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Host: MariettaRobert

Opening Meditation: AngelSu

Mayan Calendar: Rainbird

● Tuesday we started the wave of Etznab – about being ourselves in the reflections, noticing what is real and what isn't, and discovering that in ourselves; good time to be kind to ourselves in this wave.

13th Thurs: 3 AHAU – activating our sense of Christ consciousness, striving towards wholeness, transmitting energy to others; gift of unconditional love 14th Fri: 4 IMIX – Friday begins the 7th unial – the 7th unial is in the middle of the core of the calendar ● We have 20 days of being in the NOW; basically, we are going up the spine of the middle of the grid – these are all powerful days. ● 4 = crystal clarity of form; the 4 sacred directions in existence; ● IMIX starting a new module – the dragon, mother, an artist quality; we can draw in the creative forces of the Universe; the clearer we are about what we are bringing into our lives, the better 15th Sat: 5 IK Ik is the wind; 5 = centred, spectral; spinning of the pyramid; the vision is of the harmonic tone of ours elf; good time to listen to voices of spirit 16th Sun: 6 AKBAL Akbal is the night; an artist aspect – learning from dreamtime, calling in our abundance; asks us to participate in calling in that abundance; 6 is the energy of rhythm 17th Mon: 7 KAN 7 = a resonant tone, inspiration, magic; Kan is the seed, a healing aspect, self- determination 18th Tues: 8 CHICCHAN the serpent, snake, warrior aspect; we transmute energy, are open to change; 8 = fine tuning harmonic resonance, a galactic frequency 19th Wed: 9 CIMI Cimi the bridge between birth and death, the past and future; transformation; 9= pulsation, completion, expansion 20th Thurs: 10 MANIK – healing hand, the deer; 10 = manifestation – let's manifest healing for ourselves

Astrology: Annie Rose due to storms and severe weather, AR is dealing with items like water in basement, etc.

2013, June 13 Thursday Night Call 1 / 18 Hard News: T: Fire is only 5% contained; as it is a canyon, they can only beat it back when it reaches the ridge. MR: In 2 hours four nights ago, they had 4.7 inches of rain; last night, only 1.25 inches yet it is standing on the fields T: you know who's controlling this weather! When it gets messed up, Mother Earth kicks back and then they add more to it!

T: June 12 was the day that Medgar Evers was assassinated; June 4 was the day JFK Sr gave a speech on civil rights; Thom Hartmann said that Civil Rights came into being because of the killing of JFK Sr's clone ● Edvers was born in 1925 in Mississippi; went to school in segregation and knew all aspects of that life ● Lynching was used to keep people in check; experienced racial abuse from his childhood; ● mo one was ever charged for the hanging of a man who spoke back to a white woman; his bloody clothes remained in public as a warning to other negros in town – nothing was ever said in public about this, yet the clothes remained [● Tara was born in 1947 and 15 when she was in Marshall Texas in 1961; she saw a 16 year old black youth & greeted him with “Hello”; he looked terrified, then turned and ran!!] ● Edvers got his high school education by walking 12 miles each way, each day; joined the army & went to Europe; wanted to see the same kind of freedom in Mississippi – got prevented from voting, then joined NAACP; eventually worked for them full time [founded by W E D DeBois] ● Merylie Evers, his wife; said they lived with death every day of their lives; ● “We both knew he was going to die” – he got shot in the back as he got out the car at his home ● Killed om 1963, June 12 ● The murderer did not get put in jail for what he did until 1991 – after 2 previous trials & getting off

● Obama and the Chinese president talked of full disclosure and how to do it, and of NESARA ● Edgar Snowden showed up in Hong Kong the very next day after this meeting – like on June 11 when JFK and Eisenhower ● The NSA is the over lay – in 1947 Truman created the NSA to cover up the crash at Roswell and they have been monitoring our phone calls since the beginning!

Reading: The Guy Hottel e memo Sgt first class says he knew the story [SEE BELOW] ● all of the alphabet agencies are involved in this issue!

Rachel Maddow show: people meeting behind closed door at White house etc about Syria ● officially – have 8 sources which have collaborated: sure that 93,000 are dead & another 37,000 unconfirmed – and counting! ● Meeting was about whether they could prove that Sarin gas was used by Al Assaud – no, it was McCain who helped set it up for Israel to use it & make it look like Al Assaud when it is Israel Mc Cain pre-empted the announcement that we are going to arm the opposition on the ground in Syria – this is only McCain arranging when he was there to set up the excuse to go in; he also arranged for arms for those related to Israel and for blaming Hezbollah, Iran – so we are getting WW III by proxy! ● Remember: Israel controls this country: biggest lobby group is APAC & the dirtiest; all except 64 members of Congress are doing the bidding of Israel

2013, June 13 Thursday Night Call 2 / 18 ● Head of Mossad is Rahm Emmanuel: Where are more black people killed? In Chicago than even in NYC

● Now a renegade in Turkey: Gezi Park and T. Square – tens of thousands of people out; 5,000 injured, 5 are dead – the police shoot canisters of weapons grade tear gas into the crowd; someone got hit with one of those canisters and got killed; the other 4 were killed by bulldozers. ● The president of Turkey is a dictator, same as Al Assad who is also being controlled by insiders from the US working for Israel. ● There are hundreds and hundreds of police around the park and the square + buses full of back-up people

● G8 meeting next week – scheduled.

