. WEDNESDAY Cedar Valley: A LCW son, Rushford , scholarship chair- Members of this committee who Mrs. R. R , Fisher and her pro- Deye spoke on the example of will make the first selection, of a gram committee. Present underground cables are 3:30 p.m.—Park-recreation children 's arts and crafts , East: Center. Peter and the disciples . obeying Plans Dinner man, to 'create and establish' a scholarship recipient are Mrs. Wil- Of particular interest to all willi in need of replacement. 7pm —Park recreation youth woodshop, West Center the Lord and working together to Nurse's training Scholarship. son , chairman, Mrs. R. W. Miller , be slides showing the progress in Attending the meeting w ere THURSDAY accomplish great things in the CEDAR VALLEY, Min n. (Spe- This scholarship, an expanded in- Mrs. Roger Hartwich , Mrs. Emil building al the Community Memor- Board President B. H. Habeck , 4 p m -Juliette Lou YWCA Lord's Kingdom, stating that as cial)—Cedar Valley Lutheran terest of the auxiliary,- was estab- Geistfeld and Dr. A . W. Fenske. ial Hosital which will be shown by Kenneth McQueen , L. Robert 7 p m —Paik recreation junior woodshop, \Ve*st Center. then it now requires cooperation Church ALCW will hold its fel- lished to better serve the commu- Earl Hagber g, administrator. Prondzinski and Harold Streater. FRIDA Y Members of the medical groups ¦ ¦ ¦ lowship dinner * . ¦ , Lak« Park Lodge and work such as the circle has , in the church par- nity. It . provides an annual pward Talks by E. J. Siev-ers, Winona . . . Gioup I—Senior Citizens lors following the il a.m. serv- are aiding in establishing and con- shown In the years past and will ¦ ¦ of $800, almost full term tuition, tributing to the ¦ scholarship fund. General Hospital board president , need in the future years to achieve ices Feb. 4. - : to a worthy candidate from this and Leo C. La France , public rela- Roller Skating Slated Crosse, wher* her knee was put ¦ ¦ Dinner committee Dresbach aucress. ' : '". '. ' ? . ' members are area who is accepted by the schol- FINAL PLANS for the annual tions board member, and a , filrtl RIDQEAVAY, Minn. (Special) — Woman Hurt! in a cast after she fell through Mrs. A. W. Anderson, Mrs. Fran- arship committee. ; The fund is to meeting and election of officers strip, "Many Hands annd Many The Pleasant Busy Bees . '4-H Club the attic floor into the crib below cis Quinn and Miss Marie Pflug- DRFSB U.H , Minn ( Special) - MISS MARILYN Theis sang two be used to aid in her education to be held Jan. 30 were presented. Skills" are also part of the pro.- is sponsoring a roller skating¦ party where her infant son , Dell , wai song?, accompanied by Miss D.o- hoeft. At the close of thie dinner toward a three or four yea.r course All representatives and mem- gram. at St.: Matthew 's rink ,' • ¦Winona , Mil Charles Baker has returned lying The baby escaped injury m A ' ¦¦' othy Deye. ^€opimunity singing hour, a , program, "American Mis- jFeb.. 2.: :, ¦ . from Grand view Ho s p Ita 1, La the accident last Friday was conducted with Miss Do- sions" ; a study of the Third Chap- lores Schumann as accompanist. ter .of John, and a short business Deep Fat Fry ing FiHmpre Go. Speech After reminiscences by- past of- meeting, will be held. Jbshua Bi- Katie Conrad ficers and members a candlelight ble study group (Moab) -will meet Top ic for County Winner Preparing service was conducted. Pastor at the Kenneth Rice home Feb.; 1 Deye concluded the program with at 8 p.m. Gives Scouts Homemaker Leaders For District Meet the song "God be with you Till LEWISTON (Special ) We Meet Again" and "The Lord's , Winn -Winona.. HARMONY, Minn. : — t^__/ Prayer." St. Martin's PTA Beauty Tips r County homernakers lender Judy Stenbeck was selected Fill- -training meetings on the sub- more County 4-H radio speaking i^|^BP %«i¦¦¦ - I _^\_^\_ Miss Katie Conrad! former mod- m_____MsaWmUyLyy ': i {« ^¦ V -~% I ¦ ¦¦ ¦¦ Kt_^ CIRCLE S Sponsors Fun-F est ject of deep fat frying have contest winner. tM7^m Circle 8 St.' Matthew 's Women's el and now a ballet teacher.,,in been arranged for the coming— ~She is a member of "the* Scotland _^HHE^«*» ^__/ The PTA of St. Martin's Lutheran Winona, shared , her charm and i IV Club will meet at the home of Mrs. School will sponsor a Fun Fest Sat- week, announces Mrs. Vir- Merry Workers club and will rep- Herman Cordes, 553 W. Howard beauty ideas with seventh grade ginia Hobmann, county home resent the county in the '.-district urday from 6 to 8:30 p.xm. in the Girl Scouts at the annual "Coke ; St., Monday at 7:30 p. m. Mrs. school auditorium. There will be a agent. contest in February. John Haggen is chairman. Party" Wednesday afternoon at Meetings:Monday af Lewis*-: Jeanne Buross of the Norwaj bake booth , fish pond , spoolt house, Central Lutheran Church. " , ton City Halt; Tuesday at St. Go-Getters was runnerup and Arl^s STITCH AND iCHATTER dart game, rifle range make-up More than 60 scouts and their Charles City Hall and Wed- Berning of Preston' booth, golf ,; game; and ibasketball s Empire Build- BLAIR, Wis. (Special)-Mrs. leaders heard Miss Conrad discuss nesday at- Winona Lake Park ers third. V James Frederixoa will be hostess shoot. Ninth.grade is in charge of the physical, emotional , and in- Lodge. ¦ ? to members of the Stitch and Chat- the Spook House. Hot dogs, pop, tellectual requirements of beauty coffee and bars will be served. Short cuts in the methods of ter Club Monday evening. as it relates to? the Junior High preparing food for deep ?faf Houston 4-H Leaders ¦ ¦ Committee chairmen include Da- girl. She advised . the girls to. set , , frying will be discussed and Use those trimmings leftover vid Sauer general chairman Nor- up good habits of eating, exercise the following questions will be At Rochester Institute when you've made a pie or two, to man Schellhas and Gerald Frosch, and rest, so that in adult years Bender, lunch, answered: What is deepfar CALEDONIA , M £ nn.—Houston concoct some small tart shells. prizes; Mrs. Donald they would not be forced to strong fry ing ? Is deep fat fry ing Fill the shells with fruit preserves. and Kenneth Nystrom, games. dieting measures to keep slender iat* County Agent Francis Janiischia extravagant use of fat and ar» and four county 4-H leaders at- and active. Posture and the im- deep fat -fried food digestible? pression created by it were men- tended the leaders institute at Ro- chester Tuesday. ' J tioned. Miss Conrad asked several \\^%S#^^v> *r' £t?)l&i$** h JN E W b of her ballet students who were Cathedral Sisters The theme of the institute , at- among the scouts present to dem- tended by Mrs. Arnold Guborud , onstrate ballet positions which Mrs. Thomas Sweeaiey, Mrs, Al- . Take Spanish Course; vin Oitzmann and . Mrs. Sidney could be used in an exercise pro- Myhre, was "Planning to Meet the gram. Students Watching TV Needs of Youth." . MAKE-UP , "not realty neces- Special sessions ceDncerned plan- sary for girls your age," was an- Nine sisters on the faculty of ¦%r y Cathedral Grade School this se- ning of local club meetings and other topic which Miss Conrad dis- the use of demonstrations. cussed. She suggested that the mester are enrolled at the College of Saint Teresa for in-servjee train- The four leaders will give re- lighter the make-up a teenager ports on the institute at the coun- SEW I NG uses, the less she will require as ing in Spanish language instruc- tion. ty meeting Feb. 12. she grows older. Perfumes and ¦ ' Televised instruction in Spanish mm ^^ colognes should be chosen "for MONDOVI FEED STORE mf^ V.V Good sewing requires good you, and not because it smells Uis year has been made available """"'" ' "\' vision. Your eyes deserve good on your best friend; " Miss to students in the third through , MONDOVI , Wis. (Special)-The Jf . /" '"v^. >l sixth grades at Cathedral the benefit of a Conrad said. . . Mondovi Feed Store will move i_nto # ////'"'A yJf '1 Sister M. Conri a , Cathedral prin- larger quarters by March 1. A The Sunday News Goes Calling i > professional Letting the family know her in- * t%jf'**$r ' "' J examination* cipal , said that approximately 330 new post office w ill be built, in f i i( ' ^ ner feelings creates a happier cli- A word and picture story of GILMANTON , WISCONSIN. 1 Ivs^-v V^ '" ********¦* "i , <- \ .. .at leastonca mate for the teenager and her students are taking the instruction. the near future on the present Vine During the first semester ¦ ¦ ¦ every tw parents. This, along with a "giv- Cathe- Street site. New quarters will be i,l« ^_« m,.- ' - 'J- ' °y«a^ ing attitude ," was Miss Conrad' s dral sisters took in-service training in Blum 's Warehouse, 1.18 Howard ' ** at Saint Teresa in mnaUieniatics. St., across from the Mondovi Co- advice' in the "Inner Sel l" portion ¦ ' wr^ixMjL?v ¦ of her talk. op Lumber ' Co. Ho hert llarl , St X" correct in this week's prizewords puzzle. ^ from lormlna around ^yos. facets of personality, concluded rt-112 ^u£ J1* :T? * J - ll fi J\V > / A .. \ \ t In Norway Large, JST * ly'l fJt !