The Monro of Auchinbowie and Cognate Families

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The Monro of Auchinbowie and Cognate Families T H E M O N R O O F A U C H I N B O W I E A N D C OGN ATE F A M I LI ES JOHN A LEX AND ER IN GLIS E D I N B U R G H ABLE PRIVATELY PRINTED BY T. AND A. CONST P R I N T E R S T O H I S M A J E S T Y I N T R O D U C T I O N MY object has been to trace and arrange as accurately as possible the historical material relating to a branch of the i Monro family, which I have called for conven ence the ’ Au hin e Monros of c bowi . As u di I have made a f ll sclosure of my authorities , and I have provided a copious index , hope the book may be ul usef to other workers in the field of genealogy. n nn I have i cluded the Bi ing family, as they were direct Mrs Al r S eaundus n ancestors of . exander Mon o ( ) , whose you ger son, David, inherited the family name and traditions from i lli nni hi s . his cous n , Wi am Bi ng, the last of race Th e last five chapters deal with the Scotts of B a vela w and the Boyds of Kipps and of Temple . They also were of nni direct ancestors the later Monros through the Bi ngs , and though I have little to offer except the bare facts of - genealogy and land transfer, I have included them for the sake of completeness . ll n I must gratefu y ack owledge the kindness of my friend, . W. S. Mr James Steuart, , who read my manuscript, and made several valuable suggestions . C O N T E N T S C RAP. THE EARLY HISTORY OF THE MONROS SIR ALEX AN DER MON RO OF BEARCROFTS III O O O O O OF . C L NEL GE RGE M NR AUCHINBOWIE AND HIS DESCENDANTS JOH MO O SU EO IN EDI BU H N NR , RG N N RG PROFESSOR ALEX AN DER MONRO (P RIM US) V SIR O L C O L OF SL T I. D NA D MA D NA D EA II H O O OF AUCHINB WIE V C V . JO M O AD O TE N NR , A O L O O DR. D NA D M NR PROFESSOR ALEX ANDER MONRO ( SE C UN D US) PROFESSOR ALEX ANDER MONRO ( TERTI US) DR J MES C MICH EL - SMYTH . A AR A V O O B HIS SC TS X II. DA ID M NR INNING AND DE ENDAN XIII THE A LY OF P O SSO L X O . F MI R FE R A E ANDER M NRO ( TERTI US) THE GS OF WALLYFORD X IV. BINNIN IR W X V. S ILLIAM BINNING V C H LES BI I OF P ILMUIR X I. AR NN NG I THE MO T OME YS OF BROOMLAND S XV I. N G R II THE SCOTTS OF BAVELAW X VI . CONTENTS C RAP . x1x . LAU E CE SC OTT OF HARPERRIG DIED 1637 R N , L U E CE S TT OF BAVELAW DIED 1 669 A R N CO , X X I. THE BOYDS OF KIPPS ST OY or T xxn. EPHEN B D EMPLE INDEX I L L U S T R A T I O N S P AG E AUCHINBOW IE JOH N MONRO PROFESSOR ALEXANDER MONRO (P rimus) G O G M AR AT MRS . E R E HO E OF G Y P ROFESSOR A LEX ANDER MONRO (Semmdus) L A D O O S undus MRS . A EX N ER M NR ( ec ) PROF ESSOR A LEXANDER MONRO ( Tertius) L A D O ius MRS . A EX N ER MONR (Tert ) BAVELAW 2 6 nd re u s l n in Ma Geo M n N os. a 7 a m i b , , fro p ct re e o g g to j or rge o ro, i a i u b n in A lV M n o An kin 4 s om . a N o. fr p ct re elo g g to o ro f b wi N os 3 5 a nd 8 a re om n a vin s. o e, . , , fr e gr g C O A T S O F A R M S S IR A LEXANDER MO NRO SIR DONALD M ACDONALD PROFESSOR A LEXANDER M ON RO (Secnndus) SIR WILLIAM BINNING GEORGE MONTGOMERY OF BROOMLANDS LA F A LAW 6 . URENC E SCOTT O B VE P E D I' G R E E S PAGE ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THE NOTES k f a = B f il d S si s nd S . ook s o oun a n es on. Boo o C . C c = f Sa in s S . ra i R . Gene l Re ster o s e . G . g = P