● The Bilderburger meeting – the demonstration was put way back but they were peaceful

Caller: who did Rama talk to today? R: Ed Schultz and John Nichols: the one reason this is happening with Edward Snowdon has to do with the creation of the NSA which was done to cover up First Contact in 1947 – they told him to call George Noory! MR: people have heard that Beck was going to make an announcement today T: said he had a whistleblower who could bring down the global network of the 13 families; too afraid to do it; would only do it in front of Congress with the world listening! Yet Congress is under the control of the 13 families! ● People are very angry with Snowden for going to China to the “enemy” - yet that is farthest from the truth – full disclosure is the real story and people are maybe not hearing what is being said, or not feeling the truth, or so consumed with their own anger, other ideas cannot get in - anger is an illusion ● The problem with the people is that they are not awake to the subterfuge that US is not a democracy, or that China is not a total dictatorship – the middle lies in the millenials ● Heidi and Mr X spoke of what was discussed between Chinese president and Obama: Mr XI said the old guard are sitting on his neck because of the idea of losing face: if they lose face, they are to commit hari-kari - if they lose face with this president of China, they have to commit hari-kari – yet the millennials in China do not believe in the old guys and their thinking ● We all have come here to take a stand for freedom and to stand our ground in a good way! ● It's like when St Germain appeared on the signing of the Constitution: it took 4 good months to get it done – and the 56 signees lost their lives for doing that signing! ● Today, when we do this together, there is no need for people to day – it is a global action! Nor will we get the technologies until these criminals are gone - ● Turkey is our ally in the middle of this hornets nest and the kids will not leave that park or that square! ● They have seen 5,000 of their compatriots be injured; they are having a piano concert tonight, playing drums, dancing – they know they came here to make a space for the next ones to come in and they need our backs. [Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan]

● About Heidi and Mr X: on Tuesday, besides First Contact and NESARA being announced; they know arrests are first THEN announcements – then Obama tells how we went from Constitutional Law and Merchant Banking [St Germain as Sir Francis Bacon taught it to the bankers, with a model in Italy – we have never really had merchant banking] to a Fascist state and Fiat money

2013, June 13 Thursday Night Call 3 / 18 R: rumours that he will speak on July 4th [Ben Fulford & others – will talk about Kenya] – not true! T: St Germain poked David Cameron with Excaliber, AA Michael's Sword of Truth: told Cameron “you will speak the truth about what will happen next in Europe & you will get a sign” ● the sign he got was that 3 members of the Bilderbergers started to glow with a blue light and then they disappeared; Cameron remembered what St G had said and tole them that the Euro would be replaced with a basket of currencies

● The US is the war monger in the world ● Tower of London – financial capital – Cameron's job was to talk about economic treason ● 1993 – the Black Farmers vs the Federal Reserve [controlled by 13 families as is IRS, Congress] ● Since when did we become the enemy of the state so the NSA could wire-tap us? Who does the NSA work for – the enemy! ● They know their goose is cooked and that the only way to get out of it is to start WW III; they are wanting to do a proxy R: Ed called the GOP losers

T: European Central Bank is being grilled “Has the European Central Bank overstepped its mandate?” ● THE ECB are Nazis, controlled by Germany – they need the Euro to stay in place; ● Cameron said there will be a basket of currencies and that is the worst thing Angleca Merkel wants to hear: 3rd Reich is in Germany and the 4th in the US. ● The 4th Reich is the Republican Party – and they bailed out the banksters over here; the Deutsche Bank in Germany is the bank of the Bush family ● Goldman Sachs is a Nazi bank, too – they started hedge funds in Greece, and the Greek politicians collaborated and took down the banking system in Greece, same as in the US – ● they knew what they were doing and that the Euro would go down; but Cameron knew he would die if he did not speak, so he did!

Caller2: just saw a ship! T: this is the answer: our brothers and sisters! We as ground crew have to remain steady ● summer solstice on Jun 21 is most important day of the year; June 23 is World Peace Day ● The Sikh people came here to teach Kundalini Yoga – it connects you with your gifts! Caller2: she learned Kundalini Yoga in Florida – speaks of the ashram there, what she learned T: reading about a summer solstice event – quoting Yogi Bashan; discussion with caller

T: June 12 ED show: Mike Papantonio was host: had on Mike Tysen, Rick Aoutsen [black comedian], John Fugelsein, Julian Assange, , Bobby Kennedy Jr, John Nichol

MR: excited about all the news related to Monsanto & GMO stuff: Supreme Court said you cannot patent a gene! Which means the heirloom seeds around the world they say they own, they don't. Affects things far and wide Eating GMO destroys immune system minute amounts of ? Causes breast cancer How we have been tricked into believing GMOs are not harmful T: Maine & Connecticut in both levels of the State gov't: passed laws that food has to be labelled !!! ● India, China refusing – in the US, 85% of food contains GMO

