The Oxford Democrat. NUMBER 33. VOLUME 73. SOUTH PARIS, MAINE, TUESDAY, AUGUST 14, 1906.

wail waa a rouna noie. No Knew nis man. Γη· tigntening arouou tue corner οι ΐοβ οο- against tue c. JON ES, Oxford County Observations. Billy ateanug AMONG THE FAKMERS. of Black Hank's close knit brews tel She put ber baud to her heart one was touched. ^ It waa s privilege for the editor of the smoke and Machinist* meant but one One does not gain and listened. Her understanding of ▲ silence fell. The lightened Smith Firmer to see s section of Maine not be- thing. t'A RIS, MAINE. "SfKCU THE PLOW.·· in the west motives was but and blew slowly through the window jgotl fore visited—Oxford chieftainship of any kind the et ranker'a vague, of uenera: machinery, ste*n> en county—last week, that her door. The horses, long since H*nufaeturer and needless to to who have without ascendency with ebe had caught his confession and open Housekeepers ana tools say those propping», ulll work, spool machinery 9 STEWAKT favor of dies and drill* made ant Correspondence un practical agricultural By decision. kiss had meant much to him and even deserted their guardian in «et screw·, tape. topic» looked upon the hills, lakes and f I acts of ruthless Billy leaped by Vu ma ta solicited. Addreea all communication* In- valleys, ! Sewlag, mowing and threehln* streams with the sudden· auxletv sbe felt an inclination the excitement within, whinnied. The have been vexed when C .aire tended for this to IlKNRT D. of this western border county, from his cracker box in ber all klnle, presses, guna, pta department -« and 'ne. jiumpeof>, Kdltor Oxford Dem- the there were a continual Black' Hank Sbe had bestowed that care·» the smoking Colts traps, etc.. neatly an.l promptly κ Agricultural days spent s nese of the puma, seized to laugh. stranger dropped Jut kalte*. ocrat, Pari·, Me. Β· cream tartar lone to onler to short bar- of 'a'.red. ■'le»® ">«' water piping delight the beholding eye. Weather illy »;»·. firmly about the waist, whirled him as she would bave kissed the cold end quietly reproduced his own using conditions were then clear, with dry, an ear- arms from his side Billy Into a sort of shield and began of a dog's nose. reled pockets. soda to find their l>. PARK, Poultry for the Table. cool breezes, the at last and » I.BKKT affording haymakers nest struggle for the Instant possession The men below stairs, after some broke the spell to hurry the with long delayed opportunity the outlaw's drawn revolver. It was hud decided on bullet, Thl· "That's shoot in'!" he observed, some- Licensed Auctioneer, TU Κ FI.KSH t'OSSKSSKD OF PBt'l'UAK harvest, and the of the of discussion, work uneven. If sight speeding but for · a and men showed Tenderfooi a gallant attempt, unsuccessful. was out of consideration Billy sigh. MAIN·. VIBTUBS—SOME FACTS ABOUT FAT- SOUTH PARIS, machinery hustling the "The thousand la outside," said how were the efforts In a moment Billy was pinioned to standing as a frontiersman. Besides, fifty times at others Terms Moderate. TKNIN6. eager being put good, COPYRIGHT- by S. 5. McCLURE CO. was bis no In order not the "Do you want 'em?" forth to make every hour count for the floor and Black Hank rubbing be bad stolen horses. stranger. cake r HARNIK, saving of the crop. Grass was then just abraded forearm. After that the only to delay mutters the execution was There was no reply. the biscuit and IV of France one of these King Henry expressed in the pink of condition for perfect hay, was whether it should be rope fixed for tbe present tlue and place. "I alms to pull out on ^HAKl.KS his ideas of contentment question will be or sour or at popular by say- and the fields of those farmers who are bullet stood with hie back to the logs here broncs of yours," said be. "Billy, heavy Attorney Law, that or Billy ing he would not be satisfied until stock and a know nothin' Norway, Me. keeping following systematic when had gone down- of his owu hotel, his bands and feet he's all right. He doesn't Kycreon Block, "every peasant had a fowl in the of Now, Billy full of of soda boiling rotation of crops showed heavy yields one of tlie early tremendous racket outside. Tbe stran- bad me." lumps Connections. Front a recent bulletin it lUItlXG «pria» stairs the stranger had wasted no more bound, but his eyes uncovered. He about 1'elephone pot." appears While the land I bunk splendid quality. adapt- seventies Knapp rau u ger arose, fully clothed, from his had In his his nerve. In the short He collected the six shooters from that there are now about *240,000,000 of than ! JL/ I Billy time at the window. He never lost that set the teeth on ed to tillage is much less extent the narrow head of chickens in this and species of road house or liot<*l and peered through open In which which preparation demanded res-he the floor. L. «ICR. country, some other of Maine's best crop growing I'Tfcgl possession ΙδΟ,ΟΟΟ greenbacks pite j ,, that 00 cent, of the farmers ^•^1 at tbe crossing of tlio Dead- window. A dozen horses were stand- he ο takes these with me for a and per keep counties, many slopes and valleys of her he was to deliver as soon as possible told bis opponents what thought "I just Flour, eggs Of the different kinds of trails Cus- in of a single edge. Surgeon Dentiet, poultry. streams and lakes, and in fact, not a few wood and Bin Huru through ing groui>ed charge the Buck Tall ageucy In Wyoming. them. spell," be remarked. "You finds them, to ... domestic birds for or meat Travelers from mounted man, in the on tb' wasted. This is PARIS, MAINE. kept eggs water-shede are admirably adapted to ter valley. changing indistinguishable The necessary change of stage lines "Proud?" be concluded a long solilo- if you looks hard enough, along butter SOlTH three are consumed per capita every stock and the one route to the other stop- dark. Out of the open door a broud at of the bronce." work warranted. keeping, growing proven- frequently had forced him to stay overnight quy as If to tbe reflector lamp. trail—likewise your All a.y year, so it would seem that, great as the from tbe because the cream of der needed for their support. Orchard lied there overnight. lie sold accom- band of light streamed saloon, hotel. he meditatively. He backed toward the door. has there is no Billy Knapp's •'Proud'/" repeated industry become, yet iand, also, is in evidence in abundance, for man and beast, whence came tbe noise of voices and of for the man that sticks P. J«>NES, modations compris- The messenger seized his bag and "TblB Hank's Jest that proud he s "I'm layin' or II. danger of an overproduction. with of its yere tartar is adulterated convincing proof adaptability of and of hay. boots tramping about. canvae outen that he warned. The flesh of as with ing pleuty whisky plenty ran along through the all swelled up like a poisoned pup. bis bead door," jjt; poultry compared for what will be a source of revenue to a at his softly Dentist, That was the best any one could say "It Is Black Hank," said Billy, corral a man and culled Black Hank us ho other meats is Oner in grain and texture, in the future. rooms wherein Billy slept Ain't every one kin "Stranger," cannot be used in the much increased extent and his outtlt partitioned as a more tender. It •if it. Tbe hotel was of loss, two sto- elbow. "Black Hank which he had al- turnin' a hair. neared the door. NORWAY, MAINE. and, rule, possess- The stops made for chats with farmers to a narrow window clt ίΰΟ,Ουΰ without of to in- He hitches to this snubbln' mun es an excess of the elements were ried, with partitions sheeting yere post noticed out almost directly Black Hank distributed three men to The little paused. to 12— 1 to 4. proteine along our route necessarily fdw and ready gave proper proportions. idi ν Hour»—!* and lacks in the fat or fuel and for of if not occasional." food, brief, but the thrift and progressive evi- sure a certain privacy sight Into the pine woods. The window was do the business. There were no hero- "Might I ask your name?" all these reasons it is recommended for in the bills would have sweet dences of were numeroue, of sound; had three l>eds and u number Black Hank and Its catch baffled The execution of this man was name is Alfred," replied the Food always r. smith, prosperity of oiled paper, les "My the diet of delicate people and convales- and in Farm and tKwsted of a woman cook, translated to Jesse James farther was !· fact, quite general. Morey of bunks him. He kuew It should slide back, necessary to him. not because be latter. can as- at cents. on close to the line cross- did and be Attorney Law, Pigeon Hilt, one of the tirst In the hills. Billy south. It refused to slide for blm. He over tbe escape of Black Hank looked chagrined. light Of the different is con- but particularly angry MAINE. kinds, turkey into Oxford County, speaks strongly uot run It He was too restless. The strauger turned suddenly ener- be- to tell of he remarked. NORWAY. most ing long. did not dare to break the paper the messenger-be expected capture "I've heard you," the use sidered the savory, but between for the to be reached in sured only by Bi.s k. Collections a Specialty. possibilities The personnel of the establishment getic. noise. A voice In due time-but In or- The ran over the room Horn·- turkey and properly fattened capon where and selec- cause of the crackling that individual stranger's eye Jersey breeding, study woman no he asked. is not meat consisted of Billy aud the al- "Don't you make fight?" startled him. his over bis encountered that of the girl. Ue Pow- there much choice. The of tion of the animals to constitute the herd at bis shoulder der to preserve authority and of Royal Baking k A I'ARK. the domestic fowl varies mentioned and an ancient l'istol "Flfïbt!" said Billy, wondering. the red was the act of inovlm. himself and biusbed. considerably are followed with and per- ready "I'll show you," whispered men. He In shrank into intelligence not. Hank ain't J|KKKIt to age, breed and the manner the name of Charley. The latter "Fight! Co'se plun- back to the shooters room when "Good lie said hastily and dis- der Attorneys at Law. according sistence for a recognized end sought. by cheeked girl. give night," exclusively. P.oyal a me ambles in which the bird has been fed. The This under the of Mr. wore many tirearms and had good derin' none. He jest along Sbe was loosely In a blan- heard the door and ehut- A moment later the beat of MAINE. farm, management wrapped be open appeared. and BKTHEL, Urahmas, Cochins, Langshans and Dork- is to a deal to but had uever, as Billy ex- and helps himself, and leaves the dust about her shoulder Before the door s ood a audible aa be led the is absolutely pure Park. Tucker, steadily being brought say, ket. her hair falling He turned. hoofs became Adllaon E. Herrlck. Ellery C. are the table In tbe shot. low and ings usually styled breeds, higher standard of excellence, made it, "made good." This fer it every I jest lays and her bare feet showing beneath her consumptive looking man in a bunch of horses away. none pressed small, and does even but for quickness of more the never has no deal- healthful early growth fully possible by independent west could uot have been for lack of ley him operate. I The little mau suffered at check suit The tenderfoot car- For an Instant no one Then ». HARLOW, excel the the coverings. light spoke. Plymouth Rocks, leading means of its owners, Messrs. were those with understand. He Morey opi>ortunity. His functious in*» him, jest once an of embarrassment In ried two short barreled Colt's revolv- exclaimed, "Hank, I meaus to J..HN purpose fowls. A table agouy Billy work at every baking. general good Brothers. factotum. in and bis grub errand was direct- that a of general nut'rally plants which the thought of his ers, one of which be presented stand with you, but you iet Attorney at Law, bird should have large proportion of An of in res- pat experiment importance chair tilted hooks on what he needs. I doesn't the NO CO >1» YOWL MAINE. Hesh to the size of its and a One evening Billy sat lost. It was recalled to him by ly at Black Hank. kid alone or I plugs you!" Billy was norM. HUM WWW UIXKIELl). bones, large toration of pasture is carried on at being the of the hotel, waiting know about it I'm dead m full breast, on which is found the deli- this farm that results. against logs anything girl. «Nds up'" he commanded sharply. the only man armed. promises good iu. ΚΙ<· II Γ A W II EK1.KR, cate white meat. Tbe white ureast meat for the sta^e. By aud by it drew asleep." she Hank was directly covered, so be huh!" Hank. "Alfred Exhausted portions of pasture fielde that "There you are," whispered, "Kid, grunted l'araflfd is a of the domestic be- buckets bad a An lyltil. peculiarity fowl, had become moss-covered and almost Charley hobbled out, carrying show lug him the open window. obeyed. The newcomer's eye a kid! I've heurd tell of him." it is les. and make A contented spirit was Mre. Snow'·, and Counsellors at Law, cause, said, they fly were fine- of water for tbe horses. The driver he stammered restless Of the oth- "What have heard ?" the Attorneys entirely unproductive, plowed, "Thank you." painful- strangely quality. you inquired that at times her less use of the muscles of that portion of from him with tbe lord- room eleven so contended neigh- SOl'Tll PARIS, MAINE. ly pulverized, treated with chemical fer- flung the reins "I assure you—I wish"— er dozen inmates of the the In this country, ly. girl. bors found It trying and took nu un- body. yellow legs tilizers and seeded without separating Insolence of his class, descended under her breath. were convinced that the weapon best scout on the James > Wright. Alton C- Wheeler. the most ly The girl laughed firmly "He's the plumb and skin are typical of desir- from the other area. Two righteous satisfaction in presenting any pastured years slowly aud swaggered to the barroom all she said heartily. and not directed at trail and the best shot able market fowl, while in the "That's right," eye southern pistol which England of this treatment is showing good results followed to serve with thena- KUiail thorns might prick through are for bis drink. Billy "I owe that for calling old whisk- were concernedtheirReader In the Black Hank. white kiuds are preferred. There in these barren An acre you personally west," replied J. H. STUART & CO., renewing spots. him. he saw her comfort. roasters, aud old it. ers off his bronc," and she kissed The twelfth thought The year following Billy Kuapp, Al- broilers, yearlings plot of alfalfa, sowed July first on a light rs "No, my Angle hasn't the rneasle·," Civil t-NUINEERS AND SURVEYORS. cocks. In wiuter, fowls bring "Luck!" said the driver aud crooked The messenger, trembling with self We chance. To the bewildered onlook- fred and another man named Jim usually soil that fails to retain a grass stand but said Mrs. Snow one day. "Well, per- Street, South Parts, Maine. a as to be a flash and a ΙΙΙκΙι more pound than spring chickens, two or three was a Uts VIUUW. consciousness, climbed hastily through ers there seemed took across the bills the only years, showing per- Buckley it seems strange she should escape there is less waste and the meat is better in uew?" ran the broad of the Instantaneous. Then things we out tbut haps Maps and Plan* made to order. fect stand of plants of six inches "Anytlilap queried Billy. the window, loop bang wagon train that dared set are un- a the but my children flavored. The tlesb of mature cock is no of tbe a epidemic, M.i tif tlie tlin tierlauds and pocket maps of height. This plot showed absolutely "Nope." satchel up his arm aud, Instead as before. One of stranger weap- summer. aud flavored, aud usually fortunate always In those re- «a· u «.-unty for wtle. usually tough strongly weeds, and within another month should "Hold up?" to the ground, as the girl bad ous stUl pointed at Black l'uMltliertt of the Atlas of Maine.) less a than other dropping Of course I take the best 01 brings price pound any give a crop of close to a ton of ideal hay. himself Into the second at each one Hankieof the Drnrer'a Flrat SlRKrcnach. spects. Where cocker- "Nope." expected, swung lightly breast; Inherit a of the poultry varieties. This indicates that alfalfa he who Denver cure of them, and, then, they experiment That exhausted the situation. The the branches of a rather large scrub others. Only the twelfth man, On the lTtli of May, 18.?.». els are to be of for market meat, a to throw off I disposed may become valuable as to the tirst through tendency any germs. when possibly two men silently for a moment oHk that grew near. She listened to bad seen his chance, had collaI>"ed turned out welcome it pays well to caponize them means of a late summer puffed no illness with Wm. C. Leavitt supplying sup- one could assure what was destined to ^row anticipate Angie." Co., small. The meat of a is fine, at their In an instant the driv- the rustle of the leaves for a moment ward to tl.e floor. No f^ coneli of capon very ply of high quality hay when by reason pipes. In of this the redoubtable An- as as a and un- that he ha tJie Mail." an enterprise spite being tender pullet and better of to er turned to go. as he neared the trunk then, himself positively into "Overland Main Me. previous inability get grain crops came down with measles a week 14 St., Norway, flavor. A will sell for nearly a tenderfoot," he remark- to restrain her curiosity in corued the motion on the part which for sheer American pluck and gle capon eown, as in the case of the present year. "I not you able longer slightest friend a cockerel with tlu> later, and the Inquiring again double the price a pound that Perfect of the soil and use ed casually. "I reckon he's outside." regard to the doings below, turned to of the stranger. tlarlu^r must l>c forever linked preparation approached Mrs. Snow. will bring. of fertilizer in this ambles forth uml sees what said the latter one of the 'Tony Kxpress." Ked quick acting experi- "Guess 1 the stairway. "Now," sharply, J-iiiic has the measles at One hundred of live chickens of the "Yes, dear Angie pounds ment on the Farm at in- a It Billy, men mounted. a your gun. drifted to tlie outskirts Morey present fer tenderfoot Is," replied As she did so two at time, gentlemen. Drop .hirts contented mother. "Now, will drees to about ninety-two pounds of alfalfa hills last," said the Hardware, Stoves, dicates that two cuttings may from behind the bar. the rooms of the upper This last to Black Hank. Muzzle f.imlet and dotted the around. undrawn; dressed and drawn carcass, itrnhahlv hi* Amurta*! frnm this nlnt this hasteulug They examined most of the other children ar.· well, and was seated on a small faced bartenders made ready for t>7 The tenderfoot hastily, but carefully, paying down. Drop It! Correct." Hard of rime to at- not including giblets, per cent.; gib- seasuii before cut frost, which, story the as the doctor has plenty being by outside the door. As he held and the men In the back of th lite "hottest that ever tore lets, 5.5 per cent.: head and feet, 11 per of much trunk just scant attention to her, departed One of night seemed un and if possible, will provide fodder of holster tend to lier it really oppor- S aud lib hat in his hands could see his a few moments they re- room stirred on tbe ball of his ramp loose." The artillery Ranges. cent.; feathers, per cent.; entrails, value than the late sown crops of Billy swearing. In slightly for I don't suppose there greater was unllmliered for an tunity Alible. 8.5 cent. we domelike bald head. Beneath the dome the trunk. Nell and saddle loot per barley, oats and millet that have ob- turned for strauger's ever wan a child on whom they came All Kinds of Lead an There was Pipe Repairing, Fattening poultry has become quite sown at the same time. Late was a little and white face, and as far as the stairway. There there!" said the stranger. ecstatic fusillade. lively served piuk followed '^Steady out more than on Angle. art iu some foreign countries and in shoul- and that the beautifully and Iron. sown oats or barley seldom return much below that were narrow, sloping she heard and saw things, and fled in betting In dust unlets well be this wliore I tell the doctor I think he may some sections of country, even in and had l»ecu for labor expended, fodder, ders, a flat chest and bandy legs. He The bitter to the back of the house, tirst through stage gathered farmers sell their chickeus to men who tenderfoot. dismay of his little patient."