University Auckland Calendar
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The o UNIVERSITY of AUCKLAND CALENDAR 1961 Calendar -0 ;;;0 Z () m en 1961 Calendar STREET I- Ll.J Ll.J oc l- V') I UNIVERSITY HALL LIBRARY ARTS COMMERCE 2 STUDENTS' BLOCK CAFETERIA 3 LECTURE THEATRES 4 GEOLOGY 8 5 GEOGRAPHY b PHYSICS 7 MUSIC 8 CHEMISTRY 9 PHYSICS 10 & II CHEMISTRY 12 ZOOLOGY & BOTANY 13 CUSTODIAN 14 ADMINISTRATION 15 LAW & ECONOMICS 16 ADULT EDUCATION CENTRE 17 ADULT EDUCATION 18 ANTHROPOLOGY 19 PSYCHOLOGY 20 & 21 ARCHITECTURE & TOWN PLANNING 22 & 23 ELAM SCHOOL OF FINE ARTS 24 BINDERY THE UNIVERSITY OF AUCKLAND A Constituent Institution of the University of New Zealand CALENDAR 1961 p 1961 Calendar PRINTi!:D FOR ~ UNIVERSITY OF AUCKLAND BY WHITCOMBE AND TOMBS LIMITED AUCKLAND. NEW ZEALAND 1961 1961 Calendar CONTENTS CALENDAR 5 OFFICERS OF TIIE UNIVERSITY 18 TIIE COUNCIL •• 19 TIIE PROFESSORIAL BOARD 21 ,DEANS OF FACULTIES •• 22 ACADEMIC STAFF 23 qENERAL INFORMATION 35 .MATRICULATION 37 PROVISIONAL ADMISSION 40 ADMISSION AD EUNDEM 42 TERMS AND LECTURES: UNIVERSITY OF NEW ZEALAND STATUTE 44 UNIVERSITY OF AUCKLAND REGULATIONS 47 BURSARIES AND STUDY AWARDS 51 EXEMPTION FROM LECTURES •• 54 CONDUCT OF EXAMINATIONS 55 TRANSFER OF STUDENTS 61 DISCIPLINE 63 TIIE LIBRARY 65 SCHOLARSHIPS AND PillZES: UNIVERSITY OF AUCKLAND AWARDS 68 UNIVERSITY OF NEW ZEALAND AWARDS 120 CERTIFICATE OF PROFICIENCY 130 ANNUAL FEES •• 131 EXAMINATION FEES 138 COURSE REGULATIONS AND PREScmPTIONS: ARTS 144 SCIENCE 221 COMMERCE 264 LAW 275 MUSIC 289 ARCIDTECTURE 307 TOWN PLANNING 325 ENGINEEmNG 327 FINE ARTS 349 OBSTETRICS AND GYNAECOLOGY 354 3 1961 Calendar TIMETABLES: ARTS 359 SCIENCE 361 COMMERCE 363 LAW 364 MUSIC 365 O'RORKE HALL 366 STUDENT HEALTH SERVICE 367 .STUDENT ADVISERS 367 STuDENTS'. ASSOCIATION 368 PUBLICATIONS 374 THESES 388 BENEFACTIONS 391 DONORS TO THE LIBRARY 394 ROLL OF GRADUATES ••. 399 SCHOLARS AND PRIZEWINNERS 439 FORM OF LEGACY 449 INDEX 451 .'The following material was last included in the Calendar for 1956: FORMER OFFICERS HISTORICAL SKETCH LEGISLATION ELECTIONS TO THE COUNCIL COURT OF CONVOCATION RULES . Margillal black lines indicate amendments to which particular attention is drawn. 4 l 1961 Calendar CALENDAR 196 1 IMPORTANT DATES SPECIAL ADMISSIONS:" Sfudents seeking Provisional' or Ad Eundem Statum admission should complete all arrange- ments before 17th February. ' INTERNAL STUDENTS: Enrolment will take place between 20th-24th February. Prescribed .dates for the various Faculties will be advertised in the daily newspapers. An Enrolment Fee of £2 will be payable by all students who do NOT enrol on the prescribed dates. EXTERNAL STUDENTS: Exemption applications should be completed between 14th January and 28th February. TERMS CARRIED FORWARD: Students should apply as soon as Degree results are known, and complete applications between 14th January and 30th March. EXAMINATIONS: Entries must be completed by 10th May for Masters and Engineering Professional; all others by 10th June. CHANGES OF COURSE: The last day for withdrawals from classes is 27th March. No student may alter.his course after this date. 5 1961 Calendar CAL END A R 196 1 JANUARY 1 SUN 2 MON 3 TUEs 4 WED 5 THUR 6 Fm 7 SAT 8 SUN' 9 MON 10 TUES Entries (with fees) for Special Intermediate Examinations in Medicine, Dentistry, Home Science and Agriculture close with the Registrar, Auckland. 