Environmental Monitoring Report

Project Number: 42010-013 July 2018

PRC: Southwestern Cities Development Project – Environmental Monitoring Report (No.10)

Prepared by the Project Management Office of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and the Energy and Environmental Development Research Center (EED) for the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Government and the Asian Development Bank.

This environmental monitoring report is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB’s Board of Director, Management or staff, and may be preliminary in nature.

In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area.


I. INTRODUCTION 1 A. Report Purpose and Rationale 1 B. Project Composition and Implementation Progress 1 II. INSTITUTIONAL SETUP AND RESPONSIBILITIES FOR EMP IMPLEMENTATION AND SUPERVISION 5 A. Institutional responsibilities for environmental management 5 B. Incorporation of Environmental Requirements into Project Contractual Arrangements 6 III. COMPLIANCE WITH ENVIRONMENT RELATED PROJECT COVENANTS 8 IV. ENVIRONMENTAL MITIGATIONS AND COMPENSATION MEASURES IMPLEMENTED IN THE REPORTING PERIOD 10 A. General 10 B. Observations Specific to Each Component during Site Inspection 15 1. Component F1 and F2: Urban Road Network and Related Municipal Infrastructure for City, and coastal protection and upgrading 15 2. Component C1 and C2: urban road network and related municipal infrastructure for City, and Shuikou Lake environmental improvement 19 3. Component B1: Urban road network and related infrastructure for City 19 4. Component B2: Longwang Bridge for Baise City 20 V. SUMMARY OF ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING 21 A. Monitoring plan and responsibilities 21 B. Monitoring Results 24 1. Component F1: Urban Road Network and Related Municipal Infrastructure for Fangchenggang City 24 2. Component F2: Coast environmental protection& remediation of Fangchenggang City 27 3. Component C1: Urban Road Network and Related Municipal Infrastructure for Chongzuo City 30 4. Component C2: Shuikou Lake Environmental Improvement for Chongzuo City 33 5. Component B1 and B2: Urban Road Network and Related Infrastructure for Baise City, and Longwang Bridge for Baise City Air quality 36 VI. PUBLIC CONSULTATION 37 VII. INSTITUTIONAL STRENGTHENING AND TRAINING 39 VIII. KEY ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES 42 IX. CONCLUSION 43


A. Report Purpose and Rationale

The Environmental Management Plan (EMP) has been established as an indispensable part of Environmental Impact Assessment Report, proposing appropriate mitigation measures and institutional arrangements for all phases of the Project to monitor and ensure (i) compliance with environmental regulations; and (ii) implementation of the proposed mitigation measures. To ensure continuous improvement of environmental performance during project preparation, construction and operation,the borrower/client is required to prepare semi-annual environment monitoring and progress reports that describe progress of EMP implementation, status of environmental compliance and implemented corrective actions.This is the No.9 semi-annual environmental monitoring report developed for the GSCDP.

B. Project Composition and Implementation Progress

The Guangxi Southwestern Cities Development Project is intended to improve living conditions in the three border cities of Fangchenggang, Chongzuo, and Baise in the GZAR, and enhance their ability to promote and benefit from regional cooperation. The project is estimated to cost a total of approximately $293.41 million, of which $150million will be financed by a loan from ADB and the rest from city government budgets and domestic commercial loans. The project will be implemented over 5 years, between 2011 and2015. The closing date of this project is delayed for 3 years till the end of 2018, because that Fangchenggang and Chongzuo were not able to close on time. The proposed project comprises six components in the three cities, whose description and implementation progress (by June 2018)are detailed in the table below.

Table 1: Description of Components and Implementation Progress by June 2018 Completion of project quantities– Fangchenggang

Contract Completion Content Description No. rate Branch road of FCCW- Yuzhouping 99.57% 102 andno.2, no.3 &no.5 road K1+000~K4+160 section completed road, drainage, traffic, strong and weak electrical engineering; FCCW- #1 road K4+160~K4+700 section completed graded layer 100% 103 and drainage construction; K5+000~K5+400 section completed concrete surface layer, drainage,


transportation, strong and weak electrical engineering; K5+400~K5+680 section completed right drainage project and concrete pavement construction; K5+400~K5+680 section completed drainage construction and concrete pavement construction, K5+960~K6+080 section completed pavement and drainage construction, K6+100~K6+360 section has completed left water stable layer and drainage construction. FCCW- Anbujiang 91.99% 104 Bridge Complete closure of bridge structure FCCW- Greening of Prepare for tender. 22.5% 105 road Route No.1 constructed with 2500 meters and Road No.2 Procurement with1000 meters of street lamp installation. The partial FCCW- acceptance has been given in West Tea (936m), Sha Tin & installation 101.12% 1061 Road (1568m), Jingqilubei Road (918m), and Weishan of streetlight (1360m), Route No.3(1021m) and Route No.6 (1840m). Complete foundation construction of 8 Side transformers.

Traffic FCCW- No. RoadNo. 1 complete 2000m line work, No. Road No. Control & 2completes 900m line work, all of No. Road No. 3 85.64% 107 Facilities completes 1000m, Weisan Road completes 2400m, No. Road No. 6 completes 721m Label marking.

The embankment, drainage, pavement and greening Construction works of the Yuzhouping K0+000~K3+540 section; FCCW- embankment foundation and drainage works of of coastal 58.91% 201 K8+880~K7+280 and K4+000~k4+700 section (total 2300 dyke meters); riprap reclamation of K7+280~K6+695 section (total 585 meters); asphalt concrete pavement of K8+880~K7+700 segments (total 1180 meters). Completion of the main acceptance, and start to decorate. Finish work of wall net and guniting and plastering construction of inside and outside wall. Finish the indoor brick paving. Finish the exterior wall painting FCCW- Mangrove construction. Complete the roof protection bar. Finish 96.83% 202 Square the roof insulation and insulation. Complete the installation of pipeline and lamps. Finish the door and window installation. At present, indoor walls are under putty repair process, and replanting is resumed for better greening.

Completion of project quantities–Chongzuo

1 FCCW106 is applying the contract variation because the workload is beyond the contract. Therefore, the completion is more than 100%. Previously, FCCW103 had the similar situation before contract variation.


Contract Completion Content Description No. rate Subgrade of Chengnan 9th Road: all the roadbed works, bridge works, Chengnan 9th CZCW- drainage works, sidewalk workshave been completed. road and 100% Liancheng Road: All the roadbed works, bridge works, 101 Liancheng drainage works, sidewalk workshave been completed. road

Beiwei 2nd Road: The K0 + 000 ~ K2 + 220 section of all roadbed works, pavement works, sidewalk works and K0 + Subgrade of 000 ~ K3 + 000 and change the line section of about Beiwei 2nd CZCW- 1.1km drainage workshave been completed. K2 + 500 ~ road and K3 + 000 section of the drainage works, K0 +020 ~ K2 100% 102 st Zhongyi +220 section of the sidewalk project; Zhong 1 Road: All Road the roadbed works, drainage works, pavement works, sidewalk works. Completion of the K0 + 800 ~ K1 + 710 (end) segment roadbed, pavement and sidewalk workshave been completed. Shijinglin CZCW- Road (54m, All has been completed 100% 103 Subgrade+ pavement)

All asphalt works of Chengnan 9th Road of CZCW- Road K0+000~K1+300 has been completed, All asphalt works of Liancheng Road South Section of K0+460~K2+780, All 100% 104 pavement asphalt works of Beiwei 2nd Road K0+020~K2+280 have been completed.From Chongyi road K0 + 800 to the end of the asphalt layer. Completion of the whole media divider and sidewalk th CZCW- Road greening work of the City South 9 road and Liancheng Southern section, from the Northern Latitude 2th road 100% 105 landscaping origin to the intersection with Chong 1th Road, and the whole Chong 1th Road.. Procurement CZCW- of Street Complete all the street lighting procurement and installation. But some cable is stolen. 100% 106 Light and Installation Procurement and CZCW- installation of 22% 107 Completed the procurement of street lamp maintenance traffic control car. facilities Shuikou Lake CZCW- Rehabilitation All has been completed 100% 201 Works


Completion of project quantities– Baise

Contract Completion Content Description No. rate BSCW- Chengnan 100% 101 ring road All has been completed BSCW- Longwang 100% 102 Bridge



A. Institutional responsibilities for environmental management

To actively respond the requirements in Project Agreement, institutionally a vertical framework with 3 levels had been set up for the project environmental management, which is in full consistence with the description in the SEIA developed during project preparation in February 2010:

Level 1: GPMO, which is established under the executing agency, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region government (GZARG), is located in the GZAR Development and Reform Commission (GDRC), and is headed by the director general of GDRC. GPMO draws its members from GDRC, GZAR Finance Department, GEPD, and GZAR Land Resources Bureau. The GPMO has set up an Environment Management Unit (EMU) since the beginning of the project, with 1 dedicated staff in order to take its overall responsibility for supervising EMP implementation and reporting to ADB.

