Sjösättningslista VBK 2021.Pdf (Pdf, 618

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Sjösättningslista VBK 2021.Pdf (Pdf, 618 Namn Medlemsnummer Båt Sjösättningsdatum AARÖE, S 16033 ANYTEC 750 SPD 2021-04-24 ADLER, L 15041 MAXI FENIX 2021-05-23 Ahlberg, J 25323 BAYLINER TROPHY 2021-04-25 AHLBERG, T 15408 NIMBUS 305 2021-05-08 AHLDÉN, C 16444 LINJETT 32 2021-05-01 Ahlen, J 25242 FLIPPER 575 2021-05-01 Aktas, H 20116 VIPER 630 2021-05-02 ALAEUS, G 15731 HANSE 355 2021-05-02 Alexandersson, J 20111 SUNWIND 26 2021-05-23 ALIN, P 15930 SCAMPI 30 2021-05-23 ALSGREN, S 14754 BAVARIA 32 2021-05-16 Alsterlund, T 25244 LINJETT 32 2021-05-01 Aminoff, F 25308 DUFOUR 2021-04-24 ANDERSSON, B 12938 KETCH BA 2021-05-15 ANDERSSON, K 15631 LADY HELMSMAN 2025-05-16 ANDERSSON, M 16196 FLIPPER 850 2021-05-16 Andersson, P 15139 ALBIN 78 2021-05-08 Andreæ, M 20285 KARLSKRONA VIGGE 2021-05-01 ANGARTH, J 12738 FLIPPER 666 2021-05-15 ARFFMAN, L 15910 CHAPARRAL 2021-05-22 ARONOWITSCH, M 10878 KOSTER K-25 2021-05-23 ASKELIN, J 10497 MARIEHOLM 26 2021-04-25 ASKENFELT, A 15057 SNIPA AA 2021-05-23 Assarson, P 25005 ASKELADDEN 805 C 2021-05-02 Aurelius, G 25274 ALBIN ACCENT 2021-05-08 Averling, J 20912 SCHAEFER PHANTOM 2021-05-09 Axelqvist, C 25392 BAVARIA 34 2021-05-08 BACKUDD, A 15891 DELPHIA 33.3 2021-04-24 BANDA, E 14083 BAYLINER 2455 2021-05-23 BARR, T 12126 SAFIR 2021-05-23 Beming, P 20283 AQUADOR 27 HT 2021-05-01 Bennet, C 25179 ALBIN VEGA 2021-04-25 BENTKOVER, F 11443 SUNWIND 26 2021-05-23 BERGENUDD, U 12098 BUSTER XL 2021-05-16 Berglin, F 25194 FLIPPER 620C 2021-04-24 Berglund, C 25337 SYLPHE 2021-05-02 BERGMAN, K 14470 DEHLER 36 2021-04-25 Bergquist, H 25241 FINNMASTER 6400 2021-04-25 Bergquist, J 25394 OHLSON 22 2021-05-15 BERGSTRÖM, B 10241 OE 36 2021-05-02 BERGSTRÖM, B 10241 YAMARIN 64 DC 2021-05-08 BERGSTRÖM, F 12780 CORBY 33 2021-05-22 Bergström, M 20117 SCAND 29 BALTIC 2021-05-22 Bjälvenlid, P 25550 WINGA 25 2021-04-24 Bjöhle, S 25220 LADY HELMSMAN 2021-05-15 BJÖRCK, K 10143 FORGUS 36 2021-04-24 Björck, L 25433 MAXI 77 2021-04-25 BJÖRDING, S 15720 MAXIM 28 2021-05-22 Björinge, J 20299 HUNTER 36 2021-04-25 Namn Medlemsnummer Båt Sjösättningsdatum BJÖRK, P 11802 SCANMAR 2021-05-16 BJÖRLING, J 15570 CORONET 24 CABIN 2021-05-15 Björn, O 20342 AQUADOR 23 DC 2021-05-01 Blixt, E 20057 FINNMASTER 760 T 2021-05-16 BLOMGREN, P 16267 OMEGA 42 2021-05-08 Bohlin, P 25430 YAMARIN 2021-05-01 BOHMAN, M 15779 S 30 2021-05-02 