Sharyland Hidalgo County Boundary Rd E Palms Calahan Cameron T Dr Independent School District

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Sharyland Hidalgo County Boundary Rd E Palms Calahan Cameron T Dr Independent School District D V L B 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 S LN CHAPIN O RD LN PLANT 2993 RD ATION Z OAKS A DR KA CITY LIMITS Y THLEE INCORPORATED CITY LIMITS MILE R N AVE ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS IDE 8 NO R RTH SHARYLAND HIDALGO COUNTY BOUNDARY RD E PALMS CALAHAN CAMERON T DR INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT RD UNITED STATES SHAR YLOR MEXICO STATE & NATIONAL BOUNDARY S TEXAS N TA O UNION PACIFIC RR MIDDLE SCHOOLS WESTS RAILROADS L TWIN RD N 2220 A A 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 RD MILE 8 ROOTH ONE INCH APPROXIMATELY 0.48 MILES City Hall PLACES OF INTEREST HIGH SCHOOLS NORTH RD DR Monte Cristo Inn & Country Club GOLF COURSES RD TE RD RD 1725 Lincoln PARK & RECREATION AREAS OTHER SITES 9 MCALLEN 83 FREEWAYS & INTERCHANGES Park ADAMS SAND BL VD INTERNATIONAL BLVD ST 83 UNITED STATES HIGHWAYS McAllen INCORPORATED CITY RD 1-PELICAN RAPIDS BLVD BARNE TIQUISA SCHOOL BUS STOPS T Y Gate SCH ST 2-ROTHSAY ST UNIOR UNIVERSITY DR CAMBELL 107 STATE HIGHWAYS La Paloma COMMUNITY ST 3-BRECKENRIDGE ST RD CIR 4-BARNSVILLE ST Our Lady DEVA NOLANA LOOP Of Mercy SHAR 3461 FARM TO MARKETS CEMETERY 5-FERGUS FALLS AVE N YLOR DR Cemetery YBERRY N 6-ELIZABETH LN T TA MILE 7-ERHARD ALLEY NOLANA AVE STREETS AND ROADS McAllen SCHOOLS MA 7 1/2 HS YAN NOR N AR DR TH 2RD ACOSTA 3 1 4 Rev170504 BR 1 2 1 RD B 7 B ST 1 ST BOGAINVILLEA ST DR STEW 7 107 5 RD 66TH 6 ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS HIGH SCHOOLS 65TH 67TH ROOTH LN DEVAN RD 107 11 Pioneer High School . D5 Lloyd & Dolly Bentsen . U5 CHICO 107 RD 107 1 MAGNUM 11 2 1 GRIFFEN 3 4 PKWY 12 RD 3933 Sharyland High School . Q4 Canal 13 BENTSEN Olivero Garza Sr . G6 1 1-ANNIE OAKLEY 3 12 1110 9 8 2 ST 7 2-BANDIDO 71 6 1 INDIAN 3-CHISOLM MILE AVE CREEK WARE 5 7 NORTH Main AV 4-BADGER Rubén Hinojosa . W4 12 Sharyland Advanced Academic Academy . Q4 RD 5-BORDER 3 85TH HONDO LN AV ST 6-ARMADILLO DON N GUAD C ALUP C COLORADO E T AV 29TH 7-BOBCAT AVE S 8-COYOTE Jessie L . Jensen . .F4 MA MILE 4 SHARYLAND ISD FACILITIES LAGA 7 NORT Edinburg FUER LN H TE 9-DIAMONDBACK ST BRAZ RD BRAN AV OS ST RD) 16713 AVE T 10-EAGLE A 32ND GLASSCOCK SPRA GUE FRIO S AV LN 11-CITRUS VALLEY DR 1 AV Romulo D . Martinez . .S5 13 Administration Building . R4 TH ZURICH ELM 3 12-BLUEBONNET LN 5 CREE LN 87TH AVE K ST 13-SUNDOWNER RD N AVE RD 29TH 29TH (ROO John H . Shary . P3 14 FRIO AV 6 Ag Farm (Pioneer High School) . D5 21ST Future ST SPRA 30TH GUE ST Elementary DENT AV ELM CREE ON ST K ST C AV School BRAZO REE