BEVERLY YACHT CLUB 99 Water Street P.O. Box 181 Marion, MA 02738-0181 Phone: (508) 748-0540 Fax: (508) 748-0771 www.beverlyyachtclub.org

FINAL 3.31.17

March 31, 2017

Dear BYC Racers,

Beverly Yacht Club welcomes you to the 2017 racing season. We’re looking forward to building on the active and successful racing program that was established 145 years ago.

Last year, the Race Committee directed more than 250 races from late spring to early fall. For 2017, we’ve added more racing with a Tuesday Twilight series for the Bullseye and H-12 fleets.

Online registration will now be allowed up to the first signal of the first race of each series. Special Races have registration deadlines that are listed on the club calendar, BYC Racing Calendar and in this guide.

We sponsor racing five days a week, and while we have superb on the water race direction with Paul Hyde, we depend on you to assist us to manage every race. Assistance with race management has been a requirement at BYC for many years and is a great way to meet racers in different fleets. BYC has a spirit of volunteerism and race management assistance is a great way to contribute to our club. Under the direction of Terry Watson, our Race Officer Captain, we will assign every racing captain at least one date when they are required to assist with race management on the Race Committee boat. Your assigned dates will not conflict with your primary racing dates, and your spouse or any adult BYC member may serve for you. Please see section 3.1 in this Racing Guide for requirements.

Please become familiar with the changes to The Racing Rules of 2017-2020. New for 2017, US Sailing is offering an app to access the new rulebook. Finally, please review our Racing Safety Plan and the U.S. SAILING Safety Equipment Requirements (USSER).

Thanks for participating and helping to make the 2017 racing season a successful and enjoyable one!

Mark Verville Race Committee Chair 617.901.8301 (cell) [email protected]

2017 Racing Guide Table of Contents


BYC Safety and Decision to Race 1

BYC 2017 Race Committee, Fleet Representatives, Protest Committee and Safety Committee 2

NOTICE OF RACES 1. Organizing Authority 3 2. Governing Rules 3 3. Eligibility and Entry 3 4. Inspection 4 5. Scoring 4 6. Protest Hearings 6 7. Prizes 7 8. Social Events 10

EVENT DESCRIPTIONS Tuesday Evening Women's Keelboat Racing Program 11 Tuesday Twilight Series 12 Wednesday Twilight Series 13 Thursday Ladies’ Series 14 Thursday Twilight Series 15 Saturday Series 16 Sunday Series 17 Sunday Fall Series 18 Racer-Cruiser Weekend Race 19 One Design Pursuit / Handicap Regatta 20 Parker Converse Tower Race 21 Herreshoff Pursuit / Handicap Regatta 22 Thayer Francis Moonlight Race 23 Van Rensselaer Memorial Trophy Race Day 24 Sou’wester Regatta 25 Singlehanded Championship 26 Championship of Champions 27 Hurricane Cup 29 Buzzards Bay Regatta 30 Beverly Yacht Club Junior Regatta 30 H Class Championship 30 US SAILING and Southern Mass Sailing Championships 30

Appendix A: Approximate Location of BYC Racing Marks 31

Appendix B: Racer-Cruiser Event Registration Form 32

BYC Safety and Decision to Race

The Beverly Yacht Club’s goal is to run safe and fair races for participants.

It is the responsibility of the race committee and Race Officer to adhere to the recommended safety protocols as reasonably as possible to ensure the highest degree of fairness and safety in all races.

Sailing and racing involve inherent risks. Because the club cannot mitigate all risks we call your attention to a fundamental rule of sailing in Part 1 of the Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS).

Rule 4 -- Decision to Race: The responsibility for a boat’s decision to participate in a race or to continue racing is hers alone.

We ask that all participants respect the decisions of designated Race Officers and club officials, especially when these decisions are made with safety in mind. Judgment calls are part of racing and running races, and while participants will not always agree with some of the decisions, we ask that you remember that our race committee and other officials are volunteers. Volunteers and participants alike should be treated courteously and respectfully. This does not abridge any rights that are part of the RRS.

As part of our Racing Safety Plan, all racing are required to monitor VHF Channel 72 and shall notify the RC if they retire from racing. All captains should be familiar with the BYC Safety Plan which is posted on the Race page of the BYC website.


BYC 2017 Race Committee

Mark Verville, Chair

Mary Levenson, Registrar and Scorer Terry Watson, Race Officer Captain Jed Hoffer, Special Races Stephen Dahill, Special Races Graham Quinn, Special Races Bob Shorter, General Manager, Ex Officio

Fleet Representatives to the Race Committee

Ed Tiffany and Kathy Reed Bullseye Deborah Elfers and Susan Vogler H-12 Jed Hoffer J/22 Joe Mozzone J/24 Niko Kotsatos J/80 Mark Lindquist J/105 Chris Collings Laser Jon Pope PHRF Cruising Mark Lindquist PHRF Racing Bill Berry Shields Nanna Buckley Women’s Keelboat Racing Program Phyllis Partridge Southern Mass Sailing Representative

BYC 2017 Protest Committee

Susan Mead, co-Chair Kym Lee, co-Chair

BYC Safety Committee

Deborah Elfers, Chair



1 ORGANIZING AUTHORITY The Organizing Authority for the races described in this Racing Guide is the Beverly Yacht Club. 2 GOVERNING RULES All BYC races described in this Racing Guide will be governed by the current Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS) with US SAILING Prescriptions, including sections A and B of Appendix T, except as changed by this Racing Guide or the BYC Sailing Instructions. All competitors are reminded of the importance of compliance with RRS 67(c) in any BYC racing event. RRS rule 61.1(a)(2) will be changed as follows: 61.1(a)(2) is deleted for the Bullseye and H-12 Classes.

H-Class Rule 87 - water Ballast and Weight Limit, the wording “and a crew shall be not less than two persons.” will be deleted.

This Guide and the Racing Calendar is the Notice of Race required by the RRS. Please note that this Guide, the Racing Calendar and the Sailing Instructions are posted on the Race page of the BYC website.

Changes to the Sailing Instructions will be posted on the Race Notice Board at BYC. Changes to the Sailing Instructions may also be posted on the Race Committee boat in which case they will also be announced by the Race Committee on VHF channel 72.

The Racing Rules of Sailing are provided by US SAILING to all US SAILING members. The BYC Racing Guide is available on the Race page of the BYC website. One waterproof copy of the Sailing Instructions is available for each enrolled racing sailboat. Additional copies of the waterproof Sailing Instructions are available for purchase at the BYC Office. 3 ELIGIBILITY AND ENTRY BYC and non-BYC sailboats are eligible to participate in any event or series. Consult the race event description pages in this Guide to determine special eligibility requirements and entry requirements for a series or an individual race.

