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7-12-1909 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 07-12-1909 Journal Publishing Company

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Vol. 59 THIRTY-FIRS- T YEAR, CXXIII. No. 12. ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, MONDAY, JULY 12, 1909, B) Mail eta. Month: Single Coplea, fleota. ttf i arrler O centa m mnath.

part i.f th bill, , tariff Delegates fivm limber supply will ever he exhausto. t. lgl-,1- :S II !leee-S- ... It of life and T, bodies, ill a! nivls o llir hiii of the opinion that we,-ampl- one which th. t ,tii w. 'lie as a ' w ill i ., A "Ul:tlv iii.'. del, gat:,.!!. timber for our needs for an pa rl oi lile Hid not w P.i, they l e- WEST ANXIOUS issued says. s E HAND GAD HITS i ALDRICH SAYS statement iu.lefihU. time for all lime, in fact. gal .1 as s.'lii, t hi eg apart "A canvass t i . mil noted '"Talk commonly indulged in rcRaril-in- "1 glad to know that all among oniim-rein- l uno thousand bod- the do;, lotion of timber in Hie churches in a wat are adopting the ies - throughout lb. n t shows that east, the west, anil south is an exag- that there is m.thiin: pconsist - fully '.in per , n , i.imr ili.' iv. nil. ol geration. Tln-r- i till an abundance .lit 1,,'t ween , a lid .1 at V a Mil a nn-Ih- o.i tariff hoard ,,r sonn satisfactory of timber tbroutthout the south, nn.1 ,,i:c and r:tl:onal a la i: i n eul 10 WELCOME ü ATTACKED BY FREIGHT TRAIN SENATE BILL ..I' ii ii Mieii-ig- a: this perplexing busi- also in Minnesota, Wisconsin, a lot hat tie nil "ii of a i - Hot some-thin- 1 I..M - . - g ness j.I ..1.I.-,- h, tin- iitun-- Tin- ami contiguous territory. With that is repellent to the i re- ri s . . .1 .'i show a l.ilal membership ordinarily conserva live of ligious,! II I. (ma ii f, i; in associations hiniberins. It will last indefinitely. It To" presic.-- t i nit i, i.e.! i x, ceding hall a miiliiiu corporations, Is conHtiuuJy arowinx. y.Hins timber "''Ole ÍS S. nielli "g t'U.ll go- s I" in, ( ap- KILLED PRESIDENT linns aid lit i.lna Is. whose nial OUTLAWS is replacing the obi and with proper TWO ni.,o up this e it i u :i;i' ,'H as a ln;l T ila ix.a ! ion $ - t.ulin.OIIU.IHHI a! niíainst forest fires xn,l .hill.'' I hat lilies ,i- when dollar-.- " ntierly useless waste, it should lust 111.' president goo- - to the sou. 'oust forever." and tile s, Hate and hoit-- o go home (oloiubi.iii I Declared Trivial. and w hell the mi ll bels of tile all- INVITATIONS POUR IN liogola. i 'nloinbia. .1 lilt The BLOODY BATTLE IN DISASTER ENDS JOY oc t .lis. .pp. ar in t. icons ,1 i"i:" DENIES CONSUMER'S American niinist'-- to ( '(.h.iiil.ia. NÉVVG0MB tr.oc. thi. sonó w !..t' h. .I'd ' ni pera - AND STATES lh,-,.!- , . IN CANYON BURDEN IS CITIES i X.ii has In !i I. !i y at SOUTHERN NEW MEXICO PROF. RIDE PLATTE ti e. 1,11. - Hi'- get l.l INCREASED Ha rr, i n, pii Ha. ni, his way ta, (togota. the a nt- - i"eil ivlt set- - because i.mists hav,' , ontrol nl i.'mis, win. know h ,v ilcrg' '.light ün.-- ag. !i. Indications That Itinerary Must ..I- i,, nun n tucal inn. lit un illy the Nine Men Reported Killed at Paity Coastina Down Steep lo he .lone through whose Two Per Cent Reduction Gener- st"a ni. is. official slntenienls with PASSES AWAY goteiniieni wl! h, earned on from to in ! -, a- - I " Must Be Vastly Extended regard to tin- h r s ii tí ei.ntiniii' te Afton, Small Place East of Grade Colorado Ground net ml tie end ..i ni- hope ally From Dinaley Law Sche- Disap- assert that he revolutionary mnve-in- i Th, cliiii.h is to he known as the Avfiit Widespread Denims; Victims All Texas Under Wheels of Locomotivo i ng t a o! dules Is Expect's Analysis of lit is merely h l.ieal a'fuir at Ingrain 'o ega l.,r w hi, h In. .1 li Is p,it..r. pointment of Admirers, Stockmen, Famous Astronomer, Scientist Dozen Hurt, Two Fatally, Measuie as Passed, Hawaiian Drlcgiito In lielire. With World Wi'de Reputation Sclent II ie Wl'ilei- Head .liilirniil Hpeilul Wr III.v Mnrninit .tmiriiul Sue, l:,l J.iurnnl Rpo'lal I H'lr) llr Ali.rlillia .Imirnsl t MMd tYlr (lly oik il ill ii. July II rrii e Ka l eaked Vlrl (llr tlorolna F.iri-- . July M ,1c Hart lie. a - I Washington. 1 Ahl-ri'- ii II.-- - i Pas,,. Texas. A Away iiv Washington; Itailcys. Colo., .lult Nineteen July W.isIiii l.'M. July Indications Hawaiian delegate lo ongross. July s,ecilll Passes cieiitiii, tti'tcr and e, liter of I. a Na- Senator on a and i Tali's un-- j in a statcim-ti- toilav saiil that he from Afton. X. M., ;:i:, miles west of persons tilling hand car in ture, died to, lav. cheilites his statement that the multiply thai 1' Was Admiral infNavy, lollnb-i- a 1. attacheil pusli car, on curt tai-it- v fin- a. id Willi not seel; ioll. here, received nt 10::!0 p. m.. senate bill. If enacted Into law. 'i una iii his western Platte cimton on the Colorado t.-- would not hnposu n!' UiM full may be mat- ri- - "Outlaws atta.;;e.l Texas horse railroad tonight. with a a.lditiunal burden (ÜT Mnmlni Journal NoarUl I Wlr1 , upon Hie consumer. ,. vi, a, Tin.- prescient 1, mis, II buyers in their n.;ip. one and one-ha- lf a4 freight train. Tw o persons w re kil o.!, . h,.-e- . ag-o- II i miles west of an Washington, July perhaps fatally injured and obt- isolated cases ef increases of friten liil liel 111, ill tilo till hour tto KILLED - THREE WILD IN The horse buyers wei,- driving- IWn Simon Xeweomb, famous astronomer en seriously hurt. The hondear was me taken and the entire hill con- piil.ii.-lu-i- l, all plaoos it here he expects ITS head of horses lo Texas, and luid mathematician ami traveler, who died HaviliiiR down :i sp. p giade at u rat, demned bee.iuse of these," said Mr...... enough (,, an ad uakc camped for the night. at his home In this city early today of 1.1 miles al. I cur. cai-on- d rccep- - Alilrlch. It is unm.lly the vano that. dress ami mild a brief niii' mini, wounded, ami in nis at of 74 venís, will be The partv wa r lit urn m , t'vin a the use hrleil If the section of the country which stocking feet. r,a, lie, the railroad witli military honors In Arlington baseball gtime at Shaw nc. vtt uing 'i iiia-ra- v was of those has i, station here He sal, ,is no com- remetery next Wednesday. High of di tvn ll.e yr-i'b- to liaileys. Th louiid fault with one seheUuli. i..: the presiilent will spein! t - uhere panions had been killed in a fight In ficials of the gnvorniiieii! will at tt i e several women in the party. iini.-- would consider tin- transfers, of ar- f .MM ..lie I.- throe dllJS. which shots wore exchanged. The honorary ' will of whom were eastern touiists spend ticles to the free list and compare the ort-g,- tend. ivrs l,y . - is will he ma.le Alton - a raii'load station on the Include many prominent men. lug- the milliliter at liaileys In, reas,- witli reductions that hiive -, to ha e I, Ml..- ami Mate ol'li.ials Southed I'aeitie. and baa only a see-lio- n The body will lie in state Monday At the point where lip- collision "i ecu made, that sertiou would aep stop for a lew it the minutes house and office. Af- and Tuesday at til,- - family resid, nci curroil, there is a step grai'e. dowl that had been made u beneficiary tu- at iea.-- i at near!; all the towns ol ter the first nieagie report was re- Pro lessor Xewcouib received many which the handcar and th .1 mi small degree by the general re- size through which his L vision." apple, ceived in 10 I'aso. neither the rail honors from leading scientific so. ie- - push sat were running 4 milej in I pa.-- s in the daylight hours. ,1 j Cioneral S. rain will road ispa ti ll, r nor Hi, W. stern ti,.s and from royalty. lb- was n hour. The freight tram was running t. Schartet, veteran il tie- pr, si, has been I tat iff expert, who has ti Aln.iih lent 11 could "raise" the Afton oftlee. Franco, .1.', miles a n hour. hen member member of the institute of of Hie with sueh requests. He has It is supposed that tin- - ..p orator there the liotal Astronomical society ot When the .us toe engine. hoard of xeilcrul appraiser in Ilis ealle-- it II coi- - New Vork for iuhii.v yi nis, Is author-it- y silgg, si-i tu all of "itln-- II..1, or that the outlaws at- dreat P.ritain and the American Asso- .,11 the nineteen persons were thrown HORRIBLE TRAGEDY ENDS -- li for the statement Hint the emite i, pun, r.ts that they lake the inatt.r ARGENTINE MINISTER tacked tie- station to prevent ciation for the Advancement of nit,, th air. most of ili.-n- striking on, he ha.-i- ITALIAN hills will show a 2 per cent, reduction up wilii him later. The trips of tin- killing from being sent out. Science-- In Ilix service with the side the rails. Tin- freight train was CELEBRATION a!,- mi- FLEES BEFORE MOB from Hie rates of the Idngley hlW thus fur ilio presiilent has I in.ltir.-.- ,. Tie- survivor who reached Alton Tinted tSales govern m, nt, he pub stopped and 'k the and ad a .1 111 and material reduction from tna ller, la lie poli, y of j, ing a it -- p.-. ll nutlet said the outlaws wore Indians, but lished Hie tallies of the motions of the hack to Itaib ys where a train house single private ear to regular rales. alia. was lb,, light at Afton that they were stars, the plaints and moon, now-use- was orib ieil from l, n. r to take the Piematme Explosion of Gas "Some folks may say two liott-ctc- r. that per tr.iiiis. iin his far western trip, La Given Over to s e, 1, - Paz Pillase Alexi is. by astronomers in their .unipii-talion- ,uin to 'liver ..nt is not a groat reduction." said leu, are till heavier all. ' ' trains ii r r r ami which are the- basis of The killed were John I'nugherty. Pipe Bomb Spieads Death ib'neral today, "but when, ,it ImiHt r in Up- uves or in uangei intervals than here and K;,t Hansen, an you Wilr-o- n Hie navigation of the vessels of the section foreman Mer-ivmake- consider thai rates of the ii hat,-I- NATURALIZED AMERICAN and Destruction Amona is cast, is likely the president will Ominous Rumors of Comma world. His astronomical rosear, lies employe at Kiowa lodge Itail.ts. Wil- hill, Ho democratic tutilT meamtr i'iiIIow I In- poli, y of his pled,., t. SENT TO FRENCH PRISON cov.-- more than "tun papers and a liam Alo.-- - tens ..I.I an.) Frank adopted in Hie Cleveland administrat- a especiall- at Kansas City, ill chill P ing special train, Strife, long list of hooks on ast math Nehiing. son of a wcallht Colorado ion, weie not two per lowOr -' unit. y if lie stops at ip-l- the smaller nib ematics and political iconotny. r. i ma n. ar,- not expo-le- to Inc. than the rate:; of the exintlng law,' you Hint il"t tile wat between the large will Paris. July I - A naturalized Am- Professor Xetveonib held many itn 'I' seriously hurt were I By Mnrnlntt .luurii'il MmM-iu- I f;mi Vlrf ieall'.e how extensive, two per J.Í.I.-eS- (It.? Meriting ji.tirniii t.eiiNfll oT really U'irri erican named Mendel, beep sen- portant positions, including that o Nehring-- brother K tt iiois ( 'i t July II. Th po.f out. reduction la." pr, -- nlt-nt away iff 'I'll,' ixpeets to be I t N. Chrl-- St who ik a (teiUI)-- ' 1..I I'a, Holii ia. July II. I. a 'a tenced to ten tears imprisonment by professor of mat hema íes at John bring: t Lainlueciit. Fnt l.up. pic ic iii8t;int1 UiMi'ti lv the cpU-sht- li. ncral liairetta, fur two l, carry I'ros-e- r. Is rom.-initi- mouths and will to do ton; Airs Wilii. un P.. Kansas M erat. assisting the confer lina is given over tonight to riot. Th Hie assie court mi a charge of fraud- Hopkins- university. H' held the ;i titimli tutiiifi a ihM- i eiiipleineiu ,,l stenograph, rs. clerks in Its dollherutinn. He pfr-I'- ni ulent bankruptcy and forgery. It glee of 1. 1.. Ii. from Vale. Harvard. City, Ai"., others hurt ttere: t' St. Jnhii's ila n Hie l, hi-- m iiii-i- ;uuJ i, hi a pliers in lo people swarmed into the streets and Al 1 Al i s Hie s un,! oftiue the ijv n o- addition is said that while studying eiisineer-itik- - Colombia, iloorge Wush'ngtiui and Al rs. Lillian ilcs. lent r; 'tt tin lí.íly Knsin v Kmiuiti fg i. tlie.jr-tdiit4- lip-P- , i'rKtai s. Thus tai- j lia uiii'-- l..-- I'ciK-tcy- u a ea-- : Al r cíais when the Wilson hill Will ill ilimaue. The in Hip 1'nileil Steles .Mendel sat- o, tin vei-.s- i. liiiit Í 'al In. ii. cIiiim'Ii li.rc Th" party has eiillfined to the , hie; o. micron, e ami was of vnlimble us. a Tinted Slate, and Airs. William .M.ivuin ami son pMli wt lx Nctl ii wiles were nil iml pillaging was b ed the life of wealthy man who left He first entered ic inrii ti'i 1' an . x.-- V. Alai-na- sistanco. , ulive. I'aptain Arehil.ald Ibiu. a Airs ; ing ,l,,uc on all a.l.-S- Shots W, him a He th.-- founded the navy as a professc"- of mal boma it" llerl, Airs. Smiilieis and Ntii'iinil, Aiintlti-- man siuini; in t ' fortune. Ins lllllilar.v aide Assislant , I. i lb present. itlve Payne said tonlgh' ,,n ev, ry lie. The situation Mendel I'ower eoinpany with a capi- in ixill, after his gIS, bullion from tin and night, r .Margante ,,f st era u ( t a w uV Mi.lili-r- I'.rooks, who. the rates of the house hill. Judged Ma.ior tliur I fail- of Har- na. il i Mt ,,f the foreigners spéeinüt 'eril Vi.lll tal of $2,10, (mil, but the onmpnny Lawrence setoii'ilic school hitiMv innii' ;iii.t mu ic( t in iiiliiiiiuii to the president'-- i from the standpoint of the lliterc-i- of and Argentita re bills, is ed Later he was in business in Ohio vard. Ho was r.lind with the ian, to ro t'i. M :i n nrea the general pul, lie re low- ii m sseng. r. is eoinnia lid in materially serious. and is creiliat.-i- with having inyentcl of reía a d mira in Ml 7. minor injuiies from iltiug fragment Mi". "I'lii-.-- a SHROUDS DEATH er than those of the séllate hill, el the first sepalate a inn MYSTERY I, liuards protet tbig the muí number of ma. bines and processes. Ii .un t Ic- hon, Pat no po Into, I out hides, lln w, ,.f troops in the Dislrnt ,.l that la Argentine legations Were suddenly Valiooal Council of oblen. OF MARINE LIEUTENAN The explosion i.. niTed in a vacant ri ni or,-- licorice .lillltlill.l t 111' I, extracts and other alld two se. T. s . w .villi. Ira w n last et.-nin- tor Itoiigli I'liglit. Seattle, July II The sixth l.. ..ppo-it- Ho- church bote lb of great Importance to - s Wi'tillur articles the .lam Sloan, who was with Tlesr , ii reason. When tbi- - I 'over. Knglnml, Julv 1. Hub. ft iiveiition of the National ('..un. il oi pyroto, 'hiii, al pail ,,f the e lei, ra lop consuming public, wore transferred .1. lit lio isetelt for ears. Mini known sli.-e- in,., I, s reiiewed their at- Latham was compelled to postpone j Woiur-- II be held, in this city Wei- llegcil Mili ide, ( cnllal l lo llstoill was being held Hundreds Ol' people lo the dutiable list by the acuate, "Jin k" Alll'-ler- w tin has Ilieil ll i cross- h m s.lay. anil Friday It crowded ill the lot The dead while alligator skins, radium, apices, All'. tacks. attempt to the channel Thursilav I'.uiicil t'hli Miblart is. 'tele Tilt sillee his I'lei tioll to ilra-silf- e. w ,, , olll.e' The A in-- minister. Fon-ck- a lodav owing- to rough suffrage, ..duration. public health. are Antonio w I,,, as Ir cocoa. Ie stearin and miners' safety i'eilii- - and assigned ,. tin mi Jioiilane the and his wife had a narrow es- ea t her. peace ami a rial ra ion. ciiini lanor polis, .M.I.. Jin. i p. I'. I ring oharge of tombing oil' lln tiieworks appliances were the most Important pi, iit w h, ver be Alina ri travels hae cape injurt. They mad their subte, ts ttili be discussed. and a negro and iiegiess win, war, articles pla, ed on the free list hy the w presid.-nt- o tin- cas. of Lieutenant James X It, in ling ith for . way out of the legation and run eight by st. i inb-rs- senate. many Will S. Anilersoii, tie FORMER MINT OFFICIAL Sutton. I "nil 'd Stab s Alaiim corps All- blocks.- finally sc-kin- protection in Tile explosion followed a day o Payne declined to discuss lit l"ll t'!'. W as omnteil to i lu the of the president of n,)livia. SLAIN IN MADHOUSE who died at the naval academy hospl li st!', ilt. The fireworks in the early this lime the relative merits of thi. . home SELF ""Mi in IHi'J and was Willi I'l MAY al. i ,t, el- J. l!t,,7, tt ho wa dis- párate provision- - of the two hills, . .No explanation has made as F nt. and pail of the program hud been lemset. lt on his travels-- .1. C liy a In, Is unfair to com pa re the two to why strict mea-uro- s ñ court of pint to Inc. played without mishun and almost it . h. f t th" val- - i., he president, while sul.-ide- J .1 Mtirphx .ongl"-gatei- l lulls by figuring' the average Hd bv tin aiithorlii'-- have not been W ilii , ni 'ói committed Jir. evert- Italian in the citv was lellle. hi gall Ilis pi esillellt ia Seltiee Xetv Vork. July II. rates of each." said Mr. Payne. ions have be, u nu- years o piad ol the eineigenct hospital at An III and about the lot "lel.-i- Manitestat gate, lor many in the nit. .M were by President AioKililey and has In ,u-- u- I,, int reductions iniule the merous ill public places and at a assay Washington. liapolls. who has serte, til, regula i Iras-lff- e had c ti tod a .ml, (IIIIM-i- lioth l;,,,isevell tun States office at LOSE FAMOUS house on articles where the Dlngley I'lesident In Id yesterday, a portrait of armv in tile Philippines, stated today hy tilling a section of gas pipe Willi l'i, si, lent Tai, t,, won,! meting tnmiiteil suicide today at the ol. s were pHi'ctb ally prohibitory and marvel at the Argen- it lias seemed strange to him up i m'í H' figuero.l Vleo'la. p resident of Itloolliingdale astliiln at White that powder mid plugging on ad Valorem 'Hill lie als he turns nut. The thiii Inn (e, II these articles the tine, was plac-,- bead downward nn ,i PlniiiB. niir.,,- was out ,c thai Lieutenant Sution was with had been warned to place In the ap- in. ml,, i ha- While his method of comparison would not r ,,t the n iv, Hleteher, . I n Al stone, to pie,,--- The Ar- In- military honors. iirph said ground helor, filing it. hut l,g.',io.l uls,, seen presi pole and the room for a inonu nt iimheil PAINTING peal to the advantage of the house sertiee under three in "1 always iiiul.i stood, that an so. l l ow ,1 slltg. ,1 ar., UIPl 'I' II, gentine got erilinellt's silence the to Hie steel support of tin- bathroom hate to do ie measure. The only way to compare ids. i, her usuallt arts as waib-- fa- face of I'olitiau prol.sts is regarded floor, fracturing his army man. who ended his own life wa' him as In- km it to light Hie - and is each 'flu- lailioads in taking every pre and ilive.l to the lulls to consider what ns ominous. Air. Colgate was to Hover git en iiilliiarv honrus al burin! before t lid regala Ills tool Hie ,ll, important iteniH. lainion I,, r the tonil'oit and safe eon skull. committed house tviili the I. o I'. ( ill Oil' I'l'oin Win-Ill- llloomingdalc about a month ago for In Hi's ease Hie un fort una to man was explosion occiirri l. Members of the house tonight ef the president, Hire, 111 htite II.