obituary notice ... dean of the world’s living hemp .

... the world's foremost expert on hemp.

... elder statesman of the exploding hemp movement.

... world-renowned expert on hemp breeding and cultivation.

... the eldest, and one of the most successful, active hemp breeders of Europe.

... hemp guru. Dr Bócsa Iván Born: Arad, July 09, 1926

Died: Budapest, May 04, 2007 1948

Fleischmann Rudolf Kompolt Institute 1970

February 15, 1949 February 15, 1949  57 years

Alfalfa – Medicago sativa L.

Sainfoin – Onobrychis viciifolia Scop. Crown wetch – Coronilla varia L. Hemp – Cannabis sativa L. “Energy grass” Italian hemp

Fleischmann = = F-kender (1923)

Fleischmann Rudolf 1920  • biology of flowering • photoperiodism • (F-kender x Kymington (USA) Italian hemp

Fleischmann = = F-kender (1923) Reconstruction (1951)

Bócsa (1951-): fiber content increase Fleischmann Rudolf 1920  Kompolti by Bredemann method • biology of flowering (1954) • photoperiodism • heterosis (F-kender x Kymington (USA) preservation breeding

Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, Romania, Yugoslavia ... 1995- : Holland, Austria England, Germany, Switzerland Kompolti Kínai

B-7 F1 + 23% straw yield 1954 + 18% fiber yield

Breeding of F1 - hemp (Bócsa, 1950-) Ukrainian monoecious

CENTRAL SOUTHERN ASIATIC RUSSIAN dioecious monoiecious dioecious and unisexual TRANSITIONAL

French monoecious an hybrids

Hemp ecological form groups Kínai Fibrimon 21 (dioecious)

F1 Kinai Backcross

BC1 Kínai


Kínai (monoecious)

Breeding of monoecious hemp (Bócsa, 1953-1960) Dioecious (SE Europe) “Hemp evolved as a dioecious form over thousands of years....” “... The superiority of dioecious hemp ... is a biological axiom” I. Bócsa


Monoecious (France, Ukraina...) “Monoecious hemp is ... an artificial construct that cannot exist without the aid of humans” I. Bócsa dioecious monoecious female

unisex + 70-90 % higher seed yield

60-70% female + 10-20% monoecious + 5-10% male

Breeding of unisexual hemp (Bócsa, 1955-) Kompolti Fibrimon 21 dioecious (French) female

Uniko-B F1 seed production (unisex)

60-70% female + 10-20% monoecious + 5-10% male

Uniko-B F2 fiber production (1965)

50% male : 50% female)

Breeding of unisexual hemp (Bócsa, 1955-) Kinai Kínai dioecious monoecious

Kinai Kompolti unisex

Kompolti hibrid TC (1983)

THC: 0.4-0.5%

Breeding of B-7 hemp using unisexuality (Bócsa, 1970-) Finnish early Italian late

Helle Stengel Kompolti (Hoffmann)

spontaneous yellow-stemmed mutant

BC1 Kompolti Backcross


Kompolti sárgaszárú (1971) Breeding of yellow stemmed hemp (Bócsa, 1970-)

Kinai Kínai dioecious monoecious

Kinai Kompolti unisex sárgaszárú

Fibriko (1989)

THC: 0.3-0.4% & finest and strongest fiber

Breeding F1 hybrid hemp using unisexuality (Bócsa, 1970-) Ornamental hemp cultivar ‘Panorama’ seed crop fibre crop Company “Fibro-Seed” (Bócsa Iván & Bata Sándor) Application of Bredemann’s method for increasing the fiber content (Bócsa, 1950-) Breeding for low THC  “Kompolt method” (Bócsa, 1980’s-)

... the production of hemp that contains absolutely no THC is biologically inconceivable because THC plays an important, though not well understand, role in plant development”. I. Bócsa Resistancy to Psilloides attenuata (Bócsa, 1954) Selection for high seed oil content in hemp (Bócsa, 1996-) Törjék, O., Bucherna1, N., Kiss, E., Homoki, H., Finta-Korpelová, Z.,

Bócsa, I., Nagy, I., Heszky, L.:

Novel male-specific molecular markers (MADC5, MADC6) in hemp.

EUPHYTICA, 127(2): 209-218, 2002. International Hemp Conference, Kompolt, 28-31. July 1970.

M. Arnoux, J.P. Mathieu, W. Hoffmann, G. Venturi, V. G. Virovets BIORESOURCE HEMP 97 Frankfurt am Main, Germany, February 27-March 02, 1997 Publications:

200+ publications

13 books 1962 1962 1997 1962 1997 1998 19621997 1998 2005 Hungarian Academy of Sciences

Corresponding member: 1990 Full menber: 1995

Section of Agraricultural Sciences genetics, breeding and seed production of field crops

Committee on President/Honorary president Orders and Medals

1. Fleischmann Rudolf Award (1973)

2. Academy Award (1977)

3. Eötvös Loránd Award (1991)

4. Order of Merit - Member Cross (1996)

5. Széchenyi-Award (1997) Back to Awards

Fleischmann Rudolf Back to Awards

Academy Award (1977) Back to Awards

Vásárosnaményi Báró Eötvös Lóránd Back to Awards

Order of Merit - Member Cross (1996) The Hungarian Academy of Sciences in Budapest

Count István Széchenyi (1791-1860) Széchenyi Award (1997) Dr Bócsa Iván