Temas em Psicologia ISSN: 1413-389X [email protected] Sociedade Brasileira de Psicologia Brasil

Camara Machado, Fabiana Rita; Pereira Antunes, Priscilla; de Moura Souza, Jandara; Centenaro Levandowski, Daniela; Alves de Oliveira Jr., Alcyr Technology for Rehabilitation of Cerebral Palsy: A Literature Review Temas em Psicologia, vol. 22, núm. 3, diciembre, 2014, pp. 565-577 Sociedade Brasileira de Psicologia Ribeirão Preto, Brasil

Available in: http://www.redalyc.org/articulo.oa?id=513751529004

How to cite Complete issue Scientific Information System More information about this article Network of Scientific Journals from Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal Journal's homepage in redalyc.org Non-profit academic project, developed under the open access initiative ISSN 1413-389X Trends in Psychology / Temas em Psicologia – 2014, Vol. 22, nº 3, 565-577 DOI: 10.9788/TP2014.3-03

Virtual Reality Technology for Rehabilitation of Cerebral Palsy: A Literature Review

Fabiana Rita Camara Machado1 Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil Universidade Federal de Ciências da Saúde de Porto Alegre, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências da Reabilitação, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil Priscilla Pereira Antunes Jandara de Moura Souza Daniela Centenaro Levandowski Alcyr Alves de Oliveira Jr. Universidade Federal de Ciências da Saúde de Porto Alegre, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências da Reabilitação, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil

Abstract Cerebral palsy (CP) is a non-progressive encephalopathy that causes changes in muscle tone, posture and movement. The importance of early rehabilitation intervention is widely recognized, and new treat- ment tools such as computational technologies have been added for rehabilitation. The use of computa- tional virtual reality games raises the possibility to control the training intensity as well as to observe the progress and direct monitoring control over patients’ activities. Additionally, some studies have shown the effectiveness of these systems in improving the management of tasks for patients with various lev- els of encephalopathy. Based on the assumptions above, the objective of this review was to discuss the literature on the use of such technologies in the rehabilitation of CP patients. The potential use of VR in rehabilitation of CP patients is clear. There is, however, a reduced number of randomized trials to sustain whether these methods may effectively act as a complement for physical and/or neuro-cognitive rehabilitation or work as a replacement for the traditional rehabilitation methods. Keywords: Rehabilitation, virtual reality, cerebral palsy.

Tecnologia Computacional de Realidade Virtual Aplicada à Reabilitação em Paralisia Cerebral: Uma Revisão de Literatura

Resumo A paralisia cerebral (PC) é uma encefalopatia não progressiva que provoca alterações de tônus, postura e movimento. A importância da intervenção precoce na PC é amplamente reconhecida. Novas ferramentas para tratamento, como as tecnologias computacionais, tem contribuído para a reabilitação desses paci- entes. Jogos interativos e de realidade virtual (RV) permitem manipular a intensidade do treinamento, acompanhar o progresso e as atividades do paciente. Alguns estudos demonstram a efi cácia do uso

1 Mailing address: Department of Psychology, Federal University of Health Sciences of Porto Alegre, Rua Sarmento Leite, 245, Centro, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil 90050-170. E-mail: fa- [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], danielal@uf- cspa.edu.br and [email protected] 566 Machado, F. R. C., Antunes, P. P., Souza, J. M., Levandowski, D. C., Oliveira Jr., A. A. desses sistemas para a melhoria da administração de tarefas para pessoas com diversas encefalopatias. A partir desses pressupostos, objetivo dessa revisão é discutir a literatura científi ca sobre o uso dessas tecnologias na reabilitação da PC. O potencial para uso desta tecnologia na reabilitação de pacientes com PC é clara. Existe, contudo, carência de estudos randomizados para investigar se estes métodos são efetivamente capazes de complementar o processo de reabilitação física e neurocognitiva ou substituir os métodos de reabilitação tradicionais. Palavras-chave: Reabilitação, realidade virtual, paralisia cerebral.