BOKSTRÖM, S 12762 SMARAGD 2021-04-24 BOLDT-CHRISTMAS, J 16008 J 80 2021-04-25 Borgenstierna, J 25407 MAXI 68 2021-05-16 BORGSTRÖM, I 11833 NF 2021-05-22 Borgstöm, C 25434 DEHLER 34 2021-04-25 BORGÅS, S 13009 BAVARIA 36 CRUIS 2021-05-08 BORNECRANTZ, K 16253 SEA RAY 340 SUND 2021-05-23 Boy, P 25224 CORONET 30 2021-05-23 Brandt, T 25315 BAYLINER 742 2021-05-02 BRANDT, U 10138 SNIPA 7.5 2021-05-15 Bratt, C 20335 NORDIC 81 2021-05-02 Brattström, H 25441 MAXI 77 2021-05-01 BREDIN, T 14794 BAVARIA 33 2021-05-23 BROLIN, T 16469 CRESCENT 535 2021-05-16 BRUNDIN, N 16200 UTTERN D 66 2021-05-15 BRUNILA, J 12852 FLIPPER 717 2021-05-09 BRUNSKOG, A 14418 WASA 55 2021-05-16 BRÄNNLUND, T 16045 SEA RAY 240 2021-05-23 BUÖ, B 15188 RYDS 20 GTS 2021-05-09 BÄHREN, F 10079 DRACO 2100 2021-05-09 CALLEBERG, B 16385 INTER 9000 2021-05-16 CARLéN, I 15677 IVERSEN 2021-05-09 Carlsson, J 20236 BAVARIA 32 2021-05-16 CARLSTEDT, L 16213 MAMBA 2021-05-22 Carlsten, N 25451 FLIPPER 625 DC 2021-05-01 CASTENÄS, C 16375 AQUADOR 22 HT 2021-05-08 CEDERLUND, F 15052 SCANMAR 33 2021-05-08 CHRISTIANSEN, J 16041 BECKER 22 2021-04-24 CORANDER, G 11503 WIKING 28 2021-05-22 CORANDER, S 16122 STOREBRO 340 BIS 2021-05-02 CURMI, A 15615 TRISS MAGNUM 600 2021-05-15 DAHLBLOM, D 10595 ALLEGRO 27 2021-05-15 Dalhielm, K 20279 OMEGA 28 2021-05-08 DAMBERG, P 15766 MONSUN 31 2021-05-22 DARJ, P 11294 FORGUS 31 2021-04-25 Denast, M 25321 MAXUM 2400 SCR 3 2021-04-25 DIMANDER, H 16142 NIMBUS 280 2021-04-25 DYBECK, L 10703 TETIS 2021-05-09 Dyrstad, J 25014 ACCENT 26 2021-05-22 Ebbesson, M 20930 ALBIN NOVA 2021-05-22 EDLUND, L 16442 BAVARIA 34 2021-05-16 Edqvist, R 20251 HANSE 375 2021-05-09 Namn Medlemsnummer Båt Sjösättningsdatum Edqvist, R 20251 NF 2021-04-24 EKEFJÄRD, A 16270 OE 32 2021-05-16 EKELÖF, A 14108 AQUADOR 33 2021-05-15 EKLÖF, O 16140 IF 2021-05-08 Emtemark, R 25253 NORDSHIP 808 2021-05-09 Enger, E 25558 MAXI 77 2021-04-25 Engman, C 25246 BELLA FALCON 26 2021-05-01 ERESTÅL, C 13049 BAVARIA 37 CRUIS 2021-05-01 ERICSSON, L 11962 H-35 2021-05-15 Ericsson, P 20032 FLIPPER 625 DC 2021-05-01 Eriksson, A 20062 FAIRLINE TARGA 3 2021-05-15 Eriksson, J 25555 TUNAKRYSSARE 2021-05-01 ERIKSSON, M 14775 X 119 2021-04-25 ERIKSSON, M 16207 BAVARIA 29 2021-05-16 ERLANDSSON, B 11018 CARRERA HELMSMAN 2021-05-01 Ernberg Von Heijne, 25476 MURENA 30 2021-05-01 Eurén, H 20069 SEA RAY SUNDANCE 2021-05-09 Fagerman, B 25332 BUSTER MAGNUM 2021-04-25 FALCK, T 10494 SAGA 26 2021-04-25 