—Youth'· should methods of afford a flannel with takers as eager to proud right handling wore a light check suit and a was overpowered. .nott-er. in by Indians, a business of ne oestowea snadowy wink upon when Billy Knapp make special fattening more aud better fodder from alfalfa, be- that the of Companion. shirt whose collar whs much too large At the window she knelt, clasping without hesitation. Next. Now j stake their faith scalps them for the market. There is much sides the content the stranger. obeyed PARKER'S augmenting nitrogen in while corner. would come through difherence of as to whether it is for him. Billy took this all the outlaws moved here and her hands and placing her head be- you. Now you In the driver und guard Th· Atuioapher«. HAIR BALSAM opinion of the soil, it may be worth trying, even Below, show- Clwimt Uni bnui.Hc· th« hair.. As the driver climbed to the Women In the another the clashc intact. At length a swirl of dust man to best to keep the market poultry closely should it fail to withstand the passing. there. tween her bare arms. One after pistole Even if it were |»o*siblc for fruuiute· a luxuriant (Tuwth. fully could a the trail. It into a Ka: to Boatore Gray I or to then) exercise. It is seat the hotel commented. least women like Nell, do not to tbe floor. Not for an Instant ed far down grew without air he could not Ν 1 coutined give severity of our winter climate. keeper shouted a commanding voice. west, at live breathing li i.r to lea Youthful Color. "Billy!" the conceded that flavor and espe- said "would stuff near It. Inmate of the armed cloud that crept toward It were without au Cuna tcmip d wax'» M hair talimf. generally A stop at the village of Norway gave "Say. lien." he, you "Billy Knapp!" weep. But she came Suddenly single apartment, yellow exist on the earth If 1truqua are increased too Then sis mules, stretch- cially toughness by unmistakable evidence that the farms It or It under a glass case?" The hotel looked she raised her head. A voice next her or unarmed, flatter hluindftbathla eager hamlet. Plants derive carbon, the confine- put keeper perplexed. atmosphere. much exercise. Long continued other industries of that section were was out on the emerged from and "I'd serve it a lay Tooloose," replied "Now what's he totlln' me fer?" be ear had addressed her. slightest motion overlooked. Ibiy ed gallop, most important element of their food, XOTICX. ment seems to be detrimental to the was the a of -~- to Itehind them Town of furnishing good degree prosperity driver and he brought his HKUîCU UCU- auu Uiv.v were like on the crouch, ready this curtain, and til·· air, and without there WVwli-Ιι all who Ίο work for the and it is the the briefly, asked of the man by his side. fine tigers from plants their Mil health of the birds, general to a town that a model come l a Il the Iilm tiie atmosphere, but SBLKCTMKH OK PARIS. of what the Norway section of Oxford palaver you." smile. white shirts and lived in real houses. no water there could be The kind of food which the fowls feed can in the guest and met a deprecating "All Hunk," Then she saw tbat tlie little struuger of what might happen. They obeyed there were county accomplish farming right, replied Billy. to has an etTect on the of the a shakedown here for to- tirst the stran- The cheers that roared a welcome nor animals. If food and HOLLISTCR'3 upon quality industry may be seen at any of dozene "Can I get He went to his "room" and buckled bad uot stirred from bis sighting "Step back!" commanded neither plants meat. Ducks whose food cousists he had them were echoed In in some other mostly of farms viewed. A farm representative night?" he inquired in a high, piping on a heavy belt, then descended the place. ger next. In a moment this heroic enterprise water cuil.! be i-upplied Tea of fish and have flesh of a town which and Rocky Mountain Nuggets water-bugs, of the productive power and energetic voice. stairs. uiu'am, for star- standing In a row against the wall, every western hoped way the wor!·! would Ht III be unhabit- flavor. The steep "Beg your pardon, A iiaty Modiaiae for Boxy People. disagreeable fishy highly of farm in that local- and hands over their for a link of Its own with the animals to handling property "You kin." replied Billy shortly The barroom was lighted and filled 01- for addressing you ut all, rigid, upright, their longed able by plan's u:id owing Qoidea Meal'Ji aad Renewed Vigor. canvasback of Hay was tllug you Briaje prized Chesapeake ity visited, owned by J. A. Roberts, the first tHue the back east."—Out- of eold. Without an at- I.lve wild begun to howl for Charley. with men. Some of them were eatlug wbicb I but"— heads. Then for home country, "way the cverity the Α --twoitlc fi.r Constipation. In Jlgeatiou. owes its table superiority to the well known to of our Patron read- shouldn't, many the his would be no wituls and Mi· I Κ ni h*· v Troubles, Piinpl·*». KV/eiUH. luipure feeds. Onions That appeured around and others were strapping never mind tbat!" cried the girl stranger moved from positlou by lug Magazine. mosphere there on which it largely ers. Seldom is there to be seen a better patriarch drinking; "Ob, b. !. lu i Ureath. Slu^giah Bowel*. Headache celery a no waves or ocean cur- tab- fed to chickens will corner, as did likewise the cook, Into form. Against back ber hair. So consequently aii l backache. It'* Kocky M· >untaiu Tea in liberally impart illustration of the possibilities of increas- provisions portable Impatiently, shaking Uenuiue made the Heeh of the after- of a aura. The m-u—If we suppose one I' form. 8f> cents a box. by their peculiar taste to ing the value of a farm through good li lc eyed, red cheeked creature, the corner of the bar a tall figure deprecating and timid were the tones ^•'Call her," be said to Billy—"the hunt'· Will din reiits. may U^l.i.i»TKit Ditru Company, Madison, Wis. of his some un- birds. The majority experiments farm practice and preservation of grow- ward counted by Billy as one of man leaned, smoking—a man lithe, ac- tbat, almost without au effort of the girl." Ivant, the Uerniau metaphysician, to have lu-eii supplied by GOLDEN NUGGETS FOR TALLOW PEOPLE seem to show that bettor results as to ii cau.->· would he a stagnant ing timber, which promises to easily eight matrimonial ventures. tive and muscular, with a keen, dark imagination, she could picture the little Billy raised bin voice. "Nell. On, was a singular being. The Uugdsii kii)v. of the meat are obtained from area within sea weed or tisb. quality exceed the value of the tilled "Snake this stranger's war bag into face and black eyebrows which met blushes and bis half sidling writer Thomas De Quiueey made close pool. uitinhabiMiile by than from the whole man's Nell!" feeding mashes the of a The scenic "And, ecu I space generation. lh' shack." commanded Billy. over his nose. Billy walked directly method of At this supreme observation of Kaut's personal ρ As summarized in a recent offi- Lake delivery. graius. beauty of the locality surrounding few one Whrn I'aria Mn· Dirty. or Nell, uat'rally rustle a grub." to this man. hi* littleness and lack of self larltles and frequently dwelt upon cial meat meal, scraps which is overlooked jest moment Specialist publication, Pennesseewaxsee, a small hand amusement. It take.; the IuIkjI's of 4,000 to keep The up "What Is It?" he shortly. on mood. "What them with luteuse auimal feed of any kind tend to make the farms this sheet of strauger picked inquired assertion jarred ber of by surrounding into the in the art the of Paris clean today, but lu the flesh darker, and it seems fair to say is and needs the satchel and followed Charley "This yere alu"t in tb' agreement." doin' there? Thought you'd va- Kant, amon;; other studies city water, indescribable, you not care so is true of food rich in nitro- a little later, he reup- the care of himself, avoided or- times pa«t that capital did that this any pen of a poet to do it justice. Summer building. When, "I know that," replied stranger. moosed." of taking At the Cornell station two similar he carried the haud dust and vamoose." uo much about the matter and was not Specialist gen. people have become conversant with the peared lor supper "Then leave yore "It was safest here," explained the diuary garters. He permitted lig- a In 1348 Koraixteen I have titled 8-1422) complained one No for examin- tender and more than the second, ural'y all ing hi# $50,000 to because you to keep up his stockings. due· thing ouly. charge eye juicy the health that goes with them. speukiif you Into the Seine masses said lie, seems went here to- no to and out- tice of throwing rubbish ation» or consultation. however, contained The stock seen at the farms "Stranger," "yo' The messenger through be in trouble. Of course I ain't got he had loops attached theui, which, large pure-bred horror and an abom- On the a ration of to that thar satchel." Have seen him?" he wore a contrivance made It u "great of fat. other hand, of several noted Oxford county breeders, mighty wedded day. you to ask, an' If you don't care to side each hip the Ontario In right ination to look Until the ter- yellow corn used at Agricul- S. M. and "Yes. sir," piped the strauger. Billy "Narry mosseuger." replied Billy which may be culled a box windlass. upon." DR. PARMENTER including King Benjamin tell me"— who tural College a dark yellow evidence that the breeders "I has some per- resembled an teeiith century everybody could Me. Tel. IS·*. produced Tucker, gave snorted at thrt title. relief. "Stage goes empty." to kill broke In These affairs somewhat Kye Specialist. Norway, while milk and buckwheat "They're golu* Billy!" on horseback in order deeh; oats, of the believe in animals which is valuable to had down the stairs a which se- went about I'aris county mainly sonal belonglugs Charley crept with a sob. antiler's reel, with spriug a white color. It is com- in Nell with the filth of the gave creamy that will practical results the the and and Into the room. at Be- to a void contact fat produce me." He opened bag produced "What for?" cured the line auy given |»oiut. monly believed that the desirable when farm streets. Various ordinances were made dairy given merely good a of a rather cheap look- "What 'n blazes you dolu' yere, yeu his fowls with skin can best be ob- cheap portrait "I don't rightly make out. hold Kant then expounding philos Nasal yellow grown feed and ordinary attention with- trucu- jest to the to sweep the road corn wouiun. "My mother that wus," ranlkaboo IJIt?" asked Billy thinks to a select circle of disciples. comitel people tained by heavily feediug yellow out frills. Hothouse is avoided, ing after some one, and they ophy was stabling They're not before their own doors, but It not two or three weeks before killing. .•«aid he. lently. It's Like the famous counsel who could and provision for pure air and exercise Billy'* cachein' him. I reckon you. cart became an on the and went Inside. ain't what calls without twisting until 1701 that the dust CATARRH However, the chicken brought up is not the of the Billy snorted again "That thar stage you cachein' but state his arguments In all lu ttiere neglected by majority Billy ain't nothiu', they «ta^es with its weed seeds, of all kinds. The observed unmoved. Kaut worked the wind Institution. range, grass, bugs, farmers visited. He hated sentiment empty," Charley, thinks he is." α bit of twine, •tiouid be clean.meae. the wheat and etc., together with all A feature of our extend- sat each other aud A broke on Billy'· mind. He re- as he talked. The Idea of this la Laalaa. striking visit, two men opposite light "It's me tbey's after all right enough. lasses AMCrlaaa Barer Ely*» Cream Balm cracked coru he may wish to help him- two entire of the valise which the stran- De ing through days driving ate supper, which was served by membered the where I don't fancy so tickled Quiucey American accent came near ta beala to be when he Now you knows am, why grotesque "My Ci-an-e«,»ootheeM!d self to, is not despised over the of the was his and, on the odd highways county, red cheeked The Btrnuger kept ger had so carefully guarded, save that he often lingered sight me 9480 on my last trip to t!ie d.^eiied membrane. to the table.—Orant White- girl. you tell tbem an' Billy?" taxing Just comes Davis, the marked of farm horses, him that mas- ·.'« scarcity good was in the his common sense told have been to observe the a "Whaa It curvacatarrh and dri% N. in Tribune Farmer. eyes on his plate while she though The girl started, but ber keen west- It must London," remarked clubman. house, J., and entire absence of colts observed such as χ* ,ν,^-τ «way a cold in the bead room. He on the edge of the an lnoffeuslve noncombataut, at once. j ter out the cable" or haullug tried to r. certain bulldog pup up on the farms. Not a single perched ern mind saw the difficulty I "paying I buy quickly. growing him his would hardly be chosen as "slack" aid of this curious It at Clover Beats Timothy. foal of the was seen, and bench with his feet tucked under guest, thinks Billy pertects you jest In the by there the kennel man priced 9600, Γ ream Balm Is Into the noetrila, tpreads present year "They '"Ndt up I" he commanded tharply. placed on toes. When she messenger, still the bare possi- as an America» lm- Some weeks ago The New England one of last year's A pair aud resting thwlr express the same." machinery! as he had me sited np over the membrane and i* absorbed. Belief is only breeding. a she In the as remained. In moment appeared Farmer referred to timothy the Ben of well matched blacks, scaling 2,000 approached, the muscles of his shoul- bility "Do love bim?" asked tbe stran- In his regard, an easy mark. I u diate and a core follow·. It la not drying—doe· you at the foot of the stairs with- and, of the Recent and to farm arms with "Yo're right," he assented carelessly; doorway a with a at the hotel a··t Sue, 50 MBta At Drug· Davia grasses. experi- pounds, admirably apapted ders aud upper grew rigid Λ made deal cabby produce «neexing. Large as ger. out hesitation or fear. She had slipped l.ulleby. ments at the Illinois experiment station use on one farm visited, were considered awk- "thar Is oue tenderfoot who knows who went around and bought gi»t« or by mail ; Trial Slxe, 10 cent· by Bail. embarrassmeut, causing strange, "God knows I'm tough," con- the are accused of at- stand, correctness of our idea. A worth from to The owner as a does purty on a dress. When «be perceived Magistrate—You 13 HUT 11 M Warren Street, Mew York. prove the $700 $800. of the hands. He an- much of ridlu' express pig for me at 900, a very fair JU.Y SUS, ward movements fessed "but I jest do a at Ί the same pup bulletin issued the station says: had refused 1000 for them. There is al- Nell, sobbing, state of affairs, she brightened almost tempting to hold pedestrian up by swered in of war." as the will never be a show was the monosyllables. tbat!" And she dropped ber bead this morning. What have you price, dog "A feature of the experiment most unlimited land, perfectly adapted he's mischievously. o'clock :λοοοοο Ult? auu çaïuçon;, "I notice almighty particular I a 910 to the cab- of the worthlessnees of to both and of fodder JD111J CAi'auvivcij if In own behalf? winner. gave tip demonstration pasturage growth of again. "Would Just as soon, ma'am, to say your an Toward the close of the meal •bout that thar carpetbag hls'n," you so I made 9430 by employing something that horse feed- for horses, and yet the farms are wholly Charley Tbe Invisible stranger In tbe gloom Prisoner— I am not guilty, your hon- man, timothy hay, Insisted it ain't troublln' you too much, just an 'an· to in mind. Tim- on horses for into beside him. Charley. who called hi· hansom ers will do well keep dependent Western grown slipped place Charley fell considering. or. 1 can a agent man the counter had lost silent, sort of untie Billy?" request- prove lullaby. to haul to town and sell to their was out of humor aud fouud the meat The against naturally som and his horse an 'orse."—New othy is good supply. "I'm a rank my- mean au alibi. GLASS. scene. denial, purty proposition ed the stranger. Magistrate—You THE WRONG beat* it all brief visit to has nothing of the Billy's the other fellow. Clover This Oxford county cold. as If to what York Sun. eelf," said be at last himself, so. The hotel stretch- Prisoner—Well, call It you like, around, lu the experiment, horses fed increased our respect for the Pine " he his hesitation, his half truth, all looked She did keeper again yore soul, Nell," cried, I a on band which same wife will swear that I was and clover 27? there are both farms him. With one swift "and got job ed bis arms. but my aa4 Macpl*. Glasses on corn, oata gained Tree State, since a to eat!" suspicious to Jackdaw If your present "this yere ain't fltteu fer hog without at- tloor with the at the in 92 The lot fed on and farmers to what is self evident arm he had I ougbta put through givin' "Now them guns, please." walking the baby ttie daw In hardly ever ease pounds each days. prove nor did round sweep of the Billy pick up In England fail to you was The girl did not mind, Billy. on else. As a usual in the give same without such to an over his tention anything two set about it. hour mentioned charge.—Chica- as daw and the ration, except timothy proof experienced of Billy's arms shot The mentioned hut Jaek, yet and comfort, there's was 142 areas It was the country's mode, speech. don't care for me, and 1 substituted for clover, the gain eye, that large of land a com- folks "Where's that infernal old repro- go News. name of tbt namely, his knife. cad without the necessity of play, ! not Jackdaw In the proper Is the ration cost are still available that when the The stranger dropped ÎDvered. care much for folks, women es- something wrong pounds, and timothy given don't bate?" howled Billy suddenly, looking It is suggested that the pie on "I don't wonder don't like it, mand. I species. it Glasses or more than the clover. handling now proving so successful yo' They drives me plumb tired. IWta on Frleadahlp. of your your pecial. about for Charley. owe» the "mag" to some corruption "From this it is that is farms will make that western then!" said he with a fuuny little flare The men ceased their occupation® ou and ? plain timothy many reckon I don't stack up very blgb had Friends are a costly luxury, Is to chat- Eyes farm- about Scenes of this The patriarch quietly slipped Margaret or Meg. To mug an raw material for county known for profitable hus- of auger. and gathered it comes to cash- In a unprofitable widely tbe blue chips when when une lu venta one's capital vert» waa derived If muet and sort were too common to elicit com- away. ter, but whether the That's a Vital feeding operations. you grow bandry unsurpassed scenery.—The "Meanin' what?" shouted Charley tbat sex but In one cannot afford to Question in' In with anyhow, cau them arms." advised mission In life or name from th· sell it to the man in town. Corn, oats aimuo riruioi. or arouse excitement. They "You drop from the name the it, ment me as much notice of With You. bran and oil threateningly. general they gives the muzzles of bave friends. The expenslveness It la more than and clover hay, with a little a knew the lalssez-falre rela- the stranger, lowering verb is a ipiHstion. a Success. "You shore mustu't speak to lady perfectly lavishes on a doodle bug. 1 does not lie in what one constitute an ideal ration for fat- Wetting Silage the two as they his The leader started to friendship that the Jim Crow of Arneri· Either is bad enough ineal, that the strauger firmly, tions which obtained between wea|M>ns. probable Farmer. Two I filled ailo in the way," replied ain't carin', you understand, nary does for one's friends, but In what one, waa tening horsee."—New England yearn ago my westerners. say something. ca (the old name for a negro lioy) and should bring you and about 7 inchea of the lu his little piping voice. but onct lu a age I kind ol for leave· undone. ordinary way bit, dog's "You shut said Billy, selecting but of regard them, across from In the once. and said Black Hank angrily In a up!" brought England to us at surface On the aides and cor- Billy caught the point exploded "Now," bankers for a decent look from one of This nieaus the of many an E{{ Profils. apoiled. bis own revolvers from the heap. crushing when η crow waa Jim, aa a awal- as The a low tone, "I waut to know why you women days We like to discover of ners at leaat twice much rotted. In mighty guffaw. them. I ain't never bad no one intellectual germ.—From λ Letter to In a at the Utah Station The stranger suddenly picked up low waa Dick.