SINGULARITY Innovation Partnership Program IN ASSOCIATION WITH UNIVERSITY Leveraging exponentially growing technologies to drive powerful innovation.

Technological change is accelerating at serial failure at a time when companies are an exponential rate putting extremely becoming more and more risk averse. powerful technology in the hands of Many large companies are finding it small and nimble teams. While this poses increasing difficult to innovate internally HARNESSING significant threats to some industries, it because of bureaucracy and cultural also creates extraordinary opportunities. At issues. the same time that billion dollar companies The Innovation Partnership Program are going out of business overnight, new (IPP) was created to address these EXTRAORDINARY start-up companies are reaching billion issues, educate senior executives on best dollar market-caps in record time. innovation practices, allow them to share Pursuing breakthroughs requires experiences and create a forum for new OPPORTUNITIES significant risk taking and a tolerance for partnerships and continual learning. Collaborating with the brightest minds to learn, share THIRTY SELECT and solve global corporate and Grand Challenges. The Innovation Partnership Program is limited to This audacious effort is produced by the 90 senior executives from 30 select companies in association with Singularity COMPANIES who come together to learn, share and solve University. Participating companies are united global corporate challenges as well as the Grand by their desire to understand the impact of Challenges of the world. exponential technologies on their company As Innovation Partners, we gather together and industry, their need to increase the rate twice a year for four-day intensive workshops of innovation inside their product lines and that include innovation education, hands- organization, and thirst to learn best practices on experiences, expert lectures, networking, for using crowdsourcing and incentivized entertainment and Visioneering the future. competitions. JOIN US

By invitation only.

You’re invited to join the Innovation Partnership X PRIZE Foundation has a proven track record Program. We all share a common goal in solving of achieving such breakthroughs with world- the Grand Challenges of our time. Today, the class partners such as Cisco, Google, Medco, world’s largest problems, including energy, NASA, Progressive, Qualcomm and Shell, as well water, food, health and education, also represent as the White House, FDA, DOE and dozens of the world’s largest multi-hundred billion-dollar philanthropists. business opportunities. Singularity University (SU) is a graduate-level The Innovation Partnership Program is central university specializing in leveraging exponential to the missions of both the X PRIZE Foundation technologies to solve humanity’s Grand and Singularity University, which are focused Challenges. A world-class, core faculty of experts on developing and teaching best practices for lead the studies and workshops, complemented creating powerful, incentivized and innovative by cutting-edge practitioners and thinkers – teams. experts in their field – who serve as guest lecturers, mentors and advisors. “The rapid acceleration of technology is enabling small teams to conduct exploration that was only possible by Revolution through competition. national governments. The X PRIZE X PRIZE Foundation helps to set and incentivize audacious and worthy targets.” James Cameron, Filmmaker The X PRIZE Foundation is an educational nonprofit organization prize philanthropy including James Cameron, Arianna Huffington, PROGRESSIVE INSURANCE WENDY SCHMIDT OIL CLEANUP X CHALLENGE whose mission is to bring about radical breakthroughs for Naveen Jain, Ray Kurzweil, Elon Musk, Larry Page and The Progressive Insurance Automotive The Wendy Schmidt Oil Cleanup “I think the [Ansari] X PRIZE should the benefit of humanity and inspire the formation of entirely Dr. J. Craig Venter. X PRIZE was a global competition that X CHALLENGE raised the bar of oil spill be viewed as the beginning of one giant leap...” new industries. The Foundation addresses the world’s Grand awarded $10 million to three teams that cleanup to inspire breakthrough innovation. Dr. Buzz Aldrin, Challenges by creating and managing large-scale, high-profile, built cars that achieved at least 100 MPGe The teams were required to more than The very first X PRIZE was awarded on October 4, 2004, when NASA Apollo 11 Astronaut incentivized prize competitions that stimulate investment in in real world driving. The cars were safe, double the industry’s best oil recovery rate famed aerospace designer Burt Rutan and financier Paul Allen led research and development worth far more than the prize itself. affordable and desirable with the ultimate by exceeding 2500 gallons per minute. “The Automotive X PRIZE competition X PRIZE has a longstanding heritage of partnering with global the first private team to build and launch a spacecraft capable of goal of offering more efficient vehicle The first place team nearly doubled that will help us take a much needed step leaders such as Cisco, Northrup Grumman, Progressive and carrying three people to 100 kilometers above the earth’s surface, choices to consumers. Ultimately, the requirement and subsequently created forward in the fight to reduce CO2 twice within two weeks. This audacious achievement ushered in Shell. Current competitions include the Archon Genomics competition has paved the way toward new cleanup technology that will put an emissions worldwide.” a new multi-billion dollar industry of private spaceflight, which will X PRIZE presented by Medco, the and greatly reduced emissions and exponential end to the level of destruction caused by Al Gore, Former Vice President likely yield the way to a multi-billion dollar space tourism industry. the Qualcomm Tricorder X PRIZE. Our illustrious Board of gains in energy efficiency. the Deepwater Horizon oil spill of 2010. of the United States Trustees consists of visionaries who recognize the power of “I am personally funding this X CHALLENGE to inspire innovators around the world—and all those who want to help address what has happened in the Gulf—to focus on solutions to an ongoing, systemic problem.” Wendy Schmidt, President of The Schmidt Family Foundation Harnessing the power of exponential technologies SINGULARITY to solve the global Grand Challenges.