FJELKESTAM, S 12714 ALBIN VEGA 2021-05-15 FLODéN, M 10909 SUN SEEKER 35 2021-04-25 FLODIN, A 14110 AQUADOR 26C 2021-05-23 FOGEL, F 16116 VIKSUND 925 2021-04-24 FORSBERG, R 12907 MAXI 84 2021-04-24 FORSGREN, E 14962 FLIPPER 666 HT 2021-05-09 FORSMAN, A 12911 MARIEHOLM CATALI 2021-05-22 Frankeus, M 20085 FLIPPER 630 DC 2021-05-22 FRANZON, G 12438 BAVARIA 32 2021-05-22 Fredriksson, H 20043 BAVARIA 32 2021-05-08 Frentress, J 25547 MAXI 77 2021-04-25 Frid, K 25204 ARABESQUE 30 2021-04-25 Froelich, K 20303 SEA RAY 215 EC 2021-05-22 FRÖBERG, L 11481 FLIPPER 740 2021-05-09 FURNE, P 14229 MAXI 95 2021-05-22 Förberg, N 25234 FJORD 24 WEEKEND 2021-05-09 GELLERHED, L 12809 NORDIC 86 2021-05-22 GENITZ, M 12694 RJ 85 2021-05-16 Gerde, A 25247 RODMAN 800 2021-05-09 GERLICH, P 12062 CRESCENT 2021-05-23 GERLITZ, A 15045 MAXI 100 PS 2021-05-09 GLIMSTEDT, T 15740 YANMARIN 68 DC 2021-05-08 GOLAS, K 14634 GALEON GALIA 777 2021-05-02 Granqvist, C 20201 IF 2021-05-15 GRANQVIST, H 10260 RASMUS 35 2021-05-09 GREVE, J 16268 FLIPPER 640 HT 2021-05-08 GREWIN, L 16189 COMPIS 2021-05-22 GRIMÅS, C 15255 DIVA 35 2021-05-02 Grip, H 25283 ALBIN STRATUS 2021-05-01 GRIPENBERG, H 11189 IF 2021-05-22 Namn Medlemsnummer Båt Sjösättningsdatum GRIPENBERG, J 16237 LINJETT 32 2021-05-02 GUNNEMARK, V 20131 BENETEAU OCEANIS 2021-04-24 GUSTAFSSON, B 16284 STORFIDRA 2021-05-09 GUSTAFSSON, G 15343 MISIL II 2021-05-08 GUSTAFSSON, J 13060 MISIL II 2021-05-16 Gustafsson, T 20204 ALBIN NOVA 2021-05-15 Guve, M 20192 ORRSKÄR 850 2021-05-02 GYLESJÖ, F 20030 DUFOUR 365 2021-05-09 GYNNERSTEDT, P 16172 YAMARIN 2021-04-25 Gårdebäck, R 20150 YAMARIN 64 DC 2021-04-24 Gällros, C 20914 DRACO 2021-05-08 HAGBERG, U 13011 YAMARIN 79DC 2021-05-16 HAGERMAN, M 15729 MAXI 84 2021-04-25 HALLANGEN, S 15583 WINDY 9800 2021-05-16 HALLBERG, J 15493 FLIPPER 630 HT 2021-05-01 HALLGREN, J 15857 NIMBUS DC 35 2021-04-25 HAMMAR, K 15091 YAMARIN 79DC 2021-05-08 HAMMARGREN, P 15122 NIMBUS 28 DC 2021-05-22 Hansson, F 25553 WINDY 9800 2021-05-02 Hasselgren, A 20330 FLIPPER 670 DC 2021-05-02 HASSELSTEN, A 16439 HALLBERG RASSY 2021-05-08 HENE, P 16319 NOR-DAN 780 2021-05-08 Hennigan, K 25396 SEACAT 2021-04-24 Henricsson, J 20255 HANSE 37 E 2021-05-08 HENRIKSON, L 14056 X-99 2021-05-08 Henriksson, B 25210 HANSE 355 2021-05-01 HENRIKSSON, T 14457 FJORD 21 HT 2021-05-22 Herö, L 25272 FLIPPER 705 HT 2021-04-25 Heurlin, M 25180 SKILSÖ 23 2021-04-25 Hillman, O 25328 NIMBUS 28 DC 2021-05-08 HINDERSON, T 