H Class Rule 87, by Law II, Purpose 1 - will be changed to allow the Cape Cod Shipbuilding version of the H-12 to participate in the BYC Series and Special races.

Register online on the Race page of the BYC website. Non-BYC sailboats will pay an entry fee at the time of registration. Registration for each monthly Summer Series must be completed online before the first signal of the first race of the series.

Registration for Special Races must be completed online and by 1800 on July 5 for the Moonlight Race and the Herreshoff Pursuit/Handicap Regatta, 1800 on July 12 for the Tower Race, 1800 on July 26 for the Van Rensselaer Race, 1800 on August 23 for the Sou’wester Race, and 1800 on September 20 for the Hurricane Cup.

Please note that the race event during Racer-Cruiser Weekend requires paper registration. Please see Appendix B for the registration form.

A boat may not participate if it has not registered for a series or special race event by the registration deadline.

3.1 RACE OFFICER ASSISTANCE REQUIREMENT Each sailboat participating in any part of a racing series or the entire racing series is required to assist at least once with race management. The Race Committee will assign each participating boat a date to

3 provide a Race Officer Assistant to the on-the-water race committee. Assignments will not be made for races in which a boat is registered to race. A boat can meet its assistance requirement through its boat captain, his or her spouse or any adult BYC member. A race disqualification will be issued for failure to provide Race Officer Assistance on the assigned date. Race Officer Assistance is an eligibility requirement, and a race disqualification cannot be appealed to or modified by the Protest Committee.

3.2 HANDICAP SAILBOATS For 2017, Beverly Yacht Club will use the PHRF rating system and Time on Time (TOT) scoring for Series races. PHRF Time on Distance (TOD) scoring will be used for pursuit races, except for the Van Rensselaer Race, which will use the Van Rensselaer Rating Committee ratings. Every sailboat participating in PHRF races must have a current, valid PHRE NE rating certificate. New or renewal certificates can be acquired from PHRF New England – www.phrfne.org.

For PHRF events, RRS 52 is amended as provided for under RRS 86.1(c) as follows: Competitors are permitted to use electrically-powered for running rigging while racing.

Competitors in PHRF races are required to remove anchors from their bow pulpits while racing.

Most events offer Racing (Spinnaker) and Cruising (Non-Spinnaker) classes. The Race Committee may, at its discretion, divide or consolidate entries into divisions based on the number of entries.

3.3 ONE-DESIGN SAILBOATS One-design sailboats which comply with their respective class rules are eligible to race in one-design class races.

4 INSPECTION Sailboats competing are subject to inspection and/or measurement by the Club Measurer, Marion Fleet Handicapper, Race Committee Chair, or Race Officer at any time. A boat will be excluded from racing for failure to meet safety requirements or failure to comply with its racing handicap certificate or its one- design class rules. Based on its assessment of a sailboat’s safety under anticipated race weather conditions, the Race Committee, at its sole discretion, may allow or not allow a sailboat to participate in a race or series. The Race Committee will notify a sailboat of a safety exclusion on or before the day of the race.

5 SCORING The scoring system set out in Appendix A of the Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS) shall be used except as amended by this section.

5.1 RACE SCORING 5.1.1 Races to be Scored A race shall be scored (1) if it is not abandoned; and (2) if at least three boats start; and (3) if one boat sails the course in compliance with RRS 28.1 and finishes within the time limit, if any, even if she retires after finishing or is disqualified. This changes RRS 90.3(a). A race is completed if and only if it is scored.

5.1.2 Race Scores Each boat starting and finishing in a race and not thereafter retiring or being disqualified shall be scored points equal to its finish place, i.e.


Finishing place Points First 1 Second 2 Third 3 Fourth 4 Each place thereafter Add 1 point

Other boats in the race and series shall be recorded and scored according to the following table.

Abbrev. Circumstance Points DNC Did not start; did not come to the starting area Number of series participants +1 DNS Did not start (other than DNC or OCS) Number of race participants +1 Did not start; on the course side of the starting Number of race participants +1 OCS line and failed to comply with RRS 29.1 or 30.1 ZPF 20% penalty under rule 30.2 (Z-flag penalty) See RRS rule 30.2 and 44.3 BFD Black flag disqualification under RRS rule 30.3 Number of race participants +1 DNF Did not finish Number of race participants +1 RAF Retired after finishing Number of race participants +1 DSQ Disqualification Number of race participants +2 DNE Disqualification not excludable Number of race participants +2 RDG Redress given Determined only by Protest Committee By prior approval of the Fleet Captain when the Average of points for all races in the series BYE boat owner participates in a district or national except those excluded or scored DNC or championship event. DNS. Counts as a race for qualification.

A boat is counted as a race participant only if she starts.

A boat is counted as a series participant only if she starts in at least one race in that series.

Race Officer Assistance is an eligibility requirement. A disqualification for failure to serve as a Race Officer Assistant on the date assigned by the Race Committee is not excludable and cannot be appealed to or modified by the Protest Committee. .

5.2 SERIES SCORING 5.2.1 Number of Races and Series Scores The number of races per day is in the series descriptions. If fewer than 50% of the scheduled races in a series are completed, the completed races and the series shall be abandoned, and no series prizes will be awarded.

Each boat’s series score shall be the total of her race scores excluding her worst scores for the number of excluded races shown in the table below. However, when she is scored DNE, that score shall count and her next-worse score shall be excluded. If a boat has two or more equal worst scores, the score for the race(s) sailed earliest in the series shall be excluded.

The boat with the lowest series score wins. The next lowest score gets second and so forth.


Number of races completed in Number of races needed to qualify Number of excluded races the series for the series 1 1 0 2 2 0 3 2 0 4 3 1 5 4 1 6 4 2 7 5 2 8 6 2 9 6 3 10 7 3 11 8 3 12 8 4 13 9 4 14 10 4 15 10 5 16 11 5 17 12 5 18 12 6 19 13 6 20 14 6 21 14 7 Each Race Thereafter 2/3 of number of races sailed Number of races sailed minus rounded up to next integer number of races needed to qualify

5.2.2 Series Ties If there is a series score tie between two or more boats, Appendix A8 in the RRS shall govern.

6 PROTEST HEARINGS In accordance with RRS 63.2, the Protest Committee schedules hearings for protests each Sunday evening beginning May 28, 2017 at 1700. Special meetings may be called at the discretion of the Protest Committee, and the hearings schedule may be adjusted based on racing schedule changes or conflicts. Except for deliberations of the Protest Committee, hearings are open to everyone except witnesses.

6.1 Summer Series Races - Hearings At its scheduled Sunday evening meeting, the Protest Committee will hear protests properly filed for Summer Series races conducted during the most recent week, beginning Sunday and through Saturday. (For example, the Hearing Date for Summer Series races conducted from Sunday, May 21 through Saturday, May 27 will be Sunday, May 28, 2017 at 1700.)