-- - ly es- buried with the honors of a captain Of pipe ftelV all dile, lions i,i'''!a I'bili. July Short af suicidal mania. He leaves a large Picture Depicting Driving of Pieces !,,l attention to the faet that Iron always ,n the engine. Sometime ( n ter II o', lo, k tonight, telegraphic com- - t"1 '' ' ' ' wlieu iiis lank was that of ic eini A panic follow.-,- us Ho crowd sin. to nails, scrap iron, siloes arm "e- 'lord may be Hie su tate in Washington ii'' wire mail division muni, ceased. It I Last Spike on Ccntial Pacific This was don,- niter the natal Investí to gol explosion Mew oui wool mnnufac-iire- s, uili-nt- alum ir'li 'a ''a daughter. awat the eathoi. eotton and l"inb Alway s is a repp I there belieted 1)1' telegraph w iles hate he: I; gallon I, oar, liad declared Lieutenant windows in th.- .hutch and In petroleum, potatoes, rough lum M"lalne ,,f th,. on Road in Danger Falling Into I traflU- authority lit. of Sutton a suicide. have in ver lleel houses. ber, bad paints, structural lion, cut- wiih authority to take e, nitro in Tea Imports ISreiik liccoiil. was 11- 'I'.-- import-tiirong- able to learn ubi this done." lery, zinc bullion, pig lead and other ni i g, - Private Collection, iia m y. Th,, railroads niueh Seattle. July f 11 Is for- were re- A IIS(. anieles of general consumption I" p. i a IV tin- i hy sp.-eh- ibis port are breakim? nil 'lei pi si. lent t Ileum ing. increased over Hie house ratea, while l!,,ui cords, being to a fear of and oiton ,o so in pr.-i- roneo to the rush due ELKS dress, , lumber, gloves, hosiery and JOHNSON HAD SUCH I By Morning JuiiinHl Ntwi-i- l.eiiwed M'irrl DETROIT LOST '""'"UK lie . .ir at tl e end of a hostile liirilf For the six products were San Franeis, ,,. July 11, The fa Kills Tour in Illinois. certain Iron and ab'el train. months eliding June :lu, tea imports Tornado of In- mous painting "The Last Spike," St. Louis. .Inly - Special dis- Hie principal senate icdtictioiis were ".MOO pounds, coinparcl with est to Hie general public. The con- ytllieh piotufes the at the driv patches fioni Pana. Ills, and Xenl.i. let DEPRAVITY :;ui:,iin:i poumls in the siime period of seelle ferees hope to ton, lude their wolk RÁMPANT IN WAYS ing of spike i Ills., say that tornadoes those ON DESERT WINNING Mils. tile last hat marked lie struck hy tl ml of next week, holding ompletion ,,f th.- Central Pa, iif, rail towns today At Nenia four persons HONOLULU , lengthy sessions duily and extending SAYS BISHOP set-- bail, bugs d. Italian Cruiser Coming. road and its inn. lion with tin- Tnion were injured and ral llun, lale in the evenings. In the .No Pana, Home. July- II. Italy will be rep- I'aciflc, Is in danger of lost to strotcl one was hint at meantime both housrs will mark , Hudson-Fulto- n cele- but properly ilnmaL'o was consid- every 'l""",ulii. July yin is, u, Held in resented at tin- in Francisco. the No time, holding session three San ITam Victim of Bipamist t Woid Fiom Special Tiain J"'- 11 by Ktnn and The painting is now in he mus-vi- erable, (rain was let, hy Loth .lays. In his annual addr.-s- to th. bration the cruisers Sl at ("lolden Wash- storm-- . Monday and last California Declaies Prison-ei- 's Cate park, but John Boaiing Michigan Bunch The bouse will meet son-in- -l w ,, burn, of the late Thomas Tuesday, hut having no "iilehiy. ;. ; , ,s a r i, k the senate l,.,,t Style of Love Makine Hill, Hie artist, is ueKot iat ing for tin Since Leaving Salt to will immediately Ulule S, K , business transact f t I" K O Of 11 II g lae lll'll'll sale of tlie pictuie to an eastern man adjourn. "lent, ..lis 1.. ro which hate i the Well Niah Ji Los Anaoles, " Was lesistable. TAKES ISSUE WITH for $ Hi, nun. TAFT PAÍS TRIBUTE for Leaders ill both houses are hopeful ,,f bls-le'- P much ,, .mm. nt. The he- said An elf. .it is ma.!.- to arouse ,,f finally disclosing of the tariff tiie people of San Francisco ro rose lor,' tlie en I of the present month. l'"i" are moral in the Rr Morninc Ji.urnui isperliil ItiHd Wire) ID? Miirnlng Journal weelsl I Wire) . $i!.iino to say,- the panning for this . '!:"-'l- "Il'ell stagger olio. July No won- Ang'i c Jul-- Ma P. ti'- - c San Jose. Cal.. II. city. TO CIVIL SERVICE Los .d MAN TO "' 'be juvenile In as so PINGHO T thoii-- a t s ar,- now in KAISER SEEKS court this oily der Air. Johnson sn. led well it ml listo, los '" ,,- - I This effort has the endorsement, 'i. iiinni.- oi,!s i.nnmht liefore witli liis lev.- making lo- t such Angeles p. an. ml the annual i,.rit, li SHOES ' iliu-tia- t, is said, of millionaire of FILL VON BUELOW'S what i coun-- lieailtlllll lies." I!, Prole, ('!- - iii,:iii. Krom ' huild-r- ap- on of the lot ob'llt tlte sen,,,, i Hie railroad whose ton, horn and others 1 barn Aliss Minnie Cath. r. a young beauty ..' L'k- - tthi'h begins tOtliollott . pear on the famous canvas. biion-i- not isolated cases, but doctor of this city, who was instru 'he Ham l.ringiiig Ho- li.iioit dele -- Head of Great Lumber Concern Ho- pre-er- t. Piesident Officiates at Church Iteiiin, 11. The emperor has "ini-nl i .Should .troll to the July oiulitions whh h are ilistt-ess-"'- ínclita in causing the arrest of gation IS l"Sl ...llO .t lO le I.eH'.eell pi, lure to San Francisco ta, I. d, risked Prince von Huelow. whom he and inisi,,.,,!.,,,.!.- i,,i i .,, t,.i.i Christian c. Johnson, alleged to have Declares Timber Supply of Corner Stone Laying and Silt Lake lilt and Los Aug. no I I - v tin- nc-- would as in the in III il l'i II Oil ill illli- eridants of who th . suggest his siiceefsnr town it f.otell a Web of i.iP ,1,1 :l ' -- il, .1 b '"ll' ini that is 'no plaei of h..t i'lg "Hi, it . it-- i . X.-t- A'. in first trans, ontni'-nia- will lian, ellorsblp and the ,.i luce has "V gill.' an, I who lines m ret. ring Irom .lk to United States Practically railroad Praises Work of Government ki:, Ionian priests ,,. f,,i Silt Lake cut. Von Pethiliunn-Holl-- is, this to tie police. endeavor to obtain the picture . oiniiieded Hr. "II, litems have fe. ly told San .us. - ,f ih Ii gaps a::-,- .1 hi- Ii., Inexhaustable, t th.-- Clerk. 'lio in, . g, Hie and vice H'-'- t And." said Altss Cathor. "nnv honisolves. To ibat end hate minister of interior if publish,-- I would shock ii ill ti ilia.- the various h. .e h ro II.,- young man w sue, e,l if In- fol- r.egotial lot,- - with tin- estate of chn a. ellor. The emperor has. however, ''i in unit v " ould l.i'ifuri solis and anion,, .bil. .Idiiiu ..ver the lowed Air .I d, l. son's sty lo." the late artist taken counsel witli others regarding i ..un, (R.r I Hy Nue.-i.i- H itv ai bug .'..unlit. Ideal . Mine J,.hn-iii- i. said to b. John Alads.m. is Mnmlnr Srliil I.:id H'trI Among those who have taken up Miiminv Ji,enul l..iad lr1 lie han, elloisbip among them being Horror hi 1 1 I i:n , bigamy He July Frederick Washington. July II In all,. pi' .ais. - i. in Jail her,- lunged with Seattle. the with tin- estate are Airs Count Xii Kiileiiberg. grand nnirshaJJ i matter -- "ka. l.ilv- i - . - .. liassia An ,a-- , Ml'- . ,1 X. t i tt..- this gorgeously , , o, Is said lo have married at t a president ,,t' Hi,. V,-t- Whilelaw !: id. wife of tie- Am. II. .ill to kit ol lie, Slolie of .lit .a Hi.- royal court and Privy t'outitll-:..- i ' today in the t women and i ..une., as many pa ny. tin- , :,t ilillteh lililí has for a part of its a ra ed Von Valohthii chl. f of the learns "SK., ili-t- ri, dozen Timlier cm largest ambassador to !,, Itritain: William . t pr-g- mine, in the lion t. i lit.- .Mi.rtaht-meii- t ' ' of w alliances. a gt ninasiii.,,. s w m ing Tonini'.w .in ..f a Huelo-- recom- ''" buiolr, .,, .iri(, )1fty more witli piospo, ts le holder of timber lands in the l'nili d F. Crnk-- r. I) n ALUs. Airs Charles eouif. merit in chancellor Von Inn,.r!, Were Fran- I. lie- U of t He was brought lore from San Sillies, issue with (iffr.rd Fill-Clin- t, H. ot .N'tv howling alb-- and unhid"-- tor thiols mendation. """' '" Most ,r lin n takes Alexander York. Ii lltf. the prosecute,) bv Airs. ... Pro-li- b ttill 'I'll.' c. hi ,.! loll Will Ie cis, n to be head of the Tnited States for- Crocker of x. w York. Mis P nt T.ift pad The cmpcior is .xpi. ttd to arrive in ""UKht to the surface alive. c.lis Pa-- , id.-II- Jos.-phini- i of St.,. (In- i, delegates will he I : "I 'ti .lea,, Amelia estry department, on the statement lluptlngton. princess Haizfi Id. for- tribute to tie- livil employes of III whole ii Tuesday, it hen chancellor Von when found. b married two tlo- .it a al. .mobiles, Cab. whom that th, re is dang. r of exhausting the merly Aliss Huntington. Mi-- ". got men t. il.jt.n i.t.i .tt Hie low will letire alld his Ktieoessor . I I 1,1 I. 11 Toil n. i no to pa r It.- - BUSINESS months iit'i. timlier supply in the nevt twenty MoiinlellHV alld "As I understand Die plan of tli.i and i " pal ,t id appointed MEN TO ,1 Jeipsoll of .i.ii.oll WORK was arraign. in the sunn- .nurt " l - of a l. uli,', ,1,' Later Ho le will He years, Mr. Weyerhuuser that he Mrs. J F.i-- tf of Flm X V Ii sai the presi. Cut. "it '" tal.e lo re in- was murrio.! and be- sis ri. Id j E0R TARIFF room believes that the limber supply of Hill, artist, was to get make re 'It ion .1 pari of the life ot he fc s.''its and chariot i.o.s. in Iteuanl for león I .ing. COMMISSION who married him Tilomas the riiimg a fore the jusii.e the Fnited States wll! rioter pivf nut nuil for painting the pi. ture, but thou- who ai. members of it. Il is exhibition of wild west and Sari Francisco, July 11. A retraril .n he will ,.b ad lid i,,.ld-u- . Jolin-- declares - iii.-ti- stage Th. me p tt ill "I Hm gri-jitl- iut'Ti-ste,- in tío- for- a mis'inlersian.l:uK arise and tin- pic- lo furnish amos Ir fust ot lido for the capture of I.enn Lina;, only two ev.-nln- "tt v but says he has . ll. l. Vork. . eniltv. . so by lake to., I"tl'..e..w wanted In Xetv York July 11 x i -, estry problem." s.ii.l Atr. Wet rha user, was I. tt on his h. Four make the hi'leh attractive for th murder (.tos of s- th-- - w pros- utin-- ture .iris Hot-e- m. I. n jv. - oman hn - I, V na-o- Hi t wil! he oined bv Leopold of "and t do n"t lull. v.- with Air Pin-- , hiind-e- i peopl. are shown in Hie pic of its octal ipi.i'M ies, wil of Klaie Sigel.. has been offered by the II. .1, him Mm. H.mbtt.i s X n and of'i-riii- an tunity tor r .lue ..f i'ahtornhi Chinese consul and the Chiaeaa Kit tn V;ishirutin this H- - married the hoi that the forests or the country ture, sovontv of ihein by portraits. of oj.poi San Francisco . - ov- I lieorge r of I.-- com,, anles, most organ- Mrv Leopold would he wiped out in twenty years. Kioii,,ed a.cor.l ng to official promi- physical xei. tor and Mat.. A.'t:ill,. the Influential former five ilm after re Anua ization among Chinese. . There is no to er, se, members shall regard the became his vt if.-- reason believe that the nence. that THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL. MONDAY, JULY 12, 1909.

or. two yi'Hrx io. lien thfy wci hurt' with A.lmlrul Kvims, 11ml ruinn"l POINTS OUT DECLARES-GILE- NEEDS In hi hiinor, Ik a fiivorltf of LIGHTNING rinrt. S TEARS willurH ninl iiuiriri.'K Mill tmliiy tw l,!ill Rump wfif jiluypil. in the hr Does Your uor, l inter rai ls, nwltmn ItiK irwiti hen THE JAFFA OF COUNTRY'S ami utli.'i iniuntlp HpurtH were held. GIRL VICTIM OF SHOES OFF ITS Tomorrow innmlng. i'url.', tun divi Screen Door Sag? ftuni m the II. it will KÚ mifldp fm .iii.tli nn.l inn ni'in .th, two oili.i' ill GROCERY CO WATERWAYS vIsIoiih n malniiiK i 11 lit E SLAYERS BRACE IT UP WITH ONE Thf hiitr vi nt cf tlic rriMii-uver- 111 ' ixpi'i ti d tu In- - a ifiand final m lev OF OUR l, I'l.'.ilil. nt 'I'ul'l ninl Seel 1I111 y of tlir GOOD THINGS TO EAT ;ivy vauable resource: Chicago Divine Exhibits Well Known Man Living Neat I" f'T ,'ÜMí Jt"-- " w now lying dormant BUTTE DELEGATION OUT lush Lace Maker in Pulpit; Willard Found Stricken Dead1 !'" Screen Door FOR SCALP OF MOYER Funds Raised to Defend by Bolt With Dead Cat Held An Abundance of buckles Condition of Rivers and Canals Her, in His Aims, Turn

' I .1 ill II- 11 Good Things Cortrasted With That of In M at(i'n.f,t t to Simple. d.pns. I'iiMil.'a II. M'ij-i- t Hum th They Are Strong and Europe Showing Vast I Mr Mnmlnv Jnuronl Htw'ul Im4 Vt tr I,fi lnl I I11 M.irnilltr Journal as Ri.n 11. Wi.ui,. .1. Eat pr. i,f Jl.-.Jil- - in.' ruttun t'liiiUUU, July Int. II" rlo".- S'.'ill.Lld, .. M , Jiilv 111 I,ii:ü lile-i'S- Works Like a Charm I un I1Í.1 - Possibilities lore. Hi Mill. I", I'' Til.' wt.tfo'1 pill piiN,' of a iHf liis K. hni.ii In (Mo (iarfi' iii i.mile-ftn- l the flu,, nf eahin nnrtll- ' M . . I nt uf thin pl.'u Ihe hody ol ('luirles 1 ilrnlljí I'.illl'', Alunl I'r. t.n.i ti ehuri 11 (".Lay. tin Quarter W. f'u.oduin Hlriek.ii dead hy n hull Fruits 5e Each, Two for a 1 i"'-, ni mi; in ariy Kev. If. fBjr Morning Journal ritil Mir miiiri'. lln Kiiiyan, ,)iie. in ,K pulpit "I IlKlithillii'. was I. mild with a Waspim-pm- , 11 .1 l f 11.1. v, Screws I). f.. Jul) l.n. k nf ;l te nf "II V"d In l:lla lliiiiih'i, Iiom' stiu'im-- ' mi i.f Maltese ent elusped in his arms, tie Bakery Goods With I'l'if l ii a id. i ) met i in I unilx In tin lav In llltill'l til"' annual (HtU'-nlin- iru; attai k. d nt ihe Well im,'i on ie( ll.lVMKi evi'h HI !.'.' killed l,y th. ii in iiiMiiM . iiiiiiin in my. . - same .mi, niiiiji iiiiiiaui r t'tiit-ri- l till- h, , m Ktf.lke whuh caused the .hath tilín- inland '..i. yli m nf the "f 'el. Is inn In I'd III t : pliu Groceries p I..- uf (loadwin. 'I man's vi as is 1hi' prim pal 1 xt nl 'I'll. Hint Iil;IiI All! mail.' K hia hand iipon her In ml said: Statis I'.ni hi-- - . . undlv luii'iieil ih, ihe in .' un s liey 11.-- II II, O spine .mil 1 ni" tli.' report mi trim, pm liiti'm I, y the 'un timinr lire In si her Vegetables in-.- 11 llues Wei'e torn nlf r.v iik 'I'h" ' mi v. lilt'' MUM IT. hill W e U'nnl let lluill. ulule the dead!' w..i..r, now tn urn ill' tn III' had pus-'- e. Iiím ii, imi-i will Tin 'ne jíli 11 a I '1 .'kI.v ia II I'r n , orient i'.,m i,,h liv llirli'H Kti" plinth, i nmiui'Jstofi,-- tu tin- n.inr. d in d den! fllihl ai'iinst .lnyi will tal" tin Mi lr. land and kíu- ha 11 uds InV. ( i iii pnintlmis lln- - fli r ii I .iu.--l i'f p;i in nf 111 been in tin u t nf a I'm "I r mi ii inn In a huii.Hli Hi h" h,as t.ihl the 11 1, 111 Thi'l" l pri'parm i 'MIiiim ii'1 and l.ihnr Tin- rominlssiut, nn al (ih a lid u 1: off till' stove and ..I in a ml .titule a In inioii'. l'il aj-- in.--l her .aud ' "III" liamid Ii i f dibit.". In his. letter of ,i usmiUa itld Ii ll.--t V ere i ly tn plac ed I, unid nl il;i''l"l-- i aM tin mana);!!.; inyoh in ii The id' f he The Best IM8BKBgeSrSBagmffi - l el" of rt (In- (lie t'liit.-.- it I . farm uliili' h'-a- a I ., - The de. as m al hi nl the J.ih Inn II all is tn in-,- that his nil si..!' n "Id t 1. -- s Ik.., ii lti...l hi r mini nf ahuu! , and a no ml,, r d' III Ill a e u thai un, e mivli led. Ihe alu-hl- " l'.'ll" I'.Mii'i miles of mi iu.iI Inn nf six lude... Everything lixtr ' vid' In e she han a;aust tilín II I I till Iltnl ll'ptll HUT. Tllnri' th. ill t t T . il" hile shu e ra lie, Mill lint h,il 4 'inn enn.-ils- miles of these tutals an SHAH'S COSSACKS valer lir.iki ii iii into ii Uirn" ntimher uf un Service A fund vo raiiad for her defeiei tt'llll.'ll pull Ii V I'I'llHilll of illffi r. i. STOREROOM BORNEO depths muí different conditions, nuil A ccommodation t fi. S. LiTiiGOW tin' diverse iinliire nf tin' llmiliiui BEATEN OFF SUNSET LIMITED IN BAD nt llenase this lin k uf WRECK; MANY ED Prices K'i!d.atli)M. Mnny vessels nr.- Imlll f..i AT FORT WII spe.lid truffle or loen I jni!lttHM. imil IRATE t Tf llllIB Often Hot "illtfIT tlllllli.tll.l Manufacturer , -- Quality iv r lif Iiti lit, fvi n HioiikIi nume, tins Pcisinn Rebels Resist Attack of II I'msii, July 12. ,li ft route In H' lii'iiil, II. ( uinnilssluiti r iruinih train un the South' 111 I'aeili rhows iirliniirlly the reliitlnn In nhhh Goveinmtüit Lotees Armed esil nd, (No. !,), went iulu th One of Oldest Buildings at tlic I In- - iL'ii miles cast nf Blank Books inland wiitiTUHVH i rivers nn.l r.i ilri hete at ui With Guns . v IiiiIni stand to lln; vi hoi ti iinnp.ii tu Machine and ni e i'.iai lii'K a re In t he illl. Post Girtted by Fire at Loss KVNlHin of country tar,) pass, ncer.s are 11 purled injure, Wc load in evrerything tioh tin' While wii Modem Rifles, T nf Between $30,000 and l'ia nr.' mihjivl tn mnny llmltn Loose Leaf Devices lions, they nevertheless ki.-u- i pm $10,000, We want your busi- I'll.illtlix; mm- - enrryinii tli.'J inn lint flty Fi,,rnliifx .luiiriuil kucelul I riiKr-.- U'lrrl FLY -- TSETSE I VICTIM unjtlilliir llki' thrlr proper shine nf tin July I'.-i alan ness. We will do what Rubber Stamps eouiitrx'ri This, tin luniinis-iiniu- r Sif,-lii- l .1. traffic Um, euinmandeii liy Iíiismuiu offi-- ('irt'ti,,iilriii f M.ii'iiiiiK turn. ill iiititn nut, in n Itr.iinl eroiimnh allilp. X ,t July a. W'nrd ei'.s and oilier troops or the Shah, tlrl'i'ct nf illsiul l'ii ntajri' tn tin here nf Ihe entire lie; inn-liul- is riht. All we ask is i ,. t I'll tlii' husincies nf tlii' country, ninl In niimh. ini aline, ih. i.