North Lanarkshire Council Has an Effective 5 Year Housing Land Supply
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North Lanarkshire Council Planning Applications for consideration of Planning Sub-Committee Committee Date: 22 February 2018 Ordnance Survey maps reproduced from Ordnance Survey with permission of HMSO Crown Copyright reserved APPLICATIONS FOR PLANNING SUB-COMMITTEE 22nd February 2018 Page Application No Applicant Development/Site Recommendation No. 17/00887/PPP Hallam Land Residential Development Refuse (P) Management and Associated Works (in principle) Site East And West Of Airdrie Road And South Of Luggie Water Condorrat Cumbernauld 17/01497/AMD Mr John Replace Garage with Grant Mitchell Single Storey Granny Flat Request for / Annex (Amendment to Hearing 15/00551/AMD)(Plot 2) 2 Allanton Holdings Mill Road Allanton ML2 9PH 17/01865/FUL Mr Abdul Majid Change of Use From Refuse Shop (Class 1) To Hot Food Takeaway and Alterations to Shopfront 120 North Road Bellshill ML4 1EX 17/02058/FUL Mr Alan Ross Change of Use From Grant Industrial Unit/Warehouse (Class 5/6) to Leisure Facility (Class 11) Unit 9 Badenheath Place Westfield Cumbernauld (P) 17/00887/PPP - If minded to grant, permission not to be issued until legal agreement concluded ensuring financial contributions for education mitigation. Application No: Proposed Development: 17/00887/PPP Residential Development and Associated Works (in principle) Site Address: Site East And West Of Airdrie Road And South Of Luggie Water Condorrat Cumbernauld. Date Registered: 23rd May 2017 Applicant: Agent: Hallam Land Management North Planning & Development Corunna House 2ND Floor, Tay House 39 Cadogan Street 300 Bath Street Glasgow Glasgow UK G2 4JR G2 7AB Application Level: Contrary to Development Plan: Major Application Yes Ward: Representations: 118 letters of representation received. 006 Gartcosh, Glenboig And Moodiesburn Cllrs. W.Doolan, M. Mc Pake, G.Lennon Recommendation: Refuse Reasoned Justification: The proposed development is considered to constitute an inappropriate and unjustified development in the Green Belt, which if approved would result in a material change to the character and function of existing Green Belt around the urban boundary of Condorrat. Material considerations proposed in support the development do not out way the provision of the Development Plan, not least, Sustainable Location Assessment (as contained within Diagram 10) of the Clydeplan Strategic Development Plan 2017, as well as, policies DSP2 and NBE3 of the North Lanarkshire Local Plan protecting the Green Belt from inappropriate development. Note to Committee: Should the Council be minded grant planning permission, no permission should be issued until a Legal Agreement in terms of Section 75 of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 has been finalised, agreeing appropriate provisions for mitigation against impacts upon local education provision, as a result of the development. Reproduced by permission of the Planning Application: 17/00887/PPP Ordnance Survey on behalf of Name (of applicant): Hallam Land Management HMSO. © Crown Copyright and Site Address: Site East And West Of Airdrie Road database right 2009. All rights And South Of Luggie Water reserved. Ordnance Survey Licence Condorrat Cumbernauld. number 100023396. Development: Residential Development and Associated Works (in principle) Refuse for the Following Reasons:- 1. The proposed development is contrary to the Spatial Development Strategy of the Clydeplan Strategic Development Plan 2017 and policies DSP1 (Amount of development) DSP2 (Location of Development), DSP4 (Quality of Development: in terms of road safety, urbanisation of the countryside, unsupportive of modal shift in transportation and loss of amenity value) and NBE3A (Green Belt) of the North Lanarkshire Local Plan as it is considered to be an unjustified urban incursion into the Greenbelt. The site is not supported by the Local Plan development strategy and constitutes an unacceptable form of Green Belt development, resulting in a non-cohesive urban development beyond the exiting defensible boundary giving rise to an irreversible adverse visual impact on the open transitional rural character associated with the site. 2. The proposal does not meet the criteria for Sustainable Location Assessment (as contained within Diagram 10) of the Clydeplan Strategic Development Plan 2017 and policies DSA and Policy DSP2 of the North Lanarkshire Local Plan. Moreover there is no shortfall in the housing land supply within the Council area or any of its housing sub markets and there are other more sustainable sites which can contribute to any claimed shortfall in overall housing land supply within North Lanarkshire. 