Some Algae in Lakes Hume and Mulwala Victoria

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Some Algae in Lakes Hume and Mulwala Victoria S0£.1E ALGAE IN LAKES HUHE AND HUT~WALA (1974) VICTORIA ·By KANJANA VIYAKORNVILAS B.Sc. (Tas.) A Thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Science with Honours at the University of Tasmania. I hereby declare that this thesis contains no material which has been accepted for the award of any other degree in any university and that, to the best of my kno\vledge, the thesis contains no copy or paraphase of material previously published or written by another person, except when due reference is made in the text. -•ACKNO\'/I,EDGEl·fEN a---1:es I wish to express my sincere thanks to Dr .. P@A~Tyler, my supervisor, for his helpful advice and criticism .. Hr .. R.L.Croome for collecting all the samples .. Mrs .. R .. ivickham for her technical advice. All members of the Botany Dept .. for their assistance at various times of the year .. K.. Viyalwrnvilas, Botany Dept .. , University of Tasmania, November 1974 .. CONTENTS·-«"· .... Page Summary 1 Introduction 2 Materials and Method 2 Results 4 Systematic account 13 Division Chlorophyta-Class Chlorophyceae 13 Chrysophyta-Class Chrysophyceae 65 Class Bacteriophyceae 68 II Euglenophyta-Class Euglenophyceae 79 It Pyrrhophyta-Class Dinophyceae 86 Cyanophyta -Class Cyanophyceae 87 Discussion The trophic status of Lakes Hume and Hulwala 93 Geographical distribution of desmids seen 95 Plates 1-14 and Explana·tion of plates 96 Literature cited 116 l SUNMARY Lakes IIume and Hulwala have very similar plankton communi ties in which N.e.l.?.si,r.a .Ei.X:~£U~ Ralfs is dominant .. The species composition and the plankton quotients show the t\<IO lakes are mesotrophic.Host of the algae seen are well-lmown and widespread .. L~i.crasterins Hard;x:j:. G .. S .. West has only been recorded from Australia. INTRODUCTION Lakes Hume and Mulwala, parts of the Murray River (fig.1) Victoria, are near the boarder of Victoria and N.S.W. The aims of this study are three-folded: 1) to identify most of the phytoplankton species in both lakes, 2) to determine the trophic status of both lakes from the species composition and the phytoplankton quotients, 3) to survey the geographical distribution of the desmids seen .. The algae will be identify solely from their morphology. Attempts will be made to put them into existing taxa. In recent years advances have been made on the identification of algae by the use of cultures and scanuing electron microscope. The latter is particularly useful in the case of 9psmariEm SR~ or the diatoms,etc. where the \vall structures are the taxonomic criterion (Lyon 1969). Culture experiments are use.ful when one wishes to delimit species .. MATERIALS AND HETHOD 20 (1974) Hume and 7 (1974) l!ulwala fixed samples as well as some live samples, all were collected by Hr .. R .. L.Croome with a 20 J.A. pore net at various stations shown in fig .. 1, were examined on a Carl Zeiss RA microscope fitted with a prism drawing system with internally reflected image, allowing binocular viewing while drawing. 