Local Plan Background Paper
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LOCAL PLAN BACKGROUND PAPER Information to support the Submission Draft Reading Borough Local Plan March 2018 Reading Borough Local Plan Local Plan Background Paper March 2018 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION 7 2. KEY FACTS ABOUT READING 8 2.1 General 8 2.2 Living in Reading 8 2.3 Working in Reading 12 2.4 Environment in Reading 13 2.5 Development in Reading 15 2.6 Getting about in Reading 17 2.7 Key messages 17 3. PROCEDURAL BACKGROUND 19 3.1 Introduction 19 3.2 How the Local Plan has been developed 19 3.3 Compliance with the Local Development Scheme 24 3.4 Compliance with the Statement of Community Involvement 25 3.5 Sustainability Appraisal of the Local Plan 28 3.6 Soundness and legal compliance 31 3.7 Compliance with Regional Spatial Strategy 37 3.8 Internal consistency 38 3.9 Flexibility to deal with changing circumstances 44 3.10 Replacement of development plan policies 52 4. BACKGROUND TO SPECIFIC POLICIES 57 4.1 Presumption in favour of sustainable development (CC1) 57 4.2 Sustainable design and construction (CC2) 58 4.3 Adaptation to climate change (CC3) 59 4.4 Decentralised energy (CC4) 61 4.5 Waste minimisation and storage (CC5) 62 4.6 Accessibility and the intensity of development (CC6) 63 4.7 Design and the public realm (CC7) 64 4.8 Safeguarding amenity (CC8) 64 4.9 Securing infrastructure (CC9) 65 4.10 Protection and enhancement of the historic environment (EN1) 68 4.11 Areas of archaeological significance (EN2) 68 4.12 Enhancement of conservation areas (EN3) 68 4.13 Locally important heritage assets (EN4) 68 4.14 Protection of significant views with heritage interest (EN5) 68 4.15 New development in a historic context (EN6) 68 4.16 Local green space and public open space (EN7) 68 4.17 Undesignated open space (EN8) 68 4.18 Provision of open space (EN9) 70 4.19 Access to open space (EN10) 72 4.20 Waterspaces (EN11) 73 4.21 Biodiversity and the green network (EN12) 74 4.22 Major landscape features and Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty 78 (EN13) 4.23 Trees, hedges and woodland (EN14) 83 4.24 Air quality (EN15) 84 4.25 Pollution and water resources (EN16) 88 4.26 Noise-generating equipment (EN17) 92 4.27 Flooding and drainage (EN18) 93 4.28 Provision of employment (EM1) 95 4.29 Location of new employment development (EM2) 98 4.30 Loss of employment land (EM3) 100 4.31 Maintaining a variety of premises (EM4) 101 Reading Borough Local Plan Local Plan Background Paper March 2018 2 4.32 Provision of housing (H1) 102 4.33 Density and mix (H2) 106 4.34 Affordable housing (H3) 112 4.35 Build to rent schemes (H4) 114 4.36 Standards for new housing (H5) 119 4.37 Accommodation for vulnerable people (H6) 130 4.38 Protecting the existing housing stock (H7) 131 4.39 Residential conversions (H8) 132 4.40 House extensions and ancillary accommodation (H9) 133 4.41 Private and communal outdoor space (H10) 134 4.42 Development of private residential gardens (H11) 136 4.43 Student accommodation (H12) 138 4.44 Provision for gypsies and travellers (H13) 142 4.45 Suburban renewal and regeneration (H14) 144 4.46 Achieving the transport strategy (TR1) 145 4.47 Major transport projects (TR2) 146 4.48 Access, traffic and highway-related matters (TR3) 149 4.49 Cycle routes and facilities (TR4) 150 4.50 Car and cycle parking and electric vehicle charging (TR5) 151 4.51 Network and hierarchy of centres (RL1) 153 4.52 Scale and location of retail, leisure and culture development (RL2) 156 4.53 Vitality and viability of smaller centres (RL3) 159 4.54 Betting shops and payday loan companies (RL4) 162 4.55 Impact of main town centre uses (RL5) 163 4.56 Protection of leisure facilities and public houses (RL6) 164 4.57 New and existing community facilities (OU1) 166 4.58 Hazardous installations (OU2) 169 4.59 Telecommunications development (OU3) 171 4.60 Advertisements (OU4) 172 4.61 Shopfronts and cash machines (OU5) 173 4.62 Definition of Central Reading (CR1) 173 4.63 Design in Central Reading (CR2) 174 4.64 Public realm in Central Reading (CR3) 176 4.65 Leisure, culture and tourism in Central Reading (CR4) 177 4.66 Drinking establishments in Central Reading (CR5) 179 4.67 Living in Central Reading (CR6) 181 4.68 Primary frontages in Central Reading (CR7) 183 4.69 Small shop units in Central Reading (CR8) 185 4.70 Terraced housing in Central Reading (CR9) 186 4.71 Tall buildings (CR10) 187 4.72 Station/River Major Opportunity Area (CR11) 188 4.73 West Side Major Opportunity Area (CR12) 193 4.74 East Side Major Opportunity Area (CR13) 196 4.75 Other sites for development in Central Reading (CR14) 198 4.76 The Reading Abbey Quarter (CR15) 203 4.77 Areas to the