NEW PLACE for REFUSE. BREAKING the LAST TIE; Tew Work Is One of My Chief Respon- YACHT One Ls'belng Shipped to South Amer- HOLIDAY MAIL DELIVERY
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t 'V RECxISTER. ? .%6LUME3Li;'^2,5r v ,^; -A^^^^ , >, RED BANK, N. J,, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1928. ^1.50 PER YEAR \ PAGES 1 T& SOLD SEC BOATS. radical agriculture. Organizing this NEW PLACE FOR REFUSE. BREAKING THE LAST TIE; tew work Is one of my chief respon- YACHT One ls'Belng Shipped to South Amer- HOLIDAY MAIL DELIVERY. A LETTER FROM GREECE. liblllties for this year, Tou will be TWO GUNNERS ARRESTED. • ' lea for Use There. POSTAL CLERKS AND CARRIERS H. B. ALLEN WHITES ABOUT nferested to know that we have Just OLD WE lOND 19. NOW BEING NEW, MEETING .PLACE* FOB :ompleted arrangements for starting •ATHER AND SON HALED BE- ANNTJAL Floyd Brady of Fair Haven, who THE NEAR EAST. ' ,' " USED.' ' ' <, NOT TO WORK ON CHRISTMAS. in December six ot these short FORE MNCBOFT JUSTICE, SHREWSBURY TOWNSHIP, rucently,-opened a boat brokerage courses In agriculture in, various business, has soll d six boats, A largge Tonner Teacher at the Mlddletown farm communities cf Macedonia and Land Near the New School Tomorrow Will be the Last Time tbe Your Hall WonHReach Your Party It Domenlco ParrotUno and His Son Organization Now Bac U4 (p ll orulsel r whichihh .was owned You Dont Watch Out—And. Dont Township High School Doscrlbea Thrace. As tho winter proceeds, ad- Athletto Field U Being Filled In Committee Will Meet »t Bed Bank by George Hathaway of Long Branch the Work Being Done by the Near Peter Charged by Herman BItzau Members—William W,« V. With Ashes' and OHier Clean Bef- Forget to Put Your Name and Ad- ditional courses, will bo started In Again Offers Trophy—First'I —Future Meeting. Will be Held ht wsa bought last -week by P. 8. List, dress on the Envelope. East Belief Movement various other farming centers of With Gunning: on His farm—Son x use—WesUlde Dump Problem. the Tinton SW« School who Is engaged 'In selling tropical Fined $10, Father Discharged, tary at Meeting. A letter describing conditions In Macedonia and Thrace. Red Bank now, has a new placo to trusts. The cruiser Is now on Its Tbe postofflco department has noti- Domenlco ParrotUno and'his son The annual meeting and'el*v_,~. What will probably be the last way to Kingston In the West Indies, fied all postofflccs In tho country^ that .1)0 Near East and describing the This third and last 'period of the dispose of refine. This place Is the meeting of the township committee work- of tho Neaiv East Relief move- Wear East relief is more prosaic and Peter of Long Branch were arrested officers of the North Shrewsbury I site of-the former Ice pond of the it Is being shipped on the steamship no mall will be delivered on Christ- lost week by James E. Sodon of Lin- boat and yacht club was held Thtt of Shrewsbury township to be held at • The cruiser will be used to mas day. Delivery of mall will 'stop ment was received a few days ago hss less appeal to certain types of Consumers' Ice oompany, It Is owned the Red Bank town hall will take from H. B. Allen by a New Mon- mind than the first. In my "way of croft, a Bpeclal police. officer, on a daV night at tho clubhouse. TJieji—^, by Howard. O, Ro*«velt and It ad- pilot fruit boats In and out of the at midnight on Monday night, De- nual roport showed the club to be- 1&v place tomorrow afternoon. After to- Kingston harbor. J mouth resident Mr. Allen ..Is at thinking, howovor, I feel that, In cer- charge of trespassing made by Her- Joins the property, which was re- cember 21th, and will not start again mann Rltzau of .Rlverdale avenue'near excellent financial condition wlUtJ"" morrow the meetings of the commit- until after midnight of Christmas Athens, Greece, where he has a po- tain respects, this type of work will cently bought from Mr, Rosevelt by too will bo held in a room which has During tbe it few days Mr. sition- as intor-orca director, of edu- ruive more far reaching effects than Newman Springs,' In Shrewsbury members In good standing u ' the board of education for an ath- Brady has told boats to Richard day, December 25th. Where speed Is mere.rcllof activities. * township. Peter is sixteen years old. the, largest fleet of lceyachti been set aside for that purpose in the necessary to Insure delivery of, let- .llon for • the -i Near East Relief letlo field, The garbage department new Shrewsbury township consoli- Smith, Ferren F; Blalsdelt,' J. H> Mr. Parrottino and his son had tered by any club In the „„.. ters or packages the government