üni, this OF SLANDER liv fif,. ,,' ih,. ia e in a s e i s nlv'i some of tin' reu.soiis fur thin ron- - mornlmr made nn nttmk iipnn ature room at I'm WniM.-it- w ith lis a tr ial. Cash or credit ; Estimates Cheerfully Given llll'.il Xationalist l nmler r eontents, the .,s l.e.h;; pi ned at . it $,",.",,111,(1 nan. ,,w "Thriiiili" fri'iii In mod in is atnl Sai adnr isad, Ufteeii miles and ill. the X t all p.ii I nf tin- country's A Ira m ininal. .1 ha" nm h. . n you need are good fitciit Haflir. from Teh.'iait. learned on All Kinds ii koii ii lilt' nf huí h thioneh Scientist Deolaies That Much The hllildillK was ,iue nf ill.- uidest al of shire A It IiiiiikIi Ihn royalists shelled (,e freight In KM'iit in I ni h.' success " the p.'.st. I na 1. mu Istx' po sillón 'Allh four mhuh Maligned Insect Rarely Acts r e c o ni ni en d a ions. Hip system, xx H i' a x s a a c, :!o X waiter liiliiinl for two hours, tiny falle, tu dlslodu" The fire siarled hunt in Die Special Work ev. u iiiniiot 'i.iK.i r jri'in iiilly mi inin b the enemy. Two hundred I'nsH.ielt.- as Bearer of Pi end Sleeping niiiK and was nm ext nt; ished un i 1.x ;il truffle Hut tin- xvuti r khHiii. iidviine.'d tu within half n mile of Ihe til the hllihlili; liad he,-- hilllled tu TRY US X rj Germ, In- ItlKTli itll tx unit divided 11 H II Is ,y nal lona lists, keeping up heavy fire, Sickness m ound. ,11 x el ll li-.- ul channels all' '. r ' in ti with Maxim Mul ipilek lire lltles t I Knotty ni ii iliMinhiintuu" In miriln1. Tin- nal hum Ixl s replied al Intervals Morntng I journal Bidg. i (fir ilimrmil Hiirrfiil Wire) Phone II I h 'i 11 tltlon lili tl: lit system f.n with Hlniile Kun. di 'oppitiir 11 nuuilier inl 924 - i v VnrU, July II Tin- thri'UKli linfflr Kit tin- mil s.xsteiii nf if Hheits amutiK' lln- t'ossaekh nnd H'tf.' SAN JUAN APPLES - i I x Hu- innntry h sin, Ii y h i r them tu tellre. thr tll.'li lllJlt .lllTMJir'J I'l'tni M'D'Mlir The Jaffa Grocery Co. ly unified, muí h control hinti'ly rin- - No i ti furnia Ion has hein r.eelved liMcui-tt- t pul'li-- ' n (.11 ili , Hull!-.'.!- , iin.l in thus will iulii.ti'.l tn lu re as In the nuinhef of . .isunll ies. f Tlx Mtliin- l(mM' clf.M .IriiartiiK- t'.i (.nod 'I lilies to Kat. handle IhrniiKh fri l(,'lit. A t'rli 11, erelvi 1! a ( t !".a ti- oí' rliai WILL COMPETE AT Mail Orders I dled Same llay f.l th.- HttrUi-f- II- iii-t- I i Hi. hy Thi' f'liiuilii nf th' cnniiiry tllwM i it.' iíi i'.i i s vr on l.xinv r lis Anmisl a deputy iDi iw siov . ' I'tft4 S I 111 1 tul.-- Dr. S. B. Un- üf- - ll,e WIM lie e in I'XII't'lHI' I'llKI' nf Wllti'lvMIV llt'.'lllll'. or u ní 1: w vr nn' of eM;,,sle. MCtCa III . II . tli;U una! ul'lh'i Wc wele, mil- r Uead Mlnllt t.llOU Illlll'H nf I'llllillH ll(lf l.midun. Jiilx 11. A sp. lal diaiialehoi fillalril HJti't ih.sts, nniKMilM t'd n t i! ys.- i il ti ' ml his fon i,, i i a p. Ovtf niii hiill' nf thin Irmn Teln rail mos Ihat 111 tile cukiikv-lllell- l fpiíií il.i ralii. OW . SMALOY'S mil. un.', ro' titiK mm.' I sii.oiin.inin lletWeell tile ShllllS tl'uops .111,1 Ih.- m ls. fl iiiilv nti'lili'iiliallv us tht if. Tli Will li he t ii Immiko fly niii txplmiil Mm ( .'ireful T. lui.i l"'f Hhiinilnni'il, nri.l ciiiiiil truf- the die lalt. r fell hili k imni'tii c;iiiy lentinn I'lesideiit t it m It i ,itc 11.1t lli in: t he ,1' d iln.l ll if p, fle '.'i niff that uf H.iin.' In I lei. shah, where uw IIIK' tn the na His Vfiiiiniinin, sa8 tlie lllll ;ili MO i:i 11. ot Slide. WILL T CONSENT i lin.ll llult Ht.'iiilily (i rri'.'iH.'.l Hit nf the Krnulld Ho1 linxallsts W' 1' vlill Ihe nal ( lull Hoiisit I!;ilii'( lieiiiiq, f- - Mu ..iil h:iv Tlic nimrt ulfi iiillt utl' Minn Inl. Ulalde tn make us. nf their mills. Tin lista.' ini lnih t" New Mexico F ruit Belt Will Go I 111 .'lln 2llc 11(11 i(m Ni -- I. ly tl) lllC y y i 1. ley pnw'i' nf I'Muiiinl inii irvp.n A ' Hire, inc. M'l llll.llllKfll.'t" illlv lepnrt iiilii-- rnilii; e.'l sua tll.'li fi . i" ti . n - M he , ... r - In. a- III uifj, SI. .lull X. .. Jul)' xvni k linn nf u.iri'i' ti'l inlniils lln iivat-- eiu lie. T. Iii I an w - t hat iliiit nl IP miiui ounic ivinney The i iie r I ' III' SiiklM'-- fH "f la.iim: eahl,- linj; TO AMPUTATION ('lull llmisi" IliiMiig ninl.' full In mu. th piut nl tin' k tit la r IS were killed and twelve u. in National Exhibition i., I it app. v " i I; .un -t .1 nl US ,1 il'eel , Will ill'!'. Hi .. . 35c ri pntt. iimv in pr. p.iriitli.ii i. n tile .'dill lis men W minded ma'!'' Mtnii'i' I'lini'lii Ii o. inn un iMi iHhi c iii- I li il (Hi' W eel,. I.., tl',e I. 'I' nf tllP htrlhi'Mt llltpnt tn nr.' In tliiln-- It fur, elllelll - Welf en hi lima Iv ill' lun in I'l'tmi th ',,,,,,,,. Ih- I'ahh- , T' tmprm I aliMic ;iinl tin ini iiuin urn. '.anx. id ;,.!. i:iH;:irii I'imcIii-s- "irnttinn rinlnal rninit mi t. lied nun T, hi all. Ihe nathui St',-,i- rr tn XlnrnliiK J,,lirnal leu . 1.' W .1 w n n n i i j u l tm a l') Tin n.w aide ill he lie, e.l í i alimtst l ' ., very iitri .un' uf tin' t!rt r.' illsts In lln- y who hi'liew that II.. ''tK" in l''a 111 iiiuimi. N M.. a. As OF HIS lino, irr oil! 2.o w it nn, i a ill. lit.', ninl in rntti.'ly puHsllitiv e tin It limine; h ui he T a is A laid a uhh ijalM" wele defeated al lIV. result uf the w-- tu thi uf . . pan', I'lin ind I'd, an w .1 It In tmli'il that 1:111.111. an uiilitiu' t.. ih. follow els-- 'I'll.- leuatn", and at Cape, and 1 ruis ir I ,lii-..,- (iolilen I'i'íirs, .Lio .1 ,1111,1,-1- . tun I. Olivet'. ,t .til ) of the Nat iella1 I'm in the rat a Id.' hue I,,.. Miinrn liiivr in man) ram?; itlnti itaiti tin luart. r? are i ,i ,1.111 pa rat miners in Iwe, an-- V.-.- gniilc, prr can 2rc nil-ti- lose lives U ii Km,,;,, 'urK, h) wa Hint uf wat'Twiiy Impi n pun h' i pple Kxpnsit 'I, tu he held ill sale and entiuei. iiellt ate lull Yonny h H , la) . uf l'',.iiad!aad. Slav Piefeis Deal e Ini'üJill. In Ai'tm! rutin with (lie hp. l.d wilh i I'm; e. s uní pa Is d he gasoline: explosion er next uniier, mi aii addr.-- s p.. . lii'iu-flt- r.'i'.'H ,1, Hhili' m iv lilt!.' ..I I. , liiirin I'd "y mad,- hefui" a meeiiii:; uf ii ant C'Ss nf Injured iVleiiiiie iehherry ,1am, ihat I111 hi t n ilnni' 111 tlil r.uin-try- . i,,,. Ml Koit-exe- lt Kejiehe- - .1.,i wit ers and lili.a us liu- San Juan lallev tó'iiuil. Ih run - A -- I Tli'" alsn c.lii fmili in, Id. nd -- a ' a u an na y Sin led, N,.i .,i) it... Tin, r apple m.n will semi ampl-s uf th- n ''lina. II Mysfei nunds Man'itM ft. iirly ii'Haiii'i' nt til.'iim Hall millers lost then4 tuda) while sa t;, t h" ste:, in, r i 'i el wilh ,l n.r lues splendid fruit I" the I'liaver ;huw il: h nn.l tin- r.'rpui-hl- a up i;ui,i-II- . lions, elt a II. ilia e Whit He Was Hurl, ir, trnilriii'y THAW TO HAVE RAÍ wut'kim; nn pi.ispe.i in, uf an el'turt tu land some uf tin hi- - h'l' ehiid nvti.-nlni- i , a a i ,,', of Imitiaic, 'Id as a result nl the nsioii nt a pt The heard, ri ..i in his - les. San Juan apphs ale re My Hit- iMjnr In linn; t; t - lllt; Xarl'-s- The reiiKii,,-e- i'iIm tsulnu. lililí.- puted the fill. St III the nil. d Stat, s pally JAMS AM) PIM'SI KVI'S Al i s.'-- - ,1 St relll-in- e p nf i N nwn.'.l hy lipp- Twu uf in, tn, n w.-r- a a ni, the st. r. df'aslly to nut lln l' uut kimi in llld ma lia u, men uf th-- shuw has- aim w i a i It the tie,. as a ,;n ai:m iii h M. tullí a I ImiH Mini I. y i ni pura lililí! I Hie 4.', l. n 1; to ainpiiiai,- injur T nil fnnt vil nil, lilt illsi-te- d t'Xpnsil Weill, nut í t that the 'I'm, Uhiell lie ie,ep,e, tintan r.l'tl t.uiM. ,i'ra inn .'.n ns. IIMlie suddenll ,.dnde,l killing IM I loli'llei' Koherls Sli'iil.eit. I'lllfIX ...till dele unless New , I. lull- -' set,. in e i H'l far I.M nl'tallli'll. lain. .' a ra ins, m S.Hi I'Taiu.-.e- .luí. II. Miss I'aril l'i 'laid l.'i'l and :,) Mi was repr. -i nted lln pu hli, tlx lax li M.'o a, In. and l.i nn tin lllllli .Mil1' t l A Kit oí, who has n ie. he .'t'l'liltlllM "Mh ii;l int J. who at tin hlllletill tn he issued tleln Iiuw nil h eliee Ituheils. pl.n any ,.,. ., ,, -- '."iild lather di" than j,',, Mesi'li. uf tin' r.tiat nk'-- ih.' Iili;li tup ,,f h,. shall, when Ihe aiei.hii; line ',,e.i h. Ilieal' f, 111 ll" tnitllilKi Ill of III .e shu',1 hi "ia; h lile v ii I .uh h 11 III ., lumt hai rti.s. ( nf till' pai ki t ' nil Nut od Liisuiioi Appeals Fodav ii i ii i. a 1., t Ty down th d s, iuas i el. e ludax a lid. .,, - red in tan wad l'a ni iutitmi. A,ie, ;,nd th. len iiisieK. a uiint; Slav a! r. Mie h,-- i i niiii' A a 1 M ' nwi'tii ami Snullu-i- rn.l lop "f the W hell 111.' :u , 1. 1. 'hi nr.luiii t., p i x s i ii mu'.; : a a I Lvainin-atio- shall. San Juan tuuntrx a tr, nnaaluii- - am, mi '. nil one a a s uld. Ins in lln- St. '1 White m t tu 1. pntt will ti.' uf alu. tn al Pl.ins IHI.'J II 111 I'd ia t el 1,1)1 ilnWIi fr.un he a i.;e fur sunn- tinn-- nal "i " erti-i- K II. V Is is . h r us, pii a puxl to the a 111.- vi Mil. Hi- , pri lit iiiiiu iiii lit fnt an - ladd. tn lu lp his I'tiipanhuis. hul i t.-- i i as to His Me tal Condi- man nf a ,. in n i I h w h a h leiidii",' ph.x ia us. S s . had a. j. iviaioy j II . ll' M ninl ft', itiipr.A 1111 nt ..i a. i ' h Ule gasolina w liv mm' Inm I'll! apel'i-e Ihe XX.Uk .'I ,'X-- his hole sh, nllder shut a a v II ' th,- lUiinln'H witl. point mil ind die, I'nii- iiKMsl.iiin d x 1, iw.iw ailn- II.!- - a lid d"l lax ' tie- ' - I r I'.tiisit sum,, kind ,,f a Slax ei, la- plo- - t. a IIS li REID Phone 72 ll'llll uf lv;lll'l' lull Ihe,'"! SUPERVISOR in, n at tin- ' farlhat;" milium i . Iw llni lint inne ixiMinit tin mm, Ih. r it. tin- ,h RPILLARS SWARM 'I'h. nil! h, a KM II Intel ,a .".-- ! .imp last adl.x é Inr thrlr pi . lit tti.f 1. hlii 1 11? litrnlnc htic-1.i- I Iff dull,' With a Slinl. 't inie ,n - ,, a pl'l' Un 111- 'a "Ik lleitlif ell 111" III, Ii W I. tí-- ,110-- . Mm ir,. ,,M,1 ninl lilas ill. aitl"li l'I ,l.) , Tin' shnllld.'l' Hills,!" ju, he- .i 0TR OCEAN LINER h, lia; ; a ni the l"'-- l arasid i,m' l"il;iril III) ('I n .nielli .all pr.''l' Th'.u r ., M inl.-- Win1' THE ZUNIS el tin shuiildel huiie x, te shut awax, .1. v .1 t i(lLr inlen-.- -' I" ti.kl li It will in Mill i .'ltd alllnnmli sun t'nlxin miix el -- nix ( el, on. ,uit" 11.1 II t w 11 W t 111- k il it "I it. a tin n II h t In "I ill ill'' me oil .'I , a, a. Salsa he a ,', tli. h' ll''. 'oililisl Itiinj.le; H, nil, tn I'.i. mil lal' i i a - a It ml, .1 a x A li it. .ella It , a i It nn t u In i'.j'i a s as a uf a i i J. h Chinese ,.li i an. nil.- I ii-- nt. Joss ;n)i un.l.f I'ln.'ul nni 'll tin :) Muid 'i in Sim. e p i e e is nl ,e ; . . I i t tun-- him-- , hia- 1 '.. li' plan . t t h.iti ,1 ti iii' h if hatidliiu; liMi.' :' a'ii'iiil .I i, a, e ti ml nl. in tin ., i, . 1.1 Wi na A a, ii e t,, - ill' tul t i"ti Ttn ,1. i nl .1.1 t . w 11 s, u! hUUliliM iltlt' Man tilín "i the p'ixs- i .". Vuik, .lull I'a m;ers h ixtt-en- h a - ... , j Sticks in aid -. el-- II 11 il- - '. h"W ' it uill-- ' he, U lt .1.1: Ih- .. i, t..n ,1 w 1, f. ol tin' Ann la an lili, N. Yin k. In tn III ., , I i e - , , ihilli lose da Stationed at Gailun With pus.-i,- e III ih, li FOR . 1: ) l'l ful hi In the ll :i u lili"' Nt'W Mlk ,la s, i, i ,, n, j ,1, 'I'll i'i'III'U ti.nii n, i,. ;,sl..uhti ' a II ui' ll. I'.tlll ll ' e i i, I, í l.'hl him-- , ll. I. a- -t in tie- ill f ' tli- I m : 1. d w I, s t ! nl al nialilur mi "in ll. d.i ,.ut .at- r . I j si;, ()(M i.f.' three lo lli s it .a .hditl '.l!x in en tien ,ii"e Aie.i th" Slax il. It Is he- COO 11. y U. )hi li.t l II t . CAPE SHELTERS .I' Txin- if, in ,, ox. eh. ad all" .. 111- N.atlun, ;l,e X'.nlld ,! ll. .. In xx.i-- - I'X 'Ule .a Driving n ,i w ' , of Natieiuil F shut Out Mosquilos TI u. at r ':'!,. ..ia na no' rep: . a , d eieht, ..(. I. sent .tu. milted a, .' a f i,- - mi in i x no a. eit In r ill'ulix ur ii, - II. t t 1! K II H'l , i..x rut ll' In at lili, n s a ;h-- x ,,,i it ..allied that huiiiaf.' I.. ' im mei .a' the tn .a ai'Iitillx allt that the Xulltu; man 111. -- .1 " I. M , - - WILLIAMS COMPANY ,.!..'iiaiiH- lit u: p.ila- r. w d t l t r. 1,1.1,14 lln- w d DRUG ...lltiliii think' and ..i in. Tr ' , man ho tin Ih. sl,.,t ".ii-- I h. l il. .,11 .1 -- , us- .1 - The a In puhli, an i, a .'. .ail MIGHT! ARMADA will. iiuiü!h It. s II' In he talal Inr the ll' f t :u h. I. ,n a d' xx a iitll'-- a ll he !''.. as III ' lis. rm in i "f : i, W l.i-.ll.i- '...a !i" p. - -- . .' h v. ,1 la,- hi- - th. IIÜ 11,111 i. r i: i' o in hi , ' a l.liai'l lin.Ml had i I J i a ii i "minimis, it is t tlaw. mu, stun. ,,j nn. . "Thar untnxxaid 'ix I ü (,. Id .1 n. .1 t - t I t :t ;i M. t .na tin si a nt a hi h 117 tn! ,ilt lio I'.'t Hi hi 11 h.. ,,1 -- mint X'' d- .1 West Avenue '' '"Mil .' "k. in, lit in.i.u pus.-ihl- e Ix !!i, al. that I.l i l - ' . . ' i a r ,n liat h It j - I I', I ; ulii, plan: , iali-- . tlii' in a. le ar. an' Itrmifilit oxer -- e, ipt Inn ,.(1 , II nl i a s.iis ,,, atluildillii phx.--e Phono "Kit. he, 11 head-illar-- ' Tin I i "- - , -- -- i,t:;u,. ilas made ;i .1 Li iiii oils 111. n li :;. lit u l hill the p a 11 hu'.x ex t r. alt- wat. h mi; t !', " e . N it. linn r- - ! - , ,1 t, .uni Nat iiui.i t,.ie.--i Most Aii.n U'.tl- 1' u .1 l.;i Th.- w H e t a u: k ,,v. . tin ! iiit:ii taa tiu r .n ht In ll - an it tin- n f'pxl .'fi I.IMiTlie a la . M A nl a- - I f I . III l v t !l ' I with II'' sil,. - p"s-ah- a u.-- I, f .H'l- nit'ltV u u in- a !i U 11- - 't 1111' p..isui,i:iL- il - that .S i. ships l S.'iltlle. J he Hilt I'U'a Ml . I. A d SANTA FE TIME TABLE. .ct u.'int appuirli "It , rt-- i i , lit i I r v - w 0 ' ,. n, xx a i'l hi- - '! na t u and Ihe Ispwurtl, I. el I . -- , t onxtlltlu'l ..Sü.. ha- - tahllsh- d ill 'In .,.1' j I, li '. .1 m 1, v t U i.- , Hi f ()!) jit v.n. ,l.-s.-, id tn a mpiltat AmtMlran nt f R I lif t'nit.,1 si ps and Caii, da, Ml-- - .XI - ' - . SI I0W Of RHUS UOull ,1'khll In-- -- - ( l'l i 11! t in ;.t , , ilion r.i 1'K'i - fun i ih ... a ;. . t i . t i , -, st- !! ' with i;.:- ;,s iiiiit.lill r a'ld a i ' - ' , I . Hnl'-- e- P.'nvi'H t'ti ill t I tí II it x nieiieiill in Ihe Mmex. LllOA DEI AvS TRAINS lti,i illlt' tu al mm t"tii- - h t. I'tus ',,',,. ui x-'ii in, ii V k it "Hi 1 -. .1 u A i I A I .... le-- I'X , : '..i tinn as pl'.tdt.l ..ll p. a I tin t'ai hull I'ltx, fila". I' I , ,,,,i--.-- Tlu.'ii - t " s j .. IX 111 t ll. la. k ' t pl.U e S.pi.,1 S; l - d. v Hit;. ,i., Sm-- . h.u pul Illy 0 Iruwil Hlrv I I K I I I l -. t "11 'l ,v !' HI Mils II KI s a . The ( Ill t a it - -- . ;, I M a i. d I"' I' ,t th' . l'. '.ll ai will !"i r 'ax j: St h t. a. M. XI ., ... 1, st.-p.- a ; I'.'.it tie Th. HI . .11 t r . ; .. - a liu h IllMIK n Nt IV. KOMI a lii u I. ih .t t" IIP, 1" V. ' ',, A.l-k- .l 1 ,1, "11 I'.,, ( Id.!'. litla'd I'. I! I' lint, s ! ,,. el-- i', 'illl. III Iii hart.. I, .1. w -- n.lh-- . " II. Th. '. n wind am Ih.r. e,.,,n,s ,.,,t X', 111 , -.' WU K iin.lh. uiii ,i It It Whin ad- t a ; !at;: . "'Si..'i - M , v. : .ml .lit,) wit. is w I. ' a- ai-- - I Id. in r tu:,'-- mi h. I. (,.,, t, tin an l,'h' .i n an :l fi led ilia dx 111 th- am- - I'lt-m- un.ii K a. J it'ii i ' ' ail iiit.rnn.'H natural j I lil.'1-- t I Id ' ll , . . : ' and "I. .' j i. . ,,.l w.a-- I (, ..( h Nt l . I ' .:. ti .h a a I i - i a 1. nt ha I w i k plth'.U.r Th. ,l..x ha- - - o s, l iv.'hpalx tana, i. r.its, 'r. T,.: :x,. Jj., J. u,n ) -. . i,- ... H ' . . , . ' : sp-- . . - I II,,. (,l.''e.l fa ,, (, ., i1. ;. - a at-i- sl I a 112. r has-- Pali. la ap ,! . r.'iu Arrlxf ....' ull.t'lj, .í; a in I ills un .1 lail-- the ;.,i in.. I. a,.. nl a- - Iju.ulh Mat' '. ',',. - lP"r4 . ,t i. ..i . . . " v Mid Hll i s I.'- II .. j , ... K I' SI . a s "a i.tii Fxrff-- P StalS I,, s,. i.M '.I.I W. . a j ' Tin I'tP I I,, le K ;e fill '"lies ". i I .e. I . . a, , 1 "' I - j , half ind.. all. tiax. f - .11 I . (...' .,. t e , ,. ,1V I I , , ' j s pi la i ,. , ,, I .... -- . ' d 5 I. ' N . ,,- :. . .dill. I,., in., ' sp." d I,' al r"t. ,i -t M.ul .1,, p the ' S .,. t I 1. h Wit! IKK Ha in 1 I ,. ,v ,., 1.,- . i: I' M..t , ,.y ).. ;., .I..'. ..' s in ,,. .,' T 1 lie I I .MIimi-siii- j i;,p ill ,t' h"seni Hllill i SJH.IHIII.IIIMI. I rt.tii Ho- I. II; n ,. , ,., ilh lltr Hr.1 ala! a .! the OI lí WIIKK Ol OX v " ., I July II. I'"tlx - l..IMKl !fJ ,,.) M i'l (l'l f'-- . , .i"ht s- I - i y tin . i - ,..,. ,,. ln-ti- i, t I - . I. Ks r ' t .1 " 1- 1- . ; ls 1' p I' t. inula liiiw Attn "l nado K I Ix,- lnUm-rs- lll:,.a-- " at- - ,!1 he ",l,.! p It . Mill ol Mili: Is. a. l.ei, ( '" ' " " l" K , 5 I'h. 111. hid- :. " i - .,. " I . ' a, k 4., - P illl .v .. ri'tllt- Ol (I... i k . M ", n . Ix- SKIKIS AMI IM.'k si Is iiv it iti t'lulix ill. J i, II A tul- I al i' ...mmi-.-e'- ll in lls n,irv Kl. - .. ,.,tixt l 1:1 i i . t:,in, ifhipi, tulp'd" ililiu- w.n us .a ivh u lí l ,x .ha,,,..,-!,,.,- ,, t l , m i. l . ' i,:;tiih. r I" h. I'e .d ! liv i,,,,. "H I." ' Utea.!,,;.' 'e '. j .y.--vv- ' i:pssi i. mi i.i:v Am .r a li. llla-n- . I I l,.'l.i i a4 r. s Mitt -- I ' ni i ii ' frn; rl,'V i. i,, ,.,,,,rs and link kl' iiik p ' Th" st... ii he ' -. i.l ear a, , , ' ,! or ins i. tr..l.,, .. i - : . flu liri'f ell'"' ISM. ii'k ' ft. , , Supply ship- - !,utiilerii,i- 1. it-- -- . 'li. 1. sh.- ,ie. r,i. the I a , I'X ' , i n.i, 'ink' d. l"t IhC to St. to. t. ," S. at a'.. I Atnm ,1..' 11 p 'f ...... I it pr.feiitn.ij tt BiUHt..'ii near'y.. .,u,. ii. an w,t! d I, , ,1- - (I,.. 'I I r.trn l..r S.Hilrt lln nf t. Ma, Wash 'l'l', -. . 'a 1Í..O-- - V.V.- J T on (.ail.f.dti With IV. I) el, a ! I.V h- I .1 w . Vais. A K ,'n.,. 1'', is .' he Xe i' ni I raate-r- t . r i t t r . - . d'. .th It'll'. he ai .S. i ; F. .5" . i" a.. Mominij ' ' , l Try a Journal " ''' i.iMn-- Uattf Vtt-l- .ii-- r. ''! i - "Want. . as. it w:i I.. r. ,, t" th.-n- e- it.u' 1 r - p.. .Hulls ta.- ..f and ?X. 1 S ' i . i a, ffl - st j... tt nef .1 Wi'l- - Jt-- i -eJ - !, hJK t'l the I' x r . n ! , iTi 1t' ''X..'.. .'"''"'s-- ".- ., fil J.urt n.'ui it. n ..Ih, a i N. t al th rn!..h!x x.i! he ! ex - il. T. E. pri-JDT- . Atcnl THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL. MONDAY, JULY 12, 1909.