>'lrs>-.. • •'V i *—;'^T\ \ \ ' by Hallmark, Noreross, Ay / 1 h>/ ir^ix^i^ n IU ) L\ , \ \ Professor Says Syyjf /SSf^ <^r« , Gibson or Rust Craft AK&SL, Magic Circle Tour The Norwegian government owns * JdJ^d'^M v^yi^ff-L all electric utilities, railroads ami Winona and area cities featured on Magic Circle Tour mines, provides socialized medi- W* BX W through Southern Minnesota. ^W - i=rM-u cine nnd even pays for tuirials , Dr. P. M, Juul , Oslo, exchange pro- >~^jr\. j ^- fessor of education -nt Wniona - State College, told the Kiwan 's £•':::. :z~ ^^&^ Club luncheon Thursday al Hotel Winona. *A New Magazine Columnist *V» tlo nol •x«m"n» *y»t. Cooperatives do 10 percent of nil business in Norway nnd pay l/13|h Mrs. Barbara Ford of Harmony makes observations , as much taxes as private indus- comments mul re 1'Jci .tions. try, he said. The stat e withholds Sentimental ^ .1;") percent of the s.jlary of a ^m^^ypp^h^^The Nicest ' teacher whose wife Is working. The or Humorous ' Cards in Town teacher is pensioned ai two-thiids *9&Wwy^ - of his salary. The speaker said This Week in the Individual initiative has not been curbed by Ihls system. Unions Valentine's Day is Wednesday, Feb, 14 100 EXCHANGE BUILDING and management set wage scales WINONA, MINN . ns is -done In America. James C. IJluir* will introduce PHONE 2554 a speaker—Identified only a 's Mr. WINONA SMOflY NEWS Quaker Oats—al next Thursday 's Williams Book and Stationery BUSY EYES NEED CONSTANT GARE luncheon, Stanley A. Hammer is •mgsipwpf^! the club's publicity chairman. ^^ [RESEARCH REPORT June 15 Called Textiles Get Better By VIRGINIA HOHMANN products. The U. S. Department veloped prove successful, this de- "Winona County Home Agent of Agriculture also does research mand for wash * and wear will in this* area, .. ' ; again mount. V 1st Improvements in wash-and-wear ' new Deadline for One of the most significant fabrics, stretch fabrics for wom- WASH AND WEAR in textiles processes is a non-rcsjnous finish en's skirts, "a synthetic (o replace has declined slightly in impor- obtained by a chemical reaction shoe leather, washable wool— tance, possibly because of the ex- with cotton fibers. This finish travagant claims first made for should, last the life of the garment. Harvest the*?e are some of the recent de- it, says Athelene Seheid, tension Alfalfa used net ton Thill farm , Garvin Heights , ^ The resin finishes now By OLIVER E. STRAND velopments in textiles that con- clothang specialist at the Univer- in washing but Winona County Aoent clwirly show that for each day sumers will see only wear ;off in 1962. sity Wis. _ Gov. Gaylord a 192.6-bushel yield and a net prof- afternoon on French Creek . Anoth- equities . test was 3,51 percent. Bulk whole CALEDONIA . M i n n.-Hoiiston milk purchases " totaled? ' 1,397,379. Nelson will speak at the an- it difference of $95.36 between er skating party: is planned for this County Farm Bureau banquet , St. che y IUPUOTV , J UNIT NO. 2 received liy Vincent Suchla George y r ' . WINONA—Pleasant Busy Bees FROM EVERY ACRE! TOP . F1VK IIEHDS Sylla , Ben ' Filla , Ralph -Marsolek, -HI Club roller skating parly, St. Arm- A*irin**.on, PoliM^cn ' H ?10 4 1,4 .< V 1 Alex Killian , Ignat? Paumpuch & Matthew 's rink. When you plan new hayfields and pastures, nee about a r TO OIve Slyrrk Isbivn. Ruj.hlord H ?3B 4 1.4IS 5?.0 ' ' ["I $pjtih '— llorolrl Arjrli.ispn, WiCil II r» } 1,317 46.5 Son . amid Mrs. Rudolph Kulig, Land O'Lakes Seed Program. Here s a full line of alfalfas, u(B%^ ^1 '^ ¦ ¦ ' WHITEHALL , Wis. -Soils meet- * Alfred Johnson A r.ori, Peti-r .nn . H .?!_ 1 1, 147 46 4 ; I.teltliauser is manager of the ing, courthouse , 10 a.m. clovers, grasses and mixtures—every variety and combina- F. Ll. & I oron Omsk-min. I' ni'mtaln G 3. 7 1179 44.1 I tion developed and tested to work with soil and weather Vlrlor Aslwon, I' oiinlain . H Is 4 1,30/ 44.1 crcmnerv , assis' wl liy John . COCHRANE: , Wis.-IIoniemakpr TO!' FIVK COWS M.-iulc , Mike W. Marsolek , Law- lenders, grade , school annex , 1:30 conditions in this area. Alfred Jol*ii*. *_ n & Sim, Prl,-i:,iin Rn 108 ri*-HT F. Bautch , Ephriam Killian p.m. . Land O'Lakes Seed is seed you know about. Good , clean AllnHI JuhiiMin t. Son GH 104 and . John Mic-milz. Curtis Carlson DURAND , Wis.—Farm " man- • seed that's inspected for purity and performance proved Allrrd Johmon II Son GH VII ' At ml Aqrlni s on, Pettit ion H lOfl i.s fieldmn n and Renett e Slaby, agement school courthouse, 1 p.m. right in this area. It's the right seed for your farm. ¦ ' ¦ Acnei Aurln'*."" ¦,. II 67 hookkeeper. Contract haulers are Monday, Fob. 5 : Come in for free planting guides on all Land UNIT NO. 3 Slaby, Ernest O'Lakes seed /mSM'^Sf] George and Luke EITZKN , Minn. -Houston Coun- varieties with profit-making tips on crop management, Ask : f TOP FIVK lIKItlXS Micmilz and Lavern Sum. ty ASC, community center , 1:30 about tlie new pre-inoculated alfalfa and clover fRL^, Glenn Shlplon,: Preslon »l 11 3 1,138 47. seed pro- ______¦ ______¦______¦ (' ' ' '^ Cvi'rctt .hiiioo, llnrnmny H 14 .1 , 1, IM 41.5 p.m. grams. Get a Lnnd O'Lakes ¦¦¦ i i I 5-"* * * . L -4'" IT AUSTIN PAR K INSTITUTE ¦ Seed Program—complete to l*c>r|un. Grootrrv l lmo S pring' . H 7? 3 1,146 41 .2 "Swim* Improvement Programs" iMONDOVI, W i s.-Homcmakcr help you produce, y Ni'l-J Oli.liHl, r' rc.ton . H IS .1 1,013 .19 fl leaders , city buildin g, 1 :30 p.m. l?nrl Rui- i*|. Hai mony .11 7S 3 1,0*98 ,1V,5 in Minnesota will lie lhe first top- , moro feed value from every aero TOP FIVK COWS ic of the 25t h Pork Institute nt TREMPEALEAU W is.-Home- Gene *. Jerry ScMCevrl, rrd.fon , K 17 maker train ing meeting, IMrs. Wil- 1 Austin Iliiih School auditorium Mrrlyn Ray J, Son ,, IVo'-'cm II 88 liam .lunghans homo , 1:15 p.m . Glen Shlplon, Pri-*.ton . II 115 from 9:15 to 3:30 p.m. Thursday. Gcni; f. Ji.rry Schi'pvel, F're'lon II *l?l Speakers will be Glenn Hyherg, EDEE^F' Oslnml, l* ri".lon H 11 AT FARM, HOME WEEK M«ls Land O'Lakes.Seed Programs 1 u n l .- _ -.- ._ UNIT -N0....4 .'-... —.,.;..- _... i_...'_ l!)i . . J-Ai- ' ci *** iQ.n__.. 9 Tliorkelson Farm Management Madison , this week were Mrs. WISCONSIN MINNESOTA Kal-Mliakkcn a? ClrkhoM, ronnlaln GBS 79 9 »0 . .111, 7 Services , Rochester, Minn.; Den- Alden Marliurgi'r, .".prliiq Valley . . . U 4 9N M.f Eileen Lay! on, Trempealeau Coun- Whitehall Agricultural Service Wabasha Fted Store T with your order for one 30-gal. Walter Nlr. kt.l, SlewartvllU GH 31 5 8.J ,17.5 nis ltyan , cNtension agricultural ly Home Agent; .Mrs. Warren Van J J . *.rij « __^TT^^^^^T^^TrfST AID SUPPL ES FOR Twesma Bros. Mills, Ettrick .. . „__ .-,„ ,, . . drum or two 15-gal. drum, of 1 * TOP'FIVK COWS cngiiit'iT , University of Minnesota , county homenmker treas- Harmony Milk Assemble* M0ST fARM AND H0ME Tnssel , .1 \, .,-„ ._._.__ I _I | | Wanen Um-., Slewarlvllln GH (19 National Mattson Mill, Northfield*, B EMCRGENCICS Rooer lemanson, l.nrlnri Valley OH ft? anil I.aVenu* Johnson , urer , Osseo, and Mrs. Clarence ¦ ¦ f^HHHPh__l Nelson F d S,or « Hou0,>n H I 5m^ ^f lVj H - * HefJ C.t,\, liaprovtd l?al .tohakken «. nirkholt. r ounlaln C.115 M Swine Growers Conference , De Anderson , cenier chairman of Os- Nelson Co-op Creamery " - ¦ ¦ M 1-C Fl tit cl ' l i , , A Ro'iei l' r.ninnsun, Snrlno Vnllcv r 'H «5 Charles Co op Creamery t IfiVM^^^vlklllf_^B^ui *>"P •' ^H «*H*^"n I''1 rou' 'J^trrl-PtdK.s„.i e (V " Kalb. III. sro. Slette Hatchery, Blair **• ¦ ¦ ^_ ^^ ^^^ <'n»i Aaimi,, t,p. Kn^labakken FIcMiolf , f ounlnln GI15 63 ,X yi HyiJraulir Oi([fifirDil H !¦»"> ' UNIT NO. 5 Rmmmmmmm\r m0 ^mmmmm. *mmmwmmmwmmwm *nrmm-mm 'mmiwvw*.^mmm^ Gilmanton Co-op Creamery Preston Creamery Produce ¦ ¦ Hwrtli nn liaclor Oil B i^¦. •,.... y M,au,ic s,1,cker 0il 1 TOP FIVK I II- ..IDS Modene Co-op Creamery Hart Co op Creamery Mi"". cz:v^" Wlllon li. .-. k**, II , G, Will, 'Sprl-ip Valley M 1,11/ 44.8 ¦ 1¦ lnl_,„d _ _ „„ _ , - faflTI-Ovl 303 ¦ I f.E»ni»rch" FrOniulir ll.-Ml.l-, ' H'Tflrfin iIII i| internally.,M-• Mount.. ' V 7-Pnpi.t Ui Inking Cunt Veinoil Kuppcm, Spniui Vl«lll^ H 1.161 4/ .I Garden Valley Creamery Association ¦ ¦ e-IHrrtiavlic Syilerrit' Illlld (Of Jotld Dceie ¦ I.Nt.nori. llaiolil and Pool Sikkink, Spilnu Valley H 9«o 40,1 SEEDS •> SEEDS Cochrane Farmers Co-op ¦ SEEDS¦ i l ien 1*""! l«rn*i-n »lr_l AH Homer llalllntior, iliiwarlvllle .' , H l .tlSO 37 .3 • " Vaaler Feed Store, I I Vour rhoitml W * > . Normnn f'eter-.on, Wykoff A V/.l Jl 0 ¦ Creamery |,urn Aid lionkiit, C Wo urge all farm-on to book their Sprlno Grov. TOP FIVK COWS Centervilk Co-op Creamery . f re, 4 . It t t Torr-nmycln Mastitis tubes. _ ^^^^_____1______I I J ____^_-^^I ^!^^ I I I 5^-^S __^^ "I ' " L AVu lo Oomlnk, I . lin e Snr lno» OM M 7 1.19(1 4J 9 : —' I Spelts Garage, Roilinsstons Glenn Ulkklnk, Haimnny GURU 111 2 1,71/ 4j.n , Sfr"in Elb \j\P iSrffi Hv.