C M C M Y B Y B Postal Regd No- JK/485/2016-18 Internet Edition : www.truthprevail.com, E-paper : epaper.truthprevail.com RNI No. JKENG/2012/47637 T3 ru6th P8 revFaair and Fiearl ess * Become job providers, not job seekers; Ganai to youth * Why is Sona scared of reading papa Shotgun's biography? * Zulfkar concerns over derailing of PDS * Parvez Dewan reviews progress of road projects executed by BRO * Sleep deprivation can lead to false confessions * JWAM appeals Governor to Stop NFSA email :
[email protected] VOL 5, ISSUE NO. 70 JAMMU & KASHMIR SATURDAY MARCH 12, 2016 DAILY 8 PAGE Re. 1/- Security Forces to Decide Revocation IInnssiiddee Sri Sri Ravi Shankar says different nationalities of AFSPA : Farooq Abdullah IED detected on Srinagar- New Delhi : National JNU student leader Kanhaiya The former chief minister Conference (NC) President Kumar that the army visited Udhampur to meet the Baramulla highway gNeaw thDeelhir :t oPr isme enis ndot m ty hpriveate mpartye, thsis iss athge geo-a hoeadf to' Othen oregan iws - ocrorrel fdor thfea evment. ily' Farooq Abdullah today ques - "indulged in Human Rights family members of Captain Srinagar : A major Minister Narendra Modi on for the world.” ers after they pledged to pay “The festival celebrates tioned the continuation of violation" in the Kashmir Tushar Mahajan who laid tragedy was averted on Friday afternoon arrived at World luminaries from an initial amount of Rs 25 the diversity in cultures from AFSPA in peaceful and zero valley, Farooq Abdullah said down his life in an encounter Friday as security forces the venue of the World various fields are also lakhs for mitigating any across the world while simul - militancy areas in Jammu that statements like such with militants in the EDI detected an improvised Culture Festival, a mega expected to address the gath - adverse impact on the taneously highlighting our and Kashmir and said building in Pampore area explosive device (IED) on global event being organised ering during the course of the Yamuna's fragile floodplain.