Tecnología Computacional de la Realidad Virtual Aplicada a la Rehabilitación de la Parálisis Cerebral: Una Revisión de la Literatura

Resumen La parálisis cerebral (PC) es una encefalopatía no progresiva que provoca cambios en el tono muscular, postura y movimiento. La importancia de la intervención temprana en esta enfermedad es ampliamente reconocida. Por lo tanto, nuevas herramientas de tratamiento, como las tecnologías computacionales, han estado colaborando para la rehabilitación de estos pacientes. La computación, a través de juegos de realidad virtual (RV), puede permitir la manipulación de las variaciones de intensidad del entrenamien- to, y evaluar el progreso y la directa supervisión sobre las actividades del paciente. Algunos estudios han demostrado la efi cacia de la utilización de estos sistemas para mejorar la gestión de las tareas de de las personas con diferentes encefalopatías. A partir de estas premisas, el objetivo del estudio es analizar la literatura científi ca sobre el uso de estas tecnologías en la rehabilitación de la PC. El potencial para uso de RV en la rehabilitación de pacientes con PC es clara. Sin embargo, hay una falta de ensayos aleatorios para investigar si estos métodos son capaces de complementar efi cazmente la rehabilitación física y/o cognitiva o si pueden desplazar a los métodos más tradicionales de la rehabilitacion. Palabras clave: Rehabilitación, realidad virtual, parálisis cerebral.

Cerebral palsy (CP) results from non-pro- and education to family members and caregivers gressive encephalopathy with localization in an in day-to-day care (Fairhurst, 2011; Jones, Mor- immature brain (Fairhurst, 2011; Rotta, 2002). gan, & Shelton, 2007). The condition is often It is characterized by a disorder of tonus, move- permanent and needs multidisciplinary thera- ment and posture, which may lead to motor dys- peutic follow-ups (Aisen et al., 2011; Fairhurst, functions, cognitive disabilities and functional 2011; Rotta, 2002), as well as psychological, impairment (Aisen et al., 2011; Fairhurst, 2011; educational and technological approaches to Jones, Morgan, Shelton, & Thorogood, 2007; maximize the individual’s potentiality, decrease Rotta, 2002). CP is often accompanied by sensa- morbidities and improve functional abilities and tion, perception, communication and behavioral quality of life (Aisen et al., 2011; Jones, Morgan, disturbances (Aisen et al., 2011; Anttila, Autti- Shelton, & Thorogood, 2007). Rämö, Suoranta, Mäkelä, & Malmivaara, 2008; The importance of early rehabilitation and Fairhurst, 2011; Gagliard et al., 2008). intervention in CP is well accepted, and new The global aim for the health care of CP pa- tools have been developed to create contexts tients must include promotion of greater func- and situations capable of facilitating the interac- tional independence, acquisition of new skills, tion between patient and environment (Chen et anticipation, prevention and treatment of com- al., 2007). In this way, games of virtual reality plications for the patients as well as assistance ambiance (VR) have been introduced as thera- Virtual Reality Technology for Rehabilitation of Cerebral Palsy: A Literature Review. 