Level 2: PICs (POCs for operation phase), which have nominated 1~2 employees each in charge of EMP implementation, reporting to GPMO periodically.

Level 3: Contractors/Supervisors, which have nominated 1~2 full-time staff in charge of daily environment management, reporting to PICs periodically during construction.

Besides abovementioned three levels, GEPD and city EPBs also organize on-site inspection, supervise thefulfillment and effectiveness of environment protection measures, and provide comments and recommendations regularly or from time to time.

It is known that the independent environmental monitor (IEM) (as part of the loan implementation consultancy engaged through international competitive bidding) will soon be mobilized to support the GZARG, GPMO, PICs and POCs in EMP implementation (carrying out training program and preparing semiannual EMP progress reports).

The following figure summarizes the institutional structure/relationship of various agencies involved in EMP implementation and their specific responsibilities.


Figure 1: Implemented Institutional Structure of EMP Implementation for GSCDP




Contractors EMS Supervisor

Supervision Coordination Cooperation Consultation

and feedback

B. Incorporation of Environmental Requirements into Project Contractual Arrangements

In compliance with the agreed Project Agreement, the environmental requirements have been incorporated into contractual arrangements of all the components throughout bidding and contracting process, including relevant mitigation and monitoring measures specified in the EIA, SEIA and EMP. The details are provided in the table below.

Table 2: Incorporation of Environmental Requirements into Contractual Arrangements by Each Component

Contractual Arrangements of No. of Component (Y/N/NA) No. Environmental Requirements F1 F2 C1 C2 B1 B2 Environmental provisions as cited in 1 the EMP of the SEIA will be included Y Y Y Y Y Y in the Requests for Proposals. An environmental section will be 2 Y Y Y Y Y Y included in the TOR for bidders.


Environmental clauses for contractors in reference to the implementation of 3 the EMP and monitoring plan will be Y Y Y Y Y Y included in the construction and supply contracts. Note: Y-Yes; N-No; NA-Not Applicable.



All the environment-related project covenants have been complied with or are being complied with, as summarized in the table below.

Table 3: Compliance with Environment-related Project Covenants

No. of Environment-related Project Covenants Compliance Status Section Loan Agreement Article IV: Particular Covenants The Borrower shall cause GZARG to carry out the Project with due diligence and Being complied with. in conformity with sound administrative, financial, engineering, environmental and 4.01(a)

urban development practices. Schedule 5: Execution of Project and Operation of Project Facilities GZARG, FMG, CMG and BMG shall, and shall cause the PICs to, ensure that all Being complied with. the project implantation procedures agreed upon with ADB be followed, including 4

environmental and social safeguard requirements. Project Agreement Article II: Particular Covenants FMG, CMG and BMG shall cause the respective concerned PICs to at all times conduct their business in accordance with sound administrative, financial, 2.11 (b) Being complied with. environmental, urban roads and urban development practices, and under the supervision of competent and experienced management and personnel. FMG, CMG and BMG shall cause the respective concerned PICs to, at all times The branch project of Baise is operate and maintain their plants, equipment and other property, and from time to under implementation , other time, promptly as needed, make all necessary repairs and renewals thereof, all in 2.11 (c) branch projects are under accordance with sound administrative, financial, engineering, environmental, construction,not applicable. urban roads, urban development, and maintenance and operational practices. Schedule: Execution of Project Project Implementation Company and Project Implementation Arrangement GZARG, FMG, CMG, and BMG shall, and shall cause the PICs to, ensure that all Being complied with. the project implementation procedures agreed upon with ADB be followed, 6

including environmental and social safeguard requirements. Environment GZARG, FMG, CMG and BMG shall, and shall cause PICs to, ensure that all the Project facilities under the Project be constructed, operated, maintained, and monitored in strict conformity with: (a) all applicable environmental laws and regulations, policies, procedures and guidelines of the Borrower, including national and local regulations and standards 20(a) Being complied with. for environmental protection, health, labor, and occupation safety; (b) ADB Environmental Policy and related operational procedures; 20(b) Being complied with. (c) the environmental mitigation and monitoring measures detailed in the 20(c) Being complied with. approved EIA, SEIA and the related EMP. GZARG, FMG, CMG and BMG shall, and shall cause PICs to, ensure that (a) any adverse environmental impacts arising from the Project be minimized by implementing the mitigations measures recommended in the EIA, SEIA, and 21(a) Being complied with. EMP; (b) justifications be provided for any proposed major changes to such mitigation Being complied with. No major measures required during the detailed design, construction, and operation and 21(b) change so far. maintenance of the project facilities; (c) the civil work contracts entered into with contractors under the Project include obligations of the contractors for environmental protection, including 21(c) Being complied with. relevant mitigation and monitoring measures specified in the EIA, SEIA, and EMP. GZARG, FMG, CMG and BMG shall, and shall cause PICs to, ensure that all the sludge, dredged materials, and solid waste generated in the course of implementation of the Project be disposed of in accordance with the national and 22 Being complied with. local laws and regulations, and that such disposal shall create no significant risk of secondary pollution. GZARG, FMG, CMG and BMG shall, and shall cause PICs to, ensure (a) timely elaborating and updating of the mitigation measures included in the 23(a) Being complied with. EIA, SEIA and the related EMP during engineering design,


No. of Environment-related Project Covenants Compliance Status Section (b) designate an environmental focal point to ensure effective implementation 23(b) Being complied with. of the EMP, (c) timely implementation of the mitigation measures specified in EIA, SEIA 23(c) Being complied with. and EMP, Being complied with. No.1 semi-annual (second half of 2013) environmental monitoring report was submitted to ADB for review in January 2014; No.2 (first half of 2014) report (d) regular environmental monitoring of implementation of EMP, be conducted submitted to ADB in Oct 2014; No.3 by an independent agency acceptable to ADB, which shall prepare and submit to (second half of 2014) report ADB the external environmental monitoring report on a semi-annual basis.Such submitted to ADB in May 2015; reports shall be provided to ADB from the commencement of Project No.4 (first half of 2015) report implementation until the Project completion and shall include submitted to ADB in Dec. 2015; (a) progress made on mitigation measures and monitoring, 23(d) No.5(second half of 2015) report (b) restoration, condition, and return of land temporarily acquired during submitted to ADB in Feb. construction, 2016.No.6 (first half year of 2016) (c) problems encountered, and report submitted in August 2016. (d)a corrective action plan in the event of any violation of the Borrower’s No.7 (second half of 2016) report environmental standards, rules, regulations or laws having occurred. submitted to ADB in Feb. 2017. No.8 (first half year of 2017) report submitted to ADB in July 2017. No. 9 was submitted in Feb. 2018.This current report is No.10(first half of 2018) semi-annual environmental monitoring report. GZARG, FMG, CMG, BMG shall, and shall cause PICs to, in cooperation with the responsible agencies, ...... 26 Being complied with. (b) ensure that public environmental awareness and education programs on health and hygiene behavior and properly managing wastewater and solid waste disposal.



A. General

As described in Chapter I, there are four components under construction during this reporting period, two components are under operation phase. Accordingly, the component EMPs have been executed for all the components under construction, as summarized in the following table.