—Ixwdon Standard. comparison year 3 inchea on the top and 5 fer he cried, slapping tried that monkey game." Sometimes 1 unusual Eye defects, breeds for for past only "Bully you!" folks of my own—never. Colt's action revolver· George Brando*. different egg production and corners The and that of the single hen at the sides apoiled. his knee. "Struck pyrites"—he pro- Billy, wary unafraid, replied It would be some scrumptloui the kind that several the average profit per thinks which on the floor and, holding the Battit. puzzle years under the tried no that he had for- lay Ear* with Barred silage immediately spoiled uounced It "pie rights"—"fer shore that he had gam·, a little waltln' for m< Jn.t Llk* HIm. the AVERAGE was 51.5 cents per year Ply- to know gal's back the guard, ex- remove the shell, X Opti- portion was a better quality than any I the tenderfoot for a moment and trigger against Take a toiled egg, mouth Rocks, SS cents with White Wyan- trip, Charley." gotten somewheres. They ain't none. Thej the Arthur—You think I don't love yon, v cian. had ever put up, in fact, about perfect the latter the six charges by hitting bare a bottle with a large neck, add aud #1.12 with Rose Comb Brown The too, laughed, but quietly. that he did not believe ain't built tbat way. ploded die for dotte·, This smaller loss was due to wetting the girl, never will be. I with the palm of bis darling? Why, I would you. and differences were ob- would to be the sought for ex- hammer smartly a piece of pai>er to the neck light y "GLASSES Leghorns. Marked from the cutter. I at- She was a little touched, though Just prove You treated me white tonight. You're of this Arethusa—Tes, and It would be Just RIGHT, as it came hand. In the thrusting motion in blaze the egg on It, in the size of the laid the silage be- messenger. me It. When put served eggs by a hose to the water tank and ar- this winter she had left Bismarck press first woman that ever kissed ol for to do it fo tiiat funeral GOOD SIGHT." of the tached tbe he evidently had design, like you your aud the heat will the hens of the different breetls, and would have no more of of the at a from his discharge point down, pull it so that the water would fall cause the place One men, signal her own accord." on bar would come on a wbeu 1 had to same in the ranged the first six wineglasses Billy's day with force Intdde. Now put breed, but, general, Leg- cut corn as it came from relieved belt of consid- egg great upon the just her. leader, Billy's Tbe heard u faint scramble, then was wonderful work, a real nice engagement to at- S. RICHARDS, horns showed lesa variation than Wyan- girl were shivered. It give up a blazed in the Iwttle aud the cutter. Sufficient, was to face of the erable Then the latter was on again paper Tn the case applied In the Billy's approval weight. tbe soft of some one landing than a self cock- tend It. Ob. you men are so seltisb! dotte» or Plymouth Rocks. Two pat rattling fire, qulckcr manage to have the egg in the neck Pleasant South Paris thoroughly wet all the fodder. This man fell silent. to sit on a cracker box. V Street, of hens of different breeds, for old permitted h!e feet. Peering from the window, He selected another weapon. forty-one method is muoh easier than the stairs. In a er even. up, and the heat will push out were for raising About midnight the four Inmates of more mounted the little form one point which complete records kept it in that she made out a faint shadowy From a of tomato cans he took Mad. water in and distributing a >to that pile the egg with an explosion. it was found that the pails the frontier hotel were awakened by moment they returned report ; two years, average believe that this of the it into the air. Before it First Baby—You look sad. first way. I wetting contained uo human and tossed was 178 per fowl for the the upper story am. I feel keenly egg 7'eld corn is an important factor in tne mak- had fallen he had perforated It twice, Second Baby—I Perpetaal. 125 the second. Whether there is strange or otherwise, except I year, of in New England beings, the floor be help- the of having parents be worried difference In the differ- ing silage.—Cor. remained a I and as it rolled along responsibility "You alwaya appear to Furniture. a characteristic the girl, but that there to have me.—Smart Homestead. ed its by four more bullets *rho cannot afford •bout remarked ent breeds in this regard our experiments small trunk. Under further orders they progression your housekeeping," been continued to Nerves CONTINUE which left streams of tomato juice 6et. the friend. have not enough came from Ireland. Your the bar- long Fged blood down Into sympathetic· Cattle Only by the trunk Kerry Upon rich, pan, nourishing dragged room was Furniture. form a basis for conclusion. The record are now in the United i Those who are gaining fleeh where had hit The "But the housekeeper, a few of them and 70a room. It was broken open and found they really," replied that individualism taking Hood'· Barsaparilla, ; and strength by regular treat- * Ckllly Vfttlif. shows, however, States. are to broken and I full of smoke. Th· group watched, "there are two occasions when I 1 2 coal They adapted free from those spells of de- to contain clothes of the plainsman's : »ent with Richard only nice Organ, been used yearn, be taken into account, in a few cows are will be J Tbe late Sir Jebb, professor must scant the small, a neat- fascinated. am worried. One la when I the second pastures; those nights and anxious cut, material and state of wear, at for many year*, really ?1'>, price $40. Bed·, Mattresses, cases more eggs being laid from 600 to 700 spair, sleepless Emulsion the men the wail grew of Greek Cambridge the other la when Spring weighing pounds. They saddle use Scott's Then against haven't a servant and than the first. milk of those gloomy, deathlike feeling·, ly folded Mexican showlug bad tbe saving grace of humor. Staves, Feather Beds, Tables, Com· year give a large quantity of good days, : he uld continue the treatmentr I Out of the film of smoke long, have." at mere nothing·, and a rawhide < dose ι rigid. bad I not far behind Quernseys those sadden start· quirt. hot weather] smaller toward them, Two men of bis acquaintance modes, Bureaus, Chairs, Jars, Kettle·, quality, being con- » nd a little cool milk with It will vivid stream· flashed writes and blinding 'TenderfootI" said Black Hank writes a friend in "R. W. P.," Penobscot county, and Jerseys. those dyspeptic symptoms < ίο lifelong At th· Art Maaaaai. Dishes, House Plants, Dresa Cutter'i I away with any objection right and left like the alternating quarreled, that be tinds more in sheep than Hood'· Saraaparilla has done temptuously. •hlch Is attaohed to fatty pro- St. James' then met while skat- profit headache·. of a locomotive'· tiniasb, Budget, Her Husband—That statue Isu't true Picture· at very but has bad to wool and 15-pound fleeces scattered ucts during the nested •team pistons, Table, Sofas, Lounges, >n either cattle or hogs, Thirty-cent this tor many others It will core yon. The outlaws bad already bullets of are a combination calculated to make onson. •mash, smash, smash, bit the ing. to nature. Ills Wife—What's wrong low These are all second hand oat of the business on account look for the trail. In this Send (or free met ou a price·. go look outside to taraplc. the twelfth "They could hardly bave It are kind and sheepmen sit up and pleasant. SCOTT Λ CbemWu, with regular thud. With with It ? Her Husband—Why. repré- At auction room·, No. 2, West- dogs. He says that sheep were unsuccessful, reporting In- BOWNK, said Jebb when tbe In- good·. in Two of W. I. Dow'· sheep of Island Hood's Saraaparilla they Pearl Street, New Ywk. J the din ceased. Midway be- colder footing," senta a woman sitting still, saying to handle, are seldom trouble, or In cfaoookted Indicat- discharge ern Avenue. gentle fleece· of that In usual liquid form deed that not the faintest sign joc.iu4fi.oo; all draggiat·. I cident was related to him. and do not one to bring a pall of Falls produced weight, tween the beads of each pair of men nothing.—Columbus Dlsoatcb. require a· doses H. In direction. 1 whan «beared the tablets known fareataJM.100 ed escape any _ feed to the pea three tinea » day. past spring. A BadcfMd. Bethel. ESTABLISHED 1ί». West Paris. State Oxford County.' Plum BEARS. There will be no servi ce at the What the Rep iays THE OXFORD The mother*' meeting to be held with Mr·. Julia Clongh and daughter Uni·, Economy Picking. versalitt church the month of J he Oxford Mn. Elva E. Locke, under the auspices Christine of Nuhna, Ν. H., are guests during JJemocrot, as the Rev. Mr. Colaon,1 our Shirt ΓΜΕ DOINGS OF THE WEEK IN ALL of the W. C. T. will be after- uf Mr. and Mr·. Merritt Parsons. August, pastor, Pith out of Mr. McOJIIIcMddy's These are for to from Waist Suit and ISSUED TUESDAYS. U., Friday a vacation. and which Take the day· you gather as at Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Welsh of and family, are away for Some Pacte Figure· noon, 17, inatead of Thursday Brooklyn, out of the stock SECTIONS OF THE COUNTY. Aug. of Mr. Mr. N. R. condition seems ixes and \ growing reducing process. first intended. It will be held on the N. T., have been recent guest· Springer's Dissertation on State Τι Expenditures.' Vrapper department, bargains Tilton. Mr. and Mrs. to be encouraging at the present time. SOUTH PARIS, MAINS, AUG. 14,1906. lawn if the weather permits, and there and Mrs. Gilbert and Mr. and Mrs. J. U. and Mr. I Paris MIL be a read Welsh, G. W. Tilton mother visited Purington in blue and waist has yoke of box will very Interesting paper by from a ' lUITS of silk black, nary gray, plaits, three ι farm which Mr. Welsh has J. V. Bolt and family returned The office holder·. Do yon suppose Mrs. Locke on "The Training of the Wednesday 3XFORD COUNTY BALANCE 8ΠΕΕΤ noney? In French knots. Skirt has two at Brunswick last care h»w much money U expended rows tucking down front, finish with box plaits Flret Church, Rev. Κ. Ο. pastor a Mrs. Liz- in Turner. went by short outing Tuesday.,1 hey bene- ATWOOD A FORBES, Baptist Taylor, Human Plant," and story by purchased They WITH THE 8TATE. slurles bo m are the onea to be at 10 :iS A. M. Sunday Τ Le W. C. T. U. will not hold a meet-. long they in finished with rows of around bottom, were 113.50, now >re*clslaf every Sunday zie E. also music Miss Johnson auto. I ted? front, tucking 98.75 Editor* u4 at 12 m. Sabbath Service at Lane, by 1905. Proprietor·. School Evening of until Are to continue voting to keep auch β All ladies Mr. Waiter Pike and family Floral ing September. headed "For Other U you going were now JO p. u. T. P. 8. C. 1. Tuesday renin*, of Portland. interested, espe- [The column Purposes" b< cauie Senator ·are »o? ; iUITSof black and white checks, 913.60, 910.00 (ίιυιβι M. Atwood. A. K. Foaau. Cove- of Mr. E. C. Bowler and son and Mr. the state aen In office iuet Frye Meeting Thursday evening at 7 30. the mothers and their little ones Park, N. T., have been recent guests he total of the βumβ paid the town* by want to for II." 'rayer 1st cially school·, Laughter.) For one I don't pay waist bas bow utnt the laat before the Mr. Pike and John Nelson returned from an auto trip 'or various purposes, Inrludlng hl(rh ; IUITS of blue and dotted muslin, knot pattern of val Meeting Friday not are and a social honr will be en- C. S. Cbilde. Tuesday son, anl- and pink figured Sunday of tbe month at 3 M p. M. All invited, icademtes, ttate roads, lUmue to domestic ▲t this turn once again Term· a If In advance. D. L. Welsh and G. W. Tilton to Palermo Sunday. j1 of juucture lace skirt bas 29 inch flounce, finished with —#1.30 year paid strictly >tberwlae connected are cordially Invited. joyed after the programme. navigated nali, railroad and telefrrapn tax, support total and then ask I lac, abort sleeves, trimmed, three Otherwise a « cent·. one and Mr. William F. Kendall and son Guy , and sailors, )eruse that grand 93JX> year Single coplee Churcfc. Sunday School every last a few North Pund and >aupere, burial expenses of soldiers .... were Universalis* Thursday afternoon of week caught pickerel ana what the Hon. Daniel J. tncks at very full, 96.50, now 4.50 at a. m. Mrs. Samuel in Mechanic talarv of union school·, roarself Mc-1 bottom, — visited AovurruciMumi All advertisements Sunday 10.45 friends and an in- one black bass, while Master Johnnie Hawley county attorney, legal acquaintances gave jubile library.] waa trying to "get through waist embroidered and •re riven three connective MmNM for $1.30 G. M. D. Gerrish went out to the river back of Falls. 3illicuddy SUITS of wbite batiste with black polka dots, contract· of the Paria Hill formal surprise party to Mrs. he know better, tucked, per inch in length of column. Special The annual meeting one Dr. Gallison of Mass., was a limself." Didn't any j were advertis- Reed in honor of her in the their home and caught four bass, Franklin, School For bas clusters of side .... $4.75, now 13.49 made with local, transient and yearly Association will be held at Ham- birthday, >r lie know and waa be trying I skirt plait*, Library over he guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Fund Other did simply er*. lore at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. weighing two pounds, which Billings State bis lin Memorial Hall at 3 p. m. on August Mill Pur- Ό exercise bia inimitable wit upon 1, of white linen waist bas tucks and embroidered front, tucked sent to the writer. Friday. Tax. >UITS finish, collar Jo· Panrrcse —New type, fui preaae·, electric Κ:ker. Quite a number were present Tax. poses. Total. 15th, 1906. is at bis summer Mrs. Fannie Bisbee bas entertained mdiences? j .... were now power, experienced workmen and low price· and Mrs. Reed received wish- Hon. John D. Long 312 33 131 9β 444» $35134 ' and cuffs, tucked skirt, very full, 94.50, 93.49 The annual of Paris Hill Golf many good Mrs. i Albany, $ $ • It is from what be said that combine to make this department of oar baal- meeting with Mr. and Mrs. Mor- Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Ordway and 306 85 3A9 08 93 583 73 apparent Hall es and a collection of fiowers. home, boarding Andover, 1,065 < skirt bas ncM and Club will be held at Academy Wed- quite 9i believes that Oxford 5UITS of white tucked and embroidered waist, cluster of four complete popular. who care for the farm. Richardson of South Paris. ! Bethel, 1,1 yj 99 1,658 21 2,858 21 2,186 dr. McQillicuddy muslin, Miss Marion Johnson of Portland is rill, 30 on it. Aug. 15, at S o'clock. from llrownfleld, 038 35 110 Hi 749 17 766 β too much money spent with tucks around bottom, were $4 now nesday evening, E. Frank Whittemore, who lives on the A party of young ladies, all 60 having · tucks on each seam finished 50, 92.98 Bennett lost one of his of spending two weeks with Mrs. Elva Buckfleld, *38 35 48)37 1,32372 1,010 bis clamor arises the natural NIXtiLE COPIES. Frank pair me that Gould have been 229 81 Dut of all at- Locke. Miss Johnson is an slope of the mountain, informs Academy, '04, camping ; 150 69 57 00 207 69 I waist has tucked collar and skirt black horses last week. The horse accomplish- Byron, 777 28 relief of his listeners that the first work | JUITS of black muslin, large tucks, cuffs, has Single Coplee of the Democrat are four cents has taken be has a tree well laden with sweet at Echo Lake, Bryant'e Pond, the past Janton, 871 23 100 00 97123 fell ed and for two 11 ..... were each. «111 be mailed on receipt of price by to over a fence and singer, Sundays Denmark, 372 60 2-26 34 5U8 94 764 )f himself and his ilk, were they to gain clusters of tucks on seams, 93 98, now *2.49 They tempted jump at the as as his and blossoms at week. 8H611 the or for the convenience of from which the of soprano in the clioir apples big list, Ulxflcld, 753 42 509 )0 1,262 42 be to back to publisher» patron· back causing internal injury place Hezekiah Stowe from 42 power in Maine, would go of each Issue have been on ist while Mrs. C. H. the same time. Mr. Kansas, 831 61 1,061 67 1,895 28 2,025 SUITS of lawn in black and white checks and light brown, waist has tucked jingle copie· placed within an hour. l" ni versai church Fryeburg, 10 basis of good at In the : it died from has been : UI 115 07 '234 74 319 81 328 the financial twenty years ago— •ale the following place· County a vacation. N. £ Morrill and wife have returned formerly Newry, calling lead, skirt bas clusters of side Store. Miss Julia Carter has returned from Bates had 41 10 37 00 68 10 155 94 when were sufficient with French dots, front piped with red, South l'art·, Brooke' Drug I mentioned the seven- old friends. UraftoD, ι time expenditures yoke plaits, Shurtleff's Store. The Grand Trunk station is re- from the lakes. upon 631 50 63 702 13 42913 Drug Bay Shore, Long Island. being to home Ixreenwood, 170 for the needs of the State affairs then *ere 93.98, now |2.49 Store. salmon last week that Mrs. Mor- Harold Chandler returned his Hanover. 115 07 50 21 165 28 204 20 Norway, Soye·' Drug of and also the residence of C. Π. pound a basis that would be Store. The golf tournament Friday painted, in 509 59 30 00 589 59 659 99 conducted, but Stone'» Drug Bates. rill caught Its weight was β pounds, Norway, Friday. Hartford, SUITS of in blue, gray, brown and green, tucked waist, skirt has Alfred Cole, Postmaeter. waa won by Fred Shaw and from Hebron, 279 45 170 00 449 45 559 20 in these days of legitimate Chambray, Buckfleld, Saturday a marked to 7. That was not bad for a Mr. Robert Bisbee has returned 48 parsimony A. f. Insurance Office. the Luther M. Irish is receiving visit up 676 71 132 51 809 23 881 .... were now Kryebunc, Lewis, Miss Gertrude Brown. They he has been Hiram, The Democratic party through clusters of side plaits, 93.98, 92.49 Pari* Mr·. Harlow. Poet Office. played Buckfiuld. fish It was a beaut. Brunswick where doing 378 08 1 40 37» 48 ] ,00007 progress. Ulll, tiuals Charles Shaw ana Miss from his sister, Elsie, of story. Lovell, Mr. thus West Pari·, Samuel T. White. against of work in Bowdoin Col- ! M aeon, 73 97 5 00 78 97 110 06 its spokesman McOillicuddy of extra in blue, waist trimmed with pearl bias Mrs. Everett Harmon and little eon W. C. Spaulding and daughter special laboratory 51 SUITS heavy gingham buttons, Helen Cole and were very close for the Mexico, 1,635 61 655 00 2,290 61 1,199 declares that It will spend loss money are Caribou came to town in a lege. 38 bas flounce beaded with bias fold, trimmed sntire the winners finishing two Kalph, from Milford, Mass., spending Wednesday Newry, 221 92 4 00 225 92 326 from the State folds and tucks, skirt plaited with ιο. round, a Mrs. Fred Chandler and of 43 than is spent to-day Slate Election Sept. a vacation with Mrs. Harmon's 0. large touring car. They came in with daughters 1.934 23 1,318 61 3 252 84 3,17! were now Monday, on fourteen holes. The regular Sat- father, Norway, 10 It declares in effe£t that it buttons, 92.98, -$1.68 up swish and a the South Paris have been in Bethel the past oxford, 827 39 325 00 1,152 39 1,185 treasury. pearl tea was Mrs. 1). This week Mrs. Har- bang, nearly frightening ft House afternoon given by Ellingwood. returned from a Parle, 2,315(6 «1120 3,126 26 3 440 will stand at the door of the State were now urday natives. week. Mr. Chandler J 09 SUITS of in blue, 91.98, il.49 was a well attended and mon is relatives at Paris Hill 616 43 286 81 903 24 600 club good gingham For P. C. Case and visiting to Four Ponds and Peru, during the legislature and away Governor, and Rev and Mrs. A. W. Pottle are away. fishing trip Friday, j Porter, «71 23 233 00 904 23 601 59 with dots and affair. vicinity. to take a to 169 24 those who coine with proper and earnest SUITS of percale in wbite ground stripes, anjoyable is her He at Waterviiie Aug. 0. joined his family here trip Koxbury, 265 75 265 75 good William T. The Universalist circle at Academy Mrs. D. C. Churchill visiting preached 23 09 32 63 for aid. were now Cobb, on va- Kumford, 6,260 3,646 9,906 7,590 requests 91.75, 91.19 in Almeda at Dick- Rev. Mr. Athearn is to go his Quebec. 263 33 Hall Friday evening was a success daughter, Richardson, Stoneham, 238 36 174 00 412 36 As to where the Democratic party of Rockland. soon to and Miss Martha formerly of South , 317 33 just it one of vale. cation Martha's Vineyard Ilersey, 9 tow, 191 78 115 50 307 28 Mr. SUITS of .... were 91.25, now 98c. svery way, those present voting now of where 03 64164 will insert the knife of retrenchment figured percale, letters in West Paris other Paris, Litchfield, Conn., Sumner, 630 l.'l 432 90 1,063 the best dances of the season. Advertised post points. 178 08 44 178 52 417 25 is and were which we she is Mrs. F. S. Sweden, McGillicuddy discreetly silent, SUITS of 91.00, now 79c. in a 10: On the old elm tree under teaches, visiting 268 H4 figured lawn, For Representative Congre»», at Acadetny Hall office Aug. 178 08 17 00 195 08 for reasons will no doubt re- Monday evening to sit be seen out Chandler Upton, 55 palpable to Kev. and Mrs. Allen Louie. delight may growing Waterford. 