DENT Harry Shimotsu . X2 15 Ag Farm (Sharyland High School) . R5 LN K RD AV ON 31ST CRE ST 7 38TH EK ST AV COLO LN RADO 27TH N T LN STR AV T EET 30TH S D CT S S 16 Bus Barn & Warehouse . R1 The Gardens Donna Wernecke . J6 LOMITA 29TH 28TH 8 V HBRA A 26TH ZOS 17 S 25TH T O 4 LA Z RO 2 AV RD R YO D D LOS A A R AV 17 Cafeteria (Pioneer High School) . D5 H RD B 23RD 494 ZURIC T C ESCONDIDO H 11 5 A ZURI MIDDLE/JR. HIGH SCHOOLS V 2 ST LONG PADRES Buchanan CH ORIA AV LN LA N Sharyland YORK ST T LOMITA MHP AV YORK 18 Cafeteria (Sharyland High School) . Q4 27TH RD LN Pioneer High School RD ROGERS AV LN T 14 ST 9 Shary North JHS . K6 YA YALE S RD LE STREET GONZAL EZ LN AV 24TH L AV 19 24TH S Rattler Stadium . R4 23RD ST 28TH SHARY AVI SIMS LN AVE 27TH LN X ER ST B .L . Gray JHS . .Y2 MILE 27TH 26TH LN 6 NORT 1-LINCOLN AV RD 10 26TH H N ST FRED ARE STEWART DY 2-TRUMAN AV PONDEROSA DR RD) GONZALE W RD 3-STEVENSON AV LAS PALMAS WARE DEL Z DR NORT H Canal A E DR GOLF COURSES YAN Even Start Adult Ed . R9 B .L . Gray Junior High School . R4 YBERRY ELLIS DR ST Cimarron Country Club . .U3 Fire Station #6 . Y8 Bonham Elementary School . V8 ST BR 1 ST ST MA HILDRETH Palm View Golf Course . V7 Hidalgo Head Start McAllen III Center . W7 Brown Middle School . .U6 Magnolia (ROOT 29TH POLK FE Tuscany ZAPAT LN AVE MILE 6 Adobe Wells Country Club . .O6 NO PALMAS Library . J9 Bryan Elementary School . .Q1 Pointe COCK RTH 2 Village OLN AV AV E CLINCOLN RD DR MARTZ LN E PARKS McAllen Foreign Trade Zone . Z7 Cantu Elementary School . J3 TR N S PORT UMAN TRUMAN I CI AV L LN MADISON ALDE R ST ST LAS RUTGERS Airport Park . .U9 McAllen ISD Administration Building . P10 Castaneda Elementary School . M8 3 RD LAFFER AV ANTONIO KA KANT E SANTA AV TY LN RIC NT NIL A LN U VE UNI UV LN E AV Banworth Park . .Q4 McAllen ISD Administration Office . .Q1 De Leon Middle School . L9 L DR GLASS RD JUAREZ SUNBOW LN 31ST KANTU ROOSE STEVENSON QUEENS DR VEL Birdwell Park . .O2 McAllen-Miller International Airport . V10 Donna Wernecke Elementary School . J6 LN NORT LN NIL ROCK T AV AV AV DR SAN 33RD ARANSA PALM MADISON ST PALENQUE PROVID Escandon Park . .U8 Mission Hospital . T1 Garza Elementary School . J9 HERMISIL JU Indian N Canal 34TH ENCE AREZ JAMES HWESTERN AV DR 33RD AV LO N 32ND AVE DR T N PRINCET Eureka Park . .Q7 Mission Nursing Home . T1 Harry Shimotsu Elementary School . X2 Harbor AV ROOS NO ON E N O AV DR V ARANSAS ELT AV N YLOR DE TSE RT OZ Garza Park . K9 C Palmview Community Center & Hendricks Elementary School . K8 LA GARZA A AYM JA OXFORD ARK I U A 29TH G C S ST KSO HGATE ST AV N N NNE TA T D X R KINGSBOR ST Idela Park . X7 Branch Library . .U7 Houston Elementary School . Y7 A ALTON CITY LIMITS LA O Villareal RD E C P 2220 LOYOLA O BEN INT D N U CIR BL B VD LIMITS LN NORT