The Hawaiian Gazette

The Hawaiian Gazette

JIAN (.AZOTE !p.i e Me.,tite, N (HI Vll I'l B I Ft 1 I 1 sal, t o 1 a m Ua- - t, ""'' . m.i. nuM-iW- k SO I 1 no' ,.i mi 15 T MENRY WHITNEY, M UW- -t lark. 1 rt w an i. oa M Utm a Iwehea. J 4si in1 Mi 11 mi M :a n IS l i J w i 4 B 1 m it 1. a m ml m lm n l im m mmm GAZETTE. Third of Coluaia It aar J m is on re ij :o n. THE HAWAIIAN I ALLIES PES IIIII H.lf ft l..i 10 1. ' a mi m ml m ta Column 14 ok "Ml M.r AMIS ArAYE 44 OBTM A TO Dm Cotetaa is m HHiUK' gtn.aa. AVEEKLY JOURNAL, DEVOTED HAWAIIAN PROGRESS. T Knirwi whea aewaaaa aw near, aba llownl dlaroart rr--at lh rale, wbleb ar be traoalea. wha paid .T fbarewd urlelT. ditlbol.M. a. Ail ..reten tWiTllbaaabai ataat b m mm ik Pocx OSce Iiuilduu: lib Ike e wkana cwaWed la. u aa aetle will be taa Is m Iheat. The rat at iea la the . Ihr cbrer -- "XI mm I Tlliwi ,11 lain IT L VOL. XIL--No. 41. HONOLULU, WEDNESDAY, 22, 1876. reitim Ameelr. ilrHaieala. NOVEMBER 619. r WHOLE No. arn piioti. rmj beIunaad by bbk (keek, taaa or tea earn fnat-a- la lap. UWr. Am lurmllac iln. BUSINESS NOTICKS. BUSINESS NOTItJKS. nOMKSTK' rUODl'CK. INSURANCE NOTICKS. The MM little f- i rr which ear'-or-e- tbe mourn FOREIGN NOTICES. Jt - eve : 1' i: K parlor at Mr. Michael II. IIK kl l l.ll 0., r. A. ! A HKKU A CO , SOLE & SADDLE LEATHER. BcKton Bnanl of I nrirrwritrrs. COKXISSIOH AGISTS. W. !eVKRAXCB, rirtw'i carpenter m ulrwatBa, betweea E.y- - GEKEKAt Importers A br II. sti.rr. VC- Commission Merchant nnrl 1 okxti tk. lai.ada. Uaeea Street. Uoaotbla. II. I. Ij obll Tnnnorl feriat OQeep SVina WH, uw.iua0 kCO. iB h. uJ Margiey street., of which t gave an lloaololu. ll,...h.n IJ.da tU lOIMISIIOJI wKRtllAMa. tli held. vriTI.YO IIA.M AND FOR SAI.F. It MMU yesterday uiorraiBg M aril' busily Box aged in 1UI1I1 1: & CMK. 1 at . UIO I' T c frvmi i: writ known Philadrlphia Board of I ndfrwrltf rs. aat FRtlTT STRKATT, to awwartt Ob., Carver Fort aad Qbeea Jtrret IHITat, it ffiealaaB teak, aad ailing tb ignmi persaas t WAaatatA TA.WKRY. C. JJOTI.ET. 4 t.K.XTS tur the llaeeallaa Islan.1., RAM raavie. Skit and Braiding lrop. mm .1. sTSASUMw. h i Paint. Oil. Knit. DENTIST. visit (rite Th ittl Hartae reaaaied pravtice. raa lH ly A. S. CLKtlllURN A CO., Arr-uu- mm utntn joao-i- Hatarials of .rery kind- - be loaad al hi. roues ever K taci is ef La b . acx atd vrry assail, a feet Sl:eU X IV, Drae etore. coraeruf I'ort aad Mote! Streets. I.IF4KIA icm mm .11 ly a. P. EVERETT. whack MMMM1 the feat whici it Don perforata the iioFFiriii.Ai:.i:K a o. INSURANCE COMPANY. HAWAIIAN SOAP WOEKS! r s or BxarvviLnxs. Tbe botK om i IMFOHTEES A5D COKKISSI0S KXSCHAKTS. UK. F. U. T rxUKRSIUSKD, AOK.HTjl P TDK Forwardin-- ami I nmaisNton vl Ill Tin: Company, . oeo vo a predatory caramon to trvw a Uoaetata. Oakaw H. I. uS hare