JIAN (.AZOTE !p.i e Me.,tite, N (HI Vll I'l B I Ft

1 I 1 sal, t o 1 a m Ua- - t, ""'' . m.i. nuM-iW- k SO I 1 no' ,.i mi 15 T MENRY WHITNEY, M UW- -t lark. 1 rt w an i. oa M Utm a Iwehea. J 4si in1 Mi 11 mi M :a n IS l i J w i 4 B 1 m it 1. a m ml m lm n l im m mmm GAZETTE. Third of Coluaia It aar J m is on re ij :o n. THE HAWAIIAN I ALLIES PES IIIII H.lf ft l..i 10 1. ' a mi m ml m ta Column 14 ok "Ml M.r AMIS ArAYE 44 OBTM A TO Dm Cotetaa is m HHiUK' gtn.aa. AVEEKLY JOURNAL, DEVOTED HAWAIIAN PROGRESS. T Knirwi whea aewaaaa aw near, aba llownl dlaroart rr--at lh rale, wbleb ar be traoalea. wha paid .T fbarewd urlelT. ditlbol.M. a. Ail ..reten tWiTllbaaabai ataat b m mm ik Pocx OSce Iiuilduu: lib Ike e wkana cwaWed la. u aa aetle will be taa Is m Iheat. The rat at iea la the . Ihr cbrer -- "XI mm I Tlliwi ,11 lain IT L VOL. XIL--No. 41. HONOLULU, WEDNESDAY, 22, 1876. reitim Ameelr. ilrHaieala. NOVEMBER 619. r WHOLE No. arn piioti. rmj beIunaad by bbk (keek, taaa or tea earn fnat-a- la lap. UWr. Am lurmllac iln. BUSINESS NOTICKS. BUSINESS NOTItJKS. nOMKSTK' rUODl'CK. INSURANCE NOTICKS. The MM little f- i rr which ear'-or-e- tbe mourn FOREIGN NOTICES. Jt - eve : 1' i: K parlor at Mr. Michael II. IIK kl l l.ll 0., r. A. ! A HKKU A CO , SOLE & SADDLE LEATHER. BcKton Bnanl of I nrirrwritrrs. COKXISSIOH AGISTS. W. !eVKRAXCB, rirtw'i carpenter m ulrwatBa, betweea E.y- - GEKEKAt Importers A br II. sti.rr. VC- Commission Merchant nnrl 1 okxti tk. lai.ada. Uaeea Street. Uoaotbla. II. I. Ij obll Tnnnorl feriat OQeep SVina WH, uw.iua0 attKW.lt kCO. iB h. uJ Margiey street., of which t gave an lloaololu. ll,...h.n IJ.da tU lOIMISIIOJI wKRtllAMa. tli held. vriTI.YO IIA.M AND FOR SAI.F. It MMU yesterday uiorraiBg M aril' busily Box aged in 1UI1I1 1: & CMK. 1 at . UIO I' T c frvmi i: writ known Philadrlphia Board of I ndfrwrltf rs. aat FRtlTT STRKATT, to awwartt Ob., Carver Fort aad Qbeea Jtrret IHITat, it ffiealaaB teak, aad ailing tb ignmi persaas t WAaatatA TA.WKRY. C. JJOTI.ET. 4 t.K.XTS tur the llaeeallaa Islan.1., RAM raavie. Skit and Braiding lrop. mm UKI.Mr.lt .1. sTSASUMw. h i Paint. Oil. Knit. DENTIST. . visit (rite Th ittl Hartae reaaaied pravtice. raa lH ly A. S. CLKtlllURN A CO., Arr-uu- mm utntn joao-i- Hatarials of .rery kind- - be loaad al hi. roues ever K taci is ef La b . acx atd vrry assail, a feet Sl:eU X IV, Drae etore. coraeruf I'ort aad Mote! Streets. I.IF4KIA icm mm .11 ly a. P. EVERETT. whack MMMM1 the feat whici it Don perforata the iioFFiriii.Ai:.i:K a o. INSURANCE COMPANY. HAWAIIAN SOAP WOEKS! r s or BxarvviLnxs. Tbe botK om i IMFOHTEES A5D COKKISSI0S KXSCHAKTS. UK. F. U. T rxUKRSIUSKD, AOK.HTjl P TDK Forwardin-- ami I nmaisNton vl Ill Tin: Company, . oeo vo a predatory caramon to trvw a Uoaetata. Oakaw H. I. uS hare been anlaortaew to lasure rlk AOS Corner of t lay, eaitrte If PHTSICIAH AND SUSGEOH.ll0. oa KrelglfeA and friwa Hottolula Front Sret, t aUCar,, Treaaur. bote Baser the beach where the spider dwell, uil - . OftVe at Drue Store, cornsr of Fart aad Merchaat Street. ib of tk. woslo, aad vice ewrwa. SAM KHXNi -t i. Tl in- lliO-- Ke.td.DCe. Nucsdh Avcnbe. Scnuul - 'y H. HACKFELO a CU. aaass op wtver laaaea ea-- J. bear .tleet. & - 1ST late tb ah the MaM Toe OlBce . GREY CO., a- Panic. atlaataoa paid lo Coaaignarenta of lalaad hour. 911 a. sil.tr 4 ly H aswr, spider. bo bail, ao doubt, watched tor a AT LAW .Uaitafirtiircr. and DfHlcri F. A. 8CHAKFER, Fro Aae.. ar wbttae.'. tvvk ibcarerf occepMd u in Wag Ural the toevstaebts, laid a trap far tae uuus AaXte Hocotara. M I otM-ro- afBrvarB Beard r Unalerwrllera, bi Jadfe LiriiKop. AGKXT of Drardeo Board of Haviag reiaraed to Honolulu to ALL KINDS Caderwriier. Bx.vir a wiLtxxaa bbwbt r. raXAScaxaa, awrtiag yueag wouae. aad Moadae BivraiB(, whea it reMdr. ha ree.laed lb OF SOAPS, Areal id Vtana bVaard of Underwriter. EL (3 practice of hi. prosVeaioa. Aayriaedemriirfl; hi aervlce. either UTOICOCE, Letco. King Street, flonolttln. Claim, axaiu.l n a Br WB tow Bast var.eu oat ea ttt dalle mult, tae Uttie epider bo JdAKWl or Surspeal. car, fin.! htm at lb Capl. Snow O lasaranre Compaale. wllkla Ike larladk-llo- WILUAMS. BLANCHARD a CO.. V tt.r of the arais. of Ka ATTC AT LAW. HILO. HAWAII. rksWaiac tbe UawaUaa HocL .tt-t- f Beef Maltnn and tiw.t Tallow wauled. Ord.ra aod Blfla ' Ibatd. Coderwrlterr. will kav. lu vu ob the laoa oat. uphiebed the thread which hc i4kBk. Ir, akawa u, ih.m valid. atttlyrti ,oJT Bill. Proaiptlr Crdlrcted. left at Ira Rrchardaua'a Bool and Sho. Store, will meet with aeoi mie preaareu for enow tiiad I. ShlpplD: And CoBueissiei Mrrcuanls. immmm had her tartitb. ejs had fi. M prompt attrotioo. 471 ly TKASS-4TLASTI- C .i:i.ki: a Tfj lb theab aj 1: paed out of it hole, .. IM ttt California trt. Saa Frailllll esn ewanx- - r t LICK, FIRE INSURANCE awaw latneuLjte.r lionflaociseur to Joke Neill. TINSMITHS 1KD PLUMBERS, HETROPOL1TA.-- 1 I COMPANY, it. alter the ier had HUM.! K II R),. So. ." N it 11. villi Slr,-- , l trim brea caujht. th. .prlr faitod another thread to lachinist. Lock and Cun Smith ISKH INMVKKD OX III II. DIM. s. SIKrt- - Jaachloe repaired: Dvalrr Spurtiac C WALLER, chaiidia HOWLAND, the mum.'. Uil. and alter several hour coaataat Sewiaf ia trod Keep conrlantly oa haad a fail assortment of Tin. Sheet Proprietor. R and urnlture. oo liberal tertna, by ft. S. ajreatfbrtaeCeWbrsted FLtlKENv. lt SEWING MACHINES. Iron, and Copper. are, ,t 40. Fort - : r It. UACKFKLD Ixv. Aeent. a or, tuccaeued ta raism( bar pre' Street, lloeotvile. H. t. Kli.is Ktreet. 47$ly) Honolulu. Mar . 1474. Shipping; aaa CoaBission .Ifprraaot, Gklr'd Iron and Lead Pltx. Indik Rabbar Hate. Ae aaSS-- lr aad eoatiaaed o aviag aatil the tip of the dou C Ba Kill ly noil, Front Street, near alllwrala. aoee ua.r taucbed the Boor. Having thus rendered IHaW, Insurance Notioe. AHD DRUGGIST AS MUM inn. it aaafata.. the little rpider indutri.ailT aat to wurfc APOTHECARY 15. A. I III I 11. A. CO.. ! Uouolala, "HE HAWAIIAN HOTEL AGRXT FOR THE BRITISH RaTEM. TO Coca.r Fort and Hotel Street. Oahn. DEALERS IH DRT GOODS AND GENERAL THK Mrlo. Ia.ur.nc Coapanv, (Umltrrd). Ivaa ba, aitiplTuic it fafttciap. After a few hour' A How aWdJocd. Sraww A Be. sow. but Bleeps epsu arerr Krenlna;. oo" It eeived instruction to reduce the of Insurance 0. If. land. Nw c Ca. ar Satarda)' MERCHANDISE, rate 1. Rat A Owata A Ctark. Ftw , awaaa, the moue wa raided one ibea Iroui the flour, between Honolulu aad Port lo lit Pacific, aod I now It. llali Sons, Fort St.. above Odd Fellow nail. ly to la.De Policle. at lb iowret Wat. II. Craxro, " A A. Maurtca, Fuartk .1 V o . rate, with a special T rder worin a if with a paUc.v. 1. A rrductioa oo fraixht par tamra. tin tw Baak. N. Ia fcta terrible coatortiuaJ ts reieas If. the iMpertaT and CwMMitaWB Agaats had WaolMKle . TIIKli. H. DAVIB5, it. Aaraii. or1 ly Agsnt Brit, For. Mar. In. Co.. Umitd. I aserase aiaaafed to et.r the Is tenia; around hi. Dekl.rt IS General XbRAalldiie. Xanana Ktrrel, .rr lalug Mroct. Kbo. BOOKS A STATIONERY. . viueeo St.. aext to theiwfice of J. I. IKiwsett. Ijt raruaraa Ann dsulkji tx . - r .era the tnraasl. ahih .... II vi t H General Merchandise. Fancy Dry Goods, RU is KM K I in l.ri it iat the air aad so tacarr what the attach, C. BREWER & CO., The Basis of Our Business. FIRE INSURANOE COMPANY. Ts Maa,B,fact-.- all sstcb rVwj4u awsjal j w to it tail that effort to break it ware Gentlemen Furnishing Goods, r fraitle. t bt. . r. cBTam. PIRHT. y aa ran ba Joae bar as wall as aod V CuXkiiu, Boots. Huts, t.'-- lMbr, Air. It roes . takinc great iataraftt in the pioccedingr. F- - c. Jo.., jr.. Sltot. Cajs, hWt . ttt. I SlllEllslliXKD hawing been .hereby directly bee At oar cutUxm aad oarseiTsa. I J. bAEWKB. 06 lyr Till'. Areata of tbe above Comp.ur. ar. pretMre.1 lev. the ( rder uaduturbavi. and during alatoat th. In Insure n.k ...uaal Are. on and sCCOXtX-- Ts Baiy aisat a--U Books raa--4 ts4Wasry Stone Brick Bnllrl. . j whaa ef aaoada Bight, with sereral friend., watch- SHIPPING & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, luga. aud ou Merchandise .hired thrIB, 01 Ik uot su as to make tt to the Interest or dsale-- aad wtvtuari t t.v,rble For particulara offlca u( cuema to as i a pnlWeoca lo saaVtag Bast. tj Honolulu. Haaraiitn Islands EBH 1KB T. O'lIAI.LUKil, apply at lb ing Its workiag atteaUrelr. The little luecct after 40 lj ti. F. A.'SCHAKFKR A CO. V4xiety. Attorney and Solicitor. t W Ve ataaaawtars aad iini- -n eeery tleerTiptioa at taking b.r pgaitioa on her rictia tail, comntcQced 4 II. BROH1. Is authorized to leal from $00 t. $10 IVOO. ,oj Alortrage Terrjins; lavrt: aUcka of rapec. toeet4pss atW "" nT r TUB of BAsnaiarscturs, aaa. 1 a r of Freeholds at lows! rates of ialerest. WILL, .'iir uD Iaks, Slatss. ef health . Dr. aaaaifal j the thraadr aad working. Gradaalty ATTORSET AKD COUNSELLOR AT LAW. PKUPKIFITUK SPARK Ml i LF Atenu lb London, and lu all parts of Australia. fjiii pains lo max Ihi dW- - Orsr l,iM raxle ties of BUak Airaat kept la Stock. : tie Coa.d the aetoaished witccsse of th3 wonderful feat SCTAKT FITUC. Swiss Lloyd Marine Insurance Co. t. Omce oa Fort Stra.t. loppuait Mr. Ira Itich.rd.ou'a A. L. Jt aae the mouse creet. Bp, aad the tcread decendmg for 5t.Tr, Honolulu. 407 3ms AJNTT tVIJiTIRTUl'R. BANCROFT CO.. And Agent for taxiac Av'.iiow:e,UraieU of Instruments ELEGr II OTEIj itf oMA-t- Saa Cad frwm their faatening under the corner of the bench, the Island of Oaba. First-Clas- s in Every Particular! a saUbbd tare "aX ''UK. are ACTHORIXKD ooTT Ba, S Kaahcmann Street. Hooolaln. M. I. to the arsrr'r tail, increased ia number, and daring It KK II ARD F. III IntlKi tbrV. ROOMS CAN BE HAD BY M. toinaute aaaaari tk D wajrar CariaSiasv, he THE WEEK OR NIGHT, tweate-foa- ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW -- the r hour eodmg Testerdar erenicg. the or without On Cargo, Freight I " Tmrnrnf rmm. II. lHIkKV. Will attend the T.rm of courts on the other with board. and Treasure Q.I impossible C Island.. INDIA RICE MILL, thread, eo lacraabcd that it became to oiVT M .uey to leo.t.n Mortf ate of Freeholds. 4xsr0FnCE, So. From Honolulu lo all part of lh world, are, . ATTOBSEY tiAW, Hall and Larg. Room to Let ror Public nr. a s. ' aae raaatf I Ebai la conac them, aad the moase. which wa al:v though Aad aoreat to treceir arktaowladxeatoat of Labor Coo tract, a Mvrcbant Slreet. up .tlr over Dr. Staogenwald'. 407 and upon 11 'UN Kit or tor th District of atawao 404 Meeting, or Sorlellra ly b aaaaaaarr a aaaa wath aw Uird wis areaaesed. had heea raised from wae to three inches t'ottatera, by Spe-cia- l ! WILL PRACTICE O.N MACI OSLT CaaAB. T. U1I.K K. Prrmlaalon MISSION ft FREMONT STS., SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. from the floor. The spider during the whole tiba. Oo th most favorable Stank Labor Cootrart appmrad torni, ad Stamped aat ua auarr ( tail, obIt rearing it position at long Paper coo.Uut'r on haad- - lVotary Fvilolio, W, 0. IttWIS 1 CO Reudeoco Haiku. M.ai. bS' IjT FAMILY MARKET! 57-l- sraarar'. eerdart aa that the interra!.. when it would cautious: eeep down the foa, AND Afent for the Hawailau lalaud. FRIHE IMIll RII-- MILL HAVIN41 I XIItR-- A, I, H gone Valerlal lmprovementa, ta now la perfect cow. tail to it root and there feed spun the blood vf tae in to lakr hum I. di in, ins ror Ijibor G. WALLER. dtttun for tb I11HA1 BKOTIir.llr. Proprietor. H V I) 4t Interior Ofxrre. Hottolula. ly Fl It E l I '8 F I - aaaa aa Aa aaraaaaa; awaaat has wrfl." amid a moase. Then resuming it position on the cod of IKFORTERS AKD WHOLESALE DEALERS - Wvrurd Cap. Boots, and . raata. Arc flat. " I had a arwta-- th tail, it again begin iu work. This unheard It Fashionable Ctothinar. Hat. nhoe. B. INSURANCE COMPANY, Hulliug and Dressing of Paddy j ii variety of tieatlemen's Famishing Goods. Snow's C BAKTOW, AuriioDeer. i Faith ae dad. ef naptare of a moase br .o small aa infect, aad its irarf ee BAM will. Salesroom on OF FBAMOiaCO, a, Baildmc. MerchantStreet.nonololB. lolv on tiucen Street, door from Kaahumaou at ' A AMD ner of eleratma it. ha excited the iU Street. lj from Herds . arhe ha ;at rrtarned Choicest Meats the Finest TVC and admiration ag thousands of visitors, nS. . M.1.1. dk" r.B., Fire and ar lno, taw aaasrkvora. caaorht ware ( (sold. ' sa a Ma M mrt he sale IN KAROWARE . , I ash apllral. 14300,000. ANED ., kg ...... b. .er.ralkci, IKPOKTFF.S A" PFAlrBS riOFFIT, UNCLE RICE! arat SB TTaat aBarat hare have a weak By as.aa th. Dry Goods, lainta. Oil nd General Merchandise. SURGEON, writing .mall line on carolully .elected risk. wU Prhre for III I.I te en pb TVkCaAvaAi. bo in crjwtU Vegetables, &c., In tbe Best loaalble Manner The VI and ueuibieU Urge 0Or in Wallakn. Maoi. II. I. Fish, Poultty, dislribolsd, offer SSS-- lj Corner Fort and Kla, St. lyr and D RESIST XO PADDY has Bean E.dwwi M aae out at Mr. Gross's carpeoter shop to witness the proee. k'lrrli ialirrl to Order. at h? a panv I .Ml K M I T V SRCONU TO HOMB. of the gigaa tie talk which th. little spider had un- m. s. a , -- jim1-- t. ici it i n a t o a - Ok Y. !" jrX'rM.48.--TaeMlay- and rhiirsilnyo- Teal, Losses Promptly Adjusted. dertaken, aad M ao saooassfuilj bringing to aa issue. i. A I.AI.XK. IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS af thaw I run Mr. Gross will leave them carefully GROCERIES AND PROVISION DEALER In Fashionable Ctothiag. Mat. Cap, Boot a. Shoea aad Fridays-I"lt- o. BISHOP A CO., Paddy and Hiilled Rice! aai erery -- Family Grocery aad Feed Store. varirty .f Gentlemen superior Furnishing Oood. Sun ilny a Lamb, B47 ly Agent for lb. Hawaiian laland. watch the result, as everyone is aaxioas to see what In Make Block. Qneeu Street, Uonolula. 11 Will Receive Prompt and Careful Attention. XSS ot) Fort Street. HocoIbIb. St. I. (Unlea otherwise onlered.) lf (oM4.IyJ the spider will do with it captive after it dies, aad WM. M. ORtUWWOOO. The Proprietor havto; leased the neat and commodious NORTHWESTERN Wei;, g how far it wi.i eicrate it. JOI1.X II PATY, General rnntmlawnsi Merchant and Proprietor .1 India MUL BTI ly MM IRON CO. VEGETABLE, FRUIT AND POULTRY MARKET, Rice H NOTARY PUBUC and COMMISSIONER cf DEEDS. HONOLULU WORKS Mutual Life Insurance Company, Biahop A Adjoining Ihe Family Meat Market, will be prepared lo For tbe State of CaliS.ai. OsV at the Bank of '-- SI (JAR MILL!, ooT3 ly STEAH UGUIA promptly and aatislacbirfly fill orders for everything re- HILWAIHEFi. MINtoNNIN. MTataTal wi-r- e FawM CONSTANTLY ON HAND Co.. Kaahaakaaa Street. HooolulB. 5xaawaal Bollera, Coolers. Iron. Bras, aad PALACE TRUNK STOBE, . ; c Lxd Caalinf. quisite to furnish the tables with all the Subatantiius and - Irelicarles the country afford. O. aa MEW HOtTOOEEKY STREET, Mg kam t be aWwaasd,' A GENERAL ASSORfMT OF A t O.. Machinery of Every Description, 1 V , C t In BOI.l l err Ship, iliis nipplieil ou Short Xotlce.-- ABSBTS, 0,0 O O N te wbatkar it is a Ship Chandlers and Commission MercnasU. ATS" Mads to Order, i J Palace Hotel, San f ranctsco. Sam aabaalaag ' Oeneral FartdcttUr attention paid to Ship's Blacktmithing. Meats, dtc, delivered to all parts of the Htv wlthont ex- Chandlery and Ship Importer and Uealer. in Mercnandiae.tiaeeBStiv, 408 U. ffftllE tiost siiii.ssiii, rr Ship Stores! y ly tra charge Sml WALLER. STL In nsuiMi; Tbe traveling public from Aualrallaand the Hawaiian Hoaol.lu. Hawaiian laland. - WORK oo notice, oota COMPANY the World. rjaja." aaiat aa youth JOB .xecateil Ihe ahortert ly Islands ar invited to Inspect th stock now open at tb i Ariaa V l or Sale by BuiXDi to. atxivs crutral .tor. i aad added a:. it. CHARTERED IN ilia. rerarwa Iillnl. if. rMTYKB a liKoiin company Every article in the line of a gnat bwbxj a war asifc have barer hung oa that GROCERY. FEED STORE and BAKERY, rceefi WE iVEIGHT, union insurance Haa the advantage of Western Rates of IntoresL Nevr Valitet, Traveling Baift, - : -- PER bark R. C. Wyiie from Bremen Coraer of King and Fort 4treets, OP SAM FRANCISCO. lost a dollar of Its Securities and never falls to pay Ua Trunkt, IIOXOLULC. 5T6 ly SHIP AND CENERAL BLACKSMITH, losses promptly. ft I up . Satchels, Straps, etc ' B eon to lb, Shop on Ju W. ,rf foot of 5tro;t. next to th IVXaz-Izxo- Jo, te ;. :s'Inch to Naiuna For particulars apply at the OAce of af I aaaa, ta aae a ghaet, yam ML! WATEMODrtK, CsMtloMO lIutAM. ii n hi lu. H I. Conslantly on hand, JOIIX T 1865. v. a IKWIX At CO., aasat 1 1 -. I 1 -i incorporated, xaaatlea' Flu Soiei Lrn4ker ift all iriag awaat tar th rest af CH UN CABL. "h. U. and IMFOSTER AKD DEALER IH GENERAL CARRIAGE REPAIRISG DOXE. ooT ly fr,r the and leant. low by Aeenta Hawaiian Islanda kaca. For sal MERCHANDISE. & COOKE, AGENTS KaraUiva Trunk, a us Botijss1 d: CO. Hu coQftAiitiT hud And for nl, food CASTLE 573 Qoeco Street, Hoaolala, II. I. '? th Bt Ur Iron. 410 For tbe Hawaiian Islanda. ly NEW ZEALAND INSURANCE COMPANY, Trunks of any pattern mad to order at short notice. All orders from tb other IUndi will b attended MM Trunks Repaired Covert Matte. r.. h very . t All work io Hat xecBted mud FOB and tr thick af there bat Stockholm Tar and Coal Tar W. BKOn V mj with dispt:h ( l ! ol7 ly 300 HarreN BmI alit'oruin inn San Fraoclaro. Sept. 1474. 407. ly. and a bey lARRELb AM) t AKS. CIVIL ENGINEER, Which win be sold at the lowest prices, ia other words, FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE. IX Male by (411) BOLLES Jt CO . kaaBaywar a k mmi a aat Ta Arat yea have t bek Far Smith-- we will not be DM DKKjojLD in this article. MONTGOMEBV SQCABE. over Bride. ESTABLISHED, lttl. a an, wanie ta iaibar yac have U liak Koada d attracted. Bridges bniit. Ob.tructioo. removed, Ac 441- - For Sale by BOLLES at CO DR. J. COLLI BR0H E'S Wilmington Pitch trtu eatablianmrnt close at 1 j o'clock Satardaya. KkUniFACTUBEB. I MPOKTER AKD DEALEB CAPITAL, - - - Wilaiington Tar and 417 Mapa and Profiler lyr 1,000,000 lo FartxttBr of Ter; d?cr.pti. n. ForDitare Waraj-- r.i ud (With unlimited liability of Shareholder,) BkaarwaB ayaWwi aaaraaar gmwa oat th ward V. . Ch- Work-b.