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JGP Vol 2 No 2.Pdf ADAM MICKIEWICZ UNIVERSITY IN POZNAŃ Journal of Gender and Power Vol. 2, No. 2, 2014 POZNAŃ 2014 Journal of Gender and Power is aimed at providing an international forum for discussing vari‐ ous issues and processes of gender construction. It is a scholarly, interdisciplinary journal, which features articles in all fields of gender studies, drawing on various paradigms and ap‐ proaches. We invite scholars to submit articles and reviews reporting on theoretical considera‐ tions and empirical research. Journal of Gender and Power is published by Faculty of Educational Studies, Adam Mickiewicz University (Poznań – Poland). Editorial Board Editor‐in‐Chief Agnieszka Gromkowska‐Melosik Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland Editorial Assistant Michał Klichowski Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland Cecilia Åsberg (Linköping University, Sweden), Zygmunt Bauman (University of Leeds, England), Francesca Bettio (University of Siena, Italy), Mary Blair‐Loy (University of California, USA), Doris Chang (Wichita State University, USA), Miranda Christou (University of Cyprus, Cyprus), Lorraine Dowler (Pennsylvania State University, USA), Catherine Driscoll (University of Sydney, Australia), Virgínia Ferreira (University of Coimbra, Portugal), Eva Fodor (Central European University, Hungary), Eleanor Gordon (University of Glasgow, Scotland), Lawrence Grossberg (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA), Anita Harris (Monash University, Australia), Beata Kowalska (Jagiellonian University in Cracow, Poland), Michael A. Messner (University of Southern California, USA), Joanna Pawelczyk (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland), Adriana Piscitelli (State University of Campinas, Brazil), Lydia Potts (Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg, Germany), Renata Siemieńska (University of Warsaw, Poland), Krystyna Slany (Jagiellonian University in Cracow, Poland), Vappu Sunnari (University of Oulu, Finland), Bogusław Śliwerski (The Maria Grzegorzewska Academy of Special Education & Christian Theological Academy, Poland), Sarah Thèbaud (University of California, USA), Iris van der Tuin (Utrecht University, Netherlands), Valentina I. Uspenskaya (Tver State University, Russia), Denise Walsh (University of Virginia, USA), Eva Zamojska (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland) Language Editor Łukasz Pakuła Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland Statistical Editor Krystyna Katulska Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland Publikacja sfinansowana przez Wydział Studiów Edukacyjnych UAM © Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM, Poznań 2014 Wersja pierwotna czasopisma: drukowana Redaktor techniczny: Elżbieta Rygielska Opracowanie komputerowe okładki: K. & S. Szurpit Na okładce: John William Waterhouse, Pandora, 1896 ISBN 978‐83‐232‐2804‐2 ISSN 2391‐8187 Contents Editor’s Preface: Pandora’s box. Gender and Power (AGNIESZKA GROMKOWSKA‐ MELOSIK) ................................................................. 5 ARTICLES SVI SHAPIRO National crisis and the challenge of education ............................ 11 ZBIGNIEW KWIECIŃSKI Education towards difference and inclusion. Two types of discourses— to positive pedagogy ..................................................... 29 JENNA M. CALTON, MARTIN HEESACKER, PAUL B. PERRIN The elusiveness of progressive masculinity: Gender differences in concep‐ tualizations of nontraditional gender roles ............................... 37 JAREMA DROZDOWICZ Black heroes and heroines in cinema. Representations of Afro‐American identities in the “Blaxploitation” movies .................................. 59 LUCIE JARKOVSKÁ Children’s literature and the politics of gender ........................... 73 ALICJA ORTYNECKA Birth of cyber‐supermothers ............................................. 83 MELINDA R. PIERSON, DUSTIN GOWAN Decoding multisyllabic words: Structural analysis in reading by groups ... 99 ALLA KRASULIA Women and philanthropy: The U. S. experience that could be transferred into the Ukrainian context of higher education ........................... 119 ANETA JUDZIŃSKA Womanhood—contemporary paradoxes of equality and exclusion . ..... 137 4 Contents BOOK REVIEWS BARTŁOMIEJ KRUK Susan A. Speer and Elizabeth Stokoe (eds.), Conversation and gender, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011, pp. 344 .................. 155 ANNA SOKOŁOWSKA Agnieszka Gromkowska‐Melosik, Edukacja i (nie)równość społeczna kobiet. Studium dynamiki dostępu [Education and social (in)equality of women. A study of the dynamics of access] .............................. 164 Submissions ................................................................. 167 List of reviewers for 2014 year ............................................... 