Item Application No. 8 Week Date Proposal, Location and No. and Parish Applicant (3) 15/02065/FUL 28th September 2015 Change of use of vacant former Burghfield agricultural site to use for the installation and operation of a 20MW gas fuelled capacity mechanism embedded generation plant to support the National Grid. Thereafter, upon cessation, the restoration of the land back to agricultural use. Compound rear of James Farm, James Lane, Grazeley Green GF Energy Ltd The application can be viewed on the Council’s website at the following link: Recommendation Summary: To DELEGATE to the Head of Planning and Countryside to GRANT PLANNING PERMISSION subject to conditions Ward Members: Councillor Carol Jackson-Doerge Councillor Ian Morrin Reason for Committee Determination: Level of objection Committee Site Visit: 13th January 2016 Contact Officer Details Name: Bob Dray Job Title: Senior Planning Officer Tel No: 01635 519111 Email:
[email protected] West Berkshire Council Eastern Area Planning Committee 20th January 2016 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 This application seeks planning permission for the change of use of a vacant former agricultural site to use for the installation and operation of a 20MW gas fuelled capacity mechanism embedded generation plant to support National Grid. Thereafter, upon cessation, it is proposed to restore the land back to agricultural use. 1.2 The proposed development comprises 18 transformers, associated buildings, security and sound attenuation fencing, and other ancillary development. The connections from the gas source and to the National Grid would be underground; no overhead power lines are proposed.