567 peutic tools to circumvent possible diffi culties in and boxing, which require total or partial body the rehabilitation set for CP (Chen et al., 2007; movement (Deutsch et al., 2008; Howcroft et al., Golomb et al., 2010; Howcroft et al., 2012) as 2012). well as for other neurological disorders (Sapos- Specifi cally for CP, VR therapy and any nik, Mamdani, et al., 2010). technology capable to motivate the patients VR has been defi ned as an immersive and through the rehabilitation techniques must offer three-dimensional experience simulating the security, feasibility of exercises, atentional focus real world (Deutsch, Borbely, Filler, Huhn, & on tasks and additional possibilities for social Guarrera-Bowlby, 2008). It is an example of interaction (Chen et al., 2007; Deutsch et al., computational technology capable of providing 2008). virtual contexts and objects allowing interaction The objective of this review is to discuss the between users with some proximity of reality. use of VR technologies in rehabilitation processes Over the last decade, this technology has been of CP. We argue that the technology is widely increasingly used as a tool for the treatment of available and, although important descriptions motor and cognitive diseases (Chen et al., 2007; and studies have been published describing its Grealy, Johnson, & Rushton, 1999; Howcroft et use, it still needs more experimental data and al., 2012; Qiu et al., 2009). randomized studies in this fi eld. The therapeutic Another computational technology being use of VR associated or not with other types of tested in rehabilitation sets is augmented reality technology, such as AR or interactive gaming, is (AR). Instead of “transporting” the user into the limited and needs more scientifi c attention. virtual environment, AR keeps the physical en- vironment and implements the virtual scenario Method for Reference into the real space. It allows for an actual interac- Searches Used in this Review tion with the virtual world (Correa, Assis, Nas- cimento, & Lopes, 2008). The man-computer in- Aiming to gather information, fi ve data- teraction allows users the opportunity to explore base were consulted. The searches were di- virtual environments, exercise and feel through rected toward English articles published from multidimensional and multisensory channels, 2004 onward. Sources included Google Scholar, such as vision, hearing, touch and smell (Deutsch MEDLINE, the Cochrane Central Register of et al., 2008; Saposnik, Teasell, et al., 2010). Controlled Trials, PsycNET and ScienceDirect. A patient’s individual and virtual environ- Electronic search terms included the combined ment characteristics infl uence the spatial inter- “rehabilitation”, “cerebral palsy” and “virtual action. It is within this virtual environment that reality”. the individual develops a feeling of presence, Google Scholar is a wider search engine which can assist in the learning process of pre- with no dedicated fi lters. It was used in the sented tasks. This will allow functional devel- advanced search mode with restrictions to the opment, improve motivation and reduce fatigue date (2004-2014), excluding citations, patents (Qiu et al., 2009). Therefore, computational and the restraining line command “fi letype:pdf”, technology has been used as an educational and which selects only articles available in the most therapeutic tool allowing fl exibility and control common format for scientifi c publication. This over the treatment schedule (Chang, Chen, & strategy removes articles published in other Huang, 2011; Martin-Moreno, Ruiz-Fernandez, formats including online publications from Soriano-Paya, & Berenguer-Miralles, 2008). In universities and academic and governmental fact, programs of interactive games have long institutions. To separate reviews from other been tested in rehabilitation, allowing multiple articles, the keyword “reviews” was used, which players to take part in a single game scenario includes the plural and singular items for that (Deutsch et al., 2008). Some of these games are term. The same was used for clinical trials and reminiscent of the real world, such as tennis, golf controlled studies. 568 Machado, F. R. C., Antunes, P. P., Souza, J. M., Levandowski, D. C., Oliveira Jr., A. A.