- p TXT 3D a UUP MBI Fort $lrrl ijvp. jt Photorrapta Gull err. NOTICE. Y IkLK For sale ky (411) BOIXES A CO. At th old o Hotel Mr t. Ofavr Fort. OHLOROD vroxt.A ACHVCK. stand THE r.MlEBNHiNEI). I'omorly wilt, "Sea to't well, protect yoarwlf." SBtstsrsASS. 18 THE OBIOIMAL AHD OHLT OEMUIM 60S Order frotu the other Ulands prumptlj mtteoded to. v 1). X. Fliluer. begs to inform the citizens of flouo-lui- n at awawaaat ttk at at aaaaa. aha a Sealers generally a Importers. Wholesale and Retail end the public that he has taken INSURANCE AGAINST LOSS BY FIRE, PUBLIC ARB I'AITTOSED li,lltT 4m.uU.i . aad. oa being PER CITY OF SYDNEY. in General Merchandise window In a E. Williams Fire Proof Building, on THE nnfoundrel tatraU freqnenlly nrad. ' that tk Wota.TtT, Fort Street, where he will give special attention to all Of erery of property raiay be effeKtevi with cnwtpoalliua CatOBOBTSB U a, Ckeasaata wax X. of kanwa aad th. abawaa it-- ajraad Mar eaitl"" rxMTftXA 111 bVAM And China Honda. In the Store oo Nonou kinds of w atones. locxs. and Jewelry itepaurtne. Kiigrav-ing- thU CotDpan at i.alerate rates. . 1- : Kit T. VIA Medical profession." Th fact 1.. Chl.r-- 1 aa dv r.i.t FROM another In voice of those Street, under the Public Hail. 417 ly CARPENTER AND JOINER die. All packages from Ihe other Islands addressed by Dr. CtlLLIH BROWNE Hay am eg war Mark Charek and Invented J. (ex Array Medaral ti.inii.i Otnr Promptly. lo him. containing articles for repairs, will receive prompt Merchandise, Goods and Freight Insured fluff. aod ao named by him. aud it baa baffled ill attemt,l ' -- tWorli, . : r "i Chris- - SUPERiOR CICARS! EplAvaade attention. Orders solicited for all grades of Watches of By learners and aalllog reaaela. at analy.ia by lha flt t Chemist of Ik day. Th aetaW H. II II KK, Shop 00 Furl St.. oppO0it ii BArrel manufacture. Satiafartlon guaranteed In every i.t J. o&73 American and secret of tb preparation bar. never been BWbHabwL n . i--t; r ap In boxes of aw each. Factory. It D. .N LoasiM be It .at rat MAKER, reaped. ((It ttoi wii.m CLARK. stiT' can niade payable la Hottolala. I. ob.lowa. th.ref..re. that anytbla, sohl antler tk. Bene, For Sale by BOLLEi at CO. CABINET91. hi . Steet. 1. 0. If. 0WBV. ssvs Dr. J. C0LLI3 BROWN E d CULORrJDT.NE, Is a aavtri. Between Fort aod Bethel street. BM. ITT-l- (At Mr. J. T. Watwbotwt'i) Afeot for Honolnla. ou. Imllalioa. a- - . X. DOT.tlXI,. Bat: I. i a r,. v:,: wx, t Furnltrtr of all deacrlcption made and repaired at rea- 1 CAUTIOI fir W. P. Word stated that sonable rata. Good workmanship ruaraoteed. o?9 ly 8 7 Dr. Colli Browne .a adoabtedfy th. ta.eatur California Potatoes & Onions CABINET MAKES. FRENCH POLISEEE. 6. & d,"' aak-- ta wan gawatg awaaa. lay Hid tkwtt he Bad ae NiKW BISHOP CO., REMEDIAL VSBS AND ACTION. I.1U1KD PER t'ITT Ol lOKK jI, ! For BOLLXW at CO. rHOS. G. THBI At-ir- LJ THE COMMERCIAL i ana tTabatt ta aa ftabssawf tk .aa.l. .e . News Dealer and Book- udortalxor This isvaluabla rente.lv pr 'since uuiat, t Stationer, IIONOI.IB ANH23RS,I.I relieve, pain. calm, tb ...ten,, realties, tb. . 1 AND NEWS AGENCY HAWAIIAK ISLAMOS, . ::.-.- the ether da binder. Jo. 31 Hotel Street, 1 1 1 1 1 Honolaln, H. I. PERIODICAL lion, and atituulat bast the artleae of the wreotiaa of th. ....DRAW EXCUANGI O.T body, witbnul creating aay or tboa BBBteaeaat I..BM. Taw awaga ha) ! Merchant Street, Honolulu. Also Stencil Cattiba. taid him that as FRESH SALMON 400 lyr Ihe aw ret repiaas. Old aad young may take al I Calirrapt, and CepyLng. promptly exacted oa AMERICAN, ENGLISH AND AUSTRALIAN THE BMI OF CKLIFOflKI. : : SAX FRANCISCO it at wast l kT44; boar aod tisws whan requi.it. Tbnawaibj of paraoa aaaaa aBsatTaar taaa't taave Is hagrui with, te R Tk I 4 I 4. N eaaoaahl terms. AMD TB E N 7 3 LM te. n 3 LB. v I RISH PACKED. III '. tlfy to marvallorja BOtai awke.s aad veetnaaifal ewraa, CO LA PCBIolCATIOrf lu wkita M aaaa Bar ewsa taax to j Catch 1T1 Also, U. MB BJVEK SALMtiN CHRISTIAN Ifew York, men IU most sUBSIaly, aw ztaMtaattil, aad fj, Tt CERTZ, medical extol vlrtuw asiag it ta !:. A. PEIRCF A CO., ArHuArri to Subscribers trifAin Ten to Twenty Days Boa ton, great quantities la las Idloartag dlm.n -- Chol.ra Dyaen For Sa., by DO LUES at CO. (Sacceaaors to C. L. Kit aixse A Co..) M from the dots puSUcatioit. Paris. terj. Diarrbow, Collks, Cosgfbs. A.tbtaa. IkiBawlkf. CABINETp, BfcliS TO AWOI VI E AKERTO THE j lufklanil, Whooplag Cough. Cramp Hystraria, Ac ' barely cover cost of Ship Ciaadleri Generkl Coaucitiion Merchaxtl. uJ IXBLIi of Honolulu, he bmt Aod at prices that th acbacriptioo Bad THE ORIENTAL BANK CORPORATION. : : : : saaBBxati ati that ill LONDON FROM aaawexei. whaa ra hal: cl fare cam. 1876 - postage thereon. EXTRACTS MRDICAL OPINIONS. ALSO Sitt Worts. thf stock and btwlnof WILLIAM FIM.'H- Apr" ialn jm . M an thus, Maxcau tx KR. Ilott'i Stm-t- next door to Strrhzt Drt-- RIstkt Erxwall ( COLUKBI& BITER SALMON AHD 573 HowoIbI. Hawaiian Ialaod. ly l t 'T Paptrt Delivered Free of Pottage in any part The Hon. Earl Store, and that In future the business will be carried oa by Hang Kong. of PhyaKaaoa, aad J. T. Davenport, be had reeeivad ekay 1 i avatL m . that li ll anna, to W ta. fstiaAar', SALMOS BELLI ZS: biro in the bud. premises. the Group. M aod to tbe effect the own remedy of aay awvsr. . C. St. P of tkat ."a. C a. solicits a fair share of the public patronage, sod nflboarae, In Cholera ww CIILOBODTNL-IS- e. Loacel. Dee. if. 4BM promises his patrons civility, good Aod Roiioea,. S77 RtRKI I.s kM HALF BtRRELV RK AI.I.F.T A tWBaWMlV. attention aod quality No One tiusact aOeaerai Baokiox ly Dr. Low., Medical Mlwrnnary la India, repnvU Dec.. IMA I - TAuwak their money. Snbtcriptionj taken for Lei, than Year. CBnasBasar- - tbB aad yaa af ta btaaop IX CSoIVa--D per iaixlaaaots. li dree from Portland aabinwon. wrharf, for 407 lm last iu nearly ivwy case of Cholera la wkkh Dr J. CULLiA u BEOWNrg CHLORODTNK was a.ln.,r, pats Vf - s Filae mad up at abort notic for Whalemen A tk. at aw tawtktr. Mi. araby Haardia..i also Dealer, ia Lumber and all of Building Traveler NORTH BRITISH AND MERCANTILE recovered. ' VRkAL -, from Afedtcni Krars. Jan. 12. I MA. " Cklerodyaa Wataryr. war. rbai i ana. a genu a axttxag ia freest i oKl.t.KN Small Materials. Paints. Oils. Kails. Ae Aerate- I Eitrsct pilot iiliMli. Manufacturing Jeweler SUBSCRIPTIONS PAYABLK ALWAYS IN ADVANCE. INSURANCE ia prewritead by score, .sf orthodox medical aracllUrrawa Of aat aar . . v CO., of asa. aa ha aavnad last af natal that I rake. .. II would aot raaswiarly poawdar E"- coarw the. a. did tt aat For Sale by BOLLEi dt CO Active. Matt -. A.MF.HICAN MEWSPAPER9 OP LONDON AMD EDLtBlRGn. supply a want and fill a piaoa.' ft: 560 Fairy Qneen r.lama. TiTotlco. I)EB.lr.NED. FORXEBLT W ITH X. T. Weekly Herald.. .1 4 00, Bo ton Advertiser. j M Er tract rrow the Uaaaral Board of Health, I is Isa. a to 'At 1M0. IM aae Bo atruagly ar w ad A RwTf M tsaht af a ixTtxwa lard that sitae a THE Eckart. besrs to Inform dtisens of Honolulu and Tb. N. T. Nation 6 Bo ton Journal . 400 EaTABLIHIIED aAMMT I. Cholera canoe af Ik. aak 11 1 1 -. VBlBS n. i) ir.- rjuhlie N. T Weakly 1 00 . T M iBuaesw of tkla rawed, that wa caaaa freer . nu the generally, that be baa taken tbe store 00 Fort rirar ... Sdentllc American.. la hi. I aagad Bar axws aoaaad tat a ajxaaar party waat or NOTICE. Lats Javios Gaxx A Co. Street opposite Odd Fellows Hall, .formerly occupied by N. T. Irish American 4 tat; Army and Navy . 400 CAPITAL 13. 000.000 ure tbanecMslly adoptlag II la A. BkiagM Rlavaai Tm.aag has who Tboa. Tan alt. where he arDl glee special attention to th X. T. Ledger. 4 00i American Artisan 400 CAuTIOa so J. .f t arvaat AMD COMMISSIOK MERCHANT- - Aceantulated and Invested Fund. S,S38,11S IMPORTER tnanofacturing and repairing of all kinds of Jewelry. Weekly Tribuas 4 ou Rural New Torkrr . . . . 4M ClLLIn BROWNE" oa tk Till helming lastlssoay accowpaala. asch kottls. 4J . aar aiilh .. that a aay wife. Kauiaoxeahl Kalpo xerxr IMfAMRM siifBUoo given toshesiaod Knkni Work. Weekly Zeitaug. 8 lrt. Country Gentlemen. . 4M awdlcal ris - -- CKDERSIGKED II AVE BEES AP. ' kk aa: did I taaak af AtawatsT" strwara has left mr-b-ed aad board without Jaat cause and in aar- tt'tli faaraab sattatactlon la all hla work. Vara Couilerde Rial CbI I Oo THE KM- - tor th Kandwich Lloyd a and the Liverpool rad.rwrlter, - ii: lalaad. aad are tola MaaaAKtarw T. DATES IHI RT, any con- - ifiO IZm WM. M. J. pmr.rcauon. I shall not be rsssoxwBOae far debt British aad Foreign Marin Insurant- Company, and WllNSEB- ILLCBTRATED PAPERS arrtborlxed to Inanre against Fire apoo mvoeabl. ia. 33. draat RssawU It. Hiutasftwr. Uaalwa. tracted by her on nxy accoanL yortbera Assaranc Company. oi'Z ly Rlak taken In any part uf the lalaad tea Wond.a Building Bold In Battle at 1. IU... la. d.. U. M. TILLIAM 3A10U.V. bC3 Harper's III. Weekly... 400 London Punch I 100 and merchandise .toted literals. Dwelling Iloaaes sod Furn- la New Tork. W. U. A twasW ataa, kw wtvar Vy ta gat .aaaa I. The 4CTJk-- I AreaU Co.aa.iJ a " Batar. 5 Oo London 111. . 1400 iture, Timber. Coal.. Sbipe ia karbnr with or without cargo WgUA. ' ,!!!! c 5J IS ... Nr.. aMfat agtte takar eyed Mm araoisxwaaaty far a Ma-- jomso. I. G a s - x t Lli " Weakly... i (X Londoo III. Graphic 14 09 or under repair. .40i lyj ED. U0FFSC1ILAEGEE A CO f- . c a n OC 0 --- III. Zeltung.. 4 Cbrlatian Weakly . 400 w S z " Chimney Corner. . I OtiHaartb sad Hosse . 4 00 For Sale, -1 -- Jr! THE auaaw. aaTRkT SAOMerchant Tailor. w 2 .' taat ar anaxt ar a share tul I oka KaahaasaaB St . opposite Mr. 0. Bhods' Slora. ly Car z " BudgetofFaa A PART OR ILLaftkr rott S, u . i s I Nooa.--u COWS I A SAM'L LIVERPOOL LONDON GLOBE OB C. WILDER, and th The kiiw " . 55. Jl'TEXILE PERIODICALS and laasracy . ft. of foresxr. n. :. K. LkWKKI. J.a.Dicgaox 12 P5I 11 s Mr St. Nicholas I 1 50 Uttle CorporaL .1 240 rooai rwc- -e herd of hUlrh Cow Mattel r--l . Agent for the nawajlan a. a - i M - i - Toath' a Companion 2 of N'ur.ery lalands. Apply to J. ax. aooii. l.l.lVF.Ki A DITKSO.V, mm INSURANCE CO. 1474. 4wT.tr IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN LUMBER, a a CAEIFORSflA PERIODICALS RMMTfttl Mt ky Caaar. - Ok arakhax'. sa El fcC r 5 io! tasaat And all kisds ofBuildln, Material. Fort Street. Hiwerwfe I Weekly Alto t t Weekly Chronicle. .. I 4 00 Assets, $26,740,1 05,70 -- (OC-- aaaaaxs ia aar eaty lj .211 Weekly Bull-ti- t. 4 H0i Slaal Zeita.g . IM lath ! 2 MM AM IM More Lime ' Sacramento Caioa 4 OtljFrench Co rfar . 12 00 AVE FJfTABMSHrD A41EMCT thai Naah aaasd to check m. p. : r-- r r ii HA HONOLCLD. Mr Ms Hawakwa lal CO.. HATE RE1EIVU per the ai vis. Mutual Life Insurance Co. agasaw OI.I.FA - RELIGIOIS PAPERS iMrMiBaiii.fl ar prepared to writ raata B Murray aad At. B. Itosserta. Auctioneer and Commission Merchant Ibdependeat I 4 00'N. T. Ivaagellat I 400 00 N. T. O.N MESCHA.-IIS- tUD Quees Street. HoaolBla, H. 1. mil il Cbri.tiaa Cnlon Tablet IM FIRE BCILDWtsS, r -- Via- Chicago Advaac 4 00 Bostoa Pilot.. IM ee mew be --hat th. 1 N. Obwrver 4 00! tork. - ftr California Lime A 'White Brother' . 01 lit I. I)Hi:i.i.im.- 4. s. cas-tls- 1. s. ATE t R? . j. r. okt. 3 . LJ.SH PORTLAND (EJIEjTT-Be- st qtsal-- d LOIDOI PAPERS Largest, and Most Oo faeorabto tsrwa. t bbi . nrBttipIly B4JaallS axcal. aaak. arsai ataga. . - tTky. Jahnay k,. BOI.LESet CO. CABTLK A COOItE. u 111. Xsvra 114 00 Lloyd's Wkly Tlxte 1 1 m 8afst anel pavyanla tt.ka. et E 14 40 Sen BISHOP A Oa. " r AND COMMISSION Oraphic 00,Wtrkly Tuass too SHIPPING MERCHANTS, w IS 00 Despatch too . : cigaes . mtt. Pall Mall Bod(t " 1MI iRTEf.- - A5C Ev'g Mail 24 00 Howe new. (atontblyj 400 ECONOMICAL LIFE CO. THE manila Andagoodqtiality. 0 iSli!tii INS. Keview IS 00 Th. Briliah Mail (do,. 400 ih 1st MtwaaaaT. A I . 'alnrday ta ia VAtlATASAUartl mm ? lataa Pablic Opinion 10 00 New England Mutual Life Insurance Co. EOLi.ES A CO. Dealers in Ceneral Merchandise, Pi I axasaaaal . aa, lal.i kl ..Mill ptjl lif 4H ! aJ t Xa M King Street. Hood ale. Hawaiian Islands. LONDON KORTHLIEI IK THE WORLD OV BOSTON, MAM. Art J urrtal. 11400 Topl Bar Magazine. B-w- OliOMijlhfli AIM .... AGLNTS FOR J Cwnhill Mxrxxin. 4 00 Ebgliah Sociely 0s INCORPORATED. ISS8. All the Rtrond 4 00 We.tnin.tsr Quar 4 00 (1876).. Ipsa. Cow party .Aaa Saw Teir .... PICTURES The Caioa aae. of Th. Monthly 1 4 tCdisawrgk Qaar Assets $80,000,000 Oldest Mutu,iULif Oo. T EagUad Mutual iafe Iaaar-aac- a Carapaay. Boaun. dt Ihe Purely h in Cbaaibvr'a Journal Br.t.ab uur 4 00 the LntOrj TV Oreroa Packet Ua. Tae Eehel Ptantatioa, ;tlligJKcII GoodWordt 1 0 Uodoa Quar 4 M ra.T.Ts Dr. Jay. A Son. Celehrsled The Haiku PiasUtka. AMERICAS! OA8II. iawSnZl Medtouea. W. 0. Eail-- Plantation, HOITHLISI PolUia. PICTURE FRAMES Wb.eUw A WOsoa'a Sewiag Waialua Plaittartaa. Uttall'.Uviag Age .11000 Leslie Co 1. rteaiitert 4 M Now Ton-- 1 Machiaaa, (oea, ly Ltaaaaksa Plaatatloa. Saloon Pilot Bread. Waverly Magatfus... B 00 01 me x car e a is a Good Time to Insure. I xaxaple of orrell tire Plan. 4 00 LappiDcott. 4 "0 lAsr.B ATD QR. 4'AITEbV Per M. BelleRroonu Eclectic mg. SIB. ... Maeasiaa.. INSTEAD AGE M TEARA-OED- IN ART UTS PLAN Akrhaas an ba WBarilk " Wf or by ;S45; BCrLA.ES at CO. N Aaaerieaa Errrkrw.. I 00 frrwore.t'. Monthly ... IM J LATTI.T RrDt TJTED A I1M l sal. First-Clas- s 1 Aaaaal prsaskaw tire la an Potacj yaars aargs HtTT t; ATI 4 00 The Galaxy 5 on but Risks Tsksk, j I . aratn-OTarov- MnnlMags l.nrr UII.I.IT(.II A CO., P.p.hir Maaea IM 1 A sal l Mai cooliBue 4 yaara Aay - mam- a, - -' . . Af nxae.u!t.a Magssiaa.. 4 00 Appielou'.Mcathly Jour 4M as II 1 plrxwraw. They vary (row owe Inch 10 three or IMPORTERS AMD DEALERS IM HARDWARE Harper'. Aaaaal prwalBW ooatl,aw rwtry d year, g Aay flmlil Atlantic Msatfciy.. .. 5 00 Petersoa's Magssis. .. . 4 00 I a 81Uaa . 4 Aaaaal atssslara oerettwaw p.drey 4 year day ." " Cutlery. Dry Goads, Feists aad Oils, aad Oeaeral Mee- - Scribaer-- Monthly . 00 Arthur'. Lady'. Mag. . . OPIK E WITH WILDER A . . rwaaaarr tsaras aaaoe ta aay at vie rvnatrxL CHINA BRICKS. I IN 4 Annul praaslawcootlaaa rnUcy I yws4B rasay T""" 10. n. atag eireet. lioooiaia. isa, 1, Isltr. Magasia.. . 4 00 Sabbath at How. I M arr-i-re- M weaSsy. Lady. Book. 1 00 American Agrlcultarlst. IM 5 nlVm - ,r j Hare per illard .vltttlrgett " '1 ' itsawMaaaaWaaxshaBBlaf ward. x. CXk Lease, i i -- Qa' a o. rsa. a front lions keig, ACSTRALIAN PAPERS For u,60o,ooo: F"kaBax. . asad atra. Basaaxcly. Mil aw what a Tl , well-RIAr- TTK risasn AP.OIK) Aurtralartaa. weakly.. .11000 Melbowna Lwdar.. ... IM That d and Suitable Stare M m.ui A. S. CLEGHOR.1 A C EXTRA LARGE HIZE. nasi vrhkMrerssl lau.a Blan.lnlM Asaai.y, at as upward. Tows A O ontry 00 Sydney III. AM for a ret.n or browaeas la Odd the hi iaa Mat rd Ekr ta as it." Sajasv Bsack Wains: from f LM each aad rxrroaTTxi 11 1 Journal I New. ! J ia. in s. rsi 1 U0.O4M SIZE, 1 00 Hall. Apply te S49,000 Cssvaxa. aAso M TO lEf llSD Sydaey Rail Sydaiy Stseaisr Herald tl aaa aty SBSXe. wish to renew Tf' J rrxaw Xaata. ar aa band, equally cheap. w. bwb. .. U rAKKK, Gcnoral nrXaaVcliatk: AU of the best quality hard bricks, and wlii be sold Sff lit p,r.od'-a!- aot in tLl.iiit. wll!b.or4rdstsn J. 0. CARTER. CMbm Qaiaa aad Kaahwaaaaa Strsets. Mw, by ttaw, aad supplied at cost sad charg . Or A. S. ClJtOuORN. CASTLE COOKE, ACENTS H, M. WHITNEY. it ly: a.r Fort and Hotel L wH BOLLES dt Co. Addrasa H. tl. WHITMET. Honolulu. Oct. 14, 1471. 414-t- f (M POR THE HAWAIIAN IBLANOB. I, LEGAL aVOTICFeS. stornrc It fcervhr xtres that fraa u4 f?er the lt' ittrtrd ia tb Slid, tbts t mot rqir-- : ari tb Depa RTMrxT or Korkhix Affairs. N EW ADVERTISEMENTS. SHI1TING. SS a A I TMORIT1 ray a il m k. irrhratsia sx b th batter e!as of panler, rtr earcfsi attcaUoa to proa-in- i. Honolulu. Not. .1st. lS'ti. karona tb plant or at Ik height of fro a (km mtMiafclI to r a-- ark day. aad at a lira - t tMI a'cteck m.K..aad t an to t((it rWt. altksafk if ckckd it wiH ercw 7b At Ehtrv or At lit (itUttk Si For a San Francisco. pafS-lo- PHILADELPHIA oTlha !W and llaj aaat a v kaa aaaa AU -- tra ia i th abow ash to to daubi. tbat kirbt. Tat tran 8 aot tw'4 tbir : Honor rw al Sim With the permission of his title, 1st hp rkra mt sa- - that khan pajilkajia, aad have th- - - ap. .o the fall Hoaaorntajr at aa tika. Tb tint lowria. is rand in ircM aad rbs sal aai mil AMERICAN It A Rat nerltaare. He far Mr. loaora jadd. KllUKi L,.(l a.A a- - IieeeraSer. tka sac aboat Chief Justice Allen, I now beg to transmit to THE ., ariv as BOOT AND SHOE STORE ! nxt on readme autl Mltray tk. aatJBSa af OafeaariaaBMotata tpt Vebruart . and Ike thirl aod ai-- .t at at. Jaoi tba lul yoa copy of a letter from the Acting Secretary Nam. rui k) of Wsuira. r. . ItTt. . wr cf Marrb an J lb aoktb of April. TV fall, viSWARY BELLE ROBERTS I .laid afialrn, t.laaw UUa ky rlal at kaaassaawa a av State, W. Hunter, to him at Mluale.1 In Kauaa. aawar aaa - . taariar a rrara borrr. wkiek npaai la MToa of the Honorable Corner Fort Merohant Sts. ..f ,rjUn laml ass laa a- U XOKHOttl-A- JCMW-rof- tk Interior. rvri lr capt. t. a In Royal raraa. iJSa. SI Wat to feaa-au- g m as. U artbe.1 twfmm'tr aa ia or ix-- aaalht. cbiij;c rtp a red dated Sth September as well a copy of a ret. nuaarai a abn .! last, as a . for Ik thai tka Kaaaaasa W) aalar. Kack fa! It tarry two (rains, and a.llin a.l IftaiJ naUiu a letter which I received last month from Will have Oniek Ditpntch for the above) Port waa in. aari.aa at Ika atJtfc.we VJ.kae. aaa aas Hi i. tbeagh ivasattoj it avauiai aalj oaa (raia. abieb sal -- a r i" r I of nud I Wat aa aavat kasaaaa OF THE INTERIOR Jifftr-oa- ulail aa. mw : DEPARTMENT is rvaadaii or Tal bap4. 