Table 4: Summary of Potential Impacts, Mitigation Measures and Current Implementation Status during Construction (by December2017)

Environme Potential Impacts Mitigation Measures Proposed in Component Implementation Status nt Factor /Issues EMP

Pre-construction Phase

Site and The recommended sites and routes for the Site and alignment selection was carried out based alignment individual components were selected from on both environmental and land use considerations selection various alternatives to minimized verse impacts for all the components. on the environment and land resources.  Complied with Engineering Alternative analysis using environmental and Engineering and technical alternatives were and technical economic criteria has been done for each evaluated based on predefined environmental alternatives component. and economic criteria. EIA and  Complied with FSR stage The project designed and suggested a new Special analysis on the adaptability of project design Sector urban development strategy that feeds into the to local master plan and sector strategy included in strategy updates of city urban master plans with the goal each component EIA Report. of safe and sustainable urban development, with  Complied with full access to environmental amenities. Several rounds of broad public consultations At least two rounds of public consultation have been Public have been conducted on environmental issues, carried out during the preparation of each component consultation poverty, and resettlement during the course of EIA. feasibility studies and EIA and SEIA  Complied with preparations. Mitigation measures defined in each individual Mitigation measures defined in each individual EMP Design EMP updates EMP will be reviewed, updated, and has been reviewed with necessary updates during stage incorporated into the detailed design to minimize the preparation of detailed design. adverse environmental impacts.  Complied with - Environmental provisions as cited in the EMP of the SEIA will be included in the Requests for Bidding Proposals. Environmental section was included in TOR for document - An environmental section will be included in the bidders, and environmental clauses were included in sandcontracto TOR for bidders. construction contracts for all the ongoing rs’ - Environmental clauses for contractors in components. qualification Bidding reference to the implementation of the EMP and  Complied with and monitoring plan will be included in the constructio construction and supply contracts. n preparation Environmental Environmental operation and supervision manual has operation and Contractors will be required to prepare an been prepared by each component contractor and supervision environmental operation and supervision approved by the PIC. manual manual, for approval by the PIC.  Complied with

Complaint and - A complaint and information office will be Established under PIC with responsible F1 information established or a responsible person appointed staff Complied with


Environme Potential Impacts Mitigation Measures Proposed in Component Implementation Status nt Factor /Issues EMP office or before construction begins. Established under PIC with responsible F2 appointed - Office staff will be well trained to handle conflicts staff Complied with person with residents resulting from environmental C1 Established under PIC with responsible impacts. C2 staff Complied with B1 Established under PIC with responsible B2 staff Complied with Environment specialists and/or officials from Environ- GEPD will be invited to provide training to mental Relevant on-job training has been provided by GEPD relevant persons (and especially construction protectiontrain for all the on-going components during regular engineers and managers) on implementation ing inspection. Complied with and supervision of environmental mitigation measures. RP updated and being implemented. F1 - A resettlement office comprising local Complied with government officials will be established to RP updated and being implemented. F2 manage the resettlement process. Complied with - Information dissemination and community Taking of land consultation programs will be conducted in C1 Rp being implemented. Complied with and property accordance with the PRC Land Administration Rp updated and being implemented. C2 Law and ADB's Involuntary Resettlement Policy  Complied with (1995). Rp updated and being implemented. B1 - All resettlement activities will be reasonably  Complied with completed before construction starts on any Rp updated and being implemented. component. B2  Complied with EMC engaged before starting construction. F1  Complied with EMC engaged before starting construction. F2  Complied with EMC engaged before starting construction. Engagement C1 Prior to starting construction, an environmental  Complied with of EMC management company will be engaged. EMC engaged before starting construction. C2  Complied with EMC engaged before starting construction. B1  Complied with EMC engaged before starting construction. B2  Complied with F1 F2 Engagement Prior to starting construction, an IEM (as part of C1 of IEM the loan implementation consultancy) will be The IEM accessed to the site in March 2014. engaged through QCBS. C2 B1 B2 Construction Phase

- Excavation activities will not be undertaken on F1  Complied with days with rainstorms. - Topsoil will be striped and stockpiled with F2  Complied with retaining walls built where necessary before dumping. C1  Complied with Excavation - Temporary detention ponds or containment to control silt runoff will be provided. C2  Complied with - Intercepting ditches and chutes will be Soil erosion constructed to prevent outside runoff from B1  Complied with entering disposal sites, and to divert runoff from sites to existing drainage or ponds. B2  Complied with

- All soils will be used as onsite refill and F1  Complied with Transport and landscaping materials. disposal of F2  Complied with - Settling ponds will be built in construction sites. soils Soils in settling ponds will be cleared for use as C1  Complied with refill materials. C2  Complied with


Environme Potential Impacts Mitigation Measures Proposed in Component Implementation Status nt Factor /Issues EMP B1  Complied with B2  Complied with F1  Complied with F2  Complied with Soil loss from - Straw or cloth will be laid at the entry and exist of construction each construction site. C1  Complied with vehicles - The tires of construction vehicles will be regularly C2  Complied with cleaned of soil. B1  Complied with B2  Complied with F1  Complied with F2  Complied with Exposed Re-vegetation with trees and grass will be C1  Complied with surfaces undertaken as soon as refill and land leveling is complete. C2  Complied with B1  Complied with B2  Complied with F1  Complied with F2  Complied with Siltation in Siltation in water bodies will be minimized C1  Complied with water bodies through effective implementation of recommended mitigation measures. C2  Complied with B1  Complied with B2  Complied with F1  Complied with Wastewater - All construction camps are located in the urban F2  Complied with from area, and therefore wastewater from construction C1  Complied with construction camps will be diverted to municipal sewers. camps - Unauthorized dumping of wastewater will be C2  Complied with prohibited. B1  Complied with B2  Complied with

- A construction materials handling protocol (e.g., F1  Complied with storage away from watercourses and provision of retention areas to contain accidental spills of F2  Complied with Water such toxichazardous, and harmful construction materials such as caustic and acidic substances, Quality oil and petroleum products, and asphalt C1  Complied with Handling of materials) will be prepared and applied to chemicals prevent soil and surface and ground water C2  Complied with pollution. - Workers (and especially painters)will be trained on safe and diligent handling of chemicals to B1  Complied with avoid accidental spills, and on emergency response should a spill occur. - A prevention and emergency response plan will B2  Complied with be developed and implemented. Increased suspended solids from Dredging methods will be evaluated and the C2  Complied with dredging at most suitable method(s) will be adopted. Shuikou Lake

F1  Complied with

Solid waste Dumping of construction solid waste and F2  Complied with garbage into water bodies will be prohibited. C1  Complied with C2  Complied with


Environme Potential Impacts Mitigation Measures Proposed in Component Implementation Status nt Factor /Issues EMP B1  Complied with B2  Complied with F1  Complied with

Prior to demolition, houses will be searched and F2  Complied with Household cleared of household chemicals and any other C1  Complied with chemicals toxic substances; these will be sent to the municipal toxic wastes depository for safe C2  Complied with disposal. B1  Complied with B2  Complied with F1  Complied with Dust from F2  Complied with material delivery and Vehicles delivering granular and/or fine C1  Complied with construction materials to the sites must be covered. C2  Complied with vehicles B1  Complied with B2  Complied with

- Materials storage sites must be300m from F1  Complied with residential areas and covered or sprayed with water. F2  Complied with - Extra care will be taken during dryads with strong Dust from winds, by more frequent spraying of water and C1  Complied with construction covering of dust sources. sites - Water will be sprayed on construction sites twice C2  Complied with per day. - Upon completion of civil works, all construction B1  Complied with Air Quality sites will be required to be re-vegetated with trees and grass. B2  Complied with

F1  Complied with - All roads and pavement used by contractors’ or F2  Complied with Dust from suppliers’ vehicles will be kept clean and clear of all dust, mud, or extraneous materials dropped construction C1  Complied with by these vehicles. Such cleaning will be roads undertaken on a regular basis. C2  Complied with - Water will be sprayed on access roads twice per B1  Complied with day. B2  Complied with F1  Complied with - Vehicle emissions will comply withGB18352- F2  Complied with Emissions 2005, GB17691-2005,GB 11340-2005, GB3847- from vehicles 2005and GB18285-2005. C1  Complied with and - Equipment and machinery emissions must equipment comply withGB16297-1996. C2  Complied with - A regular inspection and certification system will B1  Complied with be initiated. B2  Complied with F1  Complied with - Noise from equipment and machinery will comply withGB12523-1990. F2  Complied with Noise from - An adequate route must be provided to keep equipment C1  Complied with large trucks away from residential areas. and vehicles - At construction sites within 500 m of the nearest C2  Complied with Noise habitation, noisy construction work will stop B1  Complied with between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. B2  Complied with F1  Complied with Demolition House demolition at construction sites will be F2  Complied with required to stop between 10 p.m. and 6:30 a.m. C1  Complied with