*yn Menslnk , Preston GH 75 I 1.300 40 n I -_iM_rl #V I ol/AC M""nB C°" ' *******\\*** J. W. It, U' - ter Prlnwii, Spring Valley GH 39 '1 1.0S2 40 0 LalU ] U Lol-llCS . Fremont Co-op Creamorv TOP FIVK COWS Paul Matlilson. Preslon .. . CH 91 i FARMERS EXCHANGE _a A m.. Chatfield Co-op Creamery Hltliaril name-., Harmony ... Gil US \ I (\C. HEADQUARTERS FOR SEEDS AND FEEDS ! Und O- t^.. Creameries, Our "Breoxy Mario Dornlnk, I lino Sp:lrio*i ' HI r eeCl 2>tOreS tne. new homu Acre*," E. of Winona Hwy. 14-61 L'lroer Gipboo, Pre\lon ,* , . .. GH 113 ! SB Main Street IM E. 2nd St., Winona Paul MMhlMm Gil IH mMmmm j mm^mA* Walter Dlnkf-tli-i, !.pr Inu Valley G|| fl ) *%*n *m ** mmtm^^m^m mm + m a*mmm**\m **m Mm *m**m ** * *** *** ** *********** **% **% **m, m, m IFYE Names Arcadia Farming furniture based tippn how the Jam. Support Prices Trempealeau Co. ily uses the room; special consid- erations; arranging smaller pieces, FariM^ Lake City Girl and making, recommendations for Winner Named Furniture Talks other that LAKE CITY, Minn.-Mlsa picture^, furniture might Of Feed Grains ARCADIA, Wis. (SpeciaD-Rich- solve specific problems, better Jan* Golhl, 21, Laka City, has High been chosen as an Internation- ard Krackow, an Arcadia Slated-for Homes tamp shades, if needed etc. School senior, was the winner of al Farm Youth Exchange del- WHITEHALL, Wis. (Special) - egate to live and work with a the first annual Future Farmers Sarhe as 196 of America farming program con- Future Trempealeau County home- 1 H ^U farm family abroad this year. ' Bear Valley FOUNTAIN CITY, Wis. —. Joe older. Secondly, I can almost elU "ONE 12 by 40 foot silo is filUd test conducted locally. maker training meetings on fur- Shed Prices for Hie 1862 Mops of feed 7 Miss GO'ibl has not yet been niture arrangement will be held grain, according lo Greshik, Fountain City farmer, minate loss from -the weather/ with 20 percent protein alfalfa hay- He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond L. "I believe there is no better way lage for my brood sows. I run assigned to a country, She is in homes. Managers Adopt Schell, chairman, Winona County discussed making and using low- a senior at the College of St. Henry Krackow, Town of Glencoe. that one can automatically feed 120 brood sows and farrow twice Layton, home agent, Agricultural Stabilization J and Con- moisture , where Richard's program includes 8 Miss Eileen , silage Tuesday at the Un- legumes or grasses; other than put- a year. After the pigs are weaned Benedict, St. Joseph asked that hostesses have furni- Overall Program servation Committee, will be sup- iversity of' Wisconsin, Madison , she is majoring in home ec- head of dairy animals, 10 head ting it Up as haylage. or silage. I only ieed my haylage. No grain of purebred spotted Poland China ture in their living rooms out of ported at - the following national during a Farrn and Home Week ¦ onomics. * ZUMBRO SPALLS, Minn.-Th# average support levels: . meeting. 'I have eight silos. T fill one or concentrate are fed the dry hogs, 8 ewes and several crop place before delegates arrive. sows for two and one-half months. The exchange program seeks Wednesday, Jan. board of. managers of the Bear Corn, Excerpts' from his talk follow: 22 by 70 feet with corn silage and projects. The schedule: $1.20 per bushel aver- the other 22 by 70 feet with hay- I then start - feeding a small to increase international un- 31, Ettrick Center, at home of Mrs, Valley Watershed - District adopt- age for all grades; barley, 93 cents derstanding and is conducted y Since beginning high school, ed the overall plan of water man-, "IF ALFALFA can bt cut and lage, which I use for beef cattle. amount of grain and' protein con- Everett Haldorson, Galesville; per busfiel for grade National 4-H Foundatlprt Richard has tested his father's No. 2 or bet- cured at the ideal time there is The silos are placed so that I can centrate daily. By the time they b/'the Feb: 5, Arcadia . .Blair and White- agement. in the Bear Valley Wa- ter; grain sorghum , $1.93 per hun- and tha Agricultural Extension dairy, swine and sheep improve- tershed at a meeting here Tues- very little additional feed or. min- blend the silage as we feed it. This are ready to farrow, I am feed- ment projects, . ' • hall centers. Mrs. Harrison Im* dredweight for grade No. 2 or bet- ing 3 pounds of grain and -Vi Service. Foreign rural youth 6, Osseo day night;-. ter; oats, eral that must bie fed to bal ance year I ,put just plain corn silage Richard has been active in ju- mel. home, Blair; Feb. 62 cents per bushel for the ration. It can be fed to almost in the corn silo but next year I pound of protein concentrate and come to the United States un- and Strum centers, Mrs. Clarence Board members are Arthur Dam- grade No. 3, and rye, $1.02 per der Hie program to live with nior dairymen, student service , Fred Huneke and Alfred any animal on the farm. am going to cut two rows of corn all the haylage - they will eat. , 4-H and church Anderson, Osseo, and Feb. 7, Ar? rn^nn bushel for grade No. 2 or better, "Since I have been feeding alfal- American farm families: club activities,^ centers, Mrs. Starz./. or grading No. 3 on "I like haylage, because I can and pick two rows of corn to fill Leon Wolfe, son of Mr. and Mrs. cadia and Centervllle test weight put up close to twice as much in this silo. This will make a real fa haylage to my brood sows ,.I William J unghans Jr.- , Trempea* Explainin g the program were W. only. have had healthier pigs and more Anton Wolfe, Waumandee, was¦ begin at Marion Roberts, : area supervisor a day with the same amount of high quality feed. As I can blend runnerup. Daniel Bremer, son of leau. All meetings will He pointed out that these sup- labor, which is very important. As this corn silage with my .haylage per sow. On gilts we do not ?use Eleva Graduate 1; 15 p.m. ior the . Soil Conservation Service, ports are the same as the 1961 this level of feeding, as it is neces- Mrs. Marie Bremer, was in third group will seleet a mem- and J.ames Geottl ,. Goodhue Coun- you may know the quality goes I can make most any ration I place. Each crop supports. The 1962 support down very fast as the plant gets want. : sary that they receive more grain ber to take charge and lead the ty conservationist for the Soil prices reflect approximately 74 along -with the haylage. Assistant Head discussions, which will center on "Conservatioa District. *-^t_. percept of the January parity for "I have wintered cattle very suc- Full Feeding After finding out about the family, ages, The overall plan now will be corn, brfrley and oats; 69 percent cessfully on . just haylage and no Of Ag Service activities and habits; .determining -submitted to the Water Resources for rye, and about 78 percent for Records Reported other feed whatsoever. They like Calving Investigated; traffic lanes; finding the best pos- "Board for final hearings and ap- grain sorghum. ELEVA , Wis.-An Eleva High Testing and Lime it , as it has such a sweet smell; School graduate,, Charles M.V El- sible places for largest pieces of proval. Teed .grain legislation provides For 3 Holsteins "One 18-by-60-foot silo is filled ' No Mastitis Results kinton, 52, has been named as- MENACE that the secretary of agriculture with high moisture ground shelled WABAStlA Minn. ( Special ) — DENNIS THE sistant administrator for interna- . ' /STOCKTON, Minn. ¦ ¦ ] ¦ ¦— ' ¦— ¦ ~. Wachhbl z .? - * ; •may set the support level for corn corn that I automatically feed to ^ Whitehall Topic Bros., Stockton, Minnesota , are tional affairs of the U. S. foreign What do you get by -waiting -until at not less than 65 percent of my finishing hogs. This silo feeds agricultural service. 60 days after calving to put a cow parity for the 1S62 crop. The $1.20- WHITEHALL, Wis. (Special) - the? owners of three registered out about. 1,000 head of hogs to Guernseys that have completed of- Elkinton, who earned his doctor- on full feed? , per-bushel support price, Schell Soil testing and the application of 220 pounds. The rest of my hogs Trials have shown that full feed lime will be the topics of discus- ficial HIR production records, ac- ate at the University of Wisconsin . said, was determined as the price are sold as feeder pigs. in 1947, has been agricultural at- after freshening doesn't increase that would effectively sion at the soils meeting at the cording to the American Guernsey meet the ob- CatUe Club. ,8-by-60.f oct tache in the U. S. embassy in mastitis of cause- any other com- jectives of the feed grain program. courthouse here Feb. 2 at 10 a.m., "TH E OTHER silo Hllldale Chiefs Dancer, a 5-year- is filled with corn silage and hay- Tokyo since 1959. ' plications, says George Schwartz, Support for Peter Bieri, Trempealeau County the other feed grains Agent, announced. old preduced 11,709 pounds of milk lage mixed at filling time. I feed He will administer and coordi- assistant Wabasha County agent. requires consideration of several and 554 pounds of fat in 305 days this silage to some small cattle nate the Agriculture Department's The most important thing that factors! including supply in rela- B. A. Wiese, extension specialist on two-times daily milkings. activities relating to international happens is that the cow gives in soil fertility of the University 6 months to a year old. The re- tion to demand, the ability ef the Hllldale Marigolds Model, a ju- maining small silos are filled with organizations, foreign trade and more milk. Commodity Credit Corporation to of Wisconsin, will be speaker. nior 3-year-old produced , This is one of the things 4-H . 