movement Mr. and Mrs, Allen spent States and pnsdlbly In the w»rld,> | started putting ashes and other ref- dated sehoolhouee at Tinton Falls, It Price, George A. Hawkins and F. L. the -summer with relatives of Mra. been gunning in tho.neighborhood of i)Re there last Thursday. Bergen. suggests that special delivery stamps Mr. Rltzau's farm and In the course Tho meeting was one of harm had been Planned to hold tomorrow's and spoclal handling stamps bo tised, Allen at New . Monmouth; and' they ' The garbage truelts uso the new meeting there, but for-various rea- hn.ll.od- for Athens last September. RALLY FOR BOY SCOUTS. of the day they become separated. throughout and all the officer* l »,rieet which. Mr. Rosevelt out and that valuable packages be. In- Petor was walking' along Rlverdale electlvo committees of the post J._ sons It was decided to wait until af- sured. Mr. Allen • was formerly, teacher of through the property from West Ber- ter the advent of tho new year. The avenue when ho saw his father com- were ro-elected for another ternvTHs) BEACON LIGHT PAID FOR. When packages are. to be sent by tho agricultural department of the ilXTH ANNUAL EVENT TO BE v ren plage to- tho Newman Springs committee meets tho second. Thurs- Middletown township high school at ing down the road. He got up on a officials are: road. The land whcro the refuse Is day afternoon of each month. mall to any of the states of the 'HELD AT ASBTJRY PARK. bluff on Mr. Rltzau's: farm to wait >/! IT WAS TURNED OVER TO THE Union they should be sent according Leonardo, Mrs. Allen was formerly President-.Thomaa Irvine .Brown. ? being placed Is low and swampy. No The meetings ot the township com- principal of tho Meclianib street for his father and. to look for game. Vice president—John W.'CantUIIOIlt !' garbage Is put there. Tho garbage AFRO CLUB WEDNESDAY. to tho following schedulo In order District Champions Will Cnmpeto— Shortly after,he"had- gone on Mr. Commodore—Janus B. Wearer. 'i,K mitted havo .been' held at tho Rod to insure delivery before Christmas school at Red.Bank. Mr. Allen's lot- In hauled away dally by farmors who. Bank town hall ever slnca that build- tci Is as follows: Demonstrations Will bo Given and Rltzau's land he mot Mr. Rltzau's son Vice commodore—Aosuitaa M. Mlnlt lire It to' feed .to tholr pigs, The day:, Exhibits Blade;, on Saturday, Feb- Financial seersUnr—Kajrnuna Bora, ing was .constructed In 1802 On the It Will be Placed on a Tower Sixty I would .like to. know Paul. In tho meantime Mr. Parrot- 1 largest collector ot garbago Is a, December 14th—California, Oreffon,f Ari- ruary 9th. |- Becordlns aecretarr—• William K, ti front of the building, under the bal- Feet High, WltS an Auto'matlo first of all how Golden: Rule .Sun- tino had also gone on tho Rltzau &T&,\ ' farmer at'Shark River who has 400 cony, Is- a tablet with the words: Turning On and Turning OR of tho ns,, Washington, Nevada.. day Is celebrated' by our children, farm. Paul asked, father and son pigs. December, 15th—New, Mexico, Colorado, The sixth annual rally of boy. Treasurer—Noel 3. Uatoai, Light at Any Desired Hour. The purposo of 'this celebration' In to show their licenses and after get- Measurer—Kniley M. Walt*. About forty tons of clean waste TOWNSHIP HALL, Utah,'Idaho, Montana.. j scout troops of Monmouth and Ocean 1 December 16th—Wyoming;, Texas, South cur orphanages is to emphasize to counties will bo held Saturday night, ting their names. Paul ordered them Assistant measurer—Hanr CTay. i matter are collected weekly. It Is es- 1892. The new beacon light which was off the place. Historian—John W. Cantilllon, , , ,,-, t'mated that by spring the low land erected at the Air View flying field, Dakota, North Dakota. tho children the fact that there aro February 9th, at tho Asbury Park At that time Rod Bank was part December 17—-Oklahoma, Knniaa, . Ne- other boys and girls In the World >!gh school auditorium. In commem- Warrants were sworn out for the House committee—Ktnben White, HarrfXJ will bo filled.,In- Mr. Rosevelt will pf Shrewsbury township.. The possi- was paid for ot last week's meeting braaka. .'Louisiana, ^Arkansas, , Minnesota, arrest of "the two gunners and the Clay, DclforJ Fisher, frank Brant, BnaUtt"® then;cover thB-asHes:ahd•'other ref- of the Aero club, Tho money for it uch worse off than they. Therefore oration of the nineteenth anniver- Allaire. ,,I*'i5 bility thai* the' town might cut loops Wisconsini , Florida, Mississippipp . ; the practice Is always followed .of sary <ot> boy scout organization in men had a hearing lost Wednesday use with'top'soil."'•-' the light was;.