major jackson Office: University of Vermont Department of English 400 Old Mill Burlington, VT 05405 802-656-2221 (office)
[email protected] [email protected] PUBLICATIONS Books Renga for Obama: An Occasional Poem (Editor), Houghton Library and President & Fellows at Harvard University, March, 2018. Leave It All Up to Me (New York Subway Poster), Metropolitan Transportation Authority & Poetry Society of America, 2017. Roll Deep. W.W. Norton, August, 2015. The Collected Poems of Countee Cullen (Editor). Library of America, Summer 2013. Holding Company. W.W. Norton, Summer 2010. Hoops. W.W. Norton, Winter 2006. Leaving Saturn: Poems. University of Georgia Press, Winter 2002. The Sweet Hurried Trip Under an Overcast Sky. Floating Wolf Quarterly, Fall, 2013. (online chapbook) Essays & Articles American Poet, “Books Noted:” Reviews of books by Terrance Hayes, Tracy K. Smith, Kevin Young, Brenda Hillman, Forrest Gander, Li-Young Lee, Carmen Gimenez Smith, Dorothea Lasky, Marcelo Castillo, Hieu Minh Nguyen, Bim Ramke. Spring, 2018. World Literature Today, “’Every Poet Has to Be Lonely’: A Conversation with Tomasz Różycki and His Translators” September 2016. Guernica Magazine, “Where Scars Reside” April 2016. Boston Review (Online), “On Countee Cullen.” February 2013. Harvard Divinity Bulletin, “Listen Children: An Appreciation of Lucille Clifton.” Winter/Spring 2012. American Poet, “The Historical Poem.” Fall 2008. American Poetry Review, “A Mystical Silence: Big and Black.” September/October 2007. Poetry, “Social Function of Poetry.” January 2007. Poets & Writers, “Tales of the Heroic.” Jan/Feb 2002. Book Reviews New York Times Book Review, “Five Decades of Frank Bidart’s Verse, From Masks to Self- Mythology” October 4, 2017.