632 87 200 00 832 87 *763 of and CHARLES E. LITTLEFIELD, reception will be given in the 91 main so. have WRAPPERS print percale, slightly damaged, J. Arsenault. from the bark a few sprays of chick- Miss Alice Russell, assistant Woodstock, 509 M 418 42 928 00 636 Glittering generalities C. A. Knickerbocker. The reception Joseph 202 00 206 74 154 20 characterized Democratic were 91.00 and now 4<»o. of Rockland. M r». Joe Bernett. at the of the tirst limb a post office, has resumed her duties after Milton Pl., 74 4 always 91.25, committee is made of Ex-Gov. and weed, junction Mr. Mac and his con- up Geo. W. Clement. a vacation of three weeks. Will little about a foot at the 43 14.306 93 41,070 36 35,691 43 promieee. WRAPPERS of and lawn, were now 79c. Miss Perham. Mr. and Mrs. Atwood, Mr. Kre'l L. Coburn. maple high, 26,763 freres trouble the school fund of Oxford print 91.00, E. W. second limb a bunch nf chick-weed as For Senator, tnd Mrs. and Mrs. Jackson. Deney. other retrench- were now Thayer Marie or of any county? Any WRAPPERS of print and lawn, $1.25, 9se. of fudge. as your two hands. Brownfield. mon» in mp»n« HENRY H. HASTINGS, of Bethel. Decoration of the hall is in charge Mrs. J. A. GouM. big '06. fhaf linn that the Oxford Laura Dean are Me., Aug. 9, ..... were now brief Misses Georgia and Mrs. Scott fmm Gardiner is the Augusta, even the WRAPPERS of 91.75, 9*c. Mr. Daniel Winslow. Besides Alex Irving. guest that the Daniel Jocular Mc- cube get less schooling—and percale, For Clerk of Courts, H. W. Jenklne. at Old Orchard. They have Cres- Now Hon. will be a musical summering •if Miss Wentworth, also Mrs. are not on record as a were now jpeeches there program V. C. Mary baa bia tour among Démocrate going WRAPPERS of 91.50, 91.25 of Knight. recently lost a nice carriage horse. Mrs. Gillicuddy completed percale, C11 ARLES F. WHITMAN, Norway. of vocal solos by Miss Vivian HaroM L. Maun sey and Whitney. to in that consisting Wilson Conaut has had to resort to the risibilities of the in Ox- party disposed niggardliness our closes Miss Olive E. S. Newton. The Goldthwaite are countryside of Notice. store every Friday afternoon. Kdwards, piano solos by family boarding be taken of direction. The grateful showers Special During August For County Treasurer, F. L. Oplway. crutches from a ankle. ford County, advantage may and violin selections Mr. sprained at fall on and Thompson, by Kre«l Clayton Spring's. the lull in to consider some of school money Republicans GEORGE M. ATWOOD, of Pari». Perry. Warren Shaw and bride wero tendered Mrs. Allen is friends in this laughter James Light refreshments Jennie visiting on Democrats alike. Will the econo- Thompson. Perry. a the on his the eminent humorist's great served. It is intended that P. Pool. reception by young people "points" For County Attorney, will also be Jessy village. iseues. mists who are reaching for the keys of Ernest Rolllue. father's lawn. Bean went to state this shall be a affair of Dr. Fitch and Mr. Ansel the etato take away the money CHARLES P. of village regardless J.A.Sc tt. and Mrs. Downs of Fairfield are As an entertainer the Hon. D. J. ap- treasury BARNES, Norway. and all residents of the Dr. Oxford denomination Sebago blueberrving. to have Alf Martz and Comical from the twelve high schools in Mrs. Minnie Uilman and Mrs. Louie of Mrs. Downs1 parents, Mr. and has been pears For Register of Deeds, and vicinity including summer guests Mrs. Tarr, who stopping of or of the modest sums appro- village Gilmao and child have been Mrs. Mrs. James Packard. Brown and other rural "sunbeams any part are invited. visiting with her son, Dr. Tarr, has returned to and tax J. HASTINGS BEAN, of Pari·. guests cordially her fun" crowded off into the Gusty priated? The railroad telegraph Anna C. Young. Mrs. II. D. Irish is entertaining her home in Mass. wings. Miss Scott and Miss Margaret Maynard Rockport, still from to is re-converted to the various towns by For of Western District, Mr. and Mrs. Henry S. Borneman and sister, Mrs. J. C. Fuller of Waterviiie. is in health*» laughter springs peak peak Register Deeds, are guects of Misses Clara and Adelaide J. L. Frink very poor is and the matter is one of two and Miss Nellie T. Ide of Arthur Dunton of Rath is a of in the Oxford hills and cachinnation law, largely ECKLEY BALLARD, of Fryeburg. Case. children, guest from its arrived last for A. E. Warren. battered in echoes between Tumbledick book-keeping—considered Mr. and Mrs. Albert £. Davies and Philadelphia Saturday actual fiscal Mr. For County Commissioner, their annual vacation here with Mr. and We mentioned the arrival of the re- First Congregational church, Rev. Dr. and Striped Mountain. But unfortunately standpoint. Probably have gone to Isle of will not tell the farmers ilaugbter, Pauline, Thomee from Old Jambs J. G. Tarr, Sunday, for the cffectof the Lewiston can- McGillicuddy ADELBERT DELANO, of Canton. will two Mrs. David Emmons. mains of Mrs. R. C. pastor. Aug. lasting Springs where they spend at with Maine men of Oxford that his party will refuse to Mrs. Albert Kyder is away on a visit. Orchard last week. The funeral services 19: Morning worship 10:45, didate's humor hard-headed For Sheriff, weeks. "Altar Stones." damages caused to Hocks by vicious A most occasion was the occurred at the home 4, attended sermon by the pastor, do not vote as they laugh—not when they pay Mr. and Mrs. Albion Tubbs of West pleasant Aug. Does he think that the sums HIRAM R. HUBBARD, of Paris. tho of the School at 12 m. wor- know the facts. As the Hon. D. J. bas dogs. paid Ex-Gov. Perham gathering of nearly thirty people at by Rev. A. W. Pottle, pastor Sunday Eveuing Taris were guests of in the course and to towns to assist them on State roads home of Mrs. Elva E. Locke on Friday Methodist church, of which she was a ship at 7:30, with the third been the first to open bis mouth For Representatives in the Legislature, are excessive? Those sums are fixed Friday. of last week. The in- member. Relatives from Andover, of "popular science" sermons, subject, spatter the air with figures colored with by BLUE 8TORE8. ALBERT J. of The of the season evening guests statute. STEARNS, Norway. largest coogregation cluded members of her School and other were "Radium and the X-Ray." Orchestra Democratic hues, it is fair to presume was at the church Sunday Portland, Norway points ... assembled Univcrsaliet There are three academies in Oxford. FRED R. DYER, of Buckfleld. class and invited friends. The enter- in attendance. and special music. All are invited. that he is empowered to pitch the key on Sunday. Dr. Will the Democratic woodmen spare for the was most In On Wednesday evening, Aug. 15, for such tuneful Democrats as may fol- W1LLARD B. WIGHT, of Newry. Club met with Mrs. Carter tainment evening A mother Ierael k<>uc. If the The Bridge The bell will call her no more; Tarr will deliver his lecture "Tlie Perse- low him on the those trees? Undoubtedly. not, of Mexico. generously provided by Miss Marion church stump. ELWIV H. GLEASON, Saturday evening. She Ins ,184,026. money goes to, so far as Oxford County was drowned while in "What do lhlirmal school for the coming year. Life or How to Live Happily and swimming. from the state's stating that salaries to State officers to- speak his the present week. Simple gathered patiently 14, at 8 o'clock. parishioners Inexpensively, Miss Venables; We have Miss Kathleen Brooks Hunt Ilurd of books. talod in 1902 more than $£r>0,000 annual- evening, Aug. Greenwood. Edith Peabody entertained about Following the schedule given above, always been Provided for and we shall was struck Here aro facts for the taxpayers of Ox- ly—a McGillicuddy mental raise of over twenty of her little friends the 6th, tho Shorbrooke, Quobec, by Mr. Littletield into Franklin Not many locals nor sublocale to Be, Miss Holmes; selection from and killed ford to sit down beside and $100,000 above the actual expenditure- goes County, occasion her 11th birthday. She always lightning instantly Monday County lie will later address some more meet- record this week and therefore a few of being the writings of Holmau F. Day, Mrs. on the beach at a numor lasteth for a but is himself of conditions iu his received a number of evening Ogunquit, study, day, ignorant kind must suffice. quite pretty pres- As a book for read- own Work. in Oxford in the eastern each Geo. Clark. regular summer resort in the town of Wells. when men are to vote it is state. ings County, ents. Ice cream and cake, also lemon- making ready towns and elsewhere. on foot has not be- The of an was surf with the cold fact and the sobereided when the Democratic Carriage tier of Traveling wholly ing, Making American, by Miss Ilurd in the Finally, spokes- possibly ade, were served. bathing hard, It is rumored that Mr. Bryan will be come a lost art, even among the fair sex. Jacob Kiis was chosen. The next meet- two companions. When the shower "figger" that win out. man swings his laughing way into his Mrs. W. Swan traveled hurried to the Second Maine District im- Last Saturday, I. Hebron. ing will be the 16th inst. came up the three young women left the First of all Oxford County is interest- own county, will he advocate retrench- "Wood, Iron and Painting. upon landing in this couutry, three miles to her former home, accom- Henry Maxim of South Paris is help- water and were tho beach ed in its own affairs and its own ment in State expenditure iu, say, such mediately Saturday evening Mr. F. A. Bartlett of lying upon pocket to make fifteen or twenty in panied by her little six-year-old girl, his son, H. B. Maxim, through hay- wheD a bolt of struck and kill- book. Those in control of state affairs special grants as those to the Central speeches Boston gave an entertainment with his ing lightning the Such a pro- ueither of whom seemed very much ex- ing. ed Miss and etunned her two would like each to do a bit of Maine General Hospital and the Sisters' campaign. desperate graphophone for the benefit of Z. L. Ilurd, taxpayer as that shows how strenuous the hausted on their arrival, the little daugh- Thomas Allen and Mrs. Roweof Liver- The deceased was about and then consider if Oxford Hospital—for which his law partner, Rep. Plows and on hand. of all kinds made to order. ceeding Packard Relief Corps. Mrs. Smith of companions. studying repairs constantly Castings Democrats are in their endeavors to de- ter all ready for a play in the door- more visited Mr. Allen's 10 of and was a student at needs advice from the emi- Frank A. and that Demo- beiug Boston read selections. $4 20 was net- recently daugh- years age Couuty any Moroy, sturdy feat Mr. Littletield. It be that soon after here. Mrs. H. B. Maxim. When re- nent humorist of the cratic Dr. A. M. Garcelon, may yard getting ted. tlier, they Wellesley College. Androscoggin. war-hnree, some of them really believe they have a Jason Bennett stopped with us on turned to their home they took little Voters know in a general way that the have toiled so strenuously in lobby and Dea. Fred Marshall conducted services The St. John express Monday night chance to accomplish their object, but it Wednesday night on his way home from Edna Maxim with them to spend a few state turns back to towns certain suras, before committee? Also all kinds of work done at a will be attend in the church on Sunday. struck three drunken tramps who were usually carpenter's shop is hardly possible to think that as a South Paris where he had been hayiug. weeks. but the majority of voters do not realize Reckless mis-statement in off-hand Dr. Crane, Mr. aud Mrs. W. E. Sar- asleep on the track on the bridge over ed to whole entertain any such hope. He reported the thunder shower very Lightning entered the house of Geo. how much these sums amount to. The generalities is easily slipped from the by they gent, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Richardson, the Penobscot river west of Milford sta- Mr. Gotnpers, the labor heavy in that section, one set of build- E. Pulsifer on the telephone wire duriug table under the title "Oxford tongue, but in this campaign the voters H. F. MUZZY. Although Mr. E. C. Teague, and Mrs. U. K. tion. One was struck tho and appearing is into the Second Dis- ings being burned by lightning. Monday's shower, doing very little by pilot Balance Sheet with the State" are asking for the detailed figures, and leader, coming Stearns attended the funeral of Judge cleared the wheels about three inches. County's trict to endeavor to defeat Mr. Little- For some timo past we have been re- damage. Mr. Pulsifer was on top of a by shows the total receipts for each town in the State's archives have thom. It is Bonney in Portland Tuesday. He was found in the tim- Carriage work by tield and elect Mr. McGillicuddy, he does civiug a monthly paper, called Good load of hay which he was driving into tightly wedged the county from the of the admitted, even by the Democrats of the and Mrs. Scribner and Miss Mary bers of the and but in- treasury not seem to have the backing of the en- Koads and Bridges. It is a single sheet, Capt. the barn and directly under the bridge slightly and the amount of the state better class, that Mr. McGilli- Scribner of New York are at Prof. passed The second was knockcd from state, lastly posted Ε. H. MARSHALL. tire labor vote. The Labor about the size of the Democrat, and wire as it became charged with jured. towu tax set off that total. The did not make a wise choice of Independent just the and struck 50 feet against cuddy of Knox while it makes a specialty of what its Sargent's. He received a shock. bridge thAedges first town on the list is for ex- butt for his humor when he assailed the party County, receutly organiz- Dr. Roberts is his Mrs. electricity. slight were Albany, work name a visiting sister, below. No bone* broken, but Foundry by ed, has named Mr. Littletield as its can- implies, it contains fair amount In the same shower, N. C. Ford and ample. It receives a total from the state method and the scope of expenditure of Jane Barrows, at Mrs. Howe's. doctors found symptoms of Internal didate for cougress. of other matter, including witticisms his eon Elmer were returning from the of $-144 29. It pays to tbe state $351.34. State's money. It is stated on good au- MELLEN J. MINGS. Mr. Horace Knight, of Jamaica Plain, The third man cannot be found, CUM and advertisements. Published by the hay Held. Contrary to his custom, Mr. injury. It therefore is $92.95 "to the at thority that advisers have suggested to Personal. is visiting his cousin, Albion Cushman. and it is that he fell into the good" Groton Bridge Co., Groton, X. Y. Sent Ford got over the fence and walked along probable the end of the year. Other towns in the him that he dodge State issues after this Miss Gove returned to her home in river, which is and under the Carriage and ornamental painting by gratis; cheap it is worth that in the He had gone a few rapid deep exhibit a of and attend to how as enough; Biddeford pasture. only kiti/lrvA onrl nQO ftrnirnail county showing yet greater strictly explaining for waste paper. Monday. when struck a cloee interest to the a statesman he can discount the Hon. The largest party with one exception price Mrs. J. D. and Miss Etta Sturtevant steps lightning post taxpayer. JULIUS A. RECORD. A letter from D. O. Davis of Minnesota the where he had been The total of sums received from Charles E. Littlefield in the halls of which lias ever gone from Maiue to a are at Fred Sturtevant's. by path walking grand a or two ago informe us that ho and shattered it into a thousand Resolutions of Respect. the state is The of national encampment of the Grand Army day Hebrou entertained Pomona pieces. $41,398.54. County Congress. found "this side up with Grange Had Mr. Ford remained in the beaten Once more our Father has Oxford to the state It of the Republic, left Portland Friday everything 7th. Heavenly pays $35,091.43. care" on home, and that be Grange Tuesday, August be would have been killed. our a morning by special traiu for the encamp- returning path surely taken from midst beloved comrade, therefore receives back in regular dis- still to become a citizen of this As it the shock was so severe that TO REPUBLICANS: ment at The itiuerary is expects Mason. was, therefore, bursements according to law $5,707.11 in CUnniNQS riANUFACTURINQ CO. Minneapolis. in the near future. Ile White Mountains and in- state again spoke he was knocked down and stunned. His That in the death of Com- excels of what it paye into the state through the of with son Resolved, We are anxious to have every of bis visit down here as one of the best Frank P. Tyler Boston, did not the ef- au at the F. C. Merrill and Works, cluding Chicago, Toronto, Niagara Falls son, who wholly escape rade Horace N. Bolster, honored and treasury. Foundry Agricultural of a lifetime. aud m visiting hie brothers, some and work- In the ate Mr. and daughter, fects of the thunderbolt, although member of \V. K. Kimball Already Mr. β humor in close touch, and Montreal. party and Leon U. respected McGillicuddy Republican Alton Cole became tired of Λ. E. of Mason, Tyler at the was scorns Mrs. Ira C. Jordan of Bethel, Mise Lydia railroading Tyler distanco from his father time, Poet, G. A. R., has passed to that bright to be losing some of its edge, does in with the SOUTH PARIS, ΠΑΙΝΕ. and last week moved back on to his of West Bethel. father to the house. ing harmony Republican Packard aud Mrs. Emily Knight of Dix- able to help his home above, where the Supreme Com- it not? brother's farm and the same one he left Irving Symonde and wife of Norway of the Deaconess Home National Committee in field, and E. P. Faunce of Oxford. The ladies mander rules in peace and love. Lot ue go on with more of those fl'nty Congressional is now are at J. A. McKenzie's. in the spring. He cutting pulp visiting went on a picnic Friday to Bonson Hill This Poet loses a truo friend and com- facte aud cold "Aggers." favor of the election of a veterans who atteuded Austin Hutchinson and wife of Al- Republican Oxford County wood, which he prefers to track repair- and enjoyed their outing very much. rade, and his a loviug husband besides the sums detailed in the table Ervin Hutchinson's Sat- family the reunion of the First-Tent.VTwenty- ing. But let the foxes and all other fur bany visited at Mrs. Π. G. Jewett and daughter Eula and father whose example in the in- previously referred to, Oxford County is Congress. ninth Maiue Regiment at Loug Island bearing animals lookout where they step urday and Sunday. went with them. terests of all good works should be an getting its share of state pensions. In The must were: <>. R. Stow; time arrives. Carl Brown of North Waterfurd was Congressional campaign Thursday Barrows, when tiie trapping again inspiration for others to follow. We 1880, the favorite year of Democratic North town with his accom- be based on the administrative and Stephen C. McAllister, Lovell; Were glad to learn by way of Bryant's in Sunday auto, Newry. shall miss bis fraternal greetings at all comparison, the veterans were lusty and a Bert East H. H. Adams bad once more bis brother Harry, wife and A XIUS is Littletield, Stoneham; Pond that Capt. panied by Rev. E. A. Roys, and Miss Mabel, our gatherings as well as his influence able to work. Now many are feeble and record of the party and, gen· C. hie sister Florence. legislative Μι-Keen, South Paris; Henry Pratt, safely arrived at his wife's father's. eon, and daughter of Scldon Foster, were united for the welfare of our Post and the 6. old, and their earning capacity is dimin- J K. South Paris; Would be to know Fred and wife of Bethel that being so, Theodore Roosevelt's Dixtield; George Ripley, equally pleased Chapman in marriage at the summer residence of A. R. ished or in many cases utterly departed. William C. Brownfield; James W. that had discovered the were in town a Rowe, Capt. Peary Sunday. the bride's father on Sunday River in Resolved, That this Post extends to the A generous state remembers their service personality must be central figure «inc mark Stanford, Lovell Center; Addison S. Xorth and was on his home. Nellie Merrill has gone to work for Pole, way this town, Tuesday, Aug. 7th. Rev. Mr. bereaved family its sincere sympathy in gratefully, ilence the increase in the and his achievements a central Mid-Summer The of the there is reason to fear that such is Fred ; Young, Byron. necrology But Chapman. Taylor, pastor of the first Universalist their irreparable loss. amount turned into Oxford in state association for the includes the not the case and never will be. Here is Mr. Lancaster has been in town in the past year church in Newry, officiated. The hap- Resolved, That theee resolutions be pensions. In 1880 the amount was $603, thought in the campaign. 10 name of W. of Stoneham, what the first article in one of our late interest of the Maine Co., »°WN SAlE George Speers Telephone py couple took the afternoon train for a on our records, and a copy sent to soldiers in twelve towns of the We to maintain the of whn fitful in .Inne. lOOtl. for the distance trans- placed paid desire work papers says about him; "That Capt. canvassing long visit to friends in Vermont, followed by to the Oxford Democrat for publication. In 1005 the amount was Sale.... A county. $5,· ! 