Environme Potential Impacts Mitigation Measures Proposed in Component Implementation Status nt Factor /Issues EMP C2  Complied with B1  Complied with B2  Complied with F1 No complaint so far Complied with - Interviews with residents living adjacent to construction sites will be conducted on a weekly F2 No complaint so far Complied with Community st basis to identify community complaints about No complaint by 1 half year Complied complaints C1 noise, and seek suggestions from community with about noise members to reduce noise-related annoyance. C2 No complaint so far Complied with - Community suggestions will be used to adjust B1 No complaint so far Complied with the work hours of noise-generating machinery. B2 No complaint so far Complied with F1  Complied with - Multi-compartment collection bins will be Domestic provided to facilitate reuse, recycling and F2  Complied with waste from composting of solid waste. C1  Complied with construction - Waste will be stored away from water bodies and camps will be regularly collected by the city sanitation C2  Complied with bureau and hauled to the municipal sanitary B1  Complied with landfill. B2  Complied with Dredged sediment will be processed in a manner not causing nuisance and used for urban Dredged landscaping. The dredged sediments will be Solid sediment at contained ingeotubes that will be placed in a Dredging is done. C2 Waste Shuikou Lake storage site lined with geo-textile membrane to  Complied with prevent leakage into ground water. The storage site will be thoroughly cleaned after the sediments are used up. F1  Complied with - Professional demolition companies will be contracted to carry out housing demolition. F2  Complied with Construction - Reusable and recyclable materials (such as C1  Complied with solid wastes bricks, windows and doors, and steel bars) will be collected for reuse and recycle. The C2  Complied with remaining construction wastes will be transported B1  Complied with to the municipal landfill. B2  Complied with F1  Complied with - Existing vegetation will be preserved where no F2  Complied with construction activity is planned; where activity is Impact on planned for a later, the vegetation will be C1  Complied with Vegetation flora temporarily preserved. - Disposal and borrow sites will be rehabilitated C2  Complied with into grassland, woodland, or farmland after B1  Complied with closing. B2  Complied with RP updated and being implemented. F1 Complied with

F2 RP is under implementation. Complied with

All affected persons will be compensated and C1 RP being implemented. Complied with Resettlement resettled in a timely and adequate manner, in Social and RP updated and being implemented. accordance with the resettlement plans. C2 cultural  Complied with considerati RP updated and being implemented. ons B1  Complied with RP updated and being implemented. B2  Complied with - Interim roads will be built where needed. F1  Complied with Traffic jam or - Transport routes will be selected to reduce block F2  Complied with disturbance to regular traffic. - Traffic will be diverted at peak traffic hours, and C1  Complied with


Environme Potential Impacts Mitigation Measures Proposed in Component Implementation Status nt Factor /Issues EMP areas reinstated to their original condition on C2  Complied with completion of construction. B1  Complied with B2  Complied with No identification of cultural heritage site so F1 far  Complied with - Cultural heritage sites will be preserved where No identification of cultural heritage site so F2 identified. In accordance with PRC regulations, far  Complied with no person shall destroy damage, deface, No identification of cultural heritage site so Cultural conceal, or otherwise interfere with a relic. C1 far  Complied with heritage - If an important site is unearthed, work should be No identification of cultural heritage site so stopped immediately and the matter promptly C2 far  Complied with referred to the county, municipal, provincial, or No identification of cultural heritage site so state-level agencies for evaluation and a decision B1 regarding appropriate actions. far  Complied with No identification of cultural heritage site so B2 far  Complied with

With the implementation of mitigation measures listed above, no significant environmental impact has been resulted from project implementation so far. By the end of this reporting period, the implemented individual EMPs are considered effective and satisfactory.

B. Observations Specific to Each Component during Site Inspection

1. Component F1 and F2: Urban Road Network and Related Municipal Infrastructure for Fangchenggang City, and coastal protection and upgrading

In March and June 2018, the ADB delegation conducted mission survey on F1 and F2. During the inspection, it was found that among others, construction waste was not cleaned, construction materials were randomly stacked, and paving asphalt was not under necessary safety production. After discovering the problem, the client conducted in-depth investigations, carefully analyzed the reasons, and formulated rectification plans for rectification and mitigation measures specified in the environmental management plan in accordance with Fangchenggang Subproject Office, contract contractor and construction supervision unit. In the following project construction activities, most of the mitigation measures specified in the project environmental management plan were effectively implemented, which alleviated the environmental impact of the project construction.

i. Urban Road Network and Related Municipal Infrastructure (F1) Road and Dark River Bridge: It was found that there were still potential problems of water quality and dust pollution on the road surface of No. 2 Road, Jianzheng Road and the construction site of the Anpujiang Bridge. Building materials for No. 2 and No. 5 roads are randomly stacked. Some workers in the Anpujiang Bridge site did not wear helmets. At the same time, the asphalt mixture used in road construction will produce harmful pollutants, which will cause health hazards to construction workers without wearing masks.


At present, the Client has sent a letter to the construction unit to supervise and urge the workers on the construction site of the Anpujiang Bridge to wear safety helmets and masks to carry out operations, and they will prevent such situations from happening again. At the same time, the construction unit has promised that the road will be maintained by the company during construction, and the road surface will be cleaned according to acceptance criteria before the acceptance of the ADB in March 2019.

Fangchenggang Road network Engineering construction- Road No.5

Fangchenggang Road network Engineering construction- Road No.2


Aipujiang Bridge ii. Coastal protection and upgrading (F2) Mangrove Plaza: It was found that the construction waste is not properly disposed in the Mangrove Square, and the construction site of the Mangrove Square was not completely closed. At present, the construction contractor has cleaned up the construction waste piled up in the Mangrove Plaza, and the construction materials are sorted and stacked, and the construction enclosure is completed to reduce the phenomenon of bare ground on the construction site. Seawall: According to the report of the Fangchenggang Municipal Government and the project implementation unit, the Municipality Investment Company is in the process of the contract variation without any construction.in the first half of the year. However, there have been weeds and littering around the project site. At present, the construction unit has carried out mitigations.


Mangrove Plaza before Mitigation Measures

Mangrove Plaza after Mitigation Measures

Cleaning Seawall


2. Component C1 and C2: urban road network and related municipal infrastructure for Chongzuo City, and Shuikou Lake environmental improvement

Overall, the subcomponent of Chongzuo progressed smoothly. With subcomponent activities, MPMO and contractors and construction supervision units seriously conducted mitigation measures in project environmental management plan. Greening project is finishedHowever, some cable was stolen. The suggestion for the work is shown as following: (1) The Chongzuo PMO should collect information on the installation and maintenance of environmental monitoring equipment in the loan implementation. Clarify the responsibilities of all parties, establish a clear guide to the implementation of environmental management; (2) Construction site should strengthen the safeguard work in case of any more stealing.

The Chongzuo IA had commissioned Chongzuo environmental monitoring station did not support with data because of expiration of the contract. By the end of the reported period, no environmental accident or complaint occurred in the implementation.

Greening project on Beiwei 2nd Road Zhongyi Road in Chongzuo

3. Component B1: Urban road network and related infrastructure for Baise City

B1 subcomponent construction was completed in July 2014, and the project completion environmental inspection was accepted in February 2015. Project completion environmental performance review found that all of the environmental mitigation measures in the EIA report proposed, involving drainage and sewage treatment, noise control, air pollution control, transplant& protection of ancient trees, landscaping and soil conservation has been implemented in the construction process, with a total investment of (approximately 1.31% of the total project investment) 5.19 million yuan. Environmental


monitoring results are fully in line with the applicable national standards. Resettlement compensation of the project has been completed. Implementation of the project has not received any environmental complaints. Consultants have reminded implementation party to start the operations of the environmental management plan since March 2015.

4. Component B2: Longwang Bridge for Baise City

B1 subcomponent construction was completed in April 2014, in September 2014 the project completed environmental acceptance. Project completion environmental performance review found that all of the specific environmental projects in the EIA report proposed mitigation measures, involving drainage &sewage treatment, noise control, air pollution control, migration and the protection of trees, landscaping and soil conservation have been implemented in the construction process, with a total investment of (approximately 1.86% of the total project investment) 3.51 million yuan. Environmental monitoring results are fully in line with the applicable national standards. Resettlement compensation of the project has been completed. Implementation of the project has not received any environmental complaints. Consultants have reminded implementation party to start the operations of the environmental management plan since January 2015.



A. Monitoring plan and responsibilities

The environmental monitoring programs developed as part of SEIA and individual EMPs (as summarized in the table below) have been implemented by PICs in order to evaluate the following:

(i) extent and severity of environmental impacts; (ii) compliance with related rules and regulations; and (iii) overall effectiveness of the Project EMP with actions taken as necessary based on the monitoring results.

The monitoring has been implemented by following the methodology provided in the national standard for monitoring environmental indicators and pollutants. Considering current project progress, the monitoring programs for each ongoing component are limited to the internal monitoring implemented by EMCs during construction phase.