?Y V ? ft First National Bank of Albuquerque V ? to play nearly nil his men out uf V Un ir regular positions. Y BASEBALL Score Firsl itain. It. II. K. REPORT OF CONDITION JUNE 23, 1909 t'liialui 0 13 101 (nix H 10 4 Y Wlchilu lion On;; mid 3 7 4 Y Butteries: Lower and (binding; Ciar kand t Y TIIKY ST.WO. i HOW Scon Second game li. . ? , KKSoL'KCES Omaha 40 3 IS Ü0.X--- I! 17 3 ? Wicliita 100 100 001 3 (i S 1". 2lM).()iH)(K) Won. Lost. C ll.'ittcrirs: Keelcy and Cndnian: ? lÁians am! Discounts $11L,0."S6.01 Capital Y . 19 I t B in p n nuil Huberts. r Securities 4.VH0..U Surplus and Profits 57.57S.4') Y ..III 'i .:'3 Bonds au.l CIlR'ag" ' ' I ii h in JOO.IHM).(M) L'T . H 7 ami Fixtures.. 40,000.00 Y . r.ankiu Htuise h York ..40 .". t Sioux fit j II: Denver . . a 33 .54:' 332,500.00 DKPOSITS --V33,53J.3t Sioux City, July 11. Tin- cham- C.ovcrnin't lioiuls.? Y tJ t ll ii .44!i J ..lit pions won first game of the i'. CASH and Depository for Y . 40 .403 t SI. I.UUis from 1'cnvcr. h to ."i, a 4 7 .338 rlis before .$1.i51, 14.48 ilrocililV" ..24 largo Sutiilay crowd. ? United Y ..JL" 48 .314 1.384.J14.4S - KI'SOL'KCl'.S licistuli Score- - l: II. !: ? CASH Santa F c Y Sioux city ,..."2:'. out mix n 12 3 Amiri-a- n Leiigiir- States Y Denver non ü 2 000 5 X Tt )TAI .$3,3'M, 110.83 Co. Won. I. st. iJ. C Depository TOTAL $31,110.153 Railroad Y "' 1! S .113 7 H.itteries: Chabelv. Freeman aid I trail Tonne; Holiaimon, Adams ami pl.ll.'idcllillia " ' .635 f Y :i2 .5 73 Thorn pson. Hasten '''' Y Cl.vclaiii! 10 Sü . 5 5 6 3M Moines 2; Tnpcku 0. .5. Vu York 3:' .451 lies .I.!,':.' :i0 41 .4 33 lies .Moines. July I'.iersilorfei-hel- T 4 3 .4 I to hits and Den SI. .'"lis Toprlia three I in win- Washington -- 3 4S .32 Moines had little difficulty ning 2 to 1. tv Western I,cni;u'. Score 1!. II. H. Fch'r.ttion and also of four national Won. Lost. V. C. Den Moines ...OO'i iiju onx 3 10 3 i giinizal ions of u similar kind. TopcUa oimi oon ool 3 1 FORT BLISS BUNCH DECLARED JEFFRIES Mrs. .Mckenzie bus been slut lulled in Sioux i'iiy SANTA FE WINS FROM :!s s" lliilteries: I'.iersilorfei' and Ker- Seattle the past six months. She also Wirliila e 35 30 .S3s nel'; Wright and Kerns. Mates that remarks of a similar Denver lib- to by '! " :1l -- had been m her nianv ,;,ln. j" ter- 35 3 ...30 Lincoln II: I'nehlo n. AGAIN WILL NEVER other persons who have attended D.-- Moines GRAYS IN LOOSELY DEFEATED 3 3 Mo., 10 - Crowd- mer expositions. Mrs has T i,., 32 .432 St. Joseph, July today-Lincol- tin 25 40 .3S5 ing cii'ht runs into one inning, been engaged in the work since I (I o, he-fo- Chicago World's tali- In Mill and I.iiuolii -- 5 44 .362 defeated Puchlo to a crowd of 3.500. BY ALAMOS FIGHT speaks with authority. 1!. I T !: PLAYEO GAME Mrs. McKciixh- rurth.-- slated that lll l'.i; TIIF.V I'l.AV TOI.Y. Score r.ineoln "IS (mil mix s I 1 so far as sin- could discover, offb ials ooo ooo ooo 0 ,"i 3 were lining all they could lo stop the Nalioiial League. Puchlo Butteries: Xagle and Sullivan; while slave traffic and stamp out vice. I tllsliiilg "t New York. Problem of Finding Man lo III just Swift and Mitv.e. HEAVY HITTING BY Soldiers Are No Match For the Uesorts of fame were closed ( .n.innati at lirooklyn. la rule tin- fair opened after a h i iphia. Away Laurels 'Ideas" at I'hilad. VISITORS THE FEATURE Fast Alamogorclo Team and Take Johnson's debate in the city council and ener- Si. I,"uis at Ho.s'.oii AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. "T Aie Worsted 7 to 1. Still Far From Solution. getic work by the citizens in favor A GOOD STANDBY tin closing. (iiod, nutritious bread is one 1 ( ague. people of cast believe thai American At inneii poli Not After the Many the great essential and you limy .MiiineaiioUs ,l Locals Did Get I Washington at Cievelmid. Smm-I.-i- West am especially of Milwaukee 7. llpiitcli to tile Muriiliut .Imiriml. I ll.r MuntliiK Journal l.eukrd Wir the people of search the world over and not I'litladelphiii at Detroit, !.ciiil coast are ver- - loose in At Indianapolis I nd la n.i poll 0 Runs Aggressively and Were Alamogordii, N, M., July Il.--T- Xew York. Julv II. An effort vv ill the Pacltic find any that will surpass llutier lioxtoii at Chiciitio. niontls," continued Mrs M c Ken Toledo 3. again to- be mad.- chit, n ihlr Cream bread. I'poit this bread New York at St. Louis. Woisted; Poor Base Running Alamos ib feuted Fort Hliss this week to the they are mistaken.' Vice Is At Louisvill- e- I. cuisv ille I'; Ooliini-hil- s ie. tin- foiiinlatii.ti of it happy. by score of 7 to 1. Tin- A- mat. Ii between Jack Johnson, heavy- in cast onl it's' I. Lose, day the .lust as rampant the healthful life call be built. The Also Helped to in llrst inning, cover, In tin west It 1st of your Western la'itgue. At St. Paul (first aaiuel St. I'aul lamos scored two the weight champion ami Al Iv.iinii'.iii i.l under while hea lili and happiness Wichita at iimalui. li will Improve, If you be- 3: Kansas City 0. Í Second aniel St. one in the third, three in the lilt and California, set for ciiliei- September more rank. family T" ka at Des Moines. I The grounds of the exposition m" come a customer. Paul 3: Kansas City 0. (Culled nt in seventh. The Soldiers or October, and to dctermin II,,. Poor base running and erratic one the bv ano Pie lile at Lincoln. i pía f signed policed two prívale detectives end of seventh ii ii ii k on account of re- th.-i- ross the meeting. Johnson City. playing by tin- outfielders was passed lonely man ai besides a largi Deliver rt Sioux da rk ness. anieles cailv In June, but pressure three field secretaries e In fourth In the tilth sponsible for the defeat of the plate the lias beep brought to bear upon him to force of exposition guards PIONEER BAKERY Young, the Sol- In the wav .1' word- AMERICAN LEAGUE C.ravs by the Santa Fe Solo- inning 1'elphrey und cancel the match, on tin- ground that fiinnv Inker ing- unti-clgar- bill passed by the I I Si". af- pitcher, collided, resulting In it would Interfere with his fight with the JII7 Stlllll KM' mons at Traction Park diers" Woshington legislature, lias caused a vi-- , -- Young being knocked out for several Ketchel. THIRTY E NTRIES FOR tin- gam.- resu'ting in a ol I'liilailclpliiii 7: Detroit I. ternoon, Pclphi'oy's knee was Injur- The pugilistic atmosphere Is un- little speculu'.i.m among the iimts of 4 minutes. a g. Detroit, July 11. Krauz today tory for the visitors by the score ed. The accident occurred as the re- dergoing constant changes with re the tiny paper pipes and - yellow col- pi'i bcil his tenth successive i.story. I.. " Weeks was not as effective sult of Young- attempting to Held a spect to plans for the undoing of disappearance or the dainty an in on tapering rin-Re- r misiiuf shutout tiiroUKli been, al- ball on the first base line. Johnson I'nt'il hW recent fight oring is ohselved the vesterday as lie might have - Jack fas- USING Hie second inniiiff. GLIDDEN Summary: F.arned runs. Alamo- Hilly was a strong tips or many devotees of the GET TO Í eti with I'upke. there - .nil i,nd only , Srur, H 11. R. though he cf.uck roído four: Fort Bliss. 1. Struck hope among light followers that cinating- art 4 3 allowed hits. The hlls came at A lb- - . Driroit 010 oho ooo three out by Lrclulr. laioBordo, eleven: Stanley Ketch.-- might overcome 111. Aimed orluinallj al in e T 4 however, and were off vv 100 400 3 opportune times, P.ltsK eight. Hits i. bill -- I'liiladcii'liia ..o03 by Young. Fort iicurn. bul thai hope is now glim-ii- o" clicaret selling, the long drives. In each .ase they meant nine. - ' a naileries: Killian and Staiiane, in Leolair. live: off Young, bile iniprcs-siin- i v.or.led that their i""- Is consider II Ml Oils Cars, Big and Little, Parked Lopez fanned eleven men also. clair and ring as Ketch.-- made ..r '.iff l: rKeiiilorf Krauz and Thomas. inns. llatteries: Alamos, la on nt ideineaiior by the law. In some I. boys pounded Ander- - Papkc. For ut the AlluiiUeriiio Nelson; Fmt llllss, Yoihik and the stat . cu- Detroit Awaiting Signal were Friends of Jim Jeffries sa.v toilny the smaller towns o' Donhle-lleiide- r. ten lilts. The locals be, SI. I. ouls Tnkes him for lee. lb.- annouiice-men- t ten, r,sing public officials h.ive i. Denver, running and (lie coaches hand, which iiccom- - thai. noDvlthsian.lin;; ,St. Louis. July 10.- - St. I.oui.s and Start of Long Run to slow on base Til. Furt Hliss champion adding to their local reputation and a of bolichead plays, nl,..i hall team, remained of the former New York plaved two names today. made couple the lira glory running to i over certain I'll ,1 delightful to his theatri. al engagement only two scores lonighl ami lender n S. ore Kl'-s- "lanie I!. II. K. with the result that fight Johnson, (he one smokers hose general lly hil of was mad. that he would ei. I.euii. .Olli !M'I ."0 S 10 0 Mcniiinc Journal Sfi Virl were made. line open air coiicerl. r, neve,- r. at suggest suspicion. aiitomo-hile- s time hoil. rniaki will titer hast 1! 1 Thiity 111.- inning, when Salazar and N"iv York muí o S Detroit, July ll. in first I hese a ppr.-h- ii u oi lit. ....olo In Hie i:liihiliiill lime. (he ring. is said bv Ihosi bee Aside from Cri- - te Wi ks hit. Salazar scoring. Cubs Í4ic of nu- They Are the Best llatleries: Pelty, T'owell and rilllKlllK I'li'lll little ruuahouts N". .1.. July ' ' '' thai Ins condition ml. sanilv and usefulness the again nil J City. ' lo Jeffries ss liroclvctt, guinn and eighth Salazar got on first Atlanlic with anv un .ill-- IV Sti'iihi'iix: meat toiirinj; cars are parked tonight league was d. not allow huii t. go over a few fast is not regarded II r1r-rho- e, was scored by Chaves. The visitors Chicago National nils, whether fir cniiKhs und (.'(.Id, tin- br ad-lilt- Kl'inow. lllari. sig- game li. i t. mumls. users of oi din.iry both In chllhlren and in Cadillac sipiare awaltiiiK the game through- feuled in an exhibition i Score Second k.'iiih It. H. V". played a pretty fair In Turkey. F.gyp Host. Kidney min- being chalk-- d made Itheumallsin, bikI mís 4 nal which will start them at one out, only two errors dnv. cities si i.i, ooo loo mix K II F. other civ ill.ed villages. In the HlomiK h Coinplalnli There Ii ." " while their oppon Scon .WW ooo ooo o at 10 a. in. an against them, 4 ngi mi such as Do Dime efflcb ni IJnlrnent an4 Voiu ute intervals c !l of Importance in Wash run tin made fivi lly taking yestef-Sant- a ( 'hicago National.-Atlanti- . Oil th llatteries: lineen and Stephens; tomorrow on the sixth of ents I and spokan-- Uedlcated than Fe has City SEATTLE FAIR HAS Seattle, Tacoma lliiU's and Sweeney. 'American Automobile association, day's, game. th. team or Illiniums odors ill and N' dham; Vickco mi! sometimes liilerinuloiial. popularly known as the (Hidden tour. defeated th ('rays three times the approach of Ihe abused Santa Fe ami ( TCoiinor can ha I: l'.o-t- I). Kach repair that has to he made to succession, oni( eigai.l. Is met with oi Than remedies found liicazo Th. score: and inaliguanl del'eal-'i- l any in the 3.H3Ü miles run twice in AlllU.Uer,lie evi-r- The "in.ikii's" ana I'lii'aKo. .Inly II I'hicao machine l smelled on hand sale br All druggist I iini'i-ii- of Malinger Selee. THEM ALL BEAT for Besleii todav, 4 te 0. to Kansas City by way of Chicago. The score: ;,rc smok-r- s pockets, ami th- - tai- lu Medicine. U II. P a. j: Melrose, Mass, July II. fun In all Healers I!. II. K. Minneapolis and Iienver. will result Santa Fe All when wealth Sere 3 man lor made article is binned . 4 a 2 l (I. fornor aolnly 4 X D. Anderson. of Frank Compounded I'llilMUo IIIMI 101 2 MX 0 in a penalization of the nimbinCs Hi" is abonilont. tf . I 1 0 7 Hie Host on llat nals and mío mío o 3 4 ixoch. lb ager of siiiok-- . nun score. -- is not rlg.uet M KM a . who died in rill'! INIIIIINAIIONAIi to thirty cars which I.. Anderson, Chicago Nation, of III.' gup pal Biiltn es: I'.urns und "wens; In addition the , today In lb- - I' "' Moral Tone Far Above That e;s to leap back "ver si H IM) . M V MIOXKJO trophies, Parsons, c 0 0 II ver was luid h l' and Douoliue. will contest for the three 'í. vv th'- sent tr hlldhood (lays. Ihiichell I II 0 0 pal chiir, h, of bich ntiiiif pi. Central, New Mexico. run. al t twenty non- - Lopez, p Methodist Previous National Expositions Hie back prized of the . Klld seek th. lusion of .Mr. Sebe was an m her. In- will make tie W. Parsons, w of t lompeting machines il a a bal II all to no comforts PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE 1 Is Woman's Statement; ilgneo. of , ; i ti"- trip. a a it i bul Nick." oko . . ARE , - touring- cars arc eiilereil P.ernell. If. OLD TOWN SOX t I bio ks of tin- Wash- Thirteen a 1 o Cigaiette Law Joker, hriiugh be add 1 i f . . - Oakland llealeii Twice. for the ("Hidden trophy. BY HUBS iitgton u s is ollsi.lereil (S i'l- Kran-'is- c DEFEATED . I ,,, San Ki a 11. trophy, fur touring . , . . , s,. ,11 i.. ,i niav l.ilvt' COAL COAL i COAL iieisco. July For the Mower ; 7 ii .' ...... Iinn n mall tak-in- u Total ( v,,u ,,, MaKlalKl today runabouts there are lourien entries. 'urmiii.n.lriiir In M.inioiK .li.iiro.H )js ,ol,,cio no, it sillín lit In an. lollll Ml II' colli of vitiji to hod your contest for w vv lioth yatues. 7 to und to 3. machín. s will .llll.V am II he or bis il" Water, tlolll now' e ill sell yot! Three A P. It. II. P a i:. l.iiiiiiiliy Worker- - I'm rliop In Old, lltlc 'The Seattle he prefers, IVNII.'CtiVely. Detroit trophy niT.-re.- by the City Alhiui ripe ,1 hii is cuu- - coal thai used to , t Sr.T.U for $,"i,2... the 0 13 3 II Score, in morn is to oth. r i,,t arr. ration, Pena, c I'lielilo Aggrcgaiion: World's fair, "li so-m- S, ,,i c orn K. I'- V-- of Detroit, for niinialure toiineaii and 111 1b. . lass or a l in; itami .' 3 IT 13. nleied rinilnal r, 3,1 . to a high class hotel H Sail Fiaiieisc( 7 s rumble cars. Sa laxt world's fairs as Direct Line Coal Yard il vv ll v e, I 10 1 is 1.000 miles longer Weeks. p... lo i, low di judging "in hat Oakland The contest The Hubs, oi the ' Plume 2. - ( r . 0 llulibs Laumliv VV.IS '..i t anv of its pre- 'ha vez. have belli aid. rive. til' tes: Itrotvniiiu and iml more severe than , .it.-i- (Mil leu,.. eonipaiiv def, the Town Sox, "I" f fifteen Hidalgo, lb. He,,,,!,, 111...- I- bv Mis. I!. .M'Kmi WUnnf Williams; and I.a only tin the on -- v es- T . Mnrmnri Ini irn nl " ' I'.ooie. Nelson ,l,.essors. a a a it 1 the Fourteenth trccl groiiiuls 11 y el rfviai.iiii .& I. ss I ."ill Luna. ( f lo, no Illb .1 Ho iil. i.uia I'uri.j ifiuiuinvj ki .lavs tuns calls lor than ter, ;,v al'telltooll bv- th- - score of 17 lo CONSOLIDATED LIQUOR CO. "I" Alall.l, ss. Ser, teliloMti aaiiic It. II. K- - miles and the last day the Omr 13. Tlir feature ol the game was the (ioli.aes. 31 in c 7 0 .1...... o, Is the machines cover pitchiiiK Weeks, a 11 l'i aie that I I of Johnnie brother urrrN... Mrlilil Kiikla I o 3 I Kansas, to le niassi. If. ( v "a kla ml : 'JI3.X miles from Salina. or Italic Weeks the i I'll s pttelier, mul llii.-l.i-- 1.1 l.l.iml, Itall-rie- s: Kntle- - and Ihrry : Kansas City. The more pessimistic who struck out. I (i men. Weeks only W lllll I.SAI I. III.AI.I.IU IN I o 4 , " io'Ss .,11,1 Lewis, predict that some of the cars will not Totals issu.-- two walks and livened thing-- stav in lb'' run as far a- - Denver. up by making a lioun- run. Tin- line- WINES. LIQUORS & CIGARS. K-- 1 i i iioii HillKleil Dolllilc Doe. Kalamazoo. Mich.. miles from Sl'.M M A I! Y Karnod runs. Santa up vv as as l id lo s - W han-ll- evt-ry- t hlri In nur Tin. Writs !."S AllU'Ie-- . objective p. ant of the Albín, iien, ue 1. Three has- bits San- Hubs Co, una right liehl; Horn, July II. Aside from Detroit is the for lliinir.t f .1 ('HiiitoHu and ITU Lilt Tin- second 3: AlbU(tiel il. Two base v- "" 'act that Cortland won hoth tourists on the fits! day. ta llle short stop; (lall.gos, second base. InSTKL'C'J l INH imiiil li in "' Chicago. A I: F- - 1. First cent, r Cordova, MS. "'Hi I'll.-!-', the only other fe.l-o- f day laiiu." them luto hits. lhii.)iier.iie Santa 'Juliet lex. tl. hl. 1triliun will I Weeks Cluiv-- liehl; Weeks, ( 4 .huihlc-heiol- were 7:1 3 miles further west on balls, off ": l.elt ; left OKM R IIKST hT., AM OTI RR AV B. t,la's ,U- - 3 Cor- lsi; l"hiis,,ii's home run In the first uHitie. Leaving Chicago. Jlv I. th- - tour- on bases Stin ta F' 3. A Ibmiuei pitcher: Fagrad... Ilnrd base; L. H pitches. I.i. pe. I II t by pitcher, dova, base 'Ii'ivi.i..; in n. runners ahead of hun ists II spend lb- - ;" Malison. Wild llrst I : l.y Weeks, Town Sox perca, (ente, held 'u'l ''"'lllald's hattinu Wis. From Ma. lis..,, O. Crosse. by l.op... mi ln.ksoii: did Invksticatw - bv 11 se, olid o ,1"'- lb- k by Lopez Weeks cat. her; Torres, & s' - Muriiiiis nano It. H. Wis.. K.4 4 mil' s. N - run for .lub stroi out II; llonales, B. H. BRIGGS CO 3:1.".. base; Duran, base; right '''la.'ii '..I : , - 111 tie- ma. hin-- s will I'mpiie. Mason. Time Attend, tllild on Jiilv Ii- -r I ' r, Held; Madri. ph. ami short stop. 'i u. i 11 n 177 miles t.. Minneapolis. anee 500. DRUGGISTS. travel Itoni.-r- ld Ill-r- H1 (sub ). .( liter 1'er.a. l;'tlcn, Kah and (lavs Will be spent e. lloan: Tlvo White, pitch. i and short LlJtJtilNtjll 'I 'ikii' ss .,n,l ii of Ju'y 1!". will btt rru.r1rl..ri af Arnihruster. the morning Hv TEX HALL BREAKS OPEN -- top. S".!'. -- Afterii.Miii p.inv It. H. K SWillg Off I'" the southwest, headed lor AHarsdn I'liarmsc. 'i.r. o,l(f sn4 I lrnl v is: BANK TO POST FORFEIT lllalilimil llnirii.iii-.T- or. r.n. Mi"n Denver. The schedule thereafter ( pulrul und Hr44jMHj-- '"i'M.,,1,1 . s AUnKatc WESTON STILL FOUR DAYS I Jnlv 111. Mimical s t" l(t Milt I II I M I It Slltll.T l'.ilti-1-ie- ; Si Infer and KinUel: Minn. 113 miles. July riMIMN - tt nml ' 21. BEHIND HIS SCHEDULE I"ll. fll.uiey ;ind Fisher. Dodge. L.w.i. I :!. mil's. .Inly Kly. N.i.. July II - Tex Mall. win. ( AMI O.M.V to Coun. il DIuCs. 1 nob- -: '"' -- -' s promoting Co- fight between Stanl- I mi'.-- : July ey K t ' La h r. ok A: to eb . 3".3 and Sam nifurd. Kearn.v. " S,u ram-nt- o. Cal, July II With. Sacramento. 11 - I.os An--"- I' g. Col.... miles: S. pt. niber fi. posted a loi Teit or H'.jOO July The t.. Jul Mo K'H 3 : 7 7. S -. I niibs of H- i- mil- - walk from s ;im n;ade todav !:-''- 3 1. 3ol mili- with !( bank tixlu:'. history July to Denver. N'-- York to San Frani is. o slill l.e-fo- 'm; oa: ,o fir-i- t will spend tn 'lavs ill upon arrival fi(,m San Itauni of the the The tourists him. Kdwatil I'ayson W. st.,11 3 th- - last night, that clubs in '"'i' that Sacramento fans on re Julv and "n v -- n D.nv.r. rested,,y ,,t .,s. lile, igiit -- '""ii,. r hi On- l..,s II l.l- -t -g illg that and "tin r cities were after the Pi seventh Aus"l" (Lev b.glll the inil-- s f this city. II- - w ill " Ic. Tie- day's figM and ni.ikuig or the act north "'"I runs "ii six hits Denv.r. rot' Hug". '"..I start on Hi- - last lap of his long walk Albuquerque Foundry & Machine Works M b- II,.- fina, no liad been posted here. l:. ran w .11 - 73 mi! that folfeil at .. i.', lock tomorrow morning and fOHR Ang'-le- t 13 - follows: Mall today prevnib.1 upon the bank - .I.MS of II loor al- as now to lv r Ictt-- r from tille . d- -- ts the I 1 3 I (i ', lil'I'-s- lie ' " ''il' t'l.i 0 Huso t (laklev. Kali its doors that might Postmast-- r .Morgan to : i pn-d- t money. otb-- I33.."i(i'i l!;.li. v., ,. I ( lien, boll .. u ... .lin.i Kan.. l:!'7 n3.'5. the The r oi Arthur li Kisk of San Francisco is poste, Willi llalli. Plow,, ,,nd Mrviies. (Iraliam l,,, Juiv to Kails., s c;y. Alo.. the to be the bank lV,'iln.-Mlii- ntoi ntng. four daw 3. ii August i Mall is making- prepara ' :' mib s. his s. of Mm i.,vs pla.-- tions for tin bout to take I Htbl-- mm here Th- - whit- - hail t- nt WESTERN LEAGUE. ' . s" MllllluV Tl'lllllo in ViM-k- part of til- - day in b .1 That Automobile -- ' V, w York Julv 11 IC H Ha. k- -t ll owlnj letlucf mill ruili-l.e- s I- i- is I. ginning t fe. l the is -. ., I - ! (Tk ll 'Hll XMli. Itolll .IMK- .,, r, itlle W..I1 til- - West Ches- ncrv m in n Imvr fn-lai- bb rit from th Is. I lb it b- - did ii" Repairs - . J ,'v 11 Th- - horn- - ,nll,l.H , (, t,..l., y in tin- play off! i.ppi. Ijirse kge. push on to witli, n l n mib s of S.n ra- - ""''''' - (.ul.-liea.l- pn , 'b- - I n il Hm- - .lii !'"'' '"'.Ii gario ..f i tj(. i, nis toiiriiauo nt at j hir nisii r imck- last idij.t lo b id planned Journal Want Ads. Gels Results i the . v.i,hit.-- learn to- - t. niiiiitrv , Ink Tic y .1- -- ss x-l- l nrr non I. Iaik.-- limn Hn, wi not statt ..nt t.t toitigbi '"4 Wi-- n v j . I.. Vr, i -- & The .l'.. ii Bfr.Bn by i'i- - f, n I Warren and I. i.nbiiaiilt x.lil. H. i i. his ,,1, titioii H- - ib 'a: d ALBUQUERQUE FOUNDRY MACHINE WORKS Try ' ' I. -- Mil apelille: ivlpnie . a Morning Journal "Want." ":!':'l Hi', iiianag-- r b. ing f.'t Jr.. !- -, 4 ll. that he is f. :nn tine. THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL MONDAY. JULY 12. 1909.