been anlaortaew to lasure rlk AOS Corner of t lay, eaitrte If PHTSICIAH AND SUSGEOH.ll0. oa KrelglfeA and friwa Hottolula Front Sret, t aUCar,, Treaaur. bote Baser the beach where the spider dwell, uil - . OftVe at Drue Store, cornsr of Fart aad Merchaat Street. ib of tk. woslo, aad vice ewrwa. SAM KHXNi -t i. Tl in- lliO-- Nucsdh Avcnbe. Scnuul - 'y H. HACKFELO a CU. aaass op wtver laaaea ea-- J. bear .tleet. & - 1ST late tb ah the MaM Toe OlBce . GREY CO., a- Panic. atlaataoa paid lo Coaaignarenta of lalaad hour. 911 a. 4 ly H aswr, spider. bo bail, ao doubt, watched tor a AT LAW .Uaitafirtiircr. and DfHlcri F. A. 8CHAKFER, Fro Aae.. ar wbttae.'. tvvk ibcarerf occepMd u in Wag Ural the toevstaebts, laid a trap far tae uuus AaXte Hocotara. M I otM-ro- afBrvarB Beard r Unalerwrllera, bi Jadfe LiriiKop. AGKXT of Drardeo Board of Haviag reiaraed to Honolulu to ALL KINDS Caderwriier. Bx.vir a wiLtxxaa bbwbt r. raXAScaxaa, awrtiag yueag wouae. aad Moadae BivraiB(, whea it reMdr. ha ree.laed lb OF SOAPS, Areal id Vtana bVaard of Underwriter. EL (3 practice of hi. prosVeaioa. Aayriaedemriirfl; hi aervlce. either UTOICOCE, Letco. King Street, flonolttln. Claim, axaiu.l n a Br WB tow Bast oat ea ttt dalle mult, tae Uttie epider bo JdAKWl or Surspeal. car, fin.! htm at lb Capl. Snow O lasaranre Compaale. wllkla Ike larladk-llo- WILUAMS. BLANCHARD a CO.. V tt.r of the arais. of Ka ATTC AT LAW. HILO. HAWAII. rksWaiac tbe UawaUaa HocL .tt-t- f Beef Maltnn and tiw.t Tallow wauled. Ord.ra aod Blfla ' Ibatd. Coderwrlterr. will kav. lu vu ob the laoa oat. uphiebed the thread which hc i4kBk. Ir, akawa u, ih.m valid. atttlyrti ,oJT Bill. Proaiptlr Crdlrcted. left at Ira Rrchardaua'a Bool and Sho. Store, will meet with aeoi mie preaareu for enow tiiad I. ShlpplD: And CoBueissiei Mrrcuanls. immmm had her tartitb. ejs had fi. M prompt attrotioo. 471 ly TKASS-4TLASTI- C a Tfj lb theab aj 1: paed out of it hole, .. IM ttt California trt. Saa Frailllll esn ewanx- - r t LICK, FIRE INSURANCE awaw latneuLjte.r lionflaociseur to Joke Neill. TINSMITHS 1KD PLUMBERS, HETROPOL1TA.-- 1 I COMPANY, it. alter the ier had HUM.! K II R),. So. ." N it 11. villi Slr,-- , l trim brea caujht. th. .prlr faitod another thread to lachinist. Lock and Cun Smith ISKH INMVKKD OX III II. DIM. s. SIKrt- - Jaachloe repaired: Dvalrr Spurtiac C WALLER, chaiidia HOWLAND, the mum.'. Uil. and alter several hour coaataat Sewiaf ia trod Keep conrlantly oa haad a fail assortment of Tin. Sheet Proprietor. R and urnlture. oo liberal tertna, by ft. S. ajreatfbrtaeCeWbrsted FLtlKENv. lt SEWING MACHINES. Iron, and Copper. are, ,t 40. Fort - : r It. UACKFKLD Ixv. Aeent. a or, tuccaeued ta raism( bar pre' Street, lloeotvile. H. t. Ktreet. 47$ly) Honolulu. Mar . 