Table 5: Summary of Implemented Environmental Monitoring Program for GSCDP

Implementation Item Parameters Location Time and Frequency Status (Y/N/NA) A. Construction (Internal Monitoring) F1 Y, semiannually F2 Y, semiannually C1 Y, monthly C2 Y, monthly N, environment For each component, a inspection & 3samples each time, at minimum of 2locations acceptance has 1. Surface pH, NH -N,TN, TP, beginning of B1 3 on the river upstream completed. water BOD,COD, oils construction and and downstream of the Processed to quarterly thereafter construction site operation stage N, environment inspection & acceptance has B2 completed. Processed to operation stage F1 Y, semiannually F2 Y, semiannually C1 Y, monthly C2 Y, monthly 2 monitoring locations 3 samples at each N, environment 2. Air TSP, PM10, NO2 for each construction location each time, site semiannually inspection & acceptance has B1 completed. Processed to operation stage


Implementation Item Parameters Location Time and Frequency Status (Y/N/NA) N, environment inspection & acceptance has B2 completed. Processed to operation stage F1 Y, semiannually F2 Y, semiannually C1 Y, monthly C2 Y, monthly Twice (during both day 1 location at the border and night each time) Y, environment with settlements within 3. Noise Leq (dB(A)) monthly during peak inspection & 200m of construction B1 construction, quarterly acceptance has site otherwise completed. Y, environment inspection & B2 acceptance has completed. Y, for all ongoing Removal of components, 4. Soil and Visual inspection vegetationand exposed All sites implemented as part vegetation weekly surface of individual water and soil control plan. Y, local environment inspection Sludge sampling and Dredged sludge, administration testing will be including grain size,% has analyzed conducted at 6evenly solids, density or the sludge distributed monitoring specific gravity, to samples, the 5. Dredged points once prior to talorganic carbon, Cd, Shuikou Lake C2 concentration sludge commencement of Cr, Cu, Pb, Hg, Ni, Zn of .Cd, Cr, Cu, dredging. and organic and Pb, Hg, Ni, Zn Visual inspection organo-metallic and organic and and measurement, compounds. organo-metallic weekly. compound sare below detection limit. B. Engineering completion environment inspection & acceptance N, not F1 completed N, not F2 completed N, not C1 completed 3 samples at each C2 N, completed 2 monitoring point for 1. air TSP location each time, every construction site semiannually N, environment inspection & B1 acceptance has completed. N, environment inspection & B2 acceptance has completed. At least set 4 2 samples for every N, not 2. noise Leq (dB(A)) F1 monitoring points, the monitoring point completed


Implementation Item Parameters Location Time and Frequency Status (Y/N/NA) points should be N, not F2 arranged at project completed border and N, not sensitive spot C1 completed

C2 N, completed N, environment inspection B1 &acceptance has completed. N, environment inspection & B2 acceptance has completed.

3. soil & Vegetation recover and Y, B1 and B2 has All construction sites Visual inspection vegetation landscape construction been implemented

Y, the sediment 4. Dredged Recycling and city is used for Shuikou Lake Visual inspection C2 sediment landscape construction vegetation and backfilling

C. Operation period (generally monitoring)

N, not F1 completed N, not F2 completed N, not C1 One monitoring point completed Semiannually, 3 1. Air TSP, PM for every construction C2 N, completed 10 samples per day site Y, PMO get the B1 data of EPA semiannually Y, PMO get the B2 data of EPA semiannually N, not F1 completed N, not At least set 4 F2 monitoring points, the completed Per every two months, points should be N, not two samples every time C1 2. noise Leq (dB(A)) arranged at project completed (including day and border and nigh) C2 N, completed sensitive spot Y, PMO get the B1 data of EPA semiannually


Implementation Item Parameters Location Time and Frequency Status (Y/N/NA) Y, PMO get the B2 data of EPA semiannually

3. soil & Vegetation recover and Visual inspection, one Y, B1 and B2 has All construction site vegetation landscape construction time annually been implemented

Y, the sediment Visual inspection, one 4. Dredged Recycling and city is used for Shuikou Lake time monthly, until the sediment landscape construction vegetation and sediment is used up backfilling

Note: Y-Yes; N-No; NA-Not applicable.

B. Monitoring Results

During this reporting period, the environmental monitoring results provided by PICs of four ongoing components are summarized in the following sections. All the detected incompliance will be highlighted with corrective measures proposed and implemented in the following assessment.

1. Component F1: Urban Road Network and Related Municipal Infrastructure for Fangchenggang City

a. Air quality

Table6: Monitoring data of component F1 (Jan. – Jun. 2018)

3 3 TSPμg/m ) NO2μg/m ) Monitoring Spot Date Hourly concentration Daily average concentration 144 N1 10m to the northeast of the joint 2018-4-12 15 140 of no.III road and no.II road 2018-4-13 14 149 N2 10m to the north of Longteng 2018-4-12 18 Road (no.IV road) 2018-4-13 154 17 142 N3 10m to the southeast of joint 2018-4-12 14 ofno.II road and no.V road 2018-4-13 144 15 144 N4 10m to the north of the joint of 2018-4-12 14 the Wanxin Road and no.3 road 2018-4-13 147 16 N5 North of the Jianzheng Road 2018-4-12 147 13


3 3 TSPμg/m ) NO2μg/m ) Monitoring Spot Date Hourly concentration Daily average concentration (10m to the east of the joint with 146 2018-4-13 14 Taozhong Road) N6 10m to the east of the joint of 2018-4-12 142 14 the Jianzheng Road and Tianliao 2018-4-13 141 13 5th street N7 10m to the west of the joint of 2018-4-12 137 12 th Tianliao 1 street and Longshan 135 North Road 2018-4-13 11

N8 10m to the north of the joint of 2018-4-12 122 11 Longfeng Road and Xicha 1st 2018-4-13 124 11 Street N9 10m to the north of the joint of 2018-4-12 125 12 the Jianzheng Road and Shadun 2018-4-13 130 13 2st Street 154 N10 10m to the south of the end of 2018-4-12 16 st the Xicha 5 Street 2018-4-13 151 15

Class II, air condition standardGB3095-1996 ≤300 ≤120

Note: TSP concentration is the average value at that day.

The monitoring result analysis demonstrated that air quality of subproject F1 met the standard and regulation, but the monitoring results of PM10 was not provided.

b. Noise

Table 7:Monitoring data of component F1 (July - December 2017) Unit:dB(A)

Value, Value, Monitoring spot Date Leq,dB Monitoring spot Date Leq,dB A A 2018-4-10 2018-4-10 51.2 N14Family Planning 52.1 N1 10m to the northeast of the Bureau in Gangkou 2018-4-11 2018-4-11 joint of no.III road and no.II road 51.8 52.5

2018-4-10 2018-4-10 52.3 n 52.7 N2 10m to the north of Longteng N15Peopl’s court i Gangkou district Road (no.IV road) 2018-4-11 2018-4-11 52.4 53.5 2018-4-10 2018-4-10 51.4 N16 Government 53.2 N3 10m to the southeast of joint offices in Gangkou of no.II road and no.V road 2018-4-11 2018-4-11 51.8 district 52.7 2018-4-10 2018-4-10 50.1 N17 The traffic police 52.0 N4 10m to the north of the joint of group in Gangkou 2018-4-11 2018-4-11 the Wanxin Road and no.3 road 49.2 district 51.4

2018-4-10 2018-4-10 N5 North of the Jianzheng Road 52.8 N18 Warehouse of 53.8


(10m to the east of the joint with 2018-4-11 customs in Gangkou 2018-4-11 53.3 52.7 Taozhong Road) district 2018-4-10 2018-4-10 N6 10m to the east of the joint of 49.1 N19Hangang real 51.2 the Jianzheng Road and Tianliao estate company in th 2018-4-11 2018-4-11 5 street 48.6 Gangkou district 50.8 N7 10m to the north of the joint of 2018-4-10 47.2 2018-4-10 52.2 st N20Linfanming’s home Longfeng Road and Xicha 1 st on baijilong 1 Road Street 2018-4-11 2018-4-11 47.5 52.5

2018-4-10 52.4 N21Yanchunzhang’s 2018-4-10 53.4 N810m to the north of the joint of st home on Xicha 1 the Jianzheng Road and Shadun 2018-4-11 2018-4-11 st Road 2 Street 53.3 53.0

2018-4-10 2018-4-10 52.0 N22zhoujingyuan’s 51.5 N910m to the south of the end of home on Xicha 2nd st 2018-4-11 2018-4-11 the Xicha 5 Street 51.5 Road 52.3

2018-4-10 2018-4-10 53.4 N23 52.8 N10Yeweijingjia near Jianzheng Hetanshi’s home on Road 2018-4-11 th 2018-4-11 52.9 Xicha 4 Road 52.4 2018-4-10 2018-4-10 N11 Construction Bureau in 48.6 51.6 nd N24 Gangkou districtShadun 2 Zhuyehuei’s home 2018-4-11 on Xicha 5th Road 2018-4-11 Street 49.5 52.1 2018-4-10 52.7 N25Zhangguohua’s 2018-4-10 52.2 N12 Government Hostels in th Gangkou district 港口区政府宿舍 home on Xicha 6 2018-4-11 Road 2018-4-11 Shadun 1st Street 53.1 53.0

st 2018-4-10 51.8 N13Linlihua’s Hone on Dacun 1 Road 2018-4-11 Standard Limit value: 70dBA 52.1 Note: During the first half of 2017, there is no construction at night.

