SPECIAL INSERT IRTA LIAR ()/,Fico, 011(1 Portfrs,Siotit1 Vowlolltro,S Intetnoliwuti I ?Droll
SPECIAL INSERT IRTA LIAR ()/,fico, 011(1 Portfrs,siotit1 Vowlolltro,s InteTnoliwuti I ?droll. -( uo(1 ATI Romeo Corbel'. 19244 995 At the 1986 International Convention in Montreal, Romeo Corbeit, as Secretary- neasurer, read the names of members who had died since the last Convention. In 1998 his name will be read to delegates. r ! ' tl. ,±1,:tt..1.&P i;ii,...terli.t/.21L-41,idnISMIURI uutli ONIVERSAR r. A kr '77f r-; A CIO, (.1 C IIMIMME11111111111111M.Trrefer,, CLC No. 456 Issue 3, 1995 8'49%4'3 -'1111111WWWWilr 7141,11W 71,,11.1111.11W- -71111Pv. MINVIIMIAMMINONIMIMIIIMMOOMMINVImm Scholarship Convention Coverage Officer Elections Union Launches Announcements and Begins The Models Guild 4 22 Winners See Special Insert Honoring Romeo Corbeil Issue 3, 1995 WHITE COLLAR Page Twenty-Three "Now it's time we take our places in the career/workforce." Tara Shannon said that her primary concern was protection of minors in Debra Phillips, Local 35 the industry. "It's great we have the AFL-CIO behind us," she said, "It's the Beauty and the Beast, and it's very rireAdiftiow or ph empowering. It's very exciting to be in at the beginning." Donna Eller noted that she had worked as a model for 10 years. For her it was a career, but one which made her sad since there was no pro- °cal 3F') member Phillips mkiresses 1. he demon- vision for medical or life insurance, sslit-;:itttimr to 11 (..)ttlis) h!: pension, safety and health protec- tions, etc. "People think it's only ajob linsiness Representativ Judy Barnick she wrote I:ti Follow for us for a few years, but many of us ing: work in it for many years." I luive the Inisliptune of havinq two totally disabled par- ents who regularly need my help with 'various health con- cens.
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