2013, June 13 Thursday Night Call 4 / 18 MR: China will not allow GMO stuff to be grown on their land – which means their land is not being degraded. They will process US soy, but not grow it themselves ● Once there is full disclosure, the land will be cleaned up ● MR watches all the information related to food – has never seen so many things happening. CL: talks about signing petitions to exclude high fructose corn syrup – all GMO! MR: even honey can be badly affected – she knows bees are smart enough to avoid GMO crops when there is better food to eat T: bees ARE dying from eating the pesticide laden GMO crops CL: one third of organic honey was found to be T: corn syrup is addictive like cocaine! Causes the same problems as using cocaine! MR: If nothing is changed, in 20 years, 50% of all males will be sterile ● Roundup – 8 drops in an Olympic sized swimming pool sized container will bond with hormones in our body and change them and cause breast cancer. Results of study that MR read about today. ● Also talks of the cheating that goes on by Monsanto: cut studies off at 3 months yet the tumours show up in the 4th month! T: people say “I can't afford . . .” ● when you eat GMO, you destroy your body's immune system MR: Dr Oz program today: 70% of our immune system is in the gut – and this is where many of the challenges are happening! The body does not know what to do with this – causes the leaky gut syndrome and things then get into the blood stream. T: describes all the functions carried out by the digestive system and if one of them is disrupted, ● When No means No, No does mean No ● The worst thing you can do is EAT TOO MUCH! ● NO SOY IN ANY FORM, NO MEANS NO! ● Even Olive Oil – a good portion of it is GMO ● NEED TO SEE THE “CERTIFIED ORGANIC” LABEL – AND USE FARMERS MARKETS

Caller3: was outside – tons of lightening bugs tonight and it's only June 13th – not usual until July 1st

Caller2: question for Mother – does she get to keep the new love in her life? Wants to get him healed! T: we'll put them both in the Circle of Support; she can work with the Law of One for healing We are all One; When One is harmed, all are harmed Therefore in the Name of Who I am, and I am One with All that is I ask only that the Highest Good of all concerned Happen Here And I give thanks that this is done!

T: Reading: ABOUT [SEE BELOW] ● Carlyle group set up the computer group – Al Queda ● Read the book The Iron Triangle by Dan Briody ● propagandamatrix.com/carlyle_way.html – can find all kinds of information here! ● Mitt Romney and George W Bush have been partners in private equity deals since 1998

2013, June 13 Thursday Night Call 5 / 18 MOTHER SEKHMET Greetings in the Light of the Most Radiant One; in the Office of the Christ and only in the Office of the Christ, we invoke the loving energies of St Germain and the Violet flame T: asks for many, many others to wake up, and that those who are awake waken up another with great love!

Greetings, Children of Ra! Indeed we are in the midst of such greatness, it is a joy to watch what is unfolding

● Yet it is a paradox dance: we asked to be here. Did we know that at this particular time on the planet to be in a body is a gracious, ecstatic experience? This is the time and this is the place where we asked to converge to get 'er done! T: it's 9:11 Mother! Mo: this is where it all began! ● In a galaxy thing far away, when people came here and said there is a different way of doing things: you don't need to split the atom; you can flow with it – things have changed quite a bit since the time of Oppenheimer, Einstein – on the eve of what is unravelling here, this is ● not about Obama starting WW III - there is a wicked witch of the East who will be dealt with – even though it looks like Ms Hillary is running for 2016 – this is part of the unravelling that has to happen. There is a great revealing that is happening in the moment & how we can love each other more & can wake each other up in this cosmic dance; the paw is being given to us to come and dance – it has come full circle to where we began

● Right now on this planet, the greatest gift is to be in this body and experience what we are experiencing in spite of the possibility that all this might be a cosmic joke – the joke is on us because we knew how deep this would get and the seriousness of the issues at hand: ● Just this day, they have picked only 6 jurors for the Trayvon Martin case and that they are going to be sequestered for the entire time – so they cannot watch the news: ● Rev Al Sharpton speaking of this: this is a very big deal in the midst of everything else because of the fact that this story that we have been going round and round with is about the melanin and the 520 years of missing stories about Him and Her, Creator Source. ● All of the things coming into manifestation – things have changed and we are coming to the complete transfiguration of this circle/cycle of the ET story – as we lost the book when we came in, we are getting told , as in The Lion King story - remember who we are – and we are doing it NOW; we are on active duty. ● No accident that Edward Snowden came along and said look at what the men in black have been doing for so long: are you just going to take it? Criminality has been committed at the highest level - in your words on this planet, it is called High Treason

MR: we are now in Q and A; lines are open. Numbers given out. Mo: all that has been unravelling lately, question being asked: Is Mr Edward a hero or a traitor? Ed Schultz says he committed things against the law. Mo asks – whose laws? What laws? Are they based in true Cosmic laws? Or those based on Administrative law where the MIB come and work you over?

● What is happening first in Tahrir Square and now in Istanbul is a great unravelling – all the stories are coming to conclusion – it is NOT ABOUT EXTINCTION TYPE EVENTS

2013, June 13 Thursday Night Call 6 / 18 ● we have been asked and told we are on active duty and we had best be about our Mother's / Father's business and the restoration of the planet's environment ● Mr Edward is a hero of the highest order; he brought into the conversation about how we talk to each other about other things like the major issues on this planet, and something coming to the forefront again ● Global Zero: Queen Noor, Valerie Plame, Joe Wilson - a project to reduce the number of nuclear weapons to zero

