c. CrATKlNSON. AUTOTRUCK LOADERV APPLICATION FILED JUNE 30, 1920. 1,411,829. I ‘Patented Apr. 4, 1922. 3 SHEETS-SHEET I.

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C. C. ATKINSON. AUTOT'RUCKLOADERL APPLICATION FILED'JUNE 30. 1920. 1,411,829. , 1 PatehtedApn4, 1922. 3 SHEETS-SHEET 3.

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Speci?cation of Letters Patent. it”aatenteo1‘v APR, ‘is, 1922.. Application ?led June 30, 1920. Serial lilou 393,1tl3.

To all whom it may concern: - _ with the spark and throttle controls 13 and Be it known that l, CHARLns C. ATKIN 14. The numeral 15 designates the driver’s soN, a citizen of the United States, residing seat. The engine of the vehicle drives at Miamii in. the county of Dacle and State through the main clutch (not shown‘), the 60 of Florida, have invented new and useful main drive 16 to the transmission} Improvements in Autotruch Loaders, of mechanism 17 and differential 18 mounted . which the following is a spwi?cation. on the rearvanle. Tn the illustrated form of This invention relates to an improvecl my invention the. trensmissionmechanism loading device for motor trucks and is es 17 is shown as mountecl on the rear axle pecially designed for loading; logs and heavy housing snot in this case the drive for t e articles of similar shape, although it is also loading mechanism is taken'direetly from applicable to heavy loading in general. the main shaft 16 by means of the sprocket The primary object of the invention is'to Wheel 19 secured thereto, and a sprocket proviole a mechanism of simple and eco Wheel 20 secured to a counter-shalt 21 ot‘ an 74) nomical construction that can he driven auxiliary transmission mechanism‘ . from the engine the motor vehicle and _ A sprocket chain 22 connects the two controlled in a simple and convenient man» sprocket wheels 19 and 20. Gear 23 end pin ner. 1on iZZl-sre also secured the countershatt The invention provides a plurality of 21 1n spaced. relation and intermediate the iii)‘4 drums adapted to rotate in opposite clireo transverse supporting trame members 25 tions, whereby when one log or other object and so, which ere secured to the side mem-v is being loaded on the vehicle a second cable hers ot the truck frame. The counterehatt may he attached to another object prepara 2i antlnn auxiliary shaft 27 are rotatably tory to leading, These drums are pret mounted on these trensvense traine‘mem'bers so 'erably driven from a, shaft actueteol by the‘ 25 and ild toy means of detachable hearing engine of the motor vehiclea‘through trans plates 28 and 29; An idler pinion 30 is mission inechanisrn. WlllCll affords it forward ,mounted on the stnh shaft 31, ‘which is sup and a reverse motion for driving the re» ported on the transverse member ‘25 toy spective clrums- Novel Inechanisinis also means of a bearing plate 32. The auxiliary Q3 (-17 provided for guiding and supporting the shaft 2'? is splinecl as shown‘ at 'ancl e cables. ' ‘ I gear set comprising integral gears Stand Reference is med-e in the following speci~ 35, and a groovecl collar 36 is mounted there ?cation the accompanying'clrewings illus~ on» The gees 35 is adeptecl to ‘operatively trative of the \PZ'QTEKTQCl embodiment of my connect the gees 524i to the shaft 2''? in order so’ invention, and in Which :- _ ‘ . to olrive the seine'in a forward direction, Figure l is s top plan view of t e ‘frame ‘ end the gear is acle-ptecl to meslifvrith the of 2L motor vehicle having my invention ep idler wheel 30? in orcler to drive the shaft 2'?’ . plieol, ' l to; _ in a reverse direction, it loeing iinclerstoocl Figure F2 is a transverse seetion on the ‘that the position of the gear set intermeoiate line Qr-‘Qr of ll‘igute showing e log in the 0:? the 24 and idler 30 will give e neu-i loading operation; trail or non-striving relation. The gear set Figure 3 'is a perspective view the is shittecl these vsrious positions of for» meehaniszn 'ilor controlling vvarcl, neutral reverse ‘by oi’ a ' f transmission forlzecl member 3' , opted to engage With a. in the groove ‘M the gear 35. The memhev ' secured. to e'r'ocl 38v * its Which-is shifta udiinelly inhearings two. gig — JL légulu H 39 4L0 detechsh J secured respectively rovns7 one to the transverse members and 26. Moore 0 18 a. so one 01"" the The rod 38 is connectecl to the transverse the(lrums sum showing on ve between shaft 41 journsllecl o hearings secured to ‘the side members '. e frame 10., by means motorThe numeraltruck navino’ 1U the frame oi‘ a ‘(H a linl: 4-2 hevinit“, 0‘ a to '23» portion einhracing ocly 10'"9 the usual theirocl 38 an aclap'tec o engage the heaol onceahn‘, e engine9 the usual formed on one end of the reela arm 4A steering Wheel associated there secorecl shaft ‘a link which p 2 1,411,829

