Urban Design & Landscape Architecture Land off Daubeney Gate Shenley Church End Development Brief CONSULTATION DRAFT www.milton-keynes.gov.uk/udla January 2018 Land off Daubeney Gate, Shenley Church End Development Brief This document has been prepared by Milton Keynes Council’s Urban Design and Landscape Architecture Team. For further information please contact: David Blandamer Urban Design and Landscape Architecture Growth, Economy and Culture Milton Keynes Council Civic Offices 1 Saxon Gate East Milton Keynes MK9 3EJ T +44 (0) 1908 254836 F +44 (0) 1908 252329 E
[email protected] 2 Urban Design & Landscape Architecture Contents SECTION 1 SECTION 4 INTRODUCTION DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITIES 1.1 Location and Ownership 5 4.1 Development Opportunities 25 1.2 Purpose of the Development Brief 6 1.3 Structure of Brief 8 SECTION 5 SECTION 2 PLANNING & DESIGN PRINCIPLES POLICY CONTEXT 5.1 Introduction 27 2.1 National Planning Policy Framework 11 5.2 Layout 27 2.2 Draft Site Allocations Plan 11 5.3 Key Buildings and Frontages 27 2.3 Draft Plan:MK 11 5.4 Building Heights 27 2.4 Milton Keynes Local Plan 11 5.5 Detailed Design Appearance 29 2.5 Core Strategy 12 5.6 Sustainable Construction and Energy Efficiency 25 2.6 SPG/SPDs 13 2.7 Council Plan 13 5.7 Access and Movement 29 2.8 Planning Summary 13 5.8 Parking 29 5.9 Public Realm and Landscaping 30 SECTION 3 5.10 General Planning Requirements 30 CONTEXTUAL ANALYSIS 3.1 Introduction 15 3.2 Surrounding Area 15 3.3 The Site 18 3.4 Opportunities and Challenges 23 www.milton-keynes.gov.uk/udla 3 Land off Daubeney Gate, Shenley Church End Development Brief SECTION 1: INTRODUCTION 4 Urban Design & Landscape Architecture 1.1 Location and Ownership Vision Statement: 1.1.1 The site extends to approximately 2.59 ha (6.4 acres) and is located within Shenley Church “To create a high quality residential development that End grid square.