6.2 Special Races – Hearings The Protest Committee will hear protests properly filed for Special Races as follows:

Herreshoff Pursuit/Handicap Regatta – Hearing Date: 7/9/17 Moonlight Race – Hearing Date: 7/9/17 Tower Race – Hearing Date: 7/16/17 Van Rensselaer – Hearing Date: 7/30/17 Sou’wester Race – Hearing Date: 8/27/17 Singlehanded Championship - Hearing Date: 9/10/17 Hurricane Cup – Hearing Date: 9/24/17


7.1 SERIES PRIZES Prizes shall be awarded for each series as follows:

1st prize Minimum of 3 boats qualifying 2nd prize Minimum of 4 boats qualifying 3rd prize Minimum of 7 boats qualifying 4th prize Minimum of 12 boats qualifying

SPECIAL PRIZES The following special prizes shall also be awarded:

7.1.1 S. Wiley Wakeman Memorial Trophy The S. Wiley Wakeman Memorial Trophy is awarded to the winner of the Shields race at the Sou’wester Regatta.

7.1.2 Tiffany Bucket The Tiffany Bucket is awarded to the Shields with the fastest sailing time from Marion to Edgartown for the Edgartown Regatta. The time is measured from Centerboard Shoals off Bird Island to N8 off the Edgartown lighthouse.

7.1.3 Burgess Allison Edwards Memorial Trophy The Burgess Allison Edwards Memorial Trophy is awarded to the skipper with the best overall score in the Shields Championship (Saturday) Series, having qualified in all the series sailed each year.

7.1.4 Sherburne Memorial Bowl The Sherburne Memorial Bowl was given to the Beverly Yacht Club by Kathy Saltonstall and Sis Morse. The award was reinstated in 1977 at the kind invitation of Kathy Saltonstall and is competed for annually. A trophy is awarded to the BYC skipper in each fleet, H-12 and Bullseye. The skippers must have qualified in the July and August Thursday Ladies’ Series and have the best combined score in the July and August Thursday Ladies’ Series. Scoring for the Sherburne Memorial Bowl July and August series will use the same method used to determine any series winners as described in Section 6.

7.1.5 Beverly Cup - Series The Beverly Cup is awarded to the sailboat with the best overall (average) score in any regular one-design series. In addition, the winner must qualify in the series. The scores to be used in computing the averages are the same as those used to determine the series winners. In case two or more sailboats have the same average score, the sailboat racing in the actively racing larger fleet wins.


7.1.6 Beverly Cup - Season The Beverly Cup is awarded to the sailboat with the best overall (average) score in all combined regular one-design series. In addition, the winner must qualify in each series. The scores to be used in computing the averages are the same as those used to determine the series winners. In case two or more sailboats have the same average score, the sailboat racing in the actively racing larger fleet wins.

7.1.7 Laura Bartlett Moore Bowl The Laura Bartlett Moore Bowl is awarded by a committee of three, chaired by the H-12 Fleet Representative, to the Ladies’ H-12 crew member and club member who typifies Laurie’s qualities of seamanship, sportsmanship, helpfulness and good humor, in light air or a full gale.

7.1.8 Nelson Gifford Cup The Nelson Gifford Cup is awarded to the sailboat that wins the Nelson Gifford race held during the Beverly Yacht Club annual cruise.

7.1.9 Nora Cudahy Trophy The Nora Cudahy Trophy is awarded to the skipper with the best combined score in the June, July, and August Ladies’ H-12 Series.

7.1.10 Sportsmanship Trophy The Sportsmanship trophy is awarded to the person or persons who, in the opinion of the Race Committee Chairperson, best exemplify the tradition of sportsmanship at the Beverly Yacht Club.

7.1.11 William G. Saltonstall Trophy The William G. Saltonstall Trophy is given by his daughter, Joey, other members of the family, and many good friends in recognition of Bill’s love for sailing, his joy in doing it with his family, and his contributions to racing at the Beverly Yacht Club, where he contributed with enthusiasm and pleasure in his H-12 or yawl, Arbella, for more than 50 years! This trophy is awarded to Beverly Yacht Club’s Champion of Champions.

7.1.12 Visitor’s Trophy The United States Finn Association presented this Visitor’s Trophy to the Beverly Yacht Club. It is awarded each year to the club member who, in the opinion of the Commodore, does the most to advance national and international sailing competition.

7.1.13 Dr. John H. Memorial Trophy This trophy is given in memory of Dr. John H. Cunningham by his immediate family. In the past, it has been given to 110s, Tempests, and Shields. Since 1976 the trophy has been awarded to the Laser fleet. This year it will be awarded to the winner of the Laser Spring Series.

7.1.14 The Peggy Dyer Trophy The Peggy Dyer Trophy was created by the Bullseye Fleet in 2001 and given by the Dyer family. It is awarded to a senior member of the Beverly Yacht Club family who reflects Peggy’s dedication to the club, love of sailing, and zest for life. In consultation with Bullseye Fleet members and Captain, past recipients and the Dyer family, the Race Chair will name the consensus candidate.


7.1.15 Mark S. Tirrell Memorial Trophy The Mark S. Tirrell Trophy is awarded to the Shields with the best combined score in all the Twilight Series, which Mark loved so well. The winner must qualify in all the Twilight Series sailed each year and have the low point total score for 80% of the races sailed in the series.

Qualification Requirements for the Mark S. Tirrell Memorial Trophy Number of races in combined series Number of races to be scored 5 4 6 5 7 5 8 6 9 7 10 8 11 9 12 10 13 10 14 11 15 12

7.1.16 Van Rensselaer Memorial Trophy The Van Rensselaer Memorial Trophy was first awarded in 1896, in memory of George Griswold Van Rensselaer. The Van Rensselaer Trophy is awarded to the winner of a pursuit race with staggered starts for one-design and handicap fleets.

7.1.17 Thacher Family Trophy The Thacher Family Trophy is awarded to the first Shields crossing the finish line in the Van Rensselaer Memorial Trophy Race.

7.1.18 Goodwin Thacher Trophy The Goodwin-Thacher Trophy is awarded to the winner in a race for Bullseyes on Van Rensselaer Day.

7.1.19 Mary C. B. Cumming Memorial Trophy The Mary C. B. Cumming Memorial Trophy is awarded to the winner in a race for H-12s on Van Rensselaer Day.

7.1.20 Buzzards Bay PHRF Trophy (awarded by Buzzards Bay Trophy Executive Committee in 2017) The Buzzards Bay PHRF Trophy is awarded to any Buzzards Bay PHRF rating system sailboat which has the best combined score in four of the following six races: Mattapoisett Spring Round the Bay Race, NBYC Whalers Race. BYC Parker Converse Tower Race, Buzzards Yacht Club PHRF Race, QYC Round the Bay Race, BYC Hurricane Cup.