Based on the data in Table 7, the noise level of component F1 has reached the standards.

c. Seawater quality

Table 8: Seawater monitoring data of component F1 (Jan - Jun 2018)

Standard limit value Monitoring spot III, GB3097- Parameter Date 1997

1# 2# 3# 4#

2018-4-10 24.1 24.1 24.5 24.4 Water temperature℃ / 2018-4-11 24.3 24.2 24.5 24.5 2018-4-10 7.955 7.74 7.77 7.78 pH 6.8~8.8 2018-4-11 7.835 7.76 7.78 7.76 2018-4-10 7.6 7.575 7.56 7.60 DO >4 2018-4-11 7.59 7.57 7.565 7.62


2018-4-10 1.05 1.1 1.1 1.05 COD ≤4 2018-4-11 1.1 1 1.15 1.1 2018-4-10 1.16 1.16 1.21 1.18 BOD5 ≤4 2018-4-11 1.175 1.060 1.220 1.200 2018-4-10 Ammonia 0.016 0.022 0.026 0.026 nitrogen 2018-4-11 0.017 0.024 0.025 0.029 2018-4-10 Inorganic 0.089 0.109 0.115 0.074 Nitrate nitrogen ≤0.4 nitrogen 2018-4-11 0.085 0.104 0.119 0.078 2018-4-10 0.070 0.082 0.084 0.065 Nitrite nitrogen 2018-4-11 0.074 0.085 0.081 0.068 2018-4-10 0.011 0.015 0.013 0.013 Reactive phosphate ≤0.030 2018-4-11 0.012 0.016 0.015 0.014

Note: The data above is come from the average value of data measured at rising tide and falling tide.

The concentration of reactive phosphate has not met the regulating requirement. According to the local environmental protection agency, it is due to environmental background value of local sea water quality, which was not impacted by the ongoing projects.

2. Component F2: Coast environmental protection& remediation of Fangchenggang City

a. Air quality

Table 9:Air quality Monitoring Data of Component F2 (Jan - Jun 2018)

3 3 TSPμg/m ) NO2μg/m ) Monitoring spot Date Concentration/day Concentration/hr 163 18 1# Gangkou District 2018-4-8 Administration 2018-4-9 164 17 153 16 2# Wanxin Building Materials 2018-4-8 Factory 2018-4-9 158 13 151 12 3# Gangkou District 2018-4-8 Procuratorate 2018-4-9 149 13 2018-4-8 145 11 4# Hongxing Village 2018-4-9 141 16 163 15 5# Gangkou District Police 2018-4-8 Office 2018-4-9 158 12 148 14 6# Gangkou District Traffic 2018-4-8 Police 2018-4-9 140 13 142 12 7# Gangkou District real estate 2018-4-8 agency 2018-4-9 144 18

Class II, air quality standardGB3095-1996 ≤300 ≤120


Note: TSP hourly concentration is taken from the average of the data at different time of a day.

Table 9 demonstrated that air quality of Component F2 has reached the regulation and standard.

b. Noise

Table 10:Noise Monitoring Data of Component F2Jan - Jun 2018

Standard Limit Value Monitoring spot Date Data,Leg,dB(A) [dB(A)]

2018-4-8 51.4 1# Gangkou District Administration 2018-4-9 52.8 2018-4-8 56.2 2# Wanxin Building Materials Factory 2018-4-9 57.6 2018-4-8 52.0 3# Gangkou District Procuratorate 2018-4-9 52.7 2018-4-8 44.7 4# Hongxing Village 70 2018-4-9 44.2 2018-4-8 48.1 5# Gangkou District Police Office 2018-4-9 48.3 2018-4-8 52.2 6# Gangkou District Traffic Police 2018-4-9 51.5 2018-4-8 52.6 7# Gangkou District real estate agency 2018-4-9 53.8

Note: During the first half of 2017, there is no construction at night.

As presented in Table 10, noise level of Component F2 has met the standard.

c. Sea water quality

Table 11: Sea water quality data of Component F2 (Jan - Jun 2018)

Standard Limit Value Monitoring spot III,GB3097-1997 Parameter Date Construction The estuary of The sea area location on the Small near the small # cross-Sea LongmenFicus square 1 # # bridge 2 river 3 Water temperature 2018-4-8 23.25 23.35 23.2 / ℃ 2018-4-9 24.45 24.4 24.45 pH 2018-4-8 7.94 7.895 7.955 6.8~8.8


2018-4-9 7.935 7.86 7.965 2018-4-8 11.7 10.2 11.85 Man-made Suspended Solids 2018-4-9 11.8 10.55 11.4 increment≤100 2018-4-8 7.7 7.665 7.585 DO >4 2018-4-9 7.74 7.69 7.615 2018-4-8 1.535 1.67 1.53 COD ≤4 2018-4-9 1.57 1.64 1.49 2018-4-8 1.2 1.35 1.15 BOD5 ≤4 2018-4-9 1.15 1.25 1.2 ammonia 2018-4-8 0.1115 0.081 0.099 nitrogen 2018-4-9 0.105 0.089 0.096 inorganic nitrate 2018-4-8 0.209 0.194 0.216 ≤0.4 nitrogen nitrogen 2018-4-9 0.21 0.203 0.2225 nitrite 2018-4-8 0.014 0.0175 0.0165 nitrogen 2018-4-9 0.0155 0.0185 0.018 2018-4-8 0.016 0.0225 0.0205 reactive phosphate ≤0.030 2018-4-9 0.018 0.021 0.017 Petroleum organic 2018-4-8 0.0163 0.0209 0.02315 <0.3 compound 2018-4-9 0.0173 0.0204 0.0236

Note: The data above is come from the average value of data measured at the rising tide and falling tide.

Table 11 demonstrated that water quality of Component F2 has reached the regulation and standard.


3. Component C1:Urban Road Network and Related Municipal Infrastructure for Chongzuo City

C1-1.Chengnanjiu Road and Liancheng Road

a. Air quality

Table 12: Air quality monitoring result of Component C1-1 (July-December 2017)

Concentration (mg/m3) # Class II, air quality # 2 Business Sampling time Parameter 1 Tai village standard Administrative resettlement spot (GB3095-1996) Agency of Chongzuo 2017 3th Quarter 0.079 0.081 TSP ≤0.30 2017 4thQuarter 0.117 0.098 2017 3th Quarter 0.0166 0.0160 NO2 ≤0.12 2017 4thQuarter 0.016 0.016 Note: The data of the second year of 2017 was the average value of data on July 12-14, August 7-11, September 13-17, October 10-14, November 8-12, December 6-10.

The air quality parameters of component C1-1 were all in compliance with regulation.

b. Noise

Table 13: Noise monitoring of component C1-1(July-December 2017)

Standard 2017 3th Quarter 20173thQuarter Limit Value Location Noise source [dB(A)] Day time Night time Day time Night time

Eastern boundary of Construction, traffic 60.1 45.0 49.0 44.6 construction site noise Southern boundary of Construction, traffic 60.7 45.5 51.6 43.8 construction site noise 70 Western boundary of Construction, traffic 60.4 44.4 52.2 43.8 construction site noise Northern boundary of Construction, traffic 60.2 43.4 54.7 45.1 construction site noise The closest sensitive spot construction noise, daily 53.7 43.1 50.7 44.2 to construction site noise Note: The data of the second year of 2017 was the average value of data on July 15-16, August 12-13, September 14-15, October 10-11, November 8-9, December 7-8.


