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Rassqt,I~Tion Dr. Robert Mccracken ', ::...., .. , . f, ;'J, ·I ·-.. ... ~. ·,;· ' I ':., GUt"LIVER'S "'TRAVELS.....;. .... ~ 1,' ;;. BASEBALL REVIEW- .. !!!>mewhat tired._ \', W~~ ,~~~~.-:. ·.<?.f, - '" ·.·_n··.·:··(l·- · -~--~·- Our sports editor, with. th~ aid . ', ,•, .;w;:~ ·n-~ .:_1· .ll·.. _-··--~~:.;·a·:-. ·-wr~j;ing :~~C?.ut·.. poli~ician,11· oJl~d . ·~-~ ,1' :.~·· • ~-. ~~ -.: ·, _· .··k of his . staff, . has compiled: a·.: pohtic~l parties this -:Week. Thus, • • .J • • -·· - ' • ,. - ~' 1 . ' : ' . review of the ' young baseball 'i ~ w~ · : C!!lled -~n :; .a Visitor '!hn ' . J ... r _ , , • • .... , , , > . • season. It contains · games, c~anced upon" our campus. to '., ' .. .. r.-· -~, 1 I . a scores and highlights in a· gi;<e . his .·-:-.astute observations$ : I summary of the budding sea- : ~e; n?te~··world· tra"el.~r -w:~o~e I r J:r I sotr.'The complete story appear'', j t e .oed1ton~ on Pag.e ·J'our." . ' I r · · · · · '! f· this week on Page Seven.. \·· ' ' I '·· '. VOLUME--.XX~VU,f NUMBER 22 -~j~·leglslative_. Bo~y ~rASSQt,i~tion Dr. Robert McCracken· \ ';<,t "' -- Ch --· . ---~·'·-~favor'· · _~pg~~ · .PiaiiSLaw Day Will Deliver Addresses -For· Constitution'· -. Here· o·n :-May 1· --------~ --- --- •. · ·· ·- ·· -·. - · One Proposal Wo,..ld1 Pro.gram- T.o Become On International Outlook Keep Law Meri .Ann~l Ev~nt Pastor Of Riverside From Office :On Campus· Is Outstanding Theologian .... ~ . Carpenter Chosen Vice President; Other Coeds In Nine Association Posts Doris Craven, junior from High I entation committee, is a cheer­ Point, has been elected president' leader, .secretary-treasurer of the of Women's Government for junior class and on the Social 1953-54. Standards committee of WGA. B e t t y Carpenter, Winston- She is maid o:f honor in the Mag­ Salem junior, was chosen vice noli-a Court this year. president in a run-off election. Other Winners Allene Nash Wake Forest soph- Miss Carpenter is in the "Tam- omore was 'elected secretary fori ing of the Shrew," on the H-owler next ;ear, along with Pat Alphin, s~ff and was a junior represents- Raleigh junior, as chai~man of _the t1ve .to WGA. ~ social standards committee; H1~da _Miss ~aul~m Is a maJorette. French Students 1 Mauldi-n, Kannapolis freshman, :Mtss Whtte Is on the Old Gold treasurer- and Margaret Wilson, and Black staff and is· freshman Raleigh 'sophomore, represents.- representative to WGA. Give Production tive to the student legislature. Miss Butler is in WGA and on The French Club presented Other officers named in last .the Howler staff. Miss Beals is Moliere's Medecin Malgre week's election were Barbara also a member of WGA and vari­ <~Le 1 T II Lui" Wednesday· at. its regular. erre Beals Newton sophomore junior ~us religious organizations. meeting in the Little Chapel ~o To· Head Army· Camp_ repre~entative to WGA; J~lia Ay- Miss Ke_ene is on the Howler approximately 100 persons. cock, town girls' representative; staff. She Is in the Glee Club, the The play was given entirely in Sylvia. Keene, Durham junior, Ope.ra Workshop, th~ German an.d French ·· with an English - ex­ Local ROTC. Colonel Will Direct· Fort Johnson Dormitory house presi- Sociology clubs. Miss Keene IS P-lanation given before each .act. ·McClella,n Summer··Base dent; Jean Butler, Charlotte soph- also o~ the Baptist Student Union It was the first Fr~nch play g1ven omore, Bostwick Dormitory house Council. at Wake Forest in 17 years.· B:r M. S. Mahaley. Jr. president, and Notie Vay White, ----------- Ed Lassiter starred as Sgana- Lt. Col. Joseph S. Terrell has Statesville freshman, sophomore Council Slays Acliln relle a woodsman. ·other eharac- been appointed deputy camp com­ representative to WGA. ters ~ere Julia Alford as Martine, mander of summer activities at varied Acti.itiea his wife; James Dunn as M.. Rob- Fort McClellan, Alabama. Colonel Miss Crav~n has been active in Over . WGA Quest•lon ert, a neighbor; Bob Sca~f as Ge- Terrell will leave· Wake Forest Women's ·Recreational Associa- The Student Council decided ronte, a merehant; Guy ReveHe as June 7 to supervise cadet sum­ tio.n, Old ·Gold and Black and Thursday to postpone action in Val-ere and Fred Biggs as Lucas; mer training from June 20 to Howler publications, the Physical tbe juriSdictional question wtth servants of Geronte; Isabel Quat- July 31. · . ·, •. Education Department and sever- the Woman's Gover.nment As­ , tlebaum as Jaequeline, Lucinde's ·Col. Michael E. Halloran 1S the al religious activities, soeiation, pending the outcome of . nurse; Nina .'Smith as Luci-nde, commanding officer .of Fj;.. Me­ Miss Wilson is in the Glee Club,· steps currently