A boat must race in at least four of the six races to be eligible for the prize and must have a valid rating certificate for each race in which it competes. Each boat’s race score shall be her finish position score divided by the number of boats in her division. Each boat’s series score shall be the total of her four lowest race scores. The lowest total points wins. Boats may choose to sail in either cruising division or racing division for each race they enter. The lowest aggregate score will be used. A perpetual trophy will be awarded along with the Buzzards Bay Trophy. The perpetual trophy will be adorned with the burgee of each participating club.


7.1.21 North Star Award The North Star Award is named in honor of Peggs Francis and Joey Dubois for their countless hours of service to the Beverly Yacht Club and in particular to the Ladies’ H-12 Fleet. Their many years of dedication and commitment have instilled a tradition of selfless mentoring and keen competition among the fleet. With their boundless enthusiasm and quiet competence on the water and on land, they have been our NORTH STAR.

Upon recommendation of the Ladies' H-12 fleet, this award will be presented to a BYC woman who has demonstrated Peggs's and Joey's commitment to helping advance women sailors, either through mentoring or personal achievement in the sport of sailing - while never losing sight of the special joy and beauty of sailing on Buzzards Bay.

7.1.22 BYC PHRF Twilight Series Championship The BYC PHRF Twilight Series Championship trophy is awarded to the sailboat with the best overall (average) score in all combined regular Wednesday Twilight Series races. In addition, the winner must qualify in each series. The scores to be used in computing the averages are the same as those used to determine the series winners.

7.1.23 John M. Buckley Memorial Trophy The award given by his family to memorialize our former Fleet Captain and Past Commodore, John M. Buckley and in recognition of his love of sailing, J/24 Fleet 16, and the Beverly Yacht Club. The trophy is awarded to the J/24 with the best combined score in the Thursday Twilight Series. The winner must qualify in all the Thursday Series sailed each year and have the low point total score for the races sailed in the series.

8 SOCIAL EVENTS Competitors, including non-BYC members, are encouraged to get together informally at BYC before and/or after racing on race days when the Club is open. Food and beverage service is available according to the BYC calendar.

All competitors are encouraged to attend our annual awards ceremony, Cups & Flags. This is a great time to recap the summer racing season with fellow racers and their families and to celebrate racing successes.

Please remember that no food or beverages may be brought from the outside for consumption at BYC. Food and beverages are not to be consumed on BYC launches.


Tuesday Evening Women’s Keelboat Racing Program

General Races for women in J/24s are held on Tuesday evenings throughout the season. The purpose of the program is to encourage the participation of all-woman crews in learning how to race performance keelboats.


Eligibility Races are scheduled for women in J/24s. Participants may be either BYC members or guests, provided they have registered for the program and have paid a participation fee for borrowed-boat insurance and damage deposit. The fee is to be paid by each and every participant, including owners and owners' representatives.

Start and Number of Races The first warning signal will be at 1800 in the outer harbor. Multiple races are scheduled each Tuesday evening.

Courses Either around-the-buoys or Olympic-type courses will be used. Distances will vary with the weather, the available light, and the judgment of the race committee.

Prizes The intent of the program is to encourage learning and building of racing experience on the water. Accordingly, daily prizes will not be awarded during the program. A Woman's Keelboat Regatta will be held for program participants at the end of the regular program.


Tuesday Twilight Series

General Races for the Bullseye and H-12 classes are held Tuesday evenings throughout the season in accordance with the BYC Racing Calendar. Up to three series are held: June, July, and August. One race is scheduled for each class.


Eligibility Races are scheduled for Bullseye and H-12 classes. Eligibility and registration requirements are specified in Section 3 of this Racing Guide. Please note that online registration and Race Officer Assistance are required

Entry Deadline Online registration must be completed by 1800 on the day a series begins.

Start and Number of Races The first warning signal will be at 1800 in the outer harbor. One race will be held each evening for each class.

Courses Windward/leeward courses will be used. Distances will vary with the weather, the requests of the classes, and the judgment of the race committee.

Prizes Daily prizes will be awarded after racing. Series and special prizes will be awarded at Cups & Flags.


Wednesday Twilight Series

General Races for PHRF classes are held each Wednesday evening throughout the season in accordance with the BYC Racing Calendar. Up to three series are held: June, July and August.

Eligibility Eligibility and registration requirements are specified in Section 3 of this Racing Guide. Please note that online registration and Race Officer Assistance are required.

Classes: There will be a PHRF Racing (Spinnaker) Class and a PHRF Cruising (Non-Spinnaker) class. A boat may not change its class during a series.

Class flags for the PHRF classes will be numeral pennants, “1” for Spinnaker class and “2” for Cruising class. The appropriate pennant shall be flown from the stern of each sailboat from the warning signal until the sailboat finishes.

Class assignments will be determined and posted on the REGATTA NETWORK system and linked at the Race page on the BYC website before the start of the first race in each series.

Entry Deadline Online registration must be completed by 1800 on the day a series begins.

Start and Number of Races The first warning signal will be at 1800 in the vicinity of Sippican Harbor Lighted Red Buoy "2" (Fl R) at Centerboard Shoal (BYC mark “G”). One race will be held each evening for each class.

Courses Generally, the Racing Class will have windward/leeward courses. Generally, the Cruising Class will have triangular courses with short weather legs. Distances will vary with the weather, the available light, and the judgment of the race committee. See the Race Management Quick Reference Guide for preferred courses and distances, at the BYC race page.

Prizes Daily prizes will be awarded after racing. Series and special prizes will be awarded at Cups & Flags.


Thursday Ladies’ Series

General Races for women in the Bullseye and H-12 classes are held on Thursday afternoons throughout the season in accordance with the BYC Racing Calendar. This includes the Cape Cod Shipbuilding version of the H- 12.


Eligibility Races are scheduled for women in the Bullseye and H-12 classes.

Eligibility and registration requirements are specified in Section 3 of this Racing Guide. Please note that online registration and Race Officer Assistance are required. In addition, the skipper shall have reached her 18th birthday by the end of the calendar year of the current racing season. The crew must be female and may be of any age. The number of crew is not limited.

Any skipper in the series race may also race as the skipper in the crew race that same day. However, her finish in the crew race will not be scored. It is the responsibility of that skipper, after her finish, to inform the on-the-water race committee that her score should not be registered.

Entry Deadline Online registration must be completed by 1400 on the day a series begins.

Start and Number of Races The first warning signal will be at 1400 in the outer harbor. One series race is held each afternoon for each class. A second non-series and non-scored crew race is also held for each class. The on-the-water race committee may, at its sole discretion, run a third, non-series and non-scored race with spinnakers optional.

Courses Either around-the-buoys or Olympic-type courses will be used. Distances will vary with the weather, the requests of classes, and the judgment of the race committee.