0 arcvaat at tb t 1 both THE UNDERSIGNED For IVaavre only . apply lo KaUna, aS.at IN rnsr A. laaa. aad i ! Senator Sargent, dated September 2th. alakl aaat iMaim af tka awkia( r aaa-ao- a If. It AI'KFRt.D A CO. peoeaaa Hi rlaawtaata and far a deer, .dlwdalw taa ; H sa. an. s. tat. lava (ataara( Im para. cjm M. liniifvMir which as you will observe, thoroughly exon- H AS jrsT KKl'JClVED Mahaa . u. ha entitled to as '.and In whale ar ta lasts far tbrc a aark traa kasias; w. P. ma:k. rt'kJ-l-A- W a . - r Mb IV : bv Co's Sv.d Pranoisco. II a..rtrrr,l thai tka aalk M to W aarafallT rva aaaa tbra r fuur tiiaas baad. erate Bis Majesty's Bnvoy to Washington from Pacific Mall Stsamship A tw a. asaaaaaaed ta A aajht i NY. r. tan. sad a kaaaa Pitas n NOTICE pr-ca-s of J KM PUBLIC Tbts is tk aioat toaiaas aaJ difica;t tb made Line. ah' petlttaa twSwe ahl aattra af the napeiaa as b the charges against him in some of the IX. C. IVITTri.n.A.Y. Atutntlia and Raw Zealand nwareaae a TEKDERS WANTED wb.l caitiratioa ; it aaat b yostpoaad. aiust For the aaat Mfkar laa af tka last kawa, done carafaltT. ani rrojairaa aa vxtra aaasbar of newspapers, attributing the delay in carrying al tka Cart raaa a lloanlala. at wkk-- owie aad pasta FOB ; bat awasra can b waplejad THE sTOST COMPIETE ISSONTaEIT OF say taikll mmm labor aad rbiUrra the Reciprocity effect, to his SSSSl sSaatd Aaat 't Convention into .UNDID liver h.r. ahv 1tn!nilnllK at lof warsa," . THE sri rsTKAMNIIlr thai Iha n.i.-- he oohlkahed la llenalaaa.allmalitka Ska Btaatath ! plaat alajence from Washington. aaat Inter-Islan- Steam-Sommunicati- It vf.l b tbat tba Mrtnraa tb l.i .ii.e in the llaaaUan taarlre. at ta d abrrd Ladies1, Misses and immil. tmt bra eh aa tro f r lui am-- tka coflaa traas. Tb It is perhaps unnecessary to say that no CHtWa Hawaiian l.naa.re. la Ika Kaskow naw.paae at riarbaaa. lit tb aacaljrftas. is obaolt u lu iaascts. than Hire rak. halure the Sra .bur af tba aad trra af of His t its DK'isriaai aad vbrr altkar of member Majesty's Oovemnient credited ruste-a-Ma.- Kt Fine and Quality DIMSTI K I TMF IXTEttlOat IS tti prprt. tra H. L. Na 'Uaa Ua--. m ia littae cbaaca f aau il mv.tr sender far .arrysas tar tbas trra plaatrd tbra rr? these repK.rts, indeed they did not consider A. al liaafl fci aaa) aa KacalarSaran. tk cvfaa traas Wins: traabld witb tb biujkt or wilk CITY wJfEW YORK f th. Isay. gajawa Ma- - 'il la avvrd- that there was any unnecessary delay what- cfc tiwn Sa Year kaCWwa tbe nil' aats arkaeb at to tt or lira oa t A M a. V . uppol ;rpaftc Boots Shoes tk aaaaataaalar. I lKK.SE RT SSSSI ISA W ASSAM otTYreaJ Im Itll ttr W. L MOKBOM't tb annat brrd br it. Sbad traa appar ever iii carrying the treaty into eflect. for they Kvrr lKmoUi.u. FMUCISCO Island, April Term, A. D. lara WILL LEIVE HONOLllLU FOR Sift C lata , t;' b to of a I inror.-a- . i i bbs m..ipHabt tb tuecvas evi were aware that there were certain formali- kai. Ihelanl ra u I T p aatatiaa. IRA FMCHARDSON. Doc. 4th. In Hi adore rnlltlat libel A.r .Hanrre. II ta '! or fr-- ties to be gone through iu the diffcrvut depart- On about that a Ir-- r t llv. r. e m tela rawed of aa a p- - Par Frraxbt ard ..r av rnrtbrr inft.rnvathm . ealere.1 in BaaOf d tba U Ka Uaivuli'a 0.p..i lursiM . 'o. 3. ments of the United States Government which i in i NTORE. apply M JaSTi II. llAl'KKKI.OAtll.ASaat- - deaartkMi wf Ika wdd L. C T apad I fcm.r-- . tiant after the .'tptralkiii of six mo Ika frasa tka date af iha were necessary for their own protection and LAIIAI.N'A. e am laarr in a fact to all, but es; Mill dvre iiiani tx.nipllarH-- wttk tb laa" It patent Paclfie Mail Co s San Francisco, -- ; TV auaai ty I Walter Murray itibaon. It. Haraaldan. Mana Steamship ,.lltKI.'iil bail app Kitrarr. e'kb MWMmiai for- which required time. Frl as aataaSad t to those who have been away to Cr. laa A. B Clacbra A COJ Australia and New Zealand Line And th Mhetaat a ..rdarad paaaah aa rear? aptKat! Tr'4a. As a matter of common justice to our En- of thla onler Iu the llaa .an Haaellr and Ka -- Trips eign lauds, and to strangers coming here, that aeeva. the Mtbisralk to a aMsto b- - aakl ta nfc trat haa laaa two Q o a m pt Hinrt frl j . ti . mn iviokt. monih fn.ni lb date .d Ikia onler. .11 .' i voy, and in view of the fact that these reports MKXTtf tlanaral MercbaoeUaa. Lniubar. and tint TtBa"--- a .tr Honolulu iu many rutspevts, at least twetity-fiv- e THE STEAMS Hit brreated mar within als montba show why wad aap tm jtim by lav award were published here, you will uo doubt be nifor lutrrMarKl Taala, tt IPltJIblS raw .l I Trip aart ajjaiti t titk behind tlie There has not been .it : n! years age. -- vi. Wmm - arJdT""" R, awl toa-n- at la-- a en- llvtbr Cuurt. wu.ra sxil glad of the opportunity to publish the i 1 r.a aad oaw Trtp ac& any such exhibition of enterprise and public NOTICE. lark itoarota rt a: laa Makj closed copies of letters from the Acting Secre- i.at b fnrei.ln I. a UWa al asaaaaS spirit here in past years aa is found in most i'DKRi(.xen. IkXaWW tWUX or copy nf the nrarlnal ra in tba akwv. .ntilad rawae sW. . v -- Btmkaj. tary of State and Senator Sargent, as they not TnR wfll of ii (l. Ttnrton. rvi now .al rtie in the t lal a uerk- - of tba --n.r.aa laart af am American towns of equal rank and advantages. ihsU l cltvlnM ih fmuktm t.u u. CITY OF SYDNEY! b- acttVai cUii4 af lb mii the Hawaiian Island - a ta Tadar. hsa . ( two ar raua TmOrn arasar la Hl)"atr--' oTarn-aaaa- t in ouly show the entire inaccuracy of the re- TTirit i .N.nt-1- int iluc thf waf h pkJ to mm . t'OMM ANDEB. Aa Wltnes my band aad th enl of th If One reason bar this may perhaps be found ini-- T. irvv1 s. aa a ra ataar taapaaaa aaarajr i kaal ami oa or mwrr hrr tt MariwHI. t htrt ot&e M ih cor- ib :i,t day of Noea,kr. .k. D. 17 u- ports, but a acknowledgment of taaul svUtuirvAUvi lloAotatl Tiakaa iiaa aaiu ta Saaaal aoj xactusar; taa the fact that many of the business men of the present just net of Mvrrhsvnt ryts. Will Lras llaaalala far J No. E. rt .as ibo. abaat-.- r aOI fcarr tbx prrtVraoc. MARY T. nF.NKIKLD, Kxraratm. Cl.rk S the k nric the ability and untiring zel with which our io, m- - lat Tk part, ark kaar okaabi tba caatrart win b allowed place have regarded it merely as a transient 9m, ist. Kandavu, Fiji, and Sydney, N.S.W. far tWI-B- l fraa at aar. all amrkk a.uird la abode, only the hope of making a for- Minister to Washington carried on and company s fcr t IT or TRI iaan aa a aaa aaaaaa aaaaaaaa In la aarrtrv. where amure-tlrta- al KanJ.ro with .leaner arl4 as- - aaa. s . aad mleru..-dat- WJ CIAL tlrrtilL HawaS. as. j rri. Or Harkta. his arduous task. KLA.N'U. Wi IMKT CUALMKHM, and aiiii. aa tba wit: aisu raoUoi to atl tba tune could induce them to remain, and from Vfl i. A. D. I .Tt. Namaka Llkataal tor rrv rrv nr. aad Imaaaaiara aoa stajo rrtlaUtt.s br l--i rm. Koa (ka. kk drra. r. r. it. mini o- - I remain sir, a w ks. asa. ar. sat. is. Aa Art approrad oa tb tka 1st dar of Aacaat tvt. whence titey expected to depart as soon as CITY MARKET! In Ihe aburi rntttlrd Itra--I f,,r dleorra It U r Your most obedient servant, On or about the 16th of Nov. thai a decree f illTiilee fr..m Ihe larnrla af a raaaraafkaat their hope were realited. But the class of , Use as t knd r InAirinaUoil. apply antered In aror of tba aakl XaoiaAa af a aaaa. an-- Foe and rurth. ar axa aaaar arvr m aataau. maaimlat T. Ci of r:vatr aaat not icad tb W. L. viBKKX. adulu-r- of the K oa a . lo ha i those who expect to make Houolulu their So jas H. A CO. Asat. the add aaa uaoal aw! rrsraar rata amttotor rharxvd br ta ;tn:r uuauu Btj Head of Chaplain Luc. the expiration of ait montba renin tba dare of lid r klUVKv-Nal- 'o for Iwt been constantly increasing, upon iiitiipllam-- e allh the Ian a . a aaaa aaaa aaat akacv arc bat cjatatt-aa- a i laaaa. h.uie has k aaU tka An Tiaa-H- mast ka arot k tab) OaV aa or kafor Copy of a letter from the Actiaa Secretary of cause shall appear Iu the coairary. . aaaaa aaaa ar aaa aa kW aaa froat at THI KSDAY. tk- - iJdoaj A. IV and will rapidly in the future. Slid lsnr.lere.1 to r Bftoirmbrr. aaaa and increase more VY. tbe llkeilanl ulnai over HuodrrC ! Stale, the Honorable Hunter, to Ihc Uouorable taw TIME a aarax. ax aaaaaaal aa aaaaar aaa aa av ka aooacuaj no TwioVr aatf r r Iwr.v t of that order Iu tb lui.ms.at Uaaetia and Ka - : u f-- : aaa ar abr a kaaaa mm aaa t. Heucv there will not be as large a proportion Elialia H. Allen. a. av aaaaaaaraf aaa 1 nr. Mr. Maasj vaxas. taa) T aar can ka rwarrad. of the accumulated capital of the country sent one month from the .tote of Ta m asas aaB aa aaU njaiiayr rar caaa. JCapa Tb XLaianr ar tb laa-n- doc oat bsad klaaarif H CXOFFICUl. interested, mas within all am. tba w aarafartory Bonds -- aaa aaa aaa a aaaa alaar aaa at aaa laarraar OaV. aarapt ta kiasal ar mmr Tka aar. aad abroad as heretofore, but more will seek in- DaTARTMSNT or Stxtb, Woinvimjt, STLu.Il Jii-ra- ahoutd nol ha mad. abaolola. 111 ka ia.aarad from tb ivc parti for tb en W aline that 1 day A. IV IX7t. aaajsas aaaaa 1ST6. laird al lib of Nalltokif. lam aak to kaaaa at la aa aTaal. of tor w t bouic. and the consequence will Seplruber 8tb. miuw By i Prfvrtaaacr t.oaraca. uxoiuoM vestment at n in r. I I SAHTtK. the oiirl. X. stOCHOXrA. Xtalstrr af laa lolrrair. Mr Sia, I am sorry miu A true correct eapa of on. .nal nrda aa V. of en- Dsta to notice tint eotae aad tba Maaaaar ml Ulrrto.- - Iatrnor OOrr. HooolalE. Cabu. Oct. Kb. W naturally be the origination many itew raawea rtru of the public printa insinuate Dial Ibc delay In pro-- i wona Jodk-ta- i ln nn gaac. Kaa. H. am. and 2H Monday, Nor I r at stnl I lark, ird ttrrull. WaiaiaK llawaa. terprises now deemed impracticable M Dec 4, a- - tahsina. Maalaea aid Makena. parsons tbls avPoiot uiuUratius: tbc Uswaiiait Tnraty, or ratUcr the Pre u. r Tax fOOoalaa kaa koao dar dolr II relornlns Wedneaday. . at. 0 aaaaca an. at tvatr quixotic. j iu be iua- r1HF. IM1FU.NH.M Wil l. OPES A ( to toMavaT ltoaar. : aidtut'a Proclaniatlou regard to it, tuay - at Ctrcoll of snisM i . or Jl SI. ad .Vcaaa to Irani Star mat' Uereara. rat Wed.eaday. Dec t, i r - Kal s. Lctn-un-it out lUasAthe Ska haataa. of which has not In this returning Saturday, a a Waaaa. lata K. I iiiaaiks -- jaaaa koua Uaaatt. The Treaty Reciprocity, putvd to you. tbey are quite niwtaheu. A. l. IS7A John Hell. Idhalant for dlr.rce. sa. Kawa aaaWaaaaaaraa aa aaaffaaTaaaa, asaaaaaaarff fcaT taaaaaaa. aaasaK ttaatTt 4T paaaTrPafl Mooxlay, Pec a ti. a". CaawraaaW II. r J"" i a (W). inappropriately been styled " Hawaii's big Tbc delay ha solely beeu occasioned by tiecvaaary Dee a .- .- Kiina aaw aaaaa aa aa aartk aaaaar af 3 aaaa u aad sjaaao T, . Iatarsor. Mon.hsr. It. r Iii tne shors satltlal llbai tt aaa a XouvM-i- Xutiatar of tba in ! Dec Sk, . "Ho fardtaan. a iirilsnd vantage-groun- im- forutalitica, or rather part by the absence of both First Class Butcher Shop Mood. Ira that a decree of divorce froat the bond af rnatnnsniiv a ai. a rar Vayaf IT ll tb Enmt lattrrkar Oct. It. bonanza," gives us a d of will xo a far aa t raiai OfBc. in the President and the Secretary of State from tliia Oa Koua trlpa tbe Mtearaer entere.1 In rSvoe of iha aald foha Ball, of tba rawae af sna-fl- aaaaaa at tka In. mense importance from which to set out in Uonontallao. and utter deaertio l..r ika leras nf theaa rsaaa. af ta city. Till, certainly, you could not help. Kurr in Tttt: iiuuisxt style, said Kawalala to be male absolute after the raasraaaa f our onward march of Progress in compliance on or Yery trnly your, Windward Trips Iha steamer will leare her wharf At ruonlba It. ihe dale Iha decree apaa ;. .V 1 1 Oa all with Use tersas theraof. uoleaa atraciant akatl;i. il A A AN GAZETTE with the demands of the age. But great care at 1 ; ail trip to Kauai, will lear at r. at. On down caaa sr (Sigurd) W. lirxTlR. Kawelhae belura a. a , lo the contrary. ai ON THUBSDAY, November 16. trips tb Steamer will nol learo I . ac bai : at all sklat aaiai be taken lest it become a curse to the on up trip, Maalaea Bay nol before A nd the libelant ordered to TaWkah aa t sapy a.r?r.ftbr must Makena aa per notice K of Iha order In the Hawaiian aad aaaaa. Skr ata 7 at. froul lb abote will be adrertUed. liaaett Copy of a letter rcaarjtaa by His Excellency the a. Any chance wee a. Oral pupUealaaa to akakaa AX IM'trEMiENT JOl'UNAL, country by disproportionately proruotiug the OrvWrs will bo rivMvJ oa the eviuLug af tbe liih. Maaey. - succeaslve th ka aa Minister ol Foreign Alfairs, from tbu Honorable A. star Ma Credit far Pwaaasa niontli rrotu Hi date or tnia ordr rtlal all aggrandizement of the few, and by tending Ticket, at Use oilier- aaly. 1. may within alt i rar aw 1 DEVOTED TO HAWAIIAN PROGRESS. A. Sargent. saaa nut n to class of dependent and No berth will ba ouuxldered aa taken until uaidfLi. Nol ert ever increase the a Walaa day Umtsd Chasibek, FAMILIES, HOTELS. RESTAURANTS, for Rasrsrasr or any FreUjbl or laied at tba nth of States Sexsts reauoitslblr nnntarked Hi tbe Cuiirl servile poor. An influx of independent farmers flijil 1S76. uoleaa receipted for. Tat Pl'BUSUED UQ EDITEP BY Wtahlaiiia Tstb. A true copy of the ororlnai order oa 11. who will occupy by lease, or purchase, the Dear Sir. I notice that a telegram has been Freight Money Due on Demand. rsxa - V ii ci 2nd Clerk, aid Judlrkai tuxali, Waiaiea. M . now to and Ships ar AnefrortaUl be male to bare Ihe Hteamer reark HEVKY WHITNEV. large tracts devoted pasturage, scut from here statin; that delay baa occurred in aa Act aar aar praorratoa or partirs to Honolulo oa th Tnln; of the same day ah leave Maui (OIK tatfj who by their industry and ecouomy till issuing tbe President's Proclamal mm annonncine to rot, riimOJIDS. a Sanaa bH sa thaOrilCad. the nosr kks.bi..; MAMl'KL O. WILDER. .eat. CMKtllT Walnn-a- Ifawau. November lera. the country that Hawaiian is in Srvpi.ii.no'rxpnfct will be psrtl to proourts OrSce with Wilder A Co.. corner of Fort A Uneen rttreala A, IV la;a. Tuomae (laras. IV - y 22. the land with thousands of tiourishi'ig farms, the Treaty force, on aa; af A ta aaaond WD1TSDA F. SO EMBER BV- -t a Jal. account of ..:: Sbtvp, rimltry. As, from the ICen1 In tb Keino. . XX : Tba arrara. cooa- - tbc absence of Chief Justice Alleu, the In tbe above libel diTorra, It at r A ad ra each the support and nucleus of a happy home, t '1.1:1. try. AUOrJertfor Klsb. VegeUblr, and uther ex- entitled ftr Thi reault of tive Prcaiiteatial election WW Hawaiian Minister. Il is an entire mistake. The ini TPxaolsLot. that a decree of livorv' fr in lb hand of is what is needed. Special efforts should be tras, will meet with iumeLavte --vUntlot. or November 7th in the United States, as report- - law was signed by the President, Tuesday nigbt, the of such men We hope, by Strirt Attention h Bujnt-- . C1enHaen & OTHER PORTS ON KAUAI papers brought by the made to induce the immigration the 15th ult , and the very next morning your FOR KOLOA ed ia the San Francisco tvad IVlitene. to Merita (MN of the lublu rtronage. upon rnnipllaiice wlln Ihe from Europe and America as far as possible, Minister scat a i.rina lkn saaal slearner. w;is unexpected liere, where the despatch to tbe Secretary THE SCIIOON KR nusc ,h ill ipo' .r to lie irintrar and if a sufficient supply cannot be persuaded of Slate Inclosing an Act or tbe Hawaiian Legisla- Meats of City And th HbeUanl bordered ta pabltah aa .Ileal d ray as general that the Kej'nbiican ticket Delivered ia any Part the order War belief a -- ! of tbta ia the flovecwmewt Uaette and Kaaaa. from lands, then let ture and the Kind's Proclamation. He urged A. six successive weeks, tb" Aral pablaratlna ka w I oruarr Htb. lTi. would be successful. The returns, as publish- to come and settle those K I I L E la tbta aa action. This was Ills whole duty OrCHARQB, month from the late of thi order. Thai all in except to FREE XA9Tr.at. iraaa s. to-d- us look for the remainder in China, Japan, KIHI.IMJ. may within alx mouth show caaa why aaad skr ed elsewhere in av "s paper, give Tilden sign a protocol wben tbe Department ready. teretict aaa crea abould not be male arMomte. anywhere wliere industry and frugality and mW Any mistake mail?, r any fault to be fooDd with Will bare rearular dispatch for Kauai, aa above, until and Headricka a majority of IS votes in the But Tour Minister did not rest here, but he went to notice, and Passengers takeu at Ibc Hated at Waluira thla llth day af November.!.? tbe Ac., tbe will Uiauk tbe further aar Frelfht By the ss. rk. a love of independence can be found. It can- the Treasury Department, when I met him, Piireivr of MeU. Pruprietor LOWEST RATES. loort I'.tv t. A came to the steam- and A Irne copy of Ike nu SI In y i electoral college. report parties riving Information. HOLLES A Asents. orlsinal order in not be argued that there is no chance here for then urged the immediate issuance of the roles and lt.. er, as she was leaving the wharf in San Fran- IWst of Country P. rl This vessel has Juat been thornoihly repaired es, tliy aad Rfr,nre. Kiren. tad Carrk. Ird ladteaal CTrastt. Wa on regulations. He was earnest to complete the buai-u- tint cisco, that by an error in the returns as first Anglo-Sax- farmers. Th aud put In Iu perfect order. 