10 616 haylage that ¦ I feed to odd lots import control policies and train- dispose of stocks acquired under At the morning session Wiese pounds of milk and 582 pounds of of cattle. ' ¦' ' . ing in this country of foreign na- leaders learned at tlie adult leader price support, the ability and will- will discuss the new soil testing fat in 305 days. She was milked "It js necessary to grow a good tionals in agriculture. . meeting .here last week, ingness of producers to keep sup- program for Wisconsin. The pro- twice daily. crop to. start with. This means Project records for each club plies in line with demand, feed gram will initiate instrumen t soil Hilldale Bel Keris, a junior 3- proper liming and fertilization. The member were given to leaders at ' value of grains hi relation to corn, test analysis. Lime recommenda- year-old produced 10,259 pounds qf legume crop must be harvested the meeting. SchwarU said, "It is and support le\els for other com- tions and application will be dis- milk and 488 pounds of Ridgeway Farms . - ¦ ¦ fat in 305 early when the plant contains high well worth the time to look the modities. .?• . . cussed at the afternoon meeting. days. She was milked twice daily. levels of protein and one must record over now and become fa- After considering these factors, also remember lo chop the plant Change Hands miliar with the requirements of the support prices for barley, oats at the right moisture level. We RID GEWAY;¦¦' M inn ? (Special) - each project in order that every and? rye were set directly at their aim for 50 ? percent moisture part can be properly completed." ¦ ¦ feeding value to. Changes in ownership in area ¦ ¦ " relationship corn, which we get by. wilting in the - and the suppirt price for grain sor- farms include: ghum was Around the Pitchfork field. . Gary Koscn has purchased the set at 90 percent of the ¦ ' ¦ "We chop it ¦ very f ine, abo ut a Two Young Arcadians feed value of corn—the same as ;., , , The need for a* egg producers' organization , fee trend toward : Howard and Vernon Lee farm , for 1961. feeding more coventrates to cows, a new electronic machine that quarler of an inch in length; this near the Whitlock School , east of In Holstein Association measures the fat and solids content of milk, and mechanization in gives us the good compaction that Ridgeway. daiiy agriculture were among topics discussed this week at the is necessary for safe storage. When Mr. and Mrs. Emil Mades Sr., ARCADIA, Wis. (Special)-two University of Wisconsin's Farm and Honie Week at Madison-. the silo is nearly full we put in who have farmed here many Arcadia High School students have fresher material which helps form years, have sold their farm about been accepted as junior members Frauds in Food "We egg producers need a commodity organization to rep- a seal on the fop," a mile southeast of Bush Ceme- of the Holstein-Friesian Associa- resent us as? esg producers,V said Herman Brandt, Oshkosh, ,'ery, to Ben Steve. They moved tion of America. Wil. 'Thli should b» a fighting organization representing to La Crescent. .' * ,' . They are Robert J. Wener, son To Be Discussed egg producers only. Lawyers, plumbers and others have Iheto Three on Progra m Ur. and Mrs. If. C. Villmow, of Mr. and Mrs. George Wener, organizations fighting for their interests. We can learn a lot two miles southeast of Ridgeway, Rt. 2, and Jerome Grossman, son from these people. to Mr, and Mrs. Herbert McNam- of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Grossman, ERE For Weed Session ; ¦¦ "¦ - : *YES,I mMi TwoseiiTriE mm THINGS. M IREW?* "We will need a commodity organ ization to help us to make ei*. Rt. 3. / * use of the new Wisconsin In Buffalo Co. agricultural legislation passed by the By Alex Kotiky ALMA, Wis. (Special)—The pro- present legislature. This act will enable producers . of various At Lewiston Hall APARTMENT 3-G ject, "Fact, Fad and Fraud About agricultural commodities to set up standards for that commodity and set up regulations to implement said standards. LE WISTON, Minn.—The latest Food ," which the Buffalo County information regardin g seeding and Homernakers will be studying dur- "There will be new federal regulations attempted and probably enacted. When such regulations are proposed, weed control will be discussed at ing February is important because we believe that we the Winona County annual plant the Food and! Drug Commission will fare better if we have an organization which will help us fight unfair legislation and fight for beneficial industry conference at the city hall reports the American public is legislation." here Tuesday at 10 a.m. spending an estimated $1 billion George M. Werner, dairy Mollis E. Jacobsen , district weed yearly on falsely represented husbandman at the university, and seed ; inspector, Roy B. An- drugs, foods ; and cosmetics, ac- said cows aro being fed more concentrates in Wisconsin end in the nation. In 1945; 1,580 pounds of concentrates were consumed derson, inspector of weed and seed cording to Miss Pauline Poehler, sections, and William Bugler, state county home agent. per milk cow annually. This jumped to 2,12? pounds, in 1959. "What*are the limits? " Werner said. "This depends upon the entomologist ,, will instruct ' the Meetings to better inform the town board members, mayors and public of wise procedures in buy- cow and the feeder. Some good dairymen feed about all the grain cows will eat after they have had their fill of good roughage. Some appointed inspectors oh their du- ing these products have been regulations governing scheduled for the following days: feeders limit grain per day to 10-12-15 pounds. One can waste feed ties and. by over-feeding poor cows, " - . * them, Monday, Gilmanton High '"School; ¦ . Wednesday, Alma, Buffalo Elec- "Feed additives for milking cows are being promoted to sup- . One of the latest changes this tric Cooperative; Friday, Cochrane plenient a possible low carotene intake and to provide for low year is that every acre of crop- land may be planted to a crop in ¦ ¦ . Grade School Annex; Feb. -5, Mon- level antibiotic feeding. Dairymen re-quire more, and more - basic • J*==3 i»n -I, _¦' : J-U__K L__i l__ u_ -_ p«Ui ™u»,— ' I s.. . ~- . . . .- : ¦ -- . -• . . 1962 provided the proper method - ff dovi City Building; Feb, 6, Wau- knowledge of nutrition to make wise decisions. REX MORGAN, M.D. By Dal Curtis mandee, William Alleman resi- "Liquid protein supplements are being used in dairy cattle of weed control is carried out in dence, and Feb. 12, Fountain City feeding: These provide a combination of urea and molasses with , connection with the cropping pro- gram. Anyone interested¦ ¦ ¦ may at- Auditorium. phosphoric acid, alcohol and/or Vitamin A supplement. Whether ¦ • '¦ ' ¦ All meetings will begin at 1:30 or not these will capture a larger part of the market -will depend tend. . * . " X . project leaders upon how-they compete price-wise with other protein suople- p.m. One or two " from each .pf . the 36 homem&ker ments." - clubs are invited to attend. Young Dairy Herd There are tricks to every trade The Darisonometer', which measures the fat and solids con- and furnishing a home beautifully tent of milk by means of electronics and ultrasonics, was des- Feeding Topic in with a feeling of harmony is no cribed by W. C. Winder, dairy industry researcher at the . uni* exception , county homernakers V -versity. * ; ' learned during January, said Miss Sound waves of extremely high frequency are used. Dairy Trempealeau Co* Poehler, plant operators don't have to worry about getting a ringing noise The project was "Color and De- in the ears because the sound waves are of such high frequency WHITEHALL, Wis. (Special)—- _ Trempealeau County Agent Peter sign in the Home." the waves¦ can't be ¦heard.¦ Here's how Winder explained the de- vice: . ¦' ¦ ' - . • ¦ ¦ Bieri has announced that the feed- • . young - "Basically, it works on the principle that sound waves move ing and management of the at different speeds through material of differing composition—for dairy herd will be discussed Wed- instance, faster through solids than through liouids. The Darison- nesday. Disasters Topic ometer measures the speed or velocity at which the sound waves James Crowley, extension diary- move through the milk to be tested. The velocity is converted to man, College of Agriculture , will NANCY By Ernlo Buslimiller percentage of solids-not-fat and percentage of butterfa t and is re- speak at Eleva-Strum Central High In Pepin County corded on dials in these two fignfes. School at 1:30 p.m. and at Ar- cadia High School at 8 p.m, DURAND , Wis.