being taken by t. -Geronte's daughter; Lowell Yor-k Clellan, one .of six dift:erent camp the Opera Workshop and has been WGA officials. - as Leandre .Lucinde's . fiance. sites in the Third Army ·area. in two production~ ~~ the College A petition, which grew out of · · ·•· · · ... -! Th.;. ·Plot ~ Some 423 students are expected Theater. She was :freshman repre- the' authority dispute, was re­ over Sganarelle has .been mistak.enl.i: to .atten,d the six-w:¢.ek training sentative_ to the Student Govern- cently sent .by the· Council to the proclaimed· to M. Robert by! hm per1od. • . ment wh1le at Meredith College. WGA, requesting that body to in- that wife to be a noted physician,: M. Th~ reserve off1cer .trammg Miss Aycock served in WGA in elude. in its constitution a pro­ Robert spreads the news to V,!\lere camp plans for th~ ·summer of the 1951 summer session. She is a vision that would give the Student d Lucas who in turn tell Ge- 195'3 are now complete. Col. Ter­ member of the Social Standards Council jurisdiction over those of­ ;~nte, wh~ hires him to -cure his re~l states ~hat th~ ·cadets ~1 :e­ committee of WGA this year, a fenses specifically covered by the daughter of a speech imp~diment. -~~1ve pra~t_1cal umt type ~a1n1ng member of the Philomathesian Student Body Constitution . which Sganarelle learns _from Leand:r:e IJl o~gamzmg and c!l~Ing out Literary Society, the Sociology could involve both sexes. that Lucinde's speech .impediment che.m.1~al ~orps 1!ct1VI~es. All Club and is a library assistant. Dean Lois Johnson is working is only· feigned because she do~ t~au~n~g '!111 b~ 1ntens1ve, ~nd Miss Nash ta-kes part in the with the WGA to investigate the not want 'to marry the ·man· her metliods mvo~VIng p~ese~tation College· ~heater and various re- governing situation. at other co­ f th has chosen for her. Lean- by demonstratiOn, application · by ligious activities. She also works educational in'stitutions. .. 't d~e -~ribes -Sganarelle to help him individual. or. tel!-m performance for the Old Gold and Black. The petition was also sent to win Lucinda's ha.nd in marriage. and exammation b~ performance Miss Alphin is. on the Howler the Executive Cabinet, which has (Continuea On Page Five) tests o.r prob~e~s Will be used._.. business staff, the freshman ori; not yet acted u11on the matter. · PAC£ TWO OLD GOLD AND BLACK MONDAY, 'APR~L zo. t953' Tribble Speaks College President And Choir Present CB$ Program W-:_ek of ~pril ZO, 1_9,53 i'' On CBS; Choir Mon.b.i a:: T~esday< ·' : Shows:. 3:15~7:00~9-~oo·. :· Vir~_in;a M~yo ' & · Gene.. Nels~~ :: . ·. -in- ·- Provides Music "SHE~S BACK ON BROADWAY"·, 'Like A Tree' Used As President's Topic President Harold W. Tribble was the speaker for the Sunday morning "Church of the Air" over Tb.ursday & . J:riday the Columbia Broadcasting Sys­ Shows 3:15-7:00-9:00 tem April 12. Music for the half­ hour coast-to-coast broadcast was furnished by the Wake Forest College Choir under the direction <Jf Dr. Paul S. Robinson, director ()£ the Music Department. Dr. Tribble's topic was "Like A Tree." His text was taken from the first Psalm. Dr. Tribble re­ lated that the first Psalm is one which his mother taught him, and ()ne which has been a favorite throughout his life. CCILlBIIATE. THEATRE · Week of April 20, 1953 Monday. Sb.~w• 3:15-7:00-9:00 J~Ln Payne & Coleen Gray -i-.- ''KANSAS CITY CONFIDENTAL'' Friday & Saturday Shows 3:15-7:00-9:.00 Gary C0010er -i"- --.when' you meet me "MEET JOHN DOE" . -at-· Sunday & Monday_ Shows 3:~5~7:00-9:_00 Gilbert Rola~d- &: ·Angela Clark and L U C· K I E 5 TASTE BETTER! Cleaner, I7resher, Smoother! Ask yourself this question: Why do I smoke? WHEN YOU HAVE THEM CLEANED You know, yourself, you smoke for enjoyment. And you get enjoyment only from the taste of a -AT_:_ cigarette. -- Luckies taste better-cleaner, fresher, smoother! B. &E. ClEANERS Why? Luckies· are made better to taste better. And, what's more, Luck~re made of fine tobacco. Four-Point Service L.S./MF.T. ..:..Lucky Strike Means Fine 'Ibbacco. • Dry Cleaning e Pick-Up And Deliyery So, for the thing you want· most in a cigarette .•• Alteration And Repair • Dyeing • for better taste-for the cleaner, fresher, smoother taste of Lucky Strike ••• Be Happy-GO LUCKY! When The Hot ·Days Come !I EAT AT BOB'S COLLEGE INN -~Air Conditioned For Your f•~ I ' ' Comfort And F ~od For Where!s v.:our lingle? 1 ,, Your Summer Appetites. - It's ~asier than you think to make $25 by writing a Lucky Strike jingle like those you see in this ad. Yes, we need jingles SE'E· YOU AT- -and we pay $25 for every one we use! SO send as many as you like to: Happy-Go-LuCky, P.
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