11 aud I with him, for my constitu- v TH IK 1 01 plan of conducting the sugar business, which W. AUL.D, I ir rt or rm: risisuk published, the state of Wisconsin, which had ents were as earnest own. BOSTON AND HONOLULU PACKET LIRE! M Judicial (IrcnlL Wslina IfswsU. ovrober '.ra. tt hit Tbe Department sit-l- m in so and Praitrtetar. ISTS. C. K. Uapal, IJbelsut for iHvorre. va Harrb I been counted for Tilden, had given Hayes and has every instance proved profitable of State took time to prepare tbe necesaarr papers, aaat sutisfalory to both cultivators and manu- aod to examine the rale aud regulation of the C. Brewer A Co. Agents. J&f. In the alio i:tltl.l Ithle Tor cnnre. It la Wheeler a majority, thus changing the result ffE yTtfatlf ArraniEpnifnt can alwaja W JHBK tiiat a decree d 'llvori-- fn in the aind of des- Department. l H- ;. In K. the election. The result is therefore unde- facturers, is, we both hope and believe, Treasury These lllimtlllws. between mad Tor itoraart tu b.pmat of 011, nr, Wi..., tnd entered fkvnr of the aakl C Ilapal, of tbe rasa if C. BREWER Sl CO. Mtrcbaodsttdj to Ne- BMUurJ. Womion, New Tork of tbe adultery of tbe aakl Harriet Tlpal. aw tined to method of the future on these different Department! of the Government, always ntbrr - aad k cided, but the chances are nine out of ten that be tie itbr Kaajtra Porta. af Caah Adfatice in nl male absolute after Ike explratkga of alx af taa intelii-,;en- k upon wl ' take time. After Mr. Allen's earnest and t JUaMy 0. BREWER CO. derree. is due here early Islands. Let the lands suitable for sugar OFFER FOR SALB, suffl. lent cause -- hall appear Tilden elected. The vessels support ol the treaty (and I believe he was not (and the area not yet utilized is much larger next week from San Francisco will probably absent a day daring tbe whole unusually hot sum- of that order In the Hawaiian laa. tie ant Kashas Skr ata bring ss the full returns. than that now under cultivation,) be divided mer). I felt indignant that a charge so false abould FOR SAN acarraBt weeka. tin. Oral publication to ka wltbta ava UPON LIBERAL TERMS' DISPATCH LINE FRANCISCO! month from the date of tba ..nler. That all J una sa up into farms of one or two hundred acres be made. The opposition io tbc House Wat rery terate.l may wltbln ata month, show esaas way aaa -- - C. Brewer a Co. Agents, CraS should not be mas abauittt. Thx Chamber of Commerce, at its meeting each, and planted with sugar-can- e, and we strong, and composed of some of the ablest men, so i- C a g o Mrrcbandiie reived Slnrnazr Free soil BylbeCaurt Fa.wcu rirawexm. Clerk. be no iu find- placed oo Committees a to make the opposition The .o t.y A Irae copy of the orisinal order on tile In ay aflkra. on Saturday last, initiated a movement for a guarantee that there will trouble liberal cash cdraner. mad rbipm.ot. this llss. OF ara. peculiarly dangerous. I felt that a crisis was pass TUB SW-l- C. BREWER A CO ra. si a xraau suitable testimonial to Chief Justice Allen, ing parties who will erect mills to manu- Tad Clerk, ird Judicial ( Irculu Walnira. Haaad. Sit ta ed wben the ptssagsof the bill wat announced iu facture the sugar. In this way only will it ! I mmC Cade. the Hawaiian Special Envoy at Washington, Ceylon af tba Ots. tbat body. Mr. Allen's industry and intelligence American Bark 1 111; si i'ki mi. ii i- be to REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE I - atOaaaOSTA. who returned in the mail steamer last week. possible prevent all the good sugar conspicuously secured tbc retail. In tbe Senate Sus Dae from Bosloa. Xaax .lands. r uf-loirrorik inrwr ivrm.thk.. n. tvrm. L Ab Libelant, vs from being absorbed by a a r Sir, Qaaaar or tb Inkrrior. The matter is in the hands of a Committee, lands of the kingdom there wat ttrong opposition slto, more eapecially SALE M HI KKTWIV HTBKET. divorce. Thnrwlav the who will probably make such arrangements few ' bloated monopolists.'' Aud there is from tbe South, as tbey alleged tbat the treaty wat FOR Kill, six lota, luuxliu. The ar rbolr In tbe above entitled of tbe testimony by ci i to local j :.c lota, hi: n.t;. oppoaia Vrmrn. VUHngUmta mod ins art. Iltanrdered thai a di is coffee, aud bananas, and other things hostile their interests: and it required a of matrlaotay kw ka as will meet the approval of all. Mr. Allen rice, and New Bedford Oil 9books, ..:.' t property, and have tbe water ,., t iJua tiierolo. saaisd af aa Bill a af Tax Appnv m s great effort to seen re a vote dnring tbc session. I ror to cans or has labored many years for the treaty, his which may be cultivated in a small way, but SiRSgtS nal ahsolule after Uaeesp Iratssa bad something to do wilb securing vote, and 1 Caboose, tbe Ship's ON . WA- - of dx month frcm thi dale .rf It firs: efforts to I $34, but through- with such profit as to secure a competency to FOB IWU STUFF! dating back therefore tpeak understandlngly of the aids 10 it. kaltnd1. liltoppfritr? lb rridenct' of WR ltchanan. H., S plane with tbe ternia Sperm Camlles, 100x150. Tbla property ia well fenced, and wlil b pear to the contrary. out this long period he has had a firm faith the farmer, and without the necessity of such Mr. Allen wtt conttaatly present daring the ses- lot. " sold in one or two block., of 4 lota eacb. And tbe libelant la or that it would be gained, and he has lived to hard labor as farming " down east requires. sion;-, and tt nigbt when not so engaged was hold- Catet Tobacco. (Kalakaoa's FaTorite.) of IM. order in Use III i.axeu aad K aaaaa mis - papers, lor alx surcesali is. Ike Seat takflralnw as ka sec it accomplished. No one who has not j An agent should be sent abroad without delay ing interview with Senator, explaining, etc To Camberland Coal, FOB Ml.i;.l BF.Birr kMl HTBF.ET. MAV- within one month from a af that ordar. thai all pee- - me be wat invaluable in figures I ka alrfe, two raiaable and c bo ice boiitllr f altrotmenta, win. Interested may wit to make known the wonderful advantages tbe laett and 4 mm been to Washington can have any idea of the r Bedford Cordage, 1 in. to 6 2 io, acres. aid decree should not gained from bim for use In the debates. L!" labor connected with the effort ot getting a which are offered by our climate and soil, By th. Court. JtTO V.. Btassaa. Cksrfc. I hereby certify t rawAtSJ Is I hare therefore deemed it a duty and a pleasure Spuoyarn. TOO Acre- - .Splendid Land that a true sad allhfal be TO LEASE. Uniinc at copy Ihe measure of this sort through Congress. Bat The fact should impressed upon the world to vindicate hia good name, testify to Kamananui, Watalna. of orUrlnal da. and tbe ample Notts of Trunks, fonr in a nest, now on flle la the Clerk a of laa tap, mm caart at in iii net alone, of all the sugar-growi- it has been done, and those who have been that Biv share he bad io tecanng tbe ratification by Con- FOB HALE In Honolulu, aeTerai cboc the Hawaiian laanda. Ice Chests, Assorted Sizes, As Wltnes my hand th day of October, A. O. countries, is a yield of tons gressional legislation of tbe treaty, tpeedy (Slf-St- instrumental in securing it, deserve the thanks four of tod its ISTi. ) lo. ixjisaa. Carrk. proclamation. Respectfully yours, FOR KALE Mi PM .Ml. nrnr J I I1 M'BELT. and something more substantial titan saaajr to the acre the regular thing, wbile it is Iron Ualraoizad Pipe. in. to 4 in I i 'a acres Taro Land and House. M fields (Signed) A. A. Sargemt. fit in: I'SIHT III' ma thanks of all who are to be benefitted by it. not uncommon for of one or two Lawrence's Duck, Nut. 1 to 10, nut L. 1st His Ex. Win. Green, IV E A BE-- of llonolalu, decea The correspondence, found elsewhere in hundred acres to produce an average of six FOB SALE AT KAPALASIA, B A. out Minister Foreign Adairs, H. I. Card Matches. foroiatory Scboula, IS Acres Rice and Taro Land. rranca Jodd. JasUc tvnt per acre, and in exceptionally of petition for aJlowsnci coiunvis, shews that there was no ground fertile 'Uslxlbutsno of property whatever for the telegrams which were pub- spots serreu ions to the acre is by no means un- A Very Choice Asst. of Dry Goods FOB A ALE AT Tt VOA. TWELVE ACRES On resdlnx and fillnx of cLhIc Bansna and Taro Land, a bargain. Kahal and I. Moanaoll, of Ike Envoy, heard of. These and all our other well-kno- of J. Kahal. late of Hone lished about our but tbat he labored XEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Constating in Part Of tkey I tone allowed SJW0.K. ar . accom- peculiar advantages ought to be diligently in- (In ; with the most untiring zeal for the Mystic Hirer Sbeetlnca, FOR SALE. AT KAI. I III. TWO AIRES one sod aak tbat th aani-aa- d prosed. lot of Rlcb Taro Land. that a final order ra the object for which he was com- culcated upon the popular mind abroad, and plishment of - FOR SALE. Boot Mills .SLe tinea, property rernainiDS In i there is no doubt bnt that the result would FOB SALE. KM)WM AA entitled, and dUrbarirlm DESIRABLE nF.SIKF.M T. OX Massachusetts Sbeetloxa, THE PBEnLSZA Torroerly Liberty Hail, sttnated on itreeL UoTernment further responsiMUty ss aoeh ex.iatoss. JXO S. WAIJEEB. be a steady increase of a most desirable class MTHAT ocrcplad ky Mr. D. P. ta ordered, ten I be sold upon very reaoonaMe Stark A Sbeetlaar. TlUe aWrfect. It thai Tt tbe lib day of DaXKa. kraaaa i of raaa terms Poaaasston Immediately. BEK. A. O. IX7t. al ten o'etse A. M.. kaaaa Oka aavS ka of population. rlreo Fr rarilcnlan Bleached Cotton, Jo.ti.-e- St ebamber. ha tka Court RWaa. at ic. 'oae Culture. apply to itlS-am- . BREWER A Co. Anioixex FOB RALE. HEAR IHA STREET i LOSE Heavdat. ba t C Ml and ihe same hereby la appointed aa tb Base aad aaaaa Had we a government determined to Brown Bleached to Captain Wests propertr a desirable Taro lot over ona Ws are glad to perceive that more atten aad Flanaaa, acre. Apply to for hearing said petition and arrnmila. aad taa aB aaaaa good , r, lite reeled may the in Nov 1876. promote the of the country, we should TVkloc, nine Drflllnx-s- K. T. O'HALIaORAN. Solk-llo- and ther. spaaar aad akow . if ticn is being directed to this subject, and that Notice. ay sasry nave, why the same ab 101 h rranied. aed At the ofllcesof Ileal ICaUte Exrtvance, 11 HL. most earnestly recommend the adoption of a tbe Fort may present evidence a to who are lilled fc th THE ABTSrAL XEETIwta OF THE Houololn, wbere ail persons for sale, add there is a fair prospect of success, where the Amoskeag & baTtox propertr property A nd that tbta ,rder, ka tka Hai' Bun aad Kaay- - system of premiums in behalf of agriculturists ATWAILrRU st'OAR mKPlTT Use folkrwlnc Pearl River Denims )esei i,r mar - .ter tbe vune witboat payment ,, were elected aa officer nii.ruaff'' nan b In the Ilaaaioan laaaetka aad proper locality is selected. A gentleman, on reotlemen of the Company for tbe of any fee. SIX . which would, in connection with the benefits exawxtar year : LADIES' DININCi (HAIRS, aooxoa, asaspapara pel aaaa ,1 a h. ...o a Hawaii, leased during the present year, a tor three asrccaatv week ka to the derived from the Treaty, stimulate their branch HAP CABTEB PRESIDENT. appointed for aakl P. C. JOXES. Ja. SECRETART TREAStTRER. tract of 1,000 acres of coffee land, and has t ONE BLACK WALNUT CHAMBER SET! latedat Uoaolaia, BX, thi IM day of Itoveaber A of industry to its utmost capacity. The ex- MAKE ROBIKSOX ACDITOB. Sltat NEW GOODS! l. 17. A. rrtAttflH Jt'DTI. AOa.: found a large number (some thousands) of r $50,000 in Cedar .Sbinglex, apraea ffjratraa, Justice penditure of say premiums on the Clerk of the coffee trees growing on it, which, after care Notice. RECEI VED BY LATE A RRI VA LS, ' Ba.an. following scale, or an approximation to it, Corled Hair, Paper Haxa, Sb. to 181b. '. protection from animals, promise to pay and would, without doubt, to good PKE3SE (Ol KT THE AWASaAS redound the of PBrarjaviu.Ethi sjrnrn-- ht.timi of the Batara and Deck Flos. SI I.laada. In Probata, trChaaskera. sefora Mr the Tpaaaaaa of the place after the second At woAB. ou5p.nr tbe foiianrrac A LARGE SUPPLY OF at lea. f the country by producing an immediate in- OnVera were elected for fha I laaat year : (joal Baaxet. Paint Brashes, tka Jdd-- la Iha mailer of Iha Eaata of JOKIt D late of iloaotxl d oatte- - conditions must be observed in W aa it 'mar af af rear. Two crease in agricultural activity. P ALLEN PRESIDKST. petlllow for sitowaisea of accuani. dkarsasrs, aad aaal SECRKTART A TREASUP.FJi. Bsxaau culture here proper elevation and PCJOXIS.Ja American and English Books dlslrlleiiK.n of property. To tba beat estate of not lea than 100.000 FA 5CHAEFEB ACDIT0R llt-- tt 3 JUMP SEAT CARRIACE8 (nt readUif and alios; tbe at. M. ort - ovation aad arcraaa of shade. The more we learn of coffee culture traas ia aeaitaar ft ... Bany KoMnaou 'w. and J. B. Kelllkanalu.de. eieewtrlx aad To do. do. n.riisw. tad do. do. 5,000 0FFICB STATIONERY A., Ac, Ac. of the win of John ll. laa af I I II . in this and other countries the more we are To tba parage, prodsxiac beat a, aality of wool of not PADDY IS RICE. Me Beef and Prime Pork, wherein they aak to be sltawwl kt is aa. rad r I of rharre themaelve, with . ts, aad aak rkat the satjafied that Might can only I prevented by mill, pro-- Eastern PloeSoa-a- flTkaokl. aaa lariax' tka' it SHIPPER, OF PABM, ATI rjRPBES-a)o- n may be examined and approved, aaad tka; a anal etdar of at least 1,500 to 2,000 larrrat aruvoat t near TO seems to prevail In tbe fatanrls tbat Parlay, PA LEU may ba taada of dtatrtbuDon or tka proaarty w ka securing an elevation do. .. 2,009 PES. At. CAP, LEITER AMD riaaw T, do. aaat i .... as not betray named in tlie Treaty, not I twlaahll CAP Paper. Loeir a, aaa iksiai i 1,00 a ln ti.ra tun feet above the sea, and by planting among Ik do. aa. 3rd. do. free of doty. Tbts la erroaeooa. Paddy b:nx notbiaa thm and their aoreoea froa ail farther i To tb peraon aad exportsas tba Ureas exsa-- etae Rice, Irjtrodoctlon Slew htyle thin Kreocb nad Not rai.r bet tbe of tbe word wooll hare : Letter Papers, In an exchange we find the following kaaaaas In oaa year as- Knowles1 Patent Steam ia trees. kar U I.oti bn super 00 - An tk randy tlaat baa arrfred at tka Pomp Envelopea of all Beylea, It Ordered, That Friday, ta nth day af To Ihepersua taaaal tba larxaat aaoaat af rata 1.000 port store Treaty baa . ar. o CIOCX W of the mode of cultivation in Cor- las primokxatea of tbe keen Blank Mexraorandlom sa... at as A. Jaaaa. a description Ta da. do. aaat do. XSOt free aritboat qneaura. Book. namoera. in the Ho - .nd raw dova, Mexico, which is an derated district of To oa- - do Ird. da isra Partara desirotis of akJpptnc 114,: m thi. market ar. C. BREWER & CO., Pnekei Knives and (old pens. hereby ia appointed a th s Skr heae- - To tb. larxaat Tiaeyard... 1.000 tbat it will be admitted free of doty, and boiled aod Oral aad Hqaar Pleura frames, in aald petition and armors, sad thai aU directions will apply To taa aasar ptaalanoa afcick shall exhibit tt laaa In on rated then sa I .,,r-- r a that country. The here drixad the beat poaaafc manner and favorable Sole for Islands, Chromo oa then and ahow esoae. if rr laborer, ia IBaa kaastac. tersas by VS. M. GRSKX STOOD. Agents the Hawaiian Pictures, they bar, wby the am. should , be (ranted, aad way VKTCAIXXXU. ; as well: it aaa miiiaiiiie; taa maaass General Commission Merchant and Proprietor of India HAVE RECEIVED present ervtenre aa to who Intttlrf ta rh. at ao-- i th- - rreatest aaa-- gaa erty. in Si saad or which shoal ba adeetad with Kite MB, Praariaco. tal. tlt-i- SCRAP POSTAGE STAMP Aad that tka order, in lb attasltah aad Ma " Tk rraia. kar or cajaxraa Kara aaaaa a rrrew psrisa and ALBUMS, mnxus(rs. he psDIlsBerl In (aaaetle aaat plaatad ia bad ia a ! le Haw.l'aa car, a aswalir ArUtna4al Per Syren from Boston sWWota9aaes,sS pSsaTltata aaaSal aa)sassaaalaaSW aSI ROSaaraarSaasaw aancrr. shaded fraa tb Mi. Tk Ttraar. plants xa a acasay in am oi aaaaa laisiiwaa a Stereotcopr and Stereoscope Vieiet. for thr saaaata waks mailaai ia taa taa. - - - . OF THE - avct: ox. ar traasaisattsl ' Lc of oa yar or cijbtcaa wblck bal a INDIA RICE MILL, axrpoloted fur aad h. srlnx- lala. at wkiek Iratcd al Haiohaa. tbta kt lay laTS. old ta tb xiids ar wrio. wssea ar ta. 2 6 Letter Cape Book slates, to 3 .wilt. of aU aadarxravtk aad tb soil well CO USEE or Above Celebrated Pimps from Sos. lt A. Fata Jtera jcud. Otaa Metal and Leather Treverinf inktund Attest I -- - - Aa joaaa; plants ar very trader, it ft: ta crrira :t aad eaawraaa tka aarricaltaral And are ready 10 raoerre order, for aoy of tba Ptxmpa ChoV Wood and Pearl OfBc Xaxttaada, J so. H BaxxixD. ' lerk 7 frost aaa. tbis aa otber naoorcas of tka cowstry 10.000 ISSIOI FREIOIT STS., SM FRANCISCO, CIL :t ia aaeessarr u tratee l tbta tb Fr I of laJ snake to be sent overland If necessary : Floe Wallets, Purs aad Baxx, pt forests ar nM wkere avsnibl. cd We lave faith in the future of the country. tka le5SX:ril.:; are atlota-- . re.; BOILER FEED PUMPS, KYBL'P PUMPS, ill Croak-e- P1PIER Ia oaca aaidx a arro wiar akada aaat Great things are in store for Hawaii. n HE INDIA nil F. .tl I I.I. HAVING CXDiaU W --TILL! ..-- PUMPS, VACUUM PUMPS, IICHE AID I0R0CC0 PORTFOLIOS! L. 'pm. cone Material Improrements, I cow 3 AM' wkiek is atast tkiekly ky plaat-ts- ( la vaifcct aa G. WILDER, ba ere tad. lllin croak, and triflers may sneer, bat we dltion for tbe Pomps !br Hot or Cotd Water, Bait Water Pompa. Pearl and heoleh Card Casa, aaaaaa traa. alto jaWd'mr aoa proit fro a their bat Letter Copy Book aid Brashes --Copy! n Paper, Bat tb bast raltiTatars nasidar Ikii a poor will remain fast in onr belief that prosperity SAT Price aad other Information tit en by Letter Presaea. Mathemittlcal fnatrnmento, AGENT fraa. Piatket tlt-t- m C. BREWER A Co.. Aaeals. Sraea Compaaa, aabatitata. Oa of tk aaat iataluraat plaatar aas and not rain is awaiting as ; bat as we have and of ! .aataaSalaLIsaa, a cjsanbaaa nuliing Dressing Paddy Cheat Men. Dreminoe. cnWawe Board. Hawaiian Steamer KILATJEA sat ast ia ka eote fields a larfc araaber of Children's Alphabet Blocks. aaa. Til I 3Ek fx, already intimated, its advent might be more X. U. I traas from which oiata is obtalail). akiek greai AND baa. at t alas vaiaaka at brought about were the aaa 3 U. Kaarsat Ka. K. aaU ia that laatsd taakr trat. speedily country od p . TO WOOL GROWERS. Eye Glasses, Reading L. I AAU HA JIT tk oak, wair at. atx. Tb sac jaar after blessed with an earnest, enthusiaatie, deter- Glasses. a rery y e of coffee : tk third UNCLEANED RICE! ...r, is l':ht i I NDEESHiNED CONTINrE TO BUT Tortoise Shell sad RarTalskara aetta. aar aboat a half ens ; aaa tk fartk year (or mined administration, thoroughly in sympathy Ia tk Bast Pi a Manser. The Prte far HULL I7IO THE at sood pneea. waatt k aarket tbas eflr p.ns-Ol- wken the plants ar Ire year otsT) a fall crop is acd DRKSB1SG PALDT baa Eedacad per cent. sarins; parneaarly leatred to make frettbt, lee ll,u . Perry's Sailing Days ! with the spirit of the times. How much long, ba taa BREWER A CO. as per Schedule alkali il A rwaaaaahlr risk aU ia desira U C Crystal and Mamond ntbber. ,aSi. pays waR ka tk vicar of er are we to be compelled to witness tbe hu- - raaiorT-avJO- U a,ss oar Ivory Paper Knives and Ualass Otb.f wit Adrrtaaat. caaa. aad aatrartaf o Ink Extrar-tar-s and pounce.Era, tk tra aad increase of yield. The dittacc miliating spectacle of the best talent of the Microscopes. Wood aid Kubher Balers. at akarh plaaU an sat eat ia th lU U atatHf Paddy and Hulled Rice! TICKETS ONLY AT THE OFFICE apart each way, altkaarb often country spurned and neglected through petty HIDES. SKINS, TALLOW. . Tt. C aboat tbras yard WRITING DESKS, FIRE Sara, ajirii, a ra. ptanted Tka sjasMaaa aaaaaaal ia teaplc' jealousies, when it might so easily be render- irifl Receive Prompt and Cvefvl Attention. CONTINUE TO PAT I ASSORTMENT aaaaa fraa weeds aad aaderfrowth aad prScaforlrry Hade (oax Barbaa, tba aaaa ed available, and enabled to lead in the march TIL M. GREENWOOD, 9tT Ail orders prosnptly XmA. ytM FREIGHT BILLS DUE ON DEN ptasfhiaff tk B ; ia eartaia localities irrigation it Octant nimaaaliiii aad PlUsarataT ol IaOa ar.i Ttmmr. ! SIS C. BREWER A CO. MS a secetfirT, t:t is C:ri: 'a, after the plaaU are well of Progress and Reform tri ir H. X. WaiTKET. til WITH oirlfXTIUa m rjs. jPIJ(E8?aaBBBB - nwg I.HIBI 'ymitW IHIIHIHiB h,iiwjimiu a nmwim.ui.ini: m

