Can It Critters?

Tornado Tornadic Waterspout  Strong updraft  Fish Birds Reptiles Insects Animals  Sucked up into top of the  Can be carried hundreds of miles away Can Rainbows Happen At Night? Full moon, low on horizon “Moonbow” Usually after rain showers There are also “Firebows” Heavenly Sight At Twilight Noctilucent Are Ghosts Real?

Sun Halo Sun Ghost

Oversized human shadow cast on a bank below

Damp mountainous areas like Porcupine Mountains in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula What Do You Get When You Cross “The Flash” & “Green Lantern” ?????????????????? The Green Flash

Less than a second Before sunset and after sunrise When Does The Sun Melt?

Novaya Zemlya Effect A Polar Mirage

 High refraction of sun  Different Atmospheric Thermoclines  Sun looks like a line or square or flattened hourglasses Hay Bales or Mother Nature? Rollers

Snowballs On crusty snow Following several inches wet snowfall Pushed by strong ? Haboob?

Up to 600 miles long Morning Glory 1-2 miles Above Ground

Atmospheric conditions best in the morning Strong vertical motion in front Rapidly descending air in rear High and sea breezes are involved

Photoshop or Real Cloud Pyrocumulus Cloud Fueled by updraft of wildfires Can generate “Firenadoes” Can Be Invisible? Real or Hollywood St. Elmo’s Fire Ball Lightning Electrical charged plasma Slow moving, destructive

Or Do They? Meet The “Brinicle” Highly concentrated brine from sea leaks below the ice shelf into less saline Where it freezes and forms a stalactite in the sea beneath the ice

Ice Circle  Found in cold, northern  Outer bend of a slow moving river  Accelerating water creates rotational shear  Large chunk of ice breaks off  Spins against surrounding ice until smooth and circle shaped

Are Elves Real? Upper Different Causes

Sprites Jets Intense Lightning With Bonus Round

 Sunniest place on Earth?

 South Pole

 Keraunophobia is fear of what?

 Lightning

 Brontophobia is fear of what?

 Thunder

 Can hot water freeze faster than cold?

 Yes, under the right conditions

Will Cubs Win 2015 World Series?

Who Says Isn’t Sexy

Mammatus Haboob Hoarfrost Orogenous Zone Wedge Rear End Flow Bulging Top Warm Push Panhandle Hooker Rotating Head Wet Bulb Choking Downdraft Dry Slot Vertically Erect System Suction Vortices Beaver Tail Moist Tongue

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