Ibn Warraq | 428 pages | 01 Mar 2003 | Prometheus Books | 9781591020110 | English | Amherst, United States What It's Like to Be a Muslim Woman in the U.S. Right Now

Those who practice the Muslim faith have Why I am Not a Muslim examinations of their religion. They are extremely guarded about their religion, and what they consider. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data. . Includes bibliographical references p. Fascinating book I am reading. He argues that . He cites multiple cases, which show how backward and irrational Sharia law is. Where Rushdie offered an elusive critique of Islam in an airy tale of magical realism, Ibn Warraq brings a scholarly sledgehammer to the task of demolishing Islam. Properly, a custom or practice, and later narrowed down to the practice of the Prophet or a tradition recording the same. His commentary is however, meticulously executed and the abundance of sources make his arguments even waraq. The reason is obvious: Or you can dismiss until our next nuslim drive typically at the beginning of October. Various stories in the are copied from Zoroastrian religion. Mulla, if your prayer has power Let me see you shake the mosque! Mar 02, Shoaib Nagi rated it did not like it Shelves: The police told Ahmedi they were arresting her too. As author himself admits, this book is composed Why I am Not a Muslim of excerpts from various sources, with the author taking the role of their presenter while discussing different subjects concerning Islam. However, even without that background the book works well to educate an This is an important work, though probably few will read it who should. Ibn Warraq, a convert from fundamentalist Islam, explains passionately and vividly why Islam, not just Islamists, needs to be feared by Muslims and non-Muslims alike. If you want to know why Islam is the most dangerous religion in the world in the 21st century, you must read this book. I observe this in my own country, Malaysia, when our rich cultural heritage such as menora ubn wayang kulit are being slowly choked by religious intolerance. However, as cultures mingle with trading, information diffuses; not to mention the power of memorization which can be shown by the Quran being memorized by the early Muslims and even today. All the real science that occurred under Islam occurred despite the religion not because of it. I used to be one of them also. For me, people like Ibn Warraq prove that there is at the least a hint of skepticim alive and well within Islam, which is very encourouging, for this proves that critical thinking is not completley dead in Islam yet. Jul 03, Peter Delorenzo rated it really liked it. The book is extremely well-researched. It was first published by Prometheus Books in the United States in Only a few books I know of, such as this, speaks against Islam in a comprehensive manner. His writing has a dry textbook-like quality to it that completely lacks any life or humour. There are no discussion topics on this book yet. There are Why I am Not a Muslim many question marks surrounding the quran, , and Islam in general. All Muslims, not just the fanatics, believe that every word of the Quran is quite literally the word of , absolutely and unquestionably true for all times, places, and people, and practically the same goes for the hadith and the sharia. The Origins of The Koran: As for the content, the author eloquently lists the major ills that Islam has brought into the world, which are pretty much consistent with just about every other organized religion that dhy ever established itself into a state authority. Most importantly, it should be read by every Muslim in this world. Anyone curious about Islam would do well to read the book. Nevertheless, it is the truth, Why I am Not a Muslim that has either been deliberately concealed by modern scholars or buried in obscure journals accessible only to a select few. LitFlash The eBooks you want at the lowest prices. In truth it was the Arab empire that was spread by the sword and it is as an Arab empire that Islam is maintained to this day in the form of a religion largely invented to hold that empire together and subdue native populations. Muslom phenomon seems to be not much different from the growing trend towards Christian fundamentalism, which seems to be happening also against a backdrop of increasing doubt about many if not all of the major tenets of the religion. This is mainly because that Islam has not undergone Reformation like Christianity yet, which leaves the reformists a huge obstacle to overcome. Indeed, and a Westerner can hardly imagine the courage it must take for Ibn Warraq to say as much. This website uses cookies to improve Why I am Not a Muslim experience while you navigate through the website. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are Why I am Not a Muslim on your browser as they are as essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. These cookies will Why I am Not a Muslim stored in your browser only with your consent. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. These cookies do not store any personal information. Allchin PDF. October 11, This website uses cookies to improve your experience. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Privacy Overview This website uses cookies to improve your experience while Why I am Not a Muslim navigate through the website. Privacy Overview. Necessary Always Enabled. Here's What Ramadan Is Really Like, According To 4 Muslim Women

It was first published by Prometheus Books in the United States in The title of the book is a homage to 's essay, Why I Am Not a Christianin which Russell criticizes the religion in which he was raised. Outraged over the fatwa and death threats against Salman RushdieIbn Warraq assumes a pseudonym to write what the historian and writer called "serious and thought-provoking book" using a "scholarly sledgehammer" approach to "demolish" Islam. The author's "polemic" criticizes Islam's mythology, theology, historic achievements, and current cultural influence. Why I am Not a Muslim wrote that the book "makes a compelling case" that Islam is "flatly incompatible" with "individual rights and liberties of a liberal, democratic, secular state". Moreover, progress made in modern critical scholarship of the Bible has serious and possibly detrimental consequences for belief in the inerrancy of the Qur'an once it is subjected to the same type of scholarly criticism. Dutch arabist Hans Jansen noted that 'it is remarkable that in this first book, Ibn Warraq makes no distinction at all between 'normal' Islam and Islamic fundamentalism. Both oppose the freedom of expression with all their might. Naipaul and Arun Shourie displayed was perhaps so 'ruthless' — compared to the much milder approach commonly adopted by Judaeo-Christian writers — because of vestiges of 'Hindu prejudices', or because these authors felt no inhibition to scrutinise a fellow Abrahamic religion. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Dewey Decimal. The Weekly Standard. Retrieved May 13, Trouw in Dutch. Retrieved 8 October The Salisbury Review. Spring Archived Why I am Not a Muslim the original on . Religion portal Books portal. Categories : non-fiction books Books about Books critical of Islam Non-fiction books about jihadism Prometheus Books books Works published under a pseudonym Religious studies book stubs Atheism stubs. Hidden categories: CS1 Dutch-language sources nl All stub articles. Namespaces Why I am Not a Muslim Talk. Views Read Edit View history. Help Learn to edit Community portal Recent changes Upload Why I am Not a Muslim. Download as PDF Printable version. Print Hardcover and Paperback. This article related to a non-fiction book about atheism is a stub. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. Why I am not a Muslim

Why I am not a Christian I was born in a nominally Christian country, and at an early age attended "Sunday school", where well-meaning people tried to indoctrinate me in the Christian religion. It never made any sense to me. My parents were not religious. My mother occasionally attended church because she had a good voice and liked to sing in the choir. As I recall, my father never set foot in a church except for the occasional wedding. My paternal grandfather had no time for religion, but my paternal grandmother was Why I am Not a Muslim devout Protestant my maternal grandparents had departed before I arrived. When I was about nine years old my grandmother gave me books with many pictures illustrating biblical themes. Being a curious lad I read these, but they made no great impression on me. She died when I was thirteen and her religious influence upon me, such as it was, promptly ceased. Thus the religious indoctrination of children by their parents, which warps the minds and blights the lives of so many innocent children, was not practiced upon me as a child by my parents, thank God. Whatever if anything defines a race, it is certainly some quality which is passed down from mother to child. The usual criterion for being a Jew not necessarily an orthodox Jew is that one's mother was a Jew Why I am Not a Muslim the time of one's birth. For this reason Judaism could be characterized as a "racist" ideology it is not a religionor perhaps better since "racist" is a pejorative term as an "ethnic" Why I am Not a Muslim as is Hinduism. I read about the Sufi quest for union with the divine, which appealed to me and which is considered heretical by orthodox Muslims. I also discovered the beauty of Islamic art. The geometrical designs found in Islamic art and architecture are a wonder, and some grand mosques especially when illuminated at night are beautiful to see. However, as noted previously, the beauty of the art and architecture of a religion is not evidence of the truth of its doctrines. He believes or at Why I am Not a Muslim hopes that this will induce the god or goddess to look favorably upon his business for that day. Chinese do something similar each morning with Chinese and goddesses. Very nice, endearing even. And all over India hundreds of millions of people revere these deities, which are also admired by many Westerners who have travelled in India and among my few personal possessions there are pictures of Ganesha, Lakshmi, Shiva, Parvarti Why I am Not a Muslim Saraswati. But there is about as much evidence for their existence other than in the minds of their devotees as there is for the existence of the Christian god, which is to say, very little. But there is an important difference. Devotion to Ganesha, Lakshmi, etc. In contrast, devotion to the Christian god and to the Jewish god as well has justified many men so they believed in the murder of many Why I am Not a Muslim. Whatever Jesus is alleged to have taught in the New Testament, the historical fact is that Christianity is a genocidal religion. But then I began to read about Buddhism, and I felt attracted by this religion though some would deny that it is in fact a religion. I read books by Christmas Humphreys and Edward Conze, and, unlike Christianity, the doctrines of Buddhism at least made sense: This world is a place of suffering; all beings seek to escape from suffering; a sage appeared in India about years ago who discovered a path to freedom from suffering; he taught this path to others; this teaching was propogated and expanded into many lands and became what we know today as Buddhism. Later, along with many other young people in the psychedelic sixties, I read the books of Lama Anagarika Govinda, Evans-Wentz, John Blofeld and others but not Lobsang Rampaand I was particularly attracted by Tibetan Buddhist art, with its marvellous depiction of various tantric deities. As with Islam, Christianity and Hinduism, the art Why I am Not a Muslim a religion is something that attracts people, but the beauty of the art does not entail the truth of the doctrine. More exactly, religion, or rather each of the five religions considered in this article, is a collective delusion: a delusion held in common by many people the belief of each of them reinforced by their seeing that many others believe the same thing. Some collective delusions are harmful to their followers e. In no case, however, should any religion be granted any respect unless there is clear evidence that it has beneficial effects for its followers rather than its proponentsand certainly no religion should be granted any social or political privilege simply because it calls itself a religion. No representative of any religion no monk, priest, pastor, rabbi, mullah, swami or lama deserves any respect other than what is due to them as scholars, artists, entertainers, dispensers of wisdom or by virtue of their personal qualities as human beings. Absurd, ridiculous, harmful, pernicious and morally reprehensible beliefs, attitudes and practices should be Why I am Not a Muslim as such, and not granted any respect simply because they are part of some religion.