1 Robert E. Peary has sacrificed his life in milter and receiver. IIenhy ) to soldiers in this with A Careless Statement. Maxim, 145, paid twenty-nine towns campaign popular subscrip- the effort to discover the north is friends and sincere wishes for their Thkron > Committee. of Henco we our :: :: pole Oxford. hap- Hathaway, the county. should add tions of One Dollar each from close out In his at naval men at Repub- speech Norway Saturday the fear of Washington, piness. WlXFIELD STAKUIKD, ) $5,145 to the total which the county is lion. W. the Demo- is his sum- licans. To each subscriber we will night, Cyrus Davie, who are worried by the failure to get Rev. Mr. Newport taking Mertnn Kiigore of North Newry was receiving from the state. one there will be no ser- cratic candidate for governor, said my tidings of the ship Roosevelt, which mer vacation and taken tu Dr. King's hospital and suffered GALVESTON'S SEA WALL And this is not the end. send the National Cam- which it be charitable to tailed for the Arctic vices at the church for Republican thing might regions July 16, Congregationaliat an for appendicitis, Tuesday, now as in as on Last Oxford some ■ operation makes life safe that year got special ap- all was unintentional. He devoted IWU. two week». city paign Text Book and documents suppose Aug. 7th; he is getting along -finely and the E. W. propriations after her people had ear- a to overwork- held the Seventh higher uplands. Goodloe, Suits time the somewhat Summer little The tent meetings by he will ho able to re- Denmark. the physicians hope who resides on Dutton in nestly axked the legislature for the same. issued by the Committee. ed issue of the of new rail- Advents closed on St., Waco, Outing exemption Day Sunday. turn home in two weeks. tho table. The fertile wit of to make room for our fill stock. These suits Tex., needs no sea wall for He Study the us a roads from taxation for a term of years, Bonney of Portland died very T. A. Roberts Post and and the safety. Help achieve great victory. Judge Corps Mr. and Mrs. Ordway, their daughter used Momus of are broken and must come to at 0:30 P. held a writes: "I have Dr. King's New Androscoggin County might sizes, you early and in introducing the subject referred suddenly Saturday evening M., Division of Sons of Temperance Fleeter, and Mrs. Ada Richardson have find food in that bear if the Hon. S. Sherman, Chairman. of at Discovery for Consumption the past Ave bouuty James a fit as we are real that to "The Washington County, the Somer- August 4th, organic heart disease, Wednesday at Dr. H. R. Farris' home at South Parle. get offering bargains picnic returnod to their and it me well and safe. Daniel J. were talking to others than Ρ Ο. Box New York. set Railroad, and the and Aroos- the summer house of Mr. Edwin C. on the shore of Lake Thompson, years keeps 2063, must make sales. :: :: : : Bangor cottage Before that time I had a which for men who week after week And valuable quick He would Head where he has been for a those cough took—all pr»HtaM« stopping which was much enjoyed by pres- North in their Albany. years had been worse. Now sheep slaughtered back pastures. THE END OF THE WORLD be careful not to express it that few weeks past. His body was embalm- ent. There waa a small attendance as growing probably Mr. A. P. Bryant of Lowell, Mass., it's Cures chronic Coughs, La But ho will scarcely jest at the pallid in The Wash- ed and taken to Portland Monday for are still in baying. gone." >f troublée that robbed Ε. H. Wolfe, of way Washington County. many engaged hie family here and: sufferers of Maine's sanatorium, high on ι lot «0.00 suits, Railroad never paid the burial. Mrs. of Waltham, Mass., is vis- joined Saturday. They Grippe, Croup, Whooping Cough Sear Grove, la., of all usefulness, came $6.50 ington County Young made a to Berlin and Ν. Pneumonia. Pleasant to take. the hills of Hebron. went the Miss Kffie Sadler and Miss Marion and her trip Stark, H., prevents when he interest on its bonds, into iting her niece, Mrs. Curtis, began taking Electric Bitters. Look at some * Wednesday. bottle at the SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS BY TIIK LKGfSLA- ) u hands of a receiver in a very few years, Marsh, who have been at the Maplewood Mrs. Millett, Mrs. Curtis' mother. returning Every guaranteed pharmacy 1θ writes: "Two years ago Kidney 1 LOT 18.60 and «9.00 SUITS, sister, Mr. and Mrs. Jacobs and little son re- of F. A. Shurtleff A Co. Price 50c. and TUKK. OXFOBI) COUNTr, 1905. $5.98 and was then sold for less than the ;he past four weeks, left for Canada Miss Perkins has returned from Orono rouble caused me great which their home in Tues- on boars 500 00 suffering, of the : the 8th. turned to Boston, 91.00. Trial bottle free. Bounty f [ would never have survived bad I not prices amount of the bonds. The stockholders iiVednesday, where she has been attending the sum- Maine SUte Sanatorium Association,. 10,0W> oo 1 lot «7 50 Denmark is in want of a day. 1 :iken suits, lost every cent they bad- put in, includ- again physi- mer school. Insane 8tate Beneficiaries 54 48 Electric Bitters. Tbey also cured $5.77 < Miss Olla Emery went to Portland Fri- Getfrge Watson, an of the ing the of Washington which ;ian. Dr. Shaw having left for good. Mrs. Hattie Francis is with her niece, employe ne of General Debility." Sure cure for county with a party of friends. While Great Northern Co., was found 910,554 48 held $■'>00,000 of the stock for which it The reports from Mr. Ellis Blake are Mis. Herbert Denning. day Paper ill Stomach, Liver and Kidney com- there she had her eyes fitted to dead in the basement of the mill at And now for the total of old Ox- for tbla locality for the Queen Quality and had issued its bonds. Certainly Mr. ι lot very encouraging. There will be a Grange picnic at Camp glasses. grand _ )lainta, Blood diseases, Headache, DIs- Mrs. of Bethel is at Frank Millinocket It is that ford as contained in the Davis could not intentionally call that a Mr. Elmer Berry has purchased the Oxford, Caldwell'· Grove, on Tuesday, Ingrabam Friday. supposed summary. Study :iness and Weakness or bodily decline, Sole on her usual visit. he was a belt over one of the last of all. Agency road. < itore and contents formerly owned by 14. Emery's putting hat, 'rice 50c. Guaranteed by P. A. Sburt- profitable Aug. a number here are new when the belt broke and his' Ir. L. A. I talie and Mrs. Kattie San- Rev. Arthur Callahan, Mrs. Callahan Quite enjoying pulleys 8UMMARY. I eff & Co. 1 and will soon a first-class potatoes and other garden "sass," and head was crushed by a fall among the The Governor was Misquoted. torn, open and little boy of Solon, are visiting her j OXFORD COUNTY, 1905. late it tastes just as good. He was about 38 year· of Edward Coles of asum- ' ;rocery store. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Caldwell at though machinery. fatal amount of money county Philadelphia, FurnUher, It seems that Governor Cobb was not parents, are on paid J. F. PLUMMER, Grover a wife. ■ Berries being picked age, and leaves as per schedule No. 1, 141,399 54 oer resident at Bar Harbor for a score one Eut Oxford. ; orrectly reported in portion of his Mountain in fatal amount of money ( a East Bethel. quite large quantities. paid county if years, was killed while driving pair 31 Market Square, SOUTH PARIS, MB. speech at the Waldo County Republican A MYSTERY SOLVED. ae per ichedu'e No. 1, 10,564 48 if horses at the Maine Portland last East Spmner. [•oui atate as per tabic, 5,145 oo ; watering place, convention which was in this C. M. Kimball visited North Parla. |, pensions 106-3. quoted Soldiers' "How to off attacks of 1 rhe horses ran away and the carriage Telephone The Democrat has no desire to 1 'uesday. Members of the Sumner keep periodic paper. Sam Johnson is at Setb Benson's on a biliousness and habitual Total paid county $ 57,099 ΟΙ \ rsis smashed a Mrs. Lizzie and re- Veteran Association are reminded that constipation 1, schedule No. 1 43 against telegraph pole, misrepresent the words or position of Simpson family total state tax as per 35,091 j fr. Coles died of his within an to last will occur at East ihort visit. was a mystery that Dr. King's New Life injuries one, and the correct version t amed home Massachusetts week. their annua) meeting ; any gives Ε. E. Thnrlow is the for Pills solved for writes John N. Balance In favor of county, t31,407 59 I lour. He was 65 years old, and is sur- not Mrs. Kimball of Boston ia visit- Sumner on 20th. doing haying me," | herewith. The governor did say that Irving Wednesday, Aug. * ived a widow and two Mrs. L. Holt. and Ernest L. Rus- lobn Ross. Pleasant of Magnolia, Ind. The only! by daughters. the Sturgia commission had not gone i ig her parents, Mr. and J. S. C. Heald wife, It shows that the county of Oxford a Mrs. Abbott's company have re- that are to into until the sheriff had said Mr. Lester Bean Is entertaining a sell, wife and daughter, are spending Leroy pills guaranteed give perfect Ot back in cold cash from the State of any county ;urned to their home in Sanford. satisfaction to or re- IN SELP DEPENSE. that he would not enforce the law. What f riend from Massachusetts. few days at Old Orchard. everybody money daine in 1005 $21,400.50. are a Mrs. Olive Kimball worked for Mr·, funded. 25 cents at F. A. Shurt- was Mr. J. L. Holt visited Mechanic Falls A. H. Harlow and family taking Only thousand dollars to the editor and of the governor did say the following, Twenty-one Major Hamrn, manager _ and on t. B. Abbott last week. leff Λ Co.'·. I * , BUSINESS and it will be noted that there ia a dis- 1> ist Friday. vacation at Harpswell feasting ( ! I be Constitutionalist, Eminenoe, Ky., COLLEGE;» Mrs. Abner Benson, Mrs. Kimball and ;ood /Ί school of buiineas in theitate tloction: forenoon the 6th Mr. J. W. Ssh. Now the of Old Oxford can ι rhen he was font ) y^ equipped training Sunday the Scrub not clean taxpayers fiercely attacked, j was Flora Park and her 1 Kiss Minot will attend oamp meeting yourself daily, you're y t Maine. To all graduates of the combined I will to sow with all deliberation thsl Ε ean's barn entirely destroyed by Mrs. daughter, once more—not with Brother Mac J ears ago, by Piles, bought a box of / )of nay you < Inside. Clean insides means clean atom augh coure· ■ or have been la the ti re. was the of are at it Poland. I Λ / we guarantee poaltloa refund the enforcement deputies placed Help telephoned for and Ifisa Lillian, Boston, George clean '1 his time, but at him. Incklen's Arnica Salve, of which he y f Λ counties «ben the sheriff* refused to do, ». ich, bowels, blood, liver, healthy one-half of the tuition Find only ouse was ssved. Mr. Bean was the former home of Mrs. Park. shrieked in he bellowed a "It cured me in ten and no /rVÉ/ Λ/ money. employ- their Have had aav In this nearly flicker'·, Hartford. tissue in Moral: Take He Mexico, ays: days J duty. you county? of West every organ. ^ ment which atudenti can pay board while at- No ? Bccause sheriff and his ΰ one haying and had about forty tons of Mr. Cbas. W. Field, formerly 1 α Andover, he clamored In other towns t rouble since." Quickest healer of by Why your deputies Rev. Eleanor B. Forbes will at Bollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. 85 \ for illustrated have done their And I to aow ο Id and new in the barn. His ; was ia the last week. preach : 1 Cuts and tending achool. Send catalogue. duty. say you hay hay Sumner, vicinity Tea or Tablets. F. ▲. Shurtleff A 1 Iter this fashion turns, Sores, Wounds. 85c. that s sheriff and his can enforce the law π the work of * Lllen's Grove, Hartford, Sunday, Aug. sent», AMtm·, BUIS BUSINESS COLLEGE, Uwirtee, Me· deputies ick, harness and other farming tools Heavy showers have made "Who the bills? You do. Who gets t P. A. Shnrtlefl à Go. a thousand Unes better than the en forcemeat _ pays the.· * There was so laaaranoe. lb· oat bnrdnaom·. 1 »th, at8:80p.m. deputies. : ere burned. | lathering crop wry

/ Bora. Pomona. Ι Μη. Η. £. Wilson is visiting relative* Mr. and Mr·. Charles Ε. Brett wen Base Ball. Oxford NORWAY. Place ïhc «ïtovd democrat, at Bryant's Pond. with frienda in Portland over Sunday. Time lit Tuesday in September. H. V. An- Otisfleld. the wife of oauBcnu. Frederick Robie Orange, ΙιΝοπητ,λιιΛΙο Dentist C. L. Back will be at Andovei Misa Arline Crocker ia the OXFOBD RADCLIFFE 1. draw·, a «on. of happj 2; B. 8, FOBXNOON. β, to Um wife This Rev. Aug. Week the last three of this week. of a and ia Second Congregational Church, In Eart Woodstock, days poaaeesor bicycle, making In the beet and moat interest- service Harlan aOD. played RMeout, Pastor. Preaching Sunday, Boutlne work. ChlrlM g of surfÎPÂm in it to the aaa P. 8 5, to Mm wife A. M. of Lisbon rapid progress breaking game on the fair grounds thus far 10 30 A.M.; Sabbath School, 12 00 M.; Y. Conferring 5th degree. In North Pryeborg, Aug. Gerry Falls, formerly ing Meet- son. SOUTH PAKIS die. was victor over C. K„ Sunday Evening, β 30 P. 11.; Social Mule. Charte· Smith, ft Γ HA INS LKAVK of South was in town this season, Oxford the Th*t wife of Her. Jftmea Paris, Sunday. ing, 7.00 P. M. ; regular weekly Prayer Meeting Woman'· half hoar. Topic—'"Rewired, In Stow, July 27, to the Call and look over the we Α. tbe close score of 2 to Sat- be aa goods :ΛΙ Α. M dally ; 9:44 M. Parties Radcliffe 1, our household education shduld twin dauchtera. down ,east!—4 meals for themaelvei by Tuesday evening. girl·' Carter, A. H. ύοΐιιχ *>4 r. β .-00 *· Mrs. of Portland was the desiring Bev. 8. β. Davie education." to the wife of Seavey, Sunday; 4 M., dally; Sprague or frienda at Hotel Andrews muat leave urday afternoon. Universalis Church, thorough a· their literary Opened In Stow, July 29, jelly «wept of last service on atlOâC Sitter Beetle only. guest Mrs. Elizabeth Ëdgerley The cause of Radcliffe's defeat was not Pastor. Preaching Sunday by Shedd. ft daughter. of John are g juuday notice in advance at office or Sabbath Y. P.C. U. meet In Porterlleld, Joly 33, to the wife for β l-4c. A. M., dally; 3 36 r. M. week. 'phone the ex- ▲. M. School, IS.-00; Beoe··. selling up poor on their part but ft liolDij (wesO—10Λ710:15 r. 'lally; ΐυr" a 103-21. playing Ing. 7:00 P.M. AFTERNOON. Dnrgln, daughter. g. Sunday; of Adams. two Rev. C. A. Brooks. Pastor 28, to the wife of Κ meat υϋΐτ ovept Miss Martha Bolster of Auburn wac cellent pitching Only Methodist Church, In Porterfleld, Jnly only. A. Sabbath School Ο range. ft are all marked at κ Sunday Mra. M. Giles was called to off his and both Preachingservloe.lO30 M.; Beading—Norway Lewi·, son. Spring Wrappers the of Mrs. (J. Wheeler ovei George hits were made delivery, 7.Ό0 P.M., fall or plowing beet, and closing price*. CHUHCHKS. guest Alton 111- 12:00 M.; Social Evening Meeting, Question—"I· spring or North Wayne Tuesday by the serious of these came in the ninth inning. He class ■bould be spread on the surface of theae will make winter dressea. Rev. A. K. Bald prayer meeting, Tuesday evening; meeting dressing Many good Church, Sunday. neae of a who waa overcome by ont nine men and did not pass a 8undaj plowed under?" First Congregational service·, 10:45 Α. M. anil relative, struck Friday evening. Epworth League, Paris Married. I'-.-i, Pre»· hlng of the M. Brown of Orange. 12 κ.; Y. P. 8. C. Κ The official board and trustees the heat, and is serioualy ill. man to first. evenlDg,β.OOP. Kssay—SUter Boble M Sunday School Bev. E. 8. Cotton, Pastor One-half hour by Frederick Orange. A small lot of J·, meeting on Tues I·. con Mrs. C. W. Bowker and Cole, Preaching service, 10 M.; J. Key, :!i> o'clock. AU, no» otherwise daughter but Ρ In Aif. 7, Ββτ. W. Taylor, •t-nli,* at 7 evening. and drove out a hit good for two bases 12 00 M.; Prayer Meeting, Sunday evening7 Secretary. Newry, by and Mlai counters at that will sell them. cordially Invited. Muriel are with her parents, Mr. 30. ■drille A. Boy· of Aolngton, Mae·., prices are ( Pastor was called out for not first. M., Wednesday evening, 7 «L-te.», Church, Rev H. A. llffonl. Dr. and Mrs. J. G. Littletield are Mra. J. F. at East for touching Ma belle P. Porter of Ereratt, Uu< ro, eating last but a and tire cent, Church, last week. Metbodiat church He to one after the evening, after full moon. Oxford Lodge, sunshine may day Hosiery per ''BapiÎ-t service 10:45 a. Sunday morning. ford five hits, coming Friday aftei bright u..f..r in >undav. preaching No. Ark Mariners, Wednesday evening for showers which are 1-' M.; Y P. S. C. Κ ,6:45 p. was friends. side should have been and two 1, be the Mth School Wilson and cordially greeted by mauy retired, full moon. prepares 7 :»> V. M. ; Wednesday even- Mrs. Morrill daughter on so liable to follow. So it should be with Mr·. Addle M. discount. ,,r.t. cr meeting Next the will of order which scorers O. meeting In Norte Norway, Aug. 4, are Sunday pastor preach being tbe puzzles I. O. F.—Norway Lodge.—Regular service 7 :3U. Scat·· free. AW of Sumner are visiting at Theo- Evening. diarrhoea Adama, wife of Freeland Adam·, In* irsyer Gladys "The measure of Christian devotion." to know whether to hits or errors. In Odd Follows' Hall, every Tuesday every household. Dysentery, (Herrick) dore give No. 21, meets In Odd attack some 35 yeara, 9 month·, 20 dftya. J. H. Little, Castor Thayer's. four men and two Wlldey Encampment, and cholera morbus may ftged William Clinton Mill·, Church. Rev. of in the He struck out gave Fellows' Had, second and fourth Friday Even. In Norwfty, Aug. 9, "tnUerstlls» at 10:45 a. X. There was a gathering Kings member of the home without warning. 18 t-χ -ervHe every Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Davis and one of which Oxford a run. of each month. Mt. Hope Rebekah Lodge, (S3 yeftr·, 10 month·, dftya. Pre;, service, 7 Eugene daugh- on At J. passes, gave Inge ftged This for one Remember at 1.' *. Evening King neighborhood Sunday. on of each Cholera and Diar- Sunday School ter of Kutuford Falls were at J. H. After Cole1· hit there was nothing do- No. 58, mrots flrat and third Friday Chamberlain's Colic, day only, F. were Gen. Horatio C. King and month. is the best known r. * Jones1 over King's the third when Sullivan rhooa Remedy, which MfcKTLKOS. Sunday. N. C. F. ing until inning, It. of P.—Regular meeting In Hathaway Block STATED Mrs. King of Brooklyn, Y., Bowie medicine for these diseases, should al- after one man was out, every Thursday Evening. U. R., A. O. Noyei Notice. No. 94. Regular Kev. U. A. Clifford the Durell of Mrs. Jennie King singled each as immediate the date and the A Λ M.—l'art- Lodge, supplied pulpit Oxford, fouled out. In the D vision, No. 12, meets third Friday of ways be at hand, Important place. Κ or before fulluioon. sacrificed but Clason kept Γι evening on at Centre the last two of Mrs. M. F. King month. Lake Assembly, No. 38, P. S., second and nee îu^r "sday meet Norway Sundays Bragdon Portland, J. Farnum reached treatment is necessary, delay may counter of N. D. ο. * — Mount Mica Lodge, regular of last of this inning fourth of each month. Taken from the I. κ. —Aurora for Kev. ΊΒ. S. Rideout. aod Miss Luetta King, and Friday evenings For sale Shurtleff & 'îveninir of each week daughter, first on an error. With one man meets second and prove fatal. by ta/». Ti -rs'lav S. M. were F. A. only P. of H.—Norway Grange Bolster & Co.'s store, on Friday, urst and thlr*i Mouday evenings Portland. At Kings's fourth of each month at Orange Hall. Co., South Paris; Jones Drug Store, Ox- Kac^mi'tncnt, E. C. Park and family and Mr. and out, he stole second and was left there, Saturdays con· month. King of the Henry George Jr. Republic G. A. Rust Poet, No. M, meets In ford Store, io, a leather coin purse, ifeach Rebckah Lodge,No. Mrs. Kben S. Kilborn of Bethel were while Haves and struck out. R.—Harry ; Noyes Drug Norway. Aug. if Κ -Mount Pietsan of and H. P. of Foshey New G. A. R. Hftll on the flrst Tuesday Evening return- D fourth Fridays of each Litchfield, Conn., King first man a sum of money. If meets »econd snd guests at S. P. Stearns' over Sunday. In the fourth, Adams, the of each month. taining ju Portland. A. R. Mon. Gee of was killed Sun- !n «ΜΊ Fellows' Hall. was to and after Bearce W. R. C.—Meets In New G. Hall, Ernest Sabattus to Mrs. A. B. Wilson, South uonti Post, No. 14$, meet» up, passed first, ed S.B.&Z.S. Geneva \ I: —W. K. Kimball Misses Ada Thayer and Young on day evening. an electric car while riding evenlug* of each Perclval and Tike had gone out, scored No. 177, meet* In day night by no will be asked. PRINCE, ! Saturday Ν. K. O. P.—Lakeside ir.j j:. third have visited their aunt, Mrs. Le«>u Rus- Judge Bonney. Lodge, from Bath to Lewiston. The car had Paris, questions lu t.. A. R. Hall. Fishers two-base-ht. New G. A. R. Hall, on the flrst and third Wed- B nth. a few of MAINE. Kimball Relief Corps meets drst sell, at Leeds Center, for days. Judge Percival Bonney Portland, the of each month. at a turnout when be dropped a NORWAY, Μ Κ. In Neither side saw first again until nesday evenings stopped Saturday evenings ol each month, who died at Denmark 4, O. U. A. M.