3. The proposed development is contrary to, Clydeplan Strategic Development Plan 2017 Spatial Development Strategy (Policy 16) Managing Flood Risk and Drainage in that the proposal does not represent a precautionary approach to the reduction of flood risk, demonstrating that the development will not impede potential flood infrastructure for the identified potentially vulnerable area (PVA 11/04) or safeguard the storage capacity of the functional flood plain for attenuation in that area. 4. The application is contrary to the Clydeplan Strategic Development Plan 2017 Spatial Development Strategy (policy 12) and policy (DSP 4) of the North Lanarkshire Local Plan in that the development proposal by virtue of scale and location fails to protect, promote or enhance the Green Network. 5. That the proposed residential development would be contrary to the terms of Policy DSP4 (3b) of the North Lanarkshire Local Plan which requires developments to demonstrate a safe and inclusive development being safe for all road users or adequately demonstrate integration with public transport, as such, the applicant has not demonstrated that the required level of road safety will be achieved in providing the required visibility splays, stopping site distances, minimum horizontal curve geometry and pedestrian connectivity. Background Papers: Consultation Responses: NLC Pollution Control memorandum received 5th June 2017 NLC Learning and Leisure (Education) memorandum received 23rd August and 20th November 2017 NLC Traffic & Transportation memorandum received 21st August and 15th November 2017 NLC Greenspace (Landscape) memorandum received 9th June 2017. NLC Greenspace (Ecology) memorandum received 28th August, and 16th November 2017 NLC Play Services Manager memorandum received 31st May 2017 Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) letter received 20th July and 4th September 2017. Scottish Water letter received 8th June 2017 Scottish Gas Network letter received 26th May 2017 Geotechnical Team Leader e-mail received 9th August 2017 Contact Information: Any person wishing to inspect these documents should contact Mr Gordon Arthur at 01236 632500 Report Date: 9th February 2018 APPLICATION NO. 17/00887/PPP REPORT 1. Site Description 1.1 Planning permission is sought in principle for the use of a 15 .6 ha area of land on the southern edge of Cumbernauld (Condorrat district) for housing. The site consists of agricultural fields extending to the east and west of Airdrie Road (B802).It is bounded to the north and east by the Luggie Burn watercourse which follows the northern edge of the current settlement boundary and around the site to the east separating the site from the playing fields of Cumbernauld Rugby Club. It is bounded by hedgerow, mature trees and vegetation on the southern and eastern boundaries. The western portion of the site is characterised by agricultural fields bound by a network of hedgerows. To the north lies Myvot farm and fields beyond Myvot Road. The farm is largely screened by mature vegetation and timber fencing along Myvot Road. 1.2 Topography of the site is characterised by undulating fields rising to the south before meeting Myvot Road. Myvot Road sits at the top of the rise and falls eastwards towards Chapleton Road before rising sharply again beyond the levels of the Rugby sports fields. Rural boundaries are defined by a series of hedgerows along field boundaries and mature trees along the western edge of Airdrie Road. Beyond the Luggie Burn to the north the landscape changes immediately from Rural to Urban (new town) where the land (built form) continues to rise before meeting the Condorrat Ring Road which connects the village of Condorrat to Condorrat area of Cumbernauld. House types to the north of the burn are predominantly modern two storey detached and semi detached and relatively high density. Within the site abundant vegetation extending from the banks of the Luggie Burn comprises part of a designated Site of Importance for Nature Conservation (SINC) which follows the watercourse east to west. 2. Proposed Development 2.1 The application proposes the use of the site for a residential development. Although the application has been made in principle the applicant has indicated that the site could accommodate up to 200 dwellings with an indicative layout suggesting of a mixture of house types. Access to the site would be taken from junctions at Airdrie Road, Condorrat Road and Myvot Road onto the surrounding (derestricted) local rural road network. The applicant also proposes improvements to the local road network in order to improve design speed, the one-way operation of the existing bridge, priority control is proposed to increase road safety and accommodate the additional traffic associated with the development. In terms of pedestrian access Footways are proposed on Airdrie Road with a new footbridge provided over the Luggie Water to connect the application