Guide to Further Reading
Guide to Further Reading All the chapters in this volume are based, to varying extents, on the con temporary Russian press and periodical literature. A substantial selection of these sources is available in translation in the Current Digest of the Post-Soviet Press (Columbus, Ohio, weekly) and in daily monitoring ser vices such as the American-based Foreign Broadcast Information Service and the BBC Summary of World Broadcasts. Detailed commentaries on current developments are available in the Research Report issued by Radio Liberty in Munich; a separate series of News Briefs is also issued on a daily basis (and is available, like many of these services, on-line). More extended scholarly commentaries are available in the journals that specialise in Soviet and post-Soviet affairs, among them Europe-Asia Studies (formerly Soviet Studies, eight issues annually), Slavic Review (quarterly), Russian Review (quarterly), Post-Soviet Affairs (formerly Soviet Economy, quarterly), the Soviet and Post-Soviet Review (formerly Soviet Union, quarterly), the Journal of Communist Studies and Transition Politics (formerly the Journal of Communist Studies, quarterly) and Com munist and Post-Communist Studies (formerly Studies in Comparative Communism, quarterly). A helpful collection of statistics is available in Ryan (1993), which includes data on the population and public opinion as well as housing, crime and the environment. Chapter 1 Introduction: From Communism to Democracy? There are several detailed assessments of the Gorbachev leadership and of the post-communist years that have followed it (see for instance Sakwa, 1990; Parker, 1991; White, 1993; and Miller, 1993). An early biography of Gorbachev is available in Medvedev (1988); see also Schmidt-Hauer (1986), Doder and Branson (1990), and Ruge (1991).
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