11/ WED Applications for University Research. Fund Fellowships close with the Registrar, Auckland. 12 THUR 13 Fm 14 SAT 15 sim 16 MON 17 TUEs 18 WED 19 .THUR 20 Fm 21 SAT 22 SUN 23 MON 24 TUES 25 WED 26 THUR 27 Fm 28 SAT 29 SUN 30 MON 31 TUEs 6 1961 Calendar FEBRUARY 1 WED 2 THUR 3 Fro 4 SAT 5 SUN 6 MON 7 TUES 8 WED 9 THUR 10 Fro 11 SAT 12 SUN 13 MON 14 TUES 15 WED 16 THUR 17 Fro 18 SAT 19 SUN 20 MON }EnrOlment of all intemal students. Details of presCrIoed 21 TUES dates for the various Faculties will be advertised in the 22 WED . daily newspapers. Science students must produce official 23 THUR letter of admission to Science classes. 24 Fro . 25 SAT 26 SUN ~ MON First Term opeus. 28 TUEs Candidates for a Master's Degree who have not presented theses by this date will be required to re-enrol They will not be entitled to have their degrees conferred at the Graduation Ceremony in May. Applications close for the J. P. Campbell Bursary (Law). MARCH Exemption applications due, and not accepted after this date, 1 WED except with late fee by 31st March. Applications close for the Hugh Campbell Scholarship (Law). Applications for the Beit Fellowship for Scientific Research must be received by the Registrar, Imperial College, London, by this date. 7 1961 Calendar 2 THUR 3 Fro 4 SAT 5 SUN 6 MON 7 TUES 8 WED 9 THUR 10 Fm 11 SAT 12 SUN 13 MON 14 TUES 15 WED 16 THUR 17 Fro 18 SAT Entries close with the Registrar, Auckland, for Colonial Sugar Refining Co. Scholarships (Science and Engineering). 19 SUN 20 MON 21 TUES 22 WED 23 THUR 24 Fro Last day for late enrolments (except Ph.D.) except with special Professorial Board approval in each case. 25 SAT 26 SUN 27 MON Last day for alterations to courses. 28 TUES 29 WED 30 THUR 31 Fro Applications close for Terms to be carried forward. Late fee exemption applications not accepted after this date. Good Friday. Easter Recess begins. APRIL I SAT Essays for the Macmillan Brown and Arnold Atkinson Prizes must be sent to the Registrar, University of New Zealand, by this date. 8 1961 Calendar 2 SUN 3 MON .4 TUES Easter Recess ends • 5 WED 6 THUR 7 FBI 8 SAT 9 SUN Gr~duands and Diploma-holders wishing to have degrees 10 MON conferred and diplomas presented at the Annual Graduation Ceremony must apply by this date to the Registrars, Auckland and University of New Zealand. (Holders of diplomas in Architecture, Urban Valuation, Educational Psychology and Executant Diploma in Music apply to Auckland only.) - 11 TUES 12 WED 13 THUR 14 FBI 15 SAT 16 SUN 17 MON Council meets. 18 TUES 19 WED 20 THUR 21 FBI 22 SAT 23 SUN 24 MON 25 TUES Anzac Day. 26 WED 27 THUR , 28 FBI 29 SAT 30 SUN MAY for Provisional Admission except with 1 MON Applications close late fee. '2 TUES 3 WED '4 THUR 5 FBI Convocation for the Conferring of Degrees. '6 SAT First Term closes. 