The noise level of component C1-1 was all in compliance with regulation.

c. Surface water

Table 14: Surface water quality monitoring results of component C1-1 (July-December 207)

Petrole ammo Total Suspen um nia phosp Total Monitoring spot Time pH DO BOD COD ded organic 5 nitrog horou nitrogen solids compou en s nd 1# 2017 3th Quarter 7.41 6.6 1.5 16 0.122 22 0.01L 0.04 2.02 Chengnanjiu Road bridge cross section(50m th 7.86 6.8 0.9 10 0.079 19 0.01L upstream of Moshui river) 2017 4 Quarter 0.05 2.45 2# th Chengnanjiu Road bridge 2017 3 Quarter 7.31 6.8 1.4 14 0.143 25 0.01L 0.03 1.89 cross section (50m downstream of Moshui 2017 4thQuarter 7.90 6.7 0.6 8 0.051 16 0.01L 0.05 2.59 river) 3# 2017 3th Quarter 7.41 6.6 2.3 11 0.183 29 0.01L 0.03 1.86 Lianchengnan Road (50m upstream of Moshui 2017 4thQuarter 7.89 6.5 0.6 8 0.074 17 0.0L1 0.11 3.03 river) 4# 2017 3th Quarter 7.63 6.6 2.0 16 0.187 23 0.01L 0.03 1.81 Lianchengnan Road (50m lower stream of 2017 4thQuarter 7.82 6.6 0.9 12 0.062 18 0.01L 0.10 3.07 Moshui river)

Standard Limit Value(Ⅲ , GB3838-2002) 6-9 ≥5 ≤4 ≤20 ≤1.0 / ≤0.05 ≤0.2 ≤1.0

Note: the "L" in the table above means that the analysis data is less than the method detection range, which is not detected. The data of the second year of 2017 was the average value of data on July 11-13, August 10-12, September 14-16, October

10-12, November 8-10, December 7-9.

Total nitrogen exceeded in the first half of the 2017. The above-standard nitrogen compounds may come from local environmental background values and have nothing to do with the construction of this project.

d. Dust

Table 15: Dust monitoring results of Component C1-1 (July-December 2017)


Concentration mg/m3 Sampling time Monitoring spot # # 1 Upwind direction 2 Downwind direction 3# Downwind direction Southern 0.123 0.176 0.177 Liancheng Road 2017 3th Quarter Chengnanjiu 0.119 0.173 0.170 Road Southern 0.108 0.152 0.148 Liancheng Road 2017 3th Quarter Chengnanjiu 0.104 0.146 0.143 Road Note: The data of the second year of 2017 was the average value of data on July 12-13, August 10-11, September 16-17,

October 11-12, November 8-9, December 7-8.

C1-2.Beiweier Road

a. Air quality

Table 16: Air quality monitoring result of Component C1-2(July-December 2017)

Concentration mg/m3 Class II, air quality Sampling time Parameter standard (GB3095- 1#Maan Village 1996) 2017 3th Quarter 0.148 TSP ≤0.30 2017 4thQuarter 0.0901 2017 3th Quarter 0.016 NO2 ≤0.12 2017 4thQuarter 0.017 Note: The data of the second year of 2017 was the average value of data onJuly 12-14, August 7-11, September 13-17, October 10-14, November 8-12, December 6-10..

The air quality parameters of component C1-2 were all in compliance with regulation.

b. Noise

Table 17: Noise monitoring of component C1-2(July-December 2017) location 2017 3th Quarter 2017 4th Quarter Standard Limit Location Noise source Day Night Day Night No. Value [dB(A)] time time time time

# Eastern boundary of Construction, traffic 1 62.5 42.9 53.5 45.6 construction site noise 70 # Southern boundary of Construction, traffic 2 62.0 43.2 53.4 46.6 construction site noise


# Western boundary of Construction, traffic 3 62.1 43.5 53.4 45.8 construction site noise

# Northern boundary of Construction, traffic 4 62.3 42.9 54.5 46.4 construction site noise

# The closest sensitive spot to construction noise, 5 52.1 41.5 52.7 44.3 construction site daily noise

Note: The data of the second year of 2017 was the average value of data on July 15-16, August 12-13, September 14-15, October 10-11, November 8-9, December 7-8.

The noise level of component C1-2 was all in compliance with regulation.

c. Dust

Table 18: Dust monitoring results of Component C1-2 (July-December 2017)

Concentration mg/m3 Monitoring # # Sampling time 1 Upwind 2 Downwind # spot 3 Downwind direction direction direction th 2017 3 Quarter Beiweier 0.120 0.168 0.171 2017 4thQuarter Road 0.120 0.168 0.171

Note: The data of the second year of 2017 was the average value of data on July 12-13, August 10-11, September 16-17, October 11-12, November 8-9, December 7-8.

4. Component C2:Shuikou Lake Environmental Improvement for Chongzuo City

a. Air quality

Table 19: Air quality monitoring result of Component C2 (July-December 2017) Concentration mg/m3 2#Jiangnan 3rd Class II, air quality Sampling time Parameter # elementary school of standard (GB3095- 1 Chongzuo College Jiang zhou District, 1996) Chongzuo City 2017 3th Quarter 0.151 0.153 th TSP ≤0.30 2017 4 Quarter 0.087 0.105 2017 3th Quarter 0.018 0.017 th NO ≤0.12 2017 4 Quarter 2 0.016 0.015 Note: The data of the second year of 2017 was the average value of data onJuly 12-14, August 7-11, September 13-17,

October 10-14, November 8-12, December 6-10..

The air quality parameters were all in compliance with regulation.


b. Noise

Table 20: Noise monitoring of component C2 (July-December 2017) th 2017 3 th Location 2017 4 Quarter Quarter Standard Limit location Noise source Day Night Value [dB(A)] Day time Night time No. time time

# Military base at Shuikou Lake 1 daily noise 52.1 44.8 53.3 43.4 eastern shore 2# Chongzuo College daily noise 52.5 44.7 51.1 44.1 70

# Jiangnan 3rd elementary school of 3 daily noise 52.2 45.7 54.3 43.9 , Chongzuo City Note: The data of the second year of 2017 was the average value of data on July 15-16, August 12-13, September 14-15, October 10-11, November 8-9, December 7-8. The noise level was all in compliance with regulation. c. Surface water

Table 21: component C2: Surface water quality monitoring results (July-December 2017) Parameter Petroleu Ammo Total KMn Total BOD m Monitori DO COD nia nitrog Suspend Time Temperat O phosphor organic ng spot pH (mg/ 4 (mg/ nitroge en 5 ed solids ure (℃) (mg/L ous (mg/ compou L) L) n (mg/L (mg/L) ) (mg/L) L) nd (mg/L) ) (mg/L) 2017 7.3 1# 3th 27.2 7.1 4.1 9 0.130 0.09 5.48 0.8 0.01 29 2 Input of Quarter Shuikou 2017 7.8 Lake 4thQuar 19.7 6.8 1.6 15 0.096 0.05 4.20 1.3 0.01L 19 3 ter # 2017 2 th 7.3 3 27.2 6.7 3.4 10 0.103 0.07 4.27 1.0 0.01 21 Output 7 Quarter of 2017 Shuikou th 7.6 4 Quar 20.1 6.7 1.6 12 0.074 0.02 3.45 0.8 0.01L 21 Lake 1 ter 3# 2017 th 7.3 Shuikou 3 27.3 7.2 3.40 12 0.227 0.05 5.24 0.7 0.02 19.00 9 Lake Quarter central 2017 th 7.7 area 4 Quar 19.8 6.4 2.2 12 0.051 0.02 3.41 1.2 0.01L 13 8 (left) ter 4# 2017 th 7.4 3 27.4 7.1 3.8 12 0.211 0.07 5.29 0.8 0.02 14.00 Shuikou 6 Lake Quarter central 2017 th 7.7 area 4 Quar 19.7 6.5 2.4 12 0.040 0.02 3.46 1.2 0.01L 17 0 (right) ter Standard limit value (Ⅲ,GB3838- / 6-9 ≥5 ≤6 ≤20 ≤1.0 ≤0.2 ≤1.0 ≤4 ≤0.05 / 2002)


Note: the "L" in the table above means that the analysis data is less than the method detection range, which is not detected. The data of the second year of 2017 was the average value of data on July 11-13, August 10-12, September 14-16, October 10-12, November 8-10, December 7-9.