The MEDLINE database was primarily ac- ized controlled trials” as additional terms. The cessed via PubMed search engine with more search on PsycNET was performed using the dedicated search fi lters. A 10 year restraining search engine from the American Psychological search fi lter was used. The Cochrane Library is a Association, which includes PsycINFO, Psy- compilation of databases for healthcare and has cEXTRA and PsychARTICLES. ScienceDirect a comprehensive collection of scientifi c medical is a website that catalogues publications from El- literature. In Brazil, it works via BIREME inter- sevier editors and includes about 2,200 journals face (BVS - Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde). There in several languages, over 12 million articles and are no term restrainers in this engine; therefore, 26,000 books. All the searches were performed it was used to limit “clinical trials” and “random- with the keywords and additional date fi lters im- posed. The search results are shown in Table 1.

Table 1 Surveying of Literature Related to the Search Terms “Rehabilitation”, “Cerebral Palsy” and “Virtual Reality”

Source Reviews Clinical studies Controlled trials Total

Google Scholar* 685 107 106 833 MEDLARS 07 08 05 38 Cochrane** 07 09 03 44 PsychINFO 06 14 01 21 ScienceDirect 25 106 Not specifi ed 136

Note. * Google Scholar does not specifi cally refrain searches for clinical studies. The results were obtained inserting commands for “review”, “clinical trials” and “controlled trials”. ** Cochrane is a library specifi c for systematic reviews.