- IL a ' i ran i si o sVremefer A tit nHt aTM or thu wi:kk a""" The credit tale of Xntn. Co", Kr.ull mt tttf IVralUrBtlnl IMrdlo.. XKW APV KKTISKMENTS. AUCTION SALES. AUCTION KS. which ta(u yeeterdBy wilt be coetlaaed loiter. Tlm. uc lew r. Ske d aarkcatis Pi we realised Btr aae two talksfkctorr. rv.h.hla Kleetleua at TIMtn nail Hradrlcba BTTVutimi a to lay K. tajccrv awe to Wan 8m rrmxtoru aboat MM has Indicated cd hue. I. bm lllltl. rr ' "rem tka Mb v. a ) Notice. I t--i - Soa.iv Aa bud of "atexer minstrel." TM aetaal of tbr etevikaa araa la doabt - I tMHVM ah raV. aotay M aabttr thai atJsaUhBa MMmnMi fre- - ualnr molt rni par Mat! Ssramcr mat Taarwsaj, looaMaenac last Biiht, till a wi lair boor, tboaajtt tba early aaaaaaata aaa a thstr Tart yitsat atoea eaaat be REGULAR CASH SALE ! CREDIT SALE! thsma elves to be the orarfaal " trewxla latitat," ledlratloa pedaled rlrarry to tbr Hrvttoo of Tlldea aau to Mr. mw ttraat at aad atara at at taste At lay tlore art --It am IM. a waaca has a histo a ... . may be ls, nsmbi attain r lliail Tbnujo lcre Loarer Store aad ail aoeoaaai dae to Ibssr Maaaana MM On THURSDAY. - Hot. 33. ehtaar bribe -f Aifrtroe, Hsivra ot bra'tb-ciri- BC mirth. I' poo the aoppo-attiD- e mistake la placlr tbr States Wtarvaalo, lor F. A. SCHAEFER A CO.. store aiaaa be aatd to Mr. a. U UwO at aaat aaura or al At eaalf-- B M beard the that the war ceeaie art Mr aa ealhaea- - It la clrar that TiMea hxssre.'ird a majority oakr-- . sa abure. aoaa else are aalhortatd ta aara receipts Continued THIS DAT. M tK recerackvi araa firm them, the Theatre being of tbr FHrcvpral OaSSxA tbr Republican Omtulttce or abMMM debts oa P. itrsea-Ks- ASST. OF NEW GOODS MM to ita atmoal capacity, Pat tbr extremely at Oatatnbae Kiviaa; op tba election about taler- - tbstr aarounl. sereat J. Wednesday, - - Nov. 22d. mrdiarcre ataalitt o: prrtormaave aooo atvaard . ruateetnas F Batata ia the d.eLie edemas, it win tbr oiiCtll. last Bight. alkmaer. NAMELT tbe sts.eacae-- o of Bad by eliffl Itoaadola. Ta r.4araiBd I laatraetsd ta star ss aa. al esaea MM Mr. W M tish-- aa baa Wear eat tke tbr aadieacv. tbr Brit la tbia oily. It kt atlll tilt to tar bow the eao It. Naeeaaber. trf. ItT.roi tba a bad brcvaar rtaa Prion. Moriloa. Uaaa Urilli. rVklaa A .el asa, etrr. A S. A CB. ia aKralac trot evarniiU kooare. w wi, tbooxb ti.. DwoMJ daloa 4St atma ktwi Cketre Mroea White t'vitaas. Mat .... that tba nxapaar beit evaipoard of aaa cooceOe C.ltaa. Weil-asst- tb hesmea. eilt be bu, oaajoritj, the defeat of Coafrraatoan DIARIES FOR 1877. A Large and 'd Stock of Seeds araitrra from the taaarr aad other "(rawrn " of Piper Vietvria Laaal. tttlk Haadkarakaafa. at f Mr. F. H mEtKivrn i.niMx. a rsw Haaiasad Lias. Haadksraklafk. con&iatinbt ur color, otho hod cotMfarad to aaakr a little o Tbcaratr will rlrr a amat! m.K.rttr. tT TBKn1'Kt.ajlK tTKll Uarrard Skiita, Kaaay Flaaasl Osersklrta. be drladtc4C the Hoaoloto pa bite. Aad artl tare tBti p.bl, K,n , m,l iT of tbr Coorrea.nien Jir TM Srxaatv. wall asev. Makakeaa. aa them - StW Had DIARIES For BUM aocceeded. takiaf oa fcaa i..k- j x,, KLaTx l lutLMa. LETTS 1877 DRY GOODS! Tkeiwskay it lu cap, auat and pocket at lea Naotair : latie. mt m rwea. aaf tare raoiaiii a huh? kbacvr ta toao. roaapiolot TotaL ML Nrceaaanr to a 1SSL Tor rr- eaoka. - WOOL SHAWLS, r'ao.-- r Uaaa. Moai. far tba aaaawaa of aid bare cadoabtrdlr breo eatrred ajriot tbea ALSO Kafllsk rriatt. salt atll probably stand: Tarkisk T.asls tor Batkiaf. dklrtlai I'rlota. BJJ Her Jaajaetf the Wea. i to lor atoacr oader tabe iTMeaeea." le obtaiaiat rua American Excelsior and Perpetual Diaries MlaakMa. White Shoia. l baalal, r.rall.r. rV..ts. a iill ,,..c at that aJaee . W tadapa Plsaekad aad aitMsaeksd ttnlls. .Sbantafs. am ObMM la treat rartetr. ror aad leata Aot Swipaa. t'oi'.ao Bnlllaata. ObMM Tax LMaMko-H- ia Majeat.r't t'i'lMISS. . oraaaaaa Pra-o- s 4ksa( Me be aaotia at tact al AWntai tTa at birtbdi.r ti aajr esre tVuaa Jaela to flee, arrocdlrsf to taath Tiakiafa, iaiaia. Vielaria Uawaa Hola araa ertVarstrd att aaaaaal apirtt ia the -- SecooJ l .... .11 t.-r- tl Had gailu. Marasillaa. JMcsa.il. i,ailtla(s, Kl. htIM ... t V ...ti M. . WUIMKT. ticreraor Kapeoa brvaxht vot the IllMil ts Il Msriaa aad Oollaa I'aJersklrta. ltj St tltaTiraiata Hosiery. uf tbr ;aiet little toao in of loral Fall aad Straw Hal.. Ladles' Hiase. tbr aar -- . ...at Traoaka FOR rrradaarb aa Taardar the M s,lsitt a LEASE. Mr Sueka. Brtdlea Bfowa aad Waite Saaka. Udiaa' Skaeklati. MM etanifcetatioa. Or. the ere of tae dor there aaa a . t v ..... aad llili, back a VrssjSl St Cuttes. kfsriao .ad Wiaalaa L'adarskirta, eroacht laabrr of ocr trtcada Ma bare proceaaioo. a ... .anvil Bt.. Kte.. Kte. torctUckt ccoai(aBied br baud and V 1 W.M.a Skirls, I'kildraa'a lipids, area to the State. Aataac athera ae aote the 'lia"aee rrtin or riTK 1 tits tkoiaa aiacerv. oil ooder the personal leadership Mvb ...tUaaajaaad .. INuore. ateth:saarsa au uae Mol.tlut LaaU. Babaoo' Waeiea Mbaa.. Mkawla. aaaan Kle.kkaLi bieaa H XteUler (.a 5 1 afaa AUes. of the Goreraor, aaade r c e Aco. Hlaak aad Ksaes Cal'd rreaak Metiaa. abo a brilliant aacM of it. 5 , - V.'.t r -t . abare lu land, NrloiaCinaT to II . VVWIe- - of ecrerei aerrbo- and (tea a Otr fl.rrorrir Blast Cebearaa. Taillad aad Priatsd Flana.ll. aloec the brerar Dorrs of Labaloa. Oa tbr Uanaahus Haa tuaiui. aud two abarea ia toe land. f.eaoerte tu r t ltb N Jst a4onal( Tealt Powder. Sardines. Wrspplag Paper, l am .n Flaaa.l. Blaa rtaaaal. WaLtyfaaf, at a boat hare bees atweat lor Tsr Vt. J. W. smith of aloaoa KauaL im tbts land leers are rn there araa a public aaeetiejr at W.ivcr Cbarro. and , b Milks. Bl..k t'raaa. rtarida ... t'Tsaanaaa ...w two arvodrit batrdi'if, itwrlltisi. and iwtu bouwa, aad Soda Craeken. Cloikai Pia. llama. Frees w.l.a Harac. After the earetiac Bethel tkia MhMjMaakj a recatta ia the rssdstead. The Wh.raaaa .... a lanre eaclosare, teaeed with had leaiee. It is food land Hatty Ribbed Maleekia. rrraiar aftbe 3 Canahaa. . Baeea. fan lie.. Pieklae. Takaaao, CamM. tr speeroea m N.rtb .ta hsr asjr aarpoae, an prleilesv 1. gel ual Oreauast. Jtt. rauac the app-tat- rd rr-- at tbr retime were apiHted and iVsav . . , eoeaaiitlee U: arrek ail t. kTl ... ' Jtc. Persons waattloat to taaas lbs above land, can obtaul Clears. Flae Tea. Oyitara. CaWtaaerrs, Broadf loth Sieta Car.J.aa T asd aad a baaMlaf rvatavttee U2 prvbabt? be at Kapeaa. Mr. Ahold, Ntparpac aed other all ... t4 It with or aritbuel tea or elecra pair of wurklrst oaeu, aad Salt. Pa Nat Oil. atat ,4ber cattle, as cues, steers, ear-- also two eerta, l ajftoaMa We leaned that to Maahaa tbeir deeotioa to the S.xerelrn and their Total tr at ltaliaa Clatk. inen aatlp, ahMaaMMai tae ebaius. v,ikes, atcH a. Wash Blue. Paia Killer. Irisk Llaaaa. Liaiafa. Nalliaa. earneat desire to aaaiat a lot apeJT Mlb-ne- Moloaaa aar a rear V rat re tore beta toaiax ia bis (Treat purpose al OaHMBBTIl or PoCSS. Vr rartber i.rta ulara to John of Cuitaa Ta Kauai al U Wallata. Maul. UctoWr ltlb. 1ST Hone lii.ok.it. Blaak.ii. is 'berallj w Utat iaproiiag; and buildinr ap bis kiaxdoot. Mr. Gib-- Niar Toaa, Nor. S. Tbr aara: TBdaa AIM Catlaaa tbrrr doabt bet Ike Irie Ill-l- A. aMIl'll. Llaea aad Thread. a to, aaa, at the close ol the !ire discourse. bvin anj llrudricks are aodoobtedlr elected b a fair Brown Sugar, Sugar. by Uae Crushed caotixixtg, caJad opaia people present, and ot tke majority of tbe Electoral Collecc- - They hare pro- p. at Maataarr'a Ktrrav-Da- ThGrsdar of las: To Let. Lease or for Sale. c adawjn, Amaru Caaalmer. aad Buck a km Salu. estsrcial res nest of I be Goreeuor. addressed the bably carried the solid Ssuth. with the poasible ex- Week, the lath last, beta: the lortsrU aaei Ternary o-- ill tviMHi.r rtiMi.M. Pilot JaekeU, pesaaat ia the oalire laasraac. He aaitl that the ception of Sooth Carolina and Looialaoo; have KM f lluuiijr MkaaaaK riKlst Silk aad Cotloa aad Llaea IlsadkrekMk, of Has Majeate a bank araa Kraerallr obayrrcd a ti kraarj of a aatao araa ita but a to and supyort of Ita carried New York by from SMWto msjority ; For Immigrants. Damaak Napkisa aad Taklaalotaa. a aowaaat. aaatlii oere fa-e- at soarase. aooa a.tW iawader or standard The 1. 1 bearer. most adeanced Connecticut by about lilX) majority j Iuduoo by MMMimi lira tint Mis. had froea the Paack Bowl 23 vat 1 !lao-all- J Him battrre, asd itaoul aad of ell .: Zaotai. tbrve crops eaartr. Appty to Mr. Peeeealad Saddles and Bridles. iatereatiuf aatio the past the little State UVlW majority. Tbe of Electoral paru-ular- a Baa Majeate held receptKra rote the Collcce Kit apple lo Wood riaiualk.il. SIS- n. Leetker aad Waalaa dlHaa. Btraaa. aaa a at the po'je, sa. laaikar of Atbews. aaX aaoer pooaloa toao Hawaii, owed 300- - aaa aui JAMKS l.KMON. 'haa aaaee aeaiWd tbeaiaeleea is likrlr to exceed Harte and Wheeler hare roekat Kalvaa. Aaatralkaa t'orkseraaa. of the opportunity ita cbiet ore and dUtmction to its onsecrsinjc to par h. ft and carried all the New Eugland States, except C.miiec-tk- at Blaek I'aiot, Salt Wat.r Soap. TmJ Bobbb. tsitktBl aapport ot her cbtet. So Hawaii should ; Pennsyleaoia aod oil the Western State, For Sale or For Lease For Sale, aaaa BfattVAtwa IJt TAUtrf. r a The Kuaaaaa s hare no d:riaioaa or bat be as Col-le- at k iii.sir tni.t: mot: or tnae Mao. It wsl be eaeersed. panic, Bailed one except Mlssoori. Their rote to the Electoral ii t corr iuK pi i imm. lylntthatbetween the of Vtswara MrVully,i.kn e a: .' withitiranten. Ac. evnbutilut parlor, tbre aJH piviertls Rie Mat Maails Haae, aa beea aixered M asak alter aaa. , aaaa to support the authority and oarereatote of ail! not 150; M'nitnr.T. Mrs. traaiuherlalu ami Pnaaaoa, aaat Bai. Baft. aaeertiaiaj tail aaoch helow tbe RepuMlcaoa r al baaet tao ekaets. ituilnc rveui. kitchen autl Cklaase Malliag. Oilalolk. rmkralla. Klaa; Kaaakaaa. Tue rearatta aaa . heuase bavlnc a frutitsae uf neaHv half a nails on the Mstealf Iee 4th. fee U-- anoaaally lasrhaWl claim control ot the Coiled States Seoote, but their Pantrv. batbroooi. servants boei earrtace and xt . 1. stable, all very perfect Apple aa Koakl to .e. TOBMf, Tbera ua 17 sera la tae plsee. Lsad Paaeili. It. Osaka. Traaki. SMMsk Mar boats were entered, of esanvealent. and lu order. OBtBaaf of fer tae rirrait tao Labaiaa. one of majority, which is oow 15, will certaluly be Ml If HriMiSTANtSKNWAI.P. M.la. II II 0'e Iseel land. smtalUs tH suburnaa Nsadlaa. FisaaaMks, '"urns Combs. suit tbe halanee. IS Is suitable Aar tree Pa af :: Wsd.ee-aa- y Molokai, aod ooe of Laaai After a spscadid pall llora BrBiko. faodlsstieki. SrafiB( par. kas. She a retara ts this pert ea to Id aod possibly to 6. The House ol snj naainracs. mars la a aiuall Uoua auat a of atauot two aaile daelltitt ateraaaf. aad aware at 4 p. av f tke taaae day through the rollers aod alour ia io doabt. Tbe ocwa thus far wellnf sr.ter on Ills place. Trta ultVrs a ttne o ppetrtunlte Wanted to Borrow, It) paircltaae . oa Smoking Tobacco, Cigars A Clgaritoa the coaa:. tke Lasai b.at caoie io rictor scleral reccitrd make apparently by IS liutueatcl. lnauira .: haaaj. ret am tar ea Saturday awra it Democratfe AT 10 R tf J. rVUTKR HRKKN. A SMALL LOT OF len:-.!- i ahead, aa. l' t per aaanaa sm.d the cheers of aa excited mul- majorit). but returns are so incomplete that later 1aOfin rhe aeviinte La lT.a Uree Iraa--t of laud titude that throajted alonx; ibe r'.aiti,tfW the rttjr. IMuclpal object In borrow . the shore. Tbe wiooiue iniormatioo may iocrrase this or Re- .ii near FrstJ A Lasae rue it to the in to improve tbe place. Inuulrs of boa; carried a nice Aa-ota- (i of sum as a sweepstake. publican by a small majority. Adams has run It tf J. P. tIRKKX. i:s, aswiakl ata-l- has. shssea m aaawss. M Maeaatal raisaaa SUGAR .ALSO..i:in jest race ia propuaed Keatora-ta-o MACHINERY! hoc lor tbe and berlod Tilden a little, and Rice is eessad be taeea treat Saa elrcted Uoreruor Praaewee eharh are pat Day, aad are likely to become a tlarmaa Pa!. Ale. Reak. Clarat. ja-- reft:s feat by a rote alichtly below tor Hates. In New aa . a. e a,. B. hi , it Sseraaes-.- j Valise, aad ure of tut For Rent. SaBtataat, Tokav, aiii asiuau this hitherto doll yet exccediocly Turk, aubatan-tiall- y Sherrv tbe OaaopaaaMsal deleati.in Is Tin: inn si:, tMTl Pii:n by aar ia tke wertd. With little towo. be V r. S. M. ran.'.-- aituatr.1i.tki.tat ibe eeirner of Pais.-.- . rtVUE I m.KilUi:liaaJltr Kill 1: 1 1 Els Kir . Kia.. Ita. Buchaucvd, . aawaaaa. with possible Republican caiue of and st-e- P. intoie- - per Mail frxuu the celebrated Tkia Sale will offer a 8ns oppnrtaoit to dsaien ta a t iwa " salsat at the sateyarda tor six sr eisht daaV Walt llnehtaiat BaaaM tlvrn I t"9 ooe or two. The returns from South Carolina. daatWv. Apple at the eemplele iheir Stoek. aad tae terai will ka moat are a aaa. at aeas aeee; a treat we sa(bt tj haae .. lai MARSHAL'S OFVIfK mam a ass wawaa. aaaab aha aadao haarU tae I Man as. Tliiru Judieial Ttl laofl. Louisiana aud Wisconsin ore in conclusive, and do (itasifoir frn Works of C. S. BARTOW. - , - , af rajsaas at a raaaoaakle pnee. CutcxtT Uaaati. NovxabCk Team. a. asa L te t w IS". neas whatever has been received I rum the Pacific , Mrssrs Miriffs Tail, and Haisen, V Ur,ai.a-- Bj Ease sore W L Sutes. OIL BLACKINC. A Preaeot oo the Bench Vr. Justice Jcdd and Mr Mortgagee's Sale of Real Estate, Mseksaao. ia aaaaaaay watb Mr. Liskaaaa. Sepenn- - Justice Hart. slxiact SasrUi-uls- of Uis cost of AT K His Ex. W. K. N E W V E I N basaaaaa eat aaaat aaavaVwl oaw a in is aw f rxkha Weaaa. adt aa the ateaaer Ctle. Attorney Geaetal, for the AD KT ISRM rs. aaa aa Maaday aaat far Bate, for the parpeee ef ex- - Croao. SUGAR MANUFACTURING EUEAMMKA, HONOLULU. - Rrx rs. Hoauli. Xanutactorinx; was "T mi TOi il a asaaa P n.iai est awswaa pee- aaautaac the piaartaeabilxty ef prapiiad knatte seer mtoxicatinr , . r. XoL pro, entered. THE HAWAIIAN ! MIIFIT1R1'.D aa . Vaaa. wa aeas mi the a plan ak-- e HOTEL a. er aiot her mif Boaala wiaaat asaber af aaa Rex IljaiVIkTTl Pursuant to a power of atl. Baaaxaaad !n arafbua awl r. Wahioetlit. Charred with tu order, BY tafe ileeel. tlateal tbe twentv aeaa.nA of Jons. 1ST V has. beea iset ky saaaae.ii to erase freah- - era proa, catered. lv dsrsf M Of itliTervnl cmikavrlllra. nnctnc mode between WUIaaoi 1. Brown aaal Kaitl na wtf, uf aasde- - Kex sYtQia rtral part, anil William 0. Hraab the .reeai.l part, aaaap d auk rs. Waiaainle. Illicit cohabiUtioo. ed tbe at aara fA. i as a aaaaaaaal (ar L Je.1 ua paarea sod i ,,,,, bo til May term. & 1AM lbs. SsicsAr 1st m Hsmtm mt m Csstt reii.. Ubar It. aa ST. "I 27. g G. S. PIN KH AM CO., srr7 M,0,S Barleiw a loatrue'te.1 to sell al htai rwooaa, Kex ra. Deokla. Arson Verdict not ssa waaaasaav aaa I aw ataaaaaaas aad wat CtacTS alD Mxsavxaix. The Cite of Sydney roilty. bbbbbbbi aaa on haaa I s t t n FlrselaAS Yisruavsi I'lnnl Rex KalahikL Receiriar siolen Ver-- fa On - - - November 24, MaMtl - of w bj r. foods. jBOoo"wajpBB))JPgJ Friday, diet oot cailty. 11IL0, HAWAII. H ls stake IS Tans f MnSr In ! of trained j: At HoVlork noon, Rex rs. Aahiax- - Ti Matioa of opiom De- M - ' U. llunt-- s mt m ( l or 4.170. . " . . bird rweaprauac oot kaa '.ban fifty apcclmecs, and tail.; catered. fa !U of a Kex rs. All that Laid in kukanka, in Huaoluln, - aaaaaa well aprwtoled circa. Hooeiu. Sellinc iotoxicatictr " lellvcrefl t UlRSflraw. aaa i an i an a aasaeaa we aa DascootiuBcd -- , Dana the otteraaoa of the 16t btryre n amber of doe paid. taahu. helot part at K.lrana tiria H I r. Rural --3 The ui)tltpltnitHl prepsrral to ratSstsS oror ftr as i sr Rex rs, Kaaka. Violation of opiam law. in snel aa uuws aaak. Aaaaaa ajaat aaaaat oeeses a sad the cattaeaa af HocoiaiB rkfited lie show, oettiac Pleaded BOLLES & Co., Agents, auJ tu srrmn Air frrtcbt ua sautke to b a aaaa Waps tswsa-- Cailty. Sentenced to 1 tuch - t ka I araswtotaan St,W mouth' imprisonment at -- tii,kiM ty s fstslp oow tHiiiuJuc Together ariA ski Improve, 'JTT the prsbahrjt aot leas tiaan We hard labor aod coats. Xw Iron Hper Building ami In it. i Iy.lt? uf 1000 tuns buririi. to fbeaa aaderataad that tke circua will return to Hoaolala Rex ItOMOLCLC. men! tfitrtvn. OS, ass a aa r. Kaliaukahi. Murder. Verdict oot cailty. a aasaaaa las aa a sarr af aaa. aaat ia a aaaatha' araea raptll i n laMve tJIsMjrsksr tn or nboiit tse lilt ol -a- to e i wars aa lea it wilt rxkibit tor a bath. HatuFititrroit ii tvix; out mm TKRU9 CASH Oaa Qosrter til amount bid to pakt aa. aaaa ta aa aaa ilj Kex r. Mocoa. Practicisc medicine althoBt a a ore taass of tbia JVbruArj b. ewhaeaoeaslj as aaaaa asaar aa w qr XfiL be porerotser tt Ataetione.r upon lbs fall of lb. hammer. jman si.a Axx O ' -- lacenae. Sent meed to pay a fine of IIOO and coat. ly a Karrt.x In a Jit 1H. Ahatraet of TIM mav be area at Ndee Kea.ni. aasixc B. OrvleT ft.r sll khid ot Mwhlnery and Rex rs. Eli k. Perjury. 