Pray for the Sick 5:30 John Citro, Jr
s Palm Sunday March 20, 2016 Saturday, March 19th 9:00 For Those in RCIA Programs Preparing for a Deeper Relationship with the Church Pray for the Sick 5:30 John Citro, Jr. req. by Dot Citro Tatum Allen, Jacqueline Ruvalo Ascenzi, Virginia Sunday, March 20th Barrett, Lauren Dittrich Bilyeu Thomas Browne, 7:30 For the Living & Deceased Members of Conner Curran, Betty D’Alton, Frankie Dezell, St. Patrick’s Parish 9:00 Mary Beth Harrington req. by Kathleen Ducksworth, Martha Dursi, Jean The Harrington Family Gallagher, Joe George, Jeffrey Greason, Leslie 10:30 George Genovesi req. by Sue Coan Hammerschmidt, Margaret Harrington, Francine Noon Louise Grassi req. by The Smith Family Holley Richard Hughes, Christine Iannino, Felice 5:30 Zachary Latteri req. by Mr. & Mrs. Richard Downey Joaquim, Frank Kearns, Joyce Kersh, Kevin Monday, March 21st Mahoney, Diane Malichio, Robert Mangone, Gary 7:00 Frank Kosakowski req. by The Santore Family Montanus, Robert Schimpf, Kirk Siegwarth, Michael 9:00 For the Intentions of Pope Francis Walsh, Christine Young and all who request our nd Tuesday, March 22 prayers. 7:00 Virginia Dominguez req. by The Santore Family 9:00 Joseph Vitelli req. by Marianne Vitelli It is a privilege and a duty for us to pray for those Wednesday, March 23rd commended to our prayers. From time to time we start a 7;00 For St. Patrick’s Catechists new list to make sure that it is up-to-date. If we have 9:00 For Those Preparing for Easter Sacraments removed someone who should remain on the list, please call the Parish Office at 234-3344.
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