Virtual Reality Technology a degree of “presence”, which is defi ned as the in Rehabilitation of Cerebral Palsy feeling of presently standing in the virtual envi- ronment (Miller & Reid, 2003). A greater degree The diffi culties of performing physical and of involvement, associated with a greater degree cognitive tasks may undermine the perception of presence, is related to the best results of treat- of self-effi cacy and competence of CP patients. ment in people with a defi cit in neurodevelop- Some researchers have addressed this situation, ment (Miller & Reid, 2003). This motivational discussing neurological rehabilitation and virtu- force is not driven only by these properties but al environments to deal with gross motor move- also by the underlying tasks prompted by the ments, coordination, range movements, skills games. and postural control (Chen et al., 2007; Reid, As the application of VR is primarily de- 2002; You et al., 2005). signed to simulate real-life situations and exhibit As previously mentioned, VR is defi ned as maximum degrees of ecological validity, it en- an immersive and interactive experience with hances the acquisition of skills provided by the the properties to make the user feel absorbed or specifi city of the task (Darter & Wilken, 2011). involved within the virtual environment, simu- The ecological validity promotes an increase lating the real world in real-time (Deutsch et al., in the probability of learned skills transfer in a 2008). VR systems combine hardware and soft- simulated environment to the real world (Wang ware components to stimulate sensory informa- & Reid, 2011). Therefore, the creation of well- tion, creating a proximal to reality environment controlled virtual environments designed to in- and capturing the patients’ interest (Deutsch et corporate natural stimuli, inductive suggestions al., 2008). The level of immersion in conjunction and ready feedback to the patient‘s performance with the interactivity are key factors to establish has been treated as the most effective approach Virtual Reality Technology for Rehabilitation of Cerebral Palsy: A Literature Review. 569 to skills generalization (Wang & Reid, 2011; for the development of self-trust. This provides a Wilson, Foreman, & Tlauka, 1996). safe trial and prepares the patient and caretakers The employment of a virtual environment for dealing with the increased likelihood of these yields opportunities to conduct amusement ac- skills being transferred to daily life (Bryanton et tivities and engage control over actions develop- al., 2006; Deutsch et al., 2008). ing a sense of self-control and ownership (Reid, The intentional participation in rehabilita- 2002). From a clinical point of view, VR sys- tion is part of the treatment process and might tems offer control over systematic administra- be considered a key factor. The right game and tion and incremental progression of duration, in- environmental skills required to gain or exer- tensity and repetition of exercises and tasks not cise a pre-defi ned group of skills is fundamen- performed in real-world environments (Chen et tal to produce motivation in the competition of al., 2007; Deutsch et al., 2008). Additional struc- the virtual environment (Harris & Reid, 2005). tures, such as instructions, suggestions, requests It is important to keep in mind that children and feedback, are easily integrated into each step with CP may be infl uenced by the confl ict of during the tasks (Chang et al., 2011; Qiu et al., goals of therapeutic activity and the diffi culties 2009). This allows the necessary fl exibility to to achieve them. The VR games might help to individualize the intervention and integrate par- overcome this and be used as a base for motiva- ticular interests and preferences into the rehabili- tion improvement (Berry et al., 2011). tation program, while varying the complexity of The drive for active involvement and inter- the tasks through the virtual environment. It is est in the activities of the virtual environment feasible to increase attentional stimuli, minimize seems to be fundamental to increase the moti- distractions and exaggerate feedback to the per- vation for learning (Howcroft et al., 2012; Reid, formance (Chen et al., 2007; Qiu et al., 2009). 2005). However, the environments that allow The possibility of using this equipment in expression, creativity and control over the activ- commercial ways may promote use at home as an ity are generally considered to be more motiva- additional, pre-scheduled rehabilitation program tional. On the other hand, users whose game per- as well as for family leisure (Berry et al., 2011; formances do not excel might feel frustrated or Bryanton et al., 2006; Golomb et al., 2010; How- unmotivated. Therefore, the virtual therapeutic croft et al., 2012; Huber et al., 2010). Therefore, environments should be carefully planned and interactive VR use in video-game technology is constructed in a gradually increasing and chal- being researched as a tool to improve the train- lenging way (Reid, 2004). It has been clear that ing for daily tasks even without repetitive, well- VR should allow the user capabilities to become controlled practice (Berry et al., 2011; Huber et compatible with the requirements of the virtual al., 2010). Patients’ involvement in the task is a world (Reid, 2004). strong predictor of successful learning, thereby In addition, VR games may improve mo- improving the response levels and sense of self- tor function activities by imitative learning pro- effi cacy and self-control (Howcroft et al., 2012; moting mirror neurons’ circuitry activity in the Ma et al., 2011; Qiu et al., 2009; Shih, Shih, & primary motor cortex and cerebellum (Golomb Chiang, 2010). et al., 2010; You et al., 2005). The feedback re- Another important consideration is the safe- ceived during sensory training in VR is promi- ty environment provided by VR activities, of- nent for internalization of motor representation fering experience in perceived risky situations, of targeted movement establishing or reinforc- which allows patients to execute diffi cult tasks ing neural networks and pathways (Golomb et in the real world (Miller & Reid, 2003; Saposnik, al., 2010; You et al., 2005). In this direction, Teasell, et al., 2010). Although there are pos- studies using functional magnetic resonance im- sible situations at home that may raise parental aging showed that CP patients have measurable concerns, such as jumping, ruining and hitting, changes in of sensory-motor pri- the realism of the simulated environment allows mary cortex when training in VR (You et al., 570 Machado, F. R. C., Antunes, P. P., Souza, J. M., Levandowski, D. C., Oliveira Jr., A. A.

