Annual Report 2012 | 2013 5 Moh’d Al Sa’d Al Batayneh St. King Hussein Park P. O. Box 144706 Amman 11814 Jordan Tel +962 6 5777955 Fax + 962 6 5777964
[email protected] “SINCE 2009, THE COLUMBIA GLOBAL CENTERS | MIDDLE EAST HAS BEEN EXPANDING NEW HORIZONS IN A WIDE RANGE OF DISCIPLINES, FROM EDUCATION TO ARCHITECTURE TO ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY AND MORE. THROUGH RESEARCH, DIALOGUE, INTERNSHIPS, AND PARTNERSHIPS, THE CENTER’S IMPACT CONTINUES TO GROW IN JORDAN AND ACROSS THE REGION. I AM PROUD TO SEE THE AMMAN CENTER SERVING AS A MODEL FOR THE BROADER COLUMBIA GLOBAL CENTERS NETWORK AND I LOOK FORWARD TO WITNESSING MORE MILESTONES OF WHICH I HAVE NO DOUBT THERE WILL BE MANY.” Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah 5 A Message from Lee C. With the opening in 2012 of Columbia Global Centers in Nairobi and Rio de Janeiro—joining existing centers in Amman, Beijing, Istanbul, Mumbai, Paris and Santiago—Columbia has established a full complement of eight Bollinger global centers on four continents and fulfilled the initial plan for the University’s new global infrastructure. This stage in the evolution of the Columbia Global Centers is a milestone that has long been understood to be critical to their success. The animating principle of the centers is to generate a multitude of academic partnerships across a global network anchored by our home campuses in New York City. The synergies in teaching and research that are made possible by the network’s diverse locations around the globe will, to a large degree, come to define Columbia’s newest frontiers of knowledge; and the discoveries that will result are extraordinarily exciting to contemplate.