October 06,1882
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KHTAliLISHUJ JUKE 23, 1862 YOb. 20. PORTLAND, FRIDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 6, 18S2. PliWH _ _ THE PORTLAND DAILY PRESS, lion to his mother, who a few days since closed DR. GOODWIN’S SERMON. to be neither Jew nor Gentile, Greek, throne and one of at had been Ptiblicbod ovary day (Sundays THE PRESS. them, least, now might begin a new era of Pentecosts, accepted,) by the her earthly pilgrimage, at the ripe age of 90 or bond nor free all Barbarian, ,but caught up in the glory and had been an eye- which should spread through all the churches PORTLAND and to the and who should in S'LBLISHINU years, approval joy expressed in accept this salvation, were witness to the on and hasten the of the Kingdom. CO., FRIDAY C. A Keen Discussion of Theological Topics majesty high, and coming HORNING, OCTOBER her last as she that of Christ to AT 97 Exchakoe moments, said—“I have always mighty fallowship Jesus, out of this apprehension of what it was ts be, St., Poktiahd, ■■ ■ .IWi'i be made one. this been glad of the choice you made, my son— Nevertheless, missionary clouds of heaven part and take Him to the ADDRESS OF REV. C. D. 'K.llare a Yaar. To mall snhaanb this BARROWS Let me ask attention to Gospel, Gospel to be preachod to all the throne and ona of •" sevo'i !«»an a Yea?, If in advanae. God bless you in your work.” your the 13tli them, at least, had been MAINE. paid nations, was to be a of Acts and in the 2d “As emphatically gospel in the and had been an A. B. C. F. M, OFFICERS. chap, verse, of caught up glory eye- to the separation, a of election, THE MAINE they ministered Lord, and fasted, gospel witness of the on high. And out of STATE PRSSS Continued from Second Page. Rev. Dr. Wellman of Malden, Mass., chair- and a out and seltiu majesty Mr. Barrows commenced his address re- the Ghost me. gospel calling this was by Festive Farmers. 8 °ablt«*4d evorv i’HDH#DAV at U Holy said;’seaprate Barna- apprehension of what it to be called MORNlhG *2.50 man of the oommittee on a a if m officers, stated that bas and Saul for the work apart peculiar peepir. It was to lating humorous incident to the 3 ear, paid advance at $2.00 a year. wkereunto I have iu Christ; eut of this of what referring Rev. Isaao R. be in this the conception Worcester had resigned as a called them.’’ respect, precise counterpart it is to to what relation of tho Board with the Home Kates AFTERNOON SESSION. of that old belong Christ, widened ideas Miseion- on Advertising. One inch of sp&ec, the member of This text ihe dispensation. The very IN YORK COUNTY. inMib of the Prudential Committee, and swings door on a new era promises of the missions themselves. .j column, constitutes a “square.” that appeared in that of heavenly present ary Society, and then continued as follows : in of the Church. The of economy law, Are men $1.60 per square, daily first week, 76 eents per they would recommend the adoption of the the-history day run admitted to be lustful? Know week everywhere and this There are three of interets niter; three insert ioiih or lees. oontinu the Jews was aow fully the of through stamp not the are points speeial $1.09; following minute: ended; day of ye badies the temples of the Holy in the Oot. 5 —The tng avnry other day after firet week, 60 can us. At two o’clock the services connected with the Gentiles was economy Grace “covenants” and prom- papers that have been read here Biddkfobd, thirty-fifth annual now fully begun. Ghost? Are inclined to to-day. Hat# -quart.three Insertions or 76 This Boa d deeply regrets losing the services ises “children of they bicksrings at One that the cattle show and less, cents; the administration of the Lord’s were Peter had indeed sent as promise” “people of God” is, consciousness is fair of the York 8©ei- one 50 Supper, of who for more than been out law ? Know missionary Comity t*eek, *1.00. cents per week after. one, a quarter of a cen- —“a na- ye not that ye shall the to all a peculiar people,” “a holy judge prerequisite Christlike service in •ty, here to Spkciaj one-third additional. held in the cnarches and by the persons men- tury lies, in different official missionary apostle, hut he had been sent ■: Are its opened to-day, continue tariuzk Notices, relations, served tion,—a of who angels they forgetful of the proper de- broadest The Undoi head of “A-Muskwents” and it n and as a forerunner of a scheme not "kingdom priests”; range. philosophizing will con- and The “AUCTION tioned in tiie report of the committee of ar- faithfUily efficiently. We would also yet formally are votion that should them ? are Friday Saturday. entries of eel Is *2.00 these, but the vernacular of the purify Thev tinue as it has It Hales,” per Dquare per week; three Inser- assure him cf oar tender inaugurated. Gospel; begun. must preced the and horses is tions or less. $] .60. rangements adopted at the morning session. sympathy and our the reminded of the leve of Christ and God who quite small, while the display of warm Our perpetually recurring molds in which the or the Advertisements inserted in Christian regards and would commend text, is the pivotal point of application of, baliefin, performance the “Maine STATS They were each filled by communicants. the Holy His takes man into His that we farming tools is larger titan usual. The ex- Press has a him to the abuadaut grace of the God of Mis- the new Now the work is to be spirit expresses thought fellowship rosy of any deed. A child will even (which large circulation in everv part departure. share bis and philosophize hibit in of the for and to our Lord and end purpose this salvation, presence glory, It is here, it is the hall .rill be very good in all de- State), $1.00 per squaro for first* inser- SESSION or THE AMERICAN BOARD. sions, Savior Jesus Christ. directly and permanently the preaching of concerning before his tiny hand can cleave the roek or an.i oO cents for in other the here! the of The tion, per square each tub* uem The miaute was the the words, supreme end inspiration many missionary the timber or before his partments. agricultural display, *nser The sessioa was adopted. Gospel among Gentiles. The split caii although ion. resumed at p. m. at the in l*Bs which the finds its Se it will be thought 3£ of ihe church is no be age Holy Spirit apostles higher glory. the truth to which not so ar usurl, contains some fine Ad troas all communication* to The committee reported the as map longer to grasp great it is approach- large very City Hail, the Vice President, Hon. Wm. E. following proposes to this wit- with us, standing before this'lost world, POK j>ANI> PUBLISHING OO. officers of the Board for confined to the narrow territorv, which a accomplish, by hope- ing. But in the internal life and of the speciments of farm produce. in the the ensuing year: of the less nnd aud I and those being Dodge, chair. hand almost its nessing Gospel to all nations despairful, you be- there comes at President—Her. might cover—Palestine; but child length a consciousness of In Mark Hopkins, D. D is to call out from these a with us, are to lift our fellow men Piscataquis Couoty. The question on the of the of rim out to the furthest nations, people loved up what truth of what truth adoption report LL. D. pushes horizon—east, chosen is, is determined in O :t. S.—The NOTICES. the in Jesus Christ, before the founda- to be sue with Jesus Christ and a Dover, fair at Foxcroft doted _SPECIAL committee on the Western Turkey Mis- Vice President—Hon. William E west, north and south, a line that hounds having its own nature to accomplish. And when I Dodge. tion of the a redeemed his in the that is to b* with fins weather and attendance. sion was Prudential Committee— the world. world, people by fellowship Kingdom yet heard that list read this o-day good taken np. Augustus C. Thom- a morning and the D. Hon. How is the work to be nndortaken? aud blood, people regenerated by.his Spirit, a revealed ; of having a transformation in char- In the three minute race Manter’s took A resolution introduced Rev. son, D., Alpheus Hardy. Ezra Farns- mighty outcome from those lives, f felt that it Giysv by Henry T. people appointed to be joint heirs with ter nnd life now the same sn- worth, Esq., J. Russell Bradford, Hnn how done? Not Barnabas, not Peter, not him, wrought by was the ‘first money. In the 2 40 race Barker's Trinket Cheever of Worcester, the E-q., a made of the Divine only missionary consciousnass that Mass., touching Joseph 8. Ropes, Prof. Egbert C. Ed- John, not Paul advises', the people partakers na- pernal omnipotent Spirit that indwelt in Him first Smyth, projects, shapes I a made that constellation with its got money. Best time 2.42. securing of protection, freedom and win B. Webb, D. C. 0.