16531 STRIKER TOURING 2021-05-02 Hjerpe, A 25156 FLIPPER 670 DC 2021-05-01 Hoac, M 25510 UTTERN S55 2021-05-02 Hollström, J 25002 MERRY FISHER 795 2021-05-01 Holm, T 25169 CRANCHI 34 2021-05-15 HOLMQVIST, S 10744 ARCONA 370 2021-04-25 HOLMQVIST, Å 12381 BALT 750 2021-05-23 Holmström, P 16376 LADY HELMSMAN 2021-05-16 Holzwarth, R 20282 ALBIN VEGA 2021-04-25 HULTIN, H 10591 LINJETT 32 2021-05-23 Hustus, H 25345 FAIRLINE TARGA 3 2021-04-24 HYLL, M 15929 AQUADOR 28 2021-05-16 HYMNELIUS, M 12869 LINJETT 32 2021-04-24 Håkansson, G 25484 FLIPPER 700 2021-05-15 HÅLLFAST, K 15884 SCAMPI 30 2021-05-23 Hälleberg, U 25559 BOGHAMMAR DBR 2021-04-24 IDESTEN, R 11148 COMFORT 30 2021-05-22 Ingberg, K 25334 JEANNEAU 349 2021-04-24 INGELSTRÖM, M 15751 MARIEHOLM S 20 2021-04-25 Namn Medlemsnummer Båt Sjösättningsdatum INGEMARSSON, B 16394 FORGUS 31 2021-04-25 Isakson, M 20075 FLIPPER 630 HT 2021-05-22 Ivert, R 25427 CHAPARRAL 2021-05-16 JACOBSSON, U 12463 COMPIS 2021-05-02 JAKOBSON, M 14616 MAXUM 23 RC 2021-05-02 Jakobsson, A 25333 FJORD 900 DOLPHI 2021-05-09 JAKOBSSON, P 11460 FLIPPER 760 2021-05-22 JALONEN, V 12251 ROCK 20 2021-05-02 JANERUS, P 16578 FORTISIMO 2021-05-23 JARNESTEDT, G 16285 DEHLER 29 2021-04-24 Jedenmark, M 20005 BENETEAU OCEANIS 2021-05-23 JOHANSSON, A 15256 BAVARIA 30 2021-05-08 JOHANSSON, D 8575 MAXI 77 2021-05-01 JOHANSSON, R 12710 BAVARIA 36 CRUIS 2021-05-01 JohanssonLindström, 20206 MAXI 68 2019-04-27 JOHNSON, A 15872 SCANNER 391 2021-05-01 Johnson, H 25498 SAFIR 2021-05-09 Johnson, J 25525 SCAND 26 2021-05-22 JONASSON, M 16449 DEHLER 36 2021-05-01 Jonsson, M 14001 X 342 2021-05-08 JONSSON, S 12387 BALLAD 2021-05-16 Josefson, D 25487 FIRST 36.7 2021-05-09 Juhlin, J 25006 H-BÅT 2021-04-24 JÄGER, J 15209 BIAM 820 DC 2021-05-09 JÄGERHOLM, T 10854 NIMBUS 2021-05-15 Kantorp, L 25357 FORTISIMO 2021-05-02 KAPPLING, A 15847 AFRODITE 30 2021-05-16 KARLSSON, G 10514 FORTISIMO 2021-04-24 KARLSSON, K 14926 ALBIN 78 2021-05-01 KARLSSON, P 16427 ANCAS QUEEN 24 2021-04-25 KARLSSON, R 15539 FLIPPER 700 2021-05-15 Karpinska, M 20372 KARLSKRONA VIGGE 2021-05-08 Karpinska, M 20372 TRIO 92 2021-04-24 Kassman, A 20931 OMEGA 34 2021-05-22 Kassman, J 25543 VINGA 78 2021-04-24 Kenani Dahlgren, H 25465 RYDS 23 DC 2021-05-08 KENNE, H 10755 LUFFE 37 2021-05-16 Kihlström, S 25285 UTTERN 5500 DC 2021-05-01 Kinch, P 20289 NORDKAPP ENDURO 2021-05-15 KINNUNEN, K 16020 BUSTER
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