Innovation, Magic, You

Yanki Margalit Oct 2012 Magic is Happening “Any sufficiently advanced is indistinguishable from magic” - ACC

Yanki Margalit Oct 2012 You and I are doing it

“Technology empowers the individual” Recent Magic to admire 64 years 71 years 58 years Time Mag - Ray Kurzweil -Singularity “Man Becomes Immortal*”

“* If you believe humans and machines will become one. Welcome to the Singularity movement”

Time Magazine 2011 Where is BIG Brother? “Technology empowers the individual. How surprising! Over 7 Billion people but everyone has a face” We ain’t seen nothing yet

Computing & Synthetic biology & Genomics Brain research Nano-tech & materials Sustainable and clean Energy Robotics Space exploration Social connectivity What if

I could have a supercomputer at home for a few thousand $?

I could have my own DNA lab?

I could sequence my own genome?

I could print my own shoes or gun?

I could generate my own home electricity?

I could build my own lunar spaceship robot?

I could start my own revolution?

I could print my own money? Welcome the DIY Movement

Products & to empower us to generate the next magic DIY Supercomputer & Robotics

What  Raspberry Pi - a US$35 PC unit built in array to create a Lego contained supercomputer Who  Simon Cox and his 6 year old son Implication  Super computers are becoming children’s toys; Robots getting smarter

 Raspberry Pi

Arduino  DIY Synthetic biology

What  International Genetically Engineered Machine (iGEM) Who  iGem, DIYBio, Genspace Implication  Life is never the same again; Biology meets Computing at home DIY 3D printing

What  3D desktop printers Who  Makerbot, Formlabs, Object Implication  Everything changes; Information is everything; 3rd Industrial revolution

 Form 1 on Kickstarter

RepRap  DIY Solar energy

What  Build your solar power Who  Everywhere Implication  Clean energy; free energy; DIY energy DIY DNA SNP test

What  Map your DNA Who  23andMe Implication  Know better than your Doctor; Connect to your heritage DIY High education

What  Learn! Who  Kahn Academy, Coursera Implication  Democratization of knowledge DIY Revolution DIY Nano satellite

What  Landing an Israeli spaceship on the moon Who  Space IL Implication  Inspiration, education and development of a private Space industry in DYI money

What  P2P digital currency Who  BitCoin Implication  Democratization of money; Separation of money & identity DIY Funding

What  Social funding platform Who  KickStarter Implication  Democratization of venture capital Should we be concerned?

Hacked DNA

Hacked money Evil terrorist virus Criminals in the darkness Printed guns

Robots taking our jobs but This fall I am planting… Next? Artificial Intelligence Colonies on Mars Autonomous Cars

Mind Reading

Our Connectome Lettuce Bots Encode – Understanding our code Thank you magicians