—Norway and South Paris Council, fmm the car to re- ν tnlr-ι were en- Saturday, Aug. and stole and stepping llall. Twenty of the young people seventh, when Danner singled meets at G. A. R. Hall every Tuesday package, Kt.lcf Corps was the of Capt. Ichabod No. 10, cover be was struck a car IL—Paris Orange, from May 1 to «ici. 1, tertained at an "auction at great-grandson second after two were out, Bowlby then it, by coming Wanted: p. of the party" who came from Pembroke, evening. He was 30 nr-t and third Satunlay; during Bonney, to F. Farnum. U. O. P. F.—Elm Tree Colony, No. 199, meeti in on the other track. years anei- In George R. Morton's Thursday evening. Turner. fiied out iin.ler of the >ear, meet· every Saturday, Mass., and founded the town of second and fourth Wednesday evenings of each and unmarried. Λ Oxford scored another run in the old Estate in South Paris. llall. is a vacation in Percival was the son of William month. Real (irtn^-e Mondays of W. W. Payne spending Bonney and No. 247, O. U. C —Second and fourth eighth on a two-base hit by Sullivan U. O. G. C.—Norway Commandery, Γ. Massachusetts. Mrs. and children L. Bonney of Minot, in which town he fourth oi SUMMERDIARRHŒA IN CHILDREN. have a customer for a small π month. Payne Clason's meets second and Thursday evenings We C3' Brook I.o r av venlng 1'ythlan are Colby College, gradu- to howl. J. September. so as to check the as SPECIAL PRICES with Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Richardson, them, the crowd began mediate attention, of deed. Send particulars ated in 1803. and it becomes serious. All livery Ilersev of Ct, the week at Owsley, Har- Farnum, the first man, hit safely Hot weather. disease before Miss Mattie Litchtield, speuding Camp After he taught school in to etc. to Alton C. Wheeler, a graduation fiied are and that is is a few doses of the of friends here for Me. was stole second, Hayes out, Foshey Crops growing bay making necessary price, bas been truest rison, but in November, 1803, and Bucksport, drove one which Pike could not handle, these days. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera at the law office of few and are to a in the Treasury 'lays. Frank A. Taylor family spend- appointed clerkship Farnum £. F. Smith and daughters re- Diarrhtua followed a dose of re- and scored, Foshey reaching Mrs. Remedy by the a week at Old Orchard with the at where he WRIGHT & WHEELER, M>»s Buck is visiting family ing Department Washington, With the first end of the bat- turned from their visit at Richmond castor oil to cleanse the system. Rev. Myrtle a 1805. He then re- eecond,, ON at who have mained until SUITS. I)r. J. W. Davis, Misses Dean of Bucktield, May, of the first M. of Iter order up it began to look interest- M. O. Stockland, Pastor South Paris, Maine. grandfather, there. turned to Portland, studied law aud was ting Tuesday. Narboro. cottage ing. Leonard, the next batter, after The new iron bridge is in place and E. cburcb, Little Palls, Minn., writes: admitted to the bar in 1807. He practic- All of our Men's Summer Suits are marked down. and Π. D.tvis is substitute for A. out a into left field that the street is again opened to public "We have used Chamberlain's Colic, Miv> Eva Walker spent Saturday George ed law in Portland for about eleven placing beauty wont foul a few struck Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for sever- at Peak's Inland, the guest of Fi. Holmes on Rural Free Delivery time ho two by inches, travel. DEBILITY. vinday years, during which served her it a valuable HOT WEATHER one at to save several dollars. No. while Mr. Holmes is on his and for third was Mips H. G. Gregg has resigned po- al years and find very Every figures you Mrs. Barnes. Route 2, terms in the out, Foshey trying legislature. thrown out by Bearce. Had Foshey re- sition as librarian of the Public Library remedy, especially for summer disorders a Minneapolis trip. In 1878 he was of the AGAINST new of materials and tmiu Swett has returned front appointed judge on we have had a effcct Oct. '00. Miss in children." For sale Shurtleff rge Burnham 1 time It is a reach, and although her school change Democrat, voting Republi- a weak was Saturday night. deep, years a director of the Union in inetance there is All of our and suits are marked down to Nashua, X. H., are guests Birches with Mrs. Co. 1st N. G. S. M., left for There is no 11·. board at the time of his 1'lke. 11» 4 0 0 7 1 01 D, Iiegt., relief must be obtained. energy X. D. Bolster. dent of the near Brunswick meal will you life, vitality, the f t uilv of his brother, and Mr. Kenneth 3-b 3 0 12 10 Harward's Crossing, of the of a give Η. B. FOSTER, Mr. Frank Abbott became a trustee of Hebron Flshel, necessity incurring expenee the heat- death. He r.f 4 0 110 0 From there and endurance during W. J. ι of Mrs. H. A. Clif- Danner, morning. they service in such cases if physical Miss A. Baker of the Twitchell, nephews in and since 1SS0 had l.f 3 0 0 0 0 0 Monday physician's and ward off the ordinary die· Margaret Academy li>77, Bowlby, into about twenty-two Diar- ed term is tak- ford, arrived at the Methodist parsonage and the lead- 2 b 3 1 2 1 2 1 ■ marched Augusta, Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and is not an or- NORWAY, MAINE. Wheeler A Co. insurance agency been presideut of the board Sullivan, the balance of eases of summer. Mi-o-na on aud c.f. 2 ooi oo where they passed is at hand. A dose of lier vacation this week, and is with last week. They came bicycles in the and 1'owle, miles, ihœa Remedy tonic or it is a ing ing spirit management develop- in Cobb. returned dinary summer digestive, went to aud Portland. re- the week Camp They this will relieve the patient be- a frieud at Portland. Yarmouth ment of the institution during the Totale 30 2 5 *28 10 1 j remedy true of the digestive sys- to their home Saturday after a pleasant has never strengthener which it had in that fore a doctor could arrive. It the to t. orown uu« Miss Helen of Geo. markable growth RADCLIFFE. tem, building up organs perfect Mr and Mrs. Walter Merrill, daughter week. been known to fail, even in the most se- the came to of who has been visit- period. A.H. K. U.ll. P.O. A. K. of C. E. Foss at health and vitality by curing indiges- daughter Mildred of Chicago Merrill, Auburn, The ten-year-old-son vere and cases and no family married Miss Elizabeth c 4 0 1 5 0 0 dangerous removing all pains 1*. last week for a Mr. and Mrs. K. P. Burbank at Gor- Judge Bonney Foshey, fell from a swing tion and absolutely Mr- Alice Thayer's iug as do l b 4 0 0 C 0 0 Steep Falls, Philip K., should be without it. For sale by be- two has of Turner. She survives him, Leonard, arm. distress in the stomach, of several weeks. ham, Χ. II., the past weeks, Bray 4 0 0 1 2 1 and broke his left Some Jones and epecks visit oue of whom was Cole, 2-b Monday Shurtleff & Co., South Paris; nervous to visit relatives. also two daughters, 0 0 2 0 0 arm when fore tbe sick and headache, come to this place F. Farnum, o f 3 ago he broke the same Store, eyes, Mrv II. P. Brett and daughter, Miss widowed and has since lived with 3 0 0 1 1 0 years Drug Store, Oxford; Noyes Drug that come from a early Devine, ρ he fell from a cart. and other symptoms who The members of Paris Grange who is a resident β.β 3 0 0 5 1 0 lie· rgia Brett, of Beverly, Mass., her parents, and the other Mulvey, a Norway. weakened stomach. Hill are 3-b 3 0 0 3 2 0 Mrs. Jonathan Blake passed very .··.·« at E. Brett's for a week, will attend the at Durell Lowell, and ha.i C. picnic of New York. 3 1110 0 lake with her Mi-o-na makes positive lasting Leon Brooks to leave J, Kernuin, r.f day at the daugh- the son of Edward A Tools! left for home kindly invited by He was a member of the l.f 3 ο ο 3 ο ο pleasant Ralph, two-year-old is sold F. A. Shurtleff Thursday. prominent Hayee, Mrs. Friday. She has in the canal at cures and by their horses in his barn, and if agreeable Church of j ter, Thompson, Brown, was drowned that it Haying Free Street Baptist Portland, Co. under an absolute guarantee .Mr> Ellis S. Doble is visited by her near 1 2 27 β 1 been unable to walk for several years, stream to all to have their basket dinner funeral was held at that Totals 30 Grand Lake Friday morning. of the stomach, Mrs. Mans- and tbe simple with her will cure all diseases «ixter. Mrs. Mansfield, and but gete about very nicely re- his home. church on attended by a large or the money will be li ■ !"> Mrs. Burke, am! child, Tuesday, *Colc out, cutting IIret base. wheel chair. STOMACH TROUBLES AND CONSTI- except cancer, laughters, number of men from vari- all of Wm. B. Edwards has returned from a representative Score innings. £. of Portland is visit- funded. and Miss Hazel Mansfield, Lvun, by Julia Hathaway PATION. the of which was ous walks of life, whose presence testi-1 9—'Total at Ask them to show you guarantee Ma*s. two weeks' vacation most 1 2 3 4 5 0 7 8 Mr. and Mrs. ('has. L. Hathaway Ed- tied to tbe esteem in which Judge ing No one can reasonably hope for good 50c. box of Mi-o-na. 1 in East Orange, N. J. Mrs. high Oxford 0 00100010-2 for a few they give with every spent the lake days. when the bowels are A. I.. Holmes and have moved is was universally held. Radcllffc 0 0000000 1-1 digestion constipat- family wards, who accompanied him, visiting Bonney Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Goudy entertained &, Go. oc- of Bolster ! Mr. Chas. Edwardsville, Ν. rent Two baoe- ed. from the farm into the formerly in for a while before Earned runs, Oxfor>l 1; Radcllffe 1. of at the Baldwin, j friends Connecticut Itowle. I Mabel nescock Phillips Taylor chronic con- J. S. in Maxim Block. from lilt·», Flshel, Dauncr. Sacrifice hit, III., says, "I suffered from cupied by Tapley home. Letter Cushman. Dauncr First base the week. Dayton returning Stolen basée. .1. Farnum 2, cottage past for sever- Mr intends soon to go to Rum· stipation and stomach troubles Tapley Nokth ΙίΚΗ». on balls, off Devine 2. Struck out by Adams 0;| J. is an octagon (ARNOLD'S Miss Alice B. who has been Turner, Aug. 9, 1 Henry Bangs building al but thanks to Chamberlain's fun! Falls. Knight, readers of by Devine 4. Left on bases. Oxford 4; Kail- north-west corner of hie years, in York and I am to inform the Leon- tower on the am almost visiting for several weeks pleased cltffe 1. Double plays, Cole to Mulvey to will Stomach and Liver Tablets BALSAM returned Wednesday that I still out at First base on errors, Ox- I house. When Mr. Bangs TfaSS- "The Mermaids" arrived home Wednesday, and the Democrat hang ard ; Cole to Iurell Hill on Thursday, Aug. 16. the barn near the tarrh sufferers to take the treatment. to the hall will be used. of but I The lightning struck I. of Nor- be cold any We also have a assortment of Post Card Albums, 5c. children are to aid in the villago now I have no home my own, Miss Alice Frost, formerly has cured kept large requested coming through the south side second assistant In many instances Hyomei will ac- Mason and do not borrow trouble. Somebody middle, way, has been elected has suffered each. literary programme. Hayracks Mrs. William daughter of the roof and a smouldering catarrh when the patient other way. $2.00 j Mrs. A. M. will take care of me rather than setting in the school in Hanover, Mass. commodate many who do not keep C. of Baltimore, Md., probably It did not blaze for high since childhood. Quite a number of peo- .Amy to com- ; fire in the hav. of Yarmouth is taking AT THE PHARMACIES OF teams. of l'aterson, X. J., Miss see me suffer. One thing I have Earl A. Gerow for have been un- Hopson Aggie some and indeed it seemed for a in Paris who years and Mrs. I ain not in this time, the of H. W. Kimball in Ridlon's ple of Mass., Mr. fort me, politics year. more place to a on ac- Hon. D. Hon. Waldo Bicknell Lynn, while as if they bold it until is on a vacation able get good night's sleep George Bisbee, and son Clareuce Wm. Cl'SlIMAN. might store while Mr. Kimball and of Hum- Seymour Brooks Clyde, arrived. a lot of water was count of the disagreeable tickling Pettengill, and Miss Pettengill, were entertain- help Quite in have Cole and Lottie Bryant a force Bridgton. at the back of the throat, F. A. SH & CO. went on with and URTLEFF ford Falls, with a chauffeur, put it, pails pump, June Hutchins of Exeter, Ν. II., dropping ed Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Dunham Paris School Notes. Mrs. relief from a few treat- I in an automobile by but it was inside the bay so that it could Mr. and Mrs. Wm. obtained quick Pharmacist. through South Paris is visiting her parents, the use Saturday. be and soon blazed and here ments of Hyomei and continued BROOKS—The last Monday, on their way to Portlaud not got at, up C. Leavitt. She was accompanied a and cure. 8 Maine. no a went of a frost ?*' schools will was control. and Mise has made complete lasting South Paris. Stores, business trip. Mr. Pettengill '•Think there's any danger The following opeu Aug. beyond her brother, Willie Leavitt, when one Next to Post Office, were it by There is no stomach dosing | j S'™'j As all the connected, been through alone on his return Tuesday was the peculiar sounding question 27th: Webber, Biscoe, Tuell, Forbes, buildings Bertha Mann, who have visiting its HILL. j save of and uses breathe medi- SUMMER STORE—PARIS some asked evening. There Moun- to any them, Hyomei. Simply afternoon. which Sunday 1'artridge, Hollow, Whittemore, wae*impo8eible her. the inhaler that but it was the cool- The school were soon down. arrived in of last Mon- cated air through pocket wasn't any danger, tain, Tubbs, King. high they Help the heavy shower will Mr. and Mrs. Ε. X. Haskell of Water· of contents of the During comes in every outfit and all germs F. A. SHVBTLEFF * CO. est in several weeks, and a great and all other common schools will open time to save most the struck a tree in George F. A. MIIUBTLEFF * CO. ville are at Ε. X. Haskell's. Mr. night two day lightning and the mucous membrane will guests to most of the mouth. 3rd. the school at North house, except in the kitchen and at Center, and be killed TEACHERS. a in contrast previous Sept. except Grover's yard Norway we can get, both Haskell, who was resident was tools be healed. all the teachers formerly to the relief hailed I'aris which is dated 10th. bedrooms. Most of the farming the house. Mr. Grover, We want South in here, has Needless say, Sept. thence entered costs extra for Fall ungraded, primary, Paris and business take were also a of in the The complete outfit $1.00, sexes, positions, for circular with AU persons desiring to the public saved, though portion who was standing at the sink and high schools. Send not been here before for twenty years. pleasure. were lost. bottles 50c. Remember that if Hyomei grammar, examination can meet me in the them and of tbe carriages was affected, so WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF the same and S. Maxim have teachers' kitchen, considerably & Co. will and register. Agency, Although the two llaskells bear i Myron W. Sanger the whole of the hay to at· does not cure, F. A. Shurtleff Eastern Maine Teachers' Orient buck- school building Saturday,' Sept. 1st, Practically year's that two were called Stockton 8prings, Maine. name, are not relatives, but one ia taken the agency for the high and was lost. physicians return your money. they notice of oui was in the him Πα not— lose con· at 1:30 P. u. Please send y crop barn, tCUU Ultut dM fairlvv the namesake of the other. and a carriage arrived at the board, sample intention. There was no stock in the barn has recovered all aud is now being demon- ecioueneas, and right, Taris I Saturday night, H. A. Cliffokd. and no animals were lost except for several The four teachers from South The Orient buck- time, he felt the eflccte Shoes for House Wear, streets. Comfort strated on the a few hens. though who taught in the Norway schools last of the perbape board is the representative simple the house was not inp days. year have beeen re-elected to their posi- Grove Although large, Clinton Mille, a well known and can show a line to select from. Renem- in the matter of automobiles, being Universalis Meeting. William you very large tions P. E. Ilath- life were in excellent at the old home- for th· «ouiing year. one made. II meet- buildings destroyed citizen of Norway, died come us can find all kinds of footwear and the and cheapest The annual Universalist grove and would attract the atten- ber if you to you awuy is of the school, lightest condition, stead a few miles from the village Thurs- principal high nevertheless seems to be capable of do- at Dearborn's Grove, Bryant's Pond home Miss Iva L. McArdle is instructor is ing tion of any passer-by as being tbe Mr. Mills was the young- save • *w ut tints. 15th, morning. money. will be held Wednesday, Aug. a and well-to-do farmer, day and drawing ami music, Miss Sue M of progressive est of a family of seven children, aun Charles F. Whit 1906: wbich Mr. Edwards is well known to bo. the son of Wheeler teaches the seveuth grade, i Before Trial Justice Auburn was born Sept. 23, 1842, 11 A. M„ Sermon, Rev. C. R. Tenuey, There was a total insurance of 12000, Mills. He Miss Annie M. Senne the upper primary man at the court bouse Monday morning Rev. C. A. Knickerbocker Andrew and Olive (Stevens) The Ε. N. Swett Shoe th< 1.80 r. M., Sermon, short of Company, Judkins to Hill. which will fall considerably a oar Julius pleaded guilty Paris was unmarried. Thomas A. Adams, who was for y on streel Rev. W. J. Tavlor, Lewleton loss. a Successors to Shoe Store, of intoxicated tbe Other speaker*. covering the Mrs. Bertha Sturtevant is spending Smiley from 1896 to a resident of Soutl charge being H. Went Paria; Rev. F. K. Bar 1897, 11 A1 Rev. I. Maoluor, It is not yet certain what Mr. Edwards at Falmouth Fore- Norway village Saturday night. Bethel. of her vacation 1'aris and station of the (Jram I {in con ton. It is doubtful part MAINE agent it was not a tiret offence, in will do about rebuilding. OPERA HOUSE BLOCK, NORWAY, Trunk died at his home in (ior though Hot coffee served free side. here, of earnest that ii Good singing. if he rebuilds. and son Don are of 7< I ûideration promisee If services wi) [ Mrs. Arthur Hebbard ham. Ν". II., Aug. 3d, at the age Whitmai Bring dippers. showery, In the same shower struck for a few should not be repeated. Judge liai! lightning at Hotel Western, Old Orchard, years. Mr. Adams, who had been witl II costs be held in the church near by. A. Parlin near the a tine of three dollar· and the house of Fletcher weeks. the ; rand Trunk fora time, wa ; imposed fare on Grand Trunk Kailroad. it A. W. long Brook WALKER slightly, and &. was Stony road, damaging SON, which paid. Mrs. H. W. Lovejoy daughter retired from its service while here, am I who were in the shaking up tbe people of X. are visiting her ■ tbe at tbe fai: Hazel Passaic, J., returned to his former home in Gorham The open shed near gate Card of Thanks. house and settiag fire to some will Men Wanted. somewhat, Simeon Harriman. They A little was j which the has here a brother, later he appointed postmas ! in poultry our heartfel ; in the attic. It was a and South Paris, Maine, grounds movet [ Words cannot express newspapers only in this for about month, ter at and held that 1 toforo been exhibited baa been be vicinity tiorham, poeitioi for the aid in saving s< > small blaze, and waa at once discovered Harrison and until j and wil I thanks given will visit at Waterford, in dowel machines last February. back to the live stock exhibit, from fir > and taken care of the in the DEALERS IN Men ο [ much of our household goods by people experienced running j bo built over to use for some kind Bridgton. taken frot t a condition. Had it not beet house. schools will Specimens of caterpillars where it has stoo< i in so good The Norway village begin : stock. The space friends w< elm trees in the village and brought t wil I for the kind neighbors and 10th, with the following teachers: and birch saws will find and will be left open, and the poultry Sept. steady employment this office on the that would have lost nearly everything. Wi > Democratic Rally. P. E. Hathaway, South of all supposition the; under the stand High School, principal, Machinery Kinds, were not t } probably go grand the invitations from thi » Davis Harvesting the brown-tail moth, prove feet of new h or» 5 appreciate kind Hon. Cyrus W. of Waterville, Pari*. : has on 100 1 eub-maatcr, Henry P. Boody, to be that much dreaded Not oui r Work begun to share a home wit! Democratic candidate for governor of High School, wages pest. will be at the lowe r many neighbors good by applying stalls which put up have done sine ol Brook*. 