—The second "THE MILK sample to be tested is warmed to exactly 122 de- This is the third in a series of Pepin County . farm management degrees Fahrenheit. Then part of the sample of warm milk is dairy meeting for Trempealeau school at the courthouse tide Fri- placed in a test cell which is kept at 122 degrees temperature. County wliich stresses the impor- day at 1 p.m. will be devoted Another part of the same sample is placed in a second test cell tance of developing top dairy heif- entirely to emergency planning for held at a lower temperature—around 57 degrees . Both these con- ers, All dairymen are invited. disasters. tainers are connected by electric cables to the Darisonometer . These meetings are sponsored in Don Jensen , civil defense spe- "Solids-not-fat content is tested first. The machine sends an cooperation with agriculture in- cialist, and Randall Swanson , farm electric pulse through one (fable connected to the sample held at structors Leon Mitchell , Strum , safety specialist from the Univer- the cooler temperature. This electric pulse is converted to an ultra- and Melvin Nelson, Arcadia. sity of Wisconsin , will present the high frequency sound wave which then passes through the milk and discussion, whicli will include prac- is bounced back to the other cable, tical methods of preparing for "This reflected sound is changed back into a pulse of electric emergencies , and a plan of action current which goes back to the instrument. When this returning Corn Production in the event of an emergency electric pulse gets back to (lie Darisonometer, it releases another The third rfieeting Feb C will electric pulse which then goes through tho same process. To Be Discussed deal with improved yields and "A counter in the machine measures how often the machine is quality from forage crops. Vic sending out these pulses , and this moves a dial to register the At Alma Meeting MARY WORTH By Saunders and Ernst Burcalow , agronomy specialist, amount of solids-not-fat in the milk. and Jim Crowley, dairy spel-ialist "For butterfat measurement a flip of a switch transfers action .ALMA , Wis, — A program cov- from the university, will discuss of the machine to tbo sample which is held at the higher tempera- ering all phases of corn produc- (op-level production from econom- lure. Within the instrument tho butterfat testing process i& the tion will be held at the court- ical feeding of dairy cows. same for measurement of solids-not-fat." » « house here Tuesday at 10:30 a.m. • Problems of corn production F. W. Duffee, agricultural engineer at the university, dis- from soil fertility recommenda- Houston Co. Council cussed mechanization in dairy agriculture. Ha said a farmer tions to the proper storage will To" Wold 3 Training —near Madison has-ia-one-stoiy-^airy barn- liouslnB-156 -cows lie di'sciissC'd by'exteHS'lon' Special- in four rows. ists from the soils, engineering, Meetings on Aprons "It requires only 20 minutes ef one man 's time to clean the agronomy and entomol ogy depart- barn," Duffee said. "It would take 2V.\ hours to do the same job ments of the University of Wiscon- CALEDONIA , Minn.-The Hous- or seven times as long, if he used the manure spreader-hand sin. ton County Home Council will shoveling method. Latest informntion on weed and have a series of three training insect control will be included meetings on aprons. "A SILO UNLOADER will save practically all of the time re- ¦ . These meetings are scheduled quired to throw down silage hy hand. It ordinarily takes less than for: Tuesday, Caledonia State a minute to start a silo unloader and set it for the required amount Bank basement; Wednesday, of silage needed , whether it be 500 pounds or 10 ,000 pound.*.. Tliey Doctor and Wife Spring Grove Lutheran Church par- shut off automatically. lors, and Thursday, Houston Com- "Tho conventional milking machine is one* where the milk is To Report to MARK TRAIL By Ed Dodd munity Kitchen. AU meetings will drawn into a pail and carried by hand to tho milkroom. A Clcaned- begin at 1:30 p.m. In-Place (C-I.P.) milk pipeline milker conveys the milk from the Alhclene Scheid, extension spe- cow to the cooler in the milkroom. This eliminates hand carrying Houston Co. FB of milk. Incidentally, (he C.I.P. pipeline milker represents the cialist In clothing, will give the CALEDONIA , Minn. ccial>~- lesson. Each home council leader best method yet developed to aid In tho production of high quality milk. A milking parlor is a separate room designed for milking Dr. and Mrs. Giiiuiar Gunderson is asked to wear hey favorite of Ln Crosse will he the gtie.sls apron to the meeting. only, A big advantage of the milking parlor Is that the operator ¦ stands on a level about 30 inches lower than the cow. T-liis elim- for Houston County 's fourth an- inates stooping. nual Farm Bureau banquet at St, "With a conventional milking machine one man can milk 20 Mury 's Auditorium here Monday Rushfo rd Creamery cows per hour. With a C.I.P, pipeline in a staJl barn one man cun oil 7:30 p.m. RUSHFORD, Minn. (Special) - milk 30 cows per hour. With a C.I.P. pipeline In a herringbone Dr. and Mrs . Gunderson will Tlie offices held by dlreclors Car- mllklnff parlor one man can milk 40 cows per hour. Stepping up give illustrated talks on rural life rol Colbcnson and Joseph McMnn- the milking rate from 20 to 40 cows per hour is real progress, niul in Peru, imon Jr. will he up fer election more progress seems likely. A milking parlor complete with all lUisst-l Rolh will be master of at the annual meeting of the Rush- equipment costs $10,000 to $15,000 iincl is not economically feasible ceremonies and local people will ford Cooperative Creamery Asso- for small herds. Much of tho equipment is jieeded in any case. provide tlio entertainment. 1' . D. ciation at lho high scliool auditor- Therefore Wds is not a net increase in the cost of the farm dairy Hempstead , president of the Coun- ium here Feb. 10 at H a.m. plant." ty Farm also will speak. DEAR ABBY; ; FRIDAY The Daily Record JANUARY 26, 1962 You^l Must Earn At Winona Two-State Deaths Winona Funerals General Hospital Mrs. Mary Geticltmann ¦ Mr*. James O'Laughlin Trust of Parents ' WABASHA . Minn. (Special), — F u n era1 services for Mrs, \-|_.tlng hour*: Medical and lurslcM By ABIGAIL VAN BUREN -.Itlent.-.: 2 to 4 and 7 to S J JO p.m. mo Mrs. Mary Gctschmann , 62, Waba- James O'Laughlin; Gilmore Val- chllrtrei- undtr 12), ' sha, died at 1 p.m. Thursday at ley, will be at 9 a.m. Saturday DEAR ABBY: I am a teen-ager who is rot trusted by my Maternity patient. . 3 to >:30 and 1;lo parents. I don't 't but I know they 1:30 p.m. (adult! ouir). Worrall Hospital, Rochester, of a at the.: Cathedral of the Sacred know-why they don trust m« heart condition, where she was Heart , the Rt. Rev. Msgr. Har- don't. Will you please tell me how I can prove tq my parents that THURSDAY moved Saturday from St. Bene- old J , Dittman , rector , officiat- I am dependable ahd can be trusted? I know lots Of other teen- Admission* , dict's Community Hospital , Durand. ing. Preliminary services will be agers , with the same problem. NOT TRUSTED ' She had been ill -four ' years' * and at 8:30 at Burke Funeral Home. V William .Miller , , 411 W. 4th Sl. DEAR NOT TRUSTED: Trust must be EARNED. Your , 1072 was admitted to the Durand hos- Burial will be in St. Mary 's Cem- Mrs. Isabelle R. Schonigcr parents should give you a few added privileges and ; then let- W. Broadway. pital Dec. 21. etery. them. Friends may call this evening ybur actions determine whether you are able to handle Ferdinand S. Ci sew ski, Washing- The former Mary M. Kralewski, should ba she was born at Durand April 27 at the funeral home. The Rosary If you prove to be -unreliable, then those privileges ton Hotel. , pleasantly sur- 1899, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. will be said by Msgr. Dittman at withheld for a while. Most parents would be Peter Harmon , Utica . Minn. ¦ ' nricprl tn lrnhw Virtu? ---lanor-rlnhl*- thoir topn. 463 Chatfield John Kralewski. She bad been a 8/- :¦; : yi -V ' * .' ; .' ', ' .: Dennis R. Marten. ¦ X- i . . agers could be if given the chance. . ¦ - ' • ' . ' resident of Wabasha since her mar- st. . . . Mrs. Veronica Schneider Robert J. Lehnert z , Rollingstone, riage to Otto F. Getsehmanh . in DEAR ABBY: I read a letter in your column Funeral services for Mrs. Yer- Minn. 1.918 at Durand. from the wife who wanted to leave her husband , 523 E. Front St., Birth* She was a member ol the auxili- on ica Schneider because he had an _-__-_-____(______•__ affair With another woman. 's . . . . ¦— ^m._- ___>___• aries of the VFW and American will be Saturday at St. John ' ' Perhaps TMr. and Mrs. Maurice E. Fa- the Rev. James ' my stOry¦ ¦ will help ¦her arid others like Legion and of S( . Felix Altar So- Church at 9 a.m., , WEATHER FORECAST ; . . Snow is expect- Atlantic coast and from the Ohio and Tennessee her. •' ' . ¦ ; ' ' • . ¦: ¦'¦ ' '., ' bian . Utcia , .Minn., a daughter. ' ¦ officiating. Preliminary . - .; ciety. V . ' . : ' *. - habiger ed tonight in the Lakes area , upper Mississippi , valleys into the lower Mississippi valley. It will ' Discharges sea-vices will he at Watkowski Fu- . * . ... My husband had an affair with a married Survivors are : Three , sons, Rob- north Atlantic coast, hortiierri Plateau woman for about neral Home at 8:30. -Burial" will be and the be colder cast of the Continental Divide except 6 years. They enjoyed? their Mrs. . Richard C. Neitzke and ert , Plainview; Herbert , Lake "secret love" for one . And he spent the nest in ' St. -'Mary 's ' Cemetery'. . northern Plains, with rain in the more southerly for warmer weather on the east, coast and in the sear bahy.; B56*:.E,* 3rd St. . City, ant! Otto Jr., Wabasha; three . ' 5 years trying to get rid of her. Legally she could ¦ ' Friends may call after 2 p.m. portions "and-rain and showers along the .