
happy with my body so I decided that I would get the cincher to kind of help alleviate that stress of my body image,” Green says. Since the Kardashians were promoting the , Green thought it would work. “Not that I think of them as very credible in other aspects, but when it comes to beauty and , I do take their opinions into account.” The website she ordered from, AmiaShapewear.com, claims its product will “sculpt inches from your midsection and enhance your curves while increasing thermal activity in your core.” Still in London, Green was ready to see results and feel better about her silhouette. As soon as the cincher arrived in the mail, she wore it ten hours a day, everyday. “The frst time I wore it I was like, ‘Oh good god, this is never going to ft around my body,’ and I was really terrifed because I felt like I was sufocating.” As time went on, the corset began to feel more comfortable, as if her body was changing to ft into it. Lorna Boyer Chase, a psychoeducational lecturer from the Medical Weight Loss of Central New York, says she fnds enhancing your natural features more important than altering your body. For example, cutting your hair or wearing lipstick is better than resorting to unnatural procedures. She believes wearing a cincher that is meant to change your shape could have negative long-term physical efects. Chase encourages young women to realize that varying body types are perfectly normal. “What WAIST we see in the media is not realistic. It’s doing us a disservice.” While the media may portray an impossible beauty ideal, young women are still striving to look like the celebrities and models they TRAINING see on TV. For Green, the trainer seems to work. “My waist The new body-trimming trend promising to has defnitely gotten slimmer. Before I didn’t really give you an hourglass figure. by ERIN REIMEL have a defned waist at all, I was kind of just straight up and down,” Green says. She fnds it easier to ft into she couldn’t wear before and doesn’t have to wear the cincher as often. She lost one and t takes a lot of work to look like the kardashians — some a half inches of her waist in the three months she may even say it’s impossible. But maybe having that hourglass wore the cincher. shape isn’t so unrealistic. Lauren Green, a junior public relations Despite her success, Green has some reservations major at Syracuse University, gave us the skinny on her experience about recommending a body cincher to her Iafter she purchased a — a corset meant to alter your friends. She says it will only work if you wear it for silhouette and create a slim waist — this year after seeing Khloe the recommended amount of time and that you Kardashian looking super-slender on her Instagram feed and crediting can’t rely only on the garment. A healthy diet and it to the new . regular exercise are still required. Green achieved Green studied abroad in London this past fall. In the midst of that hourglass shape she was looking for but even traveling and discovering the wonders of European food, she wasn’t with a waist cincher, it doesn’t come as easily as the working out or eating healthy like she does at home. “I wasn’t very Kardashians make it out to be.

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