8. was the time when these were foun j1 t ) them, and for all they Maine, and Matthew McCarthy, Esq., School, assUtant teacher, Myrtle Horse side of the near the entrance High Machines, Tedders, Rome weeks later than the caterpillar 4 j grounds, the fire and what they are still doing. Rumford Falls, candidate for county at- Blackwood, Weetbrook. Mowing Hay the track. Annie K. Bradford, West Pari*. into the but th e Mk. and Mrs. Charlks Edwards. addressed a at Norwaj Grade nine, C. B. CUMMINGS & generally go pupa form, torney, rally Lena Shank, Norway. SONS, left Portland Sat Miss Annie Edwards. Mr. Mc- Grade eight, also Gasolene caterpillars are entirely different lookin Κ In tbe party which Opera House Saturday evening. Grade aeven, 8ue M. Wheeler, South Parle. Rakes, Reapers, Etc., insects from the brown-tail 8 morning on the excursion to Mir confined his remarks to the dis- Gra-te tlx, Edna I. Urown, Norway. at Bemls, Me. caterpillai j urday Carthy S. Gorh >m. as in bulletins t " the national encamp cussion of resubmission and Grade Ave, Edith Harlow, pà'tured the relating g neapolis to attend Nomination. prohibition, Irene Norway. an i Representative Grade four, P. Hazen, of Grain. the The will be with t 8 ment of the Grand Army were Mr. the while Mr. Davis covereo Harrlette E. Norway. and subject. peat of the district con Sturgis law, Grade three, Cragln, Engines Threshing " an i The Democrats aoon enough, never fear, but as yet th Un. A. L. Holmes, W. L. Libby, a wide range of state Issues. There wat Middle primary, Gertrude Gardner, Norway. and severs I Elizabeth O. Laeselle, Nor· town is it of this and Mn of Bethel, Newry, a Lower primary, thought to be free from Mrs. I. F. Evans place, posed _ ! fair audience. > towns have nominated as thel r I war. ravages. Evans' sister, Mrs. Akers, of Errol, other Annie M. Jenne, South Parla. eac t> for to the legii Upper primary, Iva L. Mc- II. Mrs. Holmes and Mrs. Evan* candidate representative The Bethel Fair. Instructor In drawing and music, As I L. a we 1 Parla. the reader who was to have a| a sister in whoa the y lature Mortier Thurston, Ardle, South BAGS. i have Minneapolis Pari SUIT CASES, e man of The annual fair of the Riverside is a TRUNKS, peared with the Hansel I s at Centri 'j The of tb known business Newry. Mr. the new sub-master, will visit. party go by way held at.Riversld< Brooks, Park was unable I j Toront< Association will be in the class of to from at which will HATS », of Bowdoio line select Wednesday eveuing Mountain Division, Montreal, am graduate A large price· be present on account of the death cf h * j A MASK. Park, Bethel, Tuesday, Wednesday the assistant, is Falla, and Chicago. ONLY 1Θ06. Miss Blackwood, a cloth lined, brass wi Niagara 11,12 and 13. Miss I have 34 inch, father, A. E. Morso of this ■- tb e Thursday, Sept. a of Bates, *06. Bradford, please you. place Mason Manufactu are not being benefited by graduate ^ solicited to substitute for and a The boilers at tbe Many Miss Hazen are suit case at Better ones at Now at him, wee ι vacation as should h Miss Shank and graduates trimmed $1.00. bigger were fired np last summer they sou of Ex cepted the under t, lng Co.'· plant r Donald Cameron Hanson, of Normal School, and teach- engagement protee was trie d much outdoc Farraington to see new fiber case at but h is and some of tbe machinery Now, notwithstanding of wai Ask the $3.50, very the reception accorded him and If tha q Mayor George M. Hanson Calais, ers of prices. There is a lot to be dot « life, they are little any stronger experience. selections was that as an r- Saturday. yet drowned at D'Orville',s Head, in the St has the honse proof impe orde were. The tan on their faces „ F. P. Kimball bought light and strong. before the is in full running ft they of ι on Paris sonator he is far from being withoi it plant them look bealthie Croix River, by the overturning known as the Kelley house be this week sai darker and makes honor in his own In L· is but work will begun boat. The man was spending th be has lived for several country. fact, on β is a mask. are sti II, jouDg Street in which - - Great which was cut tl but it only They wa - Reduction. were the most entertainii out the lumber summer at hie father's He HARNESS readings ig ing be I η upset by trifle ,t ; cottage. years. THE TUCKER STORE, al and the whole plant will got nervous, easily tired, has been seri- feature of the programme, the music ; lot, nor well. Wlu it 21 years old. Mrs. H. P. Jones, who * as Consider!! g and do not eat sleep part, while well not havii order as fast possible. they for some weeks, is so much N. enough, four montl >a need is what tones the nerves, pe i oosly 111 JAMES FAVOR, Proprietor, r- that it still lacks a week of they resume life sufficient merit to arouse any considt an d The intense characteristic ο f better that are able to You should see our j was lea feots creates appetite, itching they je the old burned, digestion, able enthusiasm. Mr. Hansell is a fl since factory and that is salt rheum and eczema is a! at their by the lake, from which OX Main St., Norway, Maine. Bargains. wil h makes instantly cottage the whole bosinesa in the air, sleep refreshing, -1 to re- whistler, as i· one of hi· daughter·, ai id ing ■s Chamberlain's Salve > : were by her illness covered with a thic k Hood's Sarsaparilla. Pupils and teachoi layed by applying they obliged their was well received. 'Γ ie the location this salve i 1 some time whistliug present conditit η will find the chief purpose* >f As a cure for sk'n diseases turn home ago. MRS. Ε. A. rest of tbe generally HOWE, of the was made of woods, present ά Co t programme up growth to the e i- the vacation best subserved by thla gre. it unequaled. For sale by ShurUeff and λ jr. of la highly creditable Oxford on Dr. banjo guitar playing, songs by things All fi >r medicine, whiob, as we know, "builds ν ρ Sooth Paris; Jones Drag Store, ♦ Glasses weekly payments. « I SOUTH PARIS, MAINE. Uansell and hi· three m id of all conoerned. hope Bead ad. Han by daughter·, terpriee business. the whole system." Noyes Drug Store, Norway. Paraunter. my Ihs KM Y«9 Ahms Bsackt ▼ariou· special tie·. ana anticipate a prosperous Then is nothing to pleaeant ta that Relieve· HOMEMAKEBS' COLUMN. cheerful, at-peaoe-witb-the-world Story For bright, Λο Aoirnal MY Feeling when 70a ait down to your Little Potto SsmapoadSM· M toptas Of tSMfMt UUrfawU la eocondu- ^PIANOS.^ breakout There n isaoiklted. AddmsT «dltor ΗοίΗΜΑΐη» nothing Male- Dive to work end reanlta. The The New-York OoLtmji, Oxford Democrat. Paris. good good HEART The Merrill, Preacott end The Lauter Player healthy men with η healthy mind and THE PIGS AND Mehlin, Poole, Piano, and are sold for la a better fallow, a better work- re all first instrumenta, just as )ow ALMOST for Torrid body TKOVBLE clasa, high grade Cold Comfort Day*. a better citizen than the man or THE BUTTERMILK man, aa can be for the of the instrument. Also I the month* of mldaum- aome dla- >ear Sin:—SebafoLake, M«., Mar. at, 1904 sold quality have *·. Daring sultry ■roman who la handicapped by aoney they on mer, with the mercury ■ tri ring to outdo however ▲ alight dia· had I have taken six bottle» of "L. A atock hand. Tribune le a great —. When be ability, alight. There was ouce an old pig who F,1' everal medium grade pianos. large always Prices My Ita efforts in the high· order of the atomach will your AS summer be previous reaching derange ones. she went titters for heart and stomach trouble, anc for and we will and interest Tri-Weekly takes hie vacation In the fortunate indeed < ive young Every day dw, terme easy. Send catalogue try you in set degree of altitade, body, your tboughteand your diapoal· — and to make a to a of butter- find it does me the most of for almost m will up towels soap la the who realize· the tlon. Get from the morbidneea I ο the farmer's get jog good anythinf that are on the market. U a metropolitan newspaper busy people, housekeeper away bar he beat Canriei and to tbe lake every morning. of atomach In 1 and she told her children to have ever and I have taken bus· pianos m a daily, and your Rural free Delivery go oeoessity and importance being able, ind the bluea. Keep your Dllk, used, good — she GOOD swim tban sail. a moment's to with brain and will 1 he door η ml It barred while of bring* it to your door three time· every week. He would st notice, prepare tune and both your body keep reds of dollars worth different kindaoi and own an infinite of de- of over- «to It is published on Mondays, Wednesdays Fridays, her hands variety respond.· Little indlaoretiona vas gone. tedicine. It is a speedy cure for all de· W. J". Wheeler Co., news of The Daily m-M»·» Female. licious iced that not can be corrected and you a little and contains all the moet importent Ho. drinks, only appeal eating easily "When I come back I'll pour of the stomach and aad value. to the their attractive and to aee how much better mgements liter, Blook, AS Tribune, which is a guarantee of its eye by dainty •rill be aurpriaed if the buttermilk under the door edge, mmny· and have not and refresh are. a little Kodol For >r it has no If you live in the village or on a farm appearance, but strengthen man you Try constipation equal. - - in oloee touch inner man the In- Sold F. Boutli Parim, Maine. time for a daily newspaper you may be kept the weary by cooling Dyspepsia after your meala. by Yours truly, J. H. Rand. small oost. are with all important news of the world at a very gredients of which they K. Shurtieff A Co. Thousand* of well-known Maine people freely composed.the fresh A The regular price of THE NEW YORK TRI-WEEKLY Lemons, oranges, limes—all stify tu the remarkable curative qualifie· of the can secure it with car- aaid the office boy, "me TRIBUNE is only $1.50 per year, batyon rammer fruits—spices, extracts, "Pleaae, air," 'rue "L. F." Atwood's Bitten, for aearijr 60 | are own favorite local Tm Oxford Democrat, bonated waters and ginger ale, pre- gran-mudder—" in the medicine. your newspaper, the leading family 35c. Wood Fibre first in the selection of "la dead, la ahe?" anorted boaa, Standard Plaster, eminently choice, Colored PoaUl Cards. 60 subjects. DAILY or and a Write ua. Η. If. Hav'a Ingredients, glass fruit-press teatily. 1 Sons, Selling air. She wanta me to take her Γ££. ki. iqueezer greatly facilitates the extraction "No, Agents, Portland, A Substitute for Lime. of the juice when using any of the to de ball game." Superior He off. mortar. Will not Belli One Year fur $2.25. uitronous fruits, while the dainty gar· got and more durable than lime crack in dry. Papers of fruit, flowers and leaves Tougher alshlngs of lime or hair, add sa. d and form appetizing accessories to "the cup 1IKN PAST SIXTY IN DANGER. ng. No bother slacking beating up simply order and money to The Oxford Democrat, LADIES Send your that cheers." More than half of mankind over alxty water. It is economical and is endorsed and used by the masons. Maine. leading PAPER. South Paris, years of age auffer from kidney and — and addrees on a card to THE NEW- ΘΙΝΟΚΒ SPICE CUP. -BUY Tour name postal bladder diaordera, usually enlargement is desirable for those to do a small amount of New-York City, will four It especially wishing YORK TRI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE, Insert into the outer skin of of Thia la both pain- prostate glands. as it is and for immediate bring you a free sample copy. oranges two handfuls of whole cloves, ful and dangeroua, and Foley's Kidney work or patching up, quickly prepared ready them to remain for an hour or of allowing Cure should be taken at the flrataigu jse becomes and hard in four hours. of the and thoroughly dry twenty two to extract the full strength danger, aa it correcte irregularities and Me Shoes rub off on the on or spice. Then lump sugar has cured many old men of thia disease. Try For fuither and inform tion, call address Oord Wood, zest of three the for all also particulars A LOW PRICE yellow lemons, adding Mr. Rodney Burnett, Rockport, Mo.; $2 leathers, juice, carefully strained, one tableapoon- writes: '-I suffered with enlarged pros- ful of strained honey, half a teaapoonful tate and trouble for years — — kidney ON Slab Wood, gland and Suit Cases of powdered cinnamon, half a grated and after taking two bottles of Foley's irunks, Bags | and ————— — — S. P. MAXIM & nutmeg, a pinch of ground allspice, Kidney Cure I feel better than I have for OF SON, a of diked place in I am now Θ1 cupful pineapple; twenty years, although "LET KB IN, CHILD REM." Parle. Edgings, the ice chest until ready to serve; then old." F. A. Shurtleff «ft Co. Soutn years kuow me that," she | turn into a glass pitcher, adding the md you may by tlie door, for Ufe'e 3tove Wood and spiced orange juice, two cupfule of iced Mamma—What! Wouldn't Couain laid. "Don't oj>eu ιA/. 0. a with see the buttermilk com- Frothingham, Wool water and and a half of ale; Mabel share her molasses candy till you pint ginger wike, South Paris. Carpets while it in small under." serve, effervesces, punch you? ing WOOD ASHES FOR 5ALE ahe'a awful cups accompanied by straws. Willie—No, mamma, One day when tbe old pig was «one, Goal at me kisa want a caali to close out odd and clean ahe wouldn't even let came to tbe door. IP YOU quick patterns COCOANUT STUAW BERK Y CRKAM. stingy; na usual, a wolf | A féminin* uuine Is here depicted. ber before she was Led her face. ■ale for your country prop- "Let me lu, children," be wblued iu as desired. up «tock —New York Tribune. This delicacy, which is as nutritious erty, write for our improved In any quantity W. Walker & Son's, tlose nu Imitation of tbe old pig's voice as it is delicious, is made by removing CAN YOU BELIEVE YOUR SENSES? FREE Hating blanks. No ad-1 the milk from the interior of a large us be could manage. vance South Paris, Maine. No. Rhyme·. When two of them, taste and smell, payment required. LOAD LOTS A SPECIALTY. cocoanut and where it will be- "No, Indeed. You're not our mother. I deaire to real estate, CAR Happy vlil summer 1» here again. placing having been impaired if not utterly de- you purchase come cold. Meanwhile press a tbat we kuow our on ua. We have for sale Busy with harvesting nalrg. very stroyed, by Naval Catarrh, are fully re- We bave sign vrite or call For Price and Particulars address, Ε. IV. With wurm, balmy ayds a fruit sieve a quart of ripe tbe olde«t ι tome of beat farms in Oxford F. CHANDLER, through stored by Ely1· Cream Balm, can you mother by," answered pig. the Chas. a the Ridlon, sunny sray few of And bright strawberries I (reserving doubt that thU deserves all that "Well, tell me what that sign Is," bounty. Of sunshine following naiv. finest for decorative add to remedy purposes); has been said of it by the thousands roaxed the wolf. these a small of confectioner's 1 cupful whom it has cured? It is applied direct- and we'll not tell said ihe E. A. Strout Farm Corner Main and Danforth Sts.. Builders' Finish N«. Bale···. and on the ice to "Indeed, you," Agency, | SIMON STAHL, sugar place directly to the affeoted air and begins let- time add to the fruit ly passages tbe second pig. I will furnlah DOOBS and WINDOWS of any I uni composed of tweuty-oue ripen. Ât serving once. not in the World." IN COAL AND WOOD. its healing work at Why get came with "Largest ALSO DEALER 1m or it reasonable price·. the merest of eoda, one Just then the old pig up YORK. Style ters and form a quotation from Shake- speck baking it All druggists or mailed by 150 NASSAU STREET, NEW of the co- to-day? lier of buttermilk, and tbe wolf, &ORHAM. cupful stiffly whipped cream, 60 Warren New jug BSHLilN AND iv. XX. MAINE. epeare. to Ely Bros., Street, York, MOSES P. STILES, District Mgr.,! NORWAY, coanut and sufficient iced milk uow enraged, turned on her Frames. 10-15-7-8-21 is to eet tbe foot. My milk, on of 50 cents. thoroughly Mso Window & Door My form one serve in a receipt In she Maine. 12-17-4-1β quart; high crystal to tight her. "Let me children," Norway, 2-0-1»-13 Is to enlarge. My has been half a the In want of kind of Flnlah for I η tide or j in which placed called the father from but tbe fourth little pig If any masses of lead. pitcher, "Arabella,'1 icreamed, «end In order·. Pine Lum are small, globular of cracked and into small that man 1 >uUlde work, your pint ice, pour head of the stair·, "Is young "We want to see the sign «r and Shingle· on band Cheap for Cub. My 18-20-1-5 is pleased. My 14-6-11-3 spiral glasses, garnishing with large Rquealed, Soup gone?" first!" DRILL WELLS for your NEIGHBORS Is one of tbe United States. luscious strawberries. "Yes, father. Completely." and Job Work. It would hare gone bard with the old We can start vou In a paying bualneaa on Sawing to Waning, TEA PUNCH. she bad not small capital. Macblnea eaay and simple of said then If In her struggles free Illustrated Hard Wood ITtoor Board* for >ale. No. !U8.-Word S«Mre. Prof. Tyler, Amherst College, l>lg operate. Write for catalogue Stomach M itched For this decoction prepare of As refreshing over the buttermilk. and full Information. ot L A pleasant Kilt delisting skill. "A man can live comfortably kicked jug No appetite, loss strength, a of when cold recently: Which soiiio cull manage at their will. cupful strong tea, adding no man ever existed It ran under tbe door tbe fifth little MM. headache. bad breath, E. W. without brains; oonstipation. CHANDLER, a scant cupful of pulverized sugar, two STAR DRILLING MACHINE CO,, «our and catarrh without a digestive system. The dys- let the bur down, his mother rolled general debility, risings, Vest Sumner, .... Maine. L A certain round or square— sliced a few of fresh mint, pig shape—not j lemons, sprigs has neither or Factory: Akron, 0. Off cat 108 Fulton Strtst, Ν. V. the stomach are all due to are. peptic faith, hope charity." In from the wolf'· cruel jaws, if indlgeation. Birds pa. tiul to It ulways a of red raepberries, and a hand- away This new discov- cupful realize the importance Kodol curas indigestion. ful of oxheart cherries cut in halves; Day by day people and all five of the little fellows helped tuulse Is found to be. of for their digestion; reaJize the ery represents the natural Juices of dlge·· I. What growing allow this fruit to chill for an caring to bar the door.—Worcester Poet. th« harvest can see. puree use of a little corrective after es exist in a stomach, As In you need of the For Sale. ttoe they healthy Hebron hour or two before and then pour using, A corrective like Kodol Become Blind. oombinod with the greatest known tonio Academy in a overeating. When Cod 4 An animal that will uttend slowly over a block of ice arranged eat. acres of Kodol For It digests what you are In one of nice orcharding, and reconstructive properties. Dys- In war and alike your friend. in the same manner Dyspepsia. Several large cod kept Eight 1804*1906. peace punch bowl, adding Λ Co. acres Cure does not cure Sold by F. A. Shurtleff and in bearing. Two pepsia only Indigestion a quart of carbonated water and a small the tanks of the Amsterdam aquarium, grafted but this famous &. A foreign city whose queer ways out of vil- and dyspepsia, remedy The Fall Term of maraschino cordial. Serve in should never near the surface and there- of nice land, just Have drawn forth censure, laughter, cupful She (superstitious)—I necessarily tillage earee all stomach troubles by cleansing, been and Of·· Academy will slender crystal glasses that have to a on It's un- fore exposed to a strong light from Also a new milch cow, sweetening and strengthening «y·· praise. propose girl Friday. lage. purifying, half filled with shaved ice. above. Now, the cod, though not a four weeks old Call on or tfto mucous membranes lining the stomach. lucky. pigs. No. m-ltoaltl* Aerootte. He always. I once sea llsh is not a surface swim- A. PENLEY, Mr. & 3. ML of RwimwoiI W. Va., aqrer- '06 PINEAPPLE FBAPPE. (cynically)—Not deep address, J. w*fc «uratoauch for twenty yeare. U, Crosswords of knew a fellow who did and the girl where tbe sun- "I vaeMMbied fuesday, Sept I unequal length.] with a silver it, mer and lives at depths South Paris, Me. are bow Ν ta elk Peel and fiake fork every — mint surname of a refused him. ear— My primais give the particle of pulp from a fine pineapple, light must be very much modified by of tbe I'uited States and with the water. It lives in *Ko4ol HsMts What You Eat NCKEASED endowment enable· the president sprinkling liberally powdered sugar TEN YEARS IN BED. passage through NOTICE. Six· 2H ttmee theMai a name which be was called. and in the order one what to us would be seuddurkuess. Ev- are ■mill aetr. St.00 hoklint Trustees to increase and also by adding, mentioned, David L. Kenlnton and Jeaae O. Kcnleton which Mils for 50 ceota. largely "For ten years I was confined to my Me. My finals give another name by which thinly sliced cucumber, two limes cut ery one of these cod exposed to the working farms for me, without lease, In Ptone- «. α Qewrrr a pp.. οηκχαοο. the force. Beet and bed with disease of my kidneys," writes Maine. All grown thereon tbla strengthen teaching into small lemons may be is from an ex- bam, crops year he was called. pieces, (three "It strong light suffering are now mine Herbert M. A dama. North Lot· at the loweet the same R. A. J. P. of Oakville, ind. Sole Γ. A. Shurtieff A Co. noet thorough instruction, utilized instead with result), Gray, of the alone haa my to collect by 1. An Instructor. was so severe that I could not move traordinary hypertrophy eye. ell, Maine, authority on cut into mix thor- part for and to make as lea of •ates. The school ban been three bananas dice; over- money paaturage, crops placed 2. Since. consulted the best The whole jrgan has become and and set in a cold adding at of the time. I very and cream, subject to my approval, collect Opportunity place, be liet of the New England oughly no ne If in the-effort to It- therefor No milk or butter to approved 3. A pronoun. a small of Italian medical skill available, but could get grown, adjust purchase money The Measure serving time cupful sold. Certificate Board. Send (or cat- relief until Cure was self to the use of more light rays It had be or College 4. Leugthy. meringue and one quart of iced water; Foley's Kidney KRNEST S. HARTLETT, Adrian, Mich. VITAL NECESSITY Save your broken — THE — recommended to me. It has been a and then useless. OK ALL ilogue t<> 5. A coveriug for kitchen floor·, serve from a slender Bohemia glass become overmjuipped me." F. A. Shurtleff Λ Co. ti. A of tankard intoetemmed Godsend to The In fact, are blind. The most There Is uo other une thing large country Europe. goblets, garnished cod, STATE OF MAINE. W. with slices of frosted limes and accom- feature in this is tbe ho trou- Typewriters E. SARGENT, T. A vegetable. Mrs. Swelldom—So she decided against interesting change with which I have much damaged Cylinder handled spoons, so that with which in- S. Of a lead color. panied by long divorce? extraordinary rapidity ble as thlH lack of persistency PRINCIPAL. the fruit as well be eaten. Treanurer'a OfUce. A uieal. may she said she creased of light rays has over- V. hearty Mrs. Upperten—Yes, supply Augusta, Am. 1.1!