Ursus Maquillo Gandhy Gomara Nana-Sahib Achievement Sire of 5 Nat wr Famula Sacudir producers Sara research Sire of Can Top 10 Razada Nana-Sahib Jalila copyright Eng Pl & Nat Ch sire Jabonera Deiro Arlene Magid *Osaka & of Spanish Pat sister Famula Parafina Nagasaki prod 2 Nat wr prod Faouaza 2019 Nat Ch Mare Polka Ilustre Son *Forelocks Tabal Congo Triana
[email protected] Petja sired Nat Gandhy Nat Ch sire Hilandera wrs in hunt pl, Nevisca Abisinia Dam of Spanish Nat Mourad dressage & Campera Aquilatado Rana Ch Mare Polka and reining Had just one foal Sherif All horses in red *Marhaba Can Top 10 Eng Pl & Mosquetera Verruguita Nat Ch sire *Osaka lettering are European Res 35 Amurath II Amurath Amurath-Sahib Fatme Saddlebred or Ch Stallion Sire of Nat Ch Sahiba Nana-Sahib I Pinto World Dutch Nat Ch Arax producers Donka Sire of 5 Nat Chs Ofir Champions or Stallion & Nat Ch Angara Wielki Szlem Elegantka World Champion sire Mersuch II Comments Brda producers or Nezabudka 21 Siglavi Bagdady III Dam of Can Top 10 Piolun Arabian National Pomeranets Priboj Rissalma winners or Country Pl & Nat wr Sire of Belgian Nat Ch Ofir Mammona producers of sire*Nickerie Napernitsa Stallion & Nat Ch sire Krucica Son *El Rim sired a Dam of 2 Nat Ch *Nartan Skowronek National winners Nitochka Naseem Nasra Nat Ch in dressage producers Dam of Nat Ch Taraszcza Enwer Bey sire Naplyv Gazella II Gulastra Kouros Rahas Rabiyas Raad Eng pl ch Sire of US Top 10 Rehal Rabiyat Regional halter ch Abu Farwa Park Rabiycar+ *Rokhsa Sire of multi Nat Ch Nat Ch sire Skowronek