168 Editor’s Preface: Pandora’s box. Gender and Power It is our pleasure to present the second volume of Journal of Gender and Power to you, with hope that it will arouse your interest. Not acci‐ dentally can the Pandora painting by John William Waterhouse be found on the cover of the journal. The categories of knowledge, cultural gender and power are leitmotivs running through the whole painting and de‐ termining its significance. Let us take a closer look at the painting. Night. A black wood. A beautiful woman with a calm expression is kneeling at the foot of the stone plinth. A grand beautiful golden box is standing in front of her. The glow of the box is illuminating her face and the alabastrine skin of her naked arms. On the right there is a flowing stream, an often‐encountered symbol of the evanescence of life. The woman is no one else but mythological Pandora. In subsequent interpre‐ tations and rewritings of the myth, the box given to her as a dowry would transform from a simple clay vessel into a box which is presented as a fine piece of craftsmanship by Waterhouse. This box looks nothing like the clay bottle described by Hesiod. Pandora is opening the box in the thick wood which appears to be dense with meanings. The wood is a symbol of concentrated and unforeseeable difficulties and it is a recur‐ ring topos in fairy tales. However, there is nothing disturbing about the wood in the painting. The stream flowing next to Pandora and blue lights coming from the distance are showing that the bright day is nearby and that regular life is going on. Pandora has not lost her way. Just a few steps away, the wood ends. She can be seen at the moment of opening the lid of the box. The time has stopped and nothing augurs the ap‐ proaching misfortune. However, those who are familiar with the myth know that all the evils of the world are about to escape. Pandora, similar‐ ly to biblical Eve, symbolizes the betrayal of one’s will and trespassing against the ban which results in the end of calm and happiness. Mytho‐ logical Pandora is the first woman created by Zeus out of earth and fire. 6 Editor’s Preface She was sent to the world full of harmony and homogeneity which was populated solely by men. Nevertheless, the Pandora myth can be also interpreted in a different way, especially in the context of the painting by Waterhouse. His Pandora seems to be opening a box full of knowledge, prompted by curiosity. This knowledge is tantamount to different dis‐ courses which introduce anxiety and chaos into the one‐sided and or‐ dered world. The world based on simple and binary schemes. Even though this knowledge brings anxiety and is frequently unwanted, it allows for showing diversity and complexity of reality while not neces‐ sary facilitating its understanding. Pandora’s box symbolizes knowledge. It can be the knowledge about ‘a woman’, but also about ‘a man’ which is not always uttered by a female voice in the discourse of femininity. Pan‐ dora is also a symbol of unconstrained woman’s power. The beautiful Pandora is led by emotions—curiosity and desire—but at the same time she acts very logically: she makes a choice, opens the box which was given to her as a dowry. Is it possible to imagine someone who would not open it? This curiosity is dangerous but life‐giving in nature—it gives rise to comprehension and transgression (what is more, if Pandora had not opened the box, then who would remember her a thousand years later?). The content of the box would always change according to the wishes of the authors of the myth’s subsequent ver‐ sions. However, anxieties and hope have always remained on the bottom of the box. The opening of the box is an act of losing control over what will happen, while the locked box used to give a feeling of stability and safety. Several decades ago, American feminists started to claim that history had been written by men, about men and for men. As a result, they be‐ lieved that the English word ‘history’ is nothing more but ‘his story’. Thus, they put forward an idea of writing history by women, about women and for women—her‐story. This might be the case with the myth about Pandora which so far could have been rewritten and reinterpreted by men. But how about reading it differently? The opening of the box can symbolize new breakthroughs in science and social life, which initially might appear to be disastrous and appear to question the social order in a destructive way. However, such break‐ throughs via numerous transgressions and (re)interpretations can give rise to different emancipating discourses of knowledge and power. Who knows, maybe after opening the box one of the thoughts born out of it Editor’s Preface 7 led to the idea that even though femininity and masculinity are always inherently biological, they can give rise to a number of social constructs. Cultural gender, which is still
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