47 41- t-L 9 9-411.1.0 CetZ e srAre See Sports Tigers Topple Spartans", 36- Page 3 * * * * * * * * * * * Separation Would Be a Gross Injustice It will be a gross injustice if there is a separation at any time in the future between San Jose Junior college and the State college. The two colleges have operated successfully together on the campus since 1921 and now partan the State Department of Education is Daily trying to force a split by July 1, 1954. San Jose State College Both colleges have profited from the existing arrangement. President T5 W. MacQuarrie has stated in the past that "the Vol. 40 SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA, MONDAY, JANUA 4 1952 No. 66 effect of the split of the two colleges could well increase the cost per student in both colleges." Moving the junior college students to another campus would 'New Insignia College Group diminish the size of many of the campus classes and thus raise the Cal-1 et Official cost per student. The larger the class, the less the cost to educate each student. Issued to Air Holds Interviews To Bet) in Work 3 Besides being financially more economical, there are numerous F J. D. Murchison. ('al-Vel r(11 - other advantages to having both colleges remain together: oree ROT( 4 re.entatne, ii ill be In ,,,,, SI II IJ 040411 Dri e There is a wider curriculum; there is a psychological advantage todae to Iiitcr% se side-tit. 41, of young students mixing in classes with mor_e adult students; and , ..iring information on the .1.41.- , . educational assi.lance iiro4:rant. .. Is thosco state college can offer the junior college members more extensive 1 1)esignation l'Ailli!I, Rank I e n 4.uttornisen. a4.cottlit facilities. officer. announced Fricho. (.4IHI)lpiiii Wall There is also the matter of $450,000 worth of equipment on the System Changed Mr. Murchison iiiii N. con - campus Tom Evans, recently which was bought for the junior college and might revert /r -.AI%A Ision cadet ot t ice rs taet ed het 44 ern SI a.m. and 11 appointed chairman of the to it in event of the split. 1 and non-commissioned officers ot noon in Room 34. forthcoming esti- lee blood drne, has announced The San Jose Unified School district is presently working on a I the Air Force ROTC wore their 4 . 1)100. solution to the problem whereby the two colleges may continue to newly issued insignia for the first rime committee will he held this operate as one unit. time Friday, according to IA. Cot VA afternoon in the office of Dr. T. We hope Howard E. Brown, professor of Directors they are successful! W.R. MacQuat i ie. CI 41111,6. pret.ident ___ ___ . _ _ _____ air science and tactics. Besides Evans and Shoulder-boarcLs, with a new [Sr Mac- Ist:emi:feardiantkofdrice.igrsnar .Acktiowledge Quarrie. the planning grolgt welt Expressionistic Drama he composed of Otlicl ottlelals ot missioned officers were issued Policyueries the faculty and stud.nt hod. gray chevrons. Both cadet officers Es ails said that it representatise On Schedule for Actors and non-commissioned officers re- Questions concerning the revent , of the San Jose Red Cross chapter ceived new cap and collar insignia. 'statement hy the gosernment that also May -he at today's mvvtin,. The Actor's Studio pres,ntation than 40 Toles the play. Only The new shoulder hoards are (1.1., life insurance policy holders to assist the comniettee in adopt- of German playwright Georg Kai- Risso, as the Cashier, will play . ing plans tor the dune, Air Force blue with wide and nar- lI in ser's expressionistic drama From ' one consistent role throughout the row stripes in various combina- Es ans stated that the goal of March from the $200,000 dis idend Morn to Midnight" opens it three- production. tions to indicate rank. Rank in- . the blood campaign will he to es,. signias can be answered at the V.A. office cerli the record ot the day run this Thursday, Jan. 17, "It's rare to see a performance are as follows: Col., one Uniser,it% according to John R. Kerr, as- wide. Iwo narrow stripes; Lt. Cot. located at 192 San Augustine , of Idaho students who claim to of an expressionistic play," cons- sistant professor of speech and one wide, one narrow stripe; Maj., street. according to the collece !the 10li etillege blood donors with. mentA Mr. Kerr. "We want to one wide stripe; Capt., three nar- a record of 388 per cent of the director of the production. seterans' office. Tickets for the play may be gist? students an opportunity to row stripes; 1st 1.1., two narrow student body contributing. Officials of the campus