33 Xj otbr io tvr Police Court ol Kiiva: Xol. pros, entereil. ELEO ANT I O T Kurvpaia m.rfh.-iii- lo be sbtppMl br tb sbors Tisstl For lurtber partactal ars apple to - tie to;c: Will MTt OV paUBS ta kaAkf ( - baa, in . wwa aaaare aa aa ajrt atec- thawa, Rex ts. Keabaa. Perjory. Verdicx cuilty. Sen- ONIXOVia TIO boull b avnl to the unaVr'BTHtM tlutinc tbt roooib of KllWARP PRKKTOM J, Tak aad athera (tamios:. it I 11 raarti aith First-Cla- Ssfptcmtxr or October oth. Rats of A aart . r aavjoa aa.aa i r TT fi na i I in Every not tiler tbsn mtr S, r'urt street, or to tb aaaa a. : a. : ass. ttiai parties actioT as t r defeod- - tenced to years imprisonment at hard labor. Particular! frvtarht rrauiretl fur. . .m. a. aerate the by Am- fa. Rex rs. Wax. Liadaey. iiw Mat iid ib mmmamittm s s- - aaaraaa an aja aaaa aVaataaat bswaa , aaa. aaa aoad ticaeta. or chances, srhicti parported t - Indictment .joaslied ; new 4nt r. T. gib iodictmeot filed. Verdict not tggttlj V sasaaaarai. aaat Clamsy. asatctwa he priaea to cailty. ED. IFFuCiMEGER & CD. - -- ar taeatj sixty bleaks The defence that Mkaofkb- . Oaaa. faWr Rex r. WaikaholL Practicioc medicine ithoc: til was a lottery, aad aot core red br oar a lioenae. FURNITURE SALE cuin: Appeal from local Circuit Court ; appeal In the Estate of W. Ka, deceased. H. loa. was oeerraled.aod jadxosea: was pruaoaaeed withdrawn. Offer for SaLe HACKFELD I CO. At th ResiJsoca of Hob. Godfrey Rhodes . the The case ia t Oil t IS, s. Adimnistrator't Notice. Nuanu Arena.. acaiaat trlrsaaaU. carried ap to OFFER the Sspreoac Coart. Preston tor aod I r. Keaoobao. Appeal front Police Coort, UVDN Aalni ! appearance AM. HBttnttATf of ti havte W. Ks, Sr" brvbrfff rqutrM - - 29. Har-a- d. tor drf. adaate. oi ovreuaini; Joaxcaaeat for lV.B'W On Wednesday November Ti lice Coart affirm ,1. t prvnt th mm t line nadfrtwi. within six noain GOODS frm the dstv nf par lea t of tsais n.tro. Aod If not so How being Discharged from the ! At It 0'aloek A. ST.. will ka aald Hawarxa Horn The keaae toe fee rear from Kraoeaoukxoi r. Appeal troni police prre-o-tfl vitnin six monta. from aitua. thy will be S L E I Coart, Hiio; to by ajrrce-mea- t beJT-a- l. aVQal SaCI in.letteH tO SSalal fftTt rr- - FOR All the Saparior Furoitors sf Mid Rsaidanea. stoaaary lot, af laas ealaabte ioatitatioa was sold at cuotinscd the Mar term parxM deVSvd HAWAIIAN BK. R. C. of partita. tjutwtvc tu mska immoUtKte rTn.ot u th unrtnevL WYLIE, FOLLO WING aasbasraaetaoa by ttae Miaiater of I.tenor oa Sat or-- v . H Admiatstrstor. 77; Frank Horao v. William MokioL Appeal from i. acoi. PARLOR FURNITURE dae hast. Mr. A Herbert, who ha darias the hart District Coort. Msy Just Arritml float Bremrrhare Hilo; cootiooed to Term. Urseo Rep Snf an! Chairs. Rookar. robot! l I I ( year to thoroughly densoeast rated hia ability ire Thorn Clark va. Keioaa w. Salt tor divorce. ! Marble Top oval Caatr Table. Ml I raa a a- - There Decree oiai Tax Collector's Notice of a Full ! GOODS! hatei. an the pan bean aaa fronted Dule 4 Brown coaafeL Consisting Assortment XiW 2 Elegaot M irrnn, Otrd Tablai, bat aaat adhar riaaartWar. bat the baadinc ass Namah w rs Koa k. Suit for divorce. Decree DUtTKICT OF Braeketi. tVbatn.il. bewjk. aad the hammer dually fell alter the turn of Bis! Uole 4 Brown coonseL JUST ARRIVED, Z Drawing. Rnoto Time Plssss, ' HONOLULU. OAHU, 1876. A Sapariar Radaa 9 keys. Kaailaii k Ktpaa w. Soli for divorce. o- j Pi.taraa. Raft, Flat. a Mr Herbert 'a aaat r. Co- & tinned till May I ENGLISH, GERMAN FRENCH GOODS WYLIE ! the anneal rental of tbe term. Dole A Brown CoonseL F1AX FATEBSt IX TJlIS IMMKH ARK PER HAWAIIAN BARK R. C. Kuikxhi vs. Kaopa. Appeal from local Circuit M. h'tXjr nuiJ- -i itul H- i- QiiJrrxittil wUlcomrni-no- DINING BOOM. We Barua Ctw vUe&ou of for Cvrrtat s4 his ooV aad intact that the dulse. S Kottal. Jury tus Yrr, la In Largt Variety, Such as A waived; jadxmeot lor Msno kJvH. AWnsL on eSktanlay Stta of Norvmlvr Inst, Onr Hundred and Thirty-on- e Hat s KxlonsioB Dioaar Table. Caaa Sofa Chain, Hikart Tea OMaaaTia, the Mllaywjihii caterer of toihtla' KalaaukaBC for pUi.iliff. Dole A Brown Aodb witb "Vcriuo : U tbe 0b Elegant Sideboard, Smaller da. efrmity dril rode. s I V - r-- : for defei.daoL LaftOi? U laVXUi.Jl nLaVate STYLE IM PltlMV I't ltM- -- .'.i . a aS.ot tie betl r. 1 of Le Hsfrvvjy tU UU t faJEW - mtlaote psxrmvnt of tbe seme aew year, oes-tr- rs Joha Bell rs Kawaeala w. ftait for divorce. De- - the popular reataaraat. where fresh Geo H. I.r r. Co.eector. TCBE PRINTS, Canary Prion. Cbxrotate Prints, Ac. Silver Ware cree oisi xmated ; child awarded mother. Dole Tu Boaoluta. Variety of ail the of be coo to a a ic;cf . u auotu.a. i"zna I Broaro. Blue VVMte A Drills, Bremen aad aslkacsra the ace will .ot. IMt and Cottons Irom. CoSaa S Broaro counsel. SpooBi. Furki. Tea aad Pet, Striped Dentins. Regalias. 1 kBXhwja, lutlaana. KM T LI.S OF PRIrs TU Tl'BHET Breakfast Kaoekapolei w va. Kaboi k. Soit China Dinner and Service. toaaasaasaaa fordirorre. HOOMLl SOlPWORKsl, Mmuues. Msloaoa, Waterpmufs. DrlUa, N Ao. Cootioaed till May term ; process aot lenred io linen Psiatad Dessert Sat, Slut War. CoLcaxx CSaaxaa A. Hajtrwux. By tlx laa! BY ttailesAins, Lastint. Huntiut, Blue. Ite.1. flalil. white jroand. rbocnlate, tray aod fancy, W.J. RAWLINS. - Sat wn 1 : White rottooa. asa aews ana received ot the sadden death of this wmBOawl While aod MOM (laouela, Preuch Ureas Goods, jMooets. llr rvittoo. MdaM tie C. Boed ra. PakaaU k Agreement Sled lo The Pi spilt tor .if tbe shoes Woe tt toaapply bis Bed- Room. aa-- Horrocks' Uma CVith. Brown Drill. Blr ir aa the 3rd af October, aear Saa Aatooio, w.ire)orv. Jodcmeot for defendaot. S. B. Dole oooaaaoaBj Ue pable t. oOoasak with tks best qsality ol Kreoch Ateriooea aod Muallo de Lolue. kUrseUlaa, 1,111: Bedstead, J Hair kfaltrasse. Faalker rMllowt. Vetlawr aa.p. Hkrkorr Stripes, Stripped TVklot. Brown llolland. Text. Be catered the auiitarr service sa a 1st for plaiatia. C. Brown for defendant. "oft Ssap always an ha.td Bursau, Wardrobes. Ceotro Table, 111 fas fttad or jaep elrsaut. Ijr Linen Pad dint, Rloe striped Denioas, Aa-a- r. 1SS1. Hapai Harriet Uapai. e- Sist Pria Waaaataad'i, Toilet Sets. A. lira: restart eft he Uth iBtaatrr. ia wo v. Soil for dirorce. D- Fancy Ftanoel, Mtaqollo XetUnx. cree oui granted, and custody of child to libelikat. Gentlemen's Clothing! Blue, White an J Kitchen Furniture, severely woaaaed aad tafcea priaooer at Gain's Water-proo- f eotora. White and Faocy Flannel Shlru. French Felt Hals. 8cotch Tweed, Quantity of out Pinwoed. Mill, aad ia Deceaiber. ISO, was appointed colonel KAUPAKUEA PLANTATION Meriooand Coboorg. Cnderablrts. ralk. Woolen aad Cotton : Psa Jackets Black Alter the Sale of Puroitura will b offarad the onex-pira- d aaale wftaaTath rexr.iaeal colored troop. He served C0EBESPO5DE5CE. CIGAR SOW tOIISli IV and for In Bedspreads. Iirawers, afoolen Blaokrta. IJoen, aaairted numbers. It ran placa., Ac. term of lha Lease of th Premises. aTr 4iur.cities lo suit porcbaaera or Victoria Law us. wrath toBoatry taiuagh the war. receiving brevets 111 "m Cottoo Blankeu. Btaoketa. Uue and fray ; BarrC. taaUnt. C. 8. BARTOW, Aaat'r. oaawaaask ar aaaa Ma. Editob, Tbe afom; acbuck. Hor. Baaaos W oa tare of For the past tew years Adarrtiarr of the lltb. take j aa aa roe oceaaioo. X ground for artiOcxal oc A LA RUE VARIETY OF Eat EST STYLES MA iaaaala he baa hero oo the puis, takiac part io ta reservoir, instead of reclaim-i- Pioneer Mill, Lahaina. A SUPKBIOR IX)T OF TAILORS' U00D3 anar Tallcy. Schooner at Auction. socae of the Iodlao At the time of kia the ia order to restore the water iop-pl- aV Tl'KTOX. 1'BOPBIirTOH.S. noptiru CAMPBELL of soperor In and t Doetklo, Boeaaklo, raagranal. Repps, Cashmere, Moleskin, era of Hooolala. Permit me to point oot what quality, bow comlo k I l I I I Oeath he the oecraad captain of the Stt cavalry. for sale in qnaiilluaa to salt by On Saturday. Dec. S, fdlow-towoas- ua teem to be the Adserfaer'i fxndameotxl OO ! He woo the only brother of oar miitake ill la H. HACKTEtJ) A Noob, . Parifstiaii Shawls HANDKERCHIEFS! At II o'aloek Mr A S Barta-cH- who, ta tail severe trial, will aboat tbe qoestioa, at it ia the common mistake of Carrrae Cover. Umbrellaa sod Parawla, A Soranson't Wharf, will be sold at Pah-l- it We people. The Admrtmr talk as if WAILUKU PLAFTATION. White Cambric. White A Turkey Bed Cottoo, silt, At Tibbeua have the sympathy of all oaotc the folio wio nothio: Artlocial Flowers. Mik Ribbon Oartera, Aprooa, Aaetioa, tssacaaaar tribune to the SoMMI (re at the " Army be rained ootil the Valley coold be npLuUtd VE riOP VfOW IN. AMI FOB SALE IX Child t Hoots and Bonnets. Babe's Bibs. TOWELS ! asd Navy Joaraal :" " A to the (railaatry of rit (no. I want to point oot that a grow lb of i.1 aoaoatwo to nil perebaarrs. by Child's taare this BREWEK A CD. Patoet Ilriasia, Lodlca' Booneta. tree ia the Valley ia r. White Cotton and Turkish, Linen Turkish. jUThc Sehr. it is scarcely nrciooory to a peaa : it ha been oot at all necessary for the Bmakes. Friillnf Shirt Collars and Coaa, Belt. Jaanita, exhibited wheaever the iffoi purpoae. What ia wasted it a heavy growth of MAKEE PLANTATION. Ladtea' Comba, Cblenona. BntUjos. Hotsery. Necktie, Of M Tama Bartatea, to aetata the copious Ladle' Sewanstyle Parts Bats, trimmed ; Slips, THREAD I He araa aaaa orgaotxa- - andal raiofalla to that they -- to be at Sale Room. la rvt i nop . InrtBtorr taaa c may opoo or the run- - or si tit molarsts Hearts. Handkerchiefs. French Hoaseodera, C. 8. BARTOW. AoeUoneer. ara.ster.a-c- e- iUc.pUse f rat eoter fnatrad of XM aaw coaaua; to. aod Bar sale to adauanoBes to axat pa Linen A Cotton, Brooks' Patent, Thread, Black Merino A Pne Aeaortmeot of Jewelry, Bracelets. Biota, exacieat: hat ka tkaoeaoxt : io these respect aMr Veto the tea. Io three months, after cattle chan by Braid. C. BREWER A CO.. Atrnu. Watch Chains. Sleeve Buttons. Necklace. Brooches, SOCKS ! a.:h aad Mete were tibaed. the rrowth of frraaa aad Mortgagee's Sale of Real Estate, that the atrictaeasof the ottcMaal weeds woald bercosac eery effective, tod io two HAIR OILS AND POMATUMS, Men's White and Gray Merino. Brown A Blue Mlxsd I A Cottoo. AT .- a.: . :- -. rear there woald be a maaaivr Impenetrable joe- - KEAHAL PLANTATION. it. and aaade hiaa the idol of hi Finest Zxtnctr wa4 Toilet Articles from Parts, Kte of tern and swamp berbaare over tbe II-- COOUDGE. He wsa a reutleatao ia the whole J. fUltja-ooi- e, LADIES' STOCKI.NQS ASSORTED; apper VaUey. The whole surface woald then be Labia'! Exarart. Bmmels Kauwalaa, Manoa, Oahu. gl hi the word. and. a a Mead, tec t tCKF.ErFKrt ArTD OTIYKattt II I. naai af restored to Hi rsMre ennditkao of oonii. Such t If and the excellent saaor of the iimtr ptantatieaa at Children's Stocking Shirts, taoey flannel, Canton, There are rnarr to deep jf el aaimp U lod most bathe source of II139 Iy C. BREWEB A CD. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Union, Betatla, laeniro, Ac. Ia parioaaee with a power of sale toataiaad la a a oasxaaory be win every pure and Boaatolo stream, aad Coderabtru-Cotto- o, Merino aod SUk, eartaia mortsrafa Joed, dated th Tth da; of Matsk, tun '.Toltns, I ai FTotee. a, j tare. Xdodeaaa. Haad Otaan. Ctobrtua. Italian black. wee KsalokapaaoU aad Kikai. dale away aad whose tbx pathy with tba klsca .h i uotored dtlk Blhrams stotoot eaa. 1878. mad bat (a) xy. NURSERIES AccoedMOa. tine Trrollan nortar. Violin Btrtoas, kar kaiaaad, of tba ooe part, and H. R. Bolltatar af . wfftr child the sympathy of too ChUdrro's at, a x aaaaaaear at a awawiaa. ata. herea ,sJ i have only a little to do witb the tobject. VlllllllW loatromeota, IJ'a and 0thr Tors, t otlsrT. the other pan, tad raaorded la Uhar AS. aa aaaaa - Tkey would, aodaobtedly. A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF CLOTH- aTTsa kBOV he treat warth of this Ice office.- aad be oeefol lo aaaiat io Pictures aod Picture Frames. Needles. Spool Cottoo. I9T and 198. Str. 0. 8. Bartow is iaitraoted U tsO k an gaatta". T is! I eviporatioo, ' alaar retardirix but toe main work most be Linen Thread, raddle Girths. Spars. Stirrup Leathers. at hit rooms, n I b aa atT aadk It ioi.e tss cone by tae acaerzro wth. Tret art aot ore did ING AND SHAWLS. ia the Upper Valley to affrarf rain. That it SHINN A CO. ' lac Paper, CTeath, On Saturday, December 2d, Aaraaicas Dai. Preaideat Graat aatBral of the rata. It jaatjle to bold Wrapptoc Colored aaa White Prlntlnt Paper, Bockakin. Flaonel, Cottoo, Ac, Tax:vt L.at aarts P. Monkey Heavy Wool Btaoketa, an a lai in aaaaard that peociaoaatioa oa the aaal keep the water copiously - reatber Dusters, Candles, Shot, CorXa, Fresh Blacklist, a Jacket. colon, IA o'clatk Soeo, ioi aaMaraBg Mb Of that all. Tear NILES, ALAMEDA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA Cottaa aad Horse Blanket, QaBta. Ac. At XOOa. of labor aad expend it Handsramc Flower Stands, 1. aaaaa. I oo . sa a a wab of at. Maar. Quit ii. p ill Mi g ThuiSty. the SXh of 'ovcta- - ore nrqoircd before we can Burlaps. Wool Pack, Canvas, Gunny Baa. aaat j tee reo!t." We thai tee grrat retail it ooce All har. at a day of National Tbaakaci viae : The PKOPKIETOBtS III FI R lOKaaja. that Land in Kauwalaa, Aaoertiirr talk about the Valley a if it were maTHt SADDLES I Ice ajM SALE, to targe or saasll taaa mi aa. aJB Fine Havana and German Cigars ! rr rax raxsiivT or rsrrax SraTaa . r a dry moaataia aide to which rain had cot ta MANOA VALLEY. OAHU. tu be attracted by plan Hat tree, ioatead of beioE aa , oWAMi Csllall.s, ate., Cork. Perfumery, Ac, Lobina Extracla. all the I aad described ia Royal Patent, a. aa asa it the aatire ho aad road of all the norma that OcsMrtae Brlsr aod ssfeerschsBm Pipes, Kao de Caaloame. HatrOU aad S. aai. Pblaueoase. Maeaawar. Bit T88, aad described therein follow ; From vear to rear we have bren cc5Stooed to blow Tee Ataertaarr wants a tank. We Fancy Suapa. Mladaor. ate. is my arraa bit wiot FRUIT aaaa ia'oar aniiy parsam aad art apart a tiaae lo ores of tbe Uooer VaOrr to Tooth combs. Tooth Bro.hes, Hair Brushes, E hoomaka ma ka kihi komobaa o keia aiaa, a oka to Abwarhlv God tor the specaal h. ayaaaar Lookuaj Gasaaea aod Mirrors, Imilatloa Jewelry, eaal ioocte ot worth hundreds of Every trefuteated variety of IJ pili aa I ka Sapoko a awl ka ganakaili aiaa. a a - - - - - kott lot e juc baa led io aa. with oar prayer M a It I aa error to aar usinoss Ledtera. Janrns'a. tc, Playln Cards, Books Mapuka a :t that tbe land ia Cxstliy. Rom. Msctartne, Peach, Prone. Crab, kolo kik S 12 kaal.. ma ke We hare at this tamaj Copy Books, Pocket Books, PeocOs, Mesi Hmlm, Hmainali aa 1 H Balls, Peathes D.alin, ak. s IV ltd tot BBtaUta comprise only aaaat oa half of the PiC. aa laikale, aUUe ak.U ebt, etc.. Is awaSBtsate, aikaaoaakB maka kmla Upper Valley. It comprise the whole, except a fNaSlrrts i Bsfs sod Pffny, I . Has HARDWARE 10' kik. 1.88 kaal., Sta ko 5apoka kihi. alaila ak. i , aaat far taar aaataai . which booaty few small tract, leased for small soma. B ! 72 kik. 1.88 kaal. ma ka Kapok a I ka Eaaaa. alaila AU this talk aboat frora, frees . to NUT-- Pocket aad Botcher Kaires. Prime ra, la leather A cards a diversion from EARING TREES 28 1 ma ka Kaaaa I kaa kihi - ed to a aa kadiridaaav arc have saacsal acraaina to the rrralaoeaJioa. which it whether our chief water Ttneed opera. Laotema. u c troao, ham. hlk. kaal.. Bsajaak Gal vaoiaed Cornamtad aaaat Iraa. aaaa ; kasaa. alalia ak. Ski9 kik. kola, ma ko Kaaaa I Taaa cztareaa our hearty thank u Aimichty God that by oarec to to be bare rroaod devastated by cattle or aTaaM IMax. IMataat, I If GROCERIES! Oalraoaad pis, all araea, Oaivaobad Backs , 10x12 In, alalia ak 8 W kom. 88 pasha to to be protected for it altera! onderrrowto. to Btacfc Walaat. ttataaroat. Pecan, etc, etc koaa kiki kiktaa. French amatuaa, Petim Pols, MTaak roams, Prooaa, Tub.. Ttoaedm BiiBBtat, BealCtaamal. ka Kaaaa i ka kiki kemo o Is Keaioha. alalia ak. that the rainfall shall abide oa it aad in it. instead T.o Puuea. Baaea Tan. Lead zinc. a lei Pates. Taoor, ta oil ; OUees, French Table Pioa, ta sheet aad 218 9 253 kaal. ma ko Kaaloka i koaa kiki af laaalao. off ia freshet. M axxaa Bnln aad aaed fence wire. No. 1,1 aad a, 5' kik. riac civil aod re- - SMALL FRUITS Byrup, Hiaip Iroo. i Bus; BJveta, Moots V allow. kik., alaila kern. 88 kik. t paaka ma Kakaio. (aa - I o ko Kailioll alalia hem. mmmm. - hriawaa II ill to all wrtthia ita border. r4 met BaarAberrie. Grape, atojxaerrlaa. Onnai tapers. Preach htaatard. Vloecar, Metal aod Sail. Bar Iroo. (Job Powder, shot. ate. C Kanaiaa) kihi akaa aiaa. aar litiewjpal i attics !ta cool, printing asd w rapping Paper, 21 kaal. ma So Kailiaii. ktm. oat ta tail On November 27th, bwrrtsa etc, etc ; Also, pentaanaaa Japan aod Preserved Oenoaa Vstretahlea aad rralta, lo Una ; IV kaa. tM aiii eaajeeiafly oar dsiy to aativer. ..rdaa. l aad Partbag. Toys, 'ramblers. 