is pivotally- secured to the arm 44 and. link plate-68. The other end of‘ the tie rod is 42. An operating arm 46 is secured to one secured to the channel frame 10 of the end of the transverse shaft 41 and is con truck by suitable fastening devices 74. It nected at its opposite end to a pivoted con will be noted that the cable 60 passes over trol lever 47 by means of the rod 48. sheaves 62 and 64k and the free end of the 70 Two drums designated respectively as 50 cable is provided with a hook 75 whereby and 51 are rotatably mounted on a cylin a loop may be formed in one end of the cable drical extension of the auxiliary shaft 27. for engaging the lo or other object to be The drums are formed with end ?anged loaded. The block %6 preferably in form 10 portions 52 and52’, the portion 52 having‘ of‘ a wedge is driven betweenthe bracket 66, 75 a ratchet wheel 53 detachably secured there— and the reinforcing rod 69 in order to main to by means of fastening devices 54. A col tain said-rod under tension. The pull on lar 55 is keyed to the shaft 27 adjacent‘ to the cable 60 and tierod 72 is such as to exert the ?anged portion 52 and ratchet pawls 56 a tensile stress which is resisted by 'the'beam ' 15 are pivotally mounted thereon by means of 65 and the rod 69. The log 77 is adapted 80% the pivot pins 57. Springs 58 secured at to slide on spaced skids 78'supported by “one end to the collar 55 are adapted to bear means of inclined posts} 80 inserted within against the pawls 56 in order to maintain" theitapered'lbrackets 81. ‘As shown in the them in engagement with the teeth of the drawings both of the brackets 81 are car 20 ratchet wheel 53. The collar 55’ cooperat ried by the frame of the truck. However, ing with the ?anged portion 52’ of the drum. it will be understood that one or'both of said 51 is similar to the collar 55 previously de brackets may be ‘carried by the frameof a ' scribed and is keyed to the shaft. 27, but trailer indicatedby the dotted lines 82 in the pawls 56' are pivoted thereto so as to Fig. 1. Ufcourse when the loading opera 25 operatively engage the oppositely disposed tion is ?rst‘ startedthe skids 78 may rest teeth of the ratchet wheel 53’, detachably directly upon the body of the truck, but as secured to the ?ange portion 52'. From. the load cm the truck increases in height, this ratchet construction it will be apparent the post 86 may be utilized for liftin {one that one drum will be rotated when the shaft end of the slrids to the desired height. 7 g hen 30 rotates in one direction. while the remain~ the vehicle is in motion the brackets 66 and 95 ing drum will be rotated :when the shaft 81 are used to support the ordinary staves moves in the reverse direction. whieh retain the load upon the body of the