Singularity University is a unique interdisciplinary, exponential technologies to positively impact the lives UNIVERSITY international and intercultural experience that of a billion people within a decade. The Singularity concentrates on the impact and opportunities presented University Executive Program is for entrepreneurs, by the deployment of transformative exponential senior corporate executives, financial and government technologies that can solve our world’s greatest leaders, inventors, and innovators. Through lectures and challenges. interactive workshops, Singularity University teaches Located on the campus of NASA Research Park where these technologies are today and where they in Silicon Valley, one of the world’s great epicenters will be in the next 2-10 years in the areas of medicine & of innovation, Singularity University offers a 10-week neuroscience, biotechnology & bioinformatics, artificial summer Graduate Studies Program (GSP). Our Executive intelligence & robotics, nanotechnology, networks Programs are held multiple times each year, including & computing systems, and energy & environmental highly-specialized ones such as FutureMed which allow systems. executives to focus on one particular field of study. The team includes professors and researchers from Singularity University also creates Executive Programs Stanford, MIT, Carnegie Mellon, Harvard and other major which bring the unique and stimulating environment of educational institutions, and seasoned executives from Singularity University to organizations and institutions business, including Autodesk, Genentech, Google, Cisco, around the world. Nokia, and the Kauffman Foundation, ePlanet Ventures, The mission of Singularity University’s GSP is to and others. Notable SU faculty and advisors include Ray “If I were a student, this is where I would want to be.” assemble, support, educate and inspire future leaders Kurzweil, Vint Cerf and Dean Kamen. Larry Page, Co-Founder and CEO, Google across the globe who can harness the power of ADDRESSING YOUR KEY CHALLENGES

A rigorous program designed to result in meaningful impact and CSR.

HARNESSING RAPIDLY CHANGING LEVERAGING CROWDSOURCING & ENGAGING THE PUBLIC EXPONENTIAL TECHNOLOGIES How to leverage the wisdom of crowds to crowdsource How to stay ahead of the exponential technology curve solutions for your company in record time with and leverage the power of infinite computing, artificial comparatively low cost and little risk. intelligence, robotics, synthetic biology, 3D printing and more to benefit your company and industry. CREATING GLOBAL IMPACT & MEANINGFUL CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY (CSR) INITIATIVES BRIDGING THE INNOVATION GAP How to create and execute an authentic, meaningful and How to foster a culture of innovation at all levels of your measurable corporate CSR initiative that will tackle some company and with your partners and customers through of the Grand Challenges of our time while also creating our unique “Visioneering” process. shareholder, employee and consumer value and goodwill. Visioneering the future with world-class partners.