1 (1968) Hume and 6 (1968-9) Mulwala fixed samples were also examined .. The 1974 samples were denoted as date/n~onth of collection. The numbers in brackets follo\,ring the Hume samples indicated the station numbers. All the 1968, 1969 samples were denoted by year/month/date/number of the sample. ~ ~\ \ilurray R Murre;· R r~ HI ~-·-_·'~·;,~~ } ~··~··:~ ~ ~Albury ~ ~- ~q -f( ~ Ru!herglen 09~-~i' l. Hvme ;...•}~~ .."'; It iJJ{t Wodong':: ~ ~ '' 0 ~•A 1;~~W ollar>gotta ".,) (2 } ' \ \~; ~A ~ 0 10 15 20 25 Km \~ ~~ c., Figure 1··. ECOLOGICAl STUDY -LOCATION OF SAMPLING STATIONS I.J RE.SUI..'PS TABLE 1: !H~~OJf!1I2£:L.. ~~!;,WA,I-!A' (!~9681. .12.§..L1.I'I.D 1.21~~). + ::: seen in 1974 samples ++ ::: seen in 1971+' 1968, 1969 samples ::: not seen in 1974 samples * ::: seen only in 1968/1969 samples Species Hume Hulwala Divisio~QShJ;~rop~~t~ .Cl.c:t,ss Chlox:,o}2h;y:c,e~ Order Volvocales Eudorina elega:r.s Ehrenb .. + + Pandorina morum (Muller) Bory + ++ Pleodorina californica Shaw + Sphaerocystis Schroeteri Chodat ++ ++ Volvox cf. aureus Ehrenb. + II u Carteri Stein * II globator Linnaeus Order Ulot!,ichale~ Ulothrix subconstricta G.S.West ++ Oe,dogoniales Oedogonium sp .. ++ Order Chlorococcales Actinastrum Hantzschii Lag. + Ankistrodesmus falcatus Corda + Botryococcus Braunii Kuetz. ++ ++ Genus and spe~ies names are not underlined for simplicity of table. 5 opeCJ.CS(' . Hume Hulwala Coelastrum microporum Naeg. + II reticulatum (Dang.) Senn. + ++ Dictyospaerium pulchellum Wood + + Dimorphococcus lunatus A~B~aun~ + Kirchneriella lunaris(Kirchner) Moeb. + + Micractinium pusillum Fres. + Nephrocytium Agardhianum Naegeli + + Oocystis lacustris Chodat + If parva West & West + Pediastrum duplex Heyen forma + ++ II var. clathratum (A.Brun.) Lag. + II II var. gracillimum West & West + + II II var. rugulosum Raciborski + II tetras (Ehrenb.) Ralfs + + Scenedesmus denticulatus Lagerh. var. denticulatus May + 11 obliquus ('rurp.) · Kuetz .. var .. dimorphus Nay + opoliensis Richter + + II quadricauda (Turp.) Breb. + + II II II var. quadrispina (Chodat) G.. M.. Smith + Selenastrum westii G.M.Smith + + Tetraedron grac~le (Reinsch) Hansgirg + + II hastatum( II ) II + II limneticum Borge var. gracile Prescott + 6 .. ' . ' ~-~-·-·------------------------------------------------------- Species Hume Huh.rala Tetraedron regulare Kuetz. + II victorieae Wolosz var. major Smith Treubaria triappendiculatum Bernard + + ~gnemat~ _K~matace~ Cf. Mougeotia sp. + Spirogyra sp 1 + sp 2 + * !amily De~midiace~ Arthrodesmus constrictus G.M.Smith var. longispinus (Gronbl.) + + II convergens Ehrenb. * Closterium aciculare T.West var. subpronum Wests + + II ceratium Perty + " gracile Breb. + II Kutzingii Breb .. + + " moniliferum (Bory) Ehrenb .. + + II striolatum Corda + ti Venus Kutz .. var .. inflatum Claassen 1961+ Cosmarium bipunctatum Borgesen + " contractum Kirchn. + II granatum Breb. var. pyramidal Schmidle + magnificum Nordst. ++ II cf. pAeudonitidum Nordst. + II punctulatum Breb .. var .. subpunctulatum Borge + II quadrum Lund ++ 7 --------·--------·-.. ·-··-----------.. ·-·--------------------------------------------------------- Species Hume Hulwala Euastrum anasatum (Ehrenb.) Halfs + II cuspidatum var. goyazense Forster + + " divergens Joshua + " elegans Kutz. + Gonatozygon kinahani (Archer.) Rabenh. ++ + II monotaenium De Bory + Micrasterias Hardyi G.S.West ++ + 11 decemdentata (Nag.) Archer. + II mahabuleswarensis Hobson ++ " thomassiana var. notata (Nordst.) Gronbl. + Pleurotaenium Ehrenbergii (Breb.) De Bory var. undulatum Schaarschmidt + Spondylosi um planum (Wolle) \'I' est & v/est + * Staurastrum anatoides Scott & Prescott II arctiscon (Ehrenb.) Lund var. glabrum \'Jest & \'lest ++ II asterias Nygaard + II dickiei Ralfs + ++ II grande Bulhn .. var .. parvus ltlest II Freemanii West & West + II furcaJ.:um (Ehrenb .. ) Breb .. + II leptocladum Nordst. + + II nodulosum Prescott + + II pachyrhynchum Nordst. + + II patens Turner e ....... $ ~,.,.. .... ,.... !Ol $o .. -~· * -----------"'.. - ... -.. --·-·--- Species Hume Nulwala Staurastrum pingue Teiling ++ ++ II II II (small form) + + II cf. pinnatum Turner var. subpinnatum Schmidle + II Playfairi Scott & Prescott + ++ If pseudosebaldi Wille var. planctonicum ':L'eiling ++ tl sebaldi Reinsch. var. ornatum Nordsto - * " cf. subavic.ula West + II subgemmulatum West & West + + II tetracerum Ralfs + ++ II 11 II var .. evolutum West & West + " tohopekaligense l:Jolle + * victoriense West * Staurodesmus cuspidatus (Breb.) Ralfs var. tricuspidatus (Breb.) + II triangularis (Lagerh.) Teiling + + Division ,Gl'~r;zs,oph;y:~ Class Chr;y:_soph;y:ce~ Dinobryon divergens Imhof .. + ++ " sertularia Ehrenb .. + Mallomonas akrokomos Ruttner + II splendens (G.S .. \vest) Play fair + + II sp .. + + Synura spinosa Kersh ++ ++ 9 ---------,----------------------·-·-··-·--·---------------------------.....------ Species Hume Hulwala Class Bacillarionhvceae ........ _ . --~"'--- Ce11t1~a1es,.._,._ __ Attheya Zachariasi J.Brun. + ++ Cyclostella stelligera Cleve & Grun.o + Melosira granulata Ralfs ++ ++ If varians Agardh. ++ ++ Rhizosolinia erensis H.L.Sm. + + II II II 11 var. morsa West g, V/est + + R.enna.J .•~.§_ Asterionella formosa Hass. + Cymbella cf. gastroides Kutz. + + II lanceolata Ehrenb. + Epithemia sorex Kutz. + ++ Fragilaria capucina Desm., + + II sp .. + Gomphonema Augur Ehr. var. Guatieri H.V.H. + II constrictum Ehrenb. + ++ II II !I var. capitatum Ehrenb. + + Cf. Gyrosigma attenuatum + ++ Cf. Navicula hennedyi + Nitzschia pelagica O.Mull. + + Pinnularia abaujinsis (Pant.).Ross var. abaujinsis + .Sta.uroneis fulmen var .. capitata * Surirella Engleri 0 .. Mull .. + spinifera Rust .. + ++ IO -------..-~-·-------~ ---· ... -·------"' .. ____ ---·----- Species Hume Mulwala. _,.il:l&l~ Ill' ........ t uo ..... ~ ,.. '"a ""' ..-- ... - .... V(I·-· Surirella tenera Greg. + + Synedra acus Kutz .. + .......-'-'- II II var .. radians (Kg.,) Hust., + ++ II ulna (Nitz .. ) Ehr .. var. da.nica (Kg .. ) V .. H .. + Tabellaria flocculosa (Roth) Kutz. var. flocculosa Knudson + * Euglena cf., gracilis Kleb. + II spirogyra Ehrenb. + + Phacus tortus (Lem .. ) Skvortzovf + " pleuronectes (Huell .. ) Dujardin + Trachelomonas armatus var .. longispina (Playfair) Deflandre + II II bacillifera Playf. + + II II caudata Stein var. australica Play fair + II II hispida (Perty) Stein var coronata Lemm .. II II II II var. rectangularis Br. Schroder + If II scabra Playfair + II II superba Svlirenko + + , II volvocina Ehrenb. var. punctata Playfair .. +
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