A cable 60 is wound upon the drum 56 vehicle. ' ' 1 in such direction that the rotation of the In operation. the‘transmission mechanism 35 drum from the shaft 27 will result in the of the vehicle is first placed in neutral posi 106 further winding of the cable on the drum.“ tion, the main clutch bein in driving po _ A cable‘ 61 is wound upon the drum 51 in sition so that the engine 0 the vehicle may such direction that the rotation of said drum drive the main shaft 16, but the motion’ I through the auxiliary shaft will result in thereof is not communicatedv to the rear, 40 this cable being wound upon the drum. In wheels 83 of the trucln. Motion is trans 105 T other words the cables 60 and 61 are wound mitted from the shaft 16 to the counter-shaft ' on their respective drums in opposite direc-. 21 by means of the sprocket chain 22 and ' tions; In order to guide the cable 60 so that from the counter-shaft [21 the motion is it may exert a pull- in the desired direction. communicated to the auxiliary shaft 27 7.45. upon the objects to be loaded, a sheave 62 through the forward drive pinion 24 and no is'pivoted at 63 to-the body 10' of the trnclr gear 35, or through the reverse drive, and a second sheave 64 is pivoted to the namely.’ gear 23,‘ idler dfland pinion 34. The 1 up er end of the beam‘65. . ’ ‘i' gear set 34’ and 35 may also be placed in neu he heard 65 is mounted in the bracket-.66 tral position in which ‘case nofmo‘tion will 50 secured to aside member of ‘the body ~10”; he communicatedfrom the. counter-shaft 21 115 Angle plates 167 and 68 are secured to the to the shaft 27-. i > upper and lower ends of the‘beam, one arm. vAssume that the- ear set is in the neutral of each angle plate contacting with an end position as above escribed.,1The free end of the beam and projecting beyond the same, of the cable 60] is then pulled‘ so that the 55 the projecting portions being provided'with, cable will unwind from the drum'50 and a aligning apertures forv receiving the thread» loop is formed around a log’?! as shown ed ends of the reinforcing rod 69'." A nut in Figure ‘23. The gear‘ 35 isv then shifted so 70 secured to ‘the upper threaded end ofsthe as to engage pinion 2a and drive the shaft rod and a nut 71 secured to the lower thread 27 and drum In a forward direction, which ed end of_ the rod maintain saidrod in results in winding?the cable 60 on the drum position. A tie rod 72 is‘ made in sections 50 and drawing the log‘77 up the skids 78 adjustably connected together by means of and into the body of the vehicle. While this turn buckle 73. - One of the apertured ends operation is continuing the free end. of: the of the tie rod 72 is interposed. on the rod 69 cable 61 drawn so asto unwind the same 65 between the nut 71 and the arm of the angle from the‘ drum 51 and attached to the log 13 ‘1,411,829 8

next to be loaded. It will be seen that this successively loaded, a drum for each of said method of operation affords an almost con cables, and means driven by said motor for tinuous loading operation. WVhen the log selectively actuating said drums in opposite 77 has been loaded on the vehicle the gear directions. 45 set 34 and 35 is shifted so as to engage the 2. The combination with a truck having pinion 77 and drive the drum 51 in av reverse a frame with a motor mounted therein, an direction, which results in the winding of auxiliary shaft mounted in said frame hav cable 61 upon the drum and theloading of a ing a drum mounted thereon,‘ a sheave piv second log. While this second log is being oted to a side member of said ‘frame, a 50 10 loaded the free end of the cable 60 is de bracket secured to said frame, a beam tached from the log 77 originallv loaded and mounted in said bracket,‘ a sheave pivoted attached to the third log and so, until the to one end of said beam, a tie rod connecting loading of the vehicle is completed. the other end of said beam to said frame, a This invention has been described in con cable passing over said sheave and wound 55 15 nection with a motor vehicle having the on said drum and means'for driving said transmission mechanism ‘mounted on the auxiliary shaft and drum from said motor. rear axle. However, it will be understood 3. In combination with the frame of a that it is equally adapted to motor vehicles motor truck, a bracket secured to- said utilizing the unit power plant, or having frame, a beam supported in said bracket, 60 the transmission mechanism located near the angle plates secured to each end of said center of the vehicle, In such cases, how beam having aligning apertures formed ever, the driving mechanism 22 will be mod therein, a reinforcing rod passing through i?ed accordingly and preferably the drive said apertures in spaced relation to the will be taken from the jack shaft which is bracket, a block interposed between said 65 25 ordinarily provided in the transmission bracket and rod, a tie rod secured to one of mechanism of modern motor trucks for ac said angle plates and the frame, a sheave tuating auxiliary mechanisms such as a pivoted'to the other of said angle plates, loading device. Other modi?cations may a cable passing over said sheave, said sheave also become apparent to thoseskilled in the and tie rod exerting forces on said angle 70 30 art to which this invention appertains, but plates ten'ding'to place tension on said rein all variations in the details of construction forcing rod, a drum for winding said cable, of my invention which do not depart from and mechanism actuated by the engine of the spirit or'scope of the appended claims the motor truck for rotating said drum. are included within the purview thereof. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set 75 I claim: my hand in presence of two subscribing wit 1. The combination with a truck having a nesses. frame with a motor mounted therein, of a log loading device, skids for guiding the CHARLES C. ATKINSON. logs during the loading operation, means ‘V i-nesses:t ~10 for supporting one end of said skids on the LILBURN R. BAILEY, truck frame, cables for engaging logs to be MARTHA NIXON.