Volume #37 Spring 2019 The Forum Official Publication of Phi Sigma Iota International Foreign Language Honor Society Volume 37 Spring 2019 In This Issue FROM THE COMITIUM page 1 This column carries reports of the Executive Committee of Phi Sigma Iota. Please send comments to
[email protected] to the attention of Mirna Trauger, President. FROM THE CURIA page 5 The Curia, a section devoted to guest contributors, features a poem in memory. of Taylor Bonora, a Spanish language student and Phi Sigma Iota member at Cal State Chico, who lost her battle with cancer. In addition, read how two chapters celebrated foreign language and culture on their campuses to increase visability and celebrate cultural diversity. FROM THE ROSTRUM page 8 Phi Sigma Iota exists to recognize students who excel in language learning. The experiences of learning a new language or of becoming better acquainted with a culture other than one’s own are unique to each student. The Rostrum offers student members of Phi Sigma Iota the opportunity to publish their original writing about these experiences. REPORTS FROM THE 2017-2018 SCHOLARSHIP RECIPIENTS page 33 IT’S ALL ABOUT US! page 40 In this section, we publish your chapter news and photographs. We also report new chapter charters. Let us hear from you! Send news and pictures to Administrative Director Roz Macken at
[email protected]. Editor, Kajsa C. Larson Associate Professor of Spanish Gamma Phi Chapter #222 Northern Kentucky University FROM THE COMITIUM: President’s Letter As I begin my second year as president, I would like to share with you what a pleasure it has been to serve on the Executive Board of Phi Sigma Iota.