88 9 S8 kom. 2.T8 m I ka kihi akaa BBBhar, kj La kaal. ABwial - t Pwa.paw. Carob. and OUs. Vasoaa yarnitor. - -- - ooTcr of ail Met- Sales steal p" W9 kom. - d oa fas tlx fhaa aar hamate pnatta ta la rather AM. st wiu .per. CrtatkeryJtaoaOc loda. Tar aad PSak, o ko KaiUMklwa aiaa. alaila km. of Hia Breaaa trrur to aa aa aiaa, alaila ha 9 88 - aniteaaat. ETEMaaREKXS, aad other Shade or And,. I aod chains, OH Caaka aod Hhoeika. 2.48 haul, ma ko Kaililatkivt . aotaoa aad aa laaaiTaiaala ECCALYPTCS I Bine Geaai varaery. Kerosene Barrels, Birch Brooms, kom. 1.88 kaal. ma ko Kailileikiwa i ka aokaka. L la Vltb (TeOow WINE AND L.1QORS CBbmbi. Pore Clay. fir. Backs, tl anil, Catext, alaila ksm. 249 sa kom. S kaal. i ka aokaka, i ka Dry Goods, A Lot of Furniture, Crpeea. oad Hoaey). piaes. camtpa, Matnnlaa, Beaat S. GaajT. Preasdarat of the tailed Stale, do re Oak kihi akaa o ka Haalo aiaa, alalia ka tn 9 88 kom. L to tie- TOaurmd. etc., etc xtanal A Co s, Otard bwpoas ft Co. a aod ef the ofted State - GROCERIES ! ma ks Uaolo I koaa kiki komoha, alaila ak. Ii Henneaar Braodtea, la ; to the CROCKERY mmd cat kom. 3 88 ma ka a SEMI-TROPICA- L a? kaaL ppokka taaassoa kfat FEOTT TREES, Part Wbs. sad BtSerrr. Hock Wbsea, Salt, a ma ka Kals o Kaakaioaikl (a Kaaakatkl) a kiki I GLASSWARE, Beat SerhJedam Gla, lo SBaae Jars, 1 Otaaca Lexaoa, Ume, etc, etc. kaai hoomaka al. French watte wmea aod Claret, 1 8W.1M waaberaeaBBaeadwaskaM aba ' a Day stares. Ac, Bantatlara'i Btaadjr 1, taalain las. Ansa, d akasx d .aawaaa aad ukmi n sack a CASES OF PORTER, Jbc. m green tUli 'J 'in".'! Betes Ornamental Shrubs tic Plants ia tao basks is aad cases. Toewthttwith Van aBawaaaMt. P. A. wit araa a hereof I ham aaxtaata act C S. BaJCTOW, Ia mj MUfET JEUITE'S CHAMPAIGN Dpsrkilog Hock, BLloe Wta. Bavarlaa Beer, ILL THE IsVMWElEITS THEKsl. ffreat Variety BL Paal's Ale. quart aod pints, I0ILOII6S V Jeffrey's Ale. (loans aod pints ; Bitten. Ac Fet partidalart tpply to Eer. r. ts. a co.. Caiajojoeaod Price Laa. eaa be nbiaaiid oa sprioeottoa Carte Blanche, Carte do'r Carte noir farthtr uvru Oermaa aad Havana Cigar a at low price, ujcioat RICH, P, BICKKRT09, at 11 o'clock bl. A Marahaat. Fltatafiaa aad Iaaaraaa to xfeaars. CASTLE COOKE, Booaasoto, who atU rrcerre meau. ka Ism la salt, Ac. Ac, Ac at ct;r-- , Of QUARTS ASH PINTS. Attoraey far ortgacsa, bUM aad forward ardan tar trsea, aad u wham payment Otter Mamd, Vosaalf Azeeatc f Coratr aad kf archest Oritrtn tie W a tf fart Btr.. eaa be Blade. tm-Sl- R af teat Salas ED. UOFFxat-HLAEAaE- ah CO. AfarM ifokt 111 Or to th lh abov reward wi'.: ha tvail bv Her M.tilv' of lhs dr! opiv..-- rviuv. bv ree and I F. ,Sr HAWAIIAN GAZETTE lnivrail loenv person WM shall air eaea HWMlUk Had lb bsNt as uiitapul.4. L LENEHAN & CO. WILDER CO., iefo.-uutij-u Bad E. O. SON n as sha.I lead u lh M the Ml olua Iwn re-l- sb. HALL LINK. ooariv-lM- niv n ;:kt p.ivnt a ASSOKTVKNT Oh AU IX THKIK and of th murderer or would aol hsv waited for pwrmisaioo from OFFER Importers and Dealers in t mi. v an HMNHnkWHMV BtaruVcer ia this cam. tod th of Hmmmj bbi Amih. lora disavowal of aiiianeo PEYOTFP TO HAWAIIAN PROGRESS. Slate fjc the Hues lVfwleul mil advise th Irvu tlnwl Hritaia, for assurances oi Bnlrlitr of Majesty KtwijM pardoa to auv Iroia Italy aod Uui H3 rraai Hr Know. would at once have TMK lltllMi not berna; lb persoa ho actually uiarvtivo ar artnioa acroa ta bonlar auU occa HART ? B oe Car 11 aal am T.rrr.r ivuioiiUrx! lb who sha.1 such uM tb I'rouiHva bjr LUMBER ah ato. Si riusHKP mrir, riv abtcb bar boa dotald ataadiwe. Aim. HaTcwwi Bate! IhMM Bvfs a aWStaad to a like rweaill." l .o l urauli ItaW. ami tba lufarual cniao ol lb HKNUY It. WHITXEV. lUabilUaouka. NEW GOODS aad oVaeWw. Sw I l'ttc AuawUailoaol' uilaaw. - Wbetbar thi apparantl poacvabla coaraa Tinn BUILDING MATERIALS ! u- - r-- r : t tb of A I ti7 W MM iC'f It rroaaa Narr lo call attention purauad by Kiuaia - tbo baal. in (act il ia rrwai ia lb r'(FM lo a fact ao small it aduiit ol Wbila OP slAKl'tN tlKLS. v- -rl rovfiiuBU dtutl. Ihwi diplomatic r I .1 the I swsenss - U.....au lHat th appear not to pi- ' or lh-- o laotl -- tbvusbx-r I vrsa, lsfB. fvmiinmu l:to tu axuruuera bisrb rxti.nlrra- British Barque ( nnomn rsrsv tt. 1V raet i this paooltf i ba:if iioo" rw oeiiuf ui luk and f.vih twiwrniu tb. ALL DESCRIPTIONS Implements. aaauaalevt Wavrw? ! Has Agricultural rM I HAS A r- - la Kuip this act representatives of tb believers in lb Bible, and rrorn Illiaiiiw. mivm as . Bay AJ aitueaaesT Oo wbvd 1K A d hwWU. Pal .. hr-w- wad 1 Dm witaeas. tbe world. ia lb Koran, tb poor alruggliug Sonatas, are aa ' taiar . Vrsr H.rrts JaJJ, J. J. tb ee it ? Xo. Th Batiou bar lett A!tt 0TIIBR LATK AHRIV list. free, CHte r ' aoruuat betas; lo th mercy uf the Turkish cinter. er Wrst ! above Ibwa sootalbinf which is below theia the which knows no mercy. Any use of lb SrailliBs, Itsnis kltaw i smc K aad r Ureal Consisting tur ylxVinfiy .VacAinrty : 1a tbrooeh ' Or!:ox at Jr J. roreraonKits. U.xvrnmeaia see aothinr Powers ought hav said lb word, aad th war Taassuaw A mmm llraaves. S.rfWwd. Tb i a BtAaaaMaM tbv OoJ ia wbich tb abortuirbtdaa peculiar to lbui ; while a ould have BSBBBJ 1. ttul il really seems aa if SILVER it :b; oa tb 2T'.b Srptmutvr. Tc tb huuixa race kvks ou with anolbr y. lb desigu is lo 11 lb Servians be completely afwtrs ' Planks. Battens, ! a pacer of atari o laacb Boat rwi. Houv- - rorasciaco. Ws are abost to attocish Karopeen aud ibeir nghiing power destroyed. r Pickets ' SUGAR MILL. : - by tbe'ii are x X i i . J.- - c ' f c . - :: kt- 'ae ; covernweo'.s tacbi!i; tbat crimes any Power proposes lo step squarely in and pul II la. 4. Its, ass lit. as, PaLA iMMtn-BT- tlai.au bi ; tbat oa la 5;b Jaaaarir. ISii OBBBaat; thai it is ao aore a!kwabl for a au nd lo lb war. or eie pul an eud lo Turkey this fvr aa iudividual to bo an Europe. Th laiosi I Kcoau JmsL Umoe( a will ia arbxeb UaluU bu tfoteratueat iu telegram says lhat tb aStosvxAA OlstrlHoro, Fencing if aari tao . raab3ta (tb ptattttitt). : tbat Korop is solidair ; that all thai Serviaus have been feat I a detealed. I'cheriiar- - Kro I I 40 av HI aaaWal : ia Kanipe i by Kurop ; aud M oalluna. V .. : "'i r 5iJM0 tibll MiVj ai:J N a ::atwa d.u that if 3s army cut in two. " cut in piece." aud a Laths, Ac. -- - - : -- ' i'. H. - a lbr exist a wild beast Kovrnuint it mast b great panic existiug in IWlgrade. l uless some A AMMO BIT K D I C mil auaai --- r it ! JBS i ;. MM IWOK Or MOatTH rr" D-- Ocieu-iAB'.- ) trj.ei as a wild beast j that at lb present soon will bar ptvptrt; to t'--t bcr avcusd powr intervene Serna lie abjectly it i N i qiu dose by as. tbr under our ;s. bnealh th heel ol th Turk. w tt,i.vrvHnt'M :iw bor-in- c. Boards. IMa.k. people are pillaziiif . rxter-- i .aalliB(. f Tb coart i akii th jiiiion to coo-5- tr amaacnaic. otitaaltoK. cutting tbe throats of lathers aud Celebrated Cooking Stoves Baltaas -- U0, lal. aad aall'i.t l 1 i , tb atli of kkoao: la pUiu'.:j. t'aaBatu Th? Nerrlaa ltYvrrarw, - r mothers. MBaSg th litth, and tvy ; cbuaaa tba: it Wt tAta prvifwrt oJ Kvaao'a to gin that AND RANGES Pwb.la Rough aad Faacy. Iili. a.' tb otr.sKd Baail aa Jviat toauta, aaJ tbat the children too small to be M ar bein cat ia The delay in lh ueguiiatiou for an artnstico V by blow ; aud u Surfaead Hoards aad Plaak. TPSaJflBlvr'S' pro-pr- two tb of a saber that families are between Turkey Sertia ia reuderiue lh la 3 ia. oo tb lircraaa of ilaitata aad Niota to tr burnt iu houses; oo towu ot Russia more diQiciill day by day. BBLS BEST WHITE CEMENT! Stoves and Ranges Tvatcd ia I'aabasa a tb aarrtor : lb their that Batak, The - CIjAPBO o0'iaai dual lbi 'a anal ai blooao Wtt ia for exaiup baa bu rlucd iu a few boar Turkish arms hav again been crowned with sig- Do s,Mtvri Bar Irn. aMSaurte- ards, tr. ui SAM) mbabitaiils lo 1.301); that th cm-ten- nal successes, and the Servian army has beau I tit ; Inm. latiice. jtate to Ha :ata ra ft, ai'.b an antat tor Uf cut ToBcvaaJ ami (JrtMvssl ia t'aaJuaa nJ Xtaia. aari tbjal Xtaia bariujf are chokd with mor corpses than can b in two before Djunia, and apparently so com- buried, so to living who pletely demoralized u may be impossible to i;d : b ia wilt of Haiuita tb ia ao ia thai tb hat seal tbeat that Stl-DIlVCa- ta eflWuv PAINTS AND OILS! kaj dvaaariaM aacj-c- t oalr to taa Uf s'.t of tb dead send back the ptilnc. which reorganize il lor any purpose. Tb HU8TIO only W of drib-Is- ! f'aihaaa. is fair. teach the Oorernmnts of Russian policy supplying volunteers by OMialattaa of BBBtssjt this, women are being has not proved a oss, for not At lba but taraj of tbt coart abaa tbU ab-- !' tbat pregnant wise TIMBER FOR Tins While Uad. Tina White Zinc Olat. SHIP USE first to tipped open to hill the children in their womb ; Ibe desperate bravery exhibited by araaatd. it aa aaxwtd Had caaaauL that lb fact. i.rfl arprars ia lb bt in la public squares there ar hea; of lb lhea little bands tby bav bvn destroyed Tlaalleuula. Lead. 1x12 to, Halt: of itS th or - and have ooly served Tina Black and tUae rainta. tbat tb lb jub-jwe- jl reaiaias woiu trace Ibis treat- piecemeal, still lurlber to ssrwi j'a.aiut. rvi ut. Urums 1UU1 Un-- ed OS) .4 iaa cua'.rorf aa coarated to tual ; that s guaw iu th streeis tb skulls of discourage tb Servians. Th latter are evi- Clear Nor" Wast, for Planter's- - Use Kaaaoal:rauu Hliata bi vUa. o outraged girls ; that all this is horrible ; thai a dently atarlily urd of fighuug. I bey have ' anat Uvcait FIRE BRICKS, SQUARE AND ARCH t tfc rafaU of ta pr;i ia tbU cu. But tt gesture ot lb Uoreruments ol Europe would be loug since bad mor than tby wanted of com- EASTERN WHITS PIHB, enough to it, th savage who com- - with the Turk, and may be doubted whe- iircvd or tb piaiatif j fjc?! tbat tbub-niirto-a prvat aad bat il aakr-- j fvr tb cooatnteUva of Kcuao a mil these crimes are testifying, and that the ther uuyibiug short ot lb support of a Russian OL.AY. - aas- ba: 5t:ci - . a. ! California and Eastern Doors, all tat aad civilized who let them ccutmtt iheiu ar appal!- - army corps would henceforth stimulate to 1 1 sizes a aras aaaaa wv a?4 aar loal ta coarl t lutiteii lo k lbai bust hi. Hsn it ion.. c?a: tawaa ing. Th time has com to raise oue's voice. take aud keep tbe Geid. The Serviaus are prob- ariaaatf K tb raaaarvaMaca at may raa BaaMaaaV aWhtat, all sis BUXD. all at rrwuwl t"w at7. Sfctija 1110 of tb Ciril Code aatbonxv I be as versa! indignation is being aroused. There ably hegir-uiu- to perceive that they have been mr vrr.n coll. ourt as M a uaaatioa C!tfcc vbicb unxht are hours when the human conscience k employed as cat's paws 10 pull the cheauuts oul IVoelnt Wire, aaaurtrd a , annealed and aalvantaed. and orders - of fire tor Russia, and lb WHITE LEAD I ti to atioa of a cirtl actios lu tb liovernmeiit. lo listen. The Uovern- the ibal latter power (lalvanlaed Uueleta aaaartinl and ZINC sjprsia ' meat stamuier a reply. T'hey have already willing Id use up in the business. 1 1. 1. ( EL . WAT.T, cfc. Court, to aecr opoa a caa coalaistoc la facta is quite tbtn PAI.WT OIL a s n PAI.TT If kl 1 1. apoa whicb lb caolrunrj aud prvwa'. tnd this lata mr. I'by say it is xaggeratwl At present they have gone so fur tbat they must A General Assortment ofSupe- ia Streets. aaad. Patt; aad Varaiah. Ccrzer ef Ffr: ad Sic? o. - Tot it i exaggerated. It was not in a lew perforce fall into the hands either of Russia or ii. tdtMbKwu lb saiA. aaca Ma Tu qaca- Q ; Turkey. They have completely las. lal sad I. uoa ia liisVrvac 'f coars is lie rights o tb tKuirs thai the Iowa vf lialak was exterminated exhausted their rior Stationery 5. SAVE TIME AND EXPENSE ! pur.. la tb irrarioa ia lb proprrtjr. u was in a I a days. Il is laid 200 villages j aggrsir and defensive powers, and unless were there were ouly "JV- - What you call lluseia is prepared booiiy in between Xo i'. swatj lo ua tbat abr tb sotxnt-iio- o burnt lo step DRY GOODS Wall Paper and Border POST OR POST HOIE DIGGER - fuuda-swot- pestilence ouly typliu. Alt lb woutn have them and lh Porte. must accept any terms Bn THE CHAMPION iUGrB. of tb facta of tb dic!os a il lhy funalalittf of oi" oeea outraged : all the girls have been are oflered. Whatever power make VERY WEQl TV I O qiestioa, of tb of lb aot uol thai other LOW! IU rN.T IKVl tUI.M M i ricti rbt.f laney Prilling. h Ua- IWMafftaaftaaMK Whit SaC --lfcf I ; few haw ot Pancr Llr CZlflU Siarta - CI tV M It V C . i par.i to m qaaaiLoa ia iisrfBvf. tb court sold a escaped. Prisoner have been capital oul this war it is certain thai Servia 1'rulo fettorn. Browa Coltiia, mutilated, will Maudkarehlera, VVatuuiea, Nat cuwair it. notaTtba'acd ajr it Day not b but their head have also been cut oil. not. and that al least a generation inual lliaabauia. aarte.l, rw,-ls- , llroadelotba, Iron aad Tinned Tasks. : which lessens lb thing. Th infant said to Batpat before she will have recovered the posi- aawrtedi CuaUnara . a." ; a..c- - tie far'-.-'- Liu km ctM tt ktM have been thr wu from one pik to the other tion she held previous lo Iter blind effort lo se- Paial sad Wttliwath Btaihia, as win cut irt steryir A ct A rn.L OF la tb sabatisaioa twf.r a; it a oat J be Labor was. ia reality, only placed on the point of on cure her independence. Sue. UtTwiwr I OaW It SBat 411 gill latl laW. IWafann LlW t V n her is one. you FIRE-PROO- jtt tftat aMaawi. MaC Sjkaf MaaC2 Watt afaatl TBV ' foi th court to coast th tuyonel. there pat two; METALLIC AND F PAINT iMaaaf fft. DUM sW:r rifiiiJ 'u 1 lu i.niior QtaestlodB Home niul til of blvcuo aitb tb liabiTuj of bvio oolivd you exaggerate tbo two. etc. Aod then why hi has this peoplo ? Why do not flock of Abroud. LIQUORS1 Far I' :i an, aa aoou a th ca couJ fj . lo dcivi revoltJ a ii.' in or Other I.e. We also Offer For Sale, . tbat ao sta-- ia Keoao capab. of oio 11 themselves be ow&d like a herd uf ani- ixoxsisrisu or BSSkSj - Ttd txieg iJ- Tt W ASaWV FVW. ZT9 V mals? Why, etc. T Tbi (aahiou of palliating in- English papers bewail lh hard times, and bj will. cou-ide- r. tbtefor. tbat Heldseick's diii creases the boiror. To quibble with public ia- - abound in reports of failure, stopping of lac- Csstl rhampaga, pints and quarts' Balls aad Ilia(wa, rr akXWk PaC XaVC&Cftt. "J. SbiiWHt. S till of bvaanv ta to prupanjr ia Uu.t Baskets Lawrence's Cbaaspaga. pts aod qu, Cft KwPrw. tin b I i.gnalioa. nothing more miserable. Let as call tones or running on short time, indigualiuu abaVv. ratai by tb atat?aiat ia tb aaoutisaioij, thai BasbeU Lawreaea's Cbaas.aga, axtra dry, Bulls. aftjtMMkt Mat FtXtatrr. aabaaj OaataWO, aHKaV f things by their name. To kill a man cor- meetings of laborers oul of work, dislurbaucee Srw. in tb prvatta " joe coaevd to Kcuao aad at the lases ttennessy s Itrandy, tvataat bu ail. ner of a wood called th forests of Bandy is a and riots, lb growth of the tramping class, aud Casaa MarttU's xxx Brandy, aTaaas aad Sty. A. ; all lh indications of poverty, and fa U asexra aa fCaal Propartr p Mft the crime to kit! a people at tbe corner of tbat privations Catas Planal't ISeS Braady, suffering with which Ihe of Cases Ismail AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS! aa'bor aa - lu of IA other wood called Diplomacy is a crime also a great ciliea Ihe Gaava, coaa)uie taaoretic L'niled hav fami- Cases Best aoitj acd of tb oaurau:p of buauutRl jjreatarone. That is all the difference. Does Stales only recently become tisnava. M- aLrtv Cases Best Old Tom Oia. - - ' : Splendid AfscrtrKjtt r' crim diminish in proportioa lo it liar. The stale of things abroad leads the New iT aflal ." ia lo tbri in iaoda. enormity. Cases Btst Kin L Salt in Quantities to Suit . r9c( iatrt Alas, is. indeed, an old law of history. Kill York Journal of Commerce to say lhat if Eng- than'. fri,b Whisker, taar caooot lalt by purcua? iu moitia. aud tbat Cases Hub villa's Irish Whiskey. II im Troppraan ; lish emigrants have gon lo their old homes with Builders" Hardware lV Mechanics abvw Lacd waa coaTyd to bold ta coaituou and six meo. you are kill 600000. yoa Bast Scotch Wbiakay, Twls ? ibey can earn a living Un-uxj- r- a: To be be uccepiabl the expectation that Qoartsr Bast at b joiot . - bld to Ui an Cesar. monstrvas is to Casks Hennessy's Pais Braady, taj I Rome, more easily Iban here tbay will soon discover Quarter Cask, aoure'.j of ute aitbjut regard to lb (steal. Wiioeas tbe Sr. Birth lOAtai blessed by ( Best Marten's Brandy, TI1EO H. DAVatutSS Tb-- glorified their mistake. Il is Irue lhat last mouth aboat Uoarter Cask, Jamaica Hum. T ir aot proferijr joiai leaaala of such in Dragvanade by Bossuel. lb 2d of i'ece.ijuer one hundred stonecutters and masons left New OA Hcuse Famishing and Ornamental Goods, fcuvis, nc. tbouxb tbare is a riirtlt of jartiror-bp- . saluted by Europe. Bui it il limd Ot FEStS FOB us is York rily for Scotland, hiving been engaged by ceilber cao Cvovtj ao aa to defeat tttia that the old law succeeded by tbe new law. BEST AMERICAN WHISKIES ! - iu c:-- However black th.- night, the horujn must end contractors thai country to woik ou docks Lamps. Lanierns. Cliundsiiers, and Oils. -s r. tact Uba a- - eai.etw wt tt autc." t geli.og light- - Ye, lb night il bl Jet we are and large public buildings about to be erected. Occidental, Iltrmitaga and O.F.C. THE CARGO ghosts. he- These uieu were promised steady occupation Sow betna diacbanresl ftvaa saw Aa (? aaw Scitt!r Iam. Rei p. at the rising of After tb Syllabus al Cas Best Tal Shsrry, Ej ! 2 'J.--. per week, which would be good pay in K Y baa-kaa- boid lb Koran. Fr m one Bible lo the other CUT i: Tb fiw that a ciiareyaoc of Uad to ri Casts Best Old Port, Scotland. But is lh ouly inslauc in which ' and people frateraia. Behiud ihe iloly See stands this QuarUr Casks Pal Shsrry. " OAata1laHlLa-l- " a nitt aad tbtr heir. tb aaurtT BRITISH BARK Seines and Twines, Fish Hooks and Lines tta th Sub.ime We lb choice of workmen hav left America on an engagement Quarter Casks CLTA," : eacb tbeoi ar.d apoa tb death of ftcaft tt Porle. are givea Irish Whiskey. WE AKX at living wages in any of British isles, Z (Ixsywj take the Bote estate. r aOoa Jaallr darkness, and seeug lhat Home offered as iu part the fr. Uvrrpoot. BBhtta ages. Turkey has though proper offer and it is probable will never occur again. The ipFJr-r- i bj Q Hocatata CV Litt. lo McEwan's India Pale Ale, Co. will cmjxo ; sWu- -. - as hers, il is time there issues tram civilisation ioondou papers hav bat a shod time lo The of a fill! i Amelias ftr the Averill fheniral Paint Co. wk: ia. 20. X Jack- Pints and Quarts. a I boast over the " tide ol emigration. sjii Ta. Stereos. 