seter- purchased at the Speech office. see something they'd never see stri pea; 2nd Lt., one narrow Room 57; for 30 cents each. Cur- St ripe. ante office stated that the I,, otherwise. And also give our ac- NO/ lain time for the drama, slated New non-commissioned officers' not received additional inform iun P tors a chance to appear in an un- for presentation in the Actors - insignia are inverted chesrons. tion on the dividends. p.m. usual type of play." Ranks are as follows: Master Sgt., Studio Jan. 17 to 19, is 8:15 Veteran policy holders are el The cast includes Richard Rissol "From Morn to Midnight" deals three chi" ions with tuo horizon- Dra tal bars; Tech. Sgt., three else'.. ble for the disidend, it was ,e as the Cashier and Joan Alcalde, with a single day in the life of a James Bernardi, Cherie Brigham,' cons with one horizontal stripe. nounced, if they have kept th, bank cashier. lie begins the day I 7110 Californians Dolores Ceraso, Marilyn Coates, Staff Sgt., three chevrons; Sgt., insurance in force for at least Siacransento. Elaine Geuy, Shirley Gross, J51,.' by stealing from the bank and two ches inns: Corp., ono ches- :flit. California's three months between the 1951-52 sitar.. of iii. national March lyn King, Robert la Crosse. Ju- ends it by killing himself. The ron; Pvt. 1st Class, one unstriped annisersary dates of the tiolicy. tall ot 214.6o0 men will be about dish Levy, William Magary, Joan time between deals with his etteVron patch. 1700, Stale Draft Ihreettii Malloy, Carolyn Miller, Douglas search for "the meaning of life." The Washington V.A. office also Murray, Barbara Neils, Warren "Most plays," said Mr. Kerr, announced that eligible policy Kt nneth 1.eitch. said . Ramsey, Merle Rossman, Donna "are about what a person might Spartans Return holders who want cash dnatends Leitch said the 17eto would in- Wegner, and Marcia Whitaker. naturally do and the characters must make requests in arising. clude about 325 MIICInes F.rido's The cast of 20, said Mr Kerr, seem very real as a result. But in If no request Is submitted, the Defensi I >epa rt /milt anium i nee - From will double up to fill the more an expressionistic play, characters -Overnight' V.A. said that it will keep the mem of cutbacks Ita the month are deliberately distorted." 'money on deposit and use it to of February would mean a redo, - "The expressionistic playwright Trip to Snowlaml pay any premium which 1he pol- lion of about rol mon in Califot - Medical School Il concerned with what a person icy' holder fails to pay. ma's 361M-hum (4144,1a tea Fehr,. thinks he feels, rather than what Tend,' aid tired college ski club Policy holders will be sent a itt) he actually feels." members and seniors rolled hack special form for their cash pay- Cal Rao, Magarber Accepts Two , The play is a class project of into town at various hours yester- ment request, but the V.A. said Bench's, Calif. A lnesee sit % I Speech 44-144, Advanced Acting, day and intmediately made plans that any written notice will do it of caltfothia Two pre-medical students at the !Mr. Kerr added. Settings were de- for recuperations fimin their week- it contains the policy holder's full Friday banned lh. Nloscovi-p.1.- college have been accepted by the I signed by Harrison W. Mc(7reath, end in the snow on Donner Sum- tame, address, and insurance lished "News' from the School of Medicine of Washington instructor in the Speech depart - mit. numbers. eanpeis it. weedand heellitSi Is. university at St. LOUIS, Mo., ac- ment. Technical adviser is Miss ill, might r..-1 11a. orollg Mot/It's- What with the heavy snow cording to Mrs. Lillian Scott an ' Barbara Bauman. soot Tilt 111,1. I - which fill in the mountain regions assistant registrar. Spring quarter. the Actor's Stu- se itt: scti ,o 11,i. i ?a "11 1114 to i''.- Ted R. Nehrenherg and Al dio will present Shakespeare's "A during the week -end, and which tiles to Present 1 :0 I 44.4 :, I 4 411; 1'44 'f Nickel are the two students who Midsummer Night's Dream." reportedly rinsed many roads. it Si received the announcement from is still not known whether all of ides at Dr. W. B. Parker, registrar at more thon 200 who took part in Fireside Sit artl till., In Washington university, that they the Senior Overnight, made it Claude Settles, associate prides- na.hingion, ii 4. Bad Weather Halts hack for today's classes. sor of social science. will show tri , are eligible to attend the insti- art hs II has ii’ tution this fall, she stated.
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