-central ' central and southern Plateau. (AP Map) Mrs. Jnmes P. Garry, 1710 AV. daughters ,.- .Mrs. * Arthur 'Mary) Photofax do nothing; but she ¦ (oday at the funeral home. The inade life miserable? for him, Wabasha . Sl. Petroff , Minnesota City; Mrs; Al- threatening to tell me if he quit ' "will be said this evening seeing her. Mrs.. Roger Marsolek arid baby, bert (Evel yn) Neumann. Tracy, Rosary Finally, at 8 o'clock? V in desperation; he came to me with Abby 206 Hamilton. .SI? Minn., arid Mrs, DeW ayiie our minister and told me. He had . been such a wonderful hus- Miss Maude M-iloney, Lewiston, fYvonneV' Blim , Wabasha; four Thomas O. Dearman Ground Hog band and father , that I.thought he was joking. Oh, how he suf- Minn. brothers. Wilfred , Joseph and , Million 2 Killed fered inside for. his mistake! That was 18 years ago, Abby. We ' 8 Miss Gayle V. -Frank , 14 Glen Leon, Durand , and Thomas, Ar- , : A funeral service for Thomas , will since have reared 4 wonderful children in the happiest home you Mary. kansaw: three sisters. - Miss Mar- OV Dearman 50 N. Baker* St... ^ 'wcett- Supper Set could imagine. My pride was wounded, too, but only for. a day, Eoy Brown , 539> W. Broadway: garet, Durand: Mrs. Anna Hoeft , he 10 a.nri. Monday at Fa ' ' Aliraham -Chapel, Capt Lester An- for I knew he really loved me. He»*as^«aade up for that hurt in a 'Mrs, -'Gerhard! A. AV.achholz. 419 Mayyille , N. Y., and Mrs, Rose Damages thousand ways. I am glad I forgave himA WISE DECISION ' ¦ derson , Salvation Army, officiat- Asked Hurt in State E,: King- St.. . . Lindow , Lake Forest : ? Ati-ewiston , 111:, and 12 ing: Burial will be in Woodlawn ; "Walter ; 0. Thompson, Peterson, grandchildren DEAR WISE:. How very wise you areTNo one should be Cemetery. Friends may call Sun- LEWISTON , Minn.—A "Ground Minn:- ' * ' " : A punished a lifetime for one mistake. funeral service will be held day from 2-4 p.m. at the mortu- Hog" supper will , be-served - . Thurs- Saturday at 9:30 a.m. at St. Felix ' ' - ary J y.V V" ' In Beer Suit day from .5:30 to 8 p.m. by the Auto Mishaps DEAR ABBY: I wish there were a magic mirror for* grand- Catholic Church , the Rev. Eugene . ; OTHER BIRTHS J CAP) Men's Club of United Church of parents who brag about their grandchildren. 1 can excuse grand- Egan. assistant pastor, officiating. MINNEAPOLIS , — Two By THE ASSOCIATED PRES5 legal actions carrying Christ here at the church . parents who are stillV thrilled with : their ? first grandchild, but I NY, . M inn. ( Special J — Burial will be in St, Felix Ceme- FIRE RUNS overtones of HARMO The supper is patterned after the Two men were killed and eight cannot for the life of me understand people who have had four Births at Harmony Community tery. . the now defunct Kidd Cann liquor Thursday famed Inman, Kan., ground hog persons injured late Thursday in or five grandchildren and continue to bore friends with their Hospital: Friends may call al Abbott-Wise syndicate operations in Minneapo- 10;32?p. m. Raymond Gaert- supper which served 1,600 last highway crashes near Brecken- pictures and cute sayings. Don't think I am jealous because I ilr. and Mrs. Morton Fairchild, Funeral Home after 2 p.m. today. — lis were filed Thursday in Henne- -Wi year. The ' local' .pastor; the ridge and Duluth. Minn; have six grandchildren of my, own and, believe me, I could brag a daughter Saturday. The Rosary he said at 8:30 n-er.. 12H-i - 3rd St., called fire: pin County District Court. . Rev, . wi'l men when plaster from an old Walter Meyer, formerly served . In addition , a suburban Minne- plenty, but I have too much consideration for others. Please Mr. and Mrs. Ftarold Ilarstad, a p.m today by the Rt. Rev. Msgr. . the Minneapolis Brewing Co. is *n . Kansas. He brought the idea to apolis airman was killed whfen his print this. T want to buy twenty newspapers ' and clip this item daughter Tuesday. John Mich. ceiling fell onto the new false ceil- defendant in one action, b rought Lewis.on , where it vyaS used last foreign-make car was in collision and send it to some of my, friends. BORED- STIFF Mr. and Mrs. Luverne Scanlon, ing and he felt there might be a by 18 retail beer dealers ahd ask- . Mrs. Alice Smaby fire. There was none. year for the firs t time. .with - .a truck-trailer at Fort Worth, a son Monday. ing $8 million damages for alleged ' - ' COPfFIDENTIAL TO EMMA: If you have to ask me if you FOUNTAIN. Minn; (Special ! _ Members of the arrangements Texas. . price favoritisrh shown . syndicate ' are "in love" — you aren't. Mrs. Alice Smaby, 82, died Thurs- members in purchase of its Grain committee are Earl Papenfuss, Minnesota s highway death toll TODAY'S BIRTHDAYS day evening at Eriekson Rest Munic ipal Court Belt Beer. , Herbert Zander, Frederick Cross- for the year? is 28 compared with Home after a long illness. ' field and Pastor Meyer. 49 on this date one year ago. Lori Jean¦ Spitaer, 1259 Gilmore WINONA . in the other, five Minneapolis The dead : ¦A-ve ¦¦ Mrs. Smaby was the former The menu consists of potatoes ., 1. Forfeits were: business men are asking the court Donald L; Bu dish, Par k Alice Hafvorson and *was born in and gravy, peas and corn , pie, 20, Mrs. Barbara Gernes, 1730 Krae- to order the Minnesota liquor con- {liver , N. D. Norway Aug. 31. 1879. . She came trol commissioner to issue them a milk or coffee—and ground hog, IMPOUNDED DOGS mer Dr., $15, charged with driving Eino Suonvieri , 58, Flood- to the United Stales when she was license for reopening the Loring disguised as pork. eight and was married to Martin without a valid driver's license. wood, Minn . Goodview No. 106 — Female, She was arrested by police Wed- liquor store in Minneapolis, once ¦ ' Smaby at Peterson in 1901. Mr. . * ' Airman-2.C; Gerald Osier, 2*4, j, brown and white, no license, third operated by syndicate members y Ft/(if<)f Smaby, who died in 1957, was one nes at 1:25 a. m. at 5th and Huff Eiclifield, Minn, - yS/il|f/fl .da but now closedr y. streets. The Highway Patrol said Budish No. 1438—Male , white aiid brown of the first rtiral mail.carriers in this area. Irvin C F. Dahlke, 729 E, Sth The beer dealers in tjieir com- was a passenger in a car that co-cker. no license, fourth day. St., $10, charged with disregarding Mrs. Smaby is survived by two plaint charged that 'Grain Belt-had Police Check was in a smasliup on: an icy J>fo. 1441—Male, white terr ier, no a stoplight arrested by ¦ ¦' ¦ daughters, Mrs Jerry (Marian ) Gi- . He was. made, special price rebates "to the stretch of U.S. Highway 75, about license, third day. " .' ¦ X: . police Thursday at 10:32 p. m. at Can Be Tau ght -No. 1442 — Male, brown, no li- ordano, Wykoff . and Mrs. Maxine ' Kidd Cann group between the 7 miles north¦ of Breckenridge, at Rappo, Fountain; two sons, Her- 5th and Main streets!* summer of 1955 and last March. 11:50 pm. ¦ ': ' ' out great with group singing In the cense, second day. Ruby B. Drazkowski, 424 Kansas By LESLIE J. NASON, Ed. D. bert and Harry, La Crosse; nine Hit-Run Crash kindergarten—and the kids love it! Available for good homes: St., $10, charged with driving The complaint alleged that the Professor of- Education, grandchildren and nine great- price cuts of: 20 and 30! cents per Police are investigating a hit- The driver, Charles Palmer Jr., Univers ity of Southern California But ih junior and senior high Six, male and female, large and through a red light at Broadway Erie, Pa., suffered head grandchildren'. Two daughters are case of beer were made for only and-run accident involving a park- injuries schools it begins to get lost. small! and Franklin Street , . Where she and was taken to St. Francis Get a group around a campfire dead; a "favored few" and that this was ed car struck on Sarnia Street west was arrested by police Tuesday Hospital , Breckenridge. op a pleasant sumnier evening or Our loss; could have something Funeral arrangements are being discrimination under Minnesota of Dacota at T l;: 30 p.m. Thursday. to do \vith the kind of music pro- at 8:55 p. m. Donald Rittenhouse, 27, . Kent, around a blazing fireplace while WEATHER made at R. C. Dmry Funeral laws. The parked car. owned by Ray the winter wind howls outside. grams we haye come to expect Home here. Leslie R. Woodworth , 402 W. Wa- Minn :, driver of the second auto, basha St., $10, charged with -fail- The papers cite that information Burmeister. 