Prizes Daily prizes will be awarded after racing. Series and special prizes will be awarded at Cups & Flags.


Thursday Twilight Series

General Races for the J/22, J/24, J/80 and Shields classes are held each Thursday evening throughout the season in accordance with the BYC Racing Calendar.

SPINNAKERS ARE PERMITTED unless the class decides to race without spinnakers and notifies the race committee prior to the first warning signal.

Eligibility Eligibility and registration requirements are specified in Section 3 of this Racing Guide. Please note that online registration and Race Officer Assistance are required.

Entry Deadline Online registration must be completed by 1800 on the day a series begins.

Start and Number of Races The first warning signal will be at 1800 in the outer harbor. Two races are scheduled each evening for each class.

Courses Windward/leeward courses will be used. Distances will vary with the weather, the available light, and the judgment of the race committee. Please consult the Sailing Instructions for typical courses and an alternate finishing configuration.

Prizes Daily prizes will be awarded after racing. Series and special prizes will be awarded at Cups & Flags.


Saturday Series

General Races for the Shields and J/24 classes are held Saturday afternoons throughout the season in accordance with the BYC Racing Calendar.

SPINNAKERS ARE PERMITTED. Shields class racers may use either the experimental or regular spinnaker per class rules.

Eligibility Eligibility and registration requirements are specified in Section 3 of this Racing Guide. Please note that online registration and Race Officer Assistance are required.

Entry Deadline Online registration must be completed by 1400 on the day a series begins.

Start and Number of Races The first warning signal will be at 1400 in the outer harbor. Two races are scheduled each afternoon for each class.

Courses Windward/leeward courses will be used. Distances will vary with the weather, the requests of the classes, and the judgment of the race committee.

Prizes Daily prizes will be awarded after racing. Series and special prizes will be awarded at Cups & Flags.


Sunday Series

General Races for the Bullseye and H-12 classes are held Sunday afternoons throughout the season in accordance with the BYC Racing Calendar.


Eligibility Eligibility and registration requirements are specified in Section 3 of this Racing Guide. Please note that online registration and Race Officer Assistance are required.

Entry Deadline Online registration must be completed by 1400 on the day a series begins.

Start and Number of Races The first warning signal will be at 1400 in the outer harbor. Two races are scheduled each afternoon for each class. The on-the-water race committee may, at its sole discretion, run a third, non-series and non- scored race with spinnakers optional.

Courses Windward/leeward courses will be used. Distances will vary with the weather, the requests of the classes, and the judgment of the race committee.

Prizes Daily prizes will be awarded after racing. Series and special prizes will be awarded at Cups & Flags.


Sunday Fall Series

General Races for the Laser, Bullseye and H-12 classes are held on Sunday mornings in the fall in accordance with the BYC calendar.

Eligibility Races are scheduled for the Laser, Bullseye, and H-12 classes. Eligibility requirements are specified in Section 3 of this Racing Guide.

Race Management and Scoring BYC supports fall racing with the use of small powerboats, marks, and club facilities for storage and launching. Race management and scoring will be the responsibility of individual fleets.

Start and Number of Races The first warning signal is scheduled for 1000 but may be changed at the discretion of the race committee. Approximately five races are held each day for the Laser class and approximately four races for the Bullseye and H-12 classes.

Courses Courses will be at the discretion of the race committee.


Racer-Cruiser Weekend Race

General The annual Racer-Cruiser Weekend Race will be held as listed in the BYC Racing Calendar. This event offers point-to-point racing and performance cruising to PHRF fleet members in a low-key, social atmosphere. This race is a pursuit race leading to an overnight cruising destination and festivities.

Information regarding the weekend’s destination, format, schedule and activities will be distributed at least three weeks prior to the event.


Eligibility BYC and Marion PHRF fleet member sailboats sailing under their PHRF-NE Cruising rating are eligible. Sailboats without a PHRF rating will be assigned an unofficial rating for participation in this race. A special rating may be assigned by the Racer-Cruiser Committee, including age-related handicap bonuses of: +3 seconds/mile if the skipper is 65 or older +3 seconds/mile if the helmsman is 17 or younger

There is only one (non-spinnaker) division.

All boats shall submit an entry form, which can be found in Appendix C of this Guide. All sailboats must comply with eligibility requirements. (See the BYC Racing Rules.)

Entry Deadline Entry forms and a valid PHRF rating certificate or a request for a rating must be received at the BYC Office by 1700 on the Thursday before the race. There is no entry fee.

Start The first warning signal will be at 1100 in the vicinity of Sippican Harbor Lighted Red Buoy "2" (Fl R) at Centerboard Shoal (BYC mark “G”).

The race will be started in accordance with RRS 26 with subsequent starts being made in accordance with the flags and times prescribed on the scratch .

Finish Finishing sailboats are required to take their own finishing time, when the finishing buoy is 90 degrees abeam on the sailboat’s starboard side and within 25 meters. Each sailboat shall report its finishing time to the race committee as soon as possible.

Courses A description of courses, starting times, and a list of sailboats entered will be available at the BYC clubhouse at 0800 on the day of the race. The selected course will be posted on the course board of the race committee boat prior to the warning signal.

Prizes Winners will be recognized at the evening festivities following the race.


One Design Pursuit/Handicap Regatta

General The One Design Pursuit/Handicap Regatta is a regatta held to promote camaraderie amongst the BYC’s mid-sized One Design fleets. The Regatta is designed to include boats such as, but not limited to, , Shields, , Ensign, J/70, J/80, J/22, and J/24. The Regatta will consist of two races, the first of which is a pursuit race while the second is a standard handicapped system race.

SPINNAKERS ARE PERMITTED GPS IS NOT PERMITTED FOR RACE NAVIGATION (only permitted to sync timepieces for starts)

Eligibility Open to One Design keelboats with an overall length typically between 19’ and 30’, a displacement of less than 4,650 pounds, and no inboard engine. The event is open to BYC member and non-member registered One Designs.

Entry Deadline and Handicapping (This event is not scheduled for 2017)

Online registration must be completed by 1800 on the Wednesday prior to the event. All ratings for both races will be based on the PHRF NE One Design’s Class official, unofficial, or provisional base ratings, as determined by the Race Officer.

Schedule The Regatta will be held as scheduled in the BYC Racing Calendar. Scratch sheets will be made available at 0900 at the BYC bar on the day of the event. They will include each class’s race #1 start time (based on GPS time). There may be a brief skippers’ meeting at 1000 on the day of the event. Notice of the meeting will be posted by 1600 on the day before the event at the Beverly Yacht Club.

Start The first warning signal will be at 1200 in the vicinity of BYC buoy “A”, “G”, and “E”. Race #1 will be started in accordance with RRS 26 with subsequent starts being made in accordance with the times prescribed on the provided scratch sheets. Race #2 will be started in accordance with RRS 26.

