Spartans to Host Pacific Tonight Grads Return Sparta S Entally, 'Up' Spartan Daily to Recapture SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGE for a U41dig,4Anie; No
Liaho 1 I? ('411 Spartans to Host Pacific Tonight Grads Return Sparta s entally, 'Up' Spartan Daily To Recapture SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGE For A u41Dig,4anie; No. X XX VIII San Jose, Calif., Friday, October 28, 1949 No. 17 Spartan Spirit Expect Record Crowd Many- grads are expected to re- turn to Sparta today to participate By WADE WILSON in and witness the 1949 Homecom- This is it ! ! ing festivities. ! Tonight's the night the unbeaten COP Tigers are ably directed Highlighting alumni activities into Spartan stadium with will be a dance at the De Anza the famed Eddie LeBaron at the wheel. hotel, where alumni members and Kick-off time is set for 8 o'clock and the San Jose State Spartans their friends will dance to the mu- are ready to upset any plans of the Tigers to take home a victo,y. sic of Sheldon Taix's orchestra'. The largest crowd in San Jose historysome 17,000 avid fans Reurdofis of various classes are -- %vitt he on hand to witness this an- to be held in the hotel lounge, and nual battle between the two titans mezzanine, being reserved for of Stockton and San Jose. those attending the game. The Happy Victors The Spartans are -up" for this dance Is to begin after the game game. They have worked hard all and continue until 1 am. week, harder than could be ex- Will Serenade pected for a team reduced so much Several fraternity and sorority by injuries. They ale dead serious houses have scheduled buffet din- about the job ahead.