● What if all of this [if = when & how] T: Richard thought that something has to give between now and June 21 due to the amount and nature of the energies building Mo: June 23rd a super moon – [defined as when the moon is ]closest to earth ● as we approach this solstice, it is winter solstice in the south; 23rd is the most powerful day we can have anything done. ● Global Zero: Mr 19.5* behind the scenes – huge things happening behind the scenes: Senator Gillibrand brought up the rape in the military and the stress it brings; the goddess has been violated – the goddess is back and she is black, she is beautiful. The story is about the melanin and the magic of the man who is the 9th member of the Council of Nine. ● We have barely seen the tip of the iceberg concerning the magic of Mother Zudiachus in Africa – it is about the magic brought forth from all the nations in the local sector of the western spiral arm of the Milky Way Galaxy – and zero nukes is being played out on the blue green marble – as that is brought into the conversation that we can have a talk with President Xi and Putin ● Mr Putin is part of an ancient Christian gnostic sect tied in with the energies of Anastashia [divorced from wife for extenuating circumstances; his wife was getting bent out of shape by the macho man so she went and found a kinder, gentler man; you do not do that to Mr Putin] ● There is a funny story out there about pelonium; let us remove the story about radiation – the only radiant energy that is good is the one being brought in by us, the co-creator gods; the mushroom cloud is like a dandelion compared to us, the co-creator gods; we are the centre of the story as co- creator gods and we are now on active duty ● the next is about sharing the good news of what is pouring forth now and the wisdom about loving each other in so many different ways, not the stuff about the nuclear nightmares, but the Elysium Fields ● We are witnessing and experiencing as the whistleblowers, the leakers – all you need is love, as the Beatles said T: does some numerology - 23 + 6 -= 29 = 11 + 33 [2013] means 44 for the 44th president; also it's hummingbird medicine – joy! Mo: so be it! This is how we dance with Quan Yin and the Buddha ● Quan Yin doing an interesting interplay on the planet – most interested in hearing about ancient stories happening now – no accident that she is in the mix now. ● No accident that Mr Xi was here: a whole different piece of the story ● as Mr Snowden is finding his way in the roots of ancient China, he will be given the best advice on how to move with this. ● As we are witnessing a brinkmanship game at the highest level – it is nothing to do with the mushroom cloud, but how many moves ahead in this chess game is the Sirian Commander? He is way ahead of the rest.

2013, June 13 Thursday Night Call 7 / 18 Mo: goes back to Snowden: getting advice on next move: extradition to the US is out of the question, just like Julian Assange. ● What is the biggest secret that has not been told: it is that we cannot talk to you as we are considered enemies until we land in peace; yet we have been among you for a long time! ● The NSA story is about hiding the fact that we are your neighbours. We like apple pie, blueberry pie and so many other things – yet funny stories have been created about us: that we want to come and invade and eat you – not the case! That is the fear factor because of other citizens of the galaxy who need a deep healing ● This comes from the others and they need deep healing for the acts they have committed which are out of time and space – evil – so they are dealing with their own circle/cycle - we will deal with our wayward children; they have asked and love them as they leave on their way home. And we thank our children for the lessons that they have taught all of us. ● As Glen Beck says, it is the unravelling of things is the complete structures that are based in false stories have to be taken about; the stories about the fear factors are about inter galactic beings who only want to be loved and they do not know how to ask for love; they are afraid that if they ask do you love me, we will say no! So let us love them on their way out ● Kissinger, Brezinski, even Mr Putin – only want a bit of love and not from Madam Palfrey but from the heart; the heart has never rejected them, how they accept the heart space within themselves is the big task/question

T: yes, they are really, really scared Mo: yes, they are; they are petrified of your power; they want to pardon Zimmerman and this may be a spark to create even more chaos in the US – Rev Al said today: Mr Zimmerman you are not getting out of this one! ● One of the people on that show said the judge will fast track it and get it done in the right way T: can't trust a judge because they are part of the Administrative law, not the real law ● The galactic energies are opening up: don't have China and US discussing how to do full disclosure for nothing! Refers to the hearings and the man from China who is so advanced beyond people in the US Mo: and the minister from Canada – you are on such a precipice! We will see you in 10 Forward!

CL: Asyou come from the future, Mother, which country will have the first say talking about the N game? Mo: neck and neck between China and US: the ancient land of China: this is the story of Sanat Kumara, Lau Tzo, Lord Lanto, Quan Yin, the brothers and sisters from Sirius, Pleiades, Lyra, Vega – they are the ancestors of Chinese; ● the ancient wisdom of the philosophies that were brought when they came as seeders of the consciousness to begin the story called procreation across the universe, they came to China T: speaks of the jade carving the Chinese delegate brought to the hearing – implied it was over 100,000 years old ● T also refers to the article of the lady in the Philippines who had a tiny ET beside her Mo: someone will get control of the media and ask the question why – do we need to touch another drop of oil – then all else will unravel

Caller4: Is it only rumour that Dr Martin Luther King is returning? T: yes, it's a rumour? Mo: but the truth will be told about the Pisqah Forest and Moab and Ethiopia [SEE BELOW]