Courses The courses will be windward/leeward type courses, typically 4 to 8 miles in distance, may be described on the scratch sheet and will be displayed on the Race Committee boat.

Prizes Prizes will be awarded to the top three finishing sailboats in the event after racing.


Parker Converse Tower Race

General The annual Parker Converse Tower Race will be held in accordance the BYC Racing Calendar. The first warning signal for the race will be at 1230 on the date scheduled for the race.

Eligibility This PHRF race is for single-hull sailboats. Eligibility requirements are specified in Section 3 of this Racing Guide. Please note that online registration is now required.

All boats shall have proper offshore equipment which meets the US SAILING Safety Equipment Requirements for a Coastal Race. All boats shall have a current, valid PHRF certificate.

A crew list, including name, emergency contact name and telephone number is required and included as part of the registration process.

Classes: There will be Racing (Spinnaker) and Cruising (Non-Spinnaker) classes. There is a minimum registration requirement of five sailboats for each racing class.

Entry Deadline Online registration must be completed by 1800 on the Wednesday before the day of the race.

Start and Finish The start will be in the vicinity of Sippican Harbor Lighted Red Buoy "2" (Fl R) at Centerboard Shoal (BYC mark “G”). The finish will be at Sippican Harbor Lighted Red Buoy “2” (Fl R) at Centerboard Shoal (BYC mark “G”). The navigator of the finishing boat shall record her finishing time (GPS time) when close abeam of Sippican Harbor Lighted Red Buoy "2" (Fl R) at Centerboard Shoal (BYC mark “G”). This time shall be recorded on the Race Bulletin Board at BYC not later than 0930 on the day after the race starts.

The first warning signal will be at 1430.

Course A sailboat can choose to sail the Tower Race course in either direction: (1) A sailboat must first pass through Quick's Hole; round Lighted Gong G31 (Gay Head a/k/a Devils Bridge), leaving G31 to starboard; and then round Buzzards Bay Tower, leaving the Tower, Cuttyhunk, and Penikese Island to starboard,


(2) A sailboat must sail the course in reverse by first rounding Buzzards Bay Tower, leaving Cuttyhunk, Penikese Island, and the Tower to port; then round Lighted Gong G31 (Gay Head a/k/a Devils Bridge), leaving G31 to port; and then pass through Quick's Hole.

Post Race Dessert and coffee will be served at BYC after the finish.

Prizes Prizes will be awarded at Cups & Flags.


Herreshoff Pursuit/Handicap Regatta

General The Herreshoff Pursuit/Handicap Regatta is a two race series that takes place on a single day, the first of which is a pursuit race and the second will be a standard handicap system race. The regatta is to include the BE and H-12.5. This regatta is held to enable these boats to compete together and encourage camaraderie between the fleets.

SPINNAKERS ARE PERMITTED GPS IS NOT PERMITTED FOR RACE NAVIGATION (only permitted to sync timepieces for starts)

Eligibility The event is open to BYC member and non-member BE and H-12’s. This includes the Cape Cod Shipbuilding version of the H-12.

Entry Deadline and Handicapping Online registration must be completed by 1800 on the Wednesday prior to the event. All ratings for both races will be based on the PHRF One Design’s Class official, unofficial, or provisional base ratings as determined by the Race Officer.

Schedule The Regatta will be held as scheduled in the BYC Racing Calendar. Scratch sheets will be made available by 0900 on the BYC website on the day of the event. They will include each class’s start time for race #1 (based on GPS time). There may be a brief skippers’ meeting at 1000 on the day of the event. Notice of the meeting will be posted by 1600 on the day before the event at the Beverly Yacht Club.

Start The first warning signal will be at 1200 in the vicinity of BYC buoy “A”, “G”, and “E”. Race #1 will be started in accordance with RRS 26 with subsequent starts being made in accordance with the times prescribed on the provided scratch sheets. Race #2 will be started in accordance with RRS 26.

Course The courses are windward/leeward type, typically between 3 and 6 miles in distance, may be described on the scratch sheet and will be displayed on the Race Committee boat.

Prizes Prizes will be awarded to the top three finishing sailboats (skipper and crew) in the event after racing.


Thayer Francis Moonlight Race

General The annual Thayer Francis Moonlight Race will be held in accordance with the BYC Racing Calendar.

SPINNAKERS ARE PERMITTED. Single-handed sailing is NOT permitted.

Eligibility Races are scheduled for H-12s and Bullseyes. Eligibility requirements are specified in Section 3 of this Racing Guide and in the Special Rules section below. If any other one-design class wishes to participate, the Fleet Representative should contact the Race Committee in advance.

Entry Deadline Online registration must be completed by 1800 on the Tuesday before the day of the race. There is a minimum registration requirement of five sailboats for each racing class.

Special Rules All sailboats shall have aboard, in addition to their regular safety equipment and all equipment required by the US SAILING Safety Equipment Requirements for Near Shore Racing:

Two flashlights Compass A paddle or oar Anchor Flares VHF Radio tuned to Channel 72

Participating boats may be inspected by the race committee for compliance with safety equipment requirements.

Start The first warning signal will be at 1930 in the vicinity of Sippican Harbor Lighted Red Buoy "8" (Fl R) in the harbor entrance.

Courses Around-the-buoys courses will be used. Distances will vary with the weather and the judgment of the race committee.

Finish The finish will be between Sippican Harbor Lighted Red Buoy "8" (Fl R) and Nye's Wharf. Any sailboat not finishing shall notify the on-the-water race committee as soon as possible on VHF Channel 72.

Time Limit The time limit for this race is 2 ½ hours.

Prizes Prizes will be awarded at Cups & Flags.


Van Rensselaer Memorial Trophy Race Day

General The Van Rensselaer Trophy Race Day is held annually and is scheduled in accordance with the BYC Racing Calendar. A pursuit race and special races for small one-design sailboats (Bullseyes and H-12s) are held.


Eligibility The pursuit race (the Van Rensselaer Trophy Race) is open to all single-hull sailboats. A current, valid PHRF certificate is required for all PHRF sailboats. Yachts with other rating certificates may apply to the club measurer for an unofficial rating. A yacht or class fleet with a provisional certificate or unofficial rating must submit to the Race Committee a request in writing for permission to participate in the Pursuit Race. A preliminary list of accepted One Design Class PHRF NE Base Ratings exists for: Shields, J/22’s, J/24’s, J/70’s, and J/80’s. The Race Committee, at its sole discretion, may allow or not allow a yacht/class with a provisional certificate or unofficial rating to participate in the race. All yachts are subject to a rating variation determined by the Van Rensselaer Rating Committee.

Bullseyes and H-12s are eligible for the one-design races.

Entry Deadline Online registration must be completed by 1800 on the Wednesday before the day of the race. There is a minimum registration requirement of five sailboats for each racing class.