627 Dacota St., receiv- What comes naturally? Why, sing- from our schools. • . . was listed in good condition with EXTENDED FORECAST Ernest Burlingame ing , to stop for a stoplight. He was concerning this alleged favoritism ed $30 damage to the left rear. The ing, of course! It's great fun. We expect high school athletic .MINNESOTA — Temperatures other driver did not identify him- lacerations. His passenger, Mildred events to be complete with scliool MERRILLAN, Wis. - Ernest arrested by police Wednesday at came from the testimony of brew- Wiecklein , was reported in Many people who travel in Eur- will average 6-12 degrees above court self. serious groups band, just as in college events. Burlingame, 68, Jackson County 11; 10 pm. at 4th and Main ery officials at the federal condition with a skull fracture ope notice that whenever normal. Cold at beginning period , -several and We are even beginning to expect law enforcement officer, more than streets. trial at which syndicate multiple bruises. get together there i_> apt to be wnvmihg over w*eekend With rap- of con- ANOTHER ACCIDENT apparent- singing—-just for the fun of it. Yet the same thing in junior high 20 years, died Wednesday morn- Donald Q. Dingfelder. 1770 Krae- members were convicted , Suonvieri was killed id day to day changes north but ly involving two trucks did not . and five many Europeans trav eling in this schools. There's nothing wrong with .ing at Veterans Hospital, Madison, mer. Dr., $5, charged with stopping spiracy. Other persons injured no large changas thereafter.? Nor- ' seem to be noticed by one driver, , none seri- country comment that they miss it. Children , should learn to develop where he had been a patient sever- in.. lhe wrong . lane of traffic. He ' ' ously, mal high 12-20, north,. 20-25 south. police said. ! ; ? in the collision of two cars this kind of singing. They never talents. . ' al months. was arrested by police Thursday on a highway, six miles N«i*mal low 9 bel ow. extreme north- at 6:55 p. m! on Kraemer Drive. A Swift & Co. meat truck, ?oC . west of hear it. Failing health forced him to re- Duluth"* late Thursday. . WE ALSO expect our high school west. 6 above extreme southeast. tire as chief Jackson County traf- which Ronald Graves, Homer, was It's too bad; Music is one of ¦ the;driver , was parked in an alley choral groups to do some pretty Precipitation will average One- fic officer in 1953: ' . '-¦ for Highway ? man's most satisfactory? ways of . WSC Ms Th* Patrol id**nti««d spectacular things. Operettas, tenth to one-quarter inch occurring between the Piggly Wiggly Store expressing his feelings. The Arrieri- con- Born in Jackson Connty, he was those hurt as Mrs. Suonvieri, certs, state and national music occasional periods of snow and the City Hall, next to tlie po- cans who don 't"do this .kind of sing- as employed by the Chicago & North Betty and Gladys Bailey and John festivals. These , are *; wonder- . More Wisconsin lice' Station. ing are missing something impor- , too throughout period. Western Railway before working W, Jeffery, all of Floodwood, and ful experiences Many such, high WISCONSIN-Temperaturcs will Graves discovered at 10:10 a.m. tant. Perhaps they have never in the lead and zinc mines of $41500 Job John T. Moss, 50, Richland, Mich., school groups .are almost profes- average 4 to 8 degrees above nor- "Wis. Thursday that someone, apparently learned to enjoy it. Grant, He served 14 months submit- driver of the second auto. sional in ttieir perfection. gh 17-31. Normal Winona State College , .. For years our schools have been mal. Normal hi overseas in World War I. Products Subject another truck driver had snapped Osier, who was stationed at At some point , though, we have low 1 below to 15 above. Much cold- ted a plan for rehabilitation and off the rear view mirrors cn the putting heavy emphasis on the He was operator of the MerriHan college for Carswel l Air Force Base, was separated the talented from the er Saturday but turning warmer village power plant 15 years, was repair projects at the right side of his truck. There was "performer" in music; We start meeting of killed Thursday night when his car not-sb-talented. The talented go one again early in the week continuing Jackson County deputy sheriff 26 $43,500 today at the about $115 damage to the right College Board at St. and a truck-trailer collided. way, the rest sit and listen. They mild into midweek. Total precipi- sheriff six years, and part- To Sales Levy the State door of the Swift truck. years, Dr. Nels Minne, president, become so ? accustomed to just tation about one-tenth inch. A lit- time marshall and police chief at MADISON, Wis. IM-The Wiscon- Paul, Dimes Solicitation announced. The other driver had not report- listening that they are content to tle snow likely over the weekend Merrlllan. sin Department of Taxation enum- ed to police this morning. At Whitehall Monday; be listeners all their lives. and chance of ra in or snow in mid- Survivors are : his wife, three erated Thursday another list of Also submitted were similar projects at the other four state ONE DRIVER is scheduled to The talented few have a prob- week. sons, seven grandchildren, two products that will be subject to the Gov. Andersen Corn Drive Saturday lem too. Their extra-curricular slate' colleges. Bemidji asked 519 ,500; face a charge of making an unsafe , OTHER TEMPERATURES brothers and a sister. s three percent sales tax music activities are really polish- which becomes St. Cloud, $27,500; Mankato, $9,- WHITEHALL, Wis. (Special)— By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Services will be Saturday at 2 effective Feb. 1. start in municipal court Saturday ing sessions. They learn a great 500, and Moorhead , $4,000 , The Mrs. Norman Anderson, Whitehall, High Low PR p. m. at Mcrrillah Methodist The new list covers beer , liquor at 9 a.m. as the result of an acci- deal about the techniques , of mu- and tobacco products. five colleges' requests total $104,- dent involving two vehicles Thurs- Explains Report chairman of the Mother's March . Albany, cloudy ...... 40 26 . ... Church , the Rev. Richard Schriver sic. They also learn to expect per- Taxable will be ale, beer O00. day, at 4:30 p.m. at 2nd and La- for the New March of Dimes, said . Albuquerque clear ...43 27 .74 officiating. Burial will , be in East , stoul fection. Don't expect them to sing and other malt beverages. it will be held Monday from 5-7 Atlanta rain ...... * , 6G 54 .04 Lawn Cemetery, Alma Center, The projects, described as es- fayette streets. spontaneously—they want a rehear- , Bismarck clear ...... 42 12 .. with rites by the Veterans of For- sential, were culled from requests Louis Thill , Winona Rt 1, alleg- With Tax Blanks p.m. sal first! ¦ Also subject to the levy will be $400,000. edly pulled out in front of another Members of Mrs. Ray Shanklin's Boise, cloudy 19 13 . ... eign Wars of Alma Center. Friends totaling more than ST. PAUL (AP) . — Gov. Elmer So now w*e have two groups. " .alcohol , brandy, cordials and li- car from a parking stall and the Girl Scout troop will deliver con- Boston, clear ...... 46 31 . -. may call at Jensen Funeral L. Andersen said today lie had Those who have decided they can 't •quers, gin , grain neutral spirits , A SET OF RULES gowning tainers to solicitors Sunday at 3 Chicago , rain . 38 29 .29 Home, Hixton. two collided , police said in charg- enclosed with state income tax sing and those who are afraid to rum, vodka, whisky, wine, and parking and traffic on the five ing him. collect them Bfonday eve- Cleveland , rain ...... 43 25) .02 other specialties subject forms an explanation of how the p.m., sing because it may not come out to the campuses was adopted by the Mrs. Olga M, Zimdars, ,114 W. ning and deliver them to Mrs. An- Denver , clear 38 13 .. Wisconsin lax on alcohol ic bev- tax money is spent because he just -ight the first time. It takes ¦ Two-State Funerals Board today. 4th St., was going east on 2nd derson. Scouts participating will be Der, Moines, mi n 35 31 .28 erages such as claris! ine, maras- feels taxpayers are entitled to it. a brave' soul to start a singing Among ohter things, the rules Street before the accident. Tha Lois Blank ,? Joyce Borreson , San- Detroit , rain 40 31 T Mrs. Caroline Stellwagen chino, okolehao or oke , pique, He* made the statement in reply session in such company. authorize the presidents of the right rear of her car received $35 dra Carlson, Connie Quinn, Jan Fairbanks , clear — -35 -48 STOCKTON . Minn.—A funeral rock and rye, tequila and vieille ing to a request from state Rep. colleges to establish speed limits, damage. There was $75 damage to Heggc, Susan Knudtson, Chaunez Fori Worth, rle,ir 58 52 .11 service for Mrs. Caroline Stellwag- •cure. D.D. Wozniak, St. Paul liberal, IT'S HARD to know where to l ocation of stop signs and loca- the left front of ThilU' s car, Lietz, Sue Rasmuson Susan Riba , point the finger of blame for this Helena cloud y 4fi .til . ' . en , Wauwatosn. Wis., former Stock- The tax will hit these items in who heads the House Tax Com- . tion of prohibited , restricted, or Linda Sendlebacb , Jean Trovatten situation, but some of it may be- Honolulu , clear .. .77 fifi .12 Ion resident , will he 2 p.m. Sun- the tobacco category: Tobacco, to- mittee. Wozniak wrote the Tax De- unrestricted parking areas. The and Judy Leek. long with those who first decided Kansas City, ra in ...... 