JULY 2018 Volume 12 Issue 9 MandarinNewsLineA Florida NewsLine Publication page 2 page 6 page 11 page 16 Take 5 Inquiring Minds Get To Know . Puzzles want to know! Donna Richardson Fourth annual Pet Mandarin Middle School Lady Hawks cap Supply Drive held undefeated season with trip to city finals By NewsLine Staff this month
[email protected] By Martie Thompson
[email protected] It’s summer … so that means it’s The Mandarin Middle School (MMS) time for the fourth annual Florida softball team recently made a run for NewsLine Pet Supply Drive, which a second city championship in three will run until July 17. Once again years. Anastasia Suhetskis, Sophia Davis this year, all and Montana Hunt were all in sixth items collected grade the first time that MMS won in will be donated 2016. Now returning to the champion- ship rounds in their eighth grade year, they worked hard to ensure that MMS was well represented. The MMS Lady Hawks had an unde- feated season and clinched the Southern Photos courtesy Tammy Suhetskis Division title going into the semi-finals. The Mandarin Middle School Lady Hawks After several rain delays, the semi-final game versus James Weldon Johnson was held at MMS. The Lady Hawks were stepped up their hitting game and dignity and a huge congratulations is able to pull off an upset by defeating scored an impressive four runs, includ- due them.” James Weldon Johnson 10 – 9 after six ing a two-run, out of the park home The talent on the team and the disci- Photo courtesy Martie Thompson innings, thus qualifying for the City of run by Baileigh Shoemaker.