Innovation Partners will come together twice a from our faculty, the content and from your year in Los Angeles and Silicon Valley to engage fellow members. in a four-day intensive workshop that includes innovation education, hands-on workshops, THREE KEY TAKEAWAYS expert lectures, networking, entertainment and ONE: You will be given the knowledge, tools and Visioneering the future. materials to communicate what you have learned back to your company EACH FOUR-DAY INTENSIVE WORKSHOP INCLUDES • 2-days focused on the impact of exponential TWO: You will be provided with updates technologies throughout the year so you can continue • 2-days focused on innovation and how to evaluating the impact of key exponential design and launch breakthrough incentivized technologies on your products, company competitions and industry To ensure successful engagements, the program is structured to be as experiential as THREE: It is our goal to give you immediate possible. Each four-day intensive workshop takeaway benefits to your company in the form and session breakouts is carefully planned and of strategic roadmaps, new partnerships and A UNIQUE implementable action plans. This will be facilitated curated in coordination with other teams to ensure that you, your leadership team and your if participants come to these Visioneering invited guests get the most out of the program sessions with specific key challenges in mind EXPERIENCE that need solving Days 1 & 2


EXPONENTIAL TECHNOLOGIES WORKSHOP and 10 years and how these various • How will this technology allow us A number of exponentially growing technologies work synergistically to drive to solve specific key problems in technologies will massively increase the change for each member’s company our company? human capability and fundamentally and industry. • How will this technology allow to us to reshape our collective futures. Leading researchers, business leaders, solve the Grand Challenges that our We employ a world-class faculty and thinkers share the stage and engage company, employees and customers who specialize in a cross-disciplinary in thought-provoking debates that care about? understanding of how transformative help members understand the During the workshop, three Innovation technologies impact industries and convergence among various disciplines Partners from your company will be paired humanity’s Grand Challenges. During this and technologies. with three Innovation Partners from two part of the workshop, Innovation Partners Following each session, executives will other companies to form a group of nine. receive an integrated overview of seven participate in a Discussion and Refection This curated pairing will allow you to gain key ‘exponentially advancing’ areas as workshop, which will ask the following insights from executives outside of your HOW IT well as their potential implication and company-centric questions: industry, who will offer a unique point opportunities. The curriculum educates of view. participants on what is in labs today, and • How will this technology affect our key WORKS what is coming to market in two, five products and growth? Days 3 & 4