'Ill 35 .39 day at St. Joh n 's 'Lutheran Church, bacco products , and smokers sup- partment for information on the . rules becomes effective Fob. 1. : Saturday, will ¦ be Corn for Polio that music should be extra-curricu- Los ' Aitgelcs , clear ....58 47 . .. the Rev. C. F. Kuraweg officiat- lilies such as ash trays , chewing mailing. ing. Burial will he in Silo Cem- Also approved by the board was day in Whitehall. The crib will be lar rather than part ot the regu- Memphis , cloiid .v (id 5;> .10 tobacCo, 'cigars, cigar holders, cig- "I have received a great' y a code of ethics. One provision re- Girls Twist *man located on the vacant Jot next to lar program. As an " activity" it Miami , clear 711 7") etery. Friends may call Saturday arettes , cigarette cases, cigarette letters and telephone calls indicat- evening nt the Wer- quires faculty members to make the bank. Glen Olson, agriculture no longer was a thing to really Milwntikff , rnii?j 3fi ? 2.1 .02 afternoon nnd cups cigarette filter , cigarette ing approval of the letter and sug- Lewiston , and a report to the board abont out- instructor at Whitehall High study, anrl the emphasis on per- Mpls., St. Paiil. clear.. 3K 22 .. ner Funeral Home, holders , cigarette making ma- gesting that it be repeated each afternoon at Ihe church, side employment. Up a Storm School , has arranged for FFA hoys formance^—wonderful though it may New Orleans , cloudy • 80 (ifl .. Sunday chines , cigarette paper , cigarette year when income tax statements (AP) to work in shifts all day, assisting be—took it away from the group New York , clear 5(1 37 tobacco , cigarette tubes , cigarette DULUTH , Minn , - A new are mailed out , " tlie governor John Barry farmers in unloading their corn and gave it to the few. Oklahoma - City, cloudy 411 311 .08 John Bar- urns, humidors , lighters , lighter twist was added Thursday when wrote Wozniak. LAKE CITY , Minn. — nnd helping get the corn to local In Ruro-pe. where the tendency Omaha , cloudy 42 31 flints , lighter fluids , pipes, pipe General Motors ifi-year-old Duluth girls did the "I am sure you would agree ry, 112, died Wednesday at the mills where it will he sold. Corn has been to keep music on an Philadelphia , ' cl oud y . 51 2!> million, instructed the Tax Department to Names of four Winona Slate Col- for learning, not as a thing to be Seattle, rain 47 43 .01 Marron Spencer and Linda Grif- March 1950. 53.35 a share, in 1900. include the enclosure in the mail- lege students were inadvertently performed . He keeps right on en- Tampa , clear .... 73 5!l fin remained linked together until Survivors are: Two daughters , Deeply in Debt The net came on estimated sales nearly midnight when Principal ing only where it would involve omitted from the honor roll for the joying it. WjHiam -down Curl—ttoon'- rnvaded ' ""the— school' no-olhor-expoiiKe-than the-cost -ol •fall—riititrtcr-whicli -was- published- - • -Participating—in- "-musi c- just-for "ri oT,LV\V()6T) rXp) -. K VOII . Milwaukee; two sons, the Hev, hillion last year. shop, used i\ hacksaw to sever the printing and paper. Thursday. They arc Mrs. Mary the fun of singing is wonderfully Coleman J. Barry, Sl. John 's Ab- I hough his estale is valued nl GM said today's announcement He said the printing cost was Kohner, 8f» W. King St., 2.25; John soothing -mil relaxing lo jagged ' chain * that linked the tuffs. bey, -Collegevillc, and Richard , $2.1 . million , F.niie K UVIK S . widow was a preliminary statement with $4, 500 for 1 ,200 ,000 copies and that Litclicr , lfino Kraemer Dr., 2.20 ; nerves and it' s .something our I When 'he couldn 't remove the in- Camphor Balls Great Falls, Mont, says tlie comedian was deeply in i final figures due bite next month. dividual' metal circlets the amount was charged to the Kathy Belter , 427 W. 4th St., 2.-17, schools could afford to do mora debt. fro m the Funeral services will be 11 a.m. girls ' legs, tax account. and Beverly Meyer, Lewiston, 2.47. about, loo. Fata ! to Child The actor ' Ihey were -driven to the Sal unlay nt SI. Mary 's Catholic s widow , siiiger I'.di . police station hy Lewis Kisenberg. ' Adiinis ' offered this explun.ition MONIIOl'-, N. .Y. (APi-'A Ifl- Church , Lake Cily, the Rev. Bar- . KLsenberg it was who had re- Thursday: "Tlie Stevens Point Man nri..nths- ..ld" i*ir I died Tliur.'-d*iy ry officiating. Burial will he in gross value trieved the rusty handcuffs from Landon Doesn't doesn't represent , n Her swallowing camphor halls the church cemetery. a true pit-lure Dead in Accident his basement iind brought llirm to of the estate at all. Krnie Want Senate Job she found in a can at homo, The Friends may call after 2 pin had the dance ns a prank. Notice of Annual Meeting victim was Margaret -Aplnti , today nt Tolzmnnn Funeral Clin, been working with lho govern- By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS When policemen couldn 't solve WICHITA , Kan, - Alf M. ' ; III ment for a Jonn j imp Irving to -nf a truck driver in daughter of Mr. | ( | I heater al Kpi- lighting system. Przybylski was N Friday Evonlnflt by Appointment dniirus. Greece, is still packing in struck by n third truck in the Tm«» AIO MAIN SIS. PHONF. 6S50 - 3631 . CULLEN B. PIERCE, Secretary i audiences to watch the hit plays of l oam , proceeding in Iho SHIIIC dl- 400 R . C. •••tctioii, ______i nw ¦___ tm MM ______fc ____¦__ mm ' ____¦ *%**%* mm _¦_. .______..._«_¦*. Hawks at Northfield ? Cotter at Benilde (13-0) By AUGIE KARCHER suffered at " La Crosse Logan, Wul f Krause* Steve Keller an

and Morrie Miller was out part ¦ ' C ___.___ . ______.___.__. ___ , __,__.__.. - -- -¦_*!¦__I>ll>_n_ *M~__r__-__|-M-|-_flM-M"M-_i_l_i I* __¦___» __, _.« "Naturally, we have every- He will take a 10-man squad of Thursday with a thigh bruise thing to gain and nothing to for the two games. Stellpflug Will Play Saturday —- . STATB —- — RE OMEN -—- WOMEN'S TOURNEY Stale Meets TO OPEN SA TUR DAY Redmen Open Twetity-four women's bowling teams will converge on Hal-Rod Lanes Saturday night for the Mankato in start of the 1962 Winona Wo- Rugged Card: men's City Bowling tournament , . First 12 teams roll at 6:45 NSCC Test p.m. and the second 12 at 9 3 In 4 Days p.m. * . "We're as ready as we'll ever . * As the St , Mary's basketball be after one of our best weeks Of Teams resume Sunday at 12:45 Redmen get; set for their toughest practice," said Winona State with competition all day long weekend on the schedule, accord- Coach Bob Campbell Friday. and continues Monday ing to Coach Ken Wiltgen , there is The Warriors journey to Man- and Tues- day nights. Doubles and singles little being done in the way of get- iato State Saturday night for an ting the team "up." start Wednesday and run through all-important NSCC conference test 1 Tonight St. Mary's is at Chris- ' ' ' -? water) and Ruben Roca •with the Indians. Feb.^, tian Brothers College at Memphis, OLYMPIC SWIMMERS ... These three •while Raul Martin tin In the first meeting of the two Tenn. , and Saturday takes oh rug- members of the North Central College swim team both swam for the Cuban team In I960. North teams the Warriors walked off ged Arksansas State College at which takes on the Winona State tanksters to- Central was NAIA champion last season in piling with an 81-77 victory in a contest Jonesboro, Ark. up 111 points at the meet in Detroit , Mich. (Daily " night at Memorial Hall Pool were members of that could have . gone either way 1960 Olympic squad. Dick Blick (right) was a ' • '. News Sports Photo) . jight down to the final gun. There' s no sens* frying fo Vt . a big effort out of the team down gold medalist in the 400-meter freestyle at Rome It was a knock 'em down and south when we have to come back drag 'em out . fight in the first and play the big conference game game and this test promises to be of the season," AViltgen said, RECORDS TO TAKE BEATING no different. In the first meeting UPPER MIDWEST COLLEGES— Wiltgen was referring to the fact Carleton is, Sf. Olaf it. Ken Stellplug suffered a fractured ¦ that his team will play tonight and ¦_^_-_-m_-_____ .*:-.

" "' "'"' " ' '' '' " "' '"' . OiCK '^RACY -- : ' .;. . ^ By Ch*s»or Obuid


tHE FLINTSTONES By Hanho-Barbera ' ' ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ * - ^^mmmmmmmmim ^t^^mm ^MmMa *ammammmMtmmmmmmmmMmmmm mmmam, ^^- i¦ . X • - - " — ' - * " ' "-

RIP KIRBY By John Prentice and Fred Dickenson

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W-—-~'V ^flR'QOlD T 69' Q«.l.*Vc»*>u* ONLY EACH i FILL OUT THIS COUPON! i ¦ ** '; 1 ' * ' ' ¦¦i ' ______^^^^ i [ii n n -tiVii Mh'1._if-f___i_-l____rt^^ \ ^ m M l , D W «» B-»-«IIB »- »# *-***•_#¦ ¦ ¦_. ___.*»¦_. !: MARIGOLD DAIRIES CREAMED COTTAGE" "V*. CHEESEWl ! Winona , Minn. I You 'll he* inl i i*:ueas is iii'liiiilly inlaid between llie two ••.alls of Hirse f-racious , colorful TPAIIRI F PP_T_T