Total nitrogen exceeded in the first half of the 2017. The above-standard nitrogen compounds may come from local environmental background values and have nothing to do with the construction of this project.

d. Dredged sludge

Table 22: Monitoring results of dredged sludge of Component C2 (July-December 2017)

volatile Sulfide Cr6 Pb Cd Zn Cu Monitoring spot Time phenol (mg/L) (mg/L) (μg/L) (μg/L) (μg/L) (μg/L) (mg/L) ⁺ # 1 2017 3th Quarter 0.014 0.004L 0.01L 0.001L 0.05L 0.05L 0.0003L Input of Shuikou Lake 2017 4thQuarter 0.011 0.004L 0.01L 0.001L 0.05L 0.05L 0.0003L 2# 2017 3th Quarter 0.006 0.004L 0.01L 0.001L 0.05L 0.05L 0.0003L Output of th Shuikou Lake 2017 4 Quarter 0.006 0.004L 0.01L 0.001L 0.05L 0.05L 0.0003L 3# 2017 3th Quarter 0.015 0.004L 0.01L 0.001L 0.05L 0.05L 0.0003L Shuikou Lake central area (left) 2017 4thQuarter 0.010 0.004L 0.01L 0.001L 0.05L 0.05L 0.0003L

4# th 2017 3 Quarter 0.009 0.004L 0.01L 0.001L 0.05L 0.05L 0.0003L Shuikou Lake central area 2017 4thQuarter 0.007 0.004L 0.01L 0.001L 0.05L 0.05L 0.0003L (right) Note: the "L" in the table above means that the analysis data is less than the method detection range, which is not detected. The data of the second year of 2017 was the average value of data on July 11-13, August 10-12, September 14-16, October 10-12, November 8-10, December 7-9.

In the process of surface water monitoring of component C2, the data of sulfide, hexavalent chromium, lead, cadmium, zinc, copper and volatile phenol were lower than the detection limit of the method, so the data were not detected According to Table 22, Sulfide, Cr6 , Pb, Cd,Zn, Cu and volatile phenol were under detection limit, which means that there were only trace concentration of those pollutants in dredges sludge. ⁺


5. Component B1 and B2: Urban Road Networkand Related Infrastructure for Baise City, and Longwang Bridge for Baise City Air quality

Table 23:Air quality Monitoring Data of Baise City (July-December 2017)

Class II, air quality Date PM2.5 PM10 standard (GB3095- 1996)

July-December 50 75 ≤70 2017

The PM2.5 of general air quality of Baise city during July-December has reached the standard. The PM10 concentration was exceeded, as the Baise sub-project was completed, so it could be caused by poor diffusion conditions in winter and mitigation measures were needed.



Public consultation has been implemented by PICs during the design and construction of ongoing components as per the public consultation program developed during project preparation, as detailed in the table below.

Table24: Implementation of Public Consultation Program (by June 2018)

Implementation Status Organizer Approach/Times Subjects Participants (Y/N/NA) A. Project Preparation

EIA public opinion surveys: Y for six components once for each component

Expert panel review: once for Y for six components GPMO, each component Priority, design, GPMO, PICs,design PICs,design environmental benefits institutes,EIA institutes,EI and impacts, social institutes,EPBs, Socioeconomic A institutes, benefits and impacts, other provincial and Y for six components and AP surveys resettlement mitigation measures, municipal plan attitudes toward governments take institutes, Public project component, holders,community EPBs consultation and suggestions representatives meeting and Y for six components questionnaire: once for overall project

Site visits: Y for six components multiple times

B. Construction

Adjusting mitigation Public measures if GPMO, consultation and necessary, Residents within PICs,EMC, Y for six components site visits: at least construction impacts, constructionarea IEM once per year comments and suggestions

For dredging at ShuikouLake, lakeside Collecting public residents will be comments and consulted suggestions and Lakeside residents Y by C2 PIC through adjusting mitigation community visits measures accordingly on a monthly basis


Implementation Status Organizer Approach/Times Subjects Participants (Y/N/NA) Comments and Expert workshop suggestions on or press mitigation measures, Experts from various N conference: at public opinions; sectors, media least once adjusting mitigation measures accordingly

Adjusting mitigation Public measures if Representatives of information necessary, residents and social Y for six components session: at least construction impacts, sectors once per year comments and suggestions Survey on resettlement: Comments and People affected by as required per land acquisition and Y for six components suggestions resettlement resettlement plans

C、 Commissioning period

Operational impact on the opinions and Residence and Questionnaire:at GPMO, suggestions, and social Y the completed least once in the component B1 PICs,EMC, IEM recommendations representative, EPA commission period and B2. for corrective action public Site inspection: many times, it is according to the environmental inspection result of the project Y the completed component B1 and B2 completion

Note: Y-Yes; N-No; NA-Not applicable.

As indicated above, the established public consultation program has been generally implemented as scheduled, except that no expert workshop or press conference has been organized without identifying any major environmental issue and any major change of mitigation measures for all the ongoing components. After a recent site visit of EED experts, Baise project now running well without any public comments.



To strengthen the capacity of PICs in environmental management and monitoring, the training program proposed during project preparation has been implemented based on current project progress, as detailed in the table below.

Table25: Implementation of Institutional Strengthening and Training (by Jan- June 2018)

Targeted Implementation Activities Contents Timing Agencies/Attendees Status (Y/N/NA) Institutional Strengthening

Defining institutional arrangements for environmental Y for six management, components monitoring, and GPMO, PICs,POCs, supervision During project GEPD,EPBs preparation Defining positions and Y for six responsibilities components

Appointing and Y for six recruiting personnel components

Recruiting and Institutional contracting EMC for Strengthening internal environmental Prior to project Y for six EMC management implementation components consultancy and monitoring

Recruiting and contracting an IEM for Y with one the overall project, individual through international environmental competitive bidding, for Prior to project specialist IEM the environmental implementation recruited for this management purpose in Aug. consultancy and 2013 for the whole independent external project. monitoring

Developing environmental management clauses Y for six Environmental and incorporating them components During project management clauses PICs, POCs, EMC into construction and preparation and protocols operational contracts Developing and refining Y for six environmental components monitoring protocols


Targeted Implementation Activities Contents Timing Agencies/Attendees Status (Y/N/NA) Developing environmental Y for six emergency response components procedures Training

Environmental laws and regulations; Environmental policies Environmental GPMO, PICs,POCs, and plans; Prior to project Y for six laws,regulations,and contractors implementation components policies Basic environmental management; Environmental emergency response

Responsibility and duties for project construction, management and environmental protection; Prior to and GPMO, EMC,PICs, Environmental Y for six EMP implementation during project POCs,contractors protection tasks in components project construction; implementation Key environmental protection measures during construction; EMP improvement and corrective actions

Monitoring and inspection methods, data collection and Environmental Prior to and PICs, POCs,EMC, processing, Y for six monitoring,inspection,and during project contractors interpretation of data, components reporting reporting system implementation Environmental reporting requirements

Awareness building and educational activities will be carried out to promote compliance Awareness building Road network POCs NA with relevant regulations regarding the road transport of toxic and hazardous substances

Note: Y-Yes; N-No; NA-Not applicable. EMC = environmental management company and/or consultant, EMP = environmental management plan, EPB

=environmental protection bureau at the city level, GEPD = Guangxi Environmental Protection Department, GPMO =Guangxi Project Management Office, IEM = independent environmental monitor (as part of the implementation consultancy), PIC = project implementing company, POC = project operating company.


As presented above, the proposed institutional strengthening and training program for GSCDP has been well implemented during this reporting period.



In terms of environmental management, the Urban Road Network and Related Municipal Infrastructure for Fangchenggang City: Most of the mitigation measures were implemented efficiently in 1#, 2#, 3#,5# roads, and Anbujiang Bridge construction sites.

Chongzuo component: The road greening subcontract has been completed with good effects. For urban road network and road maintenance equipment procurement subcontract, environmental mitigation measures proposed in the environmental management plan are being effectively implemented. However, because of expiration of the environmental monitoring contract, no monitoring data have been obtained. Follow-up monitoring should be strengthened to ensure the effective implementation of environmental management plans.

Baise component: Currently two subcomponents are completed and have come into the operational stage. But the monitoring based on environmental management plan in the operation stage for these two subcomponents is not available because of expiration of the environmental monitoring contract. Continuous monitoring on different environmental parameters should be reinforced to make sure that environmental management plan is implemented effectively.



The environmental reports from the PICs of ongoing components during this reporting period have shown that the component EMPs developed during project preparation have been well implemented in the following aspect:

- Mitigation measures have been implemented based on component progress with satisfactory effectiveness;

- The results of environmental monitoring implemented during this reporting period for the two ongoing components (F1, F2) also show general compliance with applicable Chinese standards.

- For C1 and C2, although Chongzuo Environmental Monitoring Agency monitored air quality, noise and surface water quality of C1 and C2 area, data is not offered . No complaint was received during the implement of C1 and C2 from January to December, 2016. No environmental accident occurred during this period of time.

- Both public consultation program and institutional strengthening and training program have been well implemented as scheduled so far.

- The two ongoing components (B1, B2) have not got any complaint, but no monitoring data support the environmental compliance.

For next step, based on current achievements, the focus should be tracking the environmental mitigation measures.