Robinson Refu A,* S Ray Bishop Charges Prosecuting Attorney

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Robinson Refu A,* S Ray Bishop Charges Prosecuting Attorney Mabel R. Gillis, Librarian California Stqte Library a,* Sacramento 9, California #2 Robinson Refu s Ray Bishop Charges ave Hits SSC Spartan Suburban Schools Sent Students To See State San Jose Sfate.College An estimated 850 senior students from eight outlying high schools are participating in Visitation day activities on the Sin Jose State Volume XXXVII San Jose, California, Wednesday, May II, 1949 umber 131 college campus today. The project is under the directicn of County Supervisor of Schools 0. S. Hubbard. Secondary schools represented are Los Gatos, Gilroy. Live Oak Speech Department of Morgan Hill. Campbell, sant4 Prosecuting Attorney 4 Clara, Washington of Centerville, Fremont of Schedules Six Plays Mountain View,, and Sunnyvale. Believes Trial Futile For 1949-50 Season Today's program differs from last week's Visitation day for city By BOB JOHNSTON Six outstanding plays have been schools only in time. The San Charges against Ray Bishop were officially dropped yesterday. selected to compri the Speech and Drama depart ent's 1949-50 Joseans arrived at 8:20 a.m. and Prosecuting Attorney Dick Robinson refused to prosecute the drama season, Dr. men Clancy, left at 11:30 to attend afternoon case in a letter addressed to the Student Court, the Student Council, announced yesterd . All plays classes. Their country cousins, due and the Spartan Daily. The letter reads: will run six nights. to the longer distance they have "Dea Students: "Faust" by Goet is the first to travel, arrived at 9:45 this "It is my opinion that the easel play of the season. It is the monu- morning and will stay until 1:45 of Ray Bishop versus the ASH mental story of a man's destiny p.m. when he bargains away his soul to should be dropped. It is my perog- Student Council representatives *Me as prosecuting attorney not JUST AMONG the Devil. Opening night is Nov. 10. will head an 11:30 discussion to prosecute any case which I feel group on student government and The delightful caperings of lea unwarranted or which has a OURSELVES student activities open to all in- I young love in a confusion of in- lack of evidence. By DR. T. W. MACQUARRIE terested seniors. Betty Bright., nocent mistakes is the story of "The purpose of the court in a Social Affairs, chairman, Glean "John Loves Mary" by Norman case such as the one in question Stewart, Rally committee chair- A very large number of our stu- Krasna, opening Dec. 8. is to enforce the provisions of the man, and Tom Eddy, chief justice dents. perhaps as many as 2000, Feb. 3 is the opening night of constitution and its by-laws. Ray of the Student Court, will speak come from Santa Clara county. Noel Coward's famous "Tonight Bishop on the litti of May did turn on their organizations. most of the required reports into Of that number, I am guessing at 8:30," which is a selection of the Student Council, and a further that not more than half would one -act plays. and entertainment will be furnish- pursuance of the case would ac- ever go to college if San Jose The fourth prodttction of the The visitors will eat lunch in complish very little. State were not right here. drama season is "The Flies" by the south quad at 12:30. Cokes "The lack of evidence is ac- Jean-Paul Sarte, a startling mo- and entertainment will he furnish- counted for in the inadequacy of And speaking to the high dern adaptation a the ancient ed by the college student body. the minutes due to the failure of school seniors who are our guests Greek story about Orestes, Writ- Today's complete program, as the recording secretary to record today, it's a great ten by the most successful of thing for many Irene Palmer Is announced by Dean 'Joe IL West, the meetings at which Ray Bishop of you that, the state of Califor- modern French playwrights. follows: was absent. The ASH Adminis- nia has placa a college right in On May 4, '7h...corn Ts Green" tration failed to notify Bishop in your midst. Many of_ you would_i by Emlyn Winning will be presen- Acting Registrar; 9:45- Assemble in Morris Dai- It's a writing of the exact date on which never see the inside of a collegel ted. warming. comedy- of- ' 1 laY_ auditorium. 'PresidfirA the final report would be due. were it not for that. delightful character study. S. Hubbard, ciiiint 5iperintend- Further, the charge of violation The final play of the season is Succeeds W. H. Neal ent of schools: greetings, Dr. T. Perhaps I should say to you, J. B. Priestley's "Time of Article 3, Section 1, Clause C And The Miss Irene Palmer will take I W. MacQuarrie, president of the Conways." It opens June is ambiguous. 