Resurrection Libretto FIN.Indd
HANDEL The Resurrection Production Underwriter Vivian Elizabeth Pilar LIBRETTO & TRANSLATIONS 1 HANDEL The Resurrection Part 1, Scene 1 The Angel demands admittance at the gates of Hell and declares that Christ, though he has died, will now conquer Death, Guilt and Misery (Morte, Colpa, Pena). Lucifer summons the powers of Hell to oppose him. ANGELO ANGEL Disserratevi, o porte d’Averno, Be unbarred, ye gates of Avernus, E al bel lume d’un Nume ch’è eterno and let your dismal darkness be dispelled Tutto in lampi si sciolga l’orror! by the radiance of the eternal God! Cedete, orride porte, Yield, dread gates, Cedete al Re di Gloria, yield to the King of Glory, Che della sua vittoria for yours is the first submission Voi siete il primo onor! to His victorious might! Disserratevi, etc. Be unbarred, etc. LUCIFERO LUCIFER Qual’ insolita luce What unexpected light Squarcia le bende alla tartarea notte? rends the bonds of Tartarean night? Qual’ eco non più udita What sounds unheard before Con armonia gradita echo harmoniously Fa intorno risonar le stigie grotte? throughout the Stygian caves? Se son del mio valore If they are acclamations Gli applausi, giusti sono! of my valour, they are fitting! Oggi, che vincitore, For today as victor, Cittadini d’Abisso, a voi ritorno; citizens of the Abyss, I return to you, E già mi vendicai con fiero sdegno having avenged myself with proud disdain Di chi perder mi fé de’ cieli il Regno! upon the one who cast me out of Heaven! LUCIFERO LUCIFER Caddi, è ver, ma nel cadere I fell, ‘tis true, but in falling Non perdei forza né ardire.
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