Congressional Record—Senate S11892
S11892 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð SENATE December 15, 2000 Sharing this experience with Bill we act, Democrats in the Senate will pended entirely, or mostly on work Cohen is his wife, Janet Langhart read the names of some of those who generated by the defense industry, and Cohen. She has been equally enthusi- have lost their lives to gun violence in they were in danger of failure. astic in her role supporting himÐand the past year, and we will continue to In an effort to help these businesses, military personnel throughout the do so every day that the Senate is in Congressman Dixon sponsored legisla- worldÐas a ``First Lady of the Pen- session. tion to assist small businesses in mak- tagon.'' In the name of those who died, we ing the difficult transition to new mar- Janet Langhart Cohen's tireless and will continue this fight. Following are kets. His efforts saved innumerable selfless work for our men and women in the names of some of the people who small businesses from going under and uniform, and their families, has been were killed by gunfire one year ago now many are thriving because of his remarkable. She has been committed today. foresight and stewardship. Most re- to making sure that the American peo- December 15, 1999: cently he was the very able Ranking ple's hearts and minds are fully joined Jerome Anderson, 26, Washington, Member of the House Permanent Se- with those who are wearing the uni- DC; Danta Dandridge, 17, Washington, lect Committee on Intelligence. He was form. Thanks to Janet Langhart DC; Diane Gibbs, 39, Atlanta, GA; a voice of reason and restraint in an Cohen, soldiers, sailors, airmen and Jimmy Gibbs, 21, Atlanta, GA; Kasmas arena that often lends itself to hyper- Marines have come to know how much Hall, 18, Miami-Dade County, FL; bole and grandstanding.
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