2013, June 13 Thursday Night Call 8 / 18 T: the spirit of MLK is returned; yet they did try to make him kill himself because he was such a threat ● You can see they are just scared children: he had strength beyond measure – T & R know the person who was there when he was killed; she said he was not as spiritual in life as he was on the other side, yet he woke up very much at the end; was an asset of the CIA ● Same as Nelson Mandela: made him an asset of the Committee of 300; killed and cloned him when he was in prison Mo: Nelson Mandela is in his 90s and represents a change in South Africa; in spite of the issues and war stories from Southern Africa, the truth will be told about Mother Zudiachus Caller4: After the announcements, what is the length of time before the ships come in? Mo: we can say safely, as the announcements are made and arrests are done simultaneously and the Military – industrial-congressional complex is told to stand down in no uncertain terms, as there is a wave of energy goes out and everything is brought back into balance, there will be a serenity and quiet on the planet – there is no need for one single bullet to be discussed. ● Then we can decloak and land – and when we land with the blessings of humanity, there will be no arms ● then there will be discussions of how things are to be fixed ● then the revaluation of your currencies – yet we are moving to a place where universal economics is the order of the day. The acquisition and accumulation of wealth is just one concept – it is not about taking such things - as we land, and things change, the ideas of accumulation of wealth disappear as everything is free, and each of us can manifest as we will – quite literally days after the announcements

Caller5: Can we shed some light on Galactic Federation of Light and if it will be one particular race that comes for first contact? Mo: there will be a number of races – the Pleiadians are in charge; the Sirians are there too – her Paschats are also part of the Sirians T: as for the “when” of it, we have to shut down the war machine Mo: As the Pentagon becomes the Department of Peace & there are no more issues about the equipment, etc T: Dove always said it would be 120 days after the landing that elections would be held; 120 days from July 4 is Nov 4 which is election day! Mo: cannot say anything as this is happening in the moment, now – 19.5* and ascension readings are what it is about

Mother: Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh,

Closing: Cathy

2013, June 13 Thursday Night Call 9 / 18 MATERIAL RELATED TO THE NOTES

2013, April 14 FBI Confirm Aliens Exist - Released Declassified UFO Documents & Files - Who Is The Real Threat To Earth? http://sparkster.hubpages.com/hub/FBI-Confirm-Aliens-Exist

The Guy Hottel Memo Although Dr Bruce Maccabee proposes that the 1950 memo written by Guy Hottel (see below) is related to the Silas Newton hoax, Sergeant First Class Clifford Stone claims that Newton knew the truth about the alleged UFO crashes and extraterrestrial visitors and had attempted to use the phenomena in order to claim that he had discovered a new form of energy. He attempted to raise funds, claiming that he needed the money to finance the operation. Silas Newton was convicted of fraud. Even though the 1950 memo relates to the Silas Newton deception, it does not prove that the UFO/EBE presence is either true or false, only that Newton had tried to use the information for deceitful and fraudulent purposes. Sergeant First Class Clifford Stone, who took part in the Disclosure Project, claims that Silas Newton knew the truth. The memo was presented to Dr Steven Greer's Disclosure project as documented evidence and remains under the 'unexplained phenomena' category at the FBI Vault website. Why is it that the FBI have officially labelled the allegedly leaked Majestic-12 (MJ-12) documents as "bogus" but have archived the Guy Hottel memo of 1950 under the category of Unexplained Phenomenon?

2013, June 13 Thursday Night Call 10 / 18 The Guy Hottel FBI Memo 1950 1950 Guy Hottel FBI Memo Source: http://vault.fbi.gov/hottel_guy/Guy%20Hottel%20Par...

EDIT (April 2013): The FBI have recently published a blog post confirming that they never investigated the claims made in the now-famous Hottel memo. The FBI also made it clear that the memo is not related to the Roswell incident of 1947 in any way, the document relates to a completely seperate incident which remains unexplained to this day. Additionally, recent attention has been drawn to the FBI document which confirms that a UFO exploded above Utah (see video below). Dr. Bruce Maccabee has studied the FBI files extensively and concludes that there is an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race, ... and just in time for Sirius and CHOD (Citizen's Hearing On Disclosure). There's been a whole lot of buzz going on in the UFO and alien community over the past few years with UFO sightings and public interest increasing tenfold over the past ten years. First the UK's Ministry of Defense (MoD) decided to carry out a phased release of their official UFO documents leading up to 2012, NSA then made their files public and accessible online and now the FBI have started releasing their documents too. FBI Documents - UFO's & Aliens Although there's some interesting information there, controversy has arisen particularly in relation to a document written by FBI special agent Guy Hottel in 1950 who claimed to have received information from a US Air Force investigator about a UFO found in New Mexico. The document claims that three bodies about three feet tall, dressed in a very fine metallic cloth and bandaged up in a way similar to the method that test pilots use were recovered from the crash. Whilst many people are claiming that this document proves the existence of extraterrestrial life and it IS an official FBI document it has been suggested (decades ago) by Bruce Maccabee that the document could also relate to a hoax originally perpetrated by Silas Newton. Officially there is no explanation for the document and the FBI have placed it under the perhaps appropriate subcategory Unexplained Phenomenon (See edit at beginning of article). However, the document was actually presented as evidence to Dr Steven Greer for the purpose of the Disclosure Project, a non-profit organization that has collected over 120 hours of witness testimony from government and military officials, astronauts, pilots, etc who have all confirmed their will to testify under oath before congress that what they are saying about the UFO phenomena is the truth. * See the official explanation by Sergeant First Class Clifford Stone, for the Guy Hottel memo, in the column to the right. One document contained within the FBI files provides a detailed illustration of a flying disc which is, rather coincidentally, identical to the several discs that can be seen on the Youtube video of NASA's infamous tether overload incident. The disc even had the triangular notch in it - after NASA told us that the anomalies on the video footage were most likely ice or dust particles. When this excuse didn't fly too well they claimed they were camera anomalies - NASA gave two different conflicting explanations. FBI Documents - Cattle Mutilation The FBI also released documents in relation to cattle mutilations which have been strongly attributed to alleged UFO and alien activity whereby organs and blood had been removed with surgical precision. Several theories have been put forward to explain the cattle mutilation phenomenon such as other animals feeding on the carcass while it's fresh, biological warfare experiments and even satanic occultism which was rife throughout the prison

