NEW PLACE for REFUSE. BREAKING the LAST TIE; Tew Work Is One of My Chief Respon- YACHT One Ls'belng Shipped to South Amer- HOLIDAY MAIL DELIVERY
t 'V RECxISTER. ? .%6LUME3Li;'^2,5r v ,^; -A^^^^ , >, RED BANK, N. J,, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1928. ^1.50 PER YEAR \ PAGES 1 T& SOLD SEC BOATS. radical agriculture. Organizing this NEW PLACE FOR REFUSE. BREAKING THE LAST TIE; tew work Is one of my chief respon- YACHT One ls'Belng Shipped to South Amer- HOLIDAY MAIL DELIVERY. A LETTER FROM GREECE. liblllties for this year, Tou will be TWO GUNNERS ARRESTED. • ' lea for Use There. POSTAL CLERKS AND CARRIERS H. B. ALLEN WHITES ABOUT nferested to know that we have Just OLD WE lOND 19. NOW BEING NEW, MEETING .PLACE* FOB :ompleted arrangements for starting •ATHER AND SON HALED BE- ANNTJAL Floyd Brady of Fair Haven, who THE NEAR EAST. ' ,' " USED.' ' ' <, NOT TO WORK ON CHRISTMAS. in December six ot these short FORE MNCBOFT JUSTICE, SHREWSBURY TOWNSHIP, rucently,-opened a boat brokerage courses In agriculture in, various business, has soll d six boats, A largge Tonner Teacher at the Mlddletown farm communities cf Macedonia and Land Near the New School Tomorrow Will be the Last Time tbe Your Hall WonHReach Your Party It Domenlco ParrotUno and His Son Organization Now Bac U4 (p ll orulsel r whichihh .was owned You Dont Watch Out—And. Dont Township High School Doscrlbea Thrace. As tho winter proceeds, ad- Athletto Field U Being Filled In Committee Will Meet »t Bed Bank by George Hathaway of Long Branch the Work Being Done by the Near Peter Charged by Herman BItzau Members—William W,« V. With Ashes' and OHier Clean Bef- Forget to Put Your Name and Ad- ditional courses, will bo started In Again Offers Trophy—First'I —Future Meeting.
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