Scratch sheets and starting times will be available at 0900 at BYC and on the BYC website on day of the race.

Start The start will be in the vicinity of Sippican Harbor Lighted Red Buoy "2" (Fl R) at Centerboard Shoal (BYC mark “G”). Starting times for PHRF and SHIELDS sailboats will commence at 1200.

The Van Rensselaer Trophy Race will be started in accordance with RRS 26 with subsequent starts being made in accordance with the times prescribed on the scratch sheet and with an audible alert.

The first warning signal for small one-design sailboats (Bullseyes and H-12s) will be at 1330. Races will be started using RRS 26.

Courses The courses for all races may be described on the scratch sheet and will be displayed on the committee boat.

Prizes The Van Rensselaer Trophy is awarded to the winner of the pursuit race. The Thacher Family Trophy is awarded to the first SHIELDS crossing the finish line in the Van Rensselaer Memorial Trophy Race. The Goodwin-Thacher Trophy is awarded to the winner in a race for Bullseyes on Van Rensselaer Day. The Mary C. B. Cumming Memorial Trophy is awarded to the winner in a race for H-12s on Van Rensselaer Day. Prizes and special awards will be awarded at Cups & Flags.


Sou'wester Regatta

General The annual Sou'wester Regatta will be held in accordance with the BYC Racing Calendar. The Regatta includes a pursuit race and special races for small, one-design sailboats (Bullseyes and H-12s).


Eligibility The Sou’wester Regatta pursuit race is open to all single-hull sailboats. A current, valid PHRF certificate is required for all PHRF sailboats. Yachts with other rating certificates may apply to the club measurer for an unofficial rating. A yacht or class fleet with a provisional certificate or unofficial rating must submit to the Race Committee a request in writing for permission to participate in the Pursuit Race. A preliminary list of accepted One Design Class PHRF NE Base Ratings exists for: Shields, J/22’s, J/24’s, J/70’s, and J/80’s. The Race Committee, at its sole discretion, may allow or not allow a yacht/class with a provisional certificate or unofficial rating to participate in the race.

Bullseyes and H-12s are eligible for the one-design races.

Entry Deadline Online registration must be completed by 1800 on the Wednesday before the day of the race. There is a minimum registration requirement of five sailboats for each racing class.

Scratch sheets and starting times will be available by 0900 on the BYC website on the day of the race.

Start The start will be in the vicinity of Sippican Harbor Lighted Red Buoy "2" (Fl R) at Centerboard Shoal (BYC mark “G”). Starting times for PHRF sailboats will commence at 1200. The pursuit race will be started in accordance with RRS 26 with subsequent starts being made in accordance with the times prescribed on the scratch sheets and with an audible alert.

The first warning signal for one-design boats (Bullseyes, and H-12s) will be at 1330. Races will be started using RRS 26.

Courses The courses will be as described on the scratch sheet or displayed on the committee boat.

Prizes Prizes will be awarded after the races.


Singlehanded Championship

General The Singlehanded Championship will be held in accordance with the BYC Racing Calendar.


Eligibility Races are scheduled for H-12s and Bullseyes.

Entry Deadline Online registration must be completed by 1800 on the Friday 2 WEEKS BEFORE the day of the race. There is a minimum registration requirement of five sailboats for each racing class.

Competitors Meeting The Race Officer of the event will conduct a competitors meeting at 0800 on the day of the race.

Start The first warning signal will be at 1000 in the vicinity of BYC Mark C.

Races will be started using RRS 26.

Courses The courses will be described at the competitors meeting and displayed on the committee boat.

Prizes Prizes will be awarded after the races.


Championship of Champions

General The Beverly Yacht Club Championship of Champions will be held in accordance with the BYC Racing Calendar. The Race Committee will select the one-design class to be used for this event. The winner of the series shall be declared the BYC Champion of Champions and awarded the William G. Saltonstall Trophy.

Separate, special Sailing Instructions may be provided for this event.


Eligibility Eligible fleets are PHRF Racing and Cruising, Shields, J/80, J/24, J/22, Bullseye Thursday, Bullseye Sunday, H-12 Thursday, H-12 Sunday and Laser. In the event the first place finisher is not available to attend the regatta, the next place finisher shall be selected, and so on.

Each champion must select his or her crew from among those who regularly race in the fleet represented. The skipper (fleet champion) and crew shall be BYC members.

PHRF The PHRF fleet may send two representatives to the BYC Championship of Champions race – one from the Spinnaker (Racing) Division(s) and one from the Non-spinnaker (Cruising) Division(s).

Shields The representative from the Shields fleet shall be the skipper who has the lowest total score in his/her 10 best races from the June and July Wednesday and Saturday Shields series.

J/80s The representative of the J/80 fleet shall be the skipper with the best combined score in the following races: One Design Pursuit/Handicap Regatta, all of the June and July Saturday races, the Van Renssalaer Trophy Race, and Buzzards Bay Regatta. Van Renssalaer and BBR results shall be calculated using only the finishes of boats in the local J/80 fleet.

J/24s The representative of the J/24 fleet shall be the skipper with the best combined score in the June, July and August Thursday Twilight Series. Any races after August 20 will not be counted.

J/22s The representative of the J/22 fleet shall be the skipper with the best combined score in the June, July and August Thursday Twilight Series. Any races after August 20 will not be counted.

Bullseye and H-12 Thursday The representatives of the Bullseye and H-12 Thursday Ladies’ Series shall be the skipper in each fleet with the best combined score in the skipper races in the June, July and August series. Any races after August 20th will not be counted.

Bullseye and H-12 Sunday The representatives of the Bullseye and H-12 Sunday Series shall be the skipper in each fleet with the best combined score in the June, July and August series. Any races after August 20th will not be counted.


Lasers The representative of the Laser fleet shall be the skipper with the lowest total score in the Sunday Spring Series.

Entry Deadline (This event is not scheduled for 2017)

Fleet Captains shall notify the Race Committee Chairperson of their fleets’ intent to participate and identify their champions by August 1st.

Competitors Meeting The Race Officer of the event will conduct a competitors meeting at 0800 hours on the day of the race. At that time, the format will be described and competitors will draw for boats. Boats will be equipped for racing, but competitors should provide their own life jackets, flags, and hand bearing compasses. No competitor may race in his/her own boat unless competitors are required to rotate boats.

Start The first warning signal will be at 0900 in an area appropriate for the boats in the prevailing conditions. Races will be started using RRS 26.

Courses Either around-the-buoys or Olympic-type courses will be used.

Prizes The William G. Saltonstall Trophy is presented to the winner at Cups & Flags.


Hurricane Cup

General The annual Hurricane Cup race will be held according to the BYC Racing Calendar. This is a PHRF pursuit race.

Races for SHIELDS and small one-design sailboats (Bullseyes and H-12s) will also be held on the day of the Hurricane Cup.