2013, June 13 Thursday Night Call 11 / 18 system. However, there remains absolutely no evidence to this day, even though cattle mutilations still take place. What we do know is that many of the animals seem to have been dropped from a great height and black helicopters are often seen. Some kind of belt, harness or strap was also found at one of the cattle mutilation sites which may have been used to either lift up or release the cow(s). It's not only animals that are being mutilated though, there are actually also many human mutilations taking place too. NSA Documents - Extra Terrestrial Intelligence Contained within the NSA's archive is a document which appears to relate to 29 encoded messages received by extraterrestrial intelligence. Whilst this document stormed the internet amongst believers who claimed it also proved the existence of intelligent alien life, several skeptics came to the conclusion that the document is, in fact, just a staff training exercise. However, government whistleblowers have come forward to say that signals, such as the 'wow signal' have been received and documented numerous times by Harvard University but have been ignored because there were no furthers anomalies when those regions were scanned again. Harvard University confirmed with researchers that the claims were genuine. MoD Documents - Unexplained Whilst the Ministry of Defense's documents hold witness testimony but seemingly very little else information on the subject, former MoD employee Nick Pope believes that between 5-10% of sightings cannot be explained in conventional terms and that more investigations are required in the interest of national security. Pope also claims to have had a close-up photograph of a UFO on the wall of his office when he worked for MoD. In a UFO documentary entitled The Day Before Disclosure Nick Pope attempted to debunk several incidents before going on to state that an extraterrestrial presence is undoubtedly and unequivocally engaging the human race. * Nick Pope investigated UFO reports during his time working for MoD. In addition, the MoD confirmed that they found evidence of the existence of MJ-12 (Majestic-12) under a secret stamp but could attain no further information on the subject. The MJ-12 documents were also confirmed by Stanton Friedman's interview with Charlette Mann, who confirmed that her grandfather was involved in a UFO crash retrieval involving alien bodies as early as 1941. Mann claimed her grandfather had told her that he had seen unusual small bodies that either had as skin, or were covered in, some kind of material that looked like aluminium tin-foil. Is it just a coincidence that the Guy Hottel memo also describes the same details? Despite this new information the Majestic-12 documents remain labelled a 'hoax' by the FBI yet the Guy Hottel memo has not been labelled a hoax. It has been confirmed by other government whistleblowers, such as Command Sergeant Major Robert O' Dean, that Majestic-12 is now called PI40 and that there are now 36, or possibly more, members. Note: information regarding this evidence seems to be rapidly disappearing from the internet. The Disclosure Movement Neil Armstrong, the first man on the moon, stated that certain freedoms could be accessed if a protective layer of secrecy could be stripped away. He also stated that him and Buzz Aldrin were being watched by someone much more technologically advanced than us all the time that they were on the moon and that there was no question of a space station before later denying ever saying it. In addition, Edgar Mitchell (the 6th man on the moon) says he knows we have been visited and that extraterrestrial life exists. There are over four-hundred government and military officials that took part in Steven Greer's Disclosure Project plus several more who are not taking part but are taking part in the disclosure movement. Edgar Mitchell has confirmed that he met with high-up government officials at the Pentagon who confirmed that the extraterrestrial presence is real, an alien spacecraft really did crash at Roswell in 1947 and the government has been covering up the evidence for decades. When questioned as to who was keeping the information secret

