Next stop: new rail to Southeast LA County.

      Fact Sheet

fall 2019 Overview Metro is evaluating a new transit (LRT) line that > Northern Alignment Options Screening Report (2017) – will connect southeast LA County to downtown , Metro analyzed six northern alignment options. Upon review, serving the cities and communities of downtown Los Angeles, the Metro Board of Directors approved carrying forward four unincorporated Florence-Graham community of LA County, of the northern alignment options identified in the TRS for Vernon, Huntington Park, Bell, Cudahy, South Gate, Downey, environmental study and initiated the scoping process for Paramount, Bellflower, Cerritos and Artesia. The West Santa this project. Ana Branch Transit Corridor (WSAB) Project is a 19-mile > In May 2018, the Metro Board selected two Northern corridor undergoing an Environmental Impact Statement Alignment Alternatives – Alternative E: Alameda (EIS)/Environmental Impact Report (EIR) process to prepare Underground and Alternative G: Downtown Transit Core the corridor for LRT. Underground – to proceed into the Draft EIS/EIR. The project area is home to 1.2 million residents and is a In December 2018, the Metro Board updated the project job center to approximately 584,000 employees. Projections definition after receiving feedback through scoping and show the resident population increasing to 1.5 million other ongoing outreach efforts. Key updates to the project and jobs increasing to 670,000 by 2040. Population and definition include: aerial structure over the I-10 (Santa employment densities are five times higher than the LA County Monica) Freeway; five new aerial grade separations; three average. This rail corridor is anticipated to serve commuters proposed stations removed from further study (Washington, in a high travel demand corridor by providing relief to the Vernon, 183rd/Gridley); removal of the optional Bloomfield limited transportation systems currently available to these extension and station; and elimination of Alternative G2 communities. In addition, the project is expected to provide a (Pershing Square design option). direct connection to Metro’s Green and Blue lines. Goals Initial Operating Segments (IOS) Metro is evaluating the following two Initial Operating The main goals of the WSAB Project are to: Segments (IOS) options as part of the EIS/EIR to accelerate 1. Provide mobility improvements delivery of the project faster than assumed in the Measure M 2. Support local and regional land-use plans and policies Expenditure Plan: > 3. Minimize environmental impacts IOS 1 – I-105 (Century Freeway)/Green Line Station to 4. Ensure cost effectiveness and financial feasibility > IOS 2 – Slauson Station to Pioneer Station 5. Promote equity These IOS options were developed based on physical infrastructure limits and barriers, major origins/destinations, Background market trends and high activity areas. Proposed stations Previous studies analyzed opportunities for transit connections serving major activity areas and operational feasibility were also in southeast LA County, including: considered. These options were identified for further evaluation based on how they met the project’s five goals. > Alternatives Analysis (AA) (2013) – Association of Governments (SCAG) assessed alternatives The EIS/EIR will study the entire project and the two IOS to add a new connection along a 34-mile corridor from options. If an IOS option is implemented, connectivity to Union Station in LA County to the City of Santa Ana in downtown LA could be accomplished via a transfer to existing Orange County, and recommended the LRT alignment as the Metro lines. preferred transit mode and northern alignment alternatives for further consideration. Public-Private Partnerships (P3) > Technical Refinement Study (TRS) (2015) – Metro built Metro is evaluating the feasibility and potential benefits on the recommendations in the SCAG AA with a focus on of delivering the WSAB Project through a Public-Private the LA County segment of the Right-of-Way Partnership (P3) program. P3s do not provide additional (ROW)/WSAB project corridor. This study identified four funding but may enhance financial capacity to advance new northern alignment options, updated capital cost construction in certain cases, along with other potential and ridership forecasts, and analyzed specific challenges benefits to the project. Metro is engaging with the P3 industry identified in the SCAG AA within the LA County segment. to explore options to enhance financial capacity in order to advance construction of the full corridor. West Santa Ana Branch Transit Corridor Project Overview

Northern Alignment Alternatives Corridor Overview Alternatives E and G are the two northern alignments currently > 19 miles being studied as part of the Draft EIS/EIR with the following > 12 new stations station termini options: > Five new Park & Ride facilities Alternative E: Alameda Underground > Los Angeles Union Station (LAUS) Forecourt > Study area: 98 square miles > LAUS east of the Metropolitan Water District (MWD) > Population and employment densities are five times Alternative G: Downtown Transit Core Underground higher than LA County > At 8th St/Flower, with a pedestrian connection to 7th St/Metro Center Environmental Planning Process The WSAB Project's environmental process is well defined by $4 billion (B) (2015$) allocation of funding (comprised federal requirements stipulated in the National Environmental of Measure M and other local, state and federal sources). Policy Act (NEPA) and state environmental requirements Measure M funding becomes available in two cycles: stipulated in the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). > FY 2028 - $1B The flow chart below highlights the major milestones in the environmental study phase. > FY 2041 - $3B The current project cost is estimated to be $6.5-$6.6B (in Project Delivery and Coordination 2018$), contingent upon further project design, coordination The project is on schedule for environmental clearance and the with freight railroad and the Ports on ROW, and development of Draft EIS/EIR is expected to be released in December 2020. First/Last Mile plans and costs. The Metro Board is anticipated to select a Locally Preferred Measure M indicates that an early project delivery may be made Alternative in April 2021. possible with a P3 delivery method. A P3 with a comprehensive delivery approach is being pursued as part of a strategy for The WSAB Project involves a shared corridor of approximately accelerating a significantly increased project scope by 2028. ten miles of freight-owned Right-of-Way (ROW) that runs along board authorized study of additional northern alignments & the Wilmington and Lacommunity Habra Branches meetings (owned by Union Project Involvement Pacific Railroad, UPRR) andmarch the 2018San Pedro Subdivision (owned by the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach). Staff is actively Metro is committed to a comprehensive outreach program coordinating with UPRR and the Ports to obtain agreement on that provides project stakeholders with the necessary tools and design and ROW, which is needed to advance the project. resources to be educated and informed, and provide valuable input at key milestones. The Draft EIS/EIR is anticipated to be Funding circulated in December 2020 and will include public hearings in early 2021 and an official public comment period. Per Measure M and Metro’s Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) financial forecast, as amended, the project has a

Phases of Project Development

contact us Meghna Khanna, Project Manager Metro One Gateway Plaza, MS 99-22-7 Los Angeles, CA 90012 213.922.6262 [email protected] @metrowsab

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