9 1961 Calendar 7 SUN 8 MON 9 TUES 10 WED Examination entries (with fees) close with the Registrar, Auckland, for Masters and Honours degrees in Arts, Science, Law, Commerce, and Engineering, also Engineering Professional examinations (not Intermediate). Diploma in.-Education candidates presenting the original investigation must register by this date. Diploma in Educational Psychology candidates presenting the written report must. register by this date. M.Sc.. candidates must advise the Registrar, Auckland, of their. intention to sit for the Foreign Language Reading Examination, by this date. II THlm 12 FBI 13 SAT 14 SUN 15 MON Council meets. 16 TOES 17 WED 18 THUR 19 Fro 20 SAT 21 SUN 22 MON 23 TUES 24 WED 25 THUR 26 Fro 27 SAT 28 SUN 29 MON Second Term opens. 30 TUES 31 WED Examination entries due by 10th May received until this date if accompanied by late fee of £2/2/-. Essays for the Desmond Lewis Memorial Prize in International Law must be delivered to the Registrar, Auckland, by this date. JUNE 1 THUR Latest date for signing Matriculation declarations except, with late fee. Applications for Provisional Admission received up to this date if accompanied by late fee of £2/2/-. Applications close with the Registrar, University of. Otago, for the .Philip Neill Memorial Prize in Music. 10 1961 Calendar 2 Fro 3 SAT 4 SUN ;, j 5 MON Queen's Birthday. 6 TUES 7 WED 8 THOR 9 Fro 10 SAT Entries (with fees) close with the Registrar, Auckland, lor the following October and November examinations:' 'B.A., B.Sc., B.Com., LL.B., Law Professional, B.Arch., ;Mus.B., B.D., Intermediate Examinations for B.Arch.,. M.B., B.D.S., B.H.Sc., B.Agr.Sc., B.E.; the following. Univer- sity of New Zealand Diplomas: Banking, Education, Fine Arts, Music and Town Planning; also the. Univer- sity of Auckland Diplomas in Architecture," Urban Valuation, Educational PSychology and the Executant Diploma in Music. ' NOTE: Commerce students entering for both Degree and Professional examinations must make all their entries with Auckland only. Entries (with fees) for the Professional Examinations in Accountancy and Architecture close with the Registrar, University of New Zealand, for non-degree students. For special examinations not included above, see . the: University of New Zealand Calendar. ' Applications for Senior Scholarships in Arts, Science, Law, Music and Commerce should be lodged witli th~ Registrar, Auckland. 11 SUN 12 MON 13 TUES 14 WED 15 THOR 16 Fro 17 SAT 18 SUN 19 MON Council meets. 20 TUES 21 WED 22 THOR 23 Fro 24 SAT 25 SUN 11 1961 Calendar 26 MON 27 TUES 28 WED 29 THOR 30 Fm JULY 1 SAT Examination entries due 10th June received until this date if accompanied by late fee, of £2/2/-. '2 SUN 3 MON . Mid-term break begins. 4 TUES c'S" WED "6 THOR "7 Fm '8 SAT Mid-term break ends. 9 SUN 10 "MON 11 TUES 12 WED 13 THOR 14 Fro 15 SAT 16 SUN 17 MON Council meets. 18 TUES 19. WED 20 THOR 21 Fro 22 SAT 23:'SUN ' 24 : MaN 25 TUES 26 WED 27 THOR 28,. Fro 29 SAT 30 SUN 31 MON Applications close for the following Music Scholarships: Auckland Centennial Music; Bishop Mu.<:c;Walter Kirby Singing.