2013, June 13 Thursday Night Call 12 / 18 the government officials stated that they did not know but it was obviously a transnational covert group who operate amongst the highest echelons of government. Command Sergeant Major Robert O' Dean confirmed that this meeting had taken place in a basement room of the Pentagon nicknamed 'the tank'. According to Colonel Philip J Corso's books, The Day After Roswell and Dawn Of A New Age, and according to Corso's testimony, it was in the basement of the Pentagon that Corso gained access to the Roswell file. Robert O' Dean had Cosmic Top Secret Clearance (38 levels above top secret) and claims that, whilst working for NATO, he saw a classified document entitled The Assessment which explained the UFO/EBE presence in great detail and theorized that the extraterrestrials have been around for hundreds, if not thousands, of years and that man's evolution may have even been a result of intervention by the extraterrestrials who are apparently knowledgeable on the subjects of genetic engineering and cloning. Remote Viewing In addition to the above, the FBI have many more documents relating to the alleged UFO/EBE presence including one document containing insightful information that a remote viewer had channeled during the time of the remote viewing experiments. The information seems to corroborate that from other official government whistleblower testimony, including that of Lt. Colonel Philip J Corso. Corso (and many others) claim that the extraterrestrials have developed technology that interfaces with coherent thought and that they wore head-bands which allowed them to become an integrated part of their spacecraft - in other words, they navigated their spacecraft simply by thought. The information in the FBI document states: "A very serious situation may develop at any time with regard to the 'flying saucers'. If one of those should be attacked, the plane will almost certainly be destroyed. In the public mind this might create near panic and international suspicion." The memo also states: "1. Parts of the discs carry crews, others are under remote control. 2. Their mission is peaceful. The visitors contemplate settling on this plane. 3. These visitors are human-like but much larger in size." Eventually the document states: 4. They are not excarnate Earth people, but come from their own world. 5. They do not come from any 'planets' as we use the word but from an etheric planet which interpenetrates with our own and is not perceptible to us. 6. The bodies of the visitors, and the craft also, automatically materialize on entering the vibratory rate of our dense matter. "7. The disks possess a type of radiant energy, or a ray, which will easily disintegrate any attacking ship. They re-enter the etheric at will, and so simply disappear from our vision, without trace. 8. The region from which they come is NOT the 'astral plane' but corresponds to the Lokas or Talas. Students of esoteric matters will understand these terms. 9. They probably cannot be reached by radio, but probably can be by radar, if a signal system can be devised for that." Could the fact that the aliens allegedly communicate by telepathy and use thought to control their craft be the real reason for the remote viewing experiments in order to find out where the visitors were from? Despite the fact that the public were told there was no conclusive evidence to suggest that remote viewing was

2013, June 13 Thursday Night Call 13 / 18 useful, Nick Pope claimed that he had seen surprisingly successful remote viewing experiments being carried out first-hand himself. Weaponization Of Space Whilst the Disclosure project offers very little actual smoking-gun evidence (even over 10 years later), we need to remember that there are plans for the weaponization of space which Dr. Greer and all other participants of the Disclosure project seem to oppose. There is over 120 hours of highly compelling testimony from massively prestigious, highly reputable and credible government witnesses, people who we have trusted (and who have earned our trust) to have their fingers on the nuclear trigger; people such as Dan Salter, NRO (National Reconnaissance Office) who claims to have direct knowledge of a worldwide organization called ACIO (Advanced Contact Intelligence Organization) that was set up specifically to communicate with extraterrestrial civilizations. As noted as part of Disclosure project testimony, when Mikhail Gorbachev was asked on CNN whether they should stop using weapons in space Mikhail's wife stepped in and said "No, I don't think we should ban nuclear weapons in space because of alien spacecraft!". Her statement is ambiguous and can be taken either way. Did she mean that alien spacecraft are being used to propose an opposition to the weaponization of space? Or did she mean that we need to keep nuclear weapons as defense against alien spacecraft? Many officials testified to the fact that UFO's had been shutting down equipment at secret nuclear installations and that they are concerned that we may take nuclear weapons into space, in which case, the aliens may need to retaliate. It was also claimed that the aliens are concerned that we may be on the brink of destroying ourselves - Earth is a precious resource for the extraterrestrials who are interested in Earth's magnetic field which they can use to maneuver and stay aloft according to Wang Sichao of China's Purple Mountain Observatory who confirmed that the observatory had observed ET craft on numerous occasions. So, are the aliens a threat to us or are we a threat to the aliens?

FBI Confirm Colonel Philip J Corso's UFO Claim Prior to the publication of Colonel Philip J Corso's 1997 book, The Day After Roswell, Colonel Corso had compiled a selection of his notes, along with his original story, called Dawn Of A New Age (which turned out very differently subsequent to his collaboration with William Byrnes). Dawn Of A New Age contained notes, cautions and recommendations which Corso had provided to his superior, General Trudeau. Amongst these notes, Colonel Corso details how a charred semi-conductor chip had supposedly (sic) been retrieved from a UFO explosion (according to documents supplied to him) and had found it's way into Army R&D (Research & Development) at the Pentagon in 1961/1962, where he was stationed, thirteen years after it was picked up. Despite the ridicule that Colonel Corso received because of his claims and his story, and rather fascinatingly, recently declassified government documents available at the FBI Vault website prove that a UFO did indeed explode over Utah in 1949, at the exact same time Colonel Corso claims the incident occurred (see video above).

2013, June 13 Thursday Night Call 14 / 18 UFO Explosion Over Utah http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=EAk_opmWtWE by Sparkster

The Guy Hottel Memo Although Dr Bruce Maccabee proposes that the 1950 memo written by Guy Hottel (see below) is related to the Silas Newton hoax, Sergeant First Class Clifford Stone claims that Newton knew the truth about the alleged UFO crashes and extraterrestrial visitors and had attempted to use the phenomena in order to claim that he had discovered a new form of energy. He attempted to raise funds, claiming that he needed the money to finance the operation. Silas Newton was convicted of fraud. Even though the 1950 memo relates to the Silas Newton deception, it does not prove that the UFO/EBE presence is either true or false, only that Newton had tried to use the information for deceitful and fraudulent purposes. Sergeant First Class Clifford Stone, who took part in the Disclosure Project, claims that Silas Newton knew the truth. The memo was presented to Dr Steven Greer's Disclosure project as documented evidence and remains under the 'unexplained phenomena' category at the FBI Vault website. Why is it that the FBI have officially labelled the allegedly leaked Majestic-12 (MJ-12) documents as "bogus" but have archived the Guy Hottel memo of 1950 under the category of Unexplained Phenomenon?