VISIONEERING WORKSHOP clients ranging from corporate firms and has deployed in dozens of fields with Having blown your mind in our first two private donors to governmental agencies. a wide range of audiences and clients days, as to what is technologically possible, including BT, Cisco, Google, Nokia, the following two days will focus on THE VISIONEERING PROCESS INCLUDES Qualcomm, Shell, NASA, the White House, how to identify market failures, mitigate • Identification of the market failure to FDA, DOE, USAID and dozens of world- potential threats and explore extraordinary be solved class philanthropists. opportunities. We will provide effective • Identification of the root causes of that This strategic Visioneering process ways in which you can effectively leverage market failure will help members creatively explore the crowdsourced solutions and how to design • Clarity around the metrics being challenges facing their companies and incentivized competitions that will align measured identify key opportunity areas for growth and benefit your company, your industry • Definition of a clear, measurable and and change. and your customers. objective goal OBJECTIVES INCLUDE A well-designed competition is • Design of an audacious, but achievable • Identifying areas that are ripe for the key to attracting and motivating competition multidisciplinary and maverick players innovation in your company and • Identification of the potential to solve the many corporate and Grand your industry crowdsourcing community to be tapped Challenges facing us today. The X PRIZE • Identifying audacious, but achievable • Tools for launch, implementation and Foundation utilizes a core process we call goals in each of these of these areas operations of a crowdsourced incentive Visioneering to evaluate the opportunities • Designing creative opportunities to crowd competition source solutions to these objectives HOW IT for incentivized innovation that address Interdisciplinary collaboration and such challenges. The Visioneering process • Providing you with the relevant tools to creative engagement are cornerstones of has been, and continues to be, an effective implement this, and next steps this process, which X PRIZE Foundation way to drive radical breakthroughs with WORKS INFINITE COMPUTING / UBIQUITOUS SENSORS / ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE / ROBOTICS / SYNTHETIC BIO / 3D PRINTING / DIGITAL MEDICINE ENERGY TELECOM ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE ROBOTICS 3D PRINTING INDUSTRIES & • Consumer-facing devices • Self-driving robot cars outperform top human • 3D printing allowing for production of FINANCE allow patients to accurately diagnose drivers, saving lives, time, energy and increase personalized clothing, at home, in a fully AUTOMOTIVE themselves better than a board certified doctor productivity distributed, on demand basis • Medical tutoring and decision support systems • Robotic construction and 3D printing combine • Entire houses are custom printed using large EXPONENTIAL AEROSPACE for nurses, paramedics, physicians, and to automate majority of the building and scale 3D printers cutting timeline by 50-fold insurance companies transform healthcare manufacturing process • 3D printing of any replacement part (combined INTERNET • AI enables rapid and accurate conversion of • Telepresense robots allow highly specialized with AI) radically changes requirements for natural language into specifications for working physicians to conduct grand rounds and/or inventories on ships, in remote locations and AGRICULTURE & FARMING software surgery on a global basis even on the International Space Station TECHNOLOGY • AI powers virtual reality environments • Fully functional humanoid robots begin • 3D printing may reduce the competitiveness HOSPITALITY • AI allows more accurate weather prediction to displacing significant labor manual labor force, of countries with concentrated manufacturing CONSTRUCTION improve agriculture yields shifting workflow from China back to U.S./ bases Europe • AI driven farms control nutrients, hydration, • 3D printing combined with AI radically changes TEXTILE & APPAREL lighting and are able to double crop yield • Robot pets that can recognize you, respond to the nature of supply chains

IMPACTS INDUSTRIES your emotional state, provide companionship, • 3D printing allows small companies to increase MEDICINE & HEALTHCARE • AI and ubiquitous sensor networks transform and social interaction service industry allowing a hyper-customized, the type and range of goods they produce MINING predictive service at hotels, restaurants and • Robotic home nurses aid the elderly allowing • 3D printing puts a dent in overnight product shops them to remain at home and function delivery as products purchased on eBay are independently PHARMACEUTICALS • AI black-box trading breaks into consumer level printed moments later at home applications transforming the financial markets • Robotic/bionic limbs that enable paraplegics to • 3D printing allows for small-scale production TRANSPORTATION perform normal human functions and provide of previously labor-intensive crafts and goods, • AI becomes central nervous system for super-human strength SOFTWARE buildings providing optimal heating, cooling, bringing personalization to building design security, maintenance, energy management, • Neural interfaces to interpret proprioception • Human organs printed using individual cells as CONSUMER PACKAGED GOODS and robotic janitorial services and other sensory inputs that are incorporated building blocks into the motor drives 2012 PROGRAM The schedule consists of four back-to-back working sessions. EXPONENTIAL TECHNOLOGIES INNOVATION & COMPETITION

Day 0 Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday SCHEDULE Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Al & Robotics Energy Breakthroughs Session 1 YEAR ONE / SESSION 1: FALL 2012 Session 3 YEAR ONE / SESSION 2: SPRING 2013 Group Discussion Group Discussion Group Discussion VIP Speaker VIP Speaker Session 2 VIP Speaker Group Discussion Group Discussion Group Discussion Group Discussion

MORNING Security & Networks & Computing Systems VIP Speaker Future Crime Team Breakout Group Discussion Group Discussion Group Discussion VIP Speaker VIP Speaker VIP Speaker Competition Lunch

LUNCH Group Discussion Group Discussion Group Discussion Medicine & Neuroscience Team Team Group Discussion Break-out Break-out Workshop Workshop Registration VIP Speaker A B VIP Speaker Next Steps & Open Group Discussion Group Discussion Wrap-up

AFTERNOON Biotech & Bioinfo Break-out Break-out Team Pitches Team Pitches Group Discussion C D and Feedback and Feedback

VIP Guest Panel VIP Guest Panel Optional Dinner Welcome Dinner Group Discussion Group Discussion DINNER Reception VIP Speaker Intros & Networking & Intro to Visioneering and Prize Ice Breaker Entertainment Featured Entertainment Direction Presentations EVENING 7 benefits that will transform your approach SEVEN KEY BENEFITS to business development.

EXPONENTIAL TECHNOLOGIES collaboration, creative engagement, companies important to you by tailoring ONGOING ONLINE ENGAGEMENT from your Mastermind peers. The deck & INNOVATION EDUCATION and experiential sessions, you will learn working group composition, lunch and & COMMUNITY and the visual maps will be captured Receive a fundamental understanding of about and explore “stretch goals” for your dinner partners as well as the composition Utilize the IPP online community platform and created by business visualization the key exponentially-growing technologies organization and potential structures for of breakout sessions to create the space and gain access to your fellow Innovation professionals, experts in the emerging and their trajectory. What is in the lab today innovation. for connection among members, and our Partners and faculty on an ongoing basis practice of using images, sketches and and what is coming to market in two, five Masterminds. The feedback you give to, and to facilitate ongoing conversations and data-driven infographics to help teams and 10 years? Learn how to effectively CLIENT / PARTNER ENGAGEMENT get from peer Mastermind members, is a key connections. This living resource will offer solve complex problems. The essence & ENTERTAINMENT monitor trends in advanced technology feature of the program. These relationships, everything from downloadable information of, and feedback from, each workshop Leverage this unique opportunity by inviting fields, identify opportunities for innovation founded on a shared innovation experience, and webcasts to a quarterly update on new and breakout session will be captured your most important current and future and areas that are ripe for breakthroughs will carry on well beyond the Innovation developments that you can share with your to provide you with powerful tools that clients and partners. Foster innovation and that are of benefit to your company and Partnership Program. entire organization. you can share with your board, senior create greater bonds between companies, your industry. management and employees to describe CEOs and their respective teams. COMPETITION & CROWDSOURCING EXECUTIVE BRIEFING DECK & your experience and to spark a broader VISIONEERING EDUCATION Learn how to leverage competitions and VISUAL PROCESS MAPS MASTERMIND NETWORK conversation within your organization. Learn the X PRIZE Foundation’s strategic how to use crowdsourcing to incentivize Receive and share an Executive Briefing Grow your network and build strong Visioneering process, which will help you audiences from around the world to solve Deck, which will include a summary of the innovation relationships with your fellow creatively think about the challenges your company’s challenges. Engage your exponential technologies explored and Innovation Partners and their companies. facing your company and enable you to employees, customers, university students a matrix of the potential opportunities As a matchmaker, IPP will actively curate identify key opportunity areas for growth and start-ups to help find those solutions and threats facing your company. Each meaningful match-ups, conversations and change. Through interdisciplinary with you. summary will include the detailed feedback to foster relevant, key partnerships with LEVEL 1 LEVEL 2 • 3-year commitment Level 2 includes all the benefits of Level 1 MEMBERSHIP • 2 workshops per year + invitations to as well as: special events • Seats for 18 senior executives • Seats for 30 senior executives (3 seats per session, per company) (5 seats per session, per company) OPTIONS • 3 additional guests may be invited for an • Custom Visioneering program: X PRIZE additional $25,000 per person, per program* Foundation will provide one custom Visioneering program per year at the Innovation Partner’s corporate headquarters (or location $250,000 annual fee of choosing within the U.S.). This will include 30 days of preparatory work and a full-day session on location. The result will be a Prize Design/ INDIVIDUAL MEMBERSHIP Visioneering report on the Innovation Partner’s A limited number of individual memberships are subject of interest available on a case-by-case basis

$350,000 annual fee $125,000 annual fee

*Guest space is limited to a total of 15 additional guests per workshop. Guest participation is reserved primarily for members who would like to invite a corporate partner or client. Guests are welcome by invitation only on a limited basis, while space is available. 5510 Lincoln Blvd. Suite 100 Playa Vista, CA 90094 310.741.4880 • •


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