16. Juhaaoti 110; Barber ts. peremptory prohibition to go farther. bis returning - MB in Already there are gleams of improvement rT- PAIST MIXED READY F'jR 1F. Harris. 615: Doe va. fl.a.cj, j. prohibition to go farther crime we. the people, in India Pal Ale, piata and quarts, Coa. 2 intimate to the governments. But," we ar several branches of business in the L'niled States. Bass A Co's India Pal Al, pints aad quarts. COTTON, LINEN, forget ft. w aavv ax Ian unrr U aiavbotcaa The ueats cf Kecao Tested the entire estate told. yoa mat there are qaestitci P To Orange Bitters, in cases, axtitiMttwIi Boutelleau A Co's 1. .' 3 aad 4 ;a Haiia'--a lb bo murder a man is a crime, to mardr a people is a diamoad Brandy "VeVczlloi2., sarnror, ii ao represented & t'l-e- s , , - . C . A. W. PoEIKCE CO. Sapriur Vermouth. . . 'a r.u:h government has Us question. Merdan:, Paahaaa takes ch-- .j Cases Fukar's B. tiers, Casts e We reply. also in Superior Claret, tr. 0aaABBaabBBaBaa aBati jfaBBJllB I" 17I A by Kecao'a ... tT.-- aas twta.uj for biui "Haaianity ha its question to this. It is greater than India England and Ros- Offer for Sale A.. te.. A. uis. It is the infant its mothers womb. Let FANCY . ' t :: c to be sis. in GOODS! IMPROVED FARMING TOOLS AND MACHINERY! us supersede the political aTEWAJrs .NT OCT, i ,, asaoMI Jncw, by him. as be muitii bare taken thi poattioo question by the human SUIP XII IS LABUK 1 i .1 1 1 I i Tbe who! tutur is ' Let us li4iLERY PIMTS QUABTH. aib (jsptarruT earlier and sated Ike Baaialrtf Ute expense of a a question. there. ASD say il. Tbe Baton, whatever is dooe, will exist. fine aad New Prints, ! Now Ac, Ac. Aa., Ac of ( Everything serves it, even crimes. What is Emb'd Mas any Class Goods in Line . . lias. Wail Solicit Orders for Our Cnvs. C. WHALE BOATS AND BOAT STOCK, Cetloe. Dvaiais, ataea-.- . happening in Beawaa proves the necessity of the F. T. LENEHAN A CO. aaa at ear BB eat aaaaBaaa ki aa are a ill UDMIT TB VKDIX r.x Bnicfarf. CffEaar. or A. Feacis J . r Saddles. Wool Skirts. Prhttsd L'niled States of Earope. Lei tbe distinct Shuts. S. & D)i.Esq., for ptoatdf ; C- - Broa,Ksq., Nck Ti.s, Silk " """""' governments be incceeded Catbralia. DILLINGHAM & Co., for oefefHiaat. by tbe united peoples. GROCERIES, Uadtrshirta, w BB 3 ; " Let as have done with tbe murderous empires, FINE Klat Mrrl. Hoaoiala. Xo. 2. 1676. cl WRITPAPERS. last us moxal the fanaticisms and despotisms. loijut" cfc ZDi-egri- ! Pilot 'aektu aad Tr. The Utnl A p. . t of tbe Bravo Alter its fash on. a d j ist became it is horrible, savagery testifies lor civilization. What Earope Lime and Cement, AM BECEITIWU BY EVERT AKBIVAL Blankets, Tweeds, Drills, Stationery, ti a European nationality on govern- requires is FROM Heap Caavas, Tie eicitemeat prodooed by tbe inquiry into ment, one immense fraternal arbitration. Democ- California Hay, OosaaU'a Fin Pavfaaea. the pouooiBZ case as airjch racy at peaca with itself, all tbe nations AXD SAN FRANCISCO, HEW YORK AND LONDON, Bro iotensiEd sister Valval by tb examination of ibe ebief wuruaees a fe having lor their city and capital Pahs that is Rart aad Carsats, By ADDITIONAL days preiious to tbe Teri.ct rrireo by the jary. Liberty, having Light as iu capita! io oo Steamer from San Francisco, SUPPLIES OF Waterproof Cloiaiaa;, pabfcc at; ad (backed dere-Kctia- word, Europe. is Tbe wsj to lean the the foiled Stales of There KAWasOXtf: A XOTT & Co. from aoraf daty on tbe part of Mn. tbe goal, there is the port. It was only troth Potatoes, Onions, &c. Writing and Other Papers, JOHN Braro Dr. liaUy. and declaration today, thanks to aith the there- yesterday; the executioners OBTEB fVS SALE ! of wbicU bad aeratif made to Sir. Cox ; uf Servia, it is evidence. To the thinkers are xAsouts Amonr which may tw foand. PARIS PLOUGHS ie ;ue proof was for 9 A Ufc-.- - bat there aj Cvertfce!e some feelicgr cf sym- aided the assassirjr given by tbe X PIPE, feet i aaav , V. U !! Bomb Lances, 1(1 'Q (aad axprasslj for aarti pathy lor her jesters. The futare ta a god drawn by Brand'i Letter Paper. ruIwl p nriou qo,iu?if tb. tslaad irad... -- -. s X-- ba otth tears and anguish of i. tigers. f. T vr " C ; Cni.-'- is from t.SO to ffl.OO t;. .?:. - : : s.a iii cocfess bef.re a c,;.--. Perry Davit' Paizikiller, pr ntm. csai Ta Plate. Itxlt. Kz3. 12x12. IC. IX. 1XX. I XXX, to littad tea of criataaiity. and to answer Pauloa Salt Works Note Paper, p noea, from fxoo to y, ' ' Bauia Vindication. 60S-3- per ream. Bass'i Ala, Baa--- : Z I: v.: .:-. 7 -- : aooae ery pertiaeat qaeatiooj arhieh ao doabt il: Ir::'. '.earned Blood. Wolfs A Co'i Ak. tt owwl fett it impemtre to make. In his opening address lo the g asural Ger- French Note andXetter Paper, Thatv, a baa Dr. Gofly bcbb examined, a perfect man Pariiasteal or Congress, Emperor William axtic!c- - Edaond's Pi( Bread Purur. Full Assortment of Hand made and Pressed Tinware, HUNT'S REMEDY. Lalaada's fmrort of intereat u manifested to the daily gave the assembled dignities of ibe great empire Cap, Flat Cap, Legal Bill Clatwt. Sheet Cooper. 24. . w Ziac, . and Papers. IC Is. It, ir; Sat He eaow aolantaiiiy, are are told, a ad view of the course Germany should REHEDT WIS ORI6IXAI.LT PBt A W atocit iJways oo hand. f tu tbat THIS by emlaent pbraieian a - aa case of BorruK'tt BRASS AXD re, Lead ltpe. catered the court with aamile." After beins puna in the present condition of br tbreaUning mpir In Mrs. Hani s Ufflllr. Joan Hunt, aavl al.jtii IS. Thin Overland Post, wm. ikj or aS. Saeet Leari. Hoce Bib. Stop Corks, secrn. be Bitted U the ccnfeeeiona of Mrs. national aaaurs in Earope. He an Donates thai of a stoat and putn jric babit, was seiaed with a soddca aWMi -- of dropaT. which la a few Brani raapoetiaf the repeated act of and his policy policy-- is attack feoeral dar threatened NAPOLEON CABINET Eabfcer Hoee, Hoa real his policy it Bismarck's Insfflea-doa- CASS'S PATEXT WiTEE CLOSET Dooiaa Pa;r. Xoxxle. Sprinklera aasrai ha, Uf. Tbe ordinarr rrmed.es bad all proved ALSO propriety betweea kimsetf and her were for peace. He desires il for the good of ail ; aad under tfietr oar the paraeot waa faat falUna into too dented an,-tbia- g an state. Tb araa ! ire: bat rtoatiy that he bad for the take of humanity, because he knows tbat alannlna dropar croeral and exlaDalre, CHAMPAGNE. tiixe ol to do with the case of Mr. Braro death. leaf .wetted lo an enormraM Oar and the water COLORED PAPER, lull Asor nt Tiinvart' war cots money, impoverishes even Ihe conque- rapttly Ha wa enurelr unable to lie down It) bed, aad Fib ISnad,, Wkisksy, The eTiJeoee of these persons was followed by es night day a rftling posture, at varkma saes and quality. Axvats cs Em. - ror, allboagh be does noi say to. And he was forred In rmaln and la aad witter Wiaas, Alhf. the verdict : We fad that Ckariaa Decuoey them that his efforts shall be main lain rrm state of thine continued aaral UJ the advice of th Bravo did no; pbrsieian allada to. the present remedy waa tried. Ia TISSUE A.1U COPYING PAPERS, GALVAXaXED BTCSXTS AXD TUBS, STAMPED nXWAEE. Tamer commit asiede ; that he peace, especially with bit Beaghbort, and alto coeaeqoenc of Its peenlar narare It was naceaaaiT to pre- XfEOICATXD BTAR PAPCR, c.d cot meet with kia death by misadrenure ; with all Ihe powers those connected with Ger-maa- pare tt with mat ran, and la ovdrr to insure tots It was won!--! resjcaily urrite the aueotioB of lauraatcd to famlX of Mr. Hunt to pnmre aud coav Jaai aad Jsiliat, Ti ban that be was wtifJy asardered by the ad by ties of neighborhood aad history. Of lis EoBaM - poaad H. NEWS AND BOOK PAPERS, Castor Oil, Etepen rjjoaxftaaaicgaapiettis..-- rasaasuatkai of lartar emetic, bat iher u cot coarse he refers lo Austria and to Russia also, Tbe BaWjaey was administered, aad almost from th moment its -- a decided Lea A Psrvia's gaaea, Of taSfreat ewueoce to Sx the railt apoa any par-ta- t of Rossis of r caption lmpnrent brcani If AXILLA WBAPPI.tSS PIPIB, BXZl tee royal families Germacy and Being Th ktdner, wen aflVetad afar person or pen oov" The iocorry aianlfest. Immrdhurlr aad thick aud thin qoanues, Patau aad Oua, into the ocited by Use ties of marhags. Alexander being raaaad ta action : tbe iwelling of the lx rapidly nb.si-d- , STOVES AND RANGES, eaae awtac thus complet. the toaajwe of the ia uepaear of Emperor William. tie give the lonxs were freed aod rrantaed taelr bralthy aod aar Orders Oiled at short notice. bale bees oAiied. have aimMi acQoo: tbaaeah ofttaaba reasaxed lu aawadaSjV, prat Leaden beea .ciai ttxt the i.ves Mha bated, of the " rapKUj- - Troy Alfcacj, rk cataat rrmalninf. and be was con vairatans, M4xt Uoop Iron, Fence Wire, la ibb the best axd Xev T and oae dever ie'.teTt coetisae to ap- sons Germany will not be sacrificed or nsked. when unf nnnawly, prompted ttj this rapid Improvement, n. m, Whitney. Stove Focndnes, cccaaaona: ia part of the pear, both ao the erideoce aod the teraact. It Jtor of own honor and h rav ap tb feraadr for a abort dm. except ihe protection br waa tor OS waa ar- pfaua anti-ato- It anfonaaat. earadT BtaStat Comcated Bool Bar seeoai that iae decaaaed died froes Th arises how far his Gov- In Ires. ' Back" Patent," Xagaa Charta," Laurel. icurasta. question retted, lh Udncra flaawed uaetr actiow. cajn aaataw1 ! a. poaaoo. aod tbe qeeet-o- c now lo be deter torpid . O watrv lotr aard with fiarhaTal rapidity RECIPROCITY CASH STORE Oaleaals) aad Batfcsw War. Opera, aaai Coopcn Eaaces. Alto, MictreAB ernment might consider a war between Russia lot bmb- j-J ia. Srat. dad Ike dec sed adouaister the tad be soon acaia found himartf la a very alarm lug stale. Tin Wars. Knives aad Forks. and Torkey as involving honor and interest! perae-Tert- .tO. 73 FORT sritt;i. r Range. Vj aad Facile CWiuibii, lae Tb remedy was aa n bad recourse to. and by Its una ii of Germany. was Pa SSWSSJ waa a asend dm anbdnr-d- . Bat aade in Giaa.. arhere irno ia cheap. iBBwjiojliiillj T or. thirdly, was i't administered to It looks as if Roseaa mav consider Germany tbn wait mt awxra-o- M and Tre caar. and tt trr.fc all IA TtrtrMS of th Remedy, combined wtth ear and lto. T TBE JTXOVE WfLL BE rOU30 Children's Cribs. hta by aaather perm or other peoe Xow. as remain if prr-- PUCE r quite certain to neafal ihe became ; u tw iBrWl arcs awwaaa. Hal aaa aa a to rr-ir- prr ItT take the proa aod coos ef evidence, aod par-- I of It a permaoeat waa enacted, Is lid of Itw Tark the aeatral if sae became ananlutely lavotved to a cnr. aad -- : I has A.aastOart.TXwIaaiWI' LONDON uat tORK tacoiariy that tendered by the friend, relatives, j rraamad active ompalmn. within a abort PIANO FORTES jrr. war with the Turks. And Aoslria has promised time, a well aaaa of aad atrvaaU. it ia pox: a that Mr. Braro araa a Patcbb am tbe ackrr lalaadf faToraif aa wittBABMAB by aaail far aaTof the above fooaa. Sx tlttnit law tame thing. She ha promised cot lo Tb was tb manner la which lb Remedy vaa hronxbt traxMraV, luaorhlfnco ard, aod hosoraale aua ; ia case Rawata occupy into notle. and Sac tbea Bar a period or twenty are S) hat-ua- - rsterfere tboaid Boamasia. ap-- and Ware daeir reureBBeaaa BaW aa aaaiaaBCtanij aa if preaest in persoa. La therefor (Lr ' 7ars Ibe Bsdfcda baa bem prepared aflr lb aarr.e Class Plated it a diScalt aa lo aappose that. Tbo left face face with single-hande- d Pip , r lower Bart ka lj lo Torkey, proTrd IjraaU by Mr. H.nt. aad aard by oar sat pbyav .r a Pott. war. ; i.a.-c.- I Sltabie f Birtbday, Weddlna A CnrWtma ta. liziiz- - is packed. haviaz lakes poaaoo hiioaiaf. ho couai saaa ta taww an rata praetar, aar laaa ai G .. ad i eoieria aod oo other foraaaabte caiios lo make common Jwwalry. Terracotta War., Beoas. raoada, Ieak.r Baluna. the idea of loliiailiiia, h ode, vaoo be seems cause with MobAmmedan. Great Cstobvatad the Britain 1 1 ha. been well anj faTorably known and exUnSreiiy Brarketa. Air castles. Fancy Boapa, Vaaas. ftillease Paial, No. 9 Kaahumanu Street. to bore Iradrtly loved, an ef fool lo tee annua having backed squarely oat of her supposed aili- - by ail cHaii. both wlaband wltboat sua,, ta hour, aad twlaudar cieeta, VscwtahU Maabiaar Oa. pisy. Il ia auQ farther dificaly to celieve that for peace or with power, or a vine acce war that we are rr-l I na rreaeauat Clarka. A torn tarn. hat repeated atAte-- -- "I'-f- Pacific Kcbber Paint Company's kltwtfs' 8tffiH PlIHK Ho. after left u tee shot Russia will do vital Turkey. aiiaj uf na biiwi rnlaailli inS ill i f I Boys Tool Cheats, robacoo Boa, fitflt BSeaU te the aBedreal rcea. parbcalarfT to Dr. f Fowell Duffrjn Sieam Coal, Not withstanding all the tbuosand charges made Datwpdv Wlavt niian. Baws. Jowewoa aad S:r WiiCaat UalL that be had taxen by writers aod Tfia HUNT'S REMEDY. & British atalesstao abost in j- Bna-fct'- P.rtfoitoa, Maale Holla, Vaaata. PAINTS! C. BREWER CO., bo(bxc tet laUia iasdaawra for h aad Tb nir trssi Berns-i- f x lina,,, . and efixas. aathiiion and determination to drive tbe Turks cured every caw of Dvoway to wbleb tt baa hewa McofofsB, (tplc VHwVtj, le.. Et... Bha. IBBBl A BIT Sole Agents for Hawaiian Islands that he aaade this Kali at s dyirar aaaa oat of Earope aad to her own eaglet Uvea: IrraaOna af OS. See of lb aadser I ant) M AKTHU FM MIX rait plant in sCwaet 'I,:. Card Cabinet Frames. TBTBBi . . - s i.acd before h.s Maker. l hea. of th Kkloeya I'lwiaeVsn of tb Kidneys aa I H BAVIa-o- place of the Cretceol along tbe Dardanelles aod Ira.--.,- . - I land and CoraMnaoVio Jflrrort, BOLLES It Co. aa to takioa; lae puaaoa laadverteatly, ho doea Bt SenetnriaM I',r ItBIerMM au1 Illcat- . . Basaaainat ; so seoser is ass free to set than wa OawlllllUiaa of both aetea, attended with tb Owe. Tw. A Tart, ab.tr. Book Hhlra. Bit syren at aeeai to hat kaowa Out be had taken aay-x- aj tee her Emperor calling hit .Ambassador to wyapaaaa: Lows of Power. Laws of M- Colored - fiaW as If WakeMMSB, Corals anil j or THI ra cr ass. alij Biiaftai, Weak rve. TBE ABOVE 000DS ABE M ABE ED 0B A Shells. bbm t: j Turkey to a conference with himself aod advisers, Paafal sad Dtaa bur Btnastlra bt tb Back or Lolos, Ba?aaaaaaaSri jaTaaVa MMHE 2 TO E aad lhea tesdiag hia back to Constantinople Fbwatoc or tb Body. taraaOoa oa th Face. PaUVI ( lataa'BS CBOMTB PtWl HHI H. iaaTrteatJy.PAa li Syatem etc. aa bie to brave e Pa. takes aoytaice with peace inatrt instead of war-lik- threats litdla f CASH BA8I8 wsj nw leuooi ISfATB - BALI TBTB BtUVC aaaaaa. aaa oat kaaB a ta aaaan A AALE KXADT TO L1M - - . Xet-- HIiibi. I I OsewbhaaUcaaasr Saw aauValaanaal III nDFA to the saltan. r Were aurecresenU'.ioSi JIT TKBJlh ABE KTHH CAMH - e.aaa'Ba laaey BB aaaaaa aa Oat aaar aaOaa. Br aay af aba aaaaaa at Oaa aaato aa aa Bn a aafti f HUNT'S REMEDY. TM broaaAi Raws Wirrowwaw, to Mnrni.a eaav.- - a A Da. Cox, Mm. Brave, aod Mr. Brookes (her j tb. eat aBMIaTI A Oa. aaanaorf tf mm aaa j osova coapieteiy disproved than has been dooe Ham been before th rewbBr far BS.r than iweaty years. IIH' a Tbrsw awa was wsacttov). of ww&aa 1 s- fcw al be cataraliv io J ISO c,i.-,- e pu.-,ie-J ttOBBBL t asaa sva of aaaA. and tawt"w'w to lVaBBa lhat nj rrpiiiri irti IMfti TTirri BBaa rm rnm. tereated ia leadjatr the jxrv an to a verdict of There loose who wooder at use peaceable - j art aod wed known raTJaro. Gentlemen intending to Build aawr aot wrtaeaay aawsw aatJravmAijii chancier of Haf'"- - diplomacy ia her relations t tb cartas fa aato, tbSa dl a Oto aatr rwwa. jry it taauiiu aitir rrm taa BarAthjeaMaBti t. aaBATTaXAaaaaT aVTamaat baa tBAtl the with - This Medicine wax BTerer Kaowo to PaiL Bwtrra a oo. Tartar- Taw Chnataasi ia tbe Tarki.h wiaMv aarderad. aad aiacereir Provinces are of her own National Chore ia S I VACrral PI ATM Price .BO por Bottle. www ta BBiniBBMU. was wa aa a, WHITMET. that the rwihy Buy be broorht lo j-- Uce. UBimiiw treti their tenets, aad they are doteJy rotated by the DfIXIXtiHABT st CO. i aod Kcooomy, wttb AreblUsctoral s, The potass i PURSES! PVArH-a,.- aslboiitiia. act or apoa the verdict traditions of origin aad race to the Bossies SJ7 taa Mole Areata far Hawaiian Island ef Ca of the corooer ayary. at Bafhaai have maid a people. Those Serviaa aav other Christian, Columbia River Salmon ! bx - - , bibtw aw, a a ria u Bad a3eaaaoaa ay placard the aaaooiaw tenat.- Marser : have bees for ceatsrtat oppressed by tbe Torts, arilTIZEXM AXD Bat PKB J- - A. AX-- SXtXtrBwl aaaaa OB t aaaft ar tfns xeaeraoy V 1. aad btof towvaa. ABfJXAT Wharaat, oo the 21st of April. i Lc:.r vTaltinr Friends and Straoaers an iwawty a aaa ara C BAA1 rtA a cn OIBMBi and st Ursa moat shock arty maltrwalerl aod u PaSaBe HT. aajruyaa una Cosriea Deaaaory of iiaanyta Had to attend Wovabsp at FOBT " c 4 t. ISTt Taraer Brave, the nptrinit try tawat, 11 ooou not Save oeea CHCBCH, wbwr atttsai taa aafd nssrSaMsB at II SMALL CHAINS! Priory, Ptahaai. dsod Croat lbs eJeeta of lartar bod Baotia aosppod her rsagwra at at wi awawtSal Oat Hay. ooaderfsl 4 Tw t-- S TBTS-t- ear-a- - woo aiay a aiaaawd as attaad. Taav I a WiSniarl.y tw boi x BSasaasrehBrt sal si sad a m- once marched armies T1TIKH to wSL BBUWjiee California Bond. CAUreMtaf lA atAT MAT Tar Baas T I ii! tod al her into veninr Frajer Xtawtlaa at 7 e'ehafc, la ta IxetBra 8' aar "Clvla." Beef in anrrueoa, pnxjaiattaaj.herts'f tbo protector saaa.wwafcBallart M4 ly Far Sato by A co fBESElTCB rCB m. m. wHrrarrs laoaa wiiraai. eaay savaai wy S