The Mission of the Romanian Orthodoxy During the Reign of Neagoe Basarab (1512-1521) Rev Phd Std Marian Bădulescu,1
The mission of the Romanian Orthodoxy during the reign of Neagoe Basarab (1512-1521) Rev PhD Std Marian Bădulescu,1 Abstract: After 1453, the center of the Byzantine culture is preserved in Wallachia, where it takes place a similar phenomenon to the Western Renaissance. The Romanian Orthodoxy had in the person and in the work of the voivode Neagoe Basarab the main missionary exponent outside and inside the country. His main work, Teachings to his son Theodosius, follows the Byzantine tradition and it depicts the model of a prince called to incarnate the first Christian moral ideas, then the political ideal. Compared to similar works in the West, Neagoe's work is the proof that the medieval Romanian Orthodoxy has largely influenced the political thinking of the Romanian rulers in a profoundly human manner. Keywords: internal mission, external mission, Byzantium, Italian Renaissance, humanism, baroque, theological culture, ancient literature, Slavonic language, diplomatic relations, state-church relationship. The Romanians formed as a distinct people and civilization under the cultural and religious influence of Byzantium. The byzantine politics was one of cultural, linguistic, ethnic, racial tolerance under the umbrella of the Orthodox faith (an "Orthodox Commonwealth"). Following this model he managed to keep the Romanians as an oasis of Orthodox Latinity in a great glory. "Every race, which 1 Rev PhD Std Marian Bădulescu at St. „Andrei Şaguna” Orthodox Faculty of Teology from the University „Lucian Blaga” from Sibiu. Pr. Drd. Marian Bădulescu possesses its own customs and laws, it must be allowed to preserve its own characters," said Constantine the Porphyrogenetus in the 10th century.2 The Orthodox Church in the two Romanian provinces manifests during the Middle Ages "as a state church, official – an inheritance from Byzantium - having an important role in the political life of the country and guiding all the cultural and social-humanitarian activity, wrote pr.
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