Ox HlMaiewe tunl rvponiljility al uny unr tinir in tin- - w y..ih inilin paying with In im-t- . t.J. t Snap the aity the majority tSl orl. 11. nicain.t IS. 74 in Shots From the influ-t- - thi of tin- in re N.'u Kiik!.iihI a ) ' I i.M in ivnnayl-v.ini- a i'iitji. Tri-Week- ly morning journal Mraltiiiig or ml-ra(lri- t hr Southwestern Hit-nt- : if tí!'- ..lit.'fs "f ih- - iiiajiirHy. Th-.- - iiirr. .!l . xoí.iin til- - 'agt-r-. Sanctums - Men's IVlhl.nil lljr the haa ti atwittiul In ! t n. .a with v.l.iiii iv. ty ::K'if''ti dia-- i - tlx- outromr. Thui. It in of iii-- matar- iiiy - í( In. h.ivt- - -- mariufa.--tur-r- JOURNAL PUBLISHING CO. (mi tunt to ''aa abi?, íais la ii) .tiuat. i by tii- - llrrr- to (),imiUl Regal Excursions ami ff!ilnt pi;.Ofllion" aa to tiiit tío ni. o .ho that wno'J It lll f I K"lu) tli in 1 "f If. have an abl Mi!rlntk ami ffii Im1 Hill tiolila it .;,u with no it th- - nildilk-- i." n xt J. iniary Dk A. IHTHÍMON Praldat k- - ?ub-iituti- Montoya Kejiublii w mi;ki: r.aitar in i.jwr, if ull our j..rn.n t of a .u. H.f'.il an - Thursdays - . Oxfords Tuesdays JAME. p: ,VK Olif Baila ri. (nt nin- lit in hfukhy upra- - of olio r an..l li.i.-- r tlii-- L B KultiiliH ViKiUM atat.a(r tlutl ll--- - tin-- le .u. Pi ople are rnort? t'litiiu.ia.iic i ri-ii- t Tli- - i Saturdays In 1 1 Ih .t r nf i',,f ioiuIíUkii of WillUK I I.I It I.IAIiv nian .. In.. abo.. I i.iifords thin a avallar at tha N. t!i- - - than Ratr4 rim .i! affHlra t tin- l oun- - man lio i.ji.h.... lio nt!- In ?r- amal-fíl- ta ft! A l u ,iir.jul. V at-- , Sa4aj? a. I .'htl. hrnwhout r btfitr? and tin- warm th- - known loilluo i f Mr h I. tt at lar.--- r'hil.i.l. Ij.hl.i !a no dmibt. .1 vt.jHtiu-- hajs broi.giit H-i- fa l.i.jr. 1'. fubll. Thr th j.rvf' ). IIDIM) TKII I ;.TIaS r tin" in cm.' nf tin v.-r- ayiv lhat or,i- 11. a Era.,.i iio.i. ix-- iixf'-r.l- to th- - fioni as tiif 14 lake 1 our tooiit-Si- . TNR DIIIMVi Jill KMI Tlir in nl;ti al liiKtury. If fr.-n- li..if. Ill'i.t coülfo! taiii- - ami t from !Vrtntf ttian I 1. iim-b-- ... :!.'. 00 Hi I HI II I OK M I't;tv a m.. ! lia;-- h on . .n- s H tlilM. tit- - Hi-1- r.-(- i rails cat ry lo fiiii-- on o NII Till-till iml liit h.r, h.m t'a.ka. bi.t i: .1 t 01. -- S:!.-.n- IKIMII'IH (. ;.nh'!r 1. san liii 0 í nd i'!caiir.- him to M..l. l m.ii v am. In U- - I'.'i till'-l- We thii mi mi rutr the ...i..Ml mi ,lll lu h t ago j , - ;n Ii SÜ.I.00 TIM., 4.MI Till Mt.THoIr ul THI R- .i,g.M;nU,iu K- imb.K ,.n. lii otii ! that r j.ubli. ana huv All th- - iirta.i. of n-- a -. ill HI KAN HHk III. AatK I alalina -l. mil . S3T.2.- lull .t ii r.-- .1 a;.-- fi:i- - 1 1 Ktl.tlT. ri K .! I. hi Hur. an SI.-.I- t.. !i It h.i. !,ri kii'mji to !.t,.l L I rant .ii rii.liiin. Xj.- -i p :n-- Í t iii.ii.-li.- t Tlut 1:1 ff. i t in- - Ih.) m .(,. ,livi,r, . A:.-- ( .rk a or Kl HH KirtlO.M. tu I: tii,. -r In in . I ' bat a Xaa.UU rtiiv 01 lis- biio J thtt j.a) OXÍ.. on .aula a una ni-- uk. in to mrin.v i ;ul.. 1 j,n.J T n b- - fvalir. .If iair. I.ufi Mr. ft ja.l ,r h;!f noil, mi'l . frrtic h'.!.-- . Mi--imr Wtii br i na av'Di t 1. 11 1 by i 'i:..tBb out. of tinir oIk K. J - N York II. ia'.. ih ir lnv h Moiitov,, It. 111 :t,ii h nii it i th. of thf And th, s::p..s and . .1 - Ai:k:-f.u;- ns rlrralatlaa tha a aar alaa pr .iifi n. it T';. t:t:j.'ar ait 1909 la Nr Mrtlr. I l aalj pap la !! In ni,.,!.I. Tickets limited to November 30, at..- laawaa' aa la t h yaar. rati li.i. .s i' ii'luh. ;I a. Tli r In a ill. Ii II .tarj (.Iml aii-nt- -r qui .lions : I1.1 ... I . - in 'I t.Mii. r t:,. .1 Til" f i f .j n, r 1. t.r i. : ' rn(. i an no n. . 1. .1... il ill., . "Ta a - r i ... ,, I .., ' nr k ... Marataf Juaraal aaa htchaf rlr ,it:i r. :i.l for nu'l' t - ij.- - i f r ....- trian nii 01 .t;r. and Hvaa ta I ii.oi rml.twia ranag aaroraVa aar J 1 - in Kííi. o.iiiti'in A an II- - '!... 0.1 lit ry Hi. m .t ti..- A. 7 1 iTcar;. Vl'a.lZ.liK I,. ;,V I" ...!ll- "tk in mtbr ppr tuMOTtit - . PRICE: Agt l.i irnH-tii- , . ,1 j l.ii-.i- -- Wm. Balfour, ! ! ; ar ki.iaVa.. Aaw a .it. 1:- - 1. a aUr Tlx rIra o.iu linn th .li at. I :. t, ..;.. .' aiol 11 '..1. !.t ..,i. nta :ii" i. M. s.n.1 nr. t'.i!..!i s. mií rifi.iii.. !, ..r:,- -. ;.. hi- in. . r.ini t I 1.1, 1. an. a ii.l l:r..m-- If th- - n - in k b o t hi- h a A LB I VI I I B M.W Mr III O -i ...... i I.. (! I'lav-roui- xl u.t of th.. tin- ti it r '. - siiiniiior $3.50 1, '... i'.itf-.r:i- i Ti,..! th- - i,i!ni.-- r r .,:.('.. I!r..!.H. t.ik . f "Í A , KMll'H I'lllllillM. ' . v. ii ; -- 1.; , t f . i il- - r . g. ,r.,j .n AND 'it i." a - I" ri'l.i-. v. ' - ' Ati..n ...u:a: ;'. THE BARPOOT GROCERY CO. 'K ' i.l-- in (I : ' - t I . i.v iorx- - umii.-- r n.rTi .irii'í.i; ífli l1i:i- .His .".! a h'ai! 1'ir ( j 11 v .. I A tll..-- A , :i. h I.... l.j I.. tri- - Í is maj-- -j . . - . till.. UlllUl.t t ', I .....!.. :,ih' a. v.,- I,, ai.n,.t I !'!. I II s OIMAI.II A sKilli: AT in i.n - , . 1- S ' ' I 1, I .1 i '"' i1 ii. ri- on., t- 01- a a in ,lr...t m .,ut b o: o " ; - . "ti' in .o:tl nJ t ti.- - !l t $4.00 tii'it i., .'ri..- , .';,iiii. . t' ii"Hth, u, . .. ..;.! 1. mli i.'.i-- 1 n i. 11. I. 1: . I, LAS PALOMAS HOT SPRINGS .. I., vv . . 11 1 ." ,,i n. j I, 1 t s. -.-- . n- I r !:. m.i: m vi ru rv ' zt. - - I 11 '.' j i;oiiu- in ih- - I'.. il if !,. i hi luan iard bout K' him n rm h i i ' A It V. t . h -- . -- i... .0 ... llaiitlli- - l ) (.rot . l ii : al-- o Ma t ami (.lain, ami il - i niinti li'ol in-- I Th'.aa aim tl' tilor- - II. j.ov rtv of ain t'f -i IK 011 ii w .i .. t.i-- r.t .i t!o . l I I It! n .0111 -i lion ! t roll, ir- - h r omit !t..f tloll an) ic!,l it In:., tn.- - .1, a ilion tin' pnlilíi- in "rio-ral- .tri'. :hk t,;.i ibv a h' vv do - jjrral an oiiinii'tl. lo ar ti'it ! t!i'" rt ti,- - (.. tins. a'irrox r.f h'.t;. a!. to In :p III.. 0.1!. t,. II. 1. 1; :na . m j o nil 1 i h. nj..v AMi t.--,-t!.- i 1. ! at. .mum. in I'li.v'ur.i a.l tn g ' !! It a itravo Th- - tais:!!- - rü.ii: i;. Il M IS MM IiOT. .MuimKrr. 1 ! M 11 n . i'i:in:s!I a t a . h burn-.- it .9 ri.l I., tt- -r . ri- - t - ,i. pr tt. to r ait) f'.rt i.. a hr in sr .mlil. r. who . .i.." ' tp. a'tl ttat.l !" .1. Kj..)') .... . ar ir ' iniii ..tiriK ainl .ghtfij! than 1.;' to ih. it f.r bra. ..! h: 1. -r'ii vtitii . i.ii.liii.ris an tlo hTi.i-t-.t- r- -.. ' - th-- i' i ; s í..r tli.i. .f( ..I i. h liii h min-- I ! r . . an-- - i i.: . ,1 1: .tit ; tiT- -t j: ' j; . i.lio pot-.!.--- . Vthi'. Hi t'"í,-- i T'-t- t N I it ' n liiiii.iif atnl bv '"til I... !'. V In'., t!..- - f.; . ' t. ".to-- bo'oin.JMnr!h:raw'-'T- ii,,1-- . - 10 11 .1 . OF CATTLE " th.:.!s tit- ram. hft.r it ration of m burn. thr. b) t.iklinr oi.t ar.l ir ,' ED STEALING We carry the Largest Stock of Polished Plates, Window -- , . .Ü a Mo- - t ' .lip ..m. .b n .1 th. !',...! ,h m .11. h thry t.a. itiliiin anil l. yniol In., ai! tai- r in, ion fr ou h :r APPEARS TO BE IN ' rih . !iiii,i I"! . t Wit i'.or.. A il, in ho ha.. I. ... ri f 'ai.f-.r- a . r r.:r;-i::- ir !'."' an.j and Fancy Glasses in New Mexico. When in need n .n(E ti a timvi-ratt- t;,-r- a!',- - ti- - i. .'1 I.imhI ua!l a a 1 .11 ItiU". I'll! In ih'ok' " to ':,'.. SIGHT !.. v.- W- i- -r . l- an-".- , - m -. raí N k I'.i?-:- '- not .' th j.f.i!.if. i"ií tf ..ti, fn 'M- n. iH" n hai on tin- f ar,.l afT- !ion of fa.í V'.f i' of Glass write or call on us for prices. I'.-.- i .ti'-it il-.- í r- - in Ai ji..i-l- Wnfli-'- l ,wi. t l;l . M k hurofr. .1. i.n b.,!i on..- .ty n í'ihi.I thr anl . ;:i -.- -t S ., .i: in nt m 1 !a- a. s., i:, . 4 1.1I ! : rm -it ii.i.,11... li. a. k $:. I.iitiic tii.iitii ruin huti'l o nn wnuil with ' -. "i V!itam. lltr- - tli- - .(ht" i!is-tr- i n- III A- - li. h f..r flf - N i ii... ;i ,"."! Pittal.i nf ni o iii.iiiv uní. jIm ..!! . . .?ui txa.ut oat f : - in SUPERIOR LUMBER AND MILL COMPANY s. . . - ! V k. .i. : 1. n n.i.t thoit ii :li.- t,t in ..t liio'.a- tt 11:0. at I.r. tiir. , a:i-'"- . -- ii.,;,..!i j.rti la.-- tii. ri'.imlt-- r m!"i.i-i- i tti-r- - r. - ' .'v .! ::, I j - I ' pt i, ;n- - a 111. I't.abl- :.! Ha! i fr.-r- t'A.-!,'.- l''l.t Kill iM.t .llmltll .It.'l i to n in rl Li nt i h ! i i '.. th- I '! IK K ill t il- - mm..' a! - w r. it n.t Kill 1,. Il IsM .tallón lo aio.iit - T i.h. . Itt.i Jtar- l.l.i; noil ban - rt r.lliiill a o a 1 on ti- i hi otir hm il I. aw- talk. - Ch h. h .t un n.f-.-l to t,.k- - .ri - ... i. fit t 111 tt 1. -! V . I '.I :t ti'-t- ! lo t(, i - - oi Kim,.- ;.:ii ii. th- - mi. fa ni 1I.1 in n iii t!o iit..r .in. h h,j:i ina :i of '. I. .!,;., it liac nr.- a ihi: v- of tii- - ! Wi'-;i,- i . - i 1 .. I '1 uat-- r t 'iiii'.ifiv. wii.ti.tii v. l. n our , "in not '. on ilnmi- , 1. of .ijaiiiiiri k. .1 1- W ! 11, at !. in Ni v. a. lioil. f S lri W i r. tt to! ! ... í"li. tl .niiif stlo! tMal th- lr mil 1:0 10 f ir a N t a Ii. in. ii,.t a th. 111- -' i. a mat . . t.. h it;.- ..; WAY - J I'V 111' t 11 . 1' r UP t 1,1!'.' ALL r U O tin THE ío Ji. . thottii-- it t),i ii but vt tt"I! O.IO Ill 'lllllllK I,ii!! til. Stat !o .: i: i,. : ii't;. u,..i'i..t.nn in ki tio of , f,,r bun. or .. at tío. tiiui : li.a kiiiit at tio f. t,.ii!t i,,, What's Doing in iiml II- - Í . uMv . -- u.). 1. Hun rn ml it u ti FROM THE FOUNDATION TO THE SHINGLES ON THE ROOT - lit. ii. (!n- jo- - that th- - no. 11. tai y .- - i,t-.- t i.av- - Tii.. ja.l the Territories r.t we are atlllnj building material cfcfaier than you have bought it ior M M M MINIMI M 'ni' i- tt In. h. li- it ha il not 11 I i ii ni i - - .! a .Mr WIMI i it.!!!.. l'ia .M many SAVE AT LEAST TWENTY-FIV- PER CENT aJ i., itií- t ' i .- - ,,. t..;,-- j tt,i; - tu nnik- - a ja o.'k-i.- b :ln ,, lo ..ri. Th- - Hi I'...-- ai. i S tn t In ih- - 11 n - ;n -- th- - ... V. -l to ax in, in .uly in r 111:.!!! Ili"li ti;' I' il.i'i ... .i- lt!r. i ,n . .; kl 11 I L D Í t í ti'' "Í r . ! ; r Í1.1";" s :r, r NOW li.'lin t.iíirf rfi.tU I'liiiin Mi i'ltii. i:i.'!;i.i, llatiliK no !iit ll. till. ll "I 111 i : a t, .,r x 111 tr- ' lit" Ul I! 1.1 í... -. (if il o n; ri. ma in ti I. ti.:i. .ra'; o,i i.:.t tl inai- - mii.-'-- 'I .o nt -- ) Phoni I. ill f Hil l It. !.,ili !lt! - Si A f Ik of ..pinion that i . t. a- w i il: t ...... I'ii;! iiat'.i tli iii i. N. W . i' r. :!.- - his ,!!..; I . ,.- - , ,1 '- 111 Macteriaa.1 .! I; ,1 ,..,t. u l. Ii lti; In lit t t i Rio Mr ii Grixnde - ;i.. l''.'l!:i"t iflh ,i .. t'O ll tOofc pi.,. Cnruor . . '! ! 11 i,t-.- . til- - 111. ..1.1 11' ni!) 1. ii i,..l?uiii 'ilfi laki l.p .! "Í ; T,,t a aiiiig boom ! JlarqiiPttr I ,.!. lu la . - 1.!'-- I: t. ! t : K ii- it ami hi our .atirif to ai.s tit it bmiil tin ...nal tiiii.sru .1 !. o,, 'i .' .I So la - l.aini Hurl and Lumber Company . S a : ! . ; . . -- .Ml - ..r a I. i,,.K . .1 a .i m ...ta- f M tltillk It . no t tiia" r S K"i..i ,:.v , V..t it SOt : . i .t aiiliti.-na- i,nvt-l.- i r h- I'd' . tt . i tn Kit- - it r all tía., of tmlliii mi, l.a-l-- Mi., a r t a -.t -i ar Til.' r.-- lain-toi- m f.i.l liot .ar -- l.tlll.. - la' If it v- - itimii; tin bt a lit lio,' IJ-- ti for Un pni p"..- - t . k ii a ii I :i.i n-- a Í n - i t u.-- t H'linri-i- k I a iit.'n-- uml '. .tinl" f r ih- - si mis WITH ASO l Af t - í, - '. AIILE lIiN3 II.ITTtJi .am. in t.-- hi!.' jui.- ar.,1 or iii- - .ti'--ti.ti- be In a .v.. pi... n ... ti i .ll.ili 't .nrinil'-.- l to á: it- i g a t!o".i l.Sli:i'..Si:ü vouitl i. rtt'li: - n- t o,i n i -- . ! I 11- 1- a t 1 hour.-- . if. .! t iniii. What t'l- - ntloi a!. '1 i lUIHIl'l poli, y of 1... I !" r. a j ' i . I ipti n f ir a '.iK:ii( for ,j ill i. U il. tl'.-- t ti:. nilli-!li.tfi- l til. i'.l'll.lliil,! II Houbl b.. aptr-pt- l- ci,.. ! ...!.!. t 'l t. I" The Bank of Commerce of Albuquerque tat.T Ii.liiv HI lli.Ti. lln'n!- - at- - h. i.l p. in- - l. .."!!.! Tio barn ;." iSUllí i" II- 1. 1 K I! -- . .1 W In II 1; or o. in I'.-l- a to i ti-- lla- loot- - li'o III! in :i. tio .ana! Ti.- c t. no h anl Anarchism in Russia. Extends lo Depositor F.vrrT Propf Accoiiiinodatlon and Solkll A. . I !! - o'. ló II C 1 lío Mol b III! tit .ai Ilion. ti.ifi.' a ; -- ! .'I apital, 1 00. that l'..o .in!-- - '.!...! - a . .: y lil.s-la- l. Acttiiint. ácimo Í.-- ! 1! t ,1 ,. t tii- - - . In ii lit I.r ii,''i,.,l o. in tif.ri ii.'l-- vitt.'.ir an'!: Virati..i i..'!- v l v ?, . all I It ' ,'i i; ' t - r "! A - Offlcrra ami niriy-tor-- Solomon I.uim. nt : V. S Strlrkler, Tic r t La ti I la ..i, 11 . I i mi 1...11 i.n of . ! i , at- m ..f i!i.- I I li.t.rf'. t'.' it - i .1 'i- i '. ! t for '! illi- - -- - 'Opt .11 . ITr.iilcnl and (a.lilrr; V. .1. Jnlni-oi- i, A.-ita- ('.lilrr: W illiam Mcintosh, - -:- ,r -n t it in., ' .on t - r- - . iii,.i t;. h tt.:i t.ifi- an 'in 'ii- -; ! r .!i--- ' t ,. it v.i-- i - . i C.Hin:e Arnot. J. C. Hublrblfip. A. M. Ill vt ill. II. t romut'll. taiit t ok .1 1 M. t of h. i" - . ti.. t ..i ,!: t a ..i' 1. no a- t- A !.(:: h M"'t 'I I 'a I a loo a. arol : in a !i.i!- h .i.:. V 's ; : -- - V ,. v v . . i ..f a i al i "iir.r t it. .i it !" tt- ' than th. v ii ii...... l- - i'ii ...t ola- I t ..I ii.t! i o., v. ii..i ' 1'r- kuff-- r. tt t n ' a- i oi.isiit it!!" "tl k- - . ' - Ipl. i f tii. tl.o.-iil- t 1. ti., !'' ' a i - t m i v lit- - T " t i ar,,'-- - . f !....! ii:- - Forum u i f '' l --i I - t I.. t The Public tl' .11!. il!- - haS - i, ill" k i.'.l.tll. ':,ii: . i & - i . b- - a matt-- ! Screen Doors Window Screens alb :. la - ii'-!- in .. !i .. a I - . n i of t'i. hi.t.- a ii I. ' -. .. oil tin.- ti,- - ii- - i r .. a Mil Ilio W ii.l I al Nllii.'. as t., ti 11- 1 from Clear "i:-.-t- : - Made White Pine II - tt !!, '!; un '!.- til. la' o I - 1.. . -- Tio- Whit- - M 1,'Viain Aj.i ar !.'. - !o,t. , i til. ll 11. In ' t 111" t" HI a k' i;,. ir atin.i.ti íi-- it atnl t!a:,. 'a- - It iU:n I.. .!.! 423 First ! ll- - X m, st. poll a Ill I!.. .. Albuquerque Lumber Company all'l Sat n'tgy.X. II i.i.a'i.l m o! ho;- - I I . tt o r j MAI 111 l m !. ) a' 'i ..ii it V." !t- ! I'll :i I1".'. !r Wan. !.! - J I: it tt n'. . ,i 111 il .' ti n i ii a iniii-.-'- 'lit- j , t ii- - .o .. v s v r k.'It.t f'.r " r ; op a I... had tn. I ' - . l I l t i f lo - p. ti n t o tío T '! ha- i a,! iiiti-- d n a! t I t ll!'.. ta' III.- Jul- -o a.i r lion ' it . ,i t,i ii o i I ' i .I'll Iff'- . Ii : .to., all till) a nt ai a ii .. h tt '.iv ..' j . ti " t t Th- - ..til- - .1 it,!, t , I,. . n . I ' l ' .i to I. i'tMONTEZUMA TRUST COMPANY - t :,.-- !! a t t'l. ll" .1 b't i ; !!'!.! M M .. W - ALBUQUERQUE NEW MEXICO it ... 111 ti Ml ..-- Ai ii,' 1. ,,, o.. .,!!.) ,.- ., . i ill. ,i. !,. .,! K - lio H I" ,i - Capital and Surplus $100(000.00 b,-t- iota, i v millii',.. . r. ! it !, il ! in ' lo ta- t a'liol.ij noli r p wan I vt -- - -- i; .pi. iin h ,.l to on nil i ti oil! to ".1. at). I (Ola "" ji. t ry a'':- - r v ,,. i,,.; tin- !i INTEREST ALLOWED ON SAVINGS DEPOSITS . ' i, ir-.- - . it J t I t" ! th- oi-- -- i..,r:.t (or "T t'i! fmin - f - a E i ialik d a ! m a. vail of Ih- - Ni - .ni- - ar, I I I WIM I i-' ti H - I' ll M Mil ION. kl batik bn.i.i .i, r oi.' ot it ' o t a i .. V W . - a. an-i-t- , ti in. NATIONAL FOUNDRY CO. ' r a a- - l" ii. nFlN'KI'.AI. FOVXPRT WORK. U!-- AMI Pi: ASS BAB-BIT- T ! - ..- -t ' . CASTINGS. a r 11 ti- - xt oaf haf n. MKT A I. COUCMNS ANO l'K'.'NlS l'Mi Hl'ILI 1NUS STUL'C-IU11A- ill V . IltON. ave. ami Santa A ' le track. -- )! 'noil ainl 'I II Mil !, WHITE KHl ritK PHOXE 51. - .'. ill! il l 'I ' i.