1474. Shipping; aaa CoaBission .Ifprraaot, Gklr'd Iron and Lead Pltx. Indik Rabbar Hate. Ae aaSS-- lr aad eoatiaaed o aviag aatil the tip of the dou C Ba Kill ly noil, Front Street, near alllwrala. aoee ua.r taucbed the Boor. Having thus rendered IHaW, Insurance Notioe. AHD DRUGGIST AS MUM inn. it aaafata.. the little rpider indutri.ailT aat to wurfc APOTHECARY 15. A. I III I 11. A. CO.. ! Uouolala, "HE HAWAIIAN HOTEL AGRXT FOR THE BRITISH RaTEM. TO Coca.r Fort and Hotel Street. Oahn. DEALERS IH DRT GOODS AND GENERAL THK Mrlo. Coapanv, (Umltrrd). Ivaa ba, aitiplTuic it fafttciap. After a few hour' A How aWdJocd. Sraww A Be. sow. but Bleeps epsu arerr Krenlna;. oo" It eeived instruction to reduce the of Insurance 0. If. land. Nw c Ca. ar Satarda)' MERCHANDISE, rate 1. Rat A Owata A Ctark. Ftw , awaaa, the moue wa raided one ibea Iroui the flour, between Honolulu aad Port lo lit Pacific, aod I now It. llali Sons, Fort St.. above Odd Fellow nail. ly to la.De Policle. at lb iowret Wat. II. Craxro, " A A. Maurtca, Fuartk .1 V o . rate, with a special T rder worin a if with a paUc.v. 1. A rrductioa oo fraixht par tamra. tin tw Baak. N. Ia fcta terrible coatortiuaJ ts reieas If. the iMpertaT and CwMMitaWB Agaats had WaolMKle . TIIKli. H. DAVIB5, it. Aaraii. or1 ly Agsnt Brit, For. Mar. In. Co.. Umitd. I aserase aiaaafed to et.r the Is tenia; around hi. Dekl.rt IS General XbRAalldiie. Xanana Ktrrel, .rr lalug Mroct. Kbo. BOOKS A STATIONERY. viueeo St.. aext to theiwfice of J. I. IKiwsett. Ijt raruaraa Ann dsulkji tx . - r .era the tnraasl. ahih .... II vi t H General Merchandise. Fancy Dry Goods, RU is KM K I in l.ri it iat the air aad so tacarr what the attach, C. BREWER & CO., The Basis of Our Business. FIRE INSURANOE COMPANY. Ts Maa,B,fact-.- all sstcb rVwj4u awsjal j w to it tail that effort to break it ware Gentlemen Furnishing Goods, r fraitle. t bt. r. cBTam. PIRHT. y aa ran ba Joae bar as wall as aod V CuXkiiu, Boots. Huts, t.'-- lMbr, Air. It roes . takinc great iataraftt in the pioccedingr. F- - c. Jo.., jr.. Sltot. Cajs, hWt . ttt. I SlllEllslliXKD hawing been .hereby directly bee At oar cutUxm aad oarseiTsa. I J. bAEWKB. 06 lyr Till'. Areata of tbe above Comp.ur. ar. pretMre.1 lev. the ( rder uaduturbavi. and during alatoat th. In Insure n.k ...uaal Are. on and sCCOXtX-- Ts Baiy aisat a--U Books raa--4 ts4Wasry Stone Brick Bnllrl. j whaa ef aaoada Bight, with sereral friend., watch- SHIPPING & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, luga. aud ou Merchandise .hired thrIB, 01 Ik uot su as to make tt to the Interest or dsale-- aad wtvtuari t t.v,rble For particulara offlca u( cuema to as i a pnlWeoca lo saaVtag Bast. tj Honolulu. Haaraiitn Islands EBH 1KB T. O'lIAI.LUKil, apply at lb ing Its workiag atteaUrelr. The little luecct after 40 lj ti.

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