*«. among advertisers. They lack Records, 10. A girdle. OKAPE CUP. didn't want to bring disgrace on her developed the organ for Its use. It has Pursuant to Chap. 9, Sec. 44, of the Revised I will at the State Treasurer*· office at the nerve to light long and hard. little Fido. not slow from Statute», are worth cents eacli on II. A of contest Either or Concord fruit may be darling taken place by degrees on the twentieth of rhey 25 my place public Malaga Augusta, lace at the Bridge, machinery little of the rind and a tiny bou- and conveyance of each tract will be made sub- late!" grated Tea or Tablets. Sold by F. A. among fishes, the adaptation of those months. uni a mill that will Meal and allow it to chill cents, to a In the owner or part owner whose • campaign of six grind To second then I saw her wait. quet of lemon verbena; ject right tor Shurtleff ά Co. creatures which have migrated from rights have been forfeited to redeem the same Feed to ie uo as in the other pleaee everybody ready W« found of cheer single third; and ripen described at time within one after the sale, by ■■eecii aa Hall the shallow waters of the deep seas, any year The road to la W. A. lueineaa, with the old miller R. N. We thought the effort quite absurd. and before ueing press invite friend from or to the hia pro- Porter, recipes, just Riley—Did you your paying tendering purchaser road all tho war. Do and what wholjî caverns showu the total loss or enormous of what the therefor at aphlll it hie poet to tell what is good We sought the In deep through a fine sieve, stirring in the stiffly to take a drink when met by portion purchaser paid Kentucky you the with interest at the rate of per aot trjr to apart. SOUTH MAINE. a aleo Ε. H. Farrar, the man who And marveled at the shining heap. whites of two a of of their eyes and the sale, twenty PARIS, not; whipped eggs, pint him down town? development cent, annum from the time of sale, and one in the box where per puta your grain you unfermonted and a pint of not. Ile didn't of illuminating orguns to light dollar for or such owner may redeem grape juice Smiley—I should say growth release, For a little wjiy It goes easy, vaut it can be seen on the No. XW.-Λ Colour of Aat·. a bis Interest aa aforesaid to the Treas- every time, seltzer; turu immediately into cutglass me a chance. the may have been as rapid as by paying »» -«» abyss, '«·» ma na Ka^ava f)ia fipa with give urer of State, aa provided in Chap. 9, Sec. 46 of and you get over the ground faut, 1. This aut Is bruve. filled a quarter of its depth it is marvelous.—Ixtudon pitcher Spectator. the Revised Statutes. the seems all the far- Commercial Brains and serve in · lets but goal 2. This uut it) pleutiful. pounded ice, cutglass does the sun burn? Why does a No tract, however, will l»e sold at price At This New Mill with clusters of Why than the full amount due tbereon for such un- ther wheu the nervous eu- uieaaurc for 3. Tills aut works. tumblers decorated do we feel Violence. away »»trjr typewriter—«juallty mosquito sting? Why unhap- Λ Hotbed of paid State and County taxes, Interest and costs, froeted that have been In that Is There quality attribute for attribute-by the can the beet of Flour 4. This uut hold* u grapes, dipped in the Good Old Summer Time? of Sardinia 1h η hotbed of as described In the following schedule: ergy spurt spent. irou get grades place. in vanilla fondant. py The island all kinds of for an instant we don't. We use DeWitt's Year. Acres. Amt. cent of advertisers Dr. Austin made in the Wwt and Grain, 5. This uut Is flexible. A newer: violence. The "Granary of Home" re- Township. are but 40 per Tenney, and Straw. I have un- CAFE AMBitOSIA. Witch Hazel Salve, and these little ills OXKORI) COUNTY. Keed, Uay juat U. This aut provokes. sists the softening iutlueuces of civili- who make their advertising pay. loaded a car of Prime Cotton Seed Meal don't bother us. Learn to look for the 1904. Amlover No. Surplus, 120 7. litis aut Laugs back. This is an excellent method of utiliz- zation anil romaine with many of the Oouliet. that in extra for this season of the name on the box to the ORAMANDKL SMITH. Underwood. good coffee from breakfast get genuine. in The reat «ever learard that any remaining which it for sale at lowest ing Sold F. A. Shurtleff it Co. lKH.'Uliaritie8 distinguished State Treasurer. year (protein 41), or luncheon; drain it off as soon as by peralateacy la adrertlatav How tppriwi'h It 1b r«i|t«»lvta.'ti-la market I wish to my la Spain. the middle of the taut century. "In the price. express from the and in la the one vital neeeaaltf. SPECIAL NOTICE. uirvhawltal Haw reeenable ladies seldom rise In possible grounds place of that ptrfMllM. thanks and to all who He—The Spain Mrs. Oldblood—Were your people country," writes a traveler lu appreciation the ice box ready for an emergency call. 1 have ileclt the expense (or years, hope a bargains. on head. The for further in· hark bay — each benefit taking Foley's Honey Maine. ItKMKMilKIt that I all No. 213. Heads aud Tails: cracked ice, ornamenting portion great by from one another, for South Paris, was a guarantee my UNDKRWOOI» TYPKWKITKK CO., Trip, as it difficult fend themselves through advertising long with a of sweetened whipped and Tar, stops breathing rhcthcr lilted at your home or at one of my A. E. ripe, rip. Swan, waud, wuu. Fear, pyramid heals the inflamed air are all robliers and assassins, so Printer. Ml Broadway. Sew York. SHURTLEFF, cream. immediately, and they process.—Inland iltlceH. UlaMU Utted at your home will I* re earn, ear. Fall, ally, all. Star, tart, even if it should fall to that iu the Interior I· extreme- FOR SALE. Maine. passages, and traveling lite·! at one of ollii«e free If uot «ail» ?· Kukaafe W.. Portland, ■·. South Paris, ΚΛΚΜΕΚβ' ΑΙ.Ε. any my tar. Them, hemp, hem. Scan, cane, cure it will instant relief. The unsafe without an escort, and It Is you give ly stand on Tremont Street, Paris Successful merchants use at tory. can. This old-fashioned drink is is in a F. A. for to send their My prepared genuine yellow package. even dangerous ships and a half house in our columns perbUtciilly. water a bunch of Hill. Story No. 214.—Charade: To, get, her—to- by steeping in boiling Shurtleff à Co. people ou shore for water unless they Wanted. sassafras for teu then strain and and stable with minutes, arc well armed. In the Sardes good repair good gether. short, an Picture Frames add sugar to taste, a cupful of ripe "So you broke your three stalls. of Wanted. No. 215.—Geographical Double Acros- engagement? are the Malays of the Mediterranean" Seven-eighths PEELED PULPWOOD. blackberries, two of mo- Wbat'a acre of land with *00*G*0*< Duluth. tablespoonfuls up?" twenty bearing coni- tic: 1. Malaga. 2. Ararat. 3. cover I —Loudon Chronicle. All kinds of Wood the lasses and two sliced lemons; "She's too conceited. remarked trees and a dozen set within a Pulp 4. ltacine. 3. ludlan. C. Dallas. apple solicited. closely and have thoroughly chilled, one evening that she was too good for ng year. Correspondence Finals—Atheus. A Leopard Collar. few of pear, plum and For Sale in South Paris. and Pictures, Primais—Madrid. adding at serving time two pint bottles me and she didn't deny it." years apple, H. D. COLE, and — he also vines and currant Mpruce, Fir, Paplar No. 21Λ Dissected Word: Tooth- of soda water and a teacupful of black- "A leopard collar," said, taking up prune, grape The house and land belonging to the Pond, Me. scruo aany, juu re nut vibiu Bryant'· brush. berry syrup; serve from a stone pitcher yourseii a dog collar studded with sharp spikes bushes. estate of the late Mrs. Sarah W. Ilewett, delivered at aay stall··. inside. Clean inaides meana clean atom April 13th, 19ος. Να 217.—Triangle aud Diamonds: into small chilled earthenware mugs.— three Inches long. Fitting the collar on MRS. RACHEL R. PARLIN. situated in the center of the village, bas ach, bowels, blood, liver, clean healtby Mirrors Ex. his dog. he resumed: "This piece of two apartments of seven and eight rooms Mats, IL L III. tiaaue in every organ. Moral: Take Aug. 3, 1906 FOB KALE. what it Is—Illus- with attic, and is in Holllster'a Mountain Tea. 35 armor—for that Is sheds, large Ac., DASTARD Hints. Rocky excellent condition. The are of Tea or Tablets. F. Λ. Shurtleff <& trates au oddity of the Himalayas— grounds 300 farms and all kinds Real centa, 60 YEARS' additional house Ε. H. • oW EARY «β Co. the fondness of the Hima- extensive, containing Estate. of Hazen's Farm PIKE, namely, EXPERIENCE lots. Inquire & FLACK ΡΟΚ PKKSKRVK8. for flesh. Iu the κ l ρ ■ layan leopard dog ind Real Estate Oxford, Mouldings s,$,. MAINE • QUA D R Υ fear I aball W. T. HKWKTT. Agency, WEST Charley (despairingly)—I I fouud that all PARIS, Since my preserve shelves, which Himalayas last year JAMES S. S. llaine. η Ο υ U L Κ D κ LTOID never win ber love. Harry (encourag- WRIGHT, Agent, Paris.) seemed very strongly arranged, (ell with do.'y wore these murderous looking Work ingly)— Nonsenae, man! Lota of otber Grade Portrait WALLS 8 F Ο ϋ Τ all their contents, 1 have kept all my collars. The was High For Sale. fellows have, wby ahouldn't you? spiked explanation canned upon "terra flrma." 1 conducted Ο Κ Β S 1 Τ goods that tlie Himalayan leopards feet first class iron of grocer wooden biscuit Remember the Full Name in Water 3000 piping, procured my A NEW JERSEY EDITOR au hunt, and that in at- Crayon, color, a WHAT unceuslug dog Patents Always from one to two inch. Will sell for Ο Ο boxes with covers, and I have hinged SAYS. a fell his of them in a convenient tacking dog they always upou to cent, less than wholesale cost. No. 218. Picture Puzzle: In the double row Dimn· and Oil a per M. T. Editor of the neck. This collar with Its sharp splices ht· Ac. Sepia specialty. place on the cellar bottom. One box Lynch, Phillips- Copy ma R. L. CUMMINGS, •hade of the trees. writea: "I have saved a and deecrlptk» May will hold more*than two dozen pint burg, N. J., Daily Poet, is a great protection. It has Anyone sending sketch 1 .axative Rromo jars, whether an South Me. No. Words: Lad, laud, kinds of roedicinea for quickly ascertain our opinion free Paris, 21U.~Misxlng and makes a cool, dark and safe uaed many cuugba a «Ιο; from a hungry leopurd. invention is probably patents»]». Coeamenle»· Quinine Satisfaction Guaranteed. place many lid, lead. loud, lead, led, colds in but never any- load. lard, for anything put up in the glass jars. and my family Ofteu In the Hlmulayas a dog comes as and Tar. load. I devote eaoh box to a certain class of thing bo good Kolcy'a Honey home safe and sound, though "Patents taken tKruùâbMann of it." trotting without in the a in One in Two. 1. Edlsto. and write the name in let- I cannot aay too much in praiae tpteial notUt, charge, Cures Cold Wanted. No. 220.—Hidden ltivers: large with smears of blood and halra Day, Grip goods, F. A. Shurtleff A Co. yellow Carpenters 2. Neuse. 3. Seine. 1. Po. 5. Orange. ters on the wooden covers, as "Pre- L. M. upou his collar spikes." TUFTS, Ten first-class wanted or American. carpenter· «. Indus. 7. Nile. 8. Droina. serves," "l'ickles," "Vegetables." "What ia idea of true love?11 ScientificIllustrated weekly. Lanreet dr-. on a your A handsomely ,| at one··. Then I label each jar by writing, Mlatlon of any aetentllc Journal. Terns, SI η 2k Nichols SOUTH PARIS. asked the romantio maid. Kmc· aad the Law. Bold all newedealera. St.. Orino Laxative Fruit is aold narrow of thin cardboard, the rear: foar months, »L by Mason Manufacturing Co. Syrup piece "True love," answered the practical the law of under a to cure con- name of contents and the year of putting Speaking generally, Eng- South Paris. positive guarantee young man, "ia the art of aaying nothing stomach trouble as: I land allows a person to assume and stipation, aiok headache, up, "Raspberries—1900." slip and kiases." at of trading not taitessSs» or any form of Indigestion. If it fails, this label under the spring top jar, use any uame, provided Its use Is Eastern Steamship Company. the manufacturera refund your money. and when I lift the cover of the box I A world of truth in a few worda: calculated to deceive or inflict pecuni- J. WALDO on RANGE NASH, What more can one do? F. A. Shurt- can see at a glance just what I have all otber curoa are con- of laid any "Nearly cough ary loss. 80 the court appeals WANTED. QUAKER Portland Division. leff Λ Co. hand and can select I those accordingly. stipating, especially containing down the law lu Dockrell against Dou- man to bunch I this method of label- An would recommend Kennedy's Laxative Honey ana of the the experienced wife sit for opiates. gfcll, and this attitude law, PORTLAND AND BOSTON UNE. Licensed Taxidermist, Jim—Does your up you ing the jars if kept in a different place. Tar moves the bowels. Contains no dowels. Must be of good habits and out at Law Journal remarks, Is characteristic when you are late night? It is much easier than pasting labels on You can get it at F. A. Shurt- x*«r« MASON she does worse. She turns opiates.'1 of our British love of liberty. French reference. $ι.αα. 10 BLOCK, Tim—No, the side of jar. leff A Co.'s. give good out the lights, and sets a rocking ohair law Is much more strict. It forbids any A. KENNEY, new steamers of this line leave OoaaeeS—. NORWAY. J. Superb reUpJtoM in front of the door for me te stumble Λ RUG BEATKR. citizen to bear any uame other thuu Franklin Wharf, Portland, and India Physician (sympathetically)—I regret South Paris. over. I find a discarded tennis racket with that which Is in the registry Wharf, Boston, daily (except Sunday) at to inform you tbat your little son's men- expressed the cords removed the most useful and surname to 7 r. m. BONDS SALE. with a tal weakness is incurable. of his birth or to add any FOR Don't drag along dull, bilioua, article to in You need a Use comfortable manage beating Mother—How fortunate it is that we his proper uame. German law Is the ADDITIONAL SUNDAY TRIPS. Water Co. of Me. heavy feeling. pill. and It is Norway Norway, De Witt's Little Risen, the famous rugs, draperies clothing. light are so rich. No one will ever notice it same, only it goes a little further in Early and does not destroy the goods, First Mortgage Four per cent twenty- little Do not sicken or but strong, a on auy one giving Commencing June 10, from Portland pills. gripe, and its short handle is a decided im- Imposing penalty fear bonds in ftoO and $500 pieces. results are sure. Sold F. ▲. Sburt- WARNING. name to an official.—Dundee at 8 r. κ. and from Boston at 7 p. x. by on the the a false Price 101. long beater, fitting HILLS, leff ά Co. tried If you have kidney and bladder trouble Advertiser. All Live Stock, via the Erovementand so comfortably. Once will cargo, except Fer Sel· at Nerwajr Natieaal Beak. and do not ose Foley1* Cur·, you and Graduate of this is insured surely be appreciated. Kidney Jeweler Optioian. steamers Company, Cholly Chumplelgh—It's delightful, will have only yourself to blame for re- fir· and marine risk. donoherknow, to have to do. ο··*. against nothing OATMEAL COOKIES. as it cures all forms of Misa must sults, positively The Germans were the inventor· of General BARBER SHOP. Cutting—It be, especially kidnev and bladder diseases. F. A. J. P. L1SCOMB, Agent, it ao well as do. Take three flour, three cup- 1378 when one does you cupfula A Co. the first gun. A!>out Schwartx, Piauklin Wharf, Portland, Me. ont the hasiasaa of uncooked oatmeal or rolled Shurtleff Having bought fuls oats, a German machinist, manufactured nu- I am for your patron- scarce and bard to one Bob in one CALVIN AUSTIN, President mnd 3uy Bues, ready Old maids would be and onpful sugar. cup- which were hair Tommy—"What Is the 'height of fol- merous crude guus brought General Boeton, Ma—. age. Shaving, oatting, ahampoo- fled, ful butter and lard mixed, a little salt, Manager, manner. use by the Venetians In 1302. It ng, Ac., done in first-class Could be made to see, one cupful boiling water and one ten- ly,1 pa?" jnto LowestPricesnOxfordGounty. The nickel rails in the they Pa—"Your sister's my son. He a fact that cannon were How and is combined soda. Mix and roll thin. bean, is strange M. W. STARSMD, grace beauty spoonful is six feet two.11 TBATBR'S using Mountain Tee. made before small firearms. At Am· Market South Parts, Me. By Rocky A TIGHT SHOE. Square, Sold 9. ▲. Shurtleff Λ Co. berg there is still a piece of ordnance by ▲ GUARANTEED CURS FOR PILES. MODEL are If a boot pinches, wring a cloth out of i marked with the date 1303. Cannon MAINE. QUAKER easy to which is too Blind, NORWAY, Heat Market. "What la the most important thing hot water and apply part Itching, Bleeding, Protruding were first used In war at the battle of about a sailboat? Renew this if and Pile·. are authorised to re- $100 handling tight necessary, Druggists Crecy, in 1340. It was not until lï>44, The old salt looked the novice over boot on till leather is stretched. fond money if Paso Ointment fails to remove as are keep however, that they were made in Eng- to thoughtfully aad then replied, "Know· cure In β to 14 days. 60 oents. they put of all kinds on AND PINEAPPLES. land. Freeh meats constantly REWARD ing how to «wim." PEAKS A new Lot hand. I wish some of the frugal housewives Of oourse, even the girl who says en- will be for the arreet and con- that Is ItV 1 >f Goods. The best ofl on without bolts Corned beef and salt pork a specialty. paid TO CURK ▲ COLD IN ONE DAY woald try canning a little pineapple with thusiastically: "IsnU dear?'1 may Plumbing sense Ethel—Mamma, what make· the lady ( viction of the who broke into their pears this ooming season, at the have a little common In other >ak woodwork for closets. No old [ Freeh fish arrive· every Monday after- person Take Laxative Bromo Tablets. Mamma—Because Quinine of one to half a of dress all in black? and see this 1 on to rate pineapple peck ways. Call line. noon and he Powder House Crocker Hill, Druggist· refond money If it telle dear. Ethel- goods. Job· Thursday morning. or more aooordlng to taste. They she is α sister of charity, attended to. cts.04 50 cts. ■ w*«k it core. E. W. tiaovx's signature is on pears )ing promptly 50 Am shipping live stock every week, ] taria. will be at the flavor It Imparti In this state it lanot to serve la dead, then? No| •noh box. Ko. surprised neoessary charity :harge for team. and paying fall market price. WALTER L. GRAY, to the usually flat pear when canned a live days1 notioe for eviction of a oold. the Is small Gteor^e W. Hobbe' StoUa—What was her «ait alone, and expense very Us· the original laxative ooogh syrup, The first Lombary poplar In America 9 bathing re- No Attorney. like? ι to the delightful preserve Kennedy1· Laxative Bon» and Tar. was Mtatau la ITU. T. Thayer, planted If t Main·. I wm heard kit not mm. opiate·. Bold by V. ▲. Shortl·* Λ Co. Norway Variety Store, Norway. MAJUC1T SQUABI, SOUTH Ρ AMIS. July 13, 1906. Brill It oomjpyed