,v..; . I' . .- - : v al l: . I t , 11114 i L. B. PUTNEY lilt i ..VII Mil. II .illi-.i,.- -- i . . 1 ni 1. 111 u u:t. Via ' Mh, l.rtufir. I l.iur. I té aa4 Aiirnt Vlitt-bri- H .iriiB. W. ' k :' th. 1'. ' tlniUUKllIt MH HJVX.I'U .. ta- a- - I I hat it THIRD ,0 ..'lit 1, 0 STREET - a th ...I! t T- wk'-.- is . m:ak . ... nt" inn. !-! . r - i.o.iil'i Tl.. irooii s 11 km in k. mi ni 11. MPAT 1ARfCFT . iiition N k .. "... .a-- t k : ' ItltOKI IHIttV Oi; A" K,,,,N ..... M,a" . IV 1J in;.. .iv- . In! ii Illll MtlHIM ÜV til s" T. I. I W Sirum lXit.iTT , t h (IT UVrillM! M Mi S:iii.i:i. 111- - MIM Ii, AlWWN K l I I bv . ! n; lo lili: kl.IlNWUKT :. Kl-ri- HOIíK AMI IHmr lao,i,. t,, , . it, . North Thlr.l Strnt ' I'limiri SIISXHK. K lH"V iMI-H- I ITION. A TKI l. HIMi- - in will, iiimimi: y. ii- - ARTHUR . . E. WALKER 1 ,r n oiitra- a Ü'U'.MI. Mi:V IMK HI - THO.NE US. Ivli.D fir. In.aran,.. i.lo,- t - .f m a ! jjlll.lOl lllU IWifUr; iill A Fact ...... v . t 01 Sa t 1! v r at ' I ' hi AawhilA rtwa. W. r- t '-- Th- - tin. !l.- - .;- - ii 11 !' II?W avaai CaalraJ Ar he-- : I i.l ..ii ! ..'Util il !' III 'i.' WANT ADS. GET RESULTS : 1 1: 1 i . L'r.!c t'nr Mexican Vtnilla t' i nt ' , -- r " l.o.nh ..! li - Wet- - . HI. p. it . ' cured, r ! Bcins arc i.scu, properly o ! li 1: ÍO W. L. Trimblo & Co properlv aCw. the flavor .I t ' ..f th- - in n Ill f- ! f. I iuv I it al ami ..alo sibli-- . arid allowed to irtj-'- I.1.1 l iii in iu at lit aiiiabl""i propcm e:ra.:fti. - : n I I f. T' 'ih)hii kmut iPILLS. l. plioii,- s. ..rih Sitniid - It-'-.: " nc stAiui a: oi-.-- hetore or in- I - -- in .1 t o ,.'.. tor salí, extract of g 11 I '.. a! cd in S. I..'!, i. ! . i! ni T: THE WM. FARR COMPANY 1 - "a:i;..a nr. rvsMbilitv. rv -- 1..II - - ,11 p I. -. i a i V k tm W m i. w ai ia:i x 1 K.--- ' - . lo- ..:-- ..- - ;bihil pa.'. ,"i. ! '. ..n. ! v.iTi..i3iriir? i.iTi,V'.oiti ai r k i i l' "al-'- 11 t j .,!-!- .V. 'a' faf -- I - ,í i a v o .1 Simlal i.i. a a riiri.i.CA t. li g t uro ' ti ai ft. f r tan 1. v..ina. ,, i, . ,. j .. v . d.iic h un i I'n.aa a.--a ! ri4 i.r--- Mill. j pr. a ti'.l ar. '.1 CHICHESTER S PILLS -n - ' o . tha- - n i tio HKivb ll.t a.k w., ..,, , . GROSS. KELLY COMPANY Flayonni Vanitia man itp' ! I ..ri aam'. .. . ' r:airt h.. 'lira' ii. w I, Lamon ,t am- - to !.. .. '.lu ai.a . fcM4 . - !' al. . - , ... . . Orang- - í - : (V Jv.k 1 .l tn Nr- no I'm. pi- - ' ' ' -- v. .ik. ,r . fJV Wholesale Merchants. Extracts in ' 1ii.111 1 I '!.-,.- ..) V ,r t . Roaa.aax 1 g vr tv a in 1" r. IM V VI. , ti, , 1 p... ir M'i'n .i,.,.,ii. h'i i." It ri I.K i, p., ,7 W ihJ. 1 Ii an I IVlta . I - v ! ' il f. .:' ' t lit!. i. oir.lon" ii.,! n.t R,j'.inl Hi r. .t k a i't tl.ilt . . ; a S0lBtDRl&(ilbrSlMKAK!k't ' p4'.lt W1...I. f v i.u; ) jr u.t. avtrajv j; i.x aai.gv. I '.ins: ai.'J Al IM v ,;v, Us LOs THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, MONDAY, JULY 12, 1909. 5

Mid BELIEVED TOBE WOMAN III REAL BUILDING Do You Know How . Haven t You Something HAVE PERISHED III MS SCARES BOOM STRIKES Many Readers Watch to Advertise? They vim i ""' 111 Yours THE RILLS HtlütiUKS CIMARRON These Columns for Bargains? Would READ Also

in Lordsburg and Leaves Small Children Crying More Public and Private Edi- OH Timer PERSONAL PROPERTY LOANS HELP WANTED Male. FOR SALE Real Estate. STORAGE r,M Hill Tno'Jght to rhvc With Hunger and Barefooted fices Going Up in Northern MOVKV TO l.OAX WAXTIOD one printer and WAXTIOD Pianos, household, in On llumt'i, t p. setter. pay good s etc., stored safely at reasonablB Lost Way in Desert While and Half Clothed Creates a Town Than Ever Before Furniture. Plan''. Oiühn, Wair Will iial Ful! SALIO .Modern brick one ttttd i)ir Chatlcia; h,o oti s.itnrlea and to the right pally. Will nisi. p. y home, close ill, line location, ,KS rates. Advances made. Phone 541), Deranged, Disturbance, History, aiv Iuuikh Hecfip(li. hp lcw n $10 00 anil a The Security Warehouse and Improve- Mentally hind as $150.00. Ununa are guukly transportation to this point. Appli fuml. n mode) home at less than cost. mt ment Co. Rooms It and 4, untt trictiy private. Timtr hit menth to cant inu.-- t speak I' Fu. I, lire of; 1.1, I Huns. ik-e- :'(C, V. C.old offices. on y put (lumia your Cen- given. in remain In the J01 I (Irani Clock, Third street an.l poHSi'dion. Our Mti'i art rrHnonnhle. 4'nll Xiieo Ticir.i Anal i to Morning Juarnull .lipeiiil Curresni'tiilfure tn Wurnlng Journal .Slireiiil l'orreNlcillitenrp to Murnlnfc .Inlirnal tral avenue. Ht' fnjr, Kieamnitlp X M. 1 - anil ua bfftr hrnm liüa. ft'dshi.rii. X. ' l.'lovls. .. ,M,, July HI. The tutthor. Cimarron. X. M ., ,lu!y la. It FOR SALIO Modem fram house at tKlteiii to and from all rum of th world. WAXTI-'Ji- A re .'i eeinpeient in 205 street, $2600. tiliv-IU- v yours or tigc. silcsman North Walter .. ttli"? here nr ipiltu a ltltle (listnrhert just one more indication of the fact TICK HOIHKIIOII LOW rOMI'AN V, g. mer. m, FOR .1 4. (irunt BIJg. neial haintisc siorc. is; oil premises. RENT Rooms. by trade, but I'"'' I"'1 I lOioma and over roiiitllion of an npparently hat prosperity tins hit northeastern V Or- I'Il'KH, speak Spanish. A.l.liess s, ihl-- - oi f lUMM'l, IllilJWO ' the rtlVATB i.e. Sl'.lO it PIO'ITIMO luilletln before mí (.Weill HVi' U'S OPKNÍ KVKMMiS. ol Foil lilOXT Tlie most sanitary The.l-rnrd- . X'ew s A 111. I. ;i 11 l,o I,: nt. Cold Hill. ln.,ne woman by the. r.amc of Jiovie that there t;"V more mt 'AXT10I to Í0 you tin v or rent a home. South- rooms i t. mart. is lure ami S93 1Z Cfiitml Avrnna. at thfi KioOrande, for fi nil stand, W'csi 201 10 519 I every effort to locale who early yesternay mornins buibtl'.p tfoln.r on in 'i ni. ii cm ,hat and drink tal western Realty Co, Central. Went Central. . mimir. mi. Oe11i1.1l. c'',t!: ,10VI(1 llllilVllilillS- U IS mornings. i'oit R KNT rooms ami Ji ii ),;,.: left her home nml three litt'.e hungry at any previous time in .he iiistor Uamliott LEGAL NOTICES. WAXTIOD At , ;.i goad :, I.oi s. hoim-- ,1 sterling became mental!) - el Real lOst.ite and Loans. rooms for light eeping. 113 V thai cblldi-.-- no lb. i tin- town. crying to cot mi whiles. and us,. ...1- - '.'14 West Lead. ,, ram: while out ''"i ('" oi his trips, West Hold avenue. - streets bnrel'ooied ami poorly clad to In tió,ll'.,Mi b, uk buii.linu .ll-- o 11, (i nil perl-die- d ill deo- the sen! of ored Slc.l.h job ex ell roomp l,.st Ili :i the li.-- the Corporate said Company SMAÜ. CASÜ pnyment on a home, MoDKRX and fust class hoar,!. disturb and iTIrIH.-i- neighbors. r. ; j as n ween that is in the. .m of i lection, tin 1st day of May. A 1:1,1:1. lad, t. nogi ,1'b. n Denver Hotel. Second Co I. ,. last heard of him )o..-a- physli-itin- Ihis !i balance mot.thly Soulhwestei " and Dne or two of the S. phone x 5 ranch, tie - (Signed) II. N. (Seal) Ja street I. It v Co.. 101 V. FO I! It 10 VT Furnished ,t It. Wrights wIhts Who thin woman way HrooNs .Mercantile nipanv is liuild- Wll.snx Central. Thr. have esid.-n- . ',',",'. iisk-- 'l f'u- l'ni.ü. lakim? Pi -- flat for light housekeeping. Apply up ami pot sdiow o illK a Ida stone store lillil.iiui; west of! SA LIO- I'll, pel tv at Thiol and she does sufficient aitftis I 1). W iX 4 04 -- .in.' bread in it wick. Hi horse (Signed F. U.S. (.Seal) Mountain cheap: North Second street. .ltt;,v - iiHunity to warrant the officers in the The Cimairou HELP WANTED Female road: .ash. Rock- S. RF.NT--Three- .,f. Tivüi'ii found at the whAe jn.--t completed S'.V o.lei-- ill FOR furnfslted rooms, holding her naainst a protesi. compi,u has ( 1 F HI ldOM lioiiif. lie City an. his Held Corporate fen) W A "n :D omp, tclil gul lo S. linn;. Silver Is no question its- office liuililinir. The Alasons low 11. two acres Ian. I, horse modern. Call 417 Arno; Dr. lliS.OV- - other (Ircluff there ale Territory of New M. xi, o. )i,,:i.-c- ,1 '- Sllilt fUll l'fl' lllsn log and general ork pump. See own- - Wlbon. i'1 nbmii iinluiUini-- i .1 mind and amlemplatinn the coiisit u, ion of a and leigg: cbcttic hsolulely no truce of t Ii her County of Bernalillo. s wi.ges, Aprils' forenoons M inou ;(c street, or Nash two-slo- (lie lower ,s Fourth lie lino eiJKtody. brick hiiildmi'. -- TV, RIOXT Anv one nice owncu should taken On this '1st day of May. A. 7 " 1 W. 'opi a 101e. '.in; W. Central For wanting 111. '' found. Sterling .iiu.'. Iric Ill I'll" in a ilonr of which will probably he used 1 -- Mrs. Tliedl'or.l. who is widow, ha 1909. before me llpp. .11 ,..l X. W il- .. - -a col, uuiet. nil modern sleeping I'lll cs of mining: proper!) it - WAXTIOD C Applv to, .,'.. Sr. Pe been livlne In a rented house in tlv IH a store building' Tie- llocky son, to in,- porsonalh known, who be- hambeomnd. room., pi, i",, call at 517 South i I.) ii il ami some real estate in m awn. eiiKl of city, ntid hax been Mountain road will build a new ing by sworn ,ii,l Mrs. ac, ..i. do ot FOR SALE Livestock. Croa.lwav: also two for light liouso-k- , 1 part this me duly say that he was ' l.,,l.soll!g. taking in washing to support freiKht bouse here, ami the Meth- is the President of th.. x. w .. xico WAXTl-il- Allien, an la.l. lor ,oii-- l - i 11 y . S - C)itni little i de- odists are try ni;- to raise Hie funds, Symllc.-i- 1111, Real fed ion. Moo-- (i si Central. FOR M.K roounl pigs and and her three hildren Really that the FOR I! :T--4 nic !,- furnish, d upon Kaily .villi chance I'm success, for said instrinii.-ii- Is Cor- Call mornings. gr,iwit horts .lohn Man.r pend. lit her .Miy affixed to the rooms for housekeeping ; all niod-ei'- mef ibe erection of a new church, that porate 01 pot 011 , T7ina7 S ALU milch eowa. WITH she left the children seal of lid at and W'Tx'TÍOILivc an. FOR class sltade aiul gra-.- s and other co,,- - FULLS 15 FEET In oM - u .vil be for ui int, tiock- the insi t signed :i 2 STfi K74. , !! ml liunary. and, half ciothed nm' ample that said limen was prel.ri',,1. Apply moining. Phone or Ca II 'J 4 Soul Ii Fdith d ,f the congr.-mition- F. V. ftrooks scal.-.- in of s..i.l Corpora- barefoot, she went out or and C.'lllral avenue. W X"l'10li to buy go, ai saddle C ill peopb is biiildlnn a fine stone residence tion by authority of iis Hoard of Fi.R RIOXT loiisckeeplng- looms: the war path distulhliiK the ;,H :'.d St. Kil-natr- W North i sleeping rooms: :, of the vlcinliv in whl.-- she lived hnildinn. C. ri. ',,M. nml V. S. Directors and F.. X. ilson acknow- WANTED niso barn. IN Jiijl resi- - insli-unnn- e Positions. Call evening,, 50:! Arno. BABE ARMS e of the nearby fili.ens made com are both til njtr modern ledged said ,0 he the Ir. SAI.F Two fine mil, h cows. soiiHi . act an, deed of said orp. inn. , plulnt to tlie olfi.ei'.-- i whereupon th, of brick and stone Pease and FIRST CLASS stenographer wants will x, for g sad. lie Fop R!0"!' room, m, i five-roo- my woman was promptly taken into ens Kiliiatrick are u n five Witness hand ami notarial seal pooHon: best references. A ,1.1 ress h,u s, s. Call al 5 10 North Tlilro. Call a I'l eriioons, I'll',' North heiiiL' Ihis day of .Mav. A li.. ;i :' :',L'2 tody, an.l is now h.-l.- to deter-iniii- 'louses fui- rent, the first two Jlst M .loscpllit'.e II, il', West Iron. Fifth A. C. (Slgii.-d- l A. PiiRTKIiFIKI.H. I',, I! SALIO Fine Jersey cow. frcrdi Ser- w hether she shall be sent to tin ilready started Cox will hulbl WAXTIOD bv Young Mar 1n a nulous Escape From or Notary I'lihlic c. unity. 111 till..- Weeks. lllipiilc tlt fl 1 X. It n tlie very near future four fiv Pein.rii.. tb-s- :isluni. is said that Mrs. Thedfonl of nnv ri it ion . W. Kane, can Sex.-iil- w i (Notarial Seal.) Slleet. Injury of Belen Woman a llvlnts in some portiot houses to l ent, and C. u. Pease FOR RENT Dwclliiifjs. ious 1ms father Mi- com mission explr..-- J IT. Journal. do same a weeks. !,- of north Texas, who is now on lib the within OR SAL 10 -- b ul I'.unih- horse, Down ii J. R IOX'1' Tw o to six hnus. Who Takes Header way liariii-s-- and Siiri,- al.-a- i luir, For ro'.ni here. Territory ..f New Mexico, .v. or not, Applv W. V. ANAL ZONE SWEPT BY WANTED ROOMS. ess a Oil saddle 1119 S. A run furnished I Hit of Stairs, county of Full, lie, 111 W. Coat nvenue, up- K. X. Wilson and 1. K Vils,,n, each WAXTIOD To nicel fnrni-die- !,,-.;- v ,, ,,, ,.,i DEVASTATING STORM , stairs. being duly 0111 on oalli, room, private family, will, or with-- llt Ivtng hors. s, sum y COMPANY clumbus RFVT- - Modern at :16 to .Horning Journal I NFANTRY and says t hat F. N. W ilson s Pres- 1' 1 5 Ili- -. I'oR house Curri'kiiinilriirr nut lioar.l. Xorlli Seventh. and buggy in ri class condition. Ne'-H- slre.-t- - Walter al I!, X. M.. July To full ident ami 1). Wilson is Secretary . Inoulre 11. A of of ,,u W II Halm Co, H15 W. Copper, Mann , top p. Pamim.i. July hurricane .Mexico Saddlery. ,IPun ,i flight of stair-- from inusual severity occurred here last tlie New Really Syiuli, ate and two-third- s a RIOXT on .i p rjo'ti.l in r oi y. that the assent of of WANTED HUI SALIO $75 will buv genlle FOR llouae P.niHi l'ouilh, i, .Hi, in. i.u disfi nil" MiKht. doitiK 'much danuiKe to pt nper-l- the Miscellaneous. ii baby in arm:, stockholders of said mare, s.tfe for woman- or child to near Commercial club. Apply Jour- n h.i with her SUCCEEDS TROOP The plant was put out of lompanv 101) electric WANT Cheap. Htroitii horse for i hi,- miiI i., escape Willi only severe In iiiHi given to the attached amendment of or drive; also lop buggy and har- nal. commission city was' left in Addi.-s.-- K . and the t farm and wagon. tur, i!n- of Sir.' certilb ate of lnorpora of s it.T ness Apply S. Itrnndwav. u.iri iiimsiiiil experience darkness. At the time there was a Join nal. I'oR RI'.XT July 1st, six room brick, t t Company ut a meeting of stock-liolde- T: wife of i m r.i nr Taylor of said . !.,.---' Ar-ml- yreat crowd at the National theater. OR SALIO .Mule 111. lloISc team. In. Apply room 1(,, N. 'I'. duly held at the principal and WAXTIOD Pipes lea ibis place. While nttendinfr wrviri I'lie performance came to an end. but to repair, at Joe iwo wagons, two pair harness. Call Rldg. 10. mil Las Vegas Mounted Contingent registered office of said Coinpuny in lib hards' Cigar Store. ill 111.' M. rlinr.'il slii' stepped the. audience remained uuiet. :.'iio South llroailwaj. tlie City of S F of ::.,i,t.. W - FOR RIOXT -- Hi lioiise, five rooms I,, qui. i her hubv phi.- has nita AXTIOD- Plumping to W. bk Guard Is No More Teleiira communication Nl-- of National Fe. Of Mexico, on A. f,i!8. t n ml at 3ID uml noli, iim the stairs foil tin1 interrupted and advices are Territory tlie Oolf fi Co., phone I'oR SALIO Hood housa West Santa Fe avenue, i,t ticen I 5th day of May. A. finii, ' burse, 110 4 SI. $10(1,1 per nt ttiml. landing on t lower Artesia to Go to Encamp- uicimer as to the damage done. It is al the WAX'llOD Hose to repair. W. A lull X'orlll Second in. mtli. lminire Mann hour of 7 :!) p.m. (ioff A; phone f. (iH. SíHhllery Co., M5 Ave. il,,..r. Sin- li.'M the baby in her arms it that interior and coast towns Co, I'oR SALIO- - lientle pon.s , $:'.'. Jaf West Copper X. -- , 1.1 ,! govern- (Signed) WILSON, , . ' - O I, l ' n, ii. the !, wan ment, iiiffeied considerably. Tin' .,.!- III. I'l SI Xorlli 10 protect D. W'l I.S, i.X. Sixth street. W CAN rent von u itcsirable Iioiish l two to lv gas lull:-- , j iv,i badly shako ment has despatched steamers repair; re.luccl liom S' el 'I'll.' mother . f II 111 i.slnil or Sub scribed sworn to before .1 , s,m.i-- i ,i igi unfurnished. .1. s. inspection of coast. and nic lo :'.! em. o are Journal. onving mare ni ami In nisi hut sustained no .nake mi the ii Reulty Co., 1)1 10. l Ihis .'1st doy of May. A Ii.. IIH'H. Centra! tpei-ln- (.'orrrf.noniVlir.. to Morntntf .l.Mirnull IOS." 10 II I harness and bngg, prices reason liuus injuries. PIO R I' D di sm'r. 5 W Roma A vp. I O D. A. X. M .. July - Ca pial i Somewhat Sultry In Pueblo. (Signed) POKTFH F1KI.D. able I:', Soiiih Arm.. (Vola rial Seal.) ,, LiulwlH Ilfel.l of Troop A Pueblo, Colo., July II.- - With two RIOXT New tw,,-,-,- mi tent My SALIO--Mar- e, used In clly twr For of thin rity, the only mounted divi- was hottest day commission expires Jan. l"tV EDUCATIONAL I'olt house: screen porch, nicely fur- exceptions this the Ü .s. X'ew Xationa ears. h,i wall.