ti ula R ist r f Sa sin s. P R. S . a c e e o e . r r g = i R. Re ster of th e P iv oun i f S tla nd . P . C . g r y C c l o co = M S . i i i i G a t Sea l f S la nd . R . i Ma n S ll Re ist f th e re o ot . Re strum e o g g g , g r c = P . th R. S Re ister of Priv S l . g e y ea . CHAPTER I THE EARLY HISTORY OF THE MONROS THE home of the clan Munro is a district lying into the u Mackenzie co ntry on the north shore of the Cromarty Firth . The chief seat of the clan is , and has been since the beginning Foulis of the twelfth century, the Castle of , and the Barons Foulis u r of trace their descent from Hugh M n o , who died 2 about 1 1 6 . The branch of the family which includes Sir Alexander Monro of B ea rcrofts and the Monros of Auch inbowie is said n r Milntown to have sprung from Joh Mon o of , son of Hugh f F o uli nr O s. Th e Milntown Mu o , ninth Baron family are the r n senior cadets of the clan , and thei descendants are disti guish ed from the other branches by the spelling of the name ’ t Monro . Miln own lies on the Bay of Nigg near the site of the present Tarbat House . r fi John Mon o , who lost an arm at a clan ght between the a nd n Cla ch na h a rr 1454 Munros the Macki toshes at y in , is f i described as a bold , orward, dar ng gentleman, esteemed ’ 1 by his sovereign and loved by his friends . He died about 14 5 A dr 7 , and was succeeded by his elder son, n ew Mor r l Mon o , a bold, austere and gal ant gentleman, esteemed ’ by his friends and a terror to his enemies . About the year 1500 Andrew built the castle of Milntown of r in spite the opposition of his neighbou s , the Rosses of Ba lna h gown. John Earl of Sutherland went imself in ’ person to defend them [the Monros] from Ba lna gown s brag 1 - Ma k n i is o the M a n as . 265 76 . c e z e , H tory f r , pp A 2 EARLY HISTORY gings which kindness the Monros of Milntown do ack now ’ 1 : ledge to this day . The Kalendar of Fearn says On the 1 2th of May 1 642 the house of Milntown was negligently ’ ’ ’ ck l ul k ea i s a d a w s . n burnt by ane [j ] nest O y the va ts remain . A r i in 1 501 nd ew d ed , and was succeeded by his son, r Wh o in di Andrew Beg Mon o , the Black Baron, lives tra tion hi . as a cruel, bloodt rsty sensualist He greatly increased his possessions in the county of Ross, his most important pur in 1 505 n chase being , when he obtai ed a charter of the lands 2 a rt D a wa ch c a rt D a lc a rt D och c . of y, y or y near Dingwall In 1 51 2 he was appointed by James IV. to be Chief Maor of the 3 Earldom of Ross . A r 4 Black nd ew married Euphemia, daughter of James Dunbar of Tarbat and Ballone Castle, Easter Ross, and had 1 22 ‘ r . Milntown 5 at least th ee sons He died at before , in ’ nf s great extravagance and co u ion, and was buried at the church of Kilmuir Easter. nr Milntown D a lc a rt George Mo o of and y, his eldest son 5 1556 Custum a r and successor, was appointed in to be (collector of customs) of Inverness , Ross , Sutherland and Caithness , and in 1 560 to be Bailie and Chamberlain of the Crown lands Of ffi and lordships Ross and Cromarty. He held these o ces ll 1 543 6 ti his death . In he acquired from John Bisset, N ewm ore N ewm ore fiv Chaplain of , the lands of , about e l Milntown 1 5 0 7 mi es west of , and in 7 disponed them to his A dr .
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