north of Friar Street and east of Station Road (CR16) 205 4.78 Island Road Major Opportunity Area (SR1) 206 4.79 Land north of Manor Farm Road Major Opportunity Area (SR2) 208 4.80 South of Elgar Road Major Opportunity Area (SR3) 209 4.81 Other sites for development in South Reading (SR4) 209 4.82 Leisure and recreation use of the Kennetside areas (SR5) 212 4.83 Dee Park (WR1) 213 4.84 Park Land Primary School, The Laurels and Downing Road (WR2) 214 4.85 Other sites for development in West Reading and Tilehurst (WR3) 215 4.86 Potential traveller transit site at Cow Lane (WR4) 222 4.87 Sites for development in Caversham and Emmer Green (CA1) 225 4.88 Caversham Park (CA2) 227 Reading Borough Local Plan Local Plan Background Paper March 2018 3 4.89 Sites for development in East Reading (ER1) 229 4.90 Whiteknights Campus, University of Reading (ER2) 233 4.91 Royal Berkshire Hospital (ER3) 236 APPENDIX 1: LIST OF SUBMISSION EVIDENCE DOCUMENTS 238 APPENDIX 2: GREEN NETWORK PROJECT 2009 WITH UPDATES 240 APPENDIX 3: AFFORDABLE HOUSING APPEAL STATEMENT JANUARY 2018 257 APPENDIX 4: NEW DRAFT LONDON PLAN POLICY H13 (NOVEMBER 2017) 299 APPENDIX 5: SOUTHWARK LOCAL PLAN PREFERRED OPTIONS JUNE 2017 AMENDED 303 POLICY DM4 - PRIVATE RENTED HOMES APPENDIX 6: LONDON BOROUGH OF WALTHAM FOREST, DRAFT AFFORDABLE 307 HOUSING AND VIABILITY SUPPLEMENTARY PLANNING DOCUMENT (OCT 2017) – SECTION 9 APPENDIX 7: SEQUENTIAL AND IMPACT TEST FOR RETAIL SITES OUTSIDE THE 311 PRIMARY SHOPPING AREA APPENDIX 8: INTERNAL CONSISTENCY MATRIX OF POLICIES AND PROPOSALS 317 Reading Borough Local Plan Local Plan Background Paper March 2018 4 LIST OF FIGURES AND TABLES 2.1 Key demographic characteristics of Reading 9 2.2 Rank of Index of Multiple Deprivation, 2015 10 2.3 Average house prices in Reading Borough, 2007-2017 11 2.4 In-commuting and out-commuting for Reading Borough 13 2.5 Open space and flood risk in Reading 15 2.6 Net completions in Reading, 2007-2017 16 3.1 Process for translating needs into provision 23 3.2 Progress against milestones in the LDS 24 3.3 Compliance with the SCI principles 26 3.4 National policy compliance summary 34 3.5 Flexibility in relation to proposed changes in the NPPF consultation 45 3.6 Replacement of existing development plan policies 52 4.1 Hierarchy and typology of open spaces of recreational value, and provision 71 standards for Reading 4.2 UK Biodiversity Action Plan habitat in Reading 77 4.3 Topography of Reading 79 4.4 Tree cover in Reading 80 4.5 Full extent of identified landscape features before accounting for built form 81 4.6 Air Quality Management Area in Reading, 2009 85 4.7 Potentially contaminated land in Reading 89 4.8 Noise-related complaints in 2017 90 4.9 General quality assessment of watercourses in Reading 91 4.10 Employment need under all scenarios from EDNA 96 4.11 Identified employment need in Reading 97 4.12 Identified housing market areas from the SHMA 103 4.13 Household size by number of bedrooms in Reading at 2011 108 4.14 Size of homes needed in Western Berkshire HMA 2013-2036 108 4.15 Size of homes needed in Reading 2013-2036 109 4.16 New build dwellings permitted by size and type 2012-2017 109 4.17 Compliance of a sample of non-central Reading schemes against the 121 nationally described space standards 4.18 Review of carbon offsetting approaches in London 125 4.19 Worked example of carbon offset contribution at Weldale Street 126 4.20 Estimated unmet need for wheelchair user households 2013 127 4.21 Estimated need arising for wheelchair households 2013-2036 128 4.22 Estimated total need for wheelchair homes 128 4.23 Testing options for requirements for wheelchair accessible and adaptable 128 homes 4.24 Completions on garden land 136 4.25 Net change in bedspaces in purpose-built student accommodation 140 4.26 Services and facilities available in defined centres 154 4.27 Retail floorspace needs in Reading Borough 156 4.28 Sensitivity of town centre retail allocations to different assumptions 158 4.29 Proportions of A1 and A5 in key frontages 160 4.30 Location of betting shops and payday loan companies 162 4.31 Location of COMAH sites in Reading 170 4.32 Cumulative impact policy area 179 4.33 Dwellings in Abbey ward 181 4.34 Size of household spaces at 2011 182 4.35 Proportions of key frontage in town centre use classes on selected town 184 centre streets 4.36 Extent of Reading Abbey 204 4.37 Wider site and proposed site at Cow Lane 223 4.38 Summary map of Whiteknights campus 234 A4.1 Planning permissions for retail 311 Reading Borough Local Plan Local Plan Background Paper March 2018 5 A4.2 Retail losses in Local Plan 312 A4.3 Capacity of sequentially preferable sites 313 Reading Borough Local Plan Local Plan Background Paper March 2018 6 1.