-r- S. lárÍEETS sion of tlie Mexico In Pueblo for ii years, the thermom- Liisincss edui alioi, .ays li i, lends nished. HUil Walter. 5ÍLL d , linar, I, lias received orders from in- - at this after- of- - RIOXT- - eter resist. Tinit H.-c'- for id''. We will uunlilv you for ' Six i n ten rood (ren.-fii- Fiuliirsed: No .Kims, Cor. Vol. For It. A. at tent; In M i .lutiiiit Ford noon. 5, II, ill, lice posil ions, courses shorthand, FOR SALE SCCl 31100 LIS ern. Apply A. W. Anson, Vff "km It Page lil Cert ate of Change of I'.ugtisM Fe Ihai. the local militia orfraniKiitlor , no.iKiiccping, civil si'ivi'i', l'ouilh slre.-t- iff ice and Agent of N.w Mexico . , u ,., . ,. will tie officially known hereafter m F.nrtli Shocks in A ill lM)le.H. and Spanish A il i r i .((,,. .,, dison Standard GRAVE Realty Sjndioatc. Filed In office of phone tii-r.- Fol; R 10 NT - brick, modern. ITER! r.impanv I.. First reKlnient of in Sydney, Australia, July 11. Severe Library liuiblleg; phonogi outiii, '.M a low i.ecretary of New Mexico, June UK 7 7 W'esi Hold. 10 11. Hooth faiilry. will not riffect shocks recently at a ble of fui nil al II 5 WeU The order tin earth occurred 1909. 1 p. m pices lire personnel of the local company. Th. N'eupommei n. formerly N.-- P.rituin. ROOMS AND BOARD. Marble. FOR HR.VT--Wel- l furnisiieil modci u NATHAN 'JAFFA. us.-- ( a i pehlKO. No fio a bargain. V. '. troop was a nio.inted body In nam. in the Hlsniarck WAXTIOD 'I'., s. II. ii i i )i ( Secretary. piano. 5 of was ina.le fo fatalities arc reported. MRS. A. CRAWFORD has taken Warli, k. 5 S. Walter. Body of Eight Year Old Son only ns no provision Compared C. F. K. to O. of Tlie Denver Hotel, ov.-- exeellelil comlilioll, sell cheap to charge 'oR RIOXT- - Hood 4, 5 and horses an.l the member lud fur die's More. l.oard parlv leaving cllv. Address X'.. Fort Citizen Who WK 1IAXIH.K A I I XH I.IXK t)F Furniture bouses, furnished: Porl.-r-fnl- Sumner niKli their own anima!. Territory oí New Mexico, a re, is, lib- modern. A X I CAX .I ITS. and rooms ma rales. Journal. IMC First Li ut n:,nt Josept, C Shari FHFSII XI I'lll County of ss Co.. W Cold. Is nernnlillo. first class I o, Wert Swimming Recover- I S tlHDI IÍ. I'. C. I', iR SALIO Huh grade d 10 ', I has tendered his resignation which I'HOM'. YOl'Il This ins. was lile, I for record F'o It R X T loo, iiiifui nlshed ATT )., 211 S. SllCOXU ST. hand pi cheap, cash or ed! New Notes, lias been accepted. Ueorire Morrison I'll on the 14 Hi day of June. 9ifi, at 4 45 hops. s. I'm terl'leld Co., 2 Di West imioxi: in. 5, ,0 Hazel, line avenue, Hiiccei dins to the position. Tlie com o'clock p.m. CARDS West Cold. PROFESSIONAL : puny is in excellent shape as renard Recorded 11 Vol. "H" Misc. of Rec- Clly. I', R 10 XT Do joii w ant a clean lltp.'hi! toriTKimnih'iU'l tn Morning ,1oiiriuil membership and interest. ord, of sab'. County, folio 4 SO. FOR SALIO Railroad ticket fot 2- - ro,,ni In in house vvllh screen- i n. LEGAL NOTICES. A. 10. WALK 10 It, ed porch kilchen. well Tori Sumner. X. M.. July A R( II I I I I T. holy, nou-dc- riptiv to Kansas i;,l water" 111 - d RpTordrr. at 7 W. (2 I" Saia llw ood. the Jit IIITI-S- III VCH W 1 I.I. MAKK "TKKItlTOIiV ! XI AV MÍLVU O." Sprlnglleld or Meniphl-t- . Apply Then call Maride Ave., Citv. 1,1, , 1. - Us from i a r line). son "! I,, Sniallwood of thin piare Tlill' T KXt'AMI'MI'XT Olfiee or Hie Secretary. oTTo TlloRMANX Tn k, t. care Journal. y SYXDI-CATI- A i a .tiown.-.- yes-I'l'la- Art.-MiH- M in.--T- .r-tel- a MAV MIO XICO RIO A I,TV lili .t ml Superintendent. ,R RIOXT ien in tin- lake here X. . July CF.UTIFK'ATK CF COMPARISON I', furnished jfl b e 1 0 Soul Ii while swimming. The boyV Company of the National t'iuar" I. Nathan Jaffa, Secretary of the Second a pa it in, nt. gas, ele, Irle lights and of batige offi, e and Phom- 5 1.'. FOR SALE Furniture. ninth, r l"t hint his pony and g o to 1im VoRns, July New Certificate of baili, cieno, ; lake will from here fern'tory of Mexico, do hereby M ueal and n FIL-- by Mr Albui,ei'rne, N. f"i' a rid.- a ii, when he did not l.'.th. to attend the annual encamp certify that there was tile.l for rec- agent in New Mexico. foi'lib' .house, $12.5(1. Lloyd 10 WANTIOO to 7 lent 1,1 X. Wilson. Furniture rapilr fur .Severn hours futher ment of the N.-- .Mexico N'atiotia ord in this onice at on" o'clock p.m.. ASSAYIOHS A. (ioff Co.. phone K8K. llonsak.r, I'll.". W. Cold. Matting, out to for him found orders to thai effect wen an the Tenth day of June, A. P., lunn, Contejst 42 flunrd. Serial 0120S. nt; RIOXT Hood 5 room frame th I" nv lied mar the lake with the received from Adjutant lienersl Ford Certilicnte of Change ,,f Office mid CONTFST NOTICIO. V. JENK- S- BUSINESS CHANCES house. 2 screen porches, large yard, shoes tie. to tlie saddle an.l u nr.'l preparations were at once com Agent In New Mexico of New Mexico Department of tlie Interior. T'liltod Assayer. 5H: house, right close In, Inn farther on the lull's clothes on menced to put in sonic extra bar. Realty Syndicate, No. tin, ill. and hIbo, States Land Office, Santa Fe., N. M Minina; and Engineer. J12 PIOR lassltled 203 W. Cold tl. hank. .Nothing wan to he seen (settiuK read tor the hi;. that I have compared the following 20, 1 909. 609 West Fruit avetiim. ÍI25 WORD Inserts $10,, Llovd, drilling June S " ,r F. .Hi papers In 1'. , Ui child iiin.l a Ling hunt copy of the same, with the orÍKinul A cent, st Postoffice Hon 173. or at office of ads in leading l;"" R i 0 rooui brl, k lTToiTe" after .cent. sufficient affidavit having Advertising Fi :T-- " Hi., i, l. 1 - now on tile, it to 112 South Third street. Send for :isl The Hake was found lug in the shal- thereof and declare been filed in this office by (leo. S II. Kent. fiiriibli, ,1. electric light, balh, raf l.i lie a transcript Agency, 4L'7 South Main street, Lis nutrí- near tlie hiiiik. correct therefrom and Learning, contestant, against H F... line sleeping porch, 40T, S t A X Y Angeles, Cal, and of tlie hule hereof. Fntry, No. (I120S. made Aug. 28, 1 908. n on F (liven my Walter. CHINAMEN HOWL AT under hand and the for Lots 1, 2, :t. 4, Township 10 N. R. W. I). It R VA N " O , F, i; i7ü7 real Seal of the Territory of Range 3 10 Meridian, by Anton z. Attorney at Law. ,r xT nViuar 'aTi.r' FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE , ,1 GUILD DROWNED IN at the City of Sania Fo, the Contest,-.'- ill which It Is Office In First National Hank RulM- - loom.-- s.oilliern hotel, offlc- ni. Capital, on day of June, slot.- rooms. w. M. Million, 21 I this Tenth Contest, e. in w hich it is al- Ing. Albii,,ieriU,!, N. M. i 'o.M I'LIOTi: ll'iTIOL fin nil, ne for 2S A. 1., limn. - W. Ool.l leged that ."aid entryman wholly W. A. White bedroom:.; al o offi. un. hall fui BOLD HOLD UP X A THAN Jno Wilson Jno. JAFFA, abandoned said land for more than nil Apply Oe.uge 10. lOllis, 115 (Seal) Secretary of New Mexico. 1 RENT MILK six months next prior to May 20. 909. WILSON A W II I T W. Central. FOR Storerooms. on that lie never establish.? residence Law o, ( Attorneys at FFoR RFXT Store room and ware-b- Amended ell illcale of Incorporation, said land, aaid patties are hereby no- is,-- First ,,nd M n ,iiett e. Ill Jaigon Notifies X'ew Mexico Really "jn.licale. tified to appear, respond, offer RulMIng FOR SALE Business. Excruciating and Rooms Cromwell quire A i Co. He jt resolved bv the Hoard of evidence touching said allegation nt !hu.ii ,iie Lumber A R A : F tiinlly man with Loidshurg oí Direct. i of the New Mexico Really 1 he-fo- A. xieorge It. Craig Oppoi for C'lby Into Authorities at 10 o'clock a in . on July 28. 909, J. Miller Falls Headfoiemost I have a line Syndicate that a change of tlie prin- 10. MII.LIOR & CR.MU small eapllal F 0 E N T Office s . A. Walker. Probate Clerk, nt ll.ii- - RR of Man Who cipal place In i spl. ii. lid lo. a lion In A l'a;l and Dies in Spite of All Woik Stronc of business from Santa Fe. A Ibunuernue. N M. (and that final Attorneys al Law A w III. II I Will sell i be p If I, , New .Mexico, to lluuiuei'iue. New hearing- b held 10 114 S. Third St. All,uquera.ti llerule 1'. .R I0XT oil- e rooms: all tuod-- will at o'clock , , Disappear. . n on- Add,, - N M , car'-Jon- u -- n, s W.-- il Medical Aid Can do to Mexico, is advisable ami necessary on Aug-- 9. 1909. before) tb at .oi ni Apply 220 i.m. n ,1. Save Life, and that a ineetiiifj of thu stockhold- Register and Receiver at the I'nlte.l civil iox;ixi:i:n Cold ers of the said New Mexico Reulty l s Office In Santa Fe . N. M. ,R SA 1.10 la niilliu' l v l.usii, Sm-- . IhI nrriii.iiileiHi to Morning Jonrnul Stales Land A. n. OOLF Syndicate be called in the City of San- I s li- l.ordsbursí. N M July I. A Tlie said contestant having. In a pro- County Surveyor. in tow ii Iim- o, a ion ami a ta Fe on the 15th day of May, 1909. 1 i:,l splitlinK per affidavit, filed June 21, 909. set Office cor- le h, , n "I. . Applv Mis i 'V erd.,1, lN.'' t4 .Mnrniiitt Jonrnnl li..ul miiiKl.d with ear i All Classes of Surveying irr.tintf to onsider the same. That the prin- 11 ., I b.i-- A t ' ' FOR T X. M ., !) .V ile- - in forth facts which show that after due (Jold 13. ,1,1 11. T Foil, ,,d .pie. SALE '".all. ,i, most and toiijiue tistms ob.iui satmns cipal phu e of business In Albiunierque ner Third am) Phone service no- W L vil O. 7,(1 aeeiil.-n- ocrurr.-.- l here when of .liaK-t.- of (he Celestial liligenep personal of this X. sioco I room ft. ''"'"i" three the he tixed nk the Occidental Hldg:. and or- '!l-l.l- , can not he made, it Is hereby l'1"' th.- ,,ne- - e:u-o- l. iI.uikIi-- r kingdom th- - uher nljiht in this eity tice ;iooi,m":ist lagbtli St. the ait. nt in charge thereof and upon notice be MiNixo "f Mr, muí ii-- os.-a- (iaOh- fell atnhorities that something dered and directed that such WANTED Money. lil loll I room frame nml Iwo warned the whom process against the corporation given proper "' i was n n on and by due and publication. ailobi on .M) lot, s. eonlainint; wal.-- ami out of the ordinary may he served is K. N. Wilson, of Fxamlmiflon and Heologbal Reporta WANT to mike loan Willi w hi. Ii rooui ft. ' r.- MAN'ITI, R. OTI0RO. t' !"'ii"ii milk anil Mvullott-in- a lot that two China N. M. Mining a Specialty. , v A Hro.nhv.,,. Register. on Properties bu-- land Will give p. r. " mi k nil,, h.-- Francis... SHIIMI I room b.illi, I'lec- - '' lims men preparing lo Ro to Territory of New Mexico, Correspondence Solicited. F. II, i are .Morning Jouinal, fiiiioe. ht" oi-- .iii.i so, .1 la-''- e I).,, tío- H immk Hi, .Ml II uhlrh in ii riuiriat. ml Horn Hinir County of HernuliU.,. Hion. June 1 8. 1909. Address ligios. lui. I.m li mis. First Puhlk . 'I'h, 1 ti.-- K. ' I (5 $a2UOii inoilci-n- famil li.- n short who makes atispoita arrantfe. We, N. Wilson. F'resid"nt, mid XOTH li I W. O. T l T .i room fraoie. v i; of rtlil lox. TO LOAN ':"m thi I'li.ti u ml th, ehild in. nts for Ids eouiiti in, n. in t.i M Wilson, Secretary, of the New 11,'lullloii nl of Ibe Interior. Albuquerque. Nsw Mexico i'lll' line, I, nil III ward. I '':'v I r S I .1 s- ; .niei.llnt.-l- lir.oiRht in an, th. process of beiu held up an.l Mexico Reulty mi cate do hereby S. V M iNIOY '1 ' I ",i g lerio. l I'. Land office at Santa Fe. i"i- hief-aio-m- bv a nam.-i- Hint R.-.- St:DMM ." - ''' ...itk.rl nver lo r in an at the point of a Run man certify the foregoing resolution 5, I 909 I. it.-- W II M. Million, room lilil í .olíale, nnul- O June 1,1 111 U s at oil, ..t of Iloiird of liirei c.-- nit the out Ms. CollSlable HukIo the tors of said Com Notice Is hereby ptveii that .1os inoxi ivrs I'liO- - r. 211 '.'- i l n, lame h im. "! " unir-- -. n,m h..p-I- " ' in bi ' pany and Amended t,,. ,,.,v on the trail '.I the liil." in. Certilbate of Pacheco, of Lag, net. New Mexico, who. DR. J. K. KRAFT $2(b5( 2 slor lirlcU "' 't to full s .i - I,,- , of said Company was duly ni,, pii mvs- ai.-,- lakiou '"i una 1 4. en ilvvclllog. iiiiiileiii, un Higlil.iiiiis, I. ,iapp. on July ti, 90 made limn, sl.tnl Ibntal Surgeon. Veterinary Schools or Colleges , w at, le - .111,1 Some submitted to the stockholders of sai.t l io-.- !' !. Oliple of e,i!,l try (a:t797 ), No. Tin; fi, fur se sec Rooms Harnett Hiiildlnif Phono fo. Company at a meeting . IlloIleV heli.liulll! to tlie l,,I,aiie. of said stock by SAN' FRANCISCO V.l.:in.nv college, KtliiMI itiiMleni franii coll- holders In I,) nt reg tion 34. Town hip la V., Range 744. Appointments lit ide malt. I!"RR!MAN were in. .m.-da- ble has the principal and i 'ni., logue mailed fice Dr. Roane, ar!-, mi Highland-- , clo-- STEAMER v.ho istered X. M. V Meridian, has filed noli. lo: office of said Company In the 1 I easy Icon-.- . ,t been I amjit. City of Intention to m.'iko Final five year, I'HUK IWS AXI M IH.MlXS 1 Marl,. St. LINE BUYING of Santa Fe, County of Santa Fe, $ I BOATS proof, to establish claim to land A. (1. SHoRTI.IO, M. D in, 2 story, in, id. i n in-:- Territory of New M. xi. o, h.1,1 on the the resiili-iii-e- , i i.i.i:x womb, H l'ra.-tie- to Imf ii:ncr lie.'il. u itrnnti:. 15th day of May, A. I).. 1 above describid, before Limited io. n ti- 90, at the Mini ft. good on, buildings. rollMITY snfleiers from other 7 ;! Pradt, s. ('oitiitikd-nu-r- al Tuberculosis A Apo- - 7.vlli hour of p in., 1. Court .la. poda. a. Alff. do it-lag- Tl-.- lt-r- after notice of said $200(1 "k. July O. r.Oe P. '? , tI.-o- 10 12; 2 to 4 modero lirlek ii. man His. subscribe for le-- Ixigutia, New M- on day Honrs: to VI i o o- A i, i a n v -- meeting had n duly by the tllst d.i .i. pod oi one mpany, h. tti-- n : wuivd K 9 X. Siinn, slreit. good kie.v and mr, two-thir- Rooms 10. Stale Natl Hank Rldg. . Health .MnKaine inoie than of tin stock- - of July, 1909. p.- hav. i o right t.) s. II or 'ii. ih line, of w hi, i : I T talur. ,.iirs Ives. A re.iuest hrii (.'s one fre noid'i's of s,i, Cotnpitriy vot- - Claimant nomen as ndncsso- R. I. HI ST ,,l h s. nial-- - ,,r , .,1 4 fcrli-k- . obtain.-- I t !. hvi!ig - an. niaa filoii room nnxlerv m:' , , . I' IT M- - r. Fia. e. An mif powers, Gcoige Kirn, a, pnceat-- ''. w phy.-i- Ian Purgeon. II. V' 111,.: blall'l-i- VI Inwii, good mi '1 cteam-hip- n ci.pv. i.nt.le ami that ut atld meetitiR bun, of and tlh I'e follow Htill.lliiaT. Ciriirr lew f.,r the two-thir- - í 4 f of the sto. khobl.-r- of Mexico, (P. I Ji gima I Juan P,K- - Rooms 6 an.l 8. N. T Aimljo Rulid- S I : T A 1, 1, A with S a ro- lot. Ii Ward fr, 'u'lit pavs nt;. r Cal. raid O. - and Alb,iipi-r,iie- . . . I ' I. Hit- Company having voting powers I of New p.ilro Ing. X. M. i, I mi, lb. ,,l I lo bal ,s In nil pails nf cllv. 'i'lo- ann,i,in,-- ' - t. vol. 3rto. Liigoni M.xi.o; owner ir.en, tak' ,, , C,iso. -- s c in of ..aid lie Hint Mxi--o- Hie --', I M ,,,,! 'I,. ,n give a propcrit nml ram lies for th. an int d I 1 x i r. MOXFV Wil t. faoi lolrmnt nrid Pai;in,, New Mo I.IRI IN. D .",,v iS'.n who Harrln trn - ..l . Money lo loan. l- was at v - of' v i ,,v pel--- vv bouj; to sati. to in .il MIXii WW WITH 1M llore prrseiit said metliii ro A. Sewnke, of Laguna, New ph ii n ml So n I,,'! .to !,. mil.!) more two-thir- . ,:i 9 N- - w f l KWMIXK than of the stock Soil.- 9, P.irn.-t- Ciilldlnií bu an and R,,oin A. FLEISCHER y... "M.-i- teniii.ry for Vol' MM). llMK i hoi. of ai,I I'oinp.iuv , j . i ; A st j t "ii ami - i: u r. & ro.. lets MAM I'l. It OTP. I.O, I (fice i, I.I He. I'llOlle l1ll build in. Thiol and SUcoliil StvfM-t-. n,. , K:tr,i) 'in eoiisisn- oi k. ritvir Stltj South Witrie our nn,I I o- -, i Sil S. M". I'HOM: 1. hnd aealg and Ho; Ister. A lbll.pi. que, N. M Jo. nti al T. A ül'Rl'LK .'.vAí. I



