Chapter 1: Background

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Chapter 1: Background Does Aquaculture Impact Benthic Algal Ecology? A study on the effects of an experimental cage aquaculture operation on epilithic biofilms By Kelly Amber Hille A thesis submitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies of The University of Manitoba In partial fulfilment of the requirement of the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE Department of Biological Sciences University of Manitoba Winnipeg Copyright © 2008 Kelly Hille “The fascination of periphyton resides in the elusive complexity of its integration” - Robert G. Wetzel i Acknowledgments I am deeply thankful to my advisors, Dr. Michael Turner and Dr. Gordon Goldsborough and committee members Dr. Ray Hesslein and Dr. Gordon Robinson for all their guidance, support, insights and feedback. Michael, I need to thank you for more reasons than I have space to name, you have been more than an advisor to me and though I sometimes grumbled about the challenges that you put forward, this final product is something I am much more proud of because of you. You have been an invaluable source of help in many aspects of my life, even outside of this thesis, so thank you for being the understanding and considerate person you are. Dave Findlay, Llwellyn Armstrong, Brian Kotak, William Mark, and the ELA and FWI Chem lab staff past and present, thank you all, without you I would not have had data to interpret. Also, Dave, Llwellyn and Brian, your insights and feedback on my thesis chapters was greatly appreciated. Thank you to my field assistants, Janis Webb and Cyndi Wlasichuck, for their flexibility and patience. Thank you to Jeremy Stewart for taking the time to teach me how to breathe underwater and to Wayne Smith for all his time spent fixing my suits so I could stay warm. Thank you to Tara Bortoluzzi and Wolfgang Jansen who both provided me with guidance and were willing to answer even the simplest of questions without judgement. I would also like to acknowledge NSERC, the University of Manitoba UMGF, the ELA Graduate Fellowship, and Fisheries and Oceans Canada (academic partnership funds & ACDRP) for their financial assistance during this project. To my friends Lauren, Roxanna, Caitlin, Lisa, Dave, Scott, and so many more (you know who you are), you deserve my thanks for all that you have done- and still do for me, thank you all! Finally, to my wonderful supportive family, Mom, Dad, Oma, Opa, and Jason, without your patience, love and support I would not have been able to make it through, especially these past couple of months, I love you! ii Abstract Epilithic biofilms were monitored for potential impacts of an experimental rainbow trout aquaculture operation at the Experimental Lakes Area in northwestern Ontario, Canada. Metabolic and particulate samples were collected from the middle littoral zone of the experimental and reference lakes before and during the aquaculture operation. Phosphorus stocks in the experimental lake (epilimnetic and epilithic) increased as a result of both food waste and fish excretion. These cumulative P inputs were predicted to increase epilithic biomass and productivity, cause major compositional changes in the dominant groups and increase epilithic algal toxin production (microcystins). However, no major aquaculture-related changes in algal biomass, productivity, toxins or group dominance were observed in the epilithon. The only observed changes occurred at the species-level. These species-level changes were transient but did allude to an ecosystem reacting to stress. iii Table of Contents ACKNOWLEDGMENTS............................................................................................................................ ii ABSTRACT................................................................................................................................................. iii TABLE OF CONTENTS.............................................................................................................................iv LIST OF TABLES LIST OF FIGURES .................................................................................................................................. viii CHAPTER 1: BACKGROUND...................................................................................................................1 General Introduction: Freshwater aquaculture in Canada...................................... 1 Literature Synthesis and Review: Potential impacts of in-lake aquaculture on algal communities.......................................................................................................... 2 Aquaculture at the Experimental Lakes Area ......................................................... 21 Benthic algae as a diagnostic community.................................................................. 25 Potential importance of benthic algal communities................................................. 31 Research Objectives and Chapter Previews............................................................. 32 CHAPTER 2: EPILITHIC COMPOSITION: DOES AQUACULTURE CAGE WASTE AFFECT BENTHIC ALGAL STRUCTURE OR BIOMASS?................................................................................35 Introduction................................................................................................................. 35 Materials and Methods............................................................................................... 38 Results .......................................................................................................................... 59 Community nutrient ratios and food quality............................................................. 59 Percent algae and pigments...................................................................................... 71 Algal biomass and composition ................................................................................ 75 Incorporation of cage wastes.................................................................................... 95 Seasonal changes.................................................................................................... 105 Discussion................................................................................................................... 109 Epilithic nutrients.................................................................................................... 109 Benthic algal biomass............................................................................................. 111 Algal composition: large-scale............................................................................... 113 Algal compositions: fine-scale................................................................................ 114 Incorporation of cage wastes.................................................................................. 118 Conclusions................................................................................................................ 121 CHAPTER 3: EPILITHIC FUNCTION: CAN FISH FARMS ALTER ALGAL PRODUCTIVITY? .....................................................................................................................................................................123 Introduction............................................................................................................... 123 Materials and Methods............................................................................................. 127 Results ........................................................................................................................ 155 Effects of aquaculture on algal metabolism............................................................ 155 Oxygen and carbon fluxes....................................................................................... 162 Inter-site variability ................................................................................................ 179 Discussion................................................................................................................... 180 Methodological recommendations.......................................................................... 180 Effects of aquaculture operations on benthic algal productivity............................ 186 iv Comparisons of oxygen and DIC measurements.................................................... 188 Inter-site variability ................................................................................................ 191 Conclusions................................................................................................................ 192 CHAPTER 4: EPILITHIC TOXINS: WHAT LIES BELOW THE SURFACE? UNDERSTANDING MICROCYSTIN-LR IN EPILITHIC BIOFILMS OF CANADIAN SHIELD LAKES.....................193 Introduction............................................................................................................... 193 Materials and methods ............................................................................................. 199 Results ........................................................................................................................ 206 Microcystin concentrations..................................................................................... 206 Biomass and composition ....................................................................................... 221 Microcystin concentrations relative to limnological variables .............................
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