Eligibility The Hurricane Cup pursuit race is open to sailboats in the PHRF Racing (Spinnaker) and Cruising (Non- Spinnaker) classes. Eligibility requirements are specified in Section 3 of this Racing Guide. Please note that online registration is required.

SHIELDS and Bullseyes and H-12s are eligible for the one-design races.

Entry Deadline Online registration must be completed by 1800 on the Wednesday before the day of the race. There is a minimum registration requirement of five sailboats for each racing class.

Scratch sheets and starting times will be available by 0900 on the BYC website on the day of the race.

Start The start will be in the vicinity of Sippican Harbor Lighted Red Buoy "2" (Fl R) at Centerboard Shoal (BYC mark “G”). Starting times for the pursuit race will commence at 1200. The Hurricane Cup pursuit race will be started in accordance with RRS 26 with subsequent starts being made in accordance with the times prescribed on the scratch sheet and with an audible alert.

The first warning signal for the SHIELDS and small one-design sailboats (Bullseyes and H-12s) will be at 1330. Races will be started using RRS 26.

Courses The courses will be as described on the scratch sheet or displayed on the committee boat.

Prizes Prizes will be awarded after the races.


Buzzards Bay Regatta This three-day regatta is held annually in August and is hosted in even-numbered years by BYC. In odd- numbered years, it is hosted by the New Bedford Yacht Club in Padanaram. Races are held for a variety of one-design and PHRF boats and will be scheduled in accordance with the BYC Racing Calendar.

For further information: www.buzzardsbayregatta.com.

Beverly Yacht Club Junior Regatta This two-day regatta for Juniors is held annually at BYC and is scheduled in accordance with the BYC Racing Calendar. This regatta is sponsored by the BYC Junior Sailing Committee. The Notice of Race can be found at www.beverlysailboatclub.org.

H Class Championship

The H Class Championship carries on the tradition of Beverly’s Cummings Cup race, which was held each year beginning in 1928. Twelve footers from all across Buzzards Bay were eligible to participate. Today, H-12s at Beverly are still awarded the Cummings Cup prize – it is given to the winning H-12 in the Van Rensselaer Race.

After the advent of the H Class, a two-day Championship regatta was formed, beginning in 1973. Beverly, Buzzards and Quissett Yacht Clubs were alternating host Clubs, joined later by Edgartown and Shelter Island. Today, these five Clubs host the H Class Championship once every five years.

Beverly will host the H Class Championship again in 2020. Details, including NOR, SI, and registration, can be found on the H Class website at: www.herreshoff12.org

US SAILING and Southern Mass Sailing Championships General Each year, Southern Mass Sailing (www.southernmasssailing.com) conducts a series of regattas which serve as quarter-final eliminations in the United States Sailing Association’s National Championships. Winners go on to semi-finals at the New England level (NEYRC) which, in turn, sends winners to the National Championships.

Participation The BYC encourages members, both juniors and adults, to enter these challenging and exciting regattas. BYC provides entry fees and damage deposits and usually hosts at least one such regatta annually. Actual selection of participants can be determined up until the date of the scheduled event. Where appropriate, qualification races may be held by the Race Committee or Junior Sailing Committee to help in the selection of BYC participants. Contact the Race Committee Chairperson or the Junior Sailing Chairperson if you are interested in sailing in one of these regattas.

For more information on the US SAILING Championships, contact the United States Sailing Association at 15 Maritime Drive, P.O. Box 1260, Portsmouth, RI 02871, telephone (401) 683-0800 or the web site: www.ussailing.org.


Appendix A

Approximate Location of BYC Racing Marks for 2017

Mark locations are specified in degrees, minutes, and hundredths of minutes. Mark locations are approximate and are used to generate the headings and distances between marks for the purpose of setting race courses. This information is NOT to be used for navigation – buoys move.

Mark Description Latitude Longitude "3" Sippican Harbor Lighted Green Buoy “3” (Fl G) N41 40.50 W70 44.40 "5" Sippican Harbor Green Can “5” N41 40.83 W70 44.39 "A" BYC Buoy West of Butler Point N41 40.433 W70 43.521 "B" Sippican Harbor Red Nun “6” N41 41.61 W70 45.00 "C" BYC Buoy West of Planting Island N41 41.377 W70 44.521 "D" BYC Buoy NNE of Seal Rocks N41 41.123 W70 44.733 "E" BYC Buoy off Converse Point N41 40.168 W70 44.454 "F" BYC Buoy off Bird Island N41 39.916 W70 43.026 "G" Sippican Harbor Lighted Red Buoy “2” (Fl R), Centerboard Shoal N41 39.70 W70 43.60 "H" BYC Buoy (Bow Bells) approximately 1.25 NM south of Converse Point N41 39.204 W70 44.401 "I" Mattapoisett Harbor Approach Red Buoy “2” N41 38.19 W70 45.65 "K" West Island Red Bell “2SE” N41 34.10 W70 48.80 "L" Weepecket Rock Lighted Red Gong “8” (Fl R) N41 31.82 W70 43.43 "M" Bird Island Green Bell Buoy “3” N41 40.00 W70 42.37 “N” Bird Island Green Gong Buoy “1” N41 39.00 W70 42.80 "Q" Hog Island Channel Lighted Green Buoy “1” (Qk Fl G) N41 40.93 W70 40.77 "R" Cleveland Ledge Channel Lighted Green Gong “7” (Fl G) N41 39.12 W70 41.45 "S" Cleveland Ledge Channel Lighted Green Buoy “3” (Qk Fl G) N41 37.33 W70 42.12 BYC Buoy approximately .8 NM east of Angelica Pt Red Buoy “2” (mark "T" N41 38.108 W70 44.553 I) "X" BYC Buoy NNE of Pease’s Point N41 39.310 W70 45.136 "Y" BYC Buoy off Planting Island N41 41.084 W70 44.105 "Z" Buzzards Bay Lighted Red Gong “10” (Fl R) 4 miles NW of Woods Hole N41 34.61 W70 43.25

Please Note: The marks put out by BYC have been placed as accurately as possible at the locations specified. However, they may move somewhat after storms.


Racer Cruiser Registration Form Saturday June 17, 2017

Boat Name ______Sail # ______Sailboat Owner ______Hull Color ______Skipper ______Rig ______PHRF-NE ______Beam ______Rating Cruise______

If No PHRF Rating

Manufacturer ______Year Built ______Prop Fixed or Feathered ______Draft ______Displacement ______Type of ______LOA ______

Owner’s age if over 65 ______Helmsman’s age if under 18___

All Racers must tow a dinghy.

Please send registration form to: [email protected] or mail to BYC Office. Registration must be received by BYC not later than 1700 on Thursday, June 15, 2017.

If you have any questions, or for handicap rating information, please contact: Sam Vineyard, vineyard235@gmail.