lr. 1. M i'artiM. thr j.h t . ti 'at f Mfil tiniri-ih.iti-l- ,in! m 1'-in- WORK ON NEW HARVEY EL GEO. W. HICKOX COMPANY I Ui' omul, iinmhi r f nt .it tit $25,000 HOTEL OIJIKST AM) I.AKGrST JEWIXKY HOl'SE IV NEW MEXICO it-v- t Hüüi y In i hwr Hum. Whil K11KK ALWAYS (OMl''K AI NKW Hi- injiiri"'1 nr rv pMHif-ii- il SKM IV YOl II WATCH IX HK'IJ, Itril'AIll THEM that Mr will r T Arch Fnnl 1 S. Mxinil irrr AHiiiqiirrqua If. M. t tv t v ah "in i'!hi (tt.tii AT LAMY WILL BEGIN TODAY; ANOTHER :t 'CI vh The Big Green LARGE CROWDS ENJOY NEW RAILWAY STATION FOR LAS SHOW AT COLOMBO CRUCES CRESCENT HARDWARE CO. ' i'iihi si'niif i:iiii' ii in in . - Miitra. lUng-m- lluusr rurnstilng GikmN, Ciilliry biiiI TixI. I roa liirli'i mm- Adobe Bricks of Which Quaint Old Pueblo-Spanis- h Structure Tag Sal T . Mcnil i I'lpt'. Valie and l ining, l'luiu t.lng, llratlng, Tin and ipM-- Work. in rr Miu h ibiti-- Is Mral Central Ave. I'Iiobc at Junction Is To Be Built Now Being Turned Out in Albu- lit. .'l!.-i)- i . lair o ...... Tin f x Suiuhi j ií hi th. ri'imli 111. fH' i was .It. tKl'-- bv querque: Idea Originates With President E. P. Ripley Work- Fr.t I I I.h K'- i "M ils m ih. ni--- . ji.nliy iiiul . ed Out by General Manager Kouns of the Santa Fe. Ohi. hi l"Ui ).- t..rnt.i ii. I.ihi iiri-i"- LOCAL ITEMS OF INTEREST 'Tin' Inri,'.- muí ui. t.Mis !,,. ,, .iiniiiir cd V! COLOMBO i .l f,.i r.n t n fMi.. .I., Th" .i. mat wmk ..n !li k' nil i. "f t'r.-i..- -:n , . líi.l.-- .n.t Mr K"in III'1 miii'i nil J. I UK .i m til.- jn- - n.u ll.nv.'v h ,,',! 1... biii ii'1"'' in This is an .in,i-,.-i- t ))- Now progress. THEATRE .,, i i.i m,ni I.ann tint. hoQld of tli. Th.- n. film A In th vrbt that jnn not In th, ni i r:in ' -- - s.-- r i. si :"ill - s;,rin.ll,.liliL-- !h.. i i,:i- uur mm mrtr ppr ti- - i, ! - tri.-.- ,,nt i,.r l!i.' fir.-- 1 '""'" .uilv I., !!'. .laniti'if) ,l! . .'iitin-n,-.- ' i , Hi Kent in . i iT!-i.i, :h,s nil th.' Santa ' rit J,, Wr tvir.c y.ur nam and adUfMi mu. Hi,- I.. . n , - j .lan- - - but have to l.;H M'-- - All-- . I - n.'.rn iiUiiim ti.ivinic ,.ni iti.l thr that th. will annual event, we it 2 (; tid th b bjr H!iriiiTi,.li,i H'n.iv.- Exclusive Motion Pictures Mr will dv.lwrd ' l I " '' ' Tin rnini'imy has ariuirr-t- ryliiR t .,;il h. ...hull. 14 l.lxll1''1 """ "'H'"' - ! - - N. I 1111:1 Mllh - Mini .I.V.I h. - t.'.I.K "I'l'll f" "M" "f '1' ill thr at'l Bills III Ah.ull.- .aill- rw and Illustrated Songs A uid Ii,. us K.mM. . '"""I Ul wU' n ml Imiii; Mill h'.f!:! a ilmn in ilw offered goods Tb i)v til t paid li.ffl.liil fi,.m ll .iiiii) never yet our I on' 8:15 and 9:15 P. M. f r th and ronvlri ton f tar- - Mr J .1 SI. v... 1. - Molini-- t. a. - jl'MI Santa Vi- w 1" I..- l.tii;- tal I'lll'illsli an iia haa-- l ilili' ..'ly i'f trrfi. rrl r,-- t n i copias of ita , In Mi- - l. nni,- i "I ml mush, it in whil , utt V at-- l't)tU( .,- lunhl ifaHnf .iiiiian.-.- i'r.iiir '.ii ''I'l'i''' n.ti' all Tin U rntng from lb dinar- - I I'l.i-- ti . . Sun- Journal in pi it Mini t w n r h h tnl .1 h r. ami ,111 A lliaaui man is a a simn has I,, n nn. ..f t In- i hii-- f ,rn Matinees Saturday and wmy ut um Tiir n, ra'a.' at the figures we are now naiiy i nn fir-- I.h Jul K.N AL H'BLIÍHIVO X). tlliittíti.-.- holm it Imlftl in at Hnrk tiirntnK "lit ti' t inn. tns at Imiy. Imt a.., ars in hav 4 It'll I day, 3:00 P. M. itu Hint .tu. 'l nun h -- cnmi'iit nf nun dakM In i. kn fur ih' ;,,,n -- a i snlml , I W t Tin1 ht, Ijiiny inlimli- s j ith lii.- ,..hiiv ,,f tin- tiuiMins asking. And the selection 'at j ,11 hi hi iKimit i'li a h I'r, lit ahali. ''il l.y tin- ian,l-- ( ,n.a .'ul'h tiinjj tic cc h; I tin ami .irii I - iii: K. I' Kiil'-- ..f la.' in. u .11 ki'l man.! it th. I.aiiiy ), ins.' will In- - th'- V". 4 lnli ill Hint ire JuK II - N't iv .a lai sc . ;. ii.'i-,- i i r i '. I:., tin- - M-- m -- , " it h Marai-- .ai si in m ttii J. .1 I. t Mliil-i- l ;tri,i Atiy-n- at,,t .111 .N hat .nl .IH"hl BUSY SESSION WITH is. Knans ami tin.-- haw:- a." -- aal a w kn Sant. was never so large or so fine. i at ill'.'- - M 'll l ,v ..nil Tilt ' K'nt"iniii .I nai Kll Iihi !,,, l.'iii i'.'t 1,,- - I til. ll. al ls mi i.aillli; a InliMlilK ' V nl -t niiiiit. "Afl.-- ilii- - : la thr NIGHT i .1 CHANGE EVERY lin Ii "ill I'i ttiitiiit.' ammiii all lia-- alia - aii'l nr. nn 11 all. - la mi it t r. Ftn , -- fil i" tat'flii nil.-- nn t'a- in th-- it !.ani ami tía- nil p .a il;t s c i; , I I - l ho urn ADMISSION 10c Iniiiri- In the O a I.tfa. . -- c. TORS h a i i a lim,. hn ha'- VM.ti'.l at Latin In- - K nr.l.-- (toril ta IWr. Phnn 4SX A .li.'.iinu nf ihi- - .' . -- t a' 'h.' i.. -- t t 'iit : ra i t hr nin-- i l l lTi' .. i ,r.'-en- t a. , .,t M n a a n- U- - .1 I?. . h.-- ita tin- m ll'.'.i t'.r taw Imt. wlii . llinijtl .,.Uhl!M. h.T l..iiu,il ast mutit s'imv. - h Imiii l.'.i :.. I... I' .i ... an n,.s- - i, ta. ilm-rt- mud It . . - an. t i Inl huilii'tiK i mu I" ti mi; t h'- ., n m- us Ail! I"- j A i Kitt-- YESTERDAY ii H .i in -- the Mh in. '1 I'l. tut a f. liil- s nf thr t.lii l t.. ,t tin nmst Ii. A In flat Innlril S,aill-!- l a.lnh. ha. I. ll.l; .mi- ,).' a- - a. very ( -- I Tí;- ill Im- ,1 th- - tll;K f th' a . ta t a ii ti a ial m r.l tu- .1 liii. t Iri-- t. .i, ..f '!.' thr ,tr, a, ttan-- l IH'Imd . f i I . 1. l.i-- (".(.. !)- - i l .' ii k 'I I;a a I. isl a . i.i t in' nil 'nrt! rs i..n- aii. r tin r V ."if lili'. S..: (i.r LiTA Cuts Nn r liar, la - ,11 an 'I'll, mall M....I aha ala t a.'lll4 imi-- t ,' ' yo -- inn m .i.i.- nf In;: j ; .. nr.- a It Hi,' ,:,, .J. .I.i.-- . ii i.f the :u t.'.n in "in ! h Mi. r Phoenix Coimrnttee Uoiks . .1 t .a,:;-- ; a i .'t a .1.1 li ni-"- ': . v and art ah t.,it otern w i t t -! .'lit tla I'i.I.I'. t" oimon ''.t 'ii!n ;.l I'.'. f in; h - u Imv ma a. i i' a, in,. ,.n - (.i AVENUE CLOTHIER r n n. THE CENTRAL lie", Late Into Ni;hi j a ih. frmii i ,. ma t j u.i.k- - th a ,t..a at l.intv is nf I'l a k . IUI1H I'f 11 I" m. o áa-- sla-iiti- ! . Water r.i ,. ..f 'n Bias, .a' tla M., a 1'ith' tar sain ." h. i.i r i M.-- ' i .11 i j lllftt'M 1. ... I. ñu ai .V I'r a . tr.rf i k li.a a u a a krit nut in th, at I. a- - all ll.i , -- dried : . a ' i, :. ,t a : ' a - n.--- - . a amr laatamrlitat ai 'I"''.' i la. a u hi n ,'.:i:;a.. :,t a .,fl i" ..''"'. - , . . - .' Cilt-.ti- i mitin Melons ;..( lili a - a 'a- sa a .! a ' ,i a ' ii t i I.irai f..r n.. n at n i.ily S r'iaar.,1 IllUlIU I, - i'V-'- ,,;-- ( t i : i - i ü a t t t ii n! k I tli' niil I I"" ,.f 'i. I..mi"at'i l.ainii'-- ;a ai a tr a Itr nn r tn "tl I ..Ti.i'tr.ii -- , . . ip of I i f n Ii. ,. I . rnat-h- Tí..- I ma HI 'I i',,!,,r.i,in v. y frmr. '!li;' ,ll. - In íti- - l III.' ."It nmtan tr, ina .ai,. t' Arintai atal Now Is tlie Time to Get Prices I . -- t s '''' ' ' In-,- ' inch I -- . f mil t:'" i (. T". ,: iia 'a. ti.tiiiitnn ..mi fnrty iniil. TheSweetKind h;i'i k '1! a M wah n a al- .ni. ja,his ...'ut tast 'i.illni' F i' mi nitnr. I " - , Hli. , v - I!) i t :' ' a M Í I ' ' ' h. .11 ,.;n:".i,i",l tn trans-la- ia k : i '.ñu, i!..- at a i!l r ';(!' l n l m t'a '! ai r at il.l'.hli' WAGNKFl IIAKDWAIIE CO. 1 idl tll ' .". I ; . , 1.. . t tf .11 , - " !. a ami tia f,ilun ins li ,, - ahl.-1- ' .. .,,.. i.l'l In th 'HI 'i.' nmat. it Thr t!" M". I ' Al an. I a ..,iisil- .l,n. Hint- il.'' si.. I itninil s A t I. t a -- ' i ., a . in t),i taty nf th. l.ii.nd .- 'i ' ' !....r j ..tura, " ..ini'i: uliut !.'. rii,, f III- ' i - la- -' 11 t... si 1... .,n.t .ah. r li a. lnnii Itr a!" ('..' mi', tn. tía .ii. ! ''' ti ,1, tai-- a . i ,, lit I'i i 'ti t1'" nt r ..n. at r. at nf tra.l-- ' Ji .i.i nn T'l'm.. Ki t - ' -- k nsirn--- '''"! I'H--t r " a (', l;i, i J"'t"( ait r.i, r.r. !..!.(. "i. ' t ICED . i , ; i t - ;.; u t k t ' "- i n ..: llaii.lnhi), Mm !,r i i Urn ', nn ' i a ii. a tii" tn '.ut t ...... ,, .the .niM 't'hc "t ra i:aiiil"ii'li. Lain , - - t "1 h ' .11; tl' ii. liraini-iirii- : -. uly. i'.t I..- I ' a a ,11 a. a r mr lit s "II innks ijiiiii! Jmirii.i! a ill. -- .'.a-'- : c n -- Inn naiíhi' la t'l huh l.iu Ik "1 '.i'i . II . 1: ' i, -- t i 'iva: :' -- L . M ml I"" M a - ii It H .... Í i - ..a. Tla- - t., t Til "i'l! All. Jura- it"".'. vniiiiil'-- ha'., til'- hma f" th,- . .1 l';,-- i l Th ,h. in r.i, ha '; miliiM , far nan li'il ' I..- i'!..-i.(- i -- At No r U I i " 11" an at i nil If" TI-- - ' ' I n t s - -- a ai Iniat in Mr It: ... r.l M nf I'n'll.'l's tilli- - ata ata. Advance t it. tu.' l.i- -t a , .11 huil.l aiir n. i ,.!. ' f - y di .. . - n. lllii : ' - . . ,t I'l-- j I',. ,,; t I'. r t.. a,l hr t l i h ,. th, .l i - a, i t a I!! i.n. k th- - rmrai,.. ttmirii "f Trair. i. ,, .. ir V i mh. .1 . aan n .f a. . I io ñu in . ' a t a ii t ' ;; I a Price ' .a ai a. in.-- ll '.l c i. inert. ..!.. t, . r .. .lililí '!-'- ' 111' ta. li The Intelligence of Mien tar I""!. i. ., -tl r nf Insects. . - i r Sa ,.f ! '.'.". i - a;;- a , i r - ,'.i. l .1"' mil n. '. 1" a ta! lu niiia IT m a- - itt- - art-- , r.n-- -- ! I !'.!- -' . Ii tanr Jal. Kr hiatt. ar.1j ,,!(s.i'..'s of aii'l t. in h.' i I la I Tin 1. rta-- l i.i.. Ir :llC irsriit - . Hlll i ! "f hs .atril Jam- i';. wiisps r in iiss,sninit th. in l ! - Ii. .it ... II. in In hi ,. ni ,'aaii hi hl'iiii f:rn n l ira haf .incur a on f.ini ai tn na- far riii tli'-- iii. high ..f iiH"!iia"nc If a n, ri' in .in! n- - ''t ' aais THIEVES RANSACK GOAL TO COPPER p ra'irl T' la-- r In nf .a ,. ,1 ,.. a :r srr .mni'HIiy hnrsrs - I . .1 -- t i . 1 ,.t .11 .an. th. lltl- A ,,i ' an ,ia la f.,i 1 it um',1.1 il'ii;- - . .un ut thr that p. rfni mini; .inn- kirai W ' II- .laiiimi thr i..i- I ..1- - . I .'.I. TItlaU .Ian .ai ll'd tphm i Ih a M hr-- ih-- ..ia - a- - nhh is niij.i nfitaha a,ti that t !. i ,l "'!- in- ..' !' (TP ia 111. M' !" I'm : ,,t I t. t f .ita'iini'tish.'.l 'r ii.ui atmi r.a arliia li.n.l nf km.l f,.r t ,k. a T!i. - "i " RAILWAY SEEMS "in tl. a n.T,' ' WEST HOME -- ta'-A-l- SIDE i ' ' I" i n IH l :il!'l ii I frnlll ami an "ta r kii"l far ta. ni., la I - .. ''i. .!'.!', Store F'arm'.iistnn m a . mini-- f.m, witti tm y.".nr.ií. ;.r yuttn I'i' ' I I'- - I r.itiiis .!..:' lh.,1 tMl'l.' I'i 'l-'- : lord's a; nr i nii- -t S.inta Kr mair i;.i.l;i.. r.i I'l .l .!.-;- t . ' '.n-- i waaal ' :i' it. - fr-ii- h matt-ria- l , Marble Avenue. - S.ri- t" .ia S". ilrllinnsU .it. lag su. mi 315 a ii i ' a t ii- - i.i-- k ' la'A'l'l. ,.' .ii a. i'.'l A CERTAINTY shiia.!, th- - tl! it ' it'll vi'tir itl.ins air aim Kr itailr t" With" '! ' I. .i- - ' it' 'i.ti. "' Bold Ba,k Poifh atf Phone 206. lllií ''" tn tin' il'lil'i -- Is nf xinir 1" ,1 i.iltír atll-'an- "! Itailll'C - tía" Una t" ' ' ,!'' '"'"'' a!if S hustei Res'derce o v est m Mini ll h'iiil.l attr.ii t tin at .I" .. Sn '.i!.. ,,l,s:a,. a lii.i i r nai ,,'.i- . ' "' l'. "- -l ' ' r.i, s. i.ih nf i ii.i- a a., .nr ii, th. tins-.- v.,1-1- 1 l.iiii.lit, its ..ail. ir,iy:.:, .1 w ' ' " a .lit I a K ' ' I' ' ' ' " ; Hj-- - tla' Copre; St.ü m s nf ,. ,', tunc rail- with r- - r.' n"t t.. ,. a, m . ue RTY LES I N LOADED iiiiillini: ,i.. ri siiil' that .it h- -- i. ;t ii i.i I. -- - "i will rxt.-n.- na it. .1 ill thr For Va., n los. l i a. ,- fni'U rir' KX XXH iCVIf XX v xxx: in ta T . . a T v. a- CXXXXXX r aa ,; .i ' :,.!, ah. a ra a nm j.l - u.i nq lia. ,. m il sm X .i I.d Vail ,11,' that is. IV- - ,.:: a'.r.i ,iiiivit!"s ,.f ih s kind .J.. !:! 5- , ! .i i' a tal i r i an mt h t X" thr s n' ..'I'!- -' tly t" a t.'rmin.iti' nai lata, : S niul t lialr ask,',! Mr. Ki'lRall. oar .inn. it rs. ai." thr inniatinn that i i Moh SANTA TRAINS t t , '. a ra; a .... Foes Writes Lcitci t - FE h I ait.-iUc- Fee's Good I:. na" li r ta g.i t mi a tut. i atal .mif"i dt urn ni r.r' is n..-- ::' -, ' .... s ,if II..- .'!'' "O'T Bond of T'ooe aa.n .mu. Ia tin- mriintlir," wnt siu'.ly attrihtitahi. t.. in.-,- t t1. -- ' I. a. i ta a nt.-rr-- . -- ,k" put I'PKir.. !. an. thin ni rt. tii; thmn a th.- i ai.'f I" mnr its is, Cold V ,',n:c" I oocatPS ;o?n :v o ,. fl. .1 .nal t'.a -r i,r - r,-fa- -- iiala-s .my si:n:lr Hoot - -- h i. ', v.i'.l 'i' r. " t I ;.; ihi'" HOURS LATE i'l.'l' . in nt litis in'ia.ip in all it- - i.ila'l a f.,i !V-- h far jirompt tmn thr r skirt I ... a t'lnr'!.'- ,l k. ;p.,t t ! vrst i mil tin t lit a tii'-- a. Ka!-- I' "a far ''iii fivtlnr isa .),t:;tir.s ' " ; ' : a ' i l I -- . .a- ks, 1,1 t.. 'i a ! ai.hit ,'. ."Itl- tn ni.. ;.,r ti r .na ar ratir.nt ta Beer, 5c h timvi'. In'iir ' ! a .,in.-!iis:,i'- i u X I'l. -- a.-t .,1. I .!.--. t ntli.T-.- :s;ti"! "f iia ta.lw.ti pr,'p"Si is l: a! i 'a l.--t A a it ta I'M, . - ; l',":''-sittni- i p . I . :i..i.. r tn ii in 1..1H tmvii stnnini win. ,i.:,v tiiA wiitri'- m V ' or; n i v l h ;n I a sh.ii: , 4 Ivcxitn o.ssf :a.o$ '',s i a i i. t . l.r,r, tl"t',.- - l tl' ,1 iui,l nf iuli.-.-ii- t at fall La. k. !ir sax-- nn '. nt'v ;n .. ' ..tlrtiait t" pmpi rtv '.".at. .a tla' - - i -- - I ití'.-.- timpli- that t!,. .' ii ttMia beh: M 0:1 V c ;i of 1. s ..' Tin r .!. '.if m a an Ii tnilltail falilta- r'i.'n ar,tn"! WALTON'S DRUG STORE iTt' aiir far r ',, a- t v ' V'i; . .in i ' t ', r ,i. this mr thr rrsal; nf instin that is. .' ,aa,. ' '. : t , i XV a I a is r, a X t . 10 hi W.l r.n ai il n'-.- a vXXXXXXXjCO(X"iOCXXXXX"XXXXX) ''a1 fl "TOS Kni'SaS t. r,l.i n ' i. ,.n W .!,.,,: Ia r. nf t'ltnaC iiihrrttr.l mrnt n"a .1- i ',, ',, ra í.ly n J -, - m a - rrt.i ft' "an lmr.-- tis-- i t tin- nf th,r in,livt,i.ia!. ttt- ; ' III a a i s thr Amni.i v.. I'. h. , - -. h f is ..: - - . .'.ttf.-- . ,u- t r. K t'. i.j.r., lit.- n t'a n( this Int iti'i'. that nstai.t i - ",.,','. ala. a K ' ' "1 ' niiiitt'Mi lit I'..- .' .. a ., -- : ! :' . .'tl-al- .r a . has a , a .: t, in k.- lata .ii-- l '.at mit ita-- '. .i.n .. r.l ,t ' in LAUNDRY n:i : : nr-- .t m i m n . .. i ,' ... ..' ii" naiai nait nt' 'it.'il. ,i ; ,v-- ! .... ! th. t a is lata-- i j ili- - S h t;- -t r .la. a a., a tia r,.. .1 .,. t itir-i- - - j 'Man 'nsi.n - m In 1. k t '" " t a . ' a ta a ,r,iiidr una laiiá a - iii'.tau ih.-- r limn!.-- V" shall :i.i- - ii"iii- nf th. m -!.' n i ,iv h i - -- i ti," t'.a YOUR - :' s WHIT : t - id- it .Iii-- s. ;.. a n.'i-i- ,.f rtitt.t 1! nrnth ' tmr 'ím trmsr - ,. k:-,,- U WAGONS . ,., th.. ,.,.! fail- - ..a - ,ia that .il k:v- - M 1'.. a nr.. h ii-- it an a :vif. i - a- - " ...ti .,; nijiiia,. in - - r.- - - ' - I. . h a h .s;U - r " ,s ai ". '' 'illr- ai tia nat-- ,:aa a i,;-- a; tl- - a mi.' t i!- - :a,, tn.ii-- ,'a ,i..,r, tr " at; BACKACHE i l ti,-- , i i t .. t ... ,,'-,,- I f.i-- l nr,f- t a ill. a t'.a- .'S a STRONG BROTHERS ; V it- - li p'.-irt- KM. I'M'I IUk Kl 'lis l; AX in 'i.I'l - ma- la i a- ns. , Mil It II I'Kl.'n. I ts ,. s., ; I an l.tllli r. H!, WILLVJELD - ' I l t s nr ral' Unutg k nr I ! r 1. . " W" IT ,.r s i n.,i s ..i 1, LITTLE BSDLÍ To Lydia E. Pinkhara's - IL nr ,k,' ,th Mr S Vegetable Compound V.V- -. "."'. d . SANITARY PLUMBING AND - rn' . r- - h . ! b. HEATING COMPANY INJURED BY FALL K.KkUraL Maiiie. "I a trotibled for a ion titu- - with pa:rts m my hai k i it -t i" 't r.i.ini'U w Hud idi. and i( mi- ri-- in I': ( i. x i.i, (.-tl-i lla.l.lilit .it. 1 iloi :crvj I'l, mu 91 W Ulltll I aí IliS !,';. ... ( JOBBING A SPECIALTY PIN a o J I JUDGE COLLIER EDITOR OF ta F'il SINGERS CiGAR C0VPANY 0 : s"t-?'- a 0 .0'' L CENTRAL LAW JOURNAL Zx lVk1; H-.- S.N ' I'lItkhaOl k"ftii- - i r Mlnii.i. Mlli- - : .1 1 V- - - ',,n, Juril iniil V I ta- V a- - M IH a In J I .'ii I.. 'ml- -- li" Takr rtuncf th "nif"illl. i,, l lii. f it, p.rial mi . llli'll.ill , l.....,.i I n .. , i MM ""'""" ' I i,,-- M I ,,in Pnldl. MII...I. try it Afcr uk-i- SWIMMING POOL líi.rr t..t:.r I ! Tl . s ' 203 Eani Centn! Ave. i-- i", i ' K wt rrik r (i n ii. in in io o, I" j - - i . tu l. ft t i nTer . . . i Ti-.- - in a.i rr.T .itf. 1 T"innifnt l.yaii h A AD 504 North First - . lv;' t.h ''n.p.:uidt.' a. ; TRY JOURNAL WANT fian- N fra-ilv- " Mr n Y va, . i s- an mr t t.ñ-intí- . Tri.-- RwiUüd. y.". O - c l.i- -t n. la. ka .t is a fjn.ft.-'- vt fjkt-rs- i i.r tirra. If jmj it a a! ., t mi ha ka,-t- . ! n't la;.'-'-- ! lt. lo!', . . ILFCLD Crt rn'ar.rti-. r riia-- t ri.-- i CHARLES CO. rant ta t: lar.!'.'.f No:t.;r.p : S" :. j .j ..(:.;..! sarf ' - s I.i i; t '.. l"::.k'i ( ( av ' etat'!f ' Wholesalers of Everything r ,;:.. l ar- - :r it: (,f thf d.- - i y-- " at. ai.(i w:.. ' Trr:. i' ,n 1 t k : l'í. 'I. r. a ROSA t'l'i'tti? f.l:l'i.iti A. í S ri,.''' LAS VEGAS ALBUQUERQUE SANTA I :v t", .ate f nr..!:c:W i in V.tih- - tv tst;ai...tiT mi..::.! ly r : ti pr t ita'i , cnui'i ;":5 ü.il ... 1. l'.tatunj'f! -- We.'ti! .e t nrr. :a.t.,:. rt a't 'rom roct -- . . f ti. :rú to - j ai d rl'. ,r:ii thu- We H'i'A ! (!1!.. I .. makr a SsiaItT ' Mr. Finkhain. oí Ltíiiu laa . . . riuniliin a lid Tinnin lnit- - all t k. w nnicn to nHes,, lii-pa-ir ork. " J'-- W--r. . íor 1m.Ii ltMtiM-r4M- lninli fur saata tr II hrr ailiif hr bat ruidrdi.í n r,M it ro. Hl.i to j uitivnr f- ni-ir..í- tliouanUi bralttk lr .''r , EVERITTSi..1 us .ur taal' r - r l - alrtl. tc i.h. aiMt r'Bsikv n.n- ' . j 'tsfs.(Wa .Ji Crutral Aune K--1 6 t.4 n cbarve. firntr4 ltt ; r! thr.-n.s- 1 mrdll. ul all kld.. t