2005). Qiu and colleagues (2009) employed a and colleagues (2003) found that general spatial system of robotics in conjunction with VR for abilities were improved in patients with CP after treatment of CP hemiplegic individuals. The VR training, which improved spatial conceptual- results suggest a feasibility of this integration, ization with cognitive benefi ts. identifying improvement in performance, am- In the case of individuals with CP, depend- plitude, coordination and movement effi ciency ing on their condition, the need for a more ma- (Qiu et al., 2009). ture level of motor function development may Likewise, Barton, Hawken, Foster, Holmes, be needed (Qiu et al., 2009). For instance, the and Butler (2013) used the system Computer adverse effects of VR must be a concern. How- Assisted Rehabilitation Environment ‘CAREN’ ever, there have been minimal reports of visually with a child with CP. Results showed, after six induced nausea (‘cybersickness’), visual fatigue, weeks of training, increased selective motor con- insuffi cient perception of depth and reduction trol of the pelvis and assisted movement from of tactile feedback (Ma et al., 2011; Shelly, the trunk, improving the sitting posture (Barton Wolffsohn, & McBrien, 2005). Sensory process- et al., 2013). ing, visual integration and proprioceptive infor- VR may also act as a technique to intensify mation disturbances may also be an unwelcome patients’ practice providing three-dimensional problem, as well as vestibular system disturbs spatial correlations between the degree of ob- such as sweating, nausea, disorientation and served movement in the real world and in front headaches (Ma et al., 2011; Shelly et al., 2005). of a computer screen. Such spatial represen- There are systems designed for specifi c use tation allows visual feedback in performance in neurological rehabilitation and systems com- knowledge and guidance, which are crucial for mercially developed that can be of use in reha- motor learning in individuals with CP (Chen et bilitation. This equipment and these programs al., 2007). might become of intense utility for rehabilitation All strategies capable of capturing the at- in neurological disorders, since the commercial tention and motivating the person are considered prices will possibly make them more available fundamental for learning motor or cognitive (Deutsch et al., 2008; Jovanov et al., 2009). The skills. The application of a VR environment in cost, user-friendly set up and commercial acces- the clinical setting emerges as an application to sibility might become key factors in the choice of support exercises for different types of cerebral equipment in rehabilitation (Deutsch et al., 2008; damage, expanding the therapeutic possibilities Shih, Shih, & Shih, 2011). Equipment such as the and exploring neuropsychology strategies in an Nintendo ® and Sensor Kinect® are technol- integrated manner (Cardoso et al., 2006; Costa, ogies that are commercially available and have Carvalho, & Aragon, 2000). been used as tools in different clinical set. Several studies have shown neuropsycho- logical rehabilitation being conducted using a The Nintendo Wii® in Rehabilitation VR environment and improving executive func- tion recovery: playful and challenging factors One of these pieces of equipment that has drive repetition in a progressive manner (Alves been researched as a tool for neurological reha- & Carvalho, 2010; Cardoso et al., 2006). It has a bilitation is the Nintendo Wii®. As a wireless possibility of increasing cognitive fl exibility and device that communicates via Bluetooth tech- decreasing the processing time of information, nology, it has singular features for the user to reducing fear of mistakes in virtual and real tasks control position and movement. Its sensors ex- (Alves & Carvalho, 2010; Cardoso et al., 2006). plore three-dimensional space perception and Even individuals who play videogames for short it includes an avatar as a representation of the periods showed performance improvements on gamer on the screen (Deutsch et al., 2008; Shih a large number of visual perception and atten- et al., 2011). The user keeps a remote control in tion tasks (Alves & Carvalho, 2010). Akhutina the hand and has to be capable of manipulating Virtual Reality Technology for Rehabilitation of Cerebral Palsy: A Literature Review. 571 the object on the screen and in the real world action and motivation to perform tasks. The dy- (Deutsch et al., 2008). Therefore, it provides namic balance control and reduction of medial- haptic feedback, producing a physical sensa- lateral plane oscillations and anterior-posterior tion of balance and movement via the interac- plane of static balance were improved (Barcala tion with objects in the virtual environment, thus et al., 2011). increasing the feeling of immersion (Deutsch et In addition, the level of activity in the games al., 2008). are supplementary tools to improve daily physi- The modulation in the force, direction, cal activity and physical fi tness (Howcroft et al., speed and acceleration of the remote control in 2012; Hurkmans, VandenBerg-Emons, & Stam, Nintendo Wii changes the amount of feedback 2010). CP patients may achieve physical activ- provided to the user and reduces diffi culties with ity with mild to moderate intensity by practic- uni-plantar motion detection (Deutsch et al., ing 30 minutes of Wii Sports® (Howcroft et al., 2008). The equipment may include a platform 2012; Hurkmans et al., 2010). In a recent article, balance device and multiple sensors for pressure Howcroft and colleagues (2012) reported motor allowing the users to play with balance adjust- learning improvements in children with CP us- ments, standing posture and gait (Deutsch et al., ing different Wii® game