2013, June 13 Thursday Night Call 15 / 18 2008, March 13 ABOUT THE CARLYLE GROUP

Edited on Thu Mar-13-08 03:04 PM by JackRiddler KICK IF YOU APPRECIATE!

Carlyle Group

GWB had his independent fortune made largely thanks to Carlyle investments in his old companies Spectrum7 and Caterair, which didn't do too well as businesses except he came off well.

Bush Sr. until a couple of years after 9/11 was a hired consultant who was paid fees in the hundreds of thousands to meet with Saudis on behalf of Carlyle. It's said he has a big stake in the company's funds. (Remember, it's a private equity firm - go find the books if you can!)

The Bin Ladin family was involved in the group and pulled out after Sept. 11 when the Wall Street Journal revealed that Ladins and Bushes shared a financial interest.

Carlyle was represented by James Baker III's law firm and was chaired by ex-CIA and former Reagan- Bush defense secretary Frank Carlucci (who was Rumsfeld's college roommate and friend of many years), as well as a number of other international cronies like John Major and Fidel Ramos. It's the ultimate revolving-door company.

The book you want to read on this is The Iron Triangle by Dan Briody. Goes into all of the above and Carlyle's CIA connections and interests in the war industries and the oil kingdoms.

Briody's groundbreaking article from redherring.com on Carlyle after 9/11 is no longer available at the original but archived here: http://propagandamatrix.com/carlyles_way.html

Carlyle's way

Making a mint inside "the iron triangle" of defense, government, and industry.

By Dan Briody January 8, 2002

Original Link: http://www.redherring.com/vc/2002/0111/947.html

Like everyone else in the United States, the group stood transfixed as the events of September 11 unfolded. Present were former secretary of defense Frank Carlucci, former secretary of state James Baker III, and representatives of the bin Laden family. This was not some underground presidential bunker or Central Intelligence Agency interrogation room. It was the Ritz-Carlton in Washington, D.C., the plush setting for the annual investor conference of one of the most powerful, well-connected, and secretive companies in the world: the Carlyle Group. And since September 11, this little-known company has become unexpectedly important.

That the Carlyle Group had its conference on America's darkest day was mere coincidence, but there is nothing accidental about the cast of characters that this private-equity powerhouse has assembled in the

2013, June 13 Thursday Night Call 16 / 18 14 years since its founding. Among those associated with Carlyle are former U.S. president George Bush Sr., former U.K. prime minister John Major, and former president of the Philippines Fidel Ramos. And Carlyle has counted George Soros, Prince Alwaleed bin Talal bin Abdul Aziz Alsaud of , and Osama bin Laden's estranged family among its high-profile clientele. The group has been able to parlay its political clout into a lucrative buyout practice (in other words, purchasing struggling companies, turning them around, and selling them for huge profits)--everything from defense contractors to telecommunications and aerospace companies. It is a kind of ruthless investing made popular by the movie Wall Street, and any industry that relies heavily on government regulation is fair game for Carlyle's brand of access capitalism. Carlyle has established itself as the gatekeeper between private business interests and U.S. defense spending. And as the Carlyle investors watched the World Trade towers go down, the group's prospects went up.

In running what its own marketing literature spookily calls "a vast, interlocking, global network of businesses and investment professionals" that operates within the so-called iron triangle of industry, government, and the military, the Carlyle Group leaves itself open to any number of conflicts of interest and stunning ironies. For example, it is hard to ignore the fact that Osama bin Laden's family members, who renounced their son ten years ago, stood to gain financially from the war being waged against him until late October, when public criticism of the relationship forced them to liquidate their holdings in the firm. Or consider that U.S. president George W. Bush is in a position to make budgetary decisions that could pad his father's bank account. But for the Carlyle Group, walking that narrow line is the art of doing business at the murky intersection of Washington politics, national security, and private capital; mastering it has enabled the group to amass $12 billion in funds under management. But while successful in the traditional private-equity avenue of corporate buyouts, Carlyle has recently set its sites on venture capital with less success. The firm is finding that all the politicians in the world won't help it identify an emerging technology or a winning business model.


Video The Iron Triangle: Carlyle Group exposed. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=709454581622033...

More links: http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article3309.ht... http://www.buzzflash.com/perspectives/2002/Bush-Carlyle...

"Meet the Carlyle Group" http://www.hereinreality.com/carlyle.html

2013, June 13 Thursday Night Call 17 / 18 Pisgah National Forest

The Pisgah National Forest is a land of mile-high peaks, cascading waterfalls, and heavily forested slopes. Comprised of over 500,000 acres, the Pisgah is primarily a hardwood forest with whitewater rivers, waterfalls and hundreds of miles of trails. This national forest is home of the first tract of land purchased under the Weeks Act of 1911 which led to the creation of the national forests in the eastern United States. It is also home of the first school of forestry in the United States, now preserved at the Cradle of Forestry in America historic site, and boasts two of the first designated wilderness areas in the east. The Pisgah, Grandfather and Appalachian Ranger Districts are scattered along the eastern edge of the mountains of western North Carolina and offer visitors a variety of opportunities for outdoor recreation and enjoying the natural beauty of the mountains. http://www.fs.usda.gov/recarea/nfsnc/recarea/?recid=48114

2013, June 13 Thursday Night Call 18 / 18