8. This over duties as acting-registrar to- college; Bob Cronemiller, vice- is an intriguing and stimulating "There is no point in wasting day filling the post vacated by president of the student body; and picture of the my time, the defense's time, and realization that Mr. William Neal last night. Neal IRarbara Brewster, president of time is relative. the time of the court in pursuing Is leaving San Jose to further his AWS. Season tickets will a case that will avail nothing be on sale education, according to informa- ,t)the first of October Speech 10:10--Dr. Robert D. Rhodes, more than providing a vehicle for in the tion from the registrar's office. ffice, Room 57. in charge of campus tours, will slinging mud; therefore, I refuse Cost of spason. Mr. Leslie Ross, class of June tickets is $2.40 to the explain to the seniors how guides to prosecute this case." members of 1948, has been promoted to fill Student Body will assist them in getting where President Tom Wall, who left and $3.60 to others. the position of assistant -registrar. Tickets may be reserved for they wish to go. this morning for the P.S.P.A. con- Mr. Ross, who graduated with an either Thursday. Friday or Satur- vention in Sun Valley, Idaho, AB in commerce, has been work- 10:15--Students will be dismiss- day evenings. made no comment on Robinson's Added performances ing in the registrar's office since ed from the auditorium and will will be given Monday and action. Tues- July I of last year. accompany their guides to the de- day nights. "I have no comment to make The vacancy left by Ross as partments they have chosen to at this time," Bishop stated yes- head of statistics and records will visit. terday, when informed that Rob- be filled by Miss Eileen Wilson, 11:15 The major department inson refused to prosecute. also a graduate of San Jose State. program ends and guides will Charges Orightste Miss Wilson has been in the em- Experimental Dance bring students back to the main The charges Originated Monday, 2 L ploy of the registrar's office since quad, where they will reassemble May 2, when the Student Council last December. around signs indicating the cam- charged Bishop, Revelries direc- Planned for Tonignt Mrs. Catherine Wilson. a stu- pus tour or the activity of their tor, with failure to carry out the dent at State for the past three choice. duties of his of fice. An experimental dance will be years, has been added to the of- Bishop was charged %with fail- from 8:30 to 10:30 given tonight fice force to assist Miss Wilson. 11:30Guides will take stud- submit a written report Union by the So- ure to in the Student ents to rhooms in which activity quarter, neglecting to pre- committee, according each cial Affairs programs are being held. sent a financial report at the first to Barbara Kinst, chairman for Council meeting of each month, the affair. Qualified Pilots 12:30Luncheon in the south failure to attend Council meet- This dance is being held in or- quad. ings, overlooking a recommenda- DR. T. W. MacQUARRIE der to determine if such week day May Enter Meet the auditor- tion for his successor, and violat- dances are successful enough to 1F15--Reasemble in Full time SJSC students with ium. Music by college band. Pic- ing Article II, Section 1 of the expect al- be continued as regular weekly also, that we do not student pilot licenses and 15 torial history of the college by constitution. ways to have the place covered functions. hours toward a private license, Dr. Dwight Bente?, Journalism de- Bishop Reports with tin huts. They are a war Music will be "off the record" are invited to enter the forthcom- partment head. Monday, Bishop submitted a full development. We have grown and ASH cards holders will be no ing air meet presented by Alpha Revelries report at the Council rapidly in recent years admitted free. 1:45- Buses depart for home. that we Eta Rho. The meet takes place meeting, and Wall initiated a mo- have some The trial is an effort to give the just had to shelter. Sunday at Warm Springs air- tion to drop the charges against We have the money for new units student body the kind of dances Bishop. Stuart Goehler, defense It enjoys, said Betty Brisbin So- port, Tom Tonna, fraternity pres- but it's a slow business getting ident, counsel for Bishop, intervened at them bunt. cial Affairs committee chairman. disclosed. this point and argued that Bishop Interested pilots may enter by was entitled to a hearing to clear signing up in the -Aeronautics lab, Spardi Gras Dress campus of a public his name.
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