systems, which could 2008; Shih, Shih, & Chu, 2010). be chosen depending on the therapeutic goals. The visual screen feedback facilitates the Vibrotactile, visual, auditory and cognitive training by reinforcing the gradually more cor- feedback may promote neuroplasticity changes. rect force or balance and improvement on the Therefore, interactive games, such as the Wii, task. Saposnik, Mamdani, et al. (2010) stress that may provide neuromuscular reeducation and an it is possible to reduce the speed of the game and increase in complex and coordinated movements make it useful also for cognitive impairment. (Howcroft et al., 2012). For all of these characteristics, the Nintendo Berry and colleagues (2011) observed a Wii® has been considered a viable option for wide variety of movements while the subjects use in neurological and cognitive rehabilitation played a Wii game, suggesting that these games and, therefore, has been studied as a research could be used for rehabilitation beyond the tool (Gordon, Roopchand-Martin, & Gregg, clinical set and their home environment. In this 2012; Howcroft et al., 2012). Abdalla, Prudent, case, considering the therapeutic goals, the right Ribeiro, and Souza (2010) showed that the re- game could be recommended, targeting specifi c habilitation treatment for CP children, using movement patterns. Consequently, if the goal Wii Fit® games with the Wii Balance Board®, for the game is to engage the children in repeti- was an effi cient aid to traditional physiotherapy tive practice of a specifi c movement, then it is schedules and improved the discharge of weight necessary that the therapist instruct how the pa- and gravity center standing control. tient should perform the movement during the Other studies have achieved similar re- game to best achieve therapeutic goals (Berry sults, showing improvement in standing control et al., 2011). posture, and trunk and head control for CP pa- Martin-Moreno and collaborators (2008) tients undergoing therapy (Shih, Shih, & Chi- obtained signifi cant results by using the Wii® ang, 2010; Shih, Shih, & Chu, 2010; Shih et al., remote control to direct the articular movements 2011). Deutsch and colleagues (2008) observed in at-home exercises. As the equipment provides improvement in perceptual and visual process- a web link service, remote monitoring could be ing in postural control and functional mobility of performed (Martin-Moreno et al., 2008). There- a CP patient (Deutsch et al., 2008). fore, the remote monitoring control allowed ad- Barcala, Colella, Araújo, Salgado, and vising and correction of proper execution of each Oliveira (2011) demonstrated that conventional exercise, advising when the amplitude of move- physiotherapy associated with balance training ment or a repetition pattern was not equal to or acted as a feature for visual biofeedback, inter- was greater than initially established. In addi- 572 Machado, F. R. C., Antunes, P. P., Souza, J. M., Levandowski, D. C., Oliveira Jr., A. A. tion, this assists the therapist to control whether shown encouraging results. Lange and colleagues the patient is performing the exercises proposed (2011) observed improvement in transfer regularly, reaching greater treatment adherence weight training rehabilitation, offering balance (Martin-Moreno et al., 2008). improvement for patients with neurological In view of the positive results in some damage. An important factor for improvement in studies, the implementation of the Wii® in treatments using virtual technology seems to be the rehabilitation schedule for patients with linked to motivation (Chang et al., 2011). Chang CP seems to be a point to be ameliorate in its and colleagues (2011) showed improvement in application. For instance, the use of a remote stand-alone functioning and self-determination control might limit the movements when hand of cognitively impaired patients. Hence, the control is required for this piece of equipment. console and sensor of the XBox Kinect® seem Compared with other technologies available, to be viable tools for cognitive rehabilitation, such as movement sensors, which abolish the working the sense of self-criticism, determination need for a physical connection, the remote might and independence of patients with disabilities be of less use. However, all factors might be of (Chang et al., 2011). use depending on the ability of the user and their therapists. AR as Technology for Rehabilitation The advance and release of new commer- cial technologies might bring other possibili- Unlike VR, AR entwines physical and vir- ties, some of them very promising. For instance, tual environments where the user is located. the use in rehabilitation of the technology with Virtual and real objects are visible and specifi c, movement detection like the Kinect® sensor. standardized real objects, or signals called “mark- ers”, are placed and virtual objects are associated The Sensor Kinect® as Technology to it (Tori & Kirner, 2006). This technology in- for Rehabilitation volves three important aspects: (a) high quality of combined virtual and real environments; (b) The Xbox360 Kinect® is a sort of game high adjustment precision for object positioning entertainment console commercially sold with an and orientation in a real environment; (c) real- infra-red light sensor capable of following body time interaction between virtual and real objects movements without body markers or remote- (Tori & Kirner, 2006). controls, making it naturally responsive (Chang AR systems have been tested in rehabilitation et al., 2011; Clark et al., 2012). It allows the users with interesting results. The program Neuror to directly interact with the virtual world through proposed by Assis, Correa, Vaz, and Lopes body movement control. Therefore, the