OXFORD Josefa Garcia Memorial Park . F2 Parks & Recreation Department . R1 Jessie Jensen Elementary School . .G4 M Estates H ST G A RIO E HWESTERN RM RD I OS 32ND R ILLO McALLEN LN A 32N H E VER V CITY ST Las Palmas Park . P9 Plantation Grove Sports Complex . X4 John H . Shary Elementary School . P3 OUGH ST H AV E 31ST DE LN H A AV N AD MAHAL A H O T SEN AR T R N D ING E E D D CIR H N A 28TH Municipal Park . P10 H Police Department . P10 Jose de Escandon Elementary School . .U8 BLUE AV M P AZA ST 28T L LN E O AVE AV 27T NOTRE E MAHALA MAHALA LN NORT 26T DAME HGATE N LN R AV N Palm City Park . V9 V ST AV Shary Mansion . K4 Lincoln Middle School . P9 30T LN N RD RD) LN ST FILMORE AV 29T DR N F A Main LN ST PUE DR DORA ST RTO LN NOPA3/4L LN KI NORT Park . F2 Sharyland Plantation Grove McAllen High School . .O10 VALLART DIAMONDH NG DURANG A AVE ST (5 SBOR OUGH HGATE EAD (5 1/2 36TH AVE LN O FILMORE MILE N RD) KILGORE Retama Park . .Q9 Medical Center . Y3 McAuliffe Elementary School . .N8 F KILGORE F PLAZA Park AV 36TH AV DR 9100 LNAVE South Side Park . Y8 Sharyland Water Supply Company . .G5 Navarro Elementary School . .Q10 COMBES ST AV JEFFERSON CALLE LINDA 32ND ST Suarez Park . S8 Edinburg South Texas College . .Q8 Nikki Rowe High School . .O7 COMPECHE RD AVE ST H LN H ST INDIAN MITS N Thompson Park . T10 South Texas College Techical Center . Z7 Olivero Garza Sr . Elementary School . .G6 ST S HI ALTON OAXACA PALM LL AVE NOGALES Pop 12,341 CI K & K T INCARNA TY LI Westside Park . S7 Southwest Industrial District . Z6 Romulo D . Martinez Elementary School . S5 YBERRY R COMBES ASS LIMIT N 35TH LN 33RD QUERETARO E N 34T N 34T 1-GRAYSON LN TE WOR CI EAGLE AV DALLAS P N 33RD LN PLACES OF INTEREST Stadium . P10 Roosevelt Elementary School . X8 DR LN D Josefa Garcia N MA 29TH 2-N 24TH LN 1926 DR NIX LA ON ST 4 PAZ LN AV Stewart Village SC . P2 Ruben Hinojosa Elementary School . W4 676 MILE CITY Border Patrol . Z7 CALLE VARADO AVE LN 700 5 3-N 24TH ST NORTH Mem. Park N CALLE N SONNY NAUTILU 2220 Boys & Girls Club . S8 Terminal . V10 Sanchez Elementary School . .G9 AL 4-N 23RD LN (MAIN RD VE DE MEXICO DR McKINLEY S AV AVE) DR AV A ST ADAMS 1900 ORIA Sanchez RD) BUENAVISTA Texas Department Of Human Services . R6 Seguin Elementary School . .O9 ST STINA DR City Hall . K4 ALTON CITY LIMITS McALLE AL 5 RD 1 BETH / BLUBONN LN 2 AV MONR McALLEN ES MILE 2200 OE T-Mobile Ampitheater . Y4 Shary North Junior High School . K6 676 LINDA AV Clubhouse . .U3 GRA N BENTSEN GRAMBLING YSON RD 8500 OAXACA VICT MICHAEL' AV 3000 Clubhouse . V7 Valley Botanical Gardens . R6 Sharyland Advanced Academic Academy .Q4 MONTEMORELOS ST 1 JO CHRI S FAIRMONT N McAL AV 2 3300 LEN ST CART CITY RD WAXAHCHE Westside Softball Complex .
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