WORLD WITHOUT WARS TABLE OF CONTENTS © Dr. Leo Rebello, 2009 Acknowledgement 5 Foreword 6 All rights are reserved. Introduction 9 Reproduction strictly with the prior consent of the compiler and publisher. 1.. How to Create a World Without Wars -- Charles Mercieca 12 Cover Designed by Actor Robin Leo Rebello 2.. To Save Planet, End Capitalism -- Bolivian President Evo Morales 22
[email protected] 3.. Why is Peace Elusive? -- Arun Gandhi 26 4.. The Earth is but One Country -- Brad Pokorny 33 Inside pages designed by Mr. Vishal Raghunath Gundaye 5.. Delete the Elite -- Joost van Steenis 40
[email protected] 6.. Economic Antidote to War -- Tom Mysiewicz 50 7.. Come September -- Arundhati Roy 59 8.. Globalization and Poverty -- Leo Rebello 70 9.. Rise Up Against the Empire – Hugo Chavez 75 10. War against Women and Children – Maggie Tuttle 80 11. Reinventing What is Possible -- Clinton Callahan 83 12. As The Arabs See The Jews -- King Abdullah 95 13. Manifesto for Democratic Revolt -- Sigfried Tischler 103 14. Steps to Creating a World without War -- T. Martina Coombs 117 15. War is not 'change we can believe in' -- John Dear 121 16. World Nuclear Disarmament -- Rafael de la Rubia 124 17. World Peace or Mass Destruction -- Horace Edward Henderson 131 18. The Constitution of United Diversity -- Triaka Smith 135 19. Spirit and Stardust -- Dennis Kucinich 137 20. Finding Inner Peace for Making Peace with the World -- Tatjana Volkova 141 21. Emergence of a Peaceful Humanity and Splendid Being -- Wolfgang Fischer 145 22. Achieving World Peace -- Peter Bentley 157 23. Global Vision of the Holy Land -- Sami Awad 162 24.