Xbox360 (2008) is directed to physical rehabilitation of Kinect® has been expanded to the rehabilitation hemiplegic individuals and works as a mirror. It context, promoting adherence to individualized provides environments where the patient is able training (Chang et al., 2011; Lange et al., 2011). to self-observe in both virtual and real scenarios The technology allows the users to create and at the same time. A virtual arm in the same control virtual, animated characters as avatars position replaces a hemiplegic patient’s real arm that can directly represent their movements (Assis et al., 2008). The perception of continuity and characteristics allowing the use of whole provided by the virtual arm has effects on motor body and movements in such experience. This skills during the motor rehabilitation process way, the focus is directed toward participating using a virtually mirrored motor image (Assis, in the game and not their disabilities, forcing 2010). the training of motor skills and self-confi dence Associate neurological rehabilitation for (Lange et al., 2011). motor and cognitive defi cits is a major chal- Although current research employing this lenge: both systems are usually set separately. technology is still ongoing, few studies have Physical and motor disabilities are not necessar- Virtual Reality Technology for Rehabilitation of Cerebral Palsy: A Literature Review. 573 ily separate from cognitive decline. The applica- than anticipatory control by these patients may tion ReabRA was created to stimulate cognitive be more useful in daily manual activities (Ma- functions in people with functional disabilities wase et al., 2011). caused by illness or accidents (Nascimento, Car- Although there is not a valuable amount of valho, & Rosa, 2008). The main objective is to AR systems available for use in rehabilitation of assist in cognitive rehabilitation, aiming to stim- neurological disabilities, these systems, in as- ulate perception, attention, memory, reasoning, sociation with VR and traditional physical and problem-solving, language and executive func- neuro-cognitive rehabilitation planning, might tions for the treatment of different types of brain promote new concepts for the treatment of such injury including CP (Nascimento et al., 2008). patients. The system uses a webcam as the input device and a video monitor or a headset mounted dis- Conclusions play and a computer to process the images in high defi nition 3D models as the output device The aim of this review was to discuss the (Nascimento et al., 2008). The authors suggest use of VR technologies in rehabilitation process- running the process in a prepared room with es for CP and neurological disorders. The ther- markers placed in the positions in which the apeutic use of VR associated or not with other virtual objects must be to provide a more ac- types of technology (such as AR or interactive curate sense of immersion. The patient is intro- gaming) is limited and needs more scientifi c at- duced to this room and visualizes the markers tention. through monitors or a head mounted display and The use of VR in the rehabilitation of neu- identifi es the objects present in the image. After rologically impaired patients now shows major sometime, the patient is re-entered into the room scientifi c promise. Systems that are more sophis- and must identify the markers where the objects ticated are appearing each day and the search for were placed (Nascimento et al., 2008). applications must be followed by serious clinical The GenVirtual is another application that trials. VR technology has the capability of creat- uses game driven conception to stimulate at- ing a motivating environment in which practice tention, concentration and memory linking col- intensity, feedback and technical control may be ors and sounds to virtual objects designed in manipulated to allow treatments that are more the real world (Correa, Assis, Nascimento, & specifi c. Lopes, 2007). The game provides motor learn- In physical and cognitive rehabilitation, VR ing, which occurs in accordance with the motor and AR technologies might promote the neces- action schedule previously planned by the thera- sary stimulation of important points in neuropsy- pist conceiving the physical limitations (Correa chomotor development in addition to motivation et al., 2007; Correa et al., 2008). The use of Gen- in a safe practice. These technologies may asso- Virtual with special needs patients has been test- ciate the treatment with motor development and ed as complementary therapy for motor rehabili- cognitive impairment. It is possible to hypothe- tation. Results showed improvement in patients’ size that neuromotor and neurocognitive impair- motivation and satisfaction during rehabilitation ment as an effect of developmental disabilities treatment (Correa, 2011). (such as CP) are in conjunction to each other. The use of AR environments can assist mul- As such, the treatment of both conditions might tidisciplinary teams to assess the motor learning be more helpful if combined. They can play an capabilities of CP patients. Mawase, Bar-Haim, important role in successful psychological and and Karniel (2011) observed defi cits in planning neuropsychological approaches. In short, the and execution of hand movements in predictive neuropsychological rehabilitation performed us- upper limbs and the motor control of diplegic CP ing virtual environments has been shown to be a patients (Mawase et al., 2011). The use of avail- valuable tool for cognitive training and recovery able information and feedback control rather of executive